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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1888, p. 8

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6 FINE D~T aPo--~ ~WD.-1ZIU J IL-AN I Thi eather durlng th. pas! fe moeekehasbeés. &0 emslyml&ta vry foil »Yof the pleasro okri ofti ne nighboring omulis lbd theslfightostdesIr eooin' quei of amussmeuts otier thac hos. fur- nisesi Ulhome. -lIu oon.qbetée iss not requi.nusuafly etroug a4traionç -t ludce largo number of the. faim- lug oommunity and Otheon, vhoueli0 la cot quit.@am vahiables, to riat Wbutby on Monday les. The effoirts put forth by the local %HgIui club, toma e iday aul thàt.ould b. deafresi vere of a nature se Put suooceesbdyond 'a per advenIr. Mud ve muet congratulate both the. elub and ils energetie officae,, Misi. J. B. Dov, aud iEgh loss, on the re- sait. Other soieties, d.siring to mû.e S suesea of dimuar ventures sbould Ir-â lewok *ts à big W. Whitby h.. held aIvlô holidays *ithôut DUMWoi-m8ômegrave othoti gay-but -both u a finanolal sud a social suooeu v. thluk Monday lust takes the. palm. Tii. gantêouducted by the. unitesi #aeola oltlies-et Toronto, ver. puruly Scotch no doubtg, but ver.néne teluatraotive on thstsaccount, sud lave but t. a fev disappointesi contes- tte, gaie gênerai satIsfaction. -The. = nWmanaerFrank Smith, proyesi Iftergtman We~e rlght plac, Mud though aI lime. il required a strong effort of self-vill te allay rlsing pamsions, ypt ho lnvarlably showed hicuseif master of the. sitation sud r.- moresi eonfidenoe in bis visdom sud lntegrily. The programame oontalnlng over thlrty even.s u rried out te the véry etter. sud gave rite t. n6% dispute. Theansi ddanoing iu Ita varrous style.s u thefluesI exhi bition oethle kunS ever mon in Wbltby, _ sud- von weil deservesi applanse. Thei. ulàng4 of the Elghlad fliug by two lttis elr14 iu ostume vasupqmwaly attractive. AU thé. piper sud the. danser, as veil as maay ci tbl e ors of the. soltles, ver. dresseS in ful Highland costume, Whio added mach to théegenerai attr. lious presened by thi.eeellnt pro- gramme. The. athietic, events ver. velcoutestesisud proved sua dmir- able dbISplof et hrength sud. endur- The. Whitby Cornet Bandud ited maSterlally lu enlivecing the day'. pro- esedinge. The . seiesfrein Toronto brouqhî vlth hem over a hhousad ex. Munloishs sud Itheveute ver.viwùess. oS by belveeu tue. and four thoumad Md W* ge are sa sayng l"aIsa lffnhadred dolla r. oe ma in tovn au àresulîtftheef9"Us.g the Th. tovu ot-Beaveumuasma eskng -Wd for Ihe Oalodonia--gines bisyea butlholo l* l " bei he risi1sud WOU. 'Th e ronl. Party loft forboh«e about78 p s. lvo venlure -b ua Y IBO"e.anas» vh loye-ont. lng. The eau anS lidy appearmaof e the lova sud the.apueions -,grunds, froelmevrytout oet vhioh ges o v of the. gamesuls b. obtaind, voe ienerally commenteS upon sud lu meut. ftuigterme. The. grand stand ereoteS b-y'Mr. Barnée gave a fiue viçwv -otth. greSd sud aspacked le over. flovlu. 