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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1888, p. 2

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"nd ItelàisStoleuftor or aEchengs. Mr. A. W. onfMs~. A. W. Morrme r. unfcues etei la lu levu te-day signug papers by wbichhlis firm agrees tce .euablish a biuder Ivine sud coud manufaeloîy lu Port Hopé-, for certain cou-lid eratioue frcom the to*n cf Port Hope. The *faoiy will emplcy oee hudred bauds le commence, sud ef those about a dosen yl ho girls. Mu. Moise doe 1101 promise h. but be aya it le very probable i b belore the end cf the tiret year lb. number of bauds vill inureae to 150. ý The details cf tb. arrange- on the oeutuset. But thie muoh ve may eay, Ibat the agreemeut is more advaulageoue than the towu bas hoped for. Meears.-Morris & Bue., is a firm oh long sud bigb standing, vith a tiret- clam e roputalion aud ratiug in fluanciai coies. Mr.* A W. Morris is a kesu shurevd business man, snd a pl saat cenversatiousliil. To-day is a VriRbt day fer Port Hope, sud la ouly theetiuet cf au eus hopid' for. Through masny discouragemeuts the cemmitlee bas teiled, sud lhcy bave earued the Bac- ceas thal ha now covuwed their efforts. EOWEALNVflLE. Mr. J. E. Harrison lestlveek threeb- ed Ihue. bundred and *tventy-five buoels cf Kent Pesa in four heurs, for Mu. Garrett Kimbel, Lake Shore road, Clark, sud tlb. same day ou. hundred bushele cf b rlyin. lweuty-five minutes. Who lias made a better record P' Ou Thuradsy meruing laitl as Mi. Samson's steam yacht vas iunîing eut of the harbor vilb a cauce lu 1ev, lu vhich vas the grub hou tb. day'e cutlug wheu oppoeilp tb. lightbouso the beavy sveil tuuned th. canoe upside dovu and apiiied the provisions, vhaeoupon tie large orovd ou the dock svaitiug the steamer Hastings laughed until tbey grew hlack lu tue face. Veiy accu il vas thýe f uru ef tbo ys.cht's crew to, laugh wben tbey sav tbemn making te lb.eroade sud fields iu théir huury le gel berne. - Tiose Ihat.laugh lasI gener- aUly laugli boit. The D. O. & P. Ce. Baud have iu Ive yeare boston thc folicving bauds :-In the City of Gueipl, under thecocuductor- slip cf 'Mi. Carey, Kngtn,-tbe Sarnia band>undou tue leadership cf Mr. Pbilp; Waterloo Musical Society baud, under the leadcrship ol Mr. Ziller. In the tovu of Berlin, under tb. lcadership cf Mu. Waldîou, Toronto,-Massey ManufsoluriaugGo., under the leader- ahip cf Mr. Robluson, cf lie 18th Bat. tallion, Hiamilten. sud the Barrie band. Iu Walkertou, under Mr. Waldron,- the. baud cf lbe Musey Ce., sud the Berlin Musical Socetie's baud under the leadership of Mu. CIme, lu St. Cathariui, undor Mr. Waldron, lie Massey band aud Thorald cily baud. No other baud in Canada aveu badl sueh avieoerions recod. Mr. John Lyl. moved back te hie oid stand ounlb.heuth side cf King streut last wcek. sud nov boasta cf eue oh the flueit ehope lu tevu. Mr. Louis Lyle bau purobasd hem B. B. Luscombe, Esq., his rough.omet cottage eituated on the soulh aide cf Quesu elîcet. Prie. e750.z, At areocl metingcf1l.1QuarleAy where b. va formerly empioyed sud wau dischauged Rmre ie &go for general cusseduesi hotuthat institution &ud on visillug tue place 1h. other day vas ordoe ontcu by tbe proprietora, whereupou lie became obitreperoni sudr shoved 'figlil. A fiue giove lu ia b soecured De"r Onie. estation$ lu vbioh tue - Lind- sp»htrlct camp meeting viii b. lild, eanencing on Thursday.eveulng. kug.