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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1888, p. 8

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The followug pla toommended lt The 4ues ob.Cof Olydeedaloeslaver entrance tolhe e ielt Isiu.bv broti to teCitada have just bee a en ýOfirmeOd, MsIlW.Blhadson, brough rota Sootland by Mr, Robert agl lau -HnSt. -hg.oorgia lom- Boltb, suid are -exp*oeted te arrive la Mary soaunders Qertie 8mitli. ý,ggparati. 4town to,-day. 'Tii. ilortb British Agri- sohooIdja Fallen, Sarali Goodwi, ,Mary culturlit speuka cf 1h. importation s lordan. Breokinu-Ida Bewles, ,Victoria foloveWarren. Poley-"Rose Batty. Ne. -6 Pick- Svrlimportant O01<14a! sales Bi NlleFtparc.k}ened Severl y u as ez.&HfU. 1No. 8 West Pickerng-Pred tock place at Glasgow doring the Higli- Law. land Sàietyse show lait week. The The Mode, Sohool terni this year begins balk ef the sale. wer@ effeotsd aI the about two weeks carRier than in former instance of foreiga buyera, and not 'a years, sud will open onuthe 8rd of Septembèr fow oet h. bout herses in the show viI at 2 p. m. Candidates wilt requ!re te be fliitheir ultimjte hme on the other pressen th e first dlay ai the-session. side of th. Atlantic. For samne tirne In the discussion ou lhe mauners ai seheol baokforigudemnd fr rall fiît-beys at the Inspectors' Convention Dr. baekforigudemnd fr rall fiet.Kelly stated liat he lied oppartunities ni elame borses has received a consider. 1 ontrasting the manners of Ontario sohool able impetus, and it is estimated that boys with thoue af the Province ai Quebee. the close oft Iis sesen will have seen a In Qtiebea when à teacher or a stranger greater numnher of Ibis clase ef stock enîered the sahool room, aU the pupils rase beave our shores than was ever the t their feet and remained standing until te ld ta be stated. Quebea boys were bettet case in a sizrgle year beforeQUe cf managed than Ontario boys. This is rather the mot important coneignme~nts viii rougi on the Ontario boys. leave the. Clyde towards the. snd af this It-appears Ihat ai 6000 ciandidiates who week. Mr. Robt. Beitb, Bowmnanvillc, went up at lbe different Iligh Sahools last Ont., ene of lhe largest and meut im- monli, only 1200 were successiul. The De- portnt anaian lydadae exortripartment seema determulued ta redue. as far and wo ha takn mor firt-olse aspassible Uices'ipply, in order, as tiev and wo ha takn moe fiotmous ape, te -increuse ltie value af teachers'1 horaes±to that ceunIry than any other services. About 40 per cent. ai the Candi-1 Mau engagod in the trade, lakes eut at dates at Whitby passed-above thc generalt tbis lime li!>'tventy baa, of whicb avs ge, but yelteao low to suit elther the eighteen 'are Clydeedales and the bai- teachers or lhe Candidates, Thc papota In l ance ightleggd boes. t GlsgowAithmelia and -Literature were the Most8 anceIigî-lggedheres.At Gasgw Ifatal, sund it i. supposed that one mark off b. parchased from Mr. P. grawford, for cvery miespelt word an aIl papers accaunt (Jarrucban, the aged herses, St. Gàtien for se msany falu., on th. total. The date (8988), -Bouuding Wilow (5580), and 1uP ta which appeals ray'be made is 151h 1he firsî-prize yearlingcoel. The prices S8ept. Tiie