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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1888, p. 3

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Washingtonl Lettior. promnour ragular eorspetidaIit) WÂSȔINGTON, D. 0. September ' 7 , 1M8. The Cuînoese qîtittioa ig pper. M0t s t W$, &. h.18 Ranolýaiy bo-j lièvd that th, utirha6 'eflO rajetao. aithough the 8;%te Dtpamîmenî ha, juil roceived a twegrBin Ircui tboUnitea atatce Minuter Lo China, saying h; ho ha. ne positive information on the subjeot. The unofficial nows wae good eneugb for the Hanse ; Reprosontative Scott prapared a abent and abarp rir. striativa bill and promptly railroadcd il ý,thronug the Houae witbout a division, and whefl il gel over &e tha Sonate soeaof the Senatore wantad Io rush il right thnough lu lb. sae way, bul fortunatelY forthLe good nanaeoftheb coauntry, more coziservaitive ciunsel pra- vailcd and Ithe Sonate contentad iteeif by passiflg a resointian introduoed hy Mr. Sherman, rP-qQetiflg the Preqident ta infu ithe Sanate whethen the 'ne- cent treaty witbi China bas heen ratified by bst goverunit.. This wooid have been the proper ciurse for the Hanuse te bave takeum in tLo firet p14oe, but no mnember of eit ber pstrty Feeme le have had nerve enougb te make the sogges- tiou. We oaa aertainly atTend t> ai rntil w elotbtheofficiai fl8Ws of 1he re- jeotion of the tresty befere passilng a lfSw which wili abrogate a îroaîy ow Seuxtor Stewarnt continues te make war in the General Land Offie. [ie ittest moya wa8 to offer a resolution ln tùhà Sentte for the appointment et a select omLumittee te investigate the re- jeation of the laws nelating te public lande and timber deprodatione. The memibers ef thoRoese are al ansiaus te gel homne, Ihenefone il was. net eurpnaing that the resolution fixing the 20th instant for adjoomnmont was received witb gênerai applause by the Houee.The memaberswanted tle -vota on the resolution aI once, bot the speaker reterred it te th. committe. on wayo sud means, when il will probably reain unt-il the Sonale shows whetber it j8ie e@tabout paosing thbo sub- stituts for the Mii'a bill, wbiob in to ha aported noîl woek. Tic demr.nctic leaders et the leuse, wbile anxieus le Re& tiway, do net beliavo il weuld ho good politice te take the initation in th. mualter of adjournmnt. The-y will leavs that for th. nepublîcan Sonate. Thie is preidertial year, yoo knew, and poliesantar n mb venything. Mr. Randail ie greatly missed in thbe Hanspe. The appropriation@ cemmittea, ef which ho ln chainnan, bas paseed a resoluion expressing regret ah hie an- forced absenceansd hopiug for bis spéedy reluru. To ose the lauguage cf lb. streel, lb. republicane have gel entôte b. oeratie- racket et figbling tha Inusts, and are -now trying t te nde Ibeun uintnedncing bille againal tics. cbnoxious concerne. But unfonlunataly for 1h. pao ple ab large, thor n je1111e pnobabilitil f ny, eft Ibea bille beceminig lav unil afler 1h. elcotion. .Tmase are wesltby, and tbey are &aselibonal aonlnibulo eushe b campaigu funds. The debatoinuthie Houmson tle Canadian Rtalialien bill shows tht the repuhl.ioane