Ad tems îlnfwofirhue The i4dey colIpiAeat uiltule me- 27 are frein-Ibis 00uuty; 8 frein other oounties; sud 88freinthe howu, 29 sro nov pupils, sud. 87 old. Mr*. T. Kavauagh, the veli.knovu hotel-keeper of Potorboro, bai]-a usrrov escape frein boing kils] Monday aveu. ing. Ho va starling eut viti bis spirite t ain etgreys vhen tbe homes suarts] off sud mnuîng on the si]evsbk vas pitces thmough tisa *iudlov cf a marblo ahop. Ho vas badly cul about the face an]beas], sud asaaled ssvera internai injuries. The borsea voeeluckily csught. Tueuday morning Mfr. A.. B. Tery's black iwater apaulnel juinpod frein the déock et the steamer Ervb ile psuilg lirougb Ibe "eout." The dog vas nol ,mieiod until toce late te atteaupt a res- eue, sud M r. Tsrry gave bis i]og up fer lest. On the upvard trip, hovever, bis dogsbîp vas discevemod srtting on a log sud takon ou board, bsving kept bis iouoly vatcb for a-bout oven heurs. If suicide vas lutende hh a] ovident. ly cbsuged bis min]. Weduosday eveuing sasthoesBturion wus passiug îbrougb lt.ecli] riverromute ou bier way te lh. Point thée ry "Look, look, se& lh. duok," rang ont, sud s ocordingiy thosa ou bear] quieoe] sud «"looked." The sight vas vethh lb. effort. A flock cf black duoki h"t muet bave numbere] fufly Ibros hundre] bai] isen frein Goose lake su] vero vingiug Iboir way lover]. lb. mile et the maso ofet amwpe sither thbrougb s deoite te teed or as a mess.- ~ure of enety. À dospslch-'frein Belleville says that s progressive youug Methodist mission. amy is snqnuiug imb the legal right et s Mormon missicnsry te perform a narriage coemny lu Ibis country. H. stêeestha s inuunai] Smith hem takon up bis Iompomsry aboeous Wilboroe, iu the vildsetfHaliburton oounty, sud dlaims teo s Latter Day Saint. Ho leaches lb. Mormon dc- tinne purs sud simple, sud is a mis. aionary seekiug for recmuils. Iluoe instance h. marrie] a couple, sud the quesion bas arisen, «"vas lb.eor.- mny bogally peorme] ?" Ho ie strlug up ceusiderable et a tas, su] noss ho la keopiug vithin lh. isv *proooedinga vill be taken. Wbile tbree yonng ladies ver. bon. tanising lu lb. voodea aI Seurgeen Peint on. ]sy lust vekthbey suddenly camne upon a wid animal proue ou the greunu] sif rssdy tle spriug ai hon and au deveur Ihein. Tbougb et 8mIn alarme] lhey dii] net gel ou s chair and soeam, as lbey voul] if Il bai] bosu s Menge, but after a consultation lbsy sdvsuced, upon the fée. They 9 athered sevomal large atones sud de- '1ver.] a fusilade upon lb. ousmy ithh ftalieffeet. Il"vaswukillo] des- deader Iben ii deer nail. The ventr.- soe nud plueky made then advauce] and ate]IsI lise"What4o -il" vas notb.iug less than a porcupie.-Post. asDm. Nation vas driving near lb. veelleti miii race, ou Toronto Street, on. day lest wcsk ou.eftheb reins b.- came outaugled around the -shaft an] th Iborme vas pull.] lInoe r acs. Te . alla] lustily for hebp sudvas John Gilbert slas peculier sort cf an ludividuat vbe meosidaestaIZophyr. Wheouois noteorazy bo is a firel-cisas orm ansupreonda ledo aM- extensivo Iradinlubuyiug an] moling sego, buIter, bides sud ée oaIlle. Whumn John bas s listleo ey lu bis peekot. ho is a bahing snd very important porsonae sud Whou ho slaà "a 111e short ler -onoalvays, itlsa ad, afew famnslu ths saions rdiosmoul. The. ohher'day, hos couel de' that b.obcd inhabidlei~s ve of lfarsqutslougeuougisMd ho p rocs.].] le choko of hmbisait,, ha. bM"'imselfte]post. Usfortuat- ly, bis vite enter.] Uu itlbêpoouo h- Ides w -go *Aaslmoubli-downe Oue- day lads> wek me oft ont meut *ulhuslpsoe shemsa fu-ased.] l hooki on orl Isa a séJ*.I Mt. Work t the. Xov'Piano Paotory, of voeus" , L ims Su, c aklug Roud vrogros. Soois cf hojoisisare laid' in thé. nov building sud the ,Windows ter