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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1888, p. 2

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Aud Items 8tolen froir aur Exchatigti - Mis. Bobt. 4Sivsde, Bothes, ie the lestherpoco thboki, being ýhandod dovm fmber gandtatbeir, Wm., Bell, Son- soteCum, -ian Eegland, date Sept. lot, 1791, tibove date writton on the. book ije tili visible. Mie. S. 8.70 -oh. wouid not have to do ,nuch work il oh. had baif the di oney tbe book bau oontaitaed. W. regret to learn that on Monday lait Î peor man named Richard Bell, a resideît of jh-east ard, had the mois- fortune to lose a cow by death. It esens Mr. Bell bad been painting smre implernents and b.d loft the paint on 'the ground while ho went off to attend te smre other matters, and in the moantime Boesey came along and devoured the paint. The animal wau valned at $50 and as poor Richard je unaible to withstand se, severe a abock upon bis vallet, a number, of friende Propose cbippîng in te mùake good the loua. Subsoriptione, aIl the way from a1 cent to a shirt-ballon, will be roeived.1 Mr. Wmn. Mark, of Greonbank, called on us Tuosday tbis weok and desired ug to tate that in November laut he bad bien aubpoeooed as a witness on a Scott Adcase. Hle travellecl eight miles and lest tire daye' work ini giving ovidence, and Mfr. Horne, tbe police magistrato, hail promise to Wpsy him the wititeusifees and ten cents per mile as mileage, but as yet bau failed ta do. -no. Mr. Mark thinke that be je juetly *ntitled te the witnou féesn d mileage and would like te kueir cf some pro. cees cf forcing Mr. Heine te pay bis demande. Police Magitrat. Horne resmred thé hearing of the tire chargea cf violation cf the Scott Act. Alarge number of witnesies irere ozamined, but only tire gave damaging teetimony. Both ewore that tbey b.d ebtained aie from Mr. loock's son. On the otber band, tb. Young man hiroro positively Ihat there was no intoxioating liquer cf any kind in the boume betireon the lStb cf Jaly aud the -18th of Auguet, tbe dates narned in the'cemplaint, sud mlsa- that h. bad nover handled or sold sny daring tbe period speeffied. He -in- formed Mr. Ohapple that the gentile- imen oonimittod peijnr in etatig that theY' had pnrchased beer from hirn. Mr. Horne, hoeover, evidently b.d a bigber opinion of theso gentlemen, for ho arriv.d at lb.eonclusion that tboy bad told the truth, and ftned Mr. Aloock $50 and olts for one offonce Aud $100 ,nd coite for the other. On Tueîday of lait meek, Vincent, stofetMr. Aucil Mille, a bright litIle boy et sorne u.vea y.ars ot aig, mas aI play, vison ho fell frcm a horitenîsl bar -on mbicb ho bal beaun.ezercising. H. usadeo omention of Ibhe acoidoul t. hie "Pareuli unulthe liseusxlday, visou on ex- âmln" t Il aifoud hb.wmasesoup edU. i# ut cf ne aval1, b.baving e-i ceiied serionsinternai injuries, to e ii b@ eucaumbod on -Friday. Mr. sud xî.mille nave liese ympalby cf the oitizens lu Ibeir boeovement. The Sylvester Mfg. Coc. fannu in ii lmau anexcellent reputation far aud vide, r ilfarmers ebould nov eall for lb.m. eSylvester morke bave b.d a very mueesfal ossosn vitblarge esalosand lsl saU"fatory roporta. This iu very uoouragingsud vil b. grstifying ta oui townspeeple, irbe feel a nalursliun- éorout s insohe acee cf Ibis instiution. Boy. Fatber -Bretberlon, the-o ppaar carale of St. Msry's, met suIt a painful accident oeeday -list wmeok, sdande that migisî bave, r.suled mucis moe sorionely, Wbili ying te open s bot, tie cof ulUle ."id Ibough sous. cause lise-viol ezplodod» sotleriug the acid over, hie sud burulug biise.m severely. Radasny of tenterai!bie eye h ight muet inevilably biaye beon domroyid, Mr. J. W. Willimeu, butobai, lt wok purchaiod frous 1fr. James dlock. mm o a f tise 8rd con.