are tee smnart le eppose Ihe grauling tote be radent cf ilHlbe authority hie wants, allhoogb they aIl took occasion te express lie opinion liat Mr. Cleveland weuld net mako use efthde additional %utbenily atten b. gel lt, aud inasmuob as lb. fisiing seson is oe o tIis yaar, tbay are probably right. Thon. wll be -ne occasion for ntaliatien, bol Ibeno wil be unebarn done by paieing the bill. Il wtt! bave a good offet on th. Canadians. Senaton Ingalh gave Senaton Talion a rebuka for making pensons! allusions le Represonlalive Scottl lu bienenanke on tie Chinesa Restrictiion bill. The presiding officare cf bti lHeusses should do Ibis eflanar. Thon. hava been en- tiraly toc many pereouallies indulged in on the flon et both Sonae and lieuse during ibis sesien. Senater Blair amueed tie Sonate by axpresalng synpalhy wilb Senator Reagan because ho was almeet as mucb et s erank as bimaesai. Mu. - eagan -said liaI tie euggestion liaI ha was a crank w-às tna handasl thing aven uaid-abont bim. Ho did uiot cane le o li lb. sea ctogory vili li te Banatcu fron New Ilampahira. The Sonate vent ioe aïaverllsing businese ibis week. Among , houe henafflttod er. Mr. MoKes, lie suthon cf a bookck osild "Protection ecieca from tbe Capilol," and the publisae efthle Washington Peut, tie St. Louis Pouf Deap atch, sund lb. St. Louis Globe-Democrai. Repraenative Fera» ha& introdnced a bill providing iaI h the Chiot and A.saanl.Cbieffet hie Burpau ef Eu- graving and Prntuing s"ilba subher practicdungrvens or plats-prinlus. aara&y e lqidreehmatsIani iryâiî torffsupposle no w evsr- tthglsnd eterything aise beaidea. Re muèt 4, oên4onsantwith 1h. 11.10 of the arepe ezaOalUchesurroundi!qg farmna; us oupposi4 10 k now and speàk hto ,l14 subsoribere; iüiuat b. pes4telui lho rie of cord'wcod, hsy, and kÊarden ltuok, and iuait givva t1 he' Iewe topthing îocal aves gingeily. ýWhen a mn becomes a country odtoihis firet nbian i. thst ho ovns the .arth. Â l!-A Wte on it alikas hlm liat perhaps ha ouiiy part of Il. Thon aftar a ycar or aslex- parience in huatling among an ungrals. toi and unappreciativo gang of noigh- heurs, ho la foroad tote enanimenh cenoluaien Ihal the wenld evua lin; that life ia net lb. big, resy field cf 1$. erary conquesl il appaarod w hab, and that unpaid subeeripliens are A HOLLOW MOOKERY when bard glittering secie Iole rquirod by 1h. express oompany hefono thhy wiil nelease th. "patent inside" te print his paper. Tho way of thie puaI liter- ary -martyr is hard. Hoie. sohliged te be ahie te oanvase, coilol, 5SWwcod, set typa, report, make-up, edit,-flght, aud in tact he murt heable te do sny- thing, frore the work ofthe . davil te paying tie banda. When the uuderBignod final etjumpcd with a glad, hopréful îbnd jute the jeumo- asah arena, visieus cf untold wealti and adjacent faine arce abafoue my amn- bitious gaze. 1 heught and paê for- with a portion oftthlbhigbt andl!neiât- ibla gall wbicb I usred te carry around fith mb-stia plant, ivorm sud dieno- pute of tbe Humpville Snorter and Noah Town8hip General HustUoi, and prooeedad at once te enter upen a great triomphal tournamenl cf financial and