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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1888, p. 5

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]BARNARD la BEOWERG à, Hlandsome Stock .of Novetios,1 JEWELRY) A&nd an oxceptionafily fine stock of WATOHESI S, olld GoId, FiIIed cà Silver Cases 0of excellent diesign andI quality, ~PRICE8 IJOWNj sea BA RNA RD,1 BIT 8Y. !0 FRIDAY, SEPT. 14, 1888. LOCAL LACONICS, WHAT 18 t3OING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET OF LIVELY LOOAL NEWS GLEAKED BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS "A zhiel's amang Ye, takin not6e A' f ait bhe'il pront it. A nuniber of vesaes took rotugo la1 the barber from lst Friday nights stor. A number of persqns were baptizea by Mr. Barker last Lord'@ day, in the crosk ono and one haîf miles west of Br6oklin. THE asigneo in the W. J. Gibson in- solvenoy matter in p-.ying a dividend bon per cent. thie W4?ak. This is oxpoot- ed te bo about al of it. THE cricket mrouah bora on Saturdayi laut between Eiast T.,renta and Picker- 1 ng proved Ions exciting than wau ex. pected. The'Pickering cricketers play- a vory poor garno for smre reamon and were beaten by an ninga and twenty rune.. Tas exhibition aouoîiatiouhmsdefin- itsly arranged for electrie lightiag rai the show groands duringthe exhibition, and lb. collegiasepupis, about cûs bnndrod strong are preparing to give one of tbeir-grand exhibitions under the electrio flash. Tnesday night wvil be a grand affair and excursions are bei.ng arranged. fPORaT Praay Central fair is foliowed the noît week by Wbitby, and Whîtby the "sme week by-Bowmanvile. Thos eikhibitors will eo that ijus to-their ad- vantago to makis arrangements for ai- tonding al Ihese. And il wil be great- ly te tb. intereuseof -the ilireea associa- lions to work logether and induce visil. ors and exhibitors b take the whole circuit. W. trust thal on tbis account thero may be no unwise rivalzy. Thore was a great meeting of towns. people at the gaswell on Monda&y night, atter the drill was-remo.,eed to, touch il off. The whole five and a halt inch throte of the well was leftI open -andi set afire. The blaze affordod great light for pranks, 'andi among other tbings -which took -plaue tbe Mayer vas calleti upon and made one of hi& hapDiest and mout eloqueni address.ý IH. ali the granite had been reacheti ai lut, but that aboulai ubt stop thie boring. Why nol penotraler il tee.£Lis motte was 10 keop on until vo either tounti gas or came eut in China. For thé opini6nni of geologisse ho hadt h. greateal con- tempt. What diti thoy know ? Nothiug lhould be allowed 10 stand belveen us ana gai. If gai were net fonunt direol communication misht be establisbod with the antipodes. TiB.are few oourences lin ordin- areveryday lite of a nature sudcenl- ly excitng to bempcrarily upeet the tranqullity of Poitméatar Hovden'a milnd, but on openng môoaday mzorn- ing's mail a parcel- rolled outiwbiob oausod -him tb falry RMP th. cool air. It wus an oblong, bottle.shaped pleoe of gluss, in oolor similar to Califorda wiao or a band grenade, aud was ftIIed with a dangerous Iooking liquid, and'ootkêd. No addrssstag waa attached me l va = umbl lntanded for .1he #os1madte 7U pomptone'a ouriostty * oorksrew vau bwilied l oe ibt It tbe corÏ aud loft sipking thor.. Pio the ob éof the thing ihore wuSno tll-' Ing what rightlhapp.u te one Who înighi dratàu te}eork. -.Therdo#btab!i 1fightlng editor efthiis paper vas àt fort and the posibly exploive ub"emIff brought o tefortiieroom ip tit f- acé;gwih voom epalu-ae o 10 tI stand anythlug from Olvlrda te.i~ ation tb a voloaa3io . - tioao.1Th#l!i .oo l.bulky poggtoi, bh Wj** aMd plnehédbolh he botoM'A balween big ..