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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1888, p. 8

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Mr. Jas. Lavrenoe-bheu lnete4, bis mbop a :eDowvosat ef> peint. 1fr. 3w>. Bireheil bas goneg 81 Coýthor1neaté.e se.vis stuios ai il" he Ooll.ele Insitt Mrs. Kirsiake la vo are gladto 0aey, re.ov.ring Item ber late savere ilans.. Ur. Kereke andi faasily suave wat scon. Ur. Kerulake v iiispose aoflise meut of his alook befote moving. Look eu& for thse date of hie salé. Mr. 'Williamu Geddes fcrmerly fresu Aberdeen, Scotland, but lately omploy. eas blaeksmllh under Mfr. Keni, laves Ibia week for Vancouver viser. ho.heu securot ompîcyment in th. service.cf Mr. Lodiugham.1Mr. Gotides va. pip- er te tb. local Scotch soeiety and bis ne- moval wili be doeply regrelleti. Boe vege lt.henrd, ve're hore, &heu we'ro nal bore. Morl-Don'l b. anyvisere. Tise ycuth anti beauly cfibtis section helti a pio.nic in Mr. Bras grove on Wednesday - afternoon. Everylising vont as merry sc marniage bel], vhicis bell eue wculd eey, if appecrances are net deeeplive,vlll have considerable te do before l.ap year closes. Thse ligis fantastic va. Isipped ilu lie moeut prev. eti style, andti'lb.girls umilodti Ieir sweelest on thse galants Who ti thelb amiable. Jack didu'l kncv vhelber to, go West or soutis-but h. geltisher. aIl tbeem.. Leut Sanday tise seonament cf the Lord'. Supper weu obuerved lu Bain 's chanci, when lie galiering provedti t be 1h. langeaI cf is kinti for many yearg. The services., condueotd by the Bey. Dr. MoOlelland vore oseasolemu anti un- preuuive., On Friday tise preparatony services ver. conducbed by the Bey. Mn'. Wynno, cf Markheoe, vbo preacis. eti en.elcquent andi appropriato sermon. 1fr. Joe. Davidien was ondainedti l lise- eldensbip. Nic. new membere ver. noeiv. Wa& The match between the Sawbonee of Tornto anti Wiily as pleyed on Wetinesday, nosulting lu a vielery far the hein. tease, on tbe resul cf lh. final inninge. The matois by misteke vas boeked Lfon Tbursday by lbthernoe leam, bot in order tisa theb. etiloos shoulti ual have an 1dle day, Jutige Darîneli orgenized a scratch lam ou vory short notice, end th. reenit va. a veny plosant gae.. lut inrnnga. BaE, c Elliker, b b Galti........... E.. LAndon scSnow b Gold .............O0 Payueq b Campbll .... 0 Banna, b Campbsell... 2 Burt, co Snov, b Camp- ~bell ............ ...4 Bry, b Gold .........O0 d itbGat.. . ...... O Smith b Campbell.... 2 Meche 1, b Campbell.. 1 D. W. Cgem onct ô Total.......... .. 48 wmBrn. 2nd innings. b Gold.... 7 e Pelham, b Campieil... 4 mnot 16 b Mthison.. 8 b, GoId ..... b Matison.. 2 b Mthisan.. 0 b Gold.... 2 unt ntu..O h Golti. O b Gold .O Extra ...14 Mathigon b Stevenson............... 8 -~~~ ;iw b ovn ................ O Pehham, b Stevenson ................ 10 Golti, b anti e Stevenson ............. 8 Bnaw b Bascomn................... 8 Campbl, b Bcmn ................ 8 D. icGlivry, bBasSco............. 2 W. MoGillivray, o Novitt, b Baoom --6 Bryeu, b Caeron ..................O0 Elliker, *Macheli b Camoron........ 12 Bic,, n utal ........ul......28 .....a....................... . Total .................. 74 (People vhc do nol seitian 1h. parlienlans âboul pensumls for tiemnselvom or theïr friends, shoalti not féel diappollte r cggri.ved if lboy don'l rea t hem lu Ibis paper. W. have neitiser lime non duspasi. lion ta do aU thoenunning conuocteti vils Our poral ec lumna.) Mn. antud ra Wood, of Newank, N. J!, ver. the guesla lbe putl week aoflMn. G . V. Miartin. Miss Cochrane anti Miss Mebel Cochrane are bdlitaymng lu Port Penny. Un. Claypoleis vlsillug friands lu Lan- don anti Brantford. Mma H. W. Aunes anti tiughter, iss Éclut Ane. have reluti t rozzi àa viilte Portery. Misa. EMma HAl"Sbha.gene on lb. Chsicago excursion te viit fiienda lu Micilgan fer a 6v veeke. Mma.Bouloe, Stewart'. inillun rbas ne- tutu" i roms iserp bi. tnp. 4ie coas- biue&-bauesavils pleasure, an i ale lite best milluryeslbl la ene evera canadien at uneau cilles. A" a ne- it v. May pet.nete. jnJatbt - etr rM. Sa W Fa fair eustoinera. 