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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1888, p. 3

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Jon, e tu, mnber froma lie.- I ia. 5MZ rrave 0oz'er Vie rau r and dt la otes g U groa bsé o the mazil- ti in )lGed nott good vital leed. ry d n the mar- rem%, I or oil e for- comt-c Bron-g careful mon mate ls b.d break .oeado- é d lb. oceseieso! 1he uiivs fev mil.ulnland in adesetidbut- lb. Msuy lnteréuting thinoin a spoliliei Ireute onud thesetaked whibte man. way, bhavé bien loug ounlier. Itbis veek. 1h urne ime. Desue vwas sboolutely W. have lhadviimt reinthe - irmen 1voeu ont Hie hms vu badly suollen, e! both national campa4pgu ttflsbis ey e v slie n u o obut sud deôubtiéus mauy ooxnbiuallous bave barîe dly crWl. Ro d hn isea bu been madé uhicis viiihave MOU reo fanu duatysdhlup bern ofocton iseoowig eooton.'-huis bitter exérience did net voeu leueffct n te ouùu elctin. Dean frein liiilov, o! African dîdu- lare. Ho remMuzed lunlb.'se rvice o! Hnnt1ed by Arabi lb. Congo ÉFie. Blâe., sd hi i.one -o! lb. Véry !ew vblte mu vho ýhaveivir, à -wu= sXaX'e TumumenGaDVENTURE .poitued ilu e charg, -f-et ened elà- lu CENTRAL ABO pinsIo=l Cke u -eea wrtzchave ieu v*viddioeriplioni of The oable aunouu.ed last veek tbal Ibisdanger hieh -hnImeris soinglru Mi. Deane, one o! thé agente et tho enconuter. Conge. Fres State, liedbeenk;idInsu» eleplisut charge vhile onth.itng Tbie gentleman vw u ncommand f'thO ~ u ioaue Stanley Fangs slalsôn vison l uVa he8#ptembë r Magazine of/Amors- Iacked, lwc yoaé Rs go uti mnti , dm moom jeifilled villi üenstl Arabe. On bis retresl froua Ihat sa tion ho lied Mon, o! lisvîDmoil thr lg~~rsesr.b*&t o- One0fýthe' M thbg te ~ ide rsu]4' topioi., ovremrn expériences tht évor beel iwihi e mai -, f j' ronfi"pae Bofor, thoe tiou tl» i us Im I odeulto 1h. oiü,,goveimnt-o! 1h. tien b.d been almo# t ely exhanol. the.dstiou-oîivé,U govertMcu'Ont$Xu od,n4 lise gioberto or 1 fe ' skurried dovaà theriver, ls,ufg ,-i to hie fute. Alu liseda*pmeu ofthlie auiglt Dainesu»d MeoomutrmdpDiib.1* vils îisme orfore suh 4 avay front Stanley Xalloêe&nd*uloiê P RWla09*t aiverbsk. Il vsa otlong bofaro boliW .8d1mou asintt uler Might o e d , dDoeetoà off lâ. uti Wag~ligtOfl ouer.drmnbed grmeute 10 psrtiblly drYtos (ltmoui reguatcerrspendents. - t. WhiI. hig olthos vr agn as WABJ.GTN, .u. 4, ~8.-enaoronthe baghes, choute voeesw wgréat WUINGONA11,11, 188.3entorhundrea fot&bbind tl 1111.party. o!in, 1Beck bai eflu"d '0i s meudmOuit te'The Arabe hed dÎiOve»lt- ir erat,' sbow the.iHouse tarif bil, anu aditionsalesoc sud vee la bot -lunrmuit. Thoy vire ed 1M tion 6116POP gon1 fi btedeec searsait tDean. .ouldhear lb.gruesonet] Cjongres auil aws reloitiug te thse sinllcng rsttle s lb. nemy sjproag throngb it,, tbord fond. tq vas îefer»tate efinance Ae c0omittee. 1Ho aIse ltroedàdbill rapidly followiug thi muddy hache cfAm taral 1lava rolatiug te the sinking tb. fugitives. Desn. had just lime I ob fond rpadlkdts tli ntetbethrow hiei clothee ovor hie atm , sud toit-] fns d e tht leou lb. tabi tart at full spoed tbtough the bush, -quosi until h. ceuldsewht*ud eoefollewed by bis Hassa at;oudaasto. POPR of bis amendiuiOullte the tarif! bill. hycudbateaotefteAre-Be Seuàtet Reagan lise introdnoed aThosY ce i o a l f.iehou h rsbeandBBei substitflte for his bil te deflue trusts vhW eoo >etai o orm e sud taeih persona oonnueteil with evory nervo vas straiued tb distance pha. them. PTho substitute ie