literary success. I was assisted, or at loast auppeeed to e, li my great amel- ionating tasi hy a fair-sizad staff cf em- ploya. of youthful. bol asertive ago. I liked tic staff final-rate when ho allow- ed me te bave a word in the managqe- ment ofthti office ocaenally, but as tbis selden oaourod I began toeantan- tain a feeling cf aw and reverence ton tbis superior montai, snd cnly when ho want eut fer bis ususl fivo or six heurs' loat evary day, did I enjoy a littia quiet thiukful peaee and&happinasa. S&MUKL FISIIES MACQUOBQUADALE was bîs ful! name, but b. did'l always Wear lie violeoe ti, sas ho Used le Bay ha fcund il veny inoouveniicot in signing choques. I calte8 bim Samn vien ha wau in god humour, but vion bissuni- tny seul wau rulfled I vas censidenale encugi net te cal! bim n aythig, sud scarcely liaI oven. Sain wuaatersa ollta blonde, exactly se many leted d soea lches tai!, and ho wasuferean of lie offic.. le vas devil tonrsalme aise. Dnning lie lime liaI Sam vas vitb me I neveu coeid deflue jasI exact- ly wbsî position I heM ou lie Bnorter. I hiredB-am sud did tha e rrk mnye&, aud h. neveu oneues gwbled gI Ibis ar- rangement. Bometiums ho wenld b. awfully gr"cons nd "e. 10me, sud ny beart vanm -evards hlm sash. 811- gcuîly mal upon bis sI*01 neadlng ex- changes sud neveu stsmpting te inter- feravwiltuumeiMy: "k. As I e"l lies. pleasant heursofet ontent Ihet I vas permiltea le enjoy, I os't help tiinkiuig liat My foroman Wasn'l snch a had sont &fier ail. But eue dark day 8an aunounod is spproaoblng dapart-. ors from my midat. My hâled riv7al of Jimcrow RattUer b.d managed te lne ny rnsaura (rom me hy an offer cf $8.- 49 a menti sud ohuck, whwb vwas 171 cents moe ana I oou!d siford le puy,, Seonee day I sadly aoompaniod Sam loe ieataion viere a special train oet fisau cae e inluwaiing. He vuas.s ignod a seat ou lb. baof ethl.eanglue, RIS tEuT'ÇyEnS GENTLY ROWbED witi Ima &id et a derrick on te lie ev- anal fiaI cars attacied. Wihli bars in my cyea I bade him adieu,,and I hoe neyer te moet s wcnse tellov lis» Sam. OSHAWA. Mr Smith, 1thev owilprk, sprakLnd eue ef île ankias on Suùday evening tact. Havasw cenfinad te lb. houa. for a few day.. Diphhsibelalaprvnt n u on. sec- liens e1 Esal Wiilby. Ou- saîuuay lat, Mdise Moffat, a iighly esleered young veman, whiewuvasdneedg mIt heu brother ou lot 12, 51i con., died (roma n altaci ofIbisdneadeddise.. On Tbunsday et :last week Mn. John Diokia oit (rom lihe loftI et hiestable to, the guouud, a distaqe et about tourteau feet. Albough ne bones> ver. broken i. reoeiveasésver. séhaklng up sud lau beon ~ t theind bue ane.. Ou Fniday lest th. barnusud eut build- lugs on 1ot 12; 611 con., Darlbngln. owued by Mr. Lukt', Màiu o f Pe- H&e., sud oet nlduby Mu., illia leg s laoven *#50-Do lnUnsn0.. Dr. Eeu loft y.slerday m~n o tripleo Lus AunglosA Oahfonia. a . - prosonls l ii.GmudEueammpmmt.I-... F.,ý of Ouarioet aà ameeting oethe . 8v-. éee Grafnd LcdgaIndependent Ordeu et~ ~ t Q4bo~ obh.dln-Lot Augies. lsw eýoflL4» o aY.-t-he ease suil b. centralhisouïto th-rook Un. . kbi n4go héea ne flit ubjeohso s 1 à cetdsWoho~ of &L epropenl o thnJa alding hbons. For Itl epeoî,l ben itsws' might swy lbal a vigilboe ,cowmmte, -lime thé!» under *0oidoratioi ind ià m!y nosleb. ong boe youloar of thesa yeut4ful des- peradoos reaeiving thoir firel leessn. A Generai ie-up eofail the means of public convayance in a largo clI, aven for a tow heurs, during a srie oflhe employeea,, means a ganeas pralyzing et trade and lndustry for 1h. lime baing, and le altended witb an cuormous aggragalale Inloe coommunity. How mucb more serieus te lhe indlvidual ia lie gencral lie-up et Ide aystem, -known s constipation, and duc ote ismrike of lie meut important organe fer moe prudent trealmant and baller care. If1 tee long negleotad, a torpid or sluggiah liver diseames, malarial trouble and chroizdo dyspepasa. Dr. Piaroe'a Pleasant Purgative Pellets are a prevantiveansd curaeofthliee disordors. They are prompt, sureanmd affective, pleau- &nt to take, and poitively iarmless. Liant-Gen. Sir John Roasa, commander cf lin Brilti forces in Canada, wua tirown frorn iii herse at Halifax and slightly in- jured. -Il im a greal public benefii."-These significant wordm ware nmed in relation te, Dr. Thona.' cleetric OÙ by a gentiemun who had Ihoroughly lested its marits ln hie own case-having been curad by il ef lame. nase of the kee., et thraa or four years standing. Il neyer fait l remova soeanes as wail as lamanes.. John Fortune, a fariner living on lia "Scotch Blocki," ne"n Carluka, fali tram an apple trac lasI waek and is dyig. .1 Imprla1Creazu Tartar Baking Powdar le ondersed by ai aur leading Chemisesand Physiciens as lie purasi sud boul. Use ne olior. Sold by aIl grocars. A wboleuale biscuit sud confedtianeny nuufactcry, la vilci over 50 mou vit! be omployod, la to e otarted in Belleville. Prof. Loto' Sulp hur Boap is a cheap and handy form of obtaining the iteal- ing virtnea of a su2phur bath. James Glauuie, a 16-yoar-old Barrie boy, wam givan ix lashes ou Saturday fer sssault- lng a gil about six years of ago. Sleeplessuesm ia due te norvouexcite ment. The dolicaloly cozusttuted # lie financier, lie business man, and those whoue occupation necesslalesgreat mantai aIrain or worry, ail enfer les. or more frein iL. Sloop lua groat restorar of a worried brain, sud te gel sloop cîcaue te stomaci frein aHl mpuMtes with a few doues et Farueleou Vegalable Flla, gletine coated euntalning neouuercury. sud ara guaranteoi te giva satisfaction oanthe meuey vili ha ne-. f unded. Thearer Ibe ieManitoba- road la about te purohase or Foeau te Emarson brsuoh la emially deaied. Ruadasd soft hcerna canuict wtbutaund Roflewayis Cern Cure;. il lu dotucIal ey lima. Gel a bot ai once aud ba hppy Chanta.Dernuthé. glati belmslcie j ndugs as b..» .ngsed fourexhibA- =V eialdi atbbror r Aard té odmiiterm.4oùskt ,Dr. 4Le..'.- PklarzeWorm Syrup ouilib. ppr- Thee Engiluli Dominion elautes arecern- pieelkansd vit! ho heund next week reedy f or distribution. Indications et Dyspopua, suai s our Stom*oh, EHeathuru, 8lek Headaceo,Bling sud Seuring of Food, Wlud on lie Sl'aonsb orsa Cbeklng on Gnawlug sansailon ah lha p it cf 1he uhomaci are fofllmel by Burdek Blod Bittera which bas cured lb. <orsI Oase on record. Tho nontion in Moulues], But wtt take plceonen 1h an sd tha electien ou tahenilaWa unitg Neglocled cenghis sud celdaseo foueuily prduce ains remit.a s le censtilnle a dulite warning. Thero la ne baller, atfer on more pleasaul reunedy for Cougta!. Bronchitis, Sera-Throsl, Qeidusud al lihroadlung troublesasleu gaudiâa Pectoral Balaam.