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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1888, p. 7

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'Pîôkorng Council.' The Township Conneil met si lie leva -hall, Brougham, ou Bionday, Augnet 27tb, Mrt. Mackey, 1st depuly reevo, in lb. chair,- Minutes of lait meeting nesd sud approved. clommunicaticne read r. bail condit. ion cf bull quarter mile north of Liver. ,Pool manket, sud frosu the. Prncipal of the. Ontario institution for lhe blind. Brantford. Accoonut vers thon handod ln, sud rýoquisitiaus froce iffereut trustees for the noessary amoanîs for ohool pur- poes on motion Mr. Aloi. Waddoll vas board aeking that tle b. given hum ho lajy ou bis property in order te conduet water throngh a colvert, sud prevont it fnom rnnniflg over the road on 9th cou. à Une.1 The Standing 0ýmmnittee ou Sheep Killed by Doge bqg bave to neoet sudi neoommend s f8lowe: Paymont te 44s1 C iaon Johueten, tb. soim of $6.66, 4eIng tvo thirds sworu value of orne Oeep killed. Ail cf vhich is respect. tnlly snbmittod, Jas. L. Palmer, chair. man. on motion cf Mn. Palmer report vas - adolptod. e -' The Standing Commithe ou toese sud bridges beg leave bo report sud s'.com- Deud-- as follows :-To John Goslin, ! . bale.nce of grrant opposito lot 11, on 9ti con., D. Pngb, coOW, $20.24; HaV King on sat. of oontract $of timbet, $40; Thos. White, ou sect. et contract cf graveiliug roa vest of Brougham. Thos. Ponoher, com., 825; John A. White, for gravellina between lots 6 sud i ~ 7 ou 6th con., Alex. Rodgens, com., $50; John A. White, for building colvert on 7tb con - opposite lot 7, S. Msekey, ocm; $18 50; John M. Gerov, 2e- per cent. [T. on $-28 67 subsoniben for @idevalk in tb. vilage ofBroughm, 85.92; Aloi. Wad- deli, for 207a yards cf gravel et Bots. par yard, suppliod ou J. Barnes' coo. tract aud to, John E vans, psthmaster, $816.58; W. W. Sparke, for suroriutend- ing oonhrsct ou eidanosd leading to r Pickering Harbor, $5; Thos. 0. Mo. oi Avoy, for repairing bridge sud ýbuilding d culvonts ou 8th con., T. Ponober, com., 815.40; James Richards, for 125 loade cf grave1 supplied te patbsuter ait 7 otcf., $8,75; Henry Gordon fon vork on il7 rosd across lot 14, in lsa con., J. L. L Palmer, com., $10; Francis Matthews, for building three cnlverts ou aideroad between lots 8 sud 9 in 8rd con., $8 70; nti F, Mathews, building oulvent on side- ffi rosd between lots 8 sud 9 ou 4tb -con., J. M. Gerov, com ., $2.95 ; F. Biathews on acot, of contract of cuttiug dovu bill ou sideroaad betvosu lots 80 sud 81 in ug 2ud con., J. M. Gerow,,com., $60! Ambrose Lewis, for building guard rail. ing sud fanim.hinR mitucrial ou sideroad <'between lots 4 sud 5 in 9, h con., J. M. «n Gerow. coni., $24 30; Mrm. T. P. White, for 120 loade; £Tavel suppliei1 1.0 patb. masters at 8ots. ppr load, $9.60; T. i., Lamnoreaux, for Uirrvel, 96 ôta. Yonn ota. have had b. fo-t thern 0, communi- - ation trous Joseph Millard, pstbmssten, . as te tisd condition of tvo colverts nean thé. village of Altons sud necommend tbsb the 4th depuby noeve b. s oomumie- La. sioner ho have thse same repaired Youn id. cern. bave had a com. from Mn. LTbos. Moody, as Liverpool Market, ne bill north of that place sud wouid reom- ussud tbat the third deputy reeve ba s commissioner te have the same repair. ed. Re, application of El. Morrison, cf J. E. Farewell, Esq. -unty ceok, Iuforming us; thaI the amount roquired t o ho raisod for county punuposos vas 84,515, distnibuted sut felliee: For goueral purposese $8,108, oducationat purposea 8808. Your eom. had before - ~ thons a communication from Goo. Fakin clenk of the counky cf York ne admission