1p - - PRI~E WINNERa~. rtuo4ToetoWm.xmsÂnasKe. TJIZowiD<ghsvy harm«e.Nlharrjso WM. Gordona, W.MiM& T"rolu bàhmmor-Wm. Gordon, Tesmlag lte mb-Wm.. MhlsR. u. r 8. JousonEszr donald, . L m =IW.Gd. 9 ud wao uhar Beston, Gcorg <e.. uraD. am.1. Boys ae-ate.Ayez.,Urquhart, MseS's rae-B.0* Ml an , J. !Lrs1. svrLs. Ms.. Hlghlad fl1uds gaZe-ddiB.iliud G mm' race-Reli. Careoli, Mra- Cokblu. Grls roe-Llzzl DavsouMu Wmzrn, MissOliphout. Gemmitte. race-B. Osmeroc,& A. Par-, quhamen, Wr.. Rebertoien Tas-of w (Tarouto sud Whilby)-Wou Ihy Tooto. - turne-ames Exarryo, p an.1hsd m*. Beruppe-D. B- Johino, Ebert Hi- dodm" {grws-MlsAddle. 8.15h. RummeS yards' dsuh.-_Johu O. Day, R. quarleu.mile race--E. spis, J. 0. Day. 7Imaucial ad GomapL. FIND IT TO ZHEIR ADYÂN.TÂGE k M'QOL INi Guaranteed not to gum, and will 1 Machine 0il8. Iff. Try our Cylinder Qil. It ha>s i Wbitby by tCwE~, AND M'IL L-MEN SE JLB ARciAIN ND P1ý*,M TO U8E P ,I' outwear no equal. Dur vraL izx x & S4Nt Sole Maniufacturars, MffcCoLL 120., & CO., Toronto., inmmoof FINA L CL EAIRING SA L I homes"orsmorever=mt. "the s=ani mslhaath- ftü j». Dr ro'u em BangPowder dem not contain AmamniaLie, or ÂlUM. 80only lU VsizÇus, I0f Grooeries, Crockery and Glassware, reiring from business on account of fail. PMOCE B"MO GPOWDER CO. ing health. As lease of Store expires this fail the whole stock mustt ho cleared iNmEIVrai. cmoâoo. RI. p* IR ont. About 60 sotte bee1Whinte Granite. Rich Painted, Enazned and Gilt Tea Sotte fri 2 per Sott. Beautfnl Decorated Dinner Sotte from 88 per Sett, What Toronto'.wefl-known Good Saumr- Fancy China Clips and Saucera at and below cost, a'ine of Decorated Art Goods flan mys: "I have been troubled with below coel, also Glass Sete, Glass Juge, Glass Tamb1êès, aI 40c. and 50c. per Dyspepsia aud Lhver complaint for over 20 doz,Pli Double Flint Goblets ut 60r- per dozený A large Stock of Glass y.ar., "d ihame tried inmay remedies, but 05 Pli never found au artiole thst ha. doue me m Lamps, Fancy Lampe, Haain Lampe, and Laznp Goode at Haif Price. muoh good am Northrop & Lyiman'a Vsatma=à à - . - ble Dsover aniDyjupteCur" Lots Bdpksr oap "roud b. fotd Klondy Albert e~~t, th. Young1 Ofarudotf Huli nto the wa aboe. lhe Ohaudier. PaII*and was su over th.e auot andi siovues. Dr. Lowo'#Pkmanet Rorm Syru 4.4/e and reliable worm remedy j ail toot a a&fictùug ePsUre or adW PGWD)ER tra fon oit fa, Or 3&1 Nid ept for Absolutoly -Pure, This povder never varie. Aarvo mrltys 4 wo -semen--. more SOIOiDiSl ore dluary hindi- ana &Uot b. d" ilu ompeutonvW" 1h.; Iubltudaof jov tact, shormt lgmt&hm of Farmto Rente $4 &lnbon pmLnm Are gim' rumd t obe ilegeetpIr"l8g bs, harvect. Poumse" e uttoi Fr parcloalarsapyo iJ..A.LKUWBRAY, G. E. me~~Y5~a WHITBY MODEL SCHObL, -oN"b.Trallngof Tftoheru wi 121 Re-open on Monday,, &pt. Srd, Au asistanit wMbe p 'vdo, go -ia thie pop al-dma dewoe i&m *lo th le ork sud »u.visLn ofthle teachers lu training. Iutendlmg studeuts auerequested tonotify th. Ptlncip.Ij". Bovn, a o as pos- sible. Cailelsviiib. tauhtal~'aul4aes rearei frthe Art 5oho eanaoz. The Pultic oh ool Department Pub~es8ooolpaus sheux àot-puea - ow i8 the t/mne to get ypur - a88 Fruit Jars-. A Large Aseortment on hand. Green, Black and Jap an Teae 20 and 25c. - per lb. worth &Oc. Freeh Boaeed Coffees, ground daily as required, best brande at lowesl puices. Canned Gooda, Faiey and Famniy G rocorios at bowest priées. Tius ie no blind, but real business, my healîh demande il and. I muet respond. Wanted.