-ocf Fenolcu Ivo launhidropped the lait meek luApril lait Ibat llpped tbe scatle at Ibo i. drossed, obe weigbing 60 tIb. sud 'lb. other 70 Ibo. Ooneidemlug tb. drynosa of thé season snd -liseconséqueutasolil. ues ef graess the eigist stlaned là cor- tWilu nusu an d viii b. feund bard te boat.1 A nýunber cof ladies sud gentleman mise are fond cf bersoback ridiug met * - aitTburdayafbonoon aud teck a wer. lowered s littho for 1h.occasIo ud lise jumps vor. fahry taken. An- otiser mcclt tkes place to-day st lb. ame place. Tiisýlesaltistl san- n joyable exémelo, aod il a doeon or lire mer t ek pat i muldhomore on- ma rooged and hearly. ' iually, hovover, the bottom wumas ached mith- ont les.e ôflite or 11mb, whben a Senie- maIdiffieltdetoflr euabled the driver tc, gain the eshoot above. Aieb cff har- nijenoeoded'bo cever damnages, 0O. BILI". LÂBT Sonday mormnig a sparrovhawk attaeÎed a oanar, bolonging te the -Bev. Dr. Gray, sud kilisd il, while il Iras in ils cage minbte kitchen taking its dally bath. Afler the langhter il at for Borne lime in tbe veîandah, matchiug-its viobim. -Prohably uger impellod il ta, do oc, dsrinR an sel. .Dix DooXEDc--Tbo yacht Carleir, ovned by the Mesure. Thempuon b as been pulled np on lb.eere near tbe old aeyium, aud is nov dismautled. Sh. looks as thcugh she bail seen ber bout days.. One day lasa woek tb. Mesus». Tbom- son Brea. bad ta aeud to Toronto te get up s man te corne hure aud open their se, as tboy b.d lest lb. combination. Evemything iu lovely &gain as lb. lest is founnd. On Sstnrdsy morming last a yonng man by lbe name of Âppleyard, met with a very painul accdent irbilo werk- iug in Themmon'.abingle Mil. Borm.. bow or other a large book for canting loesewung agaiuet hie ieg sud eubered il immediatelyudemuoslb lbe kuso cap, laoerating il ueverely, before il oonid b. exlract.d. Ho vas taken irnmediately te bis home, irbere ho iras altended by Dr. Ware, and under bis experienoed oye je recevering as fast as eau ho ex- picted, altbougb il mIb lo lnglime bofore be mii b. ahi.le t esume hie &vocation. On Tuosday moring me8t ai about 1.30 lb. uigbtwatchman observed a brigbt appearanco in the eky ml bbhesd ef Peter sooet. Re promptly ian gthb aire bell, and a largo numuber oý or citizons s premplly reepondod ta the eaUl. Upon investigation il vas found thal th. utable owned by Mr. Chae. Sireel bsad sin.»very feir minutes been redaoed te a beap cf bamniug embois. AU the contents cf lh. stable more lest. Thoy couu'iseo f s very vainable berme, a buggy, lire cuItera, tire set.e fhaines. sud a ouîliug box, besides a number of cîhor Ibinge. The insurance is very smali, -aud je net mffiient ta rebfild tiso stable. Mr. Sireel iraeswsay et' Waubsaueoat lb. thimo. Mie. Sireot ieformod ns that se is under the im- preesion Usat lb. ire mas lie-moik et an iuoendiary, as noneeoft b. boaseisali baid beon near lb.ev#able iao. early in tb. evonlng. Many vili ho sorry ta bear ef Mr. Siree's los, ai the total aMeuna ay viii foot up te som.mhoee in tbo'noigbbembood of #50W or $600. About a tortnigbt é«c, on. cf thse keep- erssi Bthlb.nov .yluoe board icreaimu issaing frem lb.e bath-zoom under bis charge. Ru8s tg th b e rn, b.hofou0d that on.e thbie patets bd beau soald- ad by another wiis.thékeeer vas clbermise ocopi.d. On. cf, tbe Idiots b.d sol114 htoîui, *na umotier idiot bsd At o o mkebbml6ibthlrom.- t<6 oléau bii4.Ho however, terned on lis, bol. iuilad ot tise'oold mater, and tisus catlded hie f..t. The viehUm cf this mistake, bad.