- e h. fethodist ohuclare .xpOle01. BUT. G. W' Deej» lU ouduol Ilse mrvie.of soug.e ntee ssend on application I Cp LaLidleyi,- EqOmentw eduedslw rates U noouPoint Rpt.Âirnu ilsys ofefllpreparaton sd uxmei,1 S1up~1X~*~bliaibeau euc- Ta1ýlosbelg fint ud Whitungseond. vent 1h. regmaa s h. Pro. started lu1h. bo ie eider 'irim Ihi shore. This coursle vau thee miles. O'Oouner *on by Ihree*quarters ef aý bout's ieugth, Gaudeur second* Leo thitd sud, Wise, fourtb. The refree was Capt. Tym6u c f Torouto, W. Simpson looked afler Gaudeur, sud Rogers aller O'Conor., Mosers. Duc bam sud Simpson may feel elated over th. succese cf the Upwaxde of fifîy îhoneand loge voe lest ou the -Qeorgian Bay lu-the beavy sterm cf Isat week. They vil moet cf them be pickcd Up. A ccv owued by.Mre. Thes. Dallas vas fouud dcad lu the pasture field ou Monday. 111e mpposed e.was-struck by lightiing duriug Thursday's storm. On Friday lut Commodore Davis, ef the Lily HunIer, kilied a coppenbead suake, eu au ilaud ou tb. Moskesh chanci, which messured six feet. sevon luches lu Ieugth sud about tee luches sreuud the thiokest parI.> Ã"a Menday, of Ibis veek the Shncoe commissieuere fbr thue district held a meetlug ber..,T'avern l1ceîîees vwere gîautcd tb Alexauder Weikcr, of Dais- ton, and Ingram Kemp of rovn URHl. Whoiesale lijenses vere refused te J. L. Tippixig & Co., sud E. C. Moore. No cîjier busiues as doue. The siukiug of lbe G. B. 0. L. oe.'s sbeam tug, Marshall, at lie Wsubsb- eue dock lait Friday uight, caused cou- siderabie cemmotion. 5h. vas ralaed by meaus of'ioows and screw-jacks ou Saturday, sud the leakagu caulked. The trouble lay ie some defeot near the wheeL. 8h. sank almost out ef sigbt, but the top of the soeokestaok wus lcft visible. Thia in lie second lime this boat bas been under vater, Durlng lb.e put week or two o me excellent- fishing. bas been doue at Slrawberry iland; lie place> fsly leeme witb big busansd flshing yarns. Fenty or fifty black baus rangiug fhem on. te fiue ponuda have been caugbl in a single day. The vieil cf lie Irishi Genleman te, Ohis on Monday »ud Tuesday nexl wiil b. lie eveut cf lie veek. They are eeitainly a concentration of notables sud Iboir visil may b. regarded as the athlioe s-eul ef the year. Go te tbe eval aud eo lhem.e An oid landWrk goe.-For 1he put fortuighl tic epuntuseors have been buey soaring - dowu tue Presbytedla Churcb, at th. corner of Peter sud NeYwaab Stroota sud diapooing cf the materials. The limbers ver. fouud to, b. lu a good etale of presorvation, ex- oepl tvoa mal eues belongiug ta tie tover, sud vote eotld at remunerativo primes to Mr. PuMoie. Hoie v el plesed vit bis bargain sud la uug them for lb. erotlou cf a bain. Tbe cause ef tbelr prservation lu lie eue Swilb whichlbhe» liSbers Veres elected by tie lalis Robi Bal nd Alezander Lorimer s»4 by-1Mi MK'L ,tMuffe, eue cf lie firet cdeaoous e t b.ereh". ,e eucsno titubons are nov lu existence, n isdistret. Muy regret lie dis. appearauce cf th "rt ochrci c*va builtlinte tovuaud w"ishslimbme Portonuofitbâd benprwerved. itsl vorthy of notice that 1Mr. Wm. Dean, vio e lu periut.ulmg lt.ereoti"uof 1h. nov olfurob, vorked vli. a lad on lb. original building. Tii. portion Ing ilfor "sale Hwasfind#50 for eelliàçg sd 120 for keephau for sale, sud omte m both .asm-toWsl#88.65., te- galber'wilh lieloeesfthoiîquor,, wbeh th. Court ordored 10 b. deelrod. rYeaterayt Prom A ppemrd before aud pleade écuUiyte Ivo i 4-rgesf seýýlitlogo fud1,uuu 2h u lb . 50ar leuc ue d frsla. . Md 120 for kepuafc sl. Cous, 1lemi Przc' rers,«014 sa uvted by tbo- Inapolorsud o~1I1è lae»k, lb wmn~oh&n.br o be st eonlloamber. «Soo yar.ugoAyo'wbsrectrale %iFrd Giovort wiIhbisg ults, Mark Ho1lidzy sud John GlOwOrt ihreedont onMonday,,20th mit.,, At Lewis -Luke'. barn,'About, ,100 buuIâ?à- -of closfl, brigbt barts>'. It vas doue taý a day of ordinary latigth and with the disadvantge of--a head wii>d. The oid Divisiona-No. 85, S. cf T. -fla wakeaing op again. It- wauirOùô thenght te b. neâ .rly dead but ie1 kis turned riglit uround and its member- uhip is on the increase, ils debatea are lively aud interesti nsd asUogether thinge bld fair for a Iîv Division again in Oehava. On 8unday .ftcrnoou s Mr. and Mns Grey aud a ltte girl were walking op Simeoe St. they were met by Meus. Morgan, Sykes aud Warren, on bicycles on-their way te Gorbtt'a Point. Mr. Gray sither did net notice the;; oning or wculd net giVe them roo te pais, aud slthough they were coming z long alowly Morgan fcnnd il difflouit te, stop sud jumzp from lise wheel a few luches frro Mr. Grey, Sykes, bemng a new rider, WaàDoct se fertunate. Hê turned in te escape Morgan'@ wheel, rau into il sidewayusud' thon -feui againel Mrs. Grey knockiug ber against the fenoe, she, together wilh the ltte gir, the bicycle sud its rider, &Il tom- bling i a hesp between the walk and the feuee. Mie. Grey wae taken. op and oarried inte Dr. MoBrieu'e where she remaiued prostrated with thé sbock for some lime, otherwise we under- stand ne barm was doue. Mr. Grey sbould cither have given room or waru- ing that he would net move s thora ià ne by-lai preventiug the ose of bicycles on the sidewalks at the present time. W. uuderstaud the Mayor bas instrot- cd the constable te prevont bicycles runuiug on the eidewaiks of the tevu in future. Sy'mptems cf Catarrh. Deli heavy headache, ebttruction efthle nasal passages, disoharges t allng trcm lie head tlcth. liroat, somelimes profuse, watery, sud acrid, at ochers, tiick, touaci- oua, muôous, purulent, bloody and ufr1d: the. oye.are» weak, wtery, sud Uamed; there l inlu thnele aui, deafues., baek- ing or coughi b cloar lthe tiroat, exp..