tb. firet storey are being placed int position. Th-ero vas a éligbt deiay for vaut cf bik, but, new au simple sapply la on band. Mr. Orsssweler, Mathemiatical Mut-. or of Oshawa Hýgh School, bas tender- od bis resxggabton te the Boord et Eduostion, te take offet lot of Qcober, ho having received the appointinout of H.oad Master of Essai Center Hligli Sohool, sta' qalary of $1,100 per anuin' 1fMr. Orasswelier. bas been a very paiustsing and suoceuefuLI teacher while there, and his removal frein Oshawa wfil b. muoh rogretled. For some months pa&sth-ors bas ro* sided in Oshawa a man-zof middle age, who passed hiînself off s umsà ried. Last winter ho. becamdýacquainted wîth a Young lady of th. town, aud bs since been paiyîug his respects le bar. A fow wseks ago, oescofthb.officiais cf Oshawa roosived a leter frein a woman in England, iuquiriug aie jo the where- aboutsof iber busband, i lb.saie lime giviug' bis description. This poor woma anita- eau foreakon by hier busband, and left unprovided for te eure for two littie children, white ber bearbles husband was trifing with lbe tbooaffeotiou. of anotber. Fzom the. description rocoived, tb. official of lb. towu, spott.d th. in uwhom in ho-o lieved vas being sought fer, aud sent full particulars of bis appearano., habits, eté, te bis wfo in Englsnd. Tbis week a lettor vas reoeived frein the vite, who reooguized Ibis insea ber husbauid. The Youug lady and ber parents were gréatly astonishod wbsn tbey vers shovu tb. correspoudance. SmDo. Ibis beartiese individual arrivedl in Oshawa, ho bas obtained a good situation, sud for the preseut vo r.- frain from'rgiving naines, ilutheb. ope Ihat h. viii recedo frein bis proeut mode cf living, and moud for bis vife- sud fsuiily sud give Ihain as einfort- ahi. s livina, as hoe bas been ojoying Patrick Boland vas taken toe .gsel st Toronto frein Mount AIbort, Frlday_ te, sail triai aI the Assises où tbe charge cf oriminal assant. It is alleg- ed that tho prisoner ini company vith ene Archy Good wiuoutered the bouse of 0 tau, Higgs ou the. second concession cf E*ot'iwiliimbury, on th. uight of Aug. 20, and cominuttod tb. offenoe. Goodwiu o"d net h. iudeuhi.fied se ho Was discbmarged. A sad s;cideut ocoured ou lbe Brd ef Whitchurc at Momday morning, whicb resut ed in lb. udd.n dealli ef Mfr. Josha Drury'o eldeat boy, &bout 12 years ef âge. Prom wbsl vs eau isaru, Wi1ie"tad jp.t fiish.d rakiiag a field sud wu, lriving lewards lh. barn on a ligbt trot.The.beros. oommuned te incresse ils -puc. aud il -soon realized that il bad ils ovu way. (living an extra duk hbre*v u> its bina test aud struck tle. util boy ip lhe stoui.h s"d lange, knoekiug hlmu off tb. seat. TIr. hors. oontinued ou ils "ansd- smash- ed the sulky tek. le atoins. Whou 1Mr. Drury rMabed -bis littho boy 1f. vuasie. tinot. iî inprobable tisaI bo nover breathod à ftr rsceiving lbe blov. He was a bright asuative 11111. felow snd tb. very ouadd.udeat h ba ait sglocin oer th. neigbborbod.-Eoomit. budby aà chip fysg fi a oirlu saw. The. dootor tai l. mi el md Mr. Viauotliai "on. of tle. bof lb. Palmf ut hehbad wasoomlng ouI.» WMn oas otour loosi msdloslisto sav il, ho proconnuae i.aboie aswog diagnosig, sud teprove lhé trath o f bis' aasolu" ed h bad dpufl. eut * pins aiplinlpy Ihre luches .1long by ouï broal sud hit au, Iuhlbl*k 1 Tuis lb, untortute Cm nba<d oaurlê wmonudMlhihm for Ibm monlus, your poeux ?"" 