à woaky, sensitive na- ltremugi a v.ry feeble ocautltutien. The figisî sd shock pioved loo muois for blm'andisix days atter haowmald. ad, bo ueamb.d le thé. bock sud lu. jury. Tise.a st rules l isthlain eittion, eujoiuing tb»t the balb-moomi are always te b. look.d. sud cnly open- ad by l4. keeper Whou they tbey ar. ueed. Ibis ca ose, the look bâd boon meontly broken, sud b.d net been re- pair.d.. Thseirbole occurrene eume leha baeeaccidentelsuan splq7ex. plations -have beaenteul te .rela- tives M MKngston, vise mes uturally bocketd, wben lb. the iuteiigencë eseacb ad Iheus. h~ieoM9 ulysaisacoayexplan- au len e t d a vant se Iot fcrmarded bDreaIn slngmIlsebcy e lb. vielle. J. N. Msul4'diedhm nervous îbook, oaused by beain soalded Mu a bath, by anolisr pationt. - DvuraievLSL Quit a numbor cf ont toynspeople are dis.ardiug tbe elochrio lbgbt. W. tblnk it ise tb.cheapetith l.eud. BoirmanuIle tifie teanu teck ueaîly 1800 iW M e tahlb.Toronto rifle Matchelait woek, sud it is hoped will do equ4ly as meli st Ottawa Ibis vok, The lino boats willesse ramnlgon tis. 151h cf Ibis monts, being àa uaIý dei -eàrlior lat a aut. This l e ewing l e .dullnu*Of It rIao. ,Wbi[e -mmsThsom"ainllin ma iving ovoi lb. bîridge tue&r Mr. T. WaddoII'a, fti lino, li, bhouse sbiod, and the bridge beéisg voyumrô,KUn Ai aIùomu ont frsboeriog ber ollar bons. The, séool oua the blas of the -nmséhool WIl4leig oui tor! IusPeo"o metred 84 inos'aounLd tl huu Protty big for Ibiasesoeon o eb. ar. <k Friday lait wilh tirebâtie .bild. onof .Ja.T. Ëiéb»rdiôn more playing eholbliobo ruk bis si acroas the: fingers w-ith batobel completely tev.ujing -the little, finger cf ber 1r1igbt band -tboiýe the middle joint. àLtis ound .necebaary te ampptate tb. littie finger: close .ta the baud. The littho suifera er10 doing welI, albbough the wonnd is neoenssani very paini ni. While eating dinner aI th. Western Flotel on Tbarsday laut, Mr. (*00. Me. Keown b.d a narroir escape from choking ta death. A largo piece cf beef stuok in bis thrcatl, sud could flot b. dielodged for iorne lime. L t wva cloue eal, «but Mr. MeKeown e i! uH ight ggawn. When a poison je ehoking ihe bout "ig a novice in sncb matterir can do, is te îhamp him on the baok, shako vioieutly, and stand hirn on bis bond uddenly. This generally oleare the windpipe.-Newa. MAKEUM. Clapt. Roiph of "Gien Rouge Faim," bas Pold to Bgron Voq Biohthofen cf Denver, Colorado, five head cf pure St. Lamnbert Jerseys. They viii besbippod from bore Monday in a palace cattie car for blé ranch. This je one cf the boul maies of Jersey cattie that bas been made in Canes for smre tirne. ~- Mesure.àffnd C. Ackney of Lot 14, 9th clou. Markhbam, loat a fine thre.. yesr.old golding by màlicious poieoning on the night cf Auigust 1811. The borse wasestabled at 8:30 ic the ovoning and was apparently in the bei;t cf bealth Next worning wLan Mr. Aoknoy veut out le tbe stable the animai vas lying stiff and d.ad in the utali, with hie head bovard the epening. Dr. TeffI ezamin- cd the animal and gave it sa hie opinion that he had beau poisoood wlth areenle. Moesr. Ackney'u offer a revard of $50 for information that vIi couvet the guilty parties. Âny poison irbo meuld poison a poor dumb animai ta reveuge himeif on ite ovuer is ne btter than a murderer. WOMAa's Werk. There is noeond ta the, taiku wblch daily confrant tho good honsewite. To e Y& succeftl housekeepor, the firsI requisite in goed health. Hom eau a woman contend agaluat bihe trials and -worries et housekesp- lng if she be sufoering from those distresslng irregularitÎes, ailinentsansd veakuesa p eculiar te hor sez ? Dr. Piero'. Favorite Prescription is a upecifto for tlise. caflr. Thse oeilyromedy, sold by druggise, under a POsitve gUaSrate. from thse manufactur- enBatisactionjguaranteed lu every case, or mnoy efuded.Saeprîuted guarnte. on botlle rapp.r. Thse said thaï Ipres goes outtl e s u ue a shattered plazak sua. pute her trust iu miracles for satety. noHme Eate Mn,. Robert Wliamsen, of