mbstsutially th ursuere. At lait the floise bobind latial the Daine as th.enrgins1 bill. thon gîew faîntot, and by noon il vas uau So uany, reporte have been circulat- evident that the onomy bld revu ed n cd about th. condition o! the Goveru. weary of 1he chas.. Thon the huuted orne ment finances for th.e ourent fiscal littho patty etopped for a broatbiug the year, tbat the Treasury Departanent open. Eug] has seed .n'official tatemeut shoviug It wus a vuebegono aud almost hope. vritl thetoal montof te ppop. aiosloe baud cf fugitives. In the mad race gre mae, n t talaouen po ri in onsfoflife every Esais hsad lest bis gun, sérti< Housessnd Sonate billesud ameudmcnts;adntawao f n otw etcp alse a tatemeut of the ostimated incarme in th. party.- On. by une Deane had cf6 cf the Governmeut froin al eources. dropped hie garmints, sud b ad noth- Mac The appropriationise passd by tb. iug lefI except a email military cape, s D Houes amonnt ta $4û,613,153; s whioh ho tbreo bivesi ehonîders. In sud passed by the Sonate, 425,870,514. The the midet O! an AM&04n jungle, h.e had ma estiwatedl receipte for th. year ending net the siglitest protectien for hie bleed- brai Juno 80, 1889, amount te $440,568,734. ing foot, sud even if be bad savedl bis Yeu' Aoeordiug te Ibiestatement, if the boots lie vouli O1 have dsred bu put Sonate appropriation bille are acêpted. tbelf on, for thé Iracke wonld have lu- th. surpils wiil b. #14,693,220 ; sud if tantly revealod le any prowllug &rab T, those of tb. Hanse, the surplus wifiî b or hostile native that a white man wus hsd 326.950,581. It je very es!. te sayr-IhaI in the neigblborheod. A caznuibal tribe, aboo -the appropriations cf neither Honse with vhom Desue himeel! had had a Dr. vill bu sooepted wholly by the other. serions flght, liued th. river belov, sud Put There wiii b. comproisiies >z on o lie dared not appeal te them, for encoot. A aides, se that the surplus is ikely te ho- Hoevas about 800 miles frein tbe noar- nau s very azuai one, @on5 if il sîi';te aI ail, est white statieon at Baugala. Ail that cut for there is already a falling ocff in the cotild bo don. vas b etruggle dovu thoe!01- setiinated reoeipWs froin custoe duties river, Ilirougli the-. dense bush and 1 vhiob amounte te $8,000,()00. Sheuid foreste, seversi miles iuland, avoidlng thé thie keep np, the receipte wenld b. ail th. tribes, except eue or tvo that Ha, somthiug 1k. $18,000,000 belov the veokuowu te b. frieudly, snd living po saturnales aI tbe sud cf th. fiscal er.on vhatevort lby coula pick up that ti Thies ste of affairesesome tabehorry-would afford'nutriment. al ing thé politicane on both ides consider- Fer four weoke this white cualaay Wal abby. It boa upset their csiculatiens. ins Central A.frio&ïa-emoît nakod, sud ge Seuator Edmunde bas informed lb. veak wit bhunger sud fattigue, vànder- bo républiosu national committee thal he ed through th. solitudes cf the cauns uni vii letb. able te lake suy active part lvy. The niglila veto ool,bnt the only pzf ini lb. campaigu Ibis y.ar.. This action covering the fugitives hsd vas dried18 je said ta havýe been takeu on scount leaves, vhich they hesped ovsi tIson- of bad Isealth. selves s tey lsy dovu ou thé bar. Thse Sonate oommittee on pensions earthunuder the treos.