4Teumark«." »TflaI, vas an mnunit. Wbat did yèU- say- t hl - ""~obu.I sialy1pockols4 Whe Boston cbild -ab Nabantl 3ea- "Papa sees you, biaby 1 ThroW hlm ki8s." Bahy-"Ob, sl ester, boy Os»ý you ? Heu been awsylor thmeo veeke, sud would. think me svfuily torvard t»ý -Time. II sy, Dunley," ssii] Brovu, "enu yen baud me forhy dollars 2" "Forty dollars 1" sxclsimed Dumley vitb s gasp. "IWhy, iny dear frieni], if I bsd foty -dollars toe lod I voubdn't be sobor .nougb le ceunI it eut." A travelior in Graso ay thal 'the Grsek Isnuaga bas neyer died, omie lev learusd meu baving alvays spoken tb. clssical idiomn. ltlaI country the ueopspers are 'lb.ebief proinotors et tb. literary batguaga. Wife-John, dear, if il shouli] b. my iistrtune te dia betoro yen do, do yen lbink yen veu] marmy &gain? Hus- hsnd-Well, I dunno, My love. Unhil it comas te hlr M n man e 1 oy h. vould b. ahi. te- stand prosperity. Equal te the occasion. Ha (summor. lng lu the couatry-"Sball I assisI yen over Ibis vire fonce, Mande ?" 8h.- "Ne, I eau de vory nicely hy myssif; sud in ltse meautima, Cbarlay. I vish yen woul] study thal bauk cf clouds iD lbe veet sud teii me if itl bocks ike ain."-Texaa Siftinga. A Watsmbnry, Conu., Rirl bad s cal of vbich she vas oxtremely fond sud vhioh showod grest affection for ber. The girl die] sud tba cal gel inte tbe rocin wbere tb. body lay, sud as accu as il 55w the face ef ils des] mistres foul dead wilb a grean. This story is si] te be veil autbenticatod. A notable family gathering eccurred ah the residencaetfElijsh Fitch lu Hep. kinston, Mass. There vers represoul. o] attheb.gsthering four ganarations. Duriug the oveuiug eue cf tb. fourtb generahion vas cbristeued. The- dresa voru by lb. infant was ver. by 1h. grandfalbsr aI bis cbristeniug sud th. bib vas oveoea buudrod years old an] bas beon use] aIual&U.t axily christen- Oaa a mSwallov aanaeao.bafl1 Well, "that depends." He eau if bis lismat Îs large enongh and th. ca.nnon-bsl not toc large. Tise question really uosa verthy cf soniO oonsii]erssou in vie'w of lie Mixe eofoome cf the pilàs t are presorbed for sufferng isnmamity. Why nol tbrew t.hem te tisedoge," snd leke Dr. Piorae's Pleasant Purgative Pelleta ? Smnai,sunger- ooaled, purey vegetable, perfeolly hrmules, iu glass, sud elwayu frsulm. Ben Walkor vas fatally shot by Joe Lamu- bort in Louisvile, Ky., lust night wvile beeting a venin. KOins Hmate. Mrs. Robert Williamson, et Glenila, FerrySound, Ont., »syi,«1Icoul] net keep bouse viSsent Hegysmi]'. Yellov OU aht han]. I have se] il M, mjrfamilr for Croup, Bore thrcet an] s'Ontl, s e highly recommen] i6t t everybody.0 On 8nrdsy à Irise billvvu toua]agalual Jacoba, tise Osugiuevag murderer. To ail visearm suffering frein tise er sud indisceotious of yeuth, norvous *wek, usas, erbj deoey, boss cf manisood, &o., 1 S sedarecipe tisaI vii cureyo%, FRER 0F CHARGE. The grest rémd vas disoovered. by s m"unry iu& Amerlos. Seuil a si-adau enveoc ho lis. Bey. JoeuirsT. iw.x, s aon D New York OUv. -Mr. Devdney wlll probably b.e pposodin l for Infante and ChiNdrèe. Cahorauuwefada~stocilrentkat ICastorilacures 011,Oolle tion, 1[recolmend It as supeior to any precrStour 51 Stomach, Diarthoea, Eruzctation, kwwtnm- ]E à AxEm4 I D, illaWorms ives slsep. aMd Promotu 1 U lOxfOSad 8L., BrookMynX. Y. 1 Wl ùltgmlu madlutoe THE CENTJDE Ooxrâ2rr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ARCADE9 TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPINU, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS OORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AB1THMETIC, SHORTHÂND AND COMMERCIAL LAW, TYPE-WBITING PBÂOTICÂLLY TÂUGHT. FINEST- ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Otroular. Addreise. 27 0. O'DEA, Secret ary. A Positive Cure. +' A Painless. Cure. TACTS FOR or 0AAL GES. TBIitRF4T B5..LTPHREEfrEUp Marvel of Hleafig, and Kohinesi'oet edicne, £"Im- 'w.~~ the £err'le eoaacquueuem o ai diserettea, Erpesur.and Overwork. Wisc are broken Jowu frox» the effecta of abuse vii find lu No. 8ea radical cure for nerve debility, orgm.nie weaknoe, involnntary vital losses. etcr. SMoxu pou wwmcu Ne. il EouLD nz Usa.