Glenila, Pary Sound, Ont., BaYsIII could Bet ko.p bouse mithoul Hagyard's YelIem Où1na, band. Ibhavesud It inn mytami for cru.Sors Ibroal anda ot , c mih] oeommend Il te evsrybody.» Animais' buade li u meo 11. tIi. latest faïncy lu parasols banios A.Caird. To a&l who are aftriug trom 1h.e mcra Sud ludisereions ef YOuth, nuivous wek- Ams, my decay, lois et manhood,*e.,I lm. sn a recîpe t tisaI mnours Teu, FREX OF OHARGE. Thse great renedy wus disonered by a mimssna luineuls Amerlos Bond a ssi-ad ev0e~ te tbe Sev. Jesupn T. lxai, BW2*lr_ A rieh girl m&y b. homnely, but sise mii nover kuei i by her.say. .A Dlnuor P.Ul.-Masy porsons sufer ex- crmin ageuy atter prtkn taeh t din r. ie ted partaken etse à .a banl ofe lead upon lise temoh, sud lnstead et being a isoatisy nutrîmout il beomes a po=ssothie sysbem. Dr. Pam la' Vegelale Plls arevoudertul ecirechlveof snbtroubles, 1Tiso ornet aeity 0 op"n tise seceoions sudeconveri theb.food partkm__ oh ie beailh-ynutrimeut. Theyare JUAt lise dlcnosu lake it tronbled vilb lu.1 digestion or Dyspepsia., A fat mas Ihougis net bliud la eompellcd tlefuisis egis. CONSUMPTION CRD Au Old physielau, rellred hrm prti.», -isig ba.I laOdin bis baudsysuHu Inds slslearytie onnak is asimple ýNeetbIe»mdyfor gbh.crY sdpe suent cureloi Ceons ou, 34-Bzsauiitis,7- ClairbAsbalm s ual- liazeel au Luusg Aiociosa.poiiemu a dlealcure fer NervousDemIty Mad aU lNerwoS Oom.- -nisinis. sitar -h&vinw tem.A tà, woued '"Outoitaisso wQ &UIad toeisIdent*al 1 reconmend I « superor toauy prescription Ifomutom." HIL-Ancnxa,IL D., lU "e.Oxford8U, BmOcklyu, N. y. I as evia csColle. lmlain IZ BoumStoaci, are, ncMden I i sW e m nsgu i o es Ule pM " ro o s l TEE CEzITiux Oouoeaoe, 7Murray Street, X. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO@ A Sohool Thoroughly Equipped for Bus.ness Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENM.ANSHIP, BUSINESS COftRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ARITHMETIC, SHORTHAND AND TYPE-WIRITING COOMMERCIA.L LAW, PBACTI4JALLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Cireular. Âddress. 27 C. O'DEA, Secret ary. A Positive Cure. A PainIess -Cure,. IATS ]FOR KEN 0FALAGI THE 4;1£ T H&tETH REr'EirE-i Marvolof Reallsg. and Kohinesi ef Medicine, lte mnlbla e.nmequs.nuem ofnelemeblOu Who are brcken Aom tiscuffecta et abuse wM-n In No. 8 a radical cure fer ne dobilibyprganie woakpees, iUnvolantary vital -louaes.-oe.& Soetoxm 7=3 irmonNo. o OuLp Bi;, UszD.-Waut oet neMg, vertïgo,,want of Pm dimsee et~Igtaversion to et * =t ofvaut- Qt essd e, à,aidiMce e of we tension, every fnction irsuslu eousequence et lasausa asylurns unit. lnu scring uo eI wasted liees visic S me under Showr noblei duties of biiness, lncapi6citated for thse 0A th lbeffects of aarly vice.Ifilyen are advance srut.If -cn are broken dowm, physical reti 4ineria e andi felly, se,ýd yeur sddre Trestise in Book Perma on DiseasisoetMi Âddr.ec'qall corismunîcations te ]ILV-.]Li[ A Man withaut wsdem lives in a ool's pardis. A Permanent Cure. > ES, trvoei The treatmneUt of mauy thousands of cases ef those chronlc weaknesees and distreeuin allmente peculiar te temalea, at the Inva ira Hotol aud Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. «y., lias afforded a vaul experience lu n1cely ada t ing and tisoroughly testlug remedies fermtie cure ef voman'u pecullar maladies. ' Dr. Piereeo'a Favorite Prescription la the outgrowth, or resuit, of tis great and valuable experience. Tbousands or teetimo. niais, received freta patiente-and from physi. clans whis have testaditilnlutise more agugra- vated sud obstinate cases whmcli lid baffied their akili, prove it te be tise mest monderful remedy ever devioed for tise relief and cure of sufaerlng women. Itla enet receminended as a "lcure-al,"I