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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1888, p. 5

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BARNÂRD il BXeWKNG À HlandsomO 8tock of Noveties, -Ix- J EWELR Y, A&nd Sn exoeptionafly fine stock et WATOHE si SoIid Gold, Filed d8Si/ver Cases 0f excellent designuama quaity, PRICES DOWN Ju S. BA RNAIIRD, w I ITBY-rX FRIDAY, SEPT. 7, 188&~. LOCAL LACONICSI WHAT 18 801N6 ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS BLEANED BY CHRONIGLE REPORTERS "A chel's arang ye, t&kin notes, An' faith hell Prent it. Mr. . E. Farewell ails for borne on Sept. lSth. Whitby-barber is ta hecome a ceahing station in sarniddling eized manor. DR. Ryermou Lb.evolkuovu special, ige in oye, oan sud hrost diseases bas returned .te Tenante aften a tbres monLtis tour aI medicsi observation through Europe.-l in "B1oNus" write,' :-Wili yciu sîhovin to enquire et cor wbrtby Mayor if he av any ýwoollWn mils in an1iObsd wbat vould be thé ProspFau of obtai ing a bonus ta stant one timiiar tW Lb. Wbitby Woohhsu frtiPs. If tho tewn couhd send asminuup there sud turu euî milh upon them for what t ceai us, travelling expenees for Lb. agent migbi be added." Itii. veli W hbe pested in Lb. practies dotails ot ene'a business,.Lb.ernore os- pecislly e vheu Lb. business je ex ceptioually intricate. 810,0W0 vas ne- cently saved by the, Mocauslands, of Toronto, vben an Amenican pe'cist lu the Stsined Glass business lound to bis surprise that hie firn b.d ho.. wanking for years tb. very item that ho bad Le dispose -ot sud vbich vas sup- posed lo be ofîrocetdisoovery.-88rn0o Mn. Henry Wilson, et Home Nur- meries, flapie Grove Fanin-the aine H.W. ha s snob a favorite vitb Lbe lades lftatthis effice onTueiday two -'pe"ieusefthie imrpned fruit oi their nurseries. One is a coorbiustiom of three applos on eue stem, &Il grovi jutoesaab othen, sud Lb.he ther lea group cf four ou oeetm. Sncb fuil trees as iheso are the kind We purobasei Those malformations may ho seen b; calliug at this office. Sein.m meauhy-dispesed parios anonuè tovu eem te make iL their business tc hanses the contracter for the «s vowe hy playiug ahi orte cf mesu tricksaoe hum. One night ast voek those pai tise mcaped up eueugh manuiro off Lbi grasu to filLb.h cous8e beete et the mez engsged sathLb.werksud also pieter.ï the overehints sud ovenhauhe cf tLb imn uin 1h. amewsy. Ltis netknovi thatibe lesasi ard -feeling existe hi tweau Lthe drillons sud any oee-aroun Levu, 80 it is believed thoe su noyance aire the mère resuit o e . onkinge o s viscoua mind. UXBRIDGE Jouwnal ;-Oue bund sud tbirly.oigbt, jusl tbiuk cf il 1I Thst is Lb. numben et nnmarried Young ladies in 8touavflle 'Who eau hsrdi'y meare up a dozen beaux btveen them from ibm Youug men ot lb. saine place. Lesit vo b. ceosured for smung Lie Young ladies et thai proapercus littIe village vo may remark thal ve are tsking the statemeul et a vnlter 40u the Stouffville Tribune, Who deplores Lhe tact that Lb. youug mou are attentive te strange youug ladies, but net te thome of iheir evu village. BElher' Lb. Young ladies or gentlemenofet Stuffigll aire te b. pitied.