marks are in lie handa ai princi- laà each case vèes xoepîionally higi, pal am blyn Who wîi look alt1er thc interesl but he ran obaactr o thepurhueqi toseWhofailed. butthegrad oarateret ic uroaso For the information af public uchool teach* zuerited somuethlng over the ordinar>' ens, we publish the work required on Litera- rtes. iThc yearling je acoelt fver>' ture for the 8ntranoeEBxamination at Christ- great promise, aud is a ge& ef "Lord Mas, 18E8. Eirekine'.i." He has ezecîlent el sud Thecrcitical study ai the iollowng:- e@ and the quality sud aize are of 1. The Face Aimainst thc Panue, pp. 74-76. ls,2. Prom "Tie Deserted Village," 80-.& E much iu quest with foreigu breeders. 8. Tie Battie of Bannockburn, 84-90. C "Bounding Willev' is a tour-year-old 4. Lady Claie, 128-130. p hba> by->"Geod Hope," and ouI of a 5. The Gult Streami, 131-136. B Clyde <1621) marc, suddvas firsk ,aI 6. Sceau from "Ivamihoe," 164-168. a Glasgow two years in succession. i"se. 7. Sho vas a Phantom ai Delight, 288. Pl 8. Thes Demon of the Deep, 266-271. P Galion," a ge& cf the famons 1'01d 9. The Fersaken Merman, 298-802. R Timea" i. a thiek, good horso, of mach- Pasages tram memorization :- 01 substance sud pawer, an ud vs er- 1. The short extrada (list given on page 8). H zuonded at the Highland. He Iooked a i: l'il Finda Way or àfake Il, p. 22 Ai littho (agged, baving ont>' newly cern- 8. The BelUs et Shanden, 51-62. R pletod aàhfiavy soason, or ho migbt 4. To Mary lunifeaven, 97-98. AI have occupied a higbor place. Mr. 15- lng Ont, Wlld Belle, 121-122. Ti Beii' eherpuchse inlue he 6. Lady Clare, 128 180.pl Bot' ohrpacus nldete 7 Befon. Sedan, 199. El fint pris. two-year-old at Aberdeen 8. Ti2o tiee. Fsiens, 22. Bi lutI year, a grandeon of "4DaruleY'e " The Collegiate apened abeut 100 staflg,E the' colt "Vaunuisher," whieh vas fritsuad is daily iuoreasing. Thirty-five new a% Aunan lait year, aud had tbe cbam. pupile pre.ontedl theinslvo 1h. firaI day. TI Ïon medal ;Iii. second prise colt aI, The Madel and Heury -St. sahools repart C0 tbe Highland lut vear, a gel cf 1"Lord 1h. attendance up to the average ofthle Erakino' ont e of10ld Times" mare, epeninig eek. Di sud having for a grandam a "'prince af The De anIment ha. issued instructions G Wales" mare ; the Breebin preimteReHOM ftBt to the effectthat aiRtthidC bor. iisyea "Rya Sctoman," clama Candildates vho failed ai tie laiesEx- W horae tie ear Royl Sotohan,!ý.aminatio, but 'Who hati ebtainbd at leasI aud lb. threo-year.old "Prince Bd- 60W markm, b. allovoti-to pursue the cuurse- yardl ;" (1254) col$, '&Gay Prince," bred laid devu fan second ohmse etificates. b>' Mr. John Rolton, Miluiin, Stran- 6 raur. Mr. Beitb'e onswignmenî alto- Mr. R. A. Harrison, Chemisl sud Druggist nether inoîndes a number cf grand Dzunille, Ont., wrtes 1 "I eau wîl cenfi- horses, which the country>'ceauill afford denecommenti Northrop & Lymanm PO Vegostablo Discover>' sud Dyspeptic Cure tO do vithout, It le te bs hoped that for Dysesa Impur. BloI, Pimpicu an hie enterpri.. viii ho revardet.- 1h. Face, Biý»s sud ConstIpgmo- Ai snob cases have corneunudor My perseniâl ____________observation." The Empoerranti Emprous otBrail lhave nhe (lameLawis\'I.