-Want of energy. vertigo, vaut ot purpose, dimues. cf ught. aversion te eoelety. want of confidence, avoldance or conversation, desireJor solitude, listlemaansd inability le i the attentioni ou a particular subjeci. oovardice, depression of spirits, giddiness. lose o memopry, excitability e! lemper, ser-. matorrhoea, or Icon cf thse nominal fluid-the resuit cf self-abuse or :marital ezcees-Lupo- tency, initutrition, emaciatien, barrennesa, palpitation of lthe heart, hysterie feelings in à ufemaiu remblinq, mulasdlioly, dlturbingdresasete., are ailsyniptamef Ibis terible habi, otenlnms lnccflty squin].t 9l shorit, Sieteprin; cof vital force laaving lest its -lenien..ver funtionvans Su enseuen e cetifio vnters auçitise supenintendenla ai inasnft asylrius urite in ancibing te thse effecta of self-abuse ltme great mnalenily o! vaste] lire'l whiech corne under themu notice. If yen -are incompetent for thme ardueus duties of biisiness, lncapacitated for tise enjeyments c! lite. 1Ne. 8 effersans escape frem lise offecta et early vice. If yen are advanced iu years, No. 8 viii giva yen fulIl vigor sud strngth. If vn are broken dowu, pisysically sud meralUy freni early indiscretien, tise rosio ignoranmce and felly, send yeur address sud 10 conta lu atamps fcr M. V. LtPoNs Treatisei Book Form ou Diseasesoe Man. SWaed and secure frex observation. Addresx ail ecunimunlcadtlo M LV% ILUDN, 47 Wecliugt à St ., Teoeuto. A Man witiout w--sdom laves in a foors paradis.. CuM$G3UARMJ1EED-. IEAL THE SICK. A A à a e e , . Do yen fe duil, langid,Jlow-spirlted lita. less, and Indescribably raiserable, -both physi cally and mentslly;ý experience a sense of .fuliness or bloating affer eating, or of "Igone. ness,"' or eimptineaS of stomach in1 the morn. Ing, tongue coated, bitter or bail teste in mouth irrguiar appetite, dlzziness, frequent headac~is blurred eyeslght, " floating specks"î before the eym, nertous, prostration or ex. haustion, lrtability of temper. hot flushes, alternating with chli sensations, sihar biting, transient pains bers and there, colTd feet, drowsîness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant Indescribable feeling of dread, or of impen&i In, calIamlty? of tou ave l, or any considerable number of es syptonsyou are sufferin froni that most common of Amercan ,maldes- Bilious Dyspepsie, or Torpid Liver, asociateij with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion.- The more complicated your disease bas become, the greater the number and diversity of symp.. toms. No matter *bat oae it bas reached, Dr..Pierce's Golden ltdieicIDlscovery wiIl subdue it, if taken according to direc. tions for a ressonable length 9f time. If not cured, complications multiply and. Conaîimp- tion of the LungaSlin Diseases, Heart isease, Rheumatisim, Édney Disesse, or other grave maladies are quite liable to set in and, econer or later, induce a fatal termination. Br. Pierce's Golden 1inedicaJ Dis. covery aets powerfuily upon the Liver, and through , Éat great blood - purifying orgaix, cleanses the system of ail biood-talnts and im- purities, from wbatever cause arislng. It la equally eflcacious in acting upoi tte Kld- neys, and other excretory organs,cleansnoe, strengthcninig, and bealing theirdsce. an appetîzing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion and nutrition, tbereby buiding- up both tlesb and strength. In malarlal districts this woriderful medicine has gained re= oelebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chilis and Fever, Dumb Ague, snd kindred diaease. Dr.. Pierce'@ Golden 1Itedlea1 Bis. covery CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common fllotch, or Eruption, to the woret