- They fcuud have reported a subtitut, for the bill msny vild grapes sud soin. o4her fruits psnsiouing Mis. Sheridan, vhich r. O f the fereet, but thoe scoue vould nol duce@ the ainounulfrein $5.000, te 88,. givO thora sreuglis to. kep 5p lthem 500 ayear. match. Au e.ealioyaasl xnkéy Or a Dr There arc indications tisaI the repub. bird weuid have boau a deliglilfui addi- oni lians o! tise Rouaeai. preparing for a te eIerfo upis but wilheut lbt dead-book. because the democrats refuse giune lbey could net obtai gaine cf suy M, . te agres te set aside a day for tbe cou. eort. Tbey dîd vbat anyoeo else would sideration of th. Depeudent'a sd other *deoison figbting againil starvation.lo pension bille. Many Afriomu tribes osteerp fried autnis -Thse republicassoe the sonate having as s great délloacy. Wlioneve'r Ont y rected the fisheries troaty, tise country fugitives camo le a prospérons oolony viii nov anxiously avait Mr. 01ev,- oe. ants they laid in a, supply. Tben land'e action under the. "Retaliatien inany osterpillers crossédi boir pth, sot", abolIt vhicb vu heard'se mnch sud lb... Ireaseures vote carofuily slow- a while the discussion o! th. treaty vas éd svsy in s carfridge box. At- dinnet o geing on. Lt gives Mr. Cleveland gtest lime the, party vould build a fic, toastM power, sud il is cerîsiuly ta be hoped their anti sud eaterpilleras, sud diagulse.es that it viii net be abused. these solid viande ase mach as possible Lu theso daya o! hsrsh political de- 'ithimeullifulse of<tap ansd other Cf botes lu House.sud Sonate, il is a fruit. Il vas suylhiug but palalable Il pleuro to-nole s graceful suaceurteo- food, but it kupI lit. lu thoir bodies, oeesc by oee B oer learde anethor thongli the Pomr fileove bMeu. w cf heopostio pit. enator HEoar vosk that they eeuld Iravel ouly tht.. h1 as acting prosiding officer of the Sonste, or tour miles a day. vas called upon ho appointea conférence At 1lut lbey came tae i au Na 1cenunittee upon a private bill. The tribeWhoi live along thse river, sud *thé bill isad been ruporledl by Mr. nHeet, fugitiveu thouglil thoy miglit iafély re. su0uceug fvte ail Snatorial naegs voal thomeohves te 1h... people. Their km employe of Knoit,s pop worka med Geo. Dunoan, reoeived a sovere on tbe srm Monday by the bursting a bottie ho wua fihling. rhe date of th. annual'exhibition of BPeterborough and' Azhbumnham 3rticultural Sooiety, bas been poil- ned from Ang. 80t.h. to Beptember th. It vas fonnd thatt1he date of hibition ws too late. This yesr it Le piaeeda stAug. soth., so thal if lbe beon were unfavorable th. date could postponed. The seson bas been favorable, and the date is therefore wtpoued tliiTbureday, September lb. jack and Jili each tck a inl, Old. fashioned kind-1ni grovu; Jack veut dowu-but vlth a frown- Jin diod from "oeause unovu." s3muleu vil supereee any frovus, smd îny discouforts viii -be nnkuowu, we r.Pieroes P leasant Purgative Pelleta tirely isupersede, as thoy bld faix te do, ie large and leag effiint pill of eux fore- "eors. Every day they gain new lanrels 1 Lst popular when mm tii, abounid 1 à pckstoeufotheails a1,000b.u1ev 'îrk peut-offlce. Indications cf Dyspep"sia nobas Sour tonbach, Heartburn, Sîck Headache, Blsing id Seuring of Food,.Wlnd en the Stomach, * a Gbeking or Qnavu3g sensation st the~ .1 cf tb. stomnaoh are fnly met by Burdcck ebcd Bitter" vbich bau cured tb. vont &ss on record. Ail the pauengrsud crev cf the City lobeter ve ben àS=Wfor «eep dirteen. Loto'. Btdphw Sroap ahosêkfie fouMn vith every toiket. It iu-clwsing cend The diffèrences betveen the Liberals sud .tianal Conservatives are beooming more >ompicated. Dr. Leo'a Plaaest W orm Btjrup is s a/e and rehiable worm remud4Jfor mll toorn a a#î1e14n9 eh,2rei or