- W. don't knàov wbicb. Tais aungal apple-steahing season bas- cerne areund, sud tLie o f our olteni vho pooeu fruit trem. ae loud lu them Complainte cf thé. d*Prdahicua 61 thé smsll bey. The averoeéboy tu a imm baiever lu lhe equalty of7 the FNUS' Race; he daie is *jualnfghts wl every mâe, sud sinelîdes viih enny G*oog, lu affiang liaI po one upon buaabetter ulghé te Ub. 4 on of propen3 lienils felow. <1 vllug to grant tii. M»Don berw 4#w a upl >a0 ualidght t tew - * ** " oip *It)s ieef, ho rai to "0U a.b aipio Of te ineWha :TNDAY SEKYZOES AT il ÂK.X-AND- 7 P. K. The. W. 0. T. U. Baund cf Hope will :assemble ou Monday Sept. 109#i ait 4 lolock in the Frea Resding Boomn. Tacs. Webste8ý Esq. of Paris, Ont. krud Wôwtby Patriarcb, of lthe Ordor fSons of Temperance, paid à fratorual msis te Wbttby Division on Mondsy veniug. H.R roceived a hearty wel. irne and wue greatly Iýloeed with the coceedings of the eveuing. A police court c ame of smre irnport- ýce wae fiuiebed bore ouniYriday luet. chn Regan,<oW Ot@awâ, wLs travelling m the loal frorn Toronto, but had ne-- ected to purobaso a ticket. On beiug bked by the conductor.fer bie ticket, e tried te *"tip" t he rail .way man, but tdidn't work. Refusai led te worde, vorde led to blowm, aud blews led te aw. The firui ime off tbe constable brr.eted the wrong.-mnuand Jom. Bogan ad te be dinmiesed. Hewever, Jne. legau came up on Friday, asu d plesded 'Uilty, W&@ fiued $5 audCoosta. Lt je Sidered ho got off prstty ývelI. Before Hie Honer Judge Dartudil in i.e chambore bore ou Mouday a peculi- br came wus tried arieu ot ef the gyrtieemheetiug affraY. Lt will b. re- nernbered that Brown after beiug shot s attendedfor a couple of weeks Bt Vernou's hanse near the M~yrtle mtation. ÇVben tb. bill wspreseicted it wasfouud Vernon ohargod 8100 foi hie trouble, ànd oued in defanît of payment. The lefezidants effened $50 snd coas and fterwardm paid over $80 into court. Jpen hearing the case. Judge Dartueli gave judgment fer.$40 sud comte. Thene waesa etrike -in ther Gazette. ciffice last week. Tbe-whele staff, cu. aisting of two prentices aud the devil, made a amribe for a rednetien of heure [rom twenty per day Wto &n, aud for à aise te s quarter a day aud board hemeelves. The. proprietor Ia making ho town azid outlying townships a pros. unt of their votona' lise, snd canuot af- ord te psy the poor little urchmms enongh te buy malt with, if the potatoos n'ere throwu in. As Wo the clame of werk the townsbip will receivo wo shall lave te vwait and see. à man who eau worry in hie wbole. lifo grnding mier- able work eut of poor bslf-paid boys, ian aur sympsthy. -Chine.. labor sud Chinese work-Johbu Heathen China. men ail the way thnengb. W. under- etsnd the Uazetle ains e lone in bie glory thie week. Six pages of last week'e issue woro patent and this woek the whole eight vill p!obably ho tb. marne. Lt is s etranKo tbing bow mrny loaf- ire bang aronnd ibis town at this bnsy season of the yesr. Tboy stand &round witb their ïoot, sped and their baoks ehioeod against'walls by shoir banda. Tbeir oyes display s dim, nethionusa which msiLee one feel tired teloock at Lborn. The only tbing whioh bW tokens lhf. in these fohhovu is tb. mwift- nos with which tbey chew sud spit tobacco. ýbeir clothes always did look a littie more than balf-woru sud always wiii. As ve may iL is's stra'nge tudy te ns what sn~ob Young, foihove from fif Loin -t twenty-lve intond tinsko of thsrn- selves. And the wormt foature in the tbîng in tbst, after Lhoy have been idie a wbh ieh devil Labos them undor hie espacions wing and induees them Le plot sud perpotrate misobief. On on- qniry vo are told moet of tbeso loafon liv. on thoir parentesud vil net work. As the saying im, the wvend oves thein à living sud Lbey are oeakiug- it pony np. or the drill wouhd Dow b. in tLb ottes of the. id. te b. fisbed ont-. Whe, Lb. men came tW their vork inu Lb rnoring sboy found the b'on "01ti sud tb. big wrnuoh red bot. à mmni nov sistioned ftherenlghta te vals, prooeodings. From the followingststeoeent funial .8 ue people May form su ides01eth imeportanc of - Whitby as a "oain station :.-Ovmr su4d shove the larg quautiiy ofecoal, sy 5000 teou, for Lb use of our tovu sund neigbbàrhoo lau season, 1887, Lbe Boathbun Go. fa whom E. S. Blowp mon of John Blov, 1 agent, adlmd one thound Lhnb hudrd o ns o drib Un b tox Peterboro sum eu sIto Georgis Bs nonth-wout snd intermodisi. pie.. This- sesson Up, te presnt date Lu thomaud tons have been alreid hsîndled euth sother, thousand pet I ehîp.T1his -means', a orelati about as tnany dollais in froight, toni uàlsdlig Vessehs, sblpp#ing on amertc# The vessels brnigg this ooai(nunu vfth an average ef sqven men mobl) au patruize ar groeoesand bntbhé» fe ikani"r&bla f t i,,.unit. mas.A A 1 - - - -- -7- , : e,-- s 7 n- Ai l ool ay B for 20e.. a yuarmnos. 1 1 anuel 1 1 Ai Lb. firet et Lb. year, vben pnint- ing contracts en. rbeing let, Lb. Gazette teudered at figures farunudor Lhose et other papons, sud vas ahle. W bouat cf big undentabluga. Nov Lb. Gazette maan fludu ibat ho gete ouly uiouey onough tW psy fon hall bis contracte sud bas W do Lb. balance for pothing. To Inake thinga square Lb. feilov uudertoek te tek. tb. vork out et his poor listh. 'prentios nîgbte. les geLs nothing Ion the vonk sud vanta il doue for uotiing. Thus poon 'prente boys are roahly oompeiled te cletho sud board thommlvas viii. they slave hall the uigbt Le do vork for rioh municpalitios ton nothiiug. That's boy chesp tenuh. rate prnting ia doue. This veok- Lb. Gazett mn infldo bimsohf shono stand- ing in a corner pichiug type hike a voodpooker. The littIe felleve bave, oeuutored op courage te tbrov avay vitLMime they bave apeut ai tbe busi- ness sud have quit vork. To be left &loue as ha m, is a BLttiug nouard for a inuwbo vihI net .11ev sny reai pintar Le bave vorb, snd wbo expeota te make up bis losses by workiug Lb. skia ef bis 'prentices nigbte. 0f Lb. lan ef vork that is doun s u mueba vay voneed Bay nothiug. Those vbo have had il sel- dem nepeat thoin endors. TueOrOillii Times telle a good story about spplo.mtealing ;-Speakiug of apple.sealing, only tbls veek the usushly posooful Village oftWanhansheue vas plaug.d lute a Lurmoil et excite. meut aul onUoieb.apple -hoving propeneiliaet of ne et !ta boys. Au applewteva L.iuzooulcans e fLb. Eaenc diaruptien five Lieusasd yeans &go, sud but for ite seduotive sveetneas Lth. hurmae.migbt saIlb. lu paradis..àA utile sour appe vas Lhe spning of a Vary unffiondly dispute ho. tween near neighbors et. Wanbaumhene and Lb. sud is not, yet. Lt Ssemata eue nigbt hastweek ta certain goa citi- sen named Blanehard, 'diseovered e little plot amougst Lie boys, lb.,;con.ý iracy lu proceas et Incubation belng' te rob severai erchards, eue of wbhie vas tie luxations phintitioiaof a eîgb- bon named Htart. - Mr. Blanchard in. foruod Mn. Beitof the boy' d esigus onheProperty lsud1pes» cfmd The latter beîng 'foraedo, ,rprerd for heti tes sd he . 81i1g cf veu eo eu-ls thene Of. Juet ta handl a splendid assorîrnent.of wool kuit Shawls3, suitabie for Bating, Evening Wear, qtc.' HOUSE F U RN1S HIN G S Theregular Meeting of the W.'(3. W- U. vil b. hsld thlm (Priday) afternnocu in the Pros Boading Buoom at 4 o'cock. Sheriff Paxton vont te Toronto on Woduesday te coudttot Belmonît te, Kingston for the feur and a hall yesna' incarooration h. je te put in cenneotien with the raid ber. hast winter. The uight trafflo tbreugb bore in the direction cf Toronto le quit. extenmive. Thero msy not b. any danger, but peeple viii do ne barm te anyone by sleeping wiib Lbe open oye on tho poultry yard. Those vomen vbo drive onth sing. iug about ton o'clook nigbts bail botter quit Lb. vocal part, or thon. is danger of distating nesideute botween Lb. town and Lb. trunk. It je borrible muuic aud eligbtly suggestive cf Lb. Salvation srmy Lvsug. The man vbo don't do anytbing. wbo do't waut "to do auytbing, sud wbo den't kuew bey te doauytbing, alwva Baye Lthevu je iduil. Mou wbo venb, who ike te vork, snd vbe knov boy te vork, alwaym say imaem are pnetty fait.