cf indigout te Induatrial home, saying he.vas unable te, give the. information asked for but thh. he isd forwarded Oun corumunicatien te the Inspector, Who would anever the same but up te date no answer being- received, your-- -coin, wiil bo oo'mpellod te delny action in the Andnew Millet case. Ail cf whioh is rospectfulîy subruitled, Goo. Parker, chairmsa., Mn. Poucher seoonded by Mn. Palmer meved for beave le introduco a by-isv te Mass the aeveral ehool sections iu lb. township cf Picering fer lie ysan 1888, te psy exeae ouctod viii tis public sehools, sud Ihal tie lame b. now read s final sud scond lime, anid that il b e nd a third lime nt toit meetling o! concil, Oairried. By-lav tead a finit snd eecond lime su da ai-o the table. ou miotion cf Mr, J. B. Burk vas- à'. efwd r"otablishmeuI cf roadbetie '10ts 20 sud 21 in1 lhe 4h cn >e Po inIg. in. B llicott vwu isard te. ivmuh' ont On Ã"ti.con. oppo lot 17. Mn. Parker intnodcoed a by-lev te uffle th. torinsiip' of Piokriog for im. preVigpul cf, roe nd blaiay at cazt Meeting ou sdrobd -bsIw.eu lots 20 ami 21 ila 4th obu.,e Vepetpoi- tien proented l g etonil by,1. >B. Burkt and cthers. Garried.11 Mrt. Poeher oeeondd by Mr.Palmer moved that lhe Reeveand third dsputy Beeve b.oa eommitteo -te valne sud effet for sale liai portioni of the. original allowanoe for xoad belveen lots 18 aud 19 in the 99b con. lino aud the railroad bridge. Oharried. Mrt. Palmer eeeonded by Mr. Parker movod &hat the concil do nov adjourn to meet ou Monday, Sept. 17th noît aI 10 o'elook a. M. Çarried. Wit and Humour, The mermaid's favorite ýttne-14ep. lune. Breakfast is th. proper place to cali the roll. A colony of Polo, is weil flxed to raise.beaus. à fat man though noe blind ie com- polled 1te feel his weight. Advioe to drosemakr-Bo sure you'ro right then go ahead. The emaîl boy is nov gathering the home.groan green-applo orop. Mon viii work harder for a days pleasure than they viii for a week's Wages. Koop your consoience but net your farmn void cf fonces. It is clair.ed goa;u thrivo bout if fed on buttermilk. The Young artiot sent abroad lesase iret boy le draw drafts on hie father. Iu ordor te look epruce it ià net necessary that you romain 'etergroen. Wheu did George Washington lake a carriage? When ho look àa haok at the cherry tre.. Why was Noah liko a huugry est ? He vent forty day. and forty nighte wîtbout finding Ararat. When i. paper mouey iret mention- ed in the Bibles? Whou the devs brougbtt1h. green baok te th. A.rk. Lt takes nia. tallera te make a man but eue tailor oau tura ont ine dudes without exhaueling himdblf. À tiny gold barrot je a nov form of oarng. The vives of politicaus are said to eschow il. The names cf what three vritlors do@s a man use viien ho pute his hand on 1h. hot eteve ? Dickens$ Howitt, Burns. A joker gays Young ldisnevadays tako great panes with their sashes. He evidentiy hh"ka Ihal is putty goed pun. A pretty voman .aid Lb. other night eh. didu't in the leset mimd beiug old but it vas gelting lier. liaI distresodi her. The seasido girl Who badl ne bathing costume said ft iii.h didn't go into bh water bocause ae. as uuauitedl for snob pastimes. Tii. fellovwbo telle the truth with deliberate auro footed caution ien't b.. lieved haif Bc often s the man Wbo eau lis with graceful volubility. No man signe bis name viti more bolduese sud flouriehuoe s ht the. in- dividual Who stops jute a fashionabte seaside hotel aud rogitere-for a dinner. A. neoeweddiag in Norfolk clouea with thc remark by the pareon, . 