1fr. ,o b ý Loth.xu1U, iletauWhltbyi ham addr.sod au open biter t10 1he membersof th. ChurQhof'Bngladnd lu l-.ommue-of the Bmps*mavoatn 1.ilinerbaulayotemn somnewhat simiw rto, thet lu 'vogue aniongul the aMthoduls.Iuat.Ad of the threey*r charge hg adioales ftve years, the Bluip havlng power le ro-appoint an inoumbent for à meoud term if mr.oable. The letter Icousing«ouasiderablo attention lhrough- out the Diocos.. Taie 1Uectivo commllle. of the South Onlerlo Sunday 8ohocil Âsaeelation met in Brooktlulat week and deobl.d ta hold 1h. next Oouhty Convention in Columnbus On th. 1111> sud 121h cf Deoember next. - On. of th. ressols hy &otf'a Emuluson h»a ucha large saefi, becaume ilt islt. beut. Dr. W. H. Gameron, Halfaz, N. S., maya: 11 hive jresorlbed BcoWa emuls;on ci Ood Liver Gi, wti ypoplsosphito, for th e paeutlo year,andftound f1 more agree- able ta the alomach and have botter resulte tramn ita use than any allier preparation af the kiud, I have ever used." Soid bY a& druggists, 50c. and 31.O0.-48-mo. MARRIED. I.WÂnn-Hxooix-On the 5th of Seplema. ber, at St. Basi'uo huroh, by the Riglit Reverend Bishop O'Mahony, asisted by the Very Reverend kather Vincent and the Very Reverend Dean Harris, James D. Werde, cf the Provincial Secotary's office, la Aunie, third daugh-ter of W. H. Hlggina, Esq., of Toronto. No carda. The beat way ta repair Strencth and in- coese the hodil y substance is Ca invigorate the etamaah and Improve the circulation ,with Northrap&i Lyiuan'a Vegetable Dis- covery and Dyspeptic Cure. Simaultenectus- ly with the disappeers.noe of indigestion il. relieves that morbid despandedoy, and 1he nervousness which are as much the pro. ducl of dyspepsie as 1he weakness of the atomach aud los& of vor and flesh which proceed froni it; as a blood purifier il ha. no eqnel. Fa irbanks' Sale Register, FOR 1888. Oct. tth.-Wm. Kersiake, lot 27, Oth Concession Whilby, (shburn.) Fs.rm Stock and Ian- plementa. NO reserve. Oct. 12t.--Ss.mel Holman, near Clumbus, 7th con £&et Whitby. Fine stock pure- bred Shorthorn cattle, none better in the country. Catalogues on application. Columbus P. O. SAULT Ste. MARIE CANAL@ WoU00 la Coutractra. S BALED TBNDEB8 addressed la the auderuîgned sud endorsed "Tenders for lt.heul Ste Marie Canal," viilb. re. ceived at ibis office until the arrivai cf 1he eautern and western mails on TUESDAY, thé 28rd day of Oetober, next, for the formation âa construction of a Canal on the Canadian aide cf 1h. river, throagh the Island of St. Mary. The works will be lot in two sections one of which wiUl embrece the formation ai lh. Canalthrongh-lb. Island; construction cf lookm &o.' The allier, tihe deepening and wîdenzngcf 1h. channel-way et bath ends of -the cana; canstrucllon cf piers, &c. A map of the locality, tcgelher with PIaS and~ ~~ scictocf lbe works, cm e . een at tbis office on and aller TURSDAY, the 911. day of Oc6bbr, next. where prlntod forma cf tender cen aia heoablaînod. A like clima ai formnation, relative le 1h. wcrk a e b.seen set1he cffice cf the Local Officor in the Townu cf Seul Ste. Mariol Ont. Intendîng contreolors en. requested toi boss, In nind Ihal tendonrsiil tb. con- uîderod unlesa made e trictl in eccordanoe. with 1he pnsnted formeandJ1.. accampanied byea bIter mlatiàlg IhâttIhe persan oz perians tederlng have carefully .xamined the For 8aIe.'or to Lot. CommreeRouae, vil stie necelar, good I O Its supenlor excellence proven in mfflions cf homes for more than a quarter o! a century. Il is nsed by the UntedStates GQvernment. E ndorsed by tise heada cf 1he great Universi- tiea a.s the Btrongest, Purest, and mail heallis. ful. Dr. Price'. Cream Bektng Pawder does net contain Amman,ia, Lime, or Alum. Sold only la Cana. PRICE BÂXINO POWDER 0O. "Ew TORR. OHICAoo. ST. Louis. Financial and Commercial. Office ef Whilby (JHRONWLP., Whitby, Sept. 7, 1M8. WHIT BY MARKXRT PRICES. Spninç Wheat.......... Gooae Wisee........... Ficur, per cvi.......... Baniey ................. Bye .................. Peaul................6 Peau, blaok-eyedo..... Ray....... . Alske Claver seedi Red Claver seeti.... Appien, perbbl...... Tomatom «I"...... Polaees, per big ...... Hg" ................. Bute.. ........... miles, per lb........ . erk, perovl..... Celen, per dos..... Chichena, Perlb TuLrkeyu, pern .o .... Ducks, per lb ........... G.... ér lb ............ mJeeft..... *........... Wood .0...... .... ..... Blue peaeee.....e......** Horns.for 80 90 c-(0 0 88 @ 0 0 73 @ 0 2 40 @ 2 0560 @ 0 0 58 ma O 0 60 @n< 070 0 080 0 9 00 @12 4 50 @4 4 00 O51 075 O1 100 @ 1' 060 00 .014 0 18 @ 006 @ 0 $00 @6 016 0 000 0 000 0 0 10, @ 0 010 @ 0 0 08 @ O 012 0 400 6 000 0 Sale. 95 93 78 65 63 63 66 72 75 00 15 20 0 20 62 12 10 15 10 10 66 00 one aspan cf dauglt anti one Genenal Pur- pose, comiug 4 yean olti.1 1Ang 21, 188.-87-tf. A.NNIS, 1Onhava. FARM TQ, RENTU. Tis a xeinl tm st presoeopleti by Mr. Tho. 86anhug% north halveS cf ticular. epp»t. o 874!. J.B. DO W. Seloilor. DoveneU's Blck, Wiitby. VARD0FTHA NKS.' 1 bave usehs pleasureith" &.'gW. El. Jeobnslcutagent e s.Aflubural Jum s,tment edmy lois et liv ""ok istietiby llghlnlng ii .ln0 iold tio lisgl cf01thse Oalt -e. te afli feMeraXvauld: - rnùm" 87-2. yEIaiox&> GUTHEIE 9 mgentlemen ma~ tdJe4ct eau tg!Sd oomfctab tfronommaby mg to Box BU Wbi4lyP. 0. IMIýORTA.NT cf e 1 E» I SLE! WuUflLÇ= iWN~ 012 UOK tek, endors for mlusery4e& or-e Cemvo.-M'o1mai NEW GOODS JUSTIN, Ladies' 8Short Vest_ and Queen C1ains, prooche8, Cuf Buttons, f5c., -LL THE - NEW PATTERNS Gents' Chains and Cuf Buttons,' Watches, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knives and Forks Much reduced in Price. Watches, Clocks and dewellery Repaired. JAMES JOHNSTO'N, BROOK.STIiEET, WHEITBY. FARM FOR- SALE. Oile cf 1h beat ferma in Pickering for, sale, conta.ining one hundreti and lwenty- five acres. This property fn ailualed on lot 15, B. F.-, is oue and a1al miles from Pick- ering Village, hait a mile traIn G. T. B. sae- lion, three miles from Pickernug herbor ana six miles frcm Whitby. This le a very de-1 sirable proerlv and ir. a high sade cf culi- valloUn. Fr furtiser perticulera apply ta JAMES PICÂKD, on the prernisee, or la Pickering P. O.-81-lf. WANTED. à small.aizod gaad reaidence ta rent. ApplY ett1he oo.s office. 8-t W. E. O'Brien. Tise above signaàtureMet bbato f e phobgra h e bole rant.ee o a Ehave that te piclure *Wisih odeilghleyaurý oye bais mllishe artiati moritI with wviiol i lpassible la Iresl tis ubjeet. O'Brien's neme as a photoçreiher heanaprovicial reputtion, and isictabcures have pobbly entermsd imb mare hanses than th ocf auy other enliaI. Witbin bi& experience Ii Art bu undergone many impor"etchangea, yeseb i el dhimsltf. very Meohsni- ca oen ndevory uevby -de'vised praces ,wbieih" basblped ta revolutionize thle 'Art, andboltanda to-day lu tise front raik of the photcgraphie profession. Bis wiudow ta econatly surroundoti by auan sdmring crowd, who with get intereal view bis beautiful display a! Af.