Serofula. Salt-rheu, IlFei er-sores," BSly or Rough 8ki, in short, ail diseases caused by b~ blood are conuieréd by this powerfui pýurifying,,and inyiýýorating medi- cine. GreaV Eating biers ra'pidly hea under Its benign Influence. Espociatlly bas it man»- fested Its potency in curing Tetter, Eczema,- Erysipelas. Bouls. Carbunces. bore Eyes. Serof- ulous Bores and Sweilings Hip-joint*Diaea8e, IlWhite Swelilngs," Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Einlarged Glands. Send ten cents in etampa for a large Treatise, with colored plates,'on Skmn Diseases, or the same amnount for a Trtçatise on Serofulous Affections. "'FOR THE BLOOD ES THE ILIFE.9" Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce'. GoldenIliledîcalimDscovery, and good digestion, a fair skmn, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health wiil be established. CONSUMP TION, wbieh le Scrofla of the Lung., la arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken' in the earlier stages of the disease. From ita mar- velous power over this terribly fatal diseese, ,when firet offerlng titis now world-famed ream- edy to the public, Dr. Fierce thought serlously Of Caig Ù9It hia &"COrmSUxpTUoN (uR," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine whlch, frox» its wonderful com. bination of tonic, or strsngtening, alterative or blood-cleanalng, anti bilousectorIan nutritive properties. la uneq flot on]v aa-remy for Gonumptior. but- for l Liver,-Blood, uandLug, For Weak Lung, Spittlng of Blood, Short-. nese o! BreatM honic Nasal Catarrit, Bron- chitie, Asthma, Severe Cougits, and klndred affections, it la an efficient remody. Sold by Drugglsta, at PAO, % or Six Botties book on Conoumption. &é4 liru': Dispessary Medical Associatiois Mla mai n S., BUFFAÀLOlN. Y ion Suiio th at& d t«=rr.a d4sesse Se on b9: in (CrOur Ir am o iW»unceowl ug. si to 1 Shiemman d.uriig th ec ui tlme Banale, -à azsuut oet S168,000O00, ctal, year ouded June ce0-000Our0 againil lb. I- Taking élîber esl r t, lb. affect is porteci ad sncb.-a alateocf Ibim Il ,p witbou a nger cf a cilpanicin Ibis couati Tho procaediugs-ot C ausng -Ihese day&. nostly cf vhat would b4 longuage of-lbé prizo - for position." A.nd the edby lbheinembera ef bi j jmning cicr sud undoz talia OY funny bo a 1 t 1 iner elad. ; but il r tiQItha inu ngaged 'a cl4anqe Word imsy eaubi znëmber tha coveted raui b district. Lot us be r nD tpoliticiaua.- inoater A.ilison's utai lbc appropriatiope for t] ye à r $421,000,000, sud suçioinafrom ail source TI st viii leave a su rpîni ne -~ulabout the amouni ag,)newspapor maungive yaor for pin monay. ¶eateam pista prini th~ Bureau cf Engravin hi bve beu abolisbed, H ms a au o 114by tho bu1 previding liaI s] se9eurities shah ha prli Plr'Bes. Plhe Senste han passai re OIution cauling ou tbe ce less cf ail remonutra de nands upon Eugisnd lb t roalmeut cf, Amer by Canadian officiais. Ir4e ropublicans -ef tl rabovered frein the- teà mte which 1Mr. COlvolas lis rejection oet the f lhr.w Sthow, sud nov th iavwùg beau fora momin Tliat ia allright,lel hygol Bu îwba-siabout the mou publican ganaoms ieid nighl te diseuse thair ht sai], but i t wouid b. sat they dii]- noS nogboci They ar~e not doing muw wha the -polioycf tle, pi vih-regard-te lbe messi opinions -expressed-ber beVaevethat, lb. Sbnatlui givlng lb. Presidént tie * 1el w ho &asks.afloplsi on Iracoid a0 behievsng il Il 6ail tb. autborlty for asekod. Il may nût bêsa presso mong-Our na, lb t-aü Ibis Ialk about -à lar dasa-heoosiI of. ou a j ke- et igedmo t 1 said-; IlWhy, 'vi et h e plakrl, fil kvilable modemn arrn waF which coul] r.ach -G m in re -e vesfrom th w9-have fitee'n veusels 9 oold nofet b moiIjz. Mônh, sud vien the, ati-e me huit uil arbe vir bees J-: