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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1888, p. 1

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IIITBY s. Witb calrn Prlnted words, great thoughts, and untirlng industry, ',rS ,advocate Peace, Progre, Knowl.dg, Brotherhood. VOL@ XXXII. WIIITBY, ONTARIO. FIRIDAN, SEPTEMBEIR 14, 1888.0O 0 WIjitbP IJrout"i1, Established 1856. Ihe Leadinq weekI n Ontauio County1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. ýi per annum in advance-'81.50 other- wise. Subsriptions are always payable at ho office of publication. Steam equipmient and best furnished Bok sud Job printing plant in Eastern Ontario, Capable of enecuting ail (-lasses ef work f rom the large poster te the smallest *handbil. Spelial mention is made et the unsurpaesed prose f acilities et TEE EMtON- ICLE, With iii celebra"e N. Y. Cottrl _yiinder press and other »%4ezuom.voni- noes. Evory order receivo i'mPrtiîàýas fui attention. - TEBMS 0F ADVERTISING. Finit inteti@iiper Lins, 10 cents; each subsequent insertion, 5 cents. Displalyed Advertiiementu are measured bysaalosie osllA Nonpareii, sud chargeA accordingly. A&dvertisemonts sent without written instructions ineerted until forbidden, sud chargeA for full urne. Order f or discontiuuing advertisemnents muet be iu writing, otherwiss the publish- ers will net ho responsible. A liberal discount for contraci advertise- mente by the year. Copy for changes cf oontract advertisements sheuld ho handed ienet later than Wednesday ; sud notîns ef anyintendod changes sbould be given betore Tuesday noon. Other advertiso. mente received up te Thursday noôon. Business notices in local or neye columnus Five Cents perlin-e weokly. Locale. 10 cte. per lins weekiy.'eslctd rm& at Correspondencosîctdfrmalpat o! the Oounty or neighhoring townsh4 s . carrespondents are requtéited to send lu their communications as prernptly as * possible, HENDERSON & qHN STANTON, Sup't Mechanical Dep't. GRAHAM, Proprietors. A.. -&. OST Mte wiih Langley, Langloy& Burkie, 'Toronto,) ARCHITRCT. Designs for Ohurches, Villas and Cot- tages a specialty. Drawings prepsred fer remodeling existing structures. Ornizc-Firet flat over Howse's Drug Store. P.0. Boxz2O2, WHX1!»T. Dominion Lino of Royal Mail STEAMBHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. * rom Montres.I From Quebec .Sarxil. .Thur. Sept. 2 .Fr. Sept. 7 *Oregon :*. Wed. 1....-Thu.r 13 Montreal ...Thuz. Sept 2th..... *Vancouver_ Wed. -'2.... Thuns. Sept. 27 BRiSTOL SERVICE FOR AVONMourT Docrz. Dominion from Montroal about Sep. 29th. Cabin Rates from Montroa1 or Quebec. Prom $50 to $W, according to steamer and position of 'State Room, with equsi saloon privilegos. Second Cabin (very su- perior accommodation), #80. Steerage at lowest rates. * These Steamers bave Saloon, State- roorns, Music-room, Smoking-room and Bath-rooms amidships, where but littie mo- tion is feit, and tbey carry neitt.er Cattie nor sheep. The Booms are ail outaide. The accommodation for Second Cabin on these Steamers is exceptionally gond, and well worthy the attention of the travelling public. The "Vanoouver" is lighted throughout with Electrie Light, and haî proved herseif to be on~e of the f astest Steamers in the At- lantic trade. Passengers can embarlk st Montreal îf they se deare. DAVID TORRANCE & CO., General Agents; Montreal. B. STEE'aENSON, Telegraph Office, Local Agent, Whitby Hanging Lamps. T he besi au veilaas largost sud cheapesi varioty evor offered lu the cennty. FOR SALE BY W. R.n 0E CHEMIST and DRUG8318T WEIITBY~ St. Leon Wa ter ý -AT- Chemist à Druggi8t, LOCUAL NE~WS LETTELKe r COMionic orrspondence.a MOUNT ZION. Mr. Samunel Jones bai a sulky plongh on1 OUI Nu. Rogers is very low and t. hard- ly expected te gsi boiter. Tbreshinç iteintul blait bore ai preseut and h, grain is turniug eut a great deal botteqr ian vas expected. I orne boys, or Young men they may cal themselves, froni Gresnwood vers found destroying fruit and fruit trees in the or- cha*d on north haIt et lot 8, "on30., Pioker- ing,',oa Sunday 251h et Augusi. If thoy go ai- omncesd settie with the owner et the or- chard for damages i wilbe eaeily setted- if they go and adknowledge' ieir sin. But1 if ihey negleci se deing before the 11h oet thia etohey shail sufer the full penalty1 eft iei. lav. Their namtes are ail known. 1 Mn5 Ungh Mowbraychad a valuable waich sud obâin iolen onTueedy ithe28th. Lt was baglng up in the bouse sud muet havp'been taken te broad day light as only euces diring the day vers tbey ail away fross the hous, sud ihai enli for a tew miriis.Supposed te b. the vork ef a trNor somne et thos e wefr7pedir *h~~othe countr..A lldgaoA be lt loe on sncb vsgabonds betoe thsy entrasegate. Tornlble bard tizue on skunks %round herb thusummer. Thomas Forbesa hesds the IWu having sianghtered 4, John Bainey 1. bat John L. hoste them.ilal for pluck ho bslsg afraid the craie: vau goin2g te gsi sw.¶,=uhit byby the scuff et the neck sud itvith ithe poker, sanother Young zauspeon eue on a very dark nzghi. Yo*ldcbring yeur poeket handker- PORT PEMY. govoulam ofsaset oer may b. noted . iis wook, rnouiy very serfoui eues. les,.Curts says ho hbu 160,000 «doste ef'ggs iu bis varebous*etaipreoeut sud in rainie *é v017day. Evidinily ho don't ýTî7;prodouis ibreatiesdretiulatien. - I n lkataim fotsur o"na iook on- oopbmtô t arrangemmetsaround the nwIM =houa., and 1h.eoSmpaMYhase la bsaisse until 1h. matter falooked ls nowýrbeginlg tobia good doat -bout uthe OnirOCentral tain, it. -4 sd lqC thélb.asg ds 've aylestte aend.. Th Our publi c soeol building lu raisin g se lake ha. a miniature Aladdin's lamp utorsd swsy somswhsrs with Ide other vaînables. Wben completcd hi will be an ernament te tbe town abd connty. Inspecter McBrien won't knew nif lho posipenes lis semi- annual viui much longer. The beard et Education, with eraleworthy liberality, are pntting in the Smead Dow's sysieni of heatming, ventilation etc., fer which they will, no doubi, be.suitably rewarded nt school meeting. The Pickering News boomering ou the "lbummers"infes'tlng ise office for the laut six menthe bas rsbounded, and they took part et it back in uheir last issue. Thé article was undoubtedly needed, and, h lu te b. hoped, wil have th. desired effeci. There are two or tiares business mon, how- - ever, wboss dlaims were slighied anad h be- hooves ne te take ou ge na et in their bo- hall. Frieud Wieseems toch overburden- ed with non-buyers ; whilst a certain office net a thousand mùiles froni hie place et bus-. nos is the resori et numbers et tobaco users. wbo delight in filling the reeni, sud customere with unioko, te the noe mail annoyance et the owners. By the. way-d$&d y ou ses anything et a stray cricket club down your way. Our boYs wenitet Whitby lait Saturday looking ,e aà ohamplorship fiag, tua have ]lot been seon stece. Gooewg aie- a drug in the mret hboe, sem e elos aving two or more which they re ofering choap. Son- iou'sly, tbougWh Zus P. C. 0. ftheer detoat vsry much sud vow a&H sortse ofvongeauce on the Emut Torontes for unlcading tour or fi'vo city clubs on ihomast once. The Temperance meeting lut Mouday nlgb~ wus not vsry weil attode&ai Mmsuy. eft* Ii.embers were attendingithe Sunday- Scboc'l Auniversay ai Creisswsl. Whai about our Literary Society ? Iit te be ferevernumbsred'am theustblngs et the psut or shall it b. e ived agate? Lot us hear troni ibose who know. - The sn nlveruary ai OrsswoU wuas perfeot Mmce».. On Sunday morumng Bev. Mr.r Lloyd et Manilla ocupied i-thejsulpi, >on. unday afiernoon, the. pastor, Bey., Mn. Boven, effiolise; aud in iithe é ng ,1he. B"y. Mr. Mme e t Sunde- land.delivered au addea prucpalyUe e yonngpeopie. On xontiay-a base -ai tch botween Sn derlaüd anA Bmls took plains luolêsa-, iotetng thé ohuzèh. The. resut aial aivie- tor fo Slem..Theaftrnonwums oc- via,*.ith addresse trm severâl rev. entle- mon. 1After tu had been serval àa1concert wssiv ye iiho Sunderland Band and Sun- Mufr . W amimod Ie itf wekfor Tù-, BKOOKLIN. There are a few very chpico orchards sud fruit gardons in this village and ihere- are Jieo a large number ef tho worat yonng scalawags ot boye the. sun ever .shone on. Before the fruit gets ripé those yonng van- dale are on the forge, Lately çille' Mr. Jmo. Moore was at church they atripped bis pear trees ; ]ast week they stole '*- largo quantity ef Dr, Starr's grapes. The reckless &nd desperate yenng villahnont only.fIlled their v.aracious stomacha -but wantonly wasted enough to satify 'as many' more. rhey crewned thelr despicabe, Work by carrying a quantity to the Methodist ohuroh on the evonîng,- of the HarIvost iHome festi- val1 and made Borne ef the worthy .'chris- bians their innocent acoomplices. 'I1uader-- stand the Dr. has the names et the depro- taleors. I hope ho bas, and every porion. whe desires the good of thosle bsVihes the Dr. to make ian oxample oetihem, sud inake themx atone tetthooffendod law. Thesé @as have previously ccom mittea siilar. offences ad coame off fro. The tact iht' they de net get purished in the str-ongeat factor in the developmeni et their finoe for the peneteniibry aina the gallows.' -lIt.. a du.tiy tethe boys and-'oteeiiemmàty* Mud tne nation aihat crime. qithis natue' should b. nipped in the bifd. - f1aflowéd te- go unpanihed, the habit et SteaIinWil ,grow snd evoniually lead te tbies on a- lreand diffèent sosie. The parents cf thee boys have a plain- duty te perform if the Dr. doesn't perform hie. If net sent te jail ibey ought te b. whlpPedsgo aeVerelY that every time the temptatien te sisal in suggssteil, the remombrance ef! tie- whip- ping woold make, them shiver. Parents, tememberithe sdvice et 8Solomonbthem pora udoiornal'detlnypaint .ul though it be. I have the gretesi mmùd-inhe -World te give th.e names fer publicatiôo an- iliu warn. the publio againsi the-tiiVes, bui thé lesar ef net being accurtite,"W complets, ,*itbholds me ai passent. I&hvte ready Tfor you nont week. Mrs. G. . Prector is in Buffalo., Mr. Jue. Harrison- and famity left for, Miss, French, of Toronto i.stayigai lM. Mr. Wm. Smith, jr., . at :home Miss DonsidaBell 1sf t for, New. Yeork weolc ago ody Mr. G. iF. bpmnspn nday sudl iedyl ~n, dgea ,wlng, court Hloues, Whliby -48 JAMES. RIUTLÉDGEI, B .RRISTER, &o. Office forinorly oc- cupied by FaroweUl & Rutledgo, next e Royal Hetel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON-9 B.A., A TTORBEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chsucery, Cenvoyancer, &a. Orwuze-In the Office Southboethie Post Office, lu McMilan'is Block, Brook Street, Wbitby. ly-10 G.. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., B ARRISTER, &d., &.-Mouey te Loan lIsoer et arriage Licenses. -Oiouci-Smith's Block, seuth et Market, Brock St., Whitby.- J=a. 22,1878. (tf-6S JOHN BALL DOW, B ARISTEB-AT-LÂW» SOLI01TOR in Ohanoery, Oonveyancer, &o. Offoe-DeveriU's Block, Brook Street, Whtby. MONEX TO LEND-Privato Funds - n sumo up te 88000, at a Iow rate of ln- erest. . (ly-52. L YXÂN ENGLISEI., L 1'. B., B ARRISTER AT LÂW-,SOLIIT0R fIN Ohanoery, Oonveyancer, &o., &a. Slm- cos Street, Oshawa. £Ut b'Icadt P. GORD% N MELDRUM, Physician, Sur eon and Accoucheur. Office hourse-8 te 10 a.m'n., 2 te 4 sud 7lto 9p.m. No. 8, THE Il'TBaA0,"'BYR0N-ST., WHITBY. 