adusêt. upertut modftcaloef its eentract with xegotea cenghs msud nold efrequmntly troduce setions ruesut as to censtitute, a Lefnlte varnlng. There un nobetter, mater or more plesasul r.medy fer Coughe. Bronchîile Bore Tbxoet, 0"1dm ud ,ail bo lsuiung troubles Ihan Hagyad's pectorsl Baam The (Janadian Pacio silay land De- partmeut la ofioring prises for th. bent e. bibits of grain ment lu by agents. I. Brios, A"Te The P0fat Dypeais»%dreadful Dleordered lver sn mrsery. digeston leia-tee le goed The Iumudigeste ppaetu la oieet the meut OOMP1XAMtedd voderfu blnlp inlu sene Il laneaslyg put out of order. G»"y oe. tue f oppymfood,b.d cookexy, mmtal worry, loe u egu mit te b., have modetua Amerean people anallmof etdy&peptmes But Grmenl> Auguit Plower has doue a- vouderful vork lu r.forming thle um& busiess sud mskiug th. Atuerican o se, heelthy that tbey cma eujoy ther mals sud ho happy. Remember -"-NO -bappinees vitbout hea1thLBut G e à tFlw beultb sadap eu lmu drugltfo obi. *yfv genaler Pergnuon, ets along ,erlod .1 B.,on Tu.edoyst b. ege etK., va ýpceois.ly wh"t poliey vosadoeti'. a",oeu bielory lu aur i elpeand >0ie vii and hit ie obout: ,book oxtanl ou tht muoh -vozod lion. Thýu oomees-u excellent tr on "Osnada'e -P insucial nd neo Oonditn," by Dr. Proîpet lot, vbo Ia familiar vith every seof Qanadiau life; sud th. "Be- nu 61 tbheConstitution sud thé Ordi. ýe o! 1787 te Eduostion" je diseuse- mit offectivoly by Lieuteuant.Gov- Dr Roberteon, of Indiana. Qne of curiositis. cf the numbér in an eli visw of "The River Obio," tten in 17579 vbich vil) b. read villi kt intereat. A.mong th.ebeortir cles je agraphie acoent of an "Es- e from a Buruing Prairie"; a history ",Tho Invention cf the Rnliug chine," sud "George Washington as )sncer." It ie a vouder<ully ricli instruotive number. This popular razine leade in .very important ,oh of!.huatory. Price, $5.00 per r. Nev York City; 743 Broadvay. Pnesda&y merning Mr. David Dôig 1b temiefortune Sc, dielecato hie )nider by failing from the wagon. .<Marke admiuistered chlorofoîm sud Fr Blum 714Offioe,-Lon4on, Eg Insurnce Association, London, Eng. Len'n Insurane OoMpany, Kontresi. ffeo Pire Assurance Company, Quebso. is Pire Insurance Company, Hartiord.. idôt & Lancaubire Lio, London, Eng., MonQuaxantee &Accident o., England. Mlton Pre'rident & Loan So'y.HRamiltmn )MPIG.-POST-OFP1CB, WHITBYS Quol ilon No. 14 Eoonomy Furnaoe, placed by yon in mny residence last fail hasgiven unscom- fort aind satisfaction, warming bolli upper and lower rocuis with su even temperalure, without dust or gas. W. did ual require to ue ur grates even in tho coldest weather, aud take plessure in recommending you.r Furnace te my friends bere and eluewhore. Yours truly, Z. BURNELAM. Judge, Whitby. i r'om A.A. peut, aq. Whitby, May 4th, 1888 J. F. Px.asm u UrNÂCo., Toronto. Gentleme,-The '<Economy Warm Air Furnacep'" whiob I puxchaued from yon last October has given me good uatiasfaotion. It ia eay to centrol, quick tb reupond, and burn the ceai dlean, requirlng ne siftlug of ubes. Altheugb my bouse ia in a very ex- Posed situation I found ne dilioulty iu keep- lng up azouifortable even tempertuxe fre from gua nd dust. 1 anlght ase say that the fuxuaces whlob vour agent Mr. Mcmn- tyre bau puat i n town and vicinity bave given good satisfaction. Yeuxs, etc. I Prom Ir. CameD, Eeq. : Oshava, M.ay 21s1, 188. Duar 8ir,-ÂIl the gooa dzo blu e ad tboheNo. 