- The bedy efthle laIe Miss Hoiand vas lu Bru&fAmd TO T»Poit. Dyqsppaa l&wwdroadflDlsedered liver Io mluery. digauticin fa a tee le gooti The huma» digestive upâtpaus lu enaet the mnts cmphoeduidvedfutlg lu ràa-laies. Wl luaitput ouInt erder. <reasy ood, leugi tooit uioppy iod, b.d ookry, mantal worn, Iteta hou u rg"la habils, sud manp orthtblgs h" cuglt net ho b., bave mauehie Amedoanpeepie anelion ofysetis But Green'. Augat FleWeu h1s dono a voudediniworn urfrigIi a business sud uu&ng lthue Wce-peope se halhhy tha$thlb.pman enjoy their neal and be happy. heailli. But GreosAuga lyrblg The *Reformerof-e' Nor Leumik bave seacld M. W. C. iOmldvoU, cf Lauak AYMë for ýPbn1 Plre Office, London, Eng.o Pir Iaurho ÂieaatlnLondon, Eng. OitizOn's InsuraD ce Comnpany, Mt>ntreal. QWece Pire Assuirance Company, Quéebec. ,£tua Pire Inmurance Company, Hartford. LondOn Lancashire Lita, London,, Eng., LondoGn farantee &Accdent Ou., England. Haniten Previdant & Loan Bo'y.HRamilton. OPFICE.-POST-OFF1CE, WHIITBY. The Poaso Furnaco. The tolowlng leslimouaals speak for tiainsel-ves: Fmrem Judge Burnham: Whilby, May 4th, 1888. J. F. Pzai FuENAlcU Ca., Tarante, I have rmuc bplasauro in tatiug lIaI No. 14 Bcenem>4juruace, placed by you in mp nesidance ha" fal ha. given us cern- fort and satisfaction, warming boli uppor sud lever nooma vili an aven lamporaturo, vitheul dual or gas. W. did ual requira te nu or pales aven lu tbe celdeel weatier, sud tako plassuro ln recoommeuding peur Furnaca e my fdleuda heu. sud elsewhere. Tours truly, Z. BURNHAM. Judgo, Whltby. prom A. A. Pont, Mn.: Whihby, May 4tb, 1888 J. F. Patin FUnnÂcz Ce., Toronto. Genlemen,-Thc "Eceony Warm Air Furnaca," wbich I purchsed frein yen lst Ooten bas givan me goedstilsfaotien. It le easy le cenîrci, quiak te nesponid, sud buri es "h.cl ean, requirlng ne Slftlnget salies. Alougbhmy houe in inavleerx- M" edailuahlen-I tound ne dlffculy a=k1 ing up a omfortablo aven lempeatr u" e from udnd uat. I miglit uO gay liaI theabumaes vhlci pour, Agent 1Mr. Mol»- lyre hamput lunlib is tevu sud vicinity- hava given good satisfaction. Tours, otc. -,. A. POST, Aebtai, O"shaaMay SRt, 1888 sifôutl 1o. lQPearoh" 7ou- lhe stoves proioieay. did yet fi warmed more reQuis aud lnà f ar more aem tortable manuer* vilm lasatttntion, trouble, dual sud oig.Mybouelrgemsudih = oili hihyet the bouse hm a~eu cer-- vewrre AUlwiaiier. Andi fmgbeue plants (ed Wh 1oih 1have msy) c e qe ley woumd tame su) givyen a &vote ot lhankm as hy harve notbeau injured or slkl ill ca gs formmerly. Tours, &c., iProm 3ev. IDr. HBum Whitby, Ont.p May 10, 1888. To 1h. Prealdent, J. F. Pase Fuzaffl Ce., Toronto;:. Sir,-We have Wled ee ears'triaiof 1h. No. 18 Eeonomay Furnace and aà» Ip>l oasoeertify tthee 1hofmanage. ùmt an4 girea béasting