-35-f. Fraim ito Lot. That very desirable farsu et presont ce- cupieti by Màs& Blordan, ' beiug ',comp--ostcf Lat 26, cou. 8. Townehp cfWbit adioiue ingth l S crpration ai1 the Town o>fWhitb, Y, anui onalanng 1W0 acres, more or leus. AVpysOoy David Ormiston, BarIz 101b, r oh. undaoig'eti. me- e Possession. T. H. McUMILAN, Osbawa. July, 28th, 1888-4-tf. Ira=, to Renite rintainin' 200 acresq 180 usidor cultiva- lion, W- loYt, 24, con. lat, Township of iliste'soove promaises an lwp trame bains, ding-boume, stan, turnip ceilaraeheep anti hog esasesebi tôt 25 heidetccttenti10 herses, vilb a fitr-akolsstieling bause, Land iZ a high #atae ef oultivation. PnîileOge 0f plowixig -ai er baveet. Poseeseon given lu tialo fer For furtA.er p iîtit, Orntc ..Whitby. f.&.MOBRAY, K. inow AGENT! W. lH. PXB, gnt f 1~ Onai PU'ux O'd.Wind le, aia tb-' Lest stles aif ude cu t 1pumpa mati., -cisteru pumpa,.v)d ",cl ïnon, a&U varra-utet l w«rkjs&Uaq»ory-or-nosale. Ortierjeflal resdence, oPpo«ite CNCunacx. mio r' st B- SýbbaT.toýgr ph oe Ube at- tendaito al ouc Whllby,-Aug.i ,, '884t FAR-M-TO-'RENT-5 NEW I - :00e: Dominion * e * e -000a Hre we are right to the front with- New, Stylish and Cheap Fal Goods.; 1iNew Ores s G oods Seciafy New fibbons, New Mantlings, New Shirtings, New Cottonsad Sheeting8,-. New Hosiery, -Flannels, Vests, Corsets, Gioves, &c. Ladies'- We show the best Kid Glove in the Smarket, New' Shades just in. Our Moire Plushes are -beautiful., New Tweeds, Worsteds, Pantinigs and Suitings. New man to eut; an&ý fit, in'e la No. i Style. Bargains in iRemnantsIý and Summer Goods. POWEL & 00. MIES SILVER-PLATrED INSTRUMENT bL lUiesetIcve. CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER UTS INFUENCE Tise nly celarris remody evon offeed latle public on :W days trial; 6 ntten guarane. given vith eccli nstumàuI, W. T. Déan it Col# TrE E ERA YR AND LUNO RESTOE Actnsise nets modicineor a dlguatlUtios'Ir paerbaiL luisaSeif-gonor-l tingVapor. eeeilYndplaaýantylipUed etall hourilmes>ànd placeff. Latinsc e - Wiky neevei tdboraughly cëures ail Throal and-. Lts Ne. S-Positveiycures ail disesesof tise Eye, Catreot (Gran tile eo-lida, I Ziee yes, noar andt irsgliednese Taz BE TMATEDWEfliuiD TUm ACTISIle 1 sO-vlqDEu0175 wEuammeN uSEXnà ON 1q5WDiT TEIAL. Enoe steusp for bandscmelyM lïire1bok and iseàlth journal. W. T. BASIR&CO.. lmi5Qseon street Wesl. Tanontc, Ont Estsbljished The LoadingliW In- SBSBSCIPTION1 1per Annnm lu ativez vise' . Subsciptionseare al, b. office cf publication. st6&ýn equipmcnt antiî Book and1 jcbrPltn ontarilo, capAble cf excu work tram the large.pat hexitbili. Special men= unsurpasseàipnes tacifities ZOLER, with ils celebrlp cylintier presoa .0 uces. Every ronderleý tul attention,>. bye & cale oaibliti Nônipc fclordingly. Ativerllaemonl5 »sont* luestni-ôtionisineerteti uni change4ifor fuUtîme.- mua blu n iling, cîher ers vilnobo bresponsiblb A liberel duaount for-coi moents by lb. year. Celp cantraot advertisomesit id ln not jeter than -Wednesi cf anyluleudeti changes' 'bof ore Tuesday noon.-1 mouts neoeivoti up tb Thu *Business notices ilo lac Fiveo nts pen lino ýweo'kl; per lx4é vekly. (CrrespcneIieneloîiib ofthe oun-ty .or 48îg#bý 0oonnesp'cndeaits are . reqim th.eir ccý mmunicetiOni -possible, 1 ED !O e Punlfy b Bcdcrrct!ail Disôrdesu of the Thyinvigoratl and realare b heailh Debili1t.ted Constitutions,,and are invaluable linail Complainte iuaiaentel ta, Femae cf âaIl ages. 'For cbildren andtheb aged they are pxicelesé. Utanufactured only at 78, 1qEIW OXFORD STREET (aip 5W, OXPORD STRBET, LONDON, and ooli, by &UIKedicine Vendors lhroutghoul the Warld. &W PurhameabouMdlook 10 ttse abel on thse Boxe and ots. - ~.. s s * # GOODS Wareroonis every pair guaranteed. The M 0 El

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