'We wili sing that beautiful hymu, 'Plunge in s guif cf dark d7epair."' "I3on't.it seesu funny, ma" obaerv.d Young Simpleman lie otbor day "but I ofteu uotiod il. Direotly eggs get Aftor ro'iing &Hl nigit la yonr bonih at se& tilt yeu sté vieenably aick, il ià irritating to have the steward te open the door la lhe merniug sud ask yen if yen wiii have a firolloi fer breakfast. A Bussian physicia ays strychnine ie a sure cure lot drunkeu. Se are Paria green, arsenic, pruesic aeid, rougi on r ats sud cortosive sublimte, if ad- mintsred la ecieuliflo quantifies. Lot lhe work go on. "A bribe la the palm negion cf the Amazon cradtles th. yonng fu palm 1esavqin Ibit country 'a pal=i aise entd IrgIyýM- hewonk of briaging up the youag, but il is u am&s or thrashing lias>oradliug, "Look lips," enid lis rauvay mips!., intendeut totue codutor: pseg gay ycu are net ivll loliosu."«"I asàul juil scivilsas I kuov hr out.," ilssld the aggrievsd o ouduetor. "Tlsat's eto whal they Oomplau f, vsthe record. Captaint e*> mm ntaiwheel-. AnotIer plut a -Port:' quatrnmt.r. Lady puamtgr--.4"Good graoiong ,liai the Sb.onud plat of port-h. bis .allid for Withithlulat fév usluutes iov liesé captaime drinks Vi 7 Visftt-ua»Do'vunr Aanght l.w 0f pratî im nportance *qffld ho a botle o! lie o1s1y'sUre-p encr-tsu' PainlesiCOcra Extr&otor-wich eau b. boa st aoy drng store. A' continuation ' h honeymo6D sud the removal cf ocesboh assured by its use. Beware af imitations. Ou Baturdày nigt thi. Salvaition Army obsbructed the idewaik in Newmarket, sud wero a&U looked up. SvIoeTOXO-MOiSture; intense itching sud stiugiug,' most at night ; worse iy scratch- ing. If ailowed to continue, tora forra, which ofted bleed sud ulcerate, beooming very Bore. SWAÂviiî'B Onrnoewr stops lie itching sud bieediug, heals ulceration, sud in many- cases removes 1h.etimors. hIs l equaliy efficacious lu cuning ail 5km Dis- esses. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadeiphia. Swayne's Qinimont can b. obtained ci dnugglsitis. Sent by mail for' 60 Cent.-16-iy. Whoiesale Agents, LYMAN BONS & 00. Montroal. Ice formed four luches thiok on Mount Washington, N. H., yesterday morntng. A Reasenable Hope Io-one that je based on previons knowledge or experience, therefore those who use B. B. B. may ressonabiy hope for a cure ho- cause thbe prevlous experience of thousauda Who have used il, shows h te have sucooed. ed eveu lu the woret cases. A burning building lu Baltimore, which feul, penned sevenai finemen, who vers rosted te death. ]Part Of The HSouseheltL U5 have used Hagysrd's Yeiiov.- Oi with much satisfaction, for Coldusud Bore Throat. 1 voulu not b. without it at any coet, as I look upon it asih e boit mediclue sold for family usge.,, Miss. E. Brambal, Sherbrooke, P. Q. The bill to confirm the conirsot vith the Norihern Pacifie respecting the Red River Valley vas passed lu the Logis lature AEareCombiaatlcu. Thero la no other remody on combluation o! medicinos that meets Bo many require- montes as boa Burdock Bicod- Bittera in Its vide range of powor over such chronie dis- euses as Dyspepsia, Liver sud Riduey Oomelaint, Sorofualo suda&it humons o! lie Tho Manitoba Central, wbich laimi te have essod the Red River Valley rpad hast year, iutende suing tho Govornmeut. 0 _& 1;II A Nov Hefme 1'reatmeal for ths Cure of Catarrh. Catarrhsi Doarftes a Sy Fover. Ths microscope bas proved that those dis- oasss are conitagions, snd that ttiey are duo te -presence of living pa.rasites in the interlluing membrane of the upper air p~ass ad ous- tachian tubes. The eminent scientiste, Tyn. dal, -Huxley sud Beale endorse ibis, sud theme authonities cannot be disputed. The regniar mothod of treatina theso dissee»s ha boon te appiy an irrtant remody veekly, sud even daily, thus koeping the delicate membrane lu a constant stats o! iritation. alleviug il no chance to beal, sud as a natural consequonce of such treatment net eue permanent cure bas ever boon recorde. Ih is an abolute tact that qhese diséases canuot ho cuned by any applica- tion made ofteuer than once in t-wo veeke, ton th. membrane muai gel a chance te heai b.. fore the application in repeatsd. Xtisl nov seven yeana since lin. Dizon discovered th. UanLai te in catannh and tormulated his nov catment, and ince thon bis remedy bas b.