1o Pmeu.Punace whon 'yen put ci' la.my house. lst 6un. hae p-r od to b. ý Irie.11abu"ne more cead 1ba lb thve sprevoýUSlY d&d, yet lb warmed more roome sud luna a mOee omfrtable menuet with le attention, troubleduel, au eiçoe. Iy heuse iselarge sud the oIighigh, yel lhe bous" bs b1jicen- =forlyv'w-al i a nter. Ai fn houie plimans <f vblcb I have many) couid speak tbey weisla (I Am msuregve yen & vote of th=aukeasthey have net been injuxed Or sickly with ceai gaias ormerly. B. OABBLL. Mr eV. ]Dr. Haro Whilby, Ont., MAY 10,1888. To th@ Proudoent, J. Y. Peau. Purnec 8r,-We have lied one u e triaio! tb. No. 18 Rcomy Furucesud a wf pleasedte ertlfy b l. ie Sf01manage-, nmt sud crtst eatng eapacity. 'W. bave, fonathe compafy vbmèbyou ePreeeuî J. J. I-,,u4 GOeruoan PrindlOu 0" Bifl o8op. As*ut for Wbitby, Qebeva sud I*erlng. X!EERT IOINGEOTTOX VETERINARY -SUIRGEON' .Omo-aUd lInfirmaryi the lIMe Dr.. Medai EzenmanrudVluatot for tb. Umu ProvMmt Lus ftook ÂeeooiaIo> ýR BLE .WOR] s, The Bubseriber wîehem teo ouxey to bisý ManyFuiende and Oustomers-hie inee tha=kafor their liberal pat ronage in, the p ast, and assure them that he hasbetter facilties than ever for executing ail erderi§ entrusted tb Mhm for Monument8, Heddatone8, -Slate and Mar7ule Mantle8, Ail Work gnuasteed ânrt-olaus. Pric to, suit tb. limes. I have-nov moved te my nov place cf business in Bmith's .Block, ecnth o! the R. WLEDN BAUNO POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIENU ILMUVLD I MAIBISON & BAWKEHI Haý,ving pnrchased he Stock sud Machinery J. a; B. Wo1fendeupro ieprepared t'e furnish Marbie and Granite Monuments, Head- Stones, and ail other Cemetery Ww'k. Parties wisblng te purobase vii find it 'to their intereet te cail onuns before bnying elsevhere. Ail orders promptly âlild and ististaction guaranteed. PUm 1 TU STrRONOKEST, STV, CONTAINS NO , - ALUM, AMMON-IA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, Oraen inijuou aiîlaiLs E.. W. GILLETT,' UOTREI s OUR ELEGANT,: PREPARATIONS. Ee -Mbo vmauture mad re 1h. sol 'rnf d.uaeIyhel O CHAISE exCept tS Our-mm ! mot~utede -prie, 0& parb ti. oootoM dcn o, TOILET REQUISITUS In ard",,ngteam pecify vhieh your~ we guarantesem b go ive ontr Na. 8 Imparts tte .ekthe celer sud freshuiesi o« madehooo! haxmlessandcanmnotbedotected. 01.25. No. 9liemoveuS 'wkee. 42-. 0. 0Be- movesLIdver Sos 1.5 o iemoves Fleeh WorfiL 1. 1M25NO. 12 BmoesProkes. $L956 NBo. p=vPlp5U. *L5No. 14 BRnoyail Tan.$1.& -o. s B=v«Moes.$2.. No. 1e Bemeves Poekrmk0. N.Il .mevesundue for the rtenion rstïà wtion Of 1e sar 8&-C= THE 13UST No. 19 Io s oomblued Internaisud-utemi treatmentiLh heêdi*fly develMpesor resbore te female baut o they p~nov1Pn naur. e nt~ey hrmos uicetinflu e M ed ici eC.,8. U =oO# n t'N »isGo I crno WRMCHROUWO IO PL'O No. 0 Âc~a1nt. TmefoyorrbneyWllor bxcd&a End -lhe te- uhete u~ Medce 42 mTorto, Ont.too IIEURALCIA £ RIEm9UmAT1SE Cén b.eirredbuii eeeoULI v. althstta i Ml OeI.PL , W.lamêl,.ý 0.il.O .04 10O ý1D0N T Il, tI~, K r ouite 'a t Perriz'ine Tar OoxA .mendit as being--the * Bemedy Ikiiow of. Pi. LB Uim (Memberýo! -the ÂMn.: ]Asseiftion, aud Preig 14&mauunoitiouof mess '~Perrids WhenPsbyvesluek~ v.savi Wbss~hbsu ,Wbssahe~aa~ "ho PeauoFurnace. ri. folleving testimonial speak for rom judge Buruhau: Whitby, May lth, 1888. F. Pins FuRN,&cu Co., Toronto, e En- oliers safe, tu bd for iffices, idrs, toies xush- ~from hose nd fr t caa- r frm savos ua- r the pund. Boht Hai- b the joint right. wm be rulir me4. ENIM"tO.Wwldbg. @*d tl - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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