-.iny quantity of* Choice Butter, Fre7& Egys, and Fruits. siMOT RAER, veveroe lslock, Brock St., Whitbyy ont. E For both uSos. Expenses low. séven OLrITTCOLLIE M , n,18,ZntrtrmJan. 8. Ait y-MFail'r-er- If a 7f&I 0.1T j osephl L.uke 0f tMe Towon of Whitbut in te.CouI4fyf Ontarjo, opr Thé n»ltmthm ade an assgunet cf hi u&"tothundarua"gnedl uma ofauspecun ga- . in th s»d the oreitors a&»no»ilositomeet Mny o00ic"luthe Westrn bankwwabye PED*T, Ie ii.91hdai ce UrAu8TîoY,a t reOmimue he tini ifir Aud malicet eby glval hsttt b. Mr1 daetse f8pte - Mbexi»lie m t l. 1e w od edstribtbute the Seof Ometo lng reMM my *0 1h.olas et o -wbih M"-9"havebomgivep, and that ho viii moth.ble for tli snebor Say part thed of edîstributesi b a«y per- so rPersmoe i ws.debt or owam lie ,hi ntlen have notice THEOM.&8 DOW, Boliotorfor Asmigne. WANTED.- A ualmis ei reide o mat. Ampy at the OsxirOo&. 6tf Q~4iJr4 I q 4 i s I M I I M The abielE.OEju caPè,=toghi E -j i' à r, hldimilii LSII NEW000DB JUST IN# Ladiews 1ort Ye8j -rand Queen Chai=~, Brooclie8, Cuf Butto's, &c., -ALL TE- NEW PATTERNSI Gents' Cihains and Cuf Buttons, 1 Watches, Clocica and iSilverware, Plated.Knives and Forl* Much reduced in Price. Watchn, Clooke and Jewellery -FOR-. L alother For Bale nae Street. 1OOM lf1II1ON Clearing out -Remnants. of Spring Stock. Néw Summer Goods, 'In Canvas Cloths. Prn deries and Milline)ry. jrv -AT---- - DÂVI» 01M and Musllnsi Embiri1 s I POWEL &0. 1. i le et -q b s I o TNlSILVEE.Lx nbe rsutest Dmevsrjof the Ag Prlcê- iTED CATAERH IUlPOSSIBLE UNDER WR INFLU E SThe only oatarrh remedY ever offered btbth publie on 15 days triai; a written guâarae g1ven wM hoaeh Instrument W. T. BAa & Co"- la UM t»"ww -on *'. -posivel ces aSU disesesOf theo %CatrsolGran Eye-lids, In "MMamed ymv 7nearud f. iaz fduoï TIM 71 Tau- Aorrnlassox.x> UMozm - awmrrmç umew 85DX Jora.W. T. BA=àCO.u.grj Toto, On FOR 018010E18OF TH*E DNE8T, 8 byilu edicixie Wruab.oe ~4loktthLab1Md* rYru.. Ie-n~ifjoint. LONDON, Md "dl JAM E sJOHNSTON, IT FARM -FOR, SALEK f th On zfi £tU mml i 7ib LeàdluW aOklI lu" el Per anflu1m inadviu tee. SubeeoriPtionO me a te office of piblicuion..ý Stean eqflipmOfltan ook and Job printing j ~atmo,oapable ci oxeoui ork- fromthe large poet Indbill. Special menlic agnrpssecd Pros taclilli LEm *ith ils ce1ebit'lei rIiner Pre sad other jocti Bvery order reed la ttntion. TBMS (>F ADV Firsàt insertiony Per Une ubsequeflt ins3ertion, 5.0 DiopaO dvreme e a sose of Bonid Noupa poordinglY. -1 Aamiveienentl sent istructions înserted Ulm! a dor full ime. ordfr d isonn juil -be in wrtigote ra Win nol ho res;oInib SA liboral discount foro oLeùte by thue year.-001 ontraet adver'iemenls a notiater than Wedne ,f nyint0fldfi Changes' >eore Teday noon. aentoreoOivea up te ThÏ Býusinàess uotiiesiloci ý'Ve cents por line wol )erlino -wek1y ., 1 orreàsouàwOZIOBonii t Ithe OountYý or né-h ýorreSpôndeflti -arere heur communications. osible,- Sup'MechaniO5lDé jOHN El. -AE B AUMTZIROOImI WAREROOS l Discount iBlack, 1 mw.ý . Gré nadïnes, 0 ILawns, , 1, 1 1 1 1 k 90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 on 1%8, làt 9 a. m 1 1,

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