3I. C. CRAWj VTBflABj~ BBG0. Gradua'is'e .Onianlo VotonmnnyCol- legsToone Orders by mail or isegrapit prornpily itendsd te. Offis a reldece t G Ayssoppoulte LIVERY'and'.8ALE -STABLES, BROOK SBWwT. emoamlge and GW on". u TÉ=!i 05 LONDONDERRYs GLASGOW. SuMMERA.RRANGEMENqTS. DATBS 0F SAILINGS., Steamer Prom Montroal Prom Quebec at dayllght 9 a. m. CircaSsian .......g. 9 ...........Âung. 10 Pelynosian ...Aug. 15........... Aug 16 Samta . n.24.i........u. k24 Sardinian.....Aug. 218...........Âung. 80 Parisien ......Sept. 5.4. .......Sept 6 Circasaîan...Sept. 13 ......... .Septý.li RATES 0F PASSAGE BY MAIL STBAMERS. Qnebec te Liverpool. Cabin, 50, 800, $70 and- $80 acormding to accommodation. Intsrmnedi$te, M50.0. Bier- age, $2o.00. Boturn tickets, Cabin, 5)0, 1100, $130.00, *M5.00. Intermediate. O0.00. Bse«r- age, 0000. cattie, Pige or Sheep are net carried on these steamers. IMPOBT,&WT 'NOTICE. Cabin, Intermealate and Steeffge Passengers May go on board ai Montre"L By this arrnement pa.sengsrsarem enabled te be comfortab ly eted on board the Ocean Steamers within oiffy Il hours railway ioirney froni Wbitby. Steerage passengers booked te or hemi Glagow Botai, uesnstown, or London, m rnerte sas- Liverpool. Bristol * and Oardift 02.00 extra. Passengers and their baggage are put on board the Ocean Stsahips ai Quebso ires et &alexpena. Parties sending for thoir friends in the Old Country eau obtain PBBPAID PAS- SAGE aBRTIFIOATZS eai owetrstes. For Tickets and a&U otiier informatIon, apply to W.ý A. Yule, Agent, Express Office, BIROOK BT., #WHITrBY. 1888. 1888. SPRING AGAIN.~ Ana itu R for a Nies Papes for youn PnoD oom or Khiebeon, , a el u uo Stock THE LARGE8T' AND BB ERvor shevu te Wbiiby, ern$lg~l Amerloagn and Canadian - W/ail and (JelIng Paer, 4U kiurdi ,f Hoùlqsign and P,. Hair B rushes, Combs, Per[ume8, Tooth Soaps, And ail other Ar-ticles necessary te' the Toilet, are kopt in good variety l'y W.- R.eIIOWSE, Chemist and Druggist, Whiiby. THO2R.I.1LEY- Ilorse & Ccitt/le ao;dayerioaobua~s~Zr Who va.b» in»sMe brit rvgeal al fhrm& a a iarrm tanA itw ridton visesb er aues versfour wpai Ina buahel, pob It would makàabotber stry if I b.d the a deales Uauý%ns,'umy informnt dimorssly Buu withhold IL .ThIm isaSU hat preventé me mmu mking lthe sory omplets.. jpe* BatWOM thei.efforts of the slafonrry PeOJ and isemaignorant, blaiantustretprseiters,1h a crevA ot Young reughm la 0foe isalongtalk th iii. rot atis evsry SvUndy mgh, aAM D atsm tths"ere.o" le over theso e »,,0sre- O àmattehovl, and avar, sud; ume ilsing languago gsnerafly. They are rnoily. from ses -the 0ountry aruund hors-aud ppear e] o tinik ita elevern.ud dalng enléi emydon ths mosi vulgan and absencetbing 8!e-A se Tbsy donlt forget tuhai my," 1xi u on aither aide of the sireei, b««.»s thsq tiom rsever knew anygt o ta, î,ty n slmply gré" héow.vh ~ alês Sundays until tha.y learu about eue hait au ïmacit s th- iink uthey know nov..1 I ekhtiudf, .hough qu,ùmwg *ï no such proceeding kould bi tolermet- a *aîn any oth aim'wnht 1km*,. c&t, àaA auuhntii es«i-it vs bave àa&-v guol-ae giy to blamxe for aUowlng à, If fuoh vnte ers a hui, l better Isbd. af tes i 'at mghi-ne.ya e ei pa"m? w sinc ordsnly. v On Tuesay tlatweek ]Mzm. Mhal CalAvelI vas drffvIg born is MPîssaut oi j. a se Mn. Jri=» ma et the .. lât a H.Frankliteasdniv- rocbai su"pingL te a e vas thraihing >ai Dr. zi lime 1.cov van- ]PQD in lots te suit purchaus. W. . H-OWSE OHEMIST AND DeUGQliBTs Agentior W1iiby. DOWU N' l. ad à% à& à a r- r% m

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