c*p&Mty.W. have teund theo crn suy wb" -fou, rep"esUl ozoedluffly eblqirg and trual'erlhyý. TrUiyyýouza* X. 3 Oovornor sd PzInaSpal Ont. Ladiss doiieg Agent for Wbibys,,Osha" an d Piokerng. ,VETRFI,.HNARY SURG~EON (Graduai. of the Ont.Yet. Oolago.) M S d. dnIÙ'Mary, t1he late I». .TIc Subacnibar wxhes le eonwcy te is mae n s and su stomars. hisnoore ,oûsfr their lierai patronag e h à s audio aisme hein laIho lba aler ioflilas imven lor executing ail erders antrustaeôhim for M onumnents, Headâtone8, 8 fate and bfarble Mantles, And any ciller work in his lUne. AUl Work guaranieed firet-olas. Pric to suit the times. I have now moved te my new place of business in Smith's Block, gouth eft he Market. R. WOLFECNDERN. BAKINO POWDEýR THE COOK'8 BEST FRIENO BREMOVEDI MATIiSON & FAWKEN, Havlng prchaied the Stock and Ma'iery ad tesdhie premisas of lth a.e t J. & B. Wolienden, are prepared te furniali _Marbie and Granite Monuments, Head Stones, and ail other Cemetery Work. ]Partishsng te purchase wMflltd it te thoir Intereat le cals on ns before buying AUl orders prcmptly filUed andatiafacton guaranieed. ALUM, AMMC er any antumos eaent E. W. G 1LI.ETr. ~j ~: % 4' OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. BamembS is manufacture Md are the,8cle ebhadfrom noerW o~& HEY ARE OTFOR SAL BTDRUBRISS. Correspnc eSnMn$ia. <ox&s-tat- uponai oles-hfnerbadh hfrmheat~ Black, Dark Brown, CBon hes-l LIght (lietnulGidBoudAah or Blond Ceudrea. Bond samplee iarwhenoreng Puoe, *ta pou botATl. Uoronto -i ieC, TOILEr REQWISITES In oreln lam speclf- whch you rqi va guarneotem te give entire asacl. No 8 LMnparts the aithe, S clr nfrsos of maidenhood,, harmlesand cannotbedeetd $1M2. No. 9llemoveo wrinkiis. 02. ,No. 3 Be- moyas Livar Spots. *1.95.No. 1li=oves Flash Worms. 61.5.No. 32 BoysE'akés 15 No. la RemoyesPlmples. *1& No. 3UBorovas Tan. 41.2&. No. 15 Lemoecs Môles. '*'2., Ne. 18 ReomePockmarks. $2. NO. lB*evaundue Prasrtien. *1.26.- Ne. 18 Au aboolute nmlg .paifc for the retantion -GavooMenl retr stlen ofthle. Har. *1à&' Toron Medielune Co. THIE BUST No. 19 Io a comblned Interniand.,ertarnai treatmant w2ch apaadily devalopes or restora the f amalo basl le the propoi* xîof vôluptuou natunre. laenllrelyhsrmleas sdcertain-Inusi- suitq, sra *. éronlo MecucineC. out, No. go ortan cmreforL auaoÏhoaor-Wbilu Fslllng ofthe Womb UloailonsPaniM . and Weakneusas pecullar-tl lefiDaG.Edr by the highast umadic tal ~ t us «a "ui ivalled"reiïedy. Pic e prbel T ~oronto Madicine Co., Toretc, Ont. FRENCIi RECUýATION PLL P'ar suparior te ot.TnsPennpDw or c neehemONTudý1 ehousanbBse ladicsPa" INSUBEB EGULAMY lamntan4Efeie Pric. $2 Toronto Mdicio ., Toronto, Ont, 14EURALciA ,» RHKmwmaTIS Can be ourod byusba ig eIA;oa .-Ilevas. deriulMao 12el Ae1, -I tmh " à dm1 gr ail thal a latmdfo l PSeL Ggoa i 4' I Lç vIes Bbywus alku ' Withàa tebeiappotite psua digeston, il ia impossible for hIe weoua îee raquihte amenut ct noW Ayes mpua Mnt oniy msil aimsfeu feod, bol aids the au Ã"ngMins 1 tle formaton et god b' Undtisat.. I 'Ph. Scoît &4 I t makint binas li,.I A Oouutry ~.has

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