- toralien cf offensive malter, logtethr viti soabe froas uloors ; 1he voice ta changea sud hms a nasal t-wang; lie brethinl offensive; sasel sud last. are lmpaixed; lier. ls aa sensation cf dizzlnosa, vili mental depru- ion, a haoklnq g euand general debilhly, If yen hav" ail,or suy consldorble number ct lies. symptoms, you are sufertag from. nasal calarrh. The more eemplioated your' dis..m bas become, lhe grealer tbe number aud divebsily of mtoms.Tiusanda of cases wSuly , u msnitestiug hall cf lie above aympoms, reul in ecnsmptc and endin th. grave. No disease l conumon more deceplive sud dangerouas, or lusa uderstood, or moe.unoueeemdcfl lrealedb by phyuians. Five hu dollanr rward la offer.d by tie manufactur- era cf Dr. Eage's Galarri Eemed, for a Cam o c otarrh whloh liey canuel cur. Remedy sold by drugglts, st only 50 conts. Miss Lilan Hollaz,,daughler et a. H. Hollande police magiStae cf Port ]Rope, was drowned wvile boallng vIti Mu. Robertsen, lie Amnerin suL -A. 4Card.L - To aU ie aýo re sufter'ng rom the eo- Mud tdsetofetyoulh, nervous veak. -neon, oar decay, lmocf mauhood, &e,, le ta* Bey.. Joeurn T. lxas, 8stations News York Os*q.. cuaiepoverslu hhomms01 eu"cksih ftit t is dute ni ake il knovuto hi# sueini gf eUows. &tuateê 1>y "bi niUt SUd a deulu tO =reie buffainsuteug 1 80311 mataby BddreFrih namInffs addW.Â. Nousth Fts Ceni Puni Deym bas beenm sgae for Infaànt and Chlidren.ï' 64Cassorlainsgo weada"ptetochliet a nUoela cures Coôle, comMdipaton, 1 [recommendIt as superiortIo anYprncf Sourfl tomacli, Dmlrhoarc» taen kOEome." 9 .ononK m, I Worms, givesa .eep, adptom i-dl tu BSO. OzcSdfla. &okIwn, S. y, . ÃŽw umedicada. Tas CzNTÂun Ooxx'Y urra uy Street, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equxpped for Business Training.. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHJIP1i BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ARITHMETIC, SHORTHAND AND TYPE-WRITING COMMERCIAL-LAW? PBACTICÂLLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Bend for Ciroiilar. Âddress. 27 C. O'DEZ4, Secretary. A Positive Cureà >< A PaInlese Cure. w wm FÂACTS FOR KEN OI'_AILL AGI THE dGREIT àBe.ILTH RILE lUER, - Mirsl cf Hesllg. Mud KohinoreOf Medicines4 ýýýjM ti.eterrible cousequsemee cf Indlsrelleu, Exposuro snd Overwork.. ~se s, Who aLre broken Jown from the. affectue o abuse will fInd in. No. 8 a radical cure for nervouil debillty. organie wesakness,î4 nvoluntary vital losses. etc. STUPTOKU iYoB wmcH NO. 8 SaOULI» BE USEI.-Want of en«"g, vertige, vant of yurppme dimnese of igbt. aversion to society, waut cf couftdence, avoidance of conversauon, desire for solitude, llalsess and inability to fli the attention ou a particuler sublect,_ owardie, deprosuion of apirits, glddinesa, lou of memoryP exitability o1 temper xSpe mé.torrhoa.,or legs efthi e minalfiuld--*he resuit 0 1 = abnoetormaritalexcesu- tsny, nnuriten.emaiaion barenéos papittin o! the. h.art, hysterieo elin e-lu femalea.~~ ~ eý oM orxbih eanhldaubigdem t. re a&l symptomu-cf ti.terile habi, otentmeainnoenty aqulrd. u shrtteespriug of 'vital force bavlng boit its tenion t'eryfuntio vaea ». onsquece oSci nfl rters and tii.SUpe tendents e f I Slurne u.luaCr bin e ti.ectu c f o-abuse the getmajority f- dutes ! uai~s, icaaciatd fr ii.enoymenta f lit, 1o. 8 offers an ecp from the eff eeCtaof earl y vice. IU yen are advanceinlu ears, No. 8 vill give you tul vigor iu strength. If y on are brolrnn dovu, phys ly andmorally trom early indiscreticu, the. result of inorarPÀc'eand follv, moud yourad e and 10 cents in stamps fcr M. V. LuBoN's Treatit., u. Booic Foras cn Dissacf Man.. Sealed and aeccre from observation. Addrefis rrU r 'mmunlcations te EK. V. LlUBON, 47 WelIinqgtqiu St. e., Toronto. AMan wit' ! i.sdo,- ives In a bo'S pardbe.. CURU8 OUARANTL UD EL 11E SICI<. A Permanent Cure.