but as a meut perfect Specific for womsn's pecuilar alimenta. As a powerful lnvi frtigtnte, it Impartsetre fL O he ting stl sud te the su ad ItBaoendages' in "Iru-dom4"debiitaed eacisere, milliners, drasumakers, sm ese, "Ishop-gljs" liuse. keeper, uurmlngmotiseru, sud feeble memen gurly, Dr. Flerce'e Favorite Prescription l tise greatest carlhly boen, bclng unequalcd as su pe ceria ad reetorattve boule. As a soothingr and strengthening nos-vinet 'Paverik Prescription" le une- qualod ana la Invaluable Iu allaying anud mb- dulinj nervous oxcitabllity. lrritabllity. ex- huton, prostration, hysterli. spasgmeand other dletreselng, nerveus symptome coin- monly attendant upen functional sud organio disease of tise womnb. Il Induces refresblng eleep sud relieves mental anxlcty and do. spendcncy. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preseription ia a legitimat, medicino, ccfuly compounded by an experieuoed sud mlfi physician aud adapted te woman'm delicate erganization. Ib le' purely vegetable lu île composition sud perfecti y liamiesein ibm affecte iu any condition of the system. For mornlng siekuess, or nausea, frour misatever cause arising, weak stomacli, Indigestion, dys- pepsia and kxndred aymptoms, Its use, in saml dosues, wmli prove very beneficiaL 6Favorite Prescription 99 la a posta tlvi cure for tise meut complicated sud ob- atinate cases ef len corrhea, excessive flowing. painful menstruation, unnatural suppressons, prolapsus. or fallinif of tise womb, weak back, female weakuess,' antes-ersion retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronle cýongestion, Inflammation and ulceration of thse womb, fn.. flarmnation,- pain and teniterncZs in ovaricu, accompanied with "*internai lit at." Au a regulator and prenioter otf uno. tionai action, at that critical period ef change frein lr.lisood te weMauhood, "Favorite Pre- ecription " le a perfectly sare remedial agnt, sud can prod-acé only -goed resulte. tIgi eq ually efficacionsauan valuabie in its affects w en btaken for tisese ilisorders sud derenge- mente incident te that later and inoet criticai perîod, kuown as 66Tihe Change et Lite." 66Favorite Prescrlptionày-qwen takoen lu conuection witis the use et Dr. Piercee Golden Medical Dlecovery, andemail làxative of setDr. Pierôe's. Pur attve Pellets Libdtie imvrPiil)o cures LAver. Idnoy sud Bladdc diseaee. -,Tisair comblned use, aise resnoyee ,Iambe, sut& 'ad ablihesucru for Infante and Chlldren. I A Pleasant Cure5 -MÉDICATED ELIE@TIC ausy failrn ~~£l works boloir tbe-mark,ôg *W of, thae-âan ap(romeour rgl WÂ5sEINGToifiD. 18.Thé Cninese lo'thal thé 8.,B jusi ecewved s tolea -~~~g 8110 Mer o C hoelias ne positive enoug e b o S0ot propared a a às'obivllbuasd Pr~ thîou«b theHoanse suad visen il gel c soeaof the senvitoî il migbtà trougn"I feitunatelY for thè1 * oolliitry, more 0012S valled aud lb.1Sns * by passnareo Mfr.- Sherman reque btorm béis te Sen~ cent tmeaty with ch by .bat gevemureni heen the proper cu ,bave. aken in the member of eilLer p had nerve ouough t bien. We eau cerIs lii ire get bhc offi jeftion of 1h. trest ra'v whicb vWiinabrc lu existeflo., Senabor Stewart, war inihe General, latest moe. as te -tha Senalte fer tbo lielept cozmitteBe te jection ef -ise la*nu lande sud imber di The membors et anxiou@ te get hom noe urprieing tisaI the 20thintant.fel received with gouei Houe.. Tise memI on thb reselulien, -s peake"rred-il' wayu -aud meane,' remain nblthoeB il je iu earneat abe ubibate for bbc MIii reported nexl mew *leaders ef thelHou gel ay, de nol good polies e tsi the malter ef adji leave Ihat for the Thisfepreidontia ansd poliesc entera Mm. Randaifi 9 * resolutien expres foîced absences .Toýuseethelag

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