- How is it ? Weuldn'L iL b. a good ides te dispense vith the services of the former clama sudsk tbern Le go .W a tovu tbey dou't ojil duil. Every merning finde a numben ef trottons en the nov track, imboring up jointe. FueL rate races oouhd ho gatten np without going out cf town. The h1ateet eporting addition im a four year aid of Mayor Long's vbioh is boiug scrapodl down by Obarley Scott. Thon. viii ho morne fun at tbe fair, sud Lb. trotter who gives Wbitby herses bis dust vili bo a good one.. Tho farmers anound bore bave bad an uusualiy big harveoS sud now are eujoying vbat is etiUl more unusual. At ibis season of Lb. year thon. is al- ways trouble about plowing the sun- baked oeil. A phow.paint bardly evor laste more than a couple cf days in Lb. bard greund, sud is geDeralhy laid by bslf-worn. This year tb... second band pointsan.r plenty goed enoughi and wenb spheudidly. 0f course iL isu'L goed fon trado but tbe grangen nejeicea considerabiy. The people at Almoud's have couoiud- ed te have s bit cf a celebration over tbeir good cropo, sud a grand Hanveet Home is t o held on Friday, Sept. 14tb. Decenatione cf field and gardon producs are te be phaeed &round, while pouhmny aud fruit sorved in &I tastetul waye are W ,b. g'van as the spociai- ies of Lb. grand 4 o'chook banquet te b. beld. A good deai of eujoyrnent will folov. Tbe proceeda are Wo be umed in building eheds tW unotoot bermes daring divine service. No. 1, 1888 - i DEVERELLYS BLOCK, - - WHITBY, FAL 188 ]Elegant Range of New Fali Dress Goods and Tweedsfi at prices lower than ever. Don't Fail to see our Goods Before Purchasing. We are showing a G-ood UJnion *Flan nel for 15c., and' a first-class Ail Wool Grey Flannel for 20e*., whieh is mueli better in qiiality than anything betore offered, Our Dress Goods at 121c. per yard is a surprise toaàl who have seen them. NEW GOODB ARRIVING DAILY. Remember the Place, J&1"TDZIEE W M i?088 tL.~ GLASGOW W A-R EH OýUlSEI R & m CAMFBELL DRES,8 GOOD,.=We are 8showinalarg'stoo f« me DeeGos bmid o, -Mao "Ub riute, Giüghamo, -Seer-Buokers, (lÇhambraye, S3hawls. Iài. ThrW ad i81k (30=1 , Merino and 13albriggaan Hose, Parasols, Embroide GENTS'oy Ties, Collans, 0(Juis raoes, -Morn=oUnd( unen a sa-H p0 CuaB USjýPan >y traws, Boft and Har& Yelt -ats. A- Big Lot of. Fanqy Straw Hat mf eGeae z t2C CLOT I O. e~d-Mae Sits&udBle I'Gaments, Our Linou Ooats the. thing. for warwtiher., In the Ordered O1othin~ fltting suit1, m e BOOTS -ANO S'HC ShoSu Slippers, Laoe, jShoos. 1Boys asud Girls GROGCERIES.Te Selle, G1assware àa& O WANTED$«-i Mis, lorLb àdres itby te of lent- b ito nder aext. land i. in bor itby. orth hici are and Ilng id a barn sud bal- 0 of as- pur- -TAB3LE LINENS in Cream and White, handoome patterns and grand value, and positively assert tiat w. can give you better quality and vaine than'any firm in county. WHITE COUNTFýRPANE S. Tihe best patterus- we ever had and 1h. quality is very rieli. We o:ffer big bargains in above Gooda. LACE CURTAINS in excellent designs and patterns, Cream aniâ White, and extra good value. Âsk for our New Curtain ilolders. NÂPRINS, D'oyles, Towels, IÀnens, White and Grey Cottons, Muslins ini Plain aud Checks, -flandker- chiefs, Gloves and Hosiery. 41 new Steck-specially good value. DRESS GOODS-to hand our first lot of Plain Meltons in Navy, Garuet, CJardinal, Brown, Grey and Black, from 10c. per yd. up. uLSTER, Mandie aud Jacket Clths, for Fail Wear. W. show a stylish lot of Patterns ana colors, The latest Styles in Gents' Felt Hats, Collars, etc. 1

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