>* A Pleasant Cure5à - t BELET-U lddctdfrail diseseftte blood aiz nS, w.. Stnw A. i eTtn 50 2fer*, Do you fe duil. languld, low-gpîried, lite. bess, and lndescrlbably miacrable, %oth physi. cabby and mentally;- experlence a sense of fullness or bloating after eatlng, or of 66gone- nes," or emptiness of etomaci le tie Moru. lug, tongue coated, bitter or bail baste ln mouth Irregular appetite, dizzlness, frequent bieadac'hes, blurred eyeslgiit, " iloating specku"I before the eyee, nervous prostration or ex. haustion, lrr itallty cf teniper, hot. flushes, alternating wfth chili y sensations, shar biig transient pains flere. and hrcî feet, drowsiuess after meals, wakefuineas, or disturbed and -unrefreshlng aleep, constant Idescribable feeling f dread, or cf impndý lu g calamity? If you have ail, or any onsdérable numbei, of these symptoms, you are sufferi1 froa that most common cf 'Amerlcau miialadies- Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepeia, or Indigestion. The more coînplicated yôur diseaàe bas become, the greater the number and diversity cf symp. toms. No matter what stae it bas reached, Br. Pierce'si Golden Ibledical Dhucevery will subdue it, if taken according te dire&. tions for a rcfisonable leugth of time. -I1flnot cured, comnplications mubtiply and Consump. tion of thi Lungs, Skin Diseaes, Heart Diseue, iheumatisin, Kidney Disea8e, or other grave maladies cerc quite lhable to set lu aud, sooner % later, indluce a fatal termination. ~r. Piercc's Golden 1MedilDise. coeory acts pow-,rfully upon the LIver, and through tlîat great blood - purifying organ, cleu un;s t1io ý,y tem cof ail blood-taints and ira- puiti, fro.; iwhiateover cause arising. It la eulyeicaClous lu acting upon tLhe Kld- neys. and otiricxcretory organs, cleanstng, strengtbený'injz, ai bealing their diseases. As an appetizd.ig, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion a:ai1 nutrition, thereby building up both flest ai strength. Iu malarial districts, thie wondcrful medicine bas gained great celebrity iti eurîng Fever and Agne, Chilis and Fever, 1)umb Ague, and klndred diseases. Br. Plercees Golden IMedlcal Dis. covery îrEBfIoSnALL HUMORS, froma comon loto, orEription, to the woret Serofula. Sait-rbeum, " FÀever-sorcs," Scaly or Rough Skin.- in "l"rt 'Idiseases caused by bad blood arc co îîe!ered by this powerful, purifying and muvi-t-r-ting medi- dune. Great Eatiug ftlcers nq ! li 'v heal under lb. benigu-influence. Especiilly, has ît mani- feeted Its potency in curin- '"toEczema, Erysipelas, Bele. Carbuncles. Sure EyeS, Serof- uous Seres and Swellings. Iiip-*,oint Disease,' 6White Sweilings," Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Gland&. Sen- tçn cents' ni starnps Jor a large Trentise, with- colored plates,_on Skin Diseoses. or the saine amount for a Treatise on Sci'ofulous Affoctions. diFOR THE BLOO 2$ THE LIFE.." Thoreughly cleanse lb b y using Br. Piere's Golden Jedical Dlscovery, sud