- corne a househohd word in oveny couutry vbsre the Enlish ýLangus.gs in spok.on. Orea otiecte4 kim w.'en geart- «go are cuosa til, there rioe~ng been ,no return of the dusos-e. Bo hlghly are these remedie. valued, thai ignorant iritators have stanted up overy. where, protendlng te deetroy th. parasite, cf vhlch they know notbing, by remodios, the rosulta of the application of vhich thay are euly ignorant Mn. Dlxon'e rensody la N lieny once lu ivo veeka, andftrcm eue' l>reapplications effeot a permanent «mrein th. moat aggravated cases. Mn. Dixon onde a pamphlet decibl>g hie novgw nre Ptmeont on ths rocolpt o! sta.mp te py postage. The address is A. H. Dixon 5 Son,1 SM3 Kng-street veat, Toronto, Coaai4a--Sclen- It is Absurd For people to expeet a cure for Inîdiges- tion, unis they refrain from eating wiat La unuvolesome; but il anythlng vil siarpen 1h. -appetit. snd gi-vo toue te lhe digestive organe, It le Ayet's Sur- saarla. Thousands al over th. land teetlfy te thse monita of this meine. Mxta. Suah Burroughs, e! 248 Elghth street, Seti Boston, write. : "IlMy bus. baud bas taken Âyer's Sarnapanllla, for Dy"ppsin sud t.orpld flver, and bam been greally benefited."1 A Confirmed D yspeptic. C. Canterbury, o! 14.1 Franklin ot., Boston, 3Ms., wnihee, tint, sufferng for years froma Indigestion, he vieaS hast luduced ho try Âyer's Sarsparia and,. by ils ueo, was outirely cured. Mrs. 'Joseph Aubin, of Higi street, >Holyokc, Mass., snfferèd fer over a ycar from Dyispepeia, se that ahe could nol est substantiel f ood, becamo very w-ek,- and vas unable tb cane fo r nfàzuly. Neither the medicines precrîbed by phyuiclans, ueoray o! the remedicu sdvortisod -for the. cure of Dyspopas, helpod_ber, until sie commnonced tir use cf Âyen's Sarsaparili.- «Tires botties of Ibis medcine" sire *ntee, Ayer's Sarsaparlila, A er i , wi M M Prlesi-, dz bottlss,$0&Worth 4a boW. FOR ROCHESTERI. 1; ~IJI~fille Dr, Chase Ras a world wlde roputation as aphiroeclan and author. Hlie Mandrake Dadon Ivr Cure in a triumph o! medica.l skill, curlug al diseases o! tho Kiduey and Liver.. Distresalng aches KIONEY COMPLALNI adeasi h back ; a duil pain or weight in the bladder and base of the abdoman ; scaldiug urine often ob- structed ; troquent clesire 'to uriuate, especi- afly at night, among aged perlons- hot dry skin, p ole complexion, red and white deposits, dropslcal swaUings, &0., 8YTO:pm(MS O:W PflIIIIIU Pain under shou LIVERCOMPAINT derblades, Jau dic, sallw cmplxio, aweaytired feel- i~gestion, spots, pimples, (te. HROW OURIED. Mandrake and Daudelion are nature's Liver cures, sdwhen combîned with Kiduey reine- dess asn Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, wi almosi pitvelycueail Kiduey-Liver troubles. It acte like a oharm, stimulatîug the Cloggod liver, strengihenlu g the kidneys, and invigor- atig thewhoie body. Sold by ail dealers ai $1, w'th Beceipi Book, which alono in worth the money. LI VER .m3 tie uý Pl LLS ier robles hadchO, bil- Hiuosusas, costivenees. &c. One pill a dose. Sold by aU dealers. Prlee 25 cents. FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE 1 i Walker iron plow, Patterson fMg plow, Cîsyton root drill, land roller, ,yer's Iron harrowa, Whitby harester sud mower, wagon, racks, horeshoe, Honey fannlng mill, double sett harneu, etc. P. HOWÂBD ANNES. Witby, April S>, 088& AUTHORS & COX, t Manfs1curerof TREUSS SARTIFICIAL And Appllanoes for anl Deformitie. Of the Bu- manm Body-Spinal Dis- es»e, Disea..'of lhe Hue. and Ânkle, Kaook Rn.., Bow Legis, Club Foot, etc. AL»O CEITCEEL 11iirch Et.t,- - . Toronto.-Ont. POWDERED- 9 9 PER CENT PURSST, STWONOEB, Bene' Zed7fr *u, la my a" t iy.Ut tecl i Sa"da h aoseW us»& 1W bau GroomeMd.4Dw.ggisest V1~Tnn IIf rraLIîi iAIIMRv IUIWNLU OiCAU LAUNUflI. SfflT8%COLrLABsand CUPYS ASPEOIALTY. 108 TOiuX-at., MessKEx". GEZO. P. BHA.RPIEL ~READMAe---YEASTU volE OVEE-E£Ao US cAmE HREIZ, wnoe FOR EEEUTI5M ZN 1ROBS. vola SCiE TEMOÂTOAID fliLPnxzà. von BEO ROKE NE, 3317153, OAP1D ROCKs. pou Bon1s HOULDEES, BoRE NAGS. von FOOT EOTS AID BOBE NOUTES niTE 33 A= LAES. - von SPEAINS, euT", DEVISES ni Do«. SPECIIfEN TESTIMONIALS. Prom HUm Grace the Dukeo f Rutland. L "Balvoir, Grantham, Lee. 1,187m. 'rSI-Ellm an1gsRoyal Embrocation lausued my sabls. thnk tovry useful. "BT& ,Mauter of Bolvoir Hunt." "Oastle Welr, Klngston, Herefordahfre, UDeB. 8rd, 188. "«Gentlemen-I urn the Royal Embrocation in my stables and kennels, and have found It veysrvioeable. I have also used the Uivrrsal EJmbrocation for lumbago aud rhoumatism for the lasi two yoar, and have sufforod vorylittie smo. uslng it, "B. . LPmou, Lfeut.-CoL, Mauter of Rad- norshfre Hiue" ELLIMAN'8 ROYÂLEXBBOCÂTION, Bold by Chemise, Stores, and Saddlors, Prioe 2a. EXHAUSTED VIT-ALITY. T RESOMMNE OP Medical Wonk of lie=m, on Maniod, ev u Physical Debili, Prema- bure Dechio,î%rrons of yoti s dlit untold on, 80pgs vo., 125prsrpis for aIt diasaes. lotb, fuil gUIouiy $LOO malt. seaed. IIL -uamphb fre te ail ycuug and middle agod men. Bond nov. Thse GqId Lad Jevoiled Modal svarded -te lie aubier by lie National Medical Associa iou. Âddreaa P. O. box 1895, Beuton Mass., ertot Dr. W. H. Parker, graduat i. Hlarard MMotsiCoilee,25yer'rate la Boston, vie may beconwù2tsd opufidea- tilhy. pe£Cthy, Diseass of Men. Offce, Mc. 4,B l tuiBreol.ý Coal1014, Machine 011,1 Au 011 boug e eparate from lhe 8i:pbau teep fltlod up -by thse underulgned wiereth eout gualieaof Osadia u AeJa Ceai Mla ae kept ma dsoid aiat Amritivsk -L« ( ITIý EAT R-Et IIpumaRE a acratching-very 4Iatresg U allowod te continus Lûxuror trn i ofebieed and u1czrate, becemlng veryE SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Stops th e Itch in g sud .bleed in , r- <,~,hany ceereiovos FARM TO LET, M0 acreis o! ladoolstug c Ofthe noreh three-a:arters of No. 15, and 50 mores of No. 1, ini t oth on. f PlckerlngbeWeen BroubamandGreenwood. Woà1 adapted forgrn and raising of stock. Poseson when 0 a~ are romoiod, and nanal privi. loge o. p owing. p lenty of living water. Apply to HEBYB HOWEL.Ji, Whltby Tovi, Or t1 J. I. GORDON, Barrister, WhItby.- Alzo a mare (to tbal tbis nontb'- foi al cheap, with harneos and phuton. pplyte Henry Howeil or D. Whitu 'ey, hotiel=ke G.-T. B. statlon.-81-t! Local and. Travelling Sale -maL. Te'oe sOU ur oboico vart"esc!irs Btock,olither on salary-or ommuission. Per-. manent OMIplOYm6lt te h ght 'mua. No zoomà for lazy ones. Uprigbli' m4 honoit are the cnes w. aro lookdi for. - Apply wtrfrne «M jari a ,Toroto, HARRY KEEBLE, Propreètor.i TERB"-1.OO -Per Day. W4fm, 4OOM954, G0QD TL]L StabUgfor100 orseas. ROGRS'Colebao or ss1L~- MACHIN E OILa Boa osp 1 mt sTieuresudM.- 7*7lls W.-'Bs 'PR INGLE. Bas on hanmais n cfi Rouée sud Bar BI mu1fsaspeQla BEEF, -%7_wuY-,_ t. LUaOO tSore TwRoAT ..-.Coe.o. CH aSTCOI0OL03. Tbeam e mt uScey.os hetai est mucest.osY-1 ftf1 mAx oonm S [-eLO U Gf, E N CLA N D.]

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