- snnrivod ete oaneira. On. cf leteason'svi>Seoir#a EMUIion TEE foibevlng lu from Judge Jllbet'sas ui9ahlargo sale inlatu ýPiclon) siceieng digest of 1h. gaàme boat- Dr. W. H. Cameron, Ha&Ufax, N. S., law.my eIthverescribed S8ott'# Bmulion 1 Th nj léondrW.wib h o OoJlive r eo if pophophitus for The ui>'amasn duiug hiohthe i s two yoar d teuda'il mer. grse. felloving gaMeay ho hunted, takon ahl. te'llse stemach andi have botter nesulta or killed, ilsaufollov : - frouiitsnu ellanaMy other pe - tino f Deer 151h Ocoher, te 151h Dece- the kinti I have ever used.'11dold by ail ber, om dtnggista, SOc. sud 81.0O.--8mo. Psrtnidgs-lst Seplombor te lat Woodoook-lSîh Augasit t lot Ian- Buipe, rail, sud golden ploer,-lot sept. te lit Jan. SDok4 of ail kind-isI Septeuber le lat Janu>. Gesm-let Beptemaber te loi May'. Rare lai September le 151h Maroh. Thsm e>' b. exposed for sale for tuent>' ory, aller expiration of limze fer kuliog. No eggs tbe tabou or desîro>'- sdt any tinse. No trapu nets,, or suare or illa, contrivaa>ces to, b. used. T eema deilroyed b>' an> persan w uto il abii>'. No o.twanoe beau. as batteries, avwivelguna, sunken p nIe or night lighlte o uséd for bili- &ngvild fouis. besalugsanimal. aoua'017lv* e taio, unedor kffld -asfoilowe: Beaver,Miuk, Muskrat Sable, Marlin, OtGter or Pishr-Iit Novesuber' tg lut Meay. Neishailsu>' muakrah house.b. «9Ou pserd,- broken -or desia'oyed ua; auyila>e. No poisou to bh oesd l- kilfing -lie' uirnais named, -sud le poisoned baitl le ho expo.cd ' Man»Y locslity vhere dogqe or caille oea> bave socss te th. Sam$. Ne deer.dog tle ru'àaut iarge--frooe tb. 15%b Nov. t10 lb.e151h et Octohor. (People vi. do notsad In the pan*oculars abou peruqueis for liomusîves or tieir M onda mialnor 6.1 disappollotor aggneve Iflie ' u*tea«d hIent luthis tnt.do th le ranuing eonneoted villi lUUIumled orslresé on Mouds>' l"i Mi«« s oms ma,4Patie Smithui iun acu Monda>' front Toronto ubrtii7 badh bein holidayluqf«m~ esn NEW Locfe Pranela uhe labu u A.. Absol -4 JpIyPue Timi potie n~\arouA merve oir PUr~~ad~ceueen1aMoret mannt b. » in laeompietlon with the millutieoet 1evtest, short weigilahuuqof ~~aepovd.r. 9 su »V i,1 0"i IM-POR:TANT CREIT, -SAXZ1 of li.tou va1qa bie ou Lot sa.12lmNBhIPnO, . tOE Ils auperlar excellence proven iu milons of hlomes f rmre than a quarter af a centur-y. Il ,s ,!edrbythe UnileciStates Oovernmenî. Endorsed b1h eads aifhe great Universi- tics au the=net, Pureat, and Mout iealth- fui. Dr. Price's Crc. Baking Powder dacs flot contain Ammonla, idme, or Ajum. SoId oniy iu Cana. PRICE BAXING POWDER CO. NEHW TORR. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. Tinancial and Commercial. Office of Whitby ORRONIOLk,1 Whitby, August 81, 188. WHITBY MARKET PRICES. e'all Wheat........ SpningWha..... Goose Whcal ............ Flour, pert .. ..... Baniey ................ t>' ..... 0...0...*.....f.. Pcso................ Peau, blaek-eyed*..... Bln. Pes.............. Dateis................. E[s>'...... ........... Maike Clver seeti.... ted Claver secd ........ Kppies, per 0hbl ......... !omaloeu ....... Polatnos, pen bag...-...... Mggs ..................... Butter ................... lides, pen lb........... ork, pernowt .......... 