good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant splrits, vital strengbh and bodlly bealth will be established. CONSUMPTrIONy which te Serofula Of the Lungs, la arrcsedf and cured by tuis remedy, if taken in the earller stages cf tic disease. Froas Its mer- velous power cver tus- terribly fatal disease, wheu ûrat offerlng tuis nov rworld-famed rem- cdy te the public,1)r. Pierce bthought serlouuiy cf c0lng lt bil "'CONSUM1'ToN CnEs" but sbandoned that namo as toc restrictivo for a med.ticne whlch, fron t It wonderful coni- binablon cf tonle, or etrengbenng, elterative or blood-clesnslng, anti.ilousi,ectral, and nutritiveprerislameusd not oniv as reed or Consumption, but for adl Chioie Jseas dicfthé Liver, Blood, andLug For Weak LiigsSptting of Blood, Short- nesu cf Brcath,Crce cNasal QtarTi, Brou- 1Àbia,,Scverc()ougli% and klndred caMIo entrmcy Sold by DrUggstat$10,o xBobe for #.00 l--Seud bon cents, ln stampe for »r. Plerces bock ou Gonsmmptioni. Addrese 668 main SI,, BUFFAJLO N. Y. mj,4*nn* mandthist natillildn b - Pm ouitregelai core WAS nuTON, A.ug, 14y.18E Bock- 1 ofifured ai an- anm the, Hauetarif bll, aaid tion st spendsng "untii forh. Coup smunail iwsretatlugl fuud. i vas îcfrreda,* tI bo tep a16ali-lavi relatlug ta fend, u aéked ual illie- o until eculd cee vial-vo, of bis meudliieiite li te tar son 1cr Reagan lias lu subeli ne for -hié-bull b di sud tpunich pereons-oni them. The substItut. la s the go me as 1he original bil Se plauy reports have b ed ab mc the condition Of I meut {fiusnocs for thé-c, year, thal the Treaaury lias iE oued au officiai stslcm tue tôtal amaoucf the Bp mad«ý sud those nowpeud Houp au&tSenate bille sud , ailec statemout cf the estlrr of th~ Qovorumeut-from The 4ppropriatiou5 as pai Houýe amounl b $418, pasd by the Sonate, 425,8 estit4ated recei pte for he Jungl 80, 1889, amount I AGocokdlug te - this state Sen e~ appropriation bilas the s1Plus vii be f#14,M9, lhoe- cf he Houie, 1t u $26. 50,581. Il lse r a li 1e appropriations cf ni vil b. accepte& vholly*b The*e vwill b. comprom sidel , i6 1hs1 the surpls a ve 1 emali eue, even if it for 4ere le already a falli estirnalèb.receipta-from cn w *hsSamunte te 8,WOiO thiei kecp up, the recelpi son ý hi - 11k. *18,000,0( esti'uBtes at the end of 1hi Tblý dte cf affaira-seùs igthe politicaus eun bots gl Ih a-upset theu ~euatoi Edmunds bas-: rephablicafl- national cornu vig not b. ahi. e t ake an lu $be campaigu Ibis year. is laid to have been takem of batail lh. Tue Scuate commite ha e eported a substitute pe iioming Mru Sheridi d u ois tlb -amount fem Il 50 a ycai.- 1-j . Pheic are indicatioustl i4usM 1f h. HOuse are Po -deàd-lock, becans.e the der toj agie-te set aside s dal oi èration cf the Depende The.republicaus cf Ilie1 reecte-d the fieherigsr Ireat w*llnov, anxionély awaz iâu'sation under ii -wilse the discussion cf Il g mug on, IitgiveMr pwer, sud h e scertaiul - tlat it villnoî,bo abuse& lIù thesa4ay c srh ~s atlg, preadn allcd upon 1m Uo mmte- on, a- 111 -hàd been repx iaccording 0 a ~shouId have heeu the onfeees.-T ctav-or ûin memue Aimaqa egfri-4 oo aglia GRtD TRUNE Tie BiiTakitg eo Arguas,

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