'urnlpe .............. Ioiery, pet dos...... 3ichens, per l.. L'arkeys, per lb.......... luha, per lb........... 3eese ver lb............ 3hoe.......o00..00 .. ffooti....00.0 ..*s... 80 76 0 76 0 67 2 00 0 65 06s5 060 0 85 1060 4 50 1 60 1 00 1 00 0 is 006 600 0 15 000 0 00 0 10 0 10 008 0 12 400 $0 80 080 0 70 2 50 0 75 0 62 060 066 0i40 il100 4 75 500 200 1 9() 22 23 007 6 20 0 20 0 62 0 12 0 10 0 15 0 10 010o 5655 Horsesfor Sale. One apau cf daught and ene Genotal Pur- mse, comlng 4 Yom s eld Ltlg 21, 1888.l-f. A.. ANNIS, Olsawa FARM TO REN4T. That excellent farm ai promeut oupile C> Mn. Tic.hon. husnorti lhalvas ef lots 88anti 84, 7th cou. Whitby. For par- ticuflar aspply te 187-tf. .B. -DOW, Soileiter. D.verell'sB look, Whlby., CA 8RD 0F THA NKS. 1Ihave t.inchiplesure naxkgW . Jolinaten, agent for the Agrieul li rrZl Imm>- asc Co.,,Wattown,N. Y., 1or-the. prmpt ettlwmnt ef my7 les. liet v osek kiIld l>y liglituing in l. fild on the night oethle 8rd et Auguti M188.Iwonld rieomm4nd sald Ce. te ail farmn wantingiu.uio. 87-2Sn. EIOHARD GUTEfII. W-ÂNTW Monteta eu,4msf=o usr tco may anCemmisson. I-a1 ak & ue oessful SÂAIT-AN igof né wbo wtuf aou,me' ina*naiminma. 'Il'. NEW GOODSJUSTINA Ladies' Short Vest and Queen Chaitns, Blrooches, Cuf Buttons, &c., -ALL TE- NEW PATTERNS Gents'.Chains and CufButtons, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knzves and Forks Muci reduced in Price. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired. JAMES JOHNSTON, BROO-STREERT, WHITBY. FARM FOR SALE. One cfthe best fari in Pickering for sale, containing one hundred and twenty- five acres. This property is situated on lot 15, B. F., i. one and a halt miles framn Pick- erng Village, hait a mile framn G. T. B. eta-. tien, three miles froum Piokeinlg harbor and six miles tramn Whitby. This i. a very de- sirable propertv and in a hlgh state aof culti- vation. For further particulars" apply ta JAME8 PIOAK.D, an the premises, or ta Pickering P. O .-SI-tf. WANTED. A small-sized good residence te rent. Apply at the OBaaNrCL» office. 86-tf W.]C. O']Brienm The aboeo signature at the bottom af a photograph is the besi guaran tee yean eau have that the pioture which se deligta aour m oyeas ail the artistie menit witli whiah Il in passible te treat the subjeek O'Brien's Dame an a pliotographer hoa a provineWa reputation, and lus piotures have probahly entersd into'more liouse than thonsa1 any other artiat. Within hie experience thus Ârthas undergone many importan.t changeïs, yetie hb. avaiiad himi efofevery mechani. cal mieas and every newly devised- proceu whloh ha. helped te revolutionize the Art, and lie stand. te-day in the front tank et the photographie profeasion. Hie window in constantly surrauuled by an adiniring crewd, whe witli great intereit view hie beautiffl display oet Art.-85.t. Farmito Let. That ve4dezable farm >at proment oc- cupled by Mn. Rierdan, being composol et Lat 26, 00e1. 8. To'wnship of W hutby, ade&0 magthe cepertien ef the TownofetWulby, and enntaiig. 190 acres, more or -leus. A Pl te David Ormiston, Bauitr bty, or te the unidersigned. 1[mmedi-' &te p;etssien. jVjý 2thý T. H. McMILLAN, Oshawa. Juy Bl,1888--84-tf. Farm toRet coetasniug 200 acni, 180 andor Cultiva- lien, being lot 24, cen. lot, Township ef Btc.O h. a'oove preanlmae Ivo frume barna, triviug lieuse, atone turnip elrabmicp sud liogpo"$ aisesoll for 26Md t caille, anti 10herse, vIWI[ a first-olas dwelllug ieuse, Land ila ig state et cultluaile. Pnl',legs of p.o22 , af 1er liarvect. Possession given lintImel-or or te J.hBTy AGENT!'- W. Hl. PIPER, jagonI for lhe- Ontario Pump coe'sWind'MiHJs,"aie ieosty los of tercesud 111 pmpemad,oifteni puMpe, wood sm4 ron, a&11arume t t Wark oaisaolory or nesasle. Ordelott a ruidonce, opposite 0xnOMcr. omfce or si IL acte2bon=I 'O Teqgtpb omfce wlflbe.ab- W hlby Aa , st oeut W . H..PIPZ B. FARM rO RENT. Dom n -Ion Warer.ooms, TAILORINO TO OR'DER -000- POWELL & CO. have secured the services of Mr. -D. MeCoil, of Toronto, to take charge of their Ordered Cloth.. ing Department.. Ele cornes to them very highly re-è commended by first-class establish-. ments in England, Scotland, United' States and Canada. A man of experi. ence and able to turn out a Good Stylish Suit. We are.receiving an~ unusually large Assortment of WorstedPatns Tweeds, Meltons, etc., and intend to give this department special attention, Corne and Se Our Gaods, Fit Guaranteed. POWELL &00. TRIS 8IW~TORIIENT AL E- CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE E ZThe ony catarh remedy ever effered te the puablic on 15 days ftril awrttsguaatee given with oaci Intrumnüt W. T. BÀalm * Ce., I~ ~ ~~ ~N A--5Qoo5reWet eoneOt IMIE MT M -AUl>LUPI EE inals notua msdlelnoa dgus lm ino Sp Da ely nd nlmmi Eje a? sghc"n tdîes an am MU" Nom*. Enclose stanip e hsouUy ilurew&Ud b aek and ut CUUE WOR WLL! I I hu auWffiberimedy fot Bad Legs, Bad Beda ~wWounds, os mandiU7cems It i. amons ferGot and Elieumatiem SF0i OISORDE80F THE OI4EBT,'BORE- TIROAT8, M#09111lT89 COUAH8, 001.08 Glândtlar.Swellings, and al 9kin Diseas i ias uýne qnl; for oontrated, and stiff jouta il acis Jike a cliani. Manfetrd ul a08, NMM OXFORD- STIREET osto 3:OFOD8Er)LNOand sol by aU Medicine Vendars thraugbout tbe. Word.' gr purehames ahl lok to the lâbel on thé PotsansdBos. Ithe addren z"netb8%,OxtordStU rio % nothsy are apurous VOL. X Established The LeadIng Wetkif ln- si pot, anuin lu advu Wise. -Subsoniptions a a ie efice of publication. Seam .-equipmenî sd Book sud Job prntig 1 Ontario, capable -ot execul work ftromlhe. large poste liàndbilt . Special mentiel uuspased pneus f soilitie zLui with its celebnated cylinjder presasud .othe eocc. Ever>' oden eôeii TERMS7 OF ADVE Firt insertion, pet lne, subsequcul insrtion, -0 et Dispiaycd Advcrtisemcî b>' a gaie o d Neupai acordingly. - - Advftisemns seul insrucionoi isrted ntl carged for full ime. - Orders fer disfoontinuinj must b. in wriîing, allir oru will ual b. respesili A, liberai diseonul for cc m e ula b>' h cyea. C p, cnrsol advctiscmenîsà in ual laer-tia Wedues et anylhitended -changes bèetore Tu%sady noon. meuls rccived up la, Thuw Business notices l boa Fivo cents per line veekIl per lune weekly. CorrspoudeueeoRduit et lhe Oouuty or neighbx correspoudets are requ their conmmunications1 passible, - HENDERSOIS 0H14 STANTON, Sup'l Mechanical Deî B ARITE oUilyt wrng-, ortHo8e, whi-l JAMES KUT! ~eyal HaliBook SI.9 DÂVID 1ORIT Zlhancery, Conveya twzuI he Office 1 Offi, uMOMiUaw~s BIG G. YOUJNGUBIOT] Jan. 92, OTW TCLLAIG,

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