~D .i 1 p ci el il c i t Aoeong the additions bol eur liii mlas week from afar w. note ene each trom t hbiladeiphia, Chicago, Toronto, Toledo,1 nd 'Big Lake, Manitoulin. Oltic QVbitbyitos gel a glane at the- CaRoNi-i ME sornehew and rible *bat a fine se- )ount il gives of everything whiohcoccurs à Ontario ceunty. Thon a daring buti ticesetul raid is made upon'the right. band breeches pocket, a dollar abstracb4 ed, and the meney and name roaches Dur capacieus pomt-office box. A toucb- ing but satisfaotery incident. REPORTS in Toronto pape state that Jshier A. A. Alfin, oet1he defunot Cen- trai Bank, is to corne over te Toronto and givo evidence te assist in oonvioting E. S. Cor, upon condition that he is uranteed liberty and safo conduot back into the Slatem andtiei expenses paiti. Taking evidonoe trom snob a man may not appear s being a very gooti ide&, but bati mon muet be convicted smre way, and good monoldorn know the facto et rotten financisi echomes. Many othors in Toronto wili no doubt feel a shaking of thoir knees when they hear thaît Allia is willing te corne back and assist in 4"snrronnding " bank.wrockers. ON Tuesday, Sept. 25th, Bir. J. K. Ra., an excesilent Scotch elocutienist andi delineator of Scotch character, and a most arnsing reciter ,of otber pieoou, wili give an evoning's readinge in the music hall bore. Whatever ho may prove in Canada, he bas been a' moat popular reader in ScG;týîsh citios,: sa the many novepapor notices attest. Te give bis readingi a botter ring and te koep bis audience in t -be very test hu- mer, ho takes along an excellent lady vocalist, wbo singe ber songe between pieces, thus relieviag the programme ef t ho seerning monotony wbich. generally prevades sncb rocitals. Gas'boring bas been uspendeti for tbis oeeonbut Il je bardly possible to giv. a result et vbat bas been doue. The tiriliag reachet uearly seven hua- droti test. The bole bas been capet et the surface and a hlt.incb pipe in- serteti trom vhieb lbe gis shoots up vith a bissing sounti, hhougb Ibeo bas net been any test applieti yet. Wheu corked ti il liihisses oui vittba ounti similar b esoping steam. Wbea fired it shoots up ingseaifta anio' e put it.lf out if theimesl n Mubvit= Thm directors oethle eemupany fateo ou- courageat bellavo tha;t another. year their efforts vili b. ampiy revardeti. ITiere ta eerbainly gis under ibis leva if lb. oavity oau, b. penelmateti. "RATsED" wrtes:-ED. C(JRI<cLI: Sir,-I have orne te the conelusion that the tevu fathers are awaiting furthe. developments in the shapeet "11,natural, gai " before rnaking any furthbr expon- diturola lbe town limita-eitber for cern fort or ornamentation. Have tbm bon- uses recontly grantedl depleted the. fin- ancesof the towu te snob an esuentta tb. auna neeosary tb purchase a few boards eanl nails te repair the sidewali leading vestward canuel b. granteti? If se, vo vilosider lt.he u a fit ob- jeot of obariby, àand fallin awibtii, ug- gestion to sheulder a plank each tiutu v. find business lakmng use ver that aidewalk, andi fit our boarda abo o mre oe ofet bbc achmng voitis" wbich are excellent man-brapu. Thoue pi are no rospecters et pomons, for they are eocel. lent raps for the ladies aise. For tbii eason l tbink aIt promeut il would nei be vise tom the yeuth of your tlevate follcw Hormo Greuley's étvice of *1Go west young man," at bailt if b. should go wesi afttr dark.-H&naz».: TRImboard of Iduoion mol on Wed. nesday night. The firsi business vas thb appoinîment cf a Sclezioe Master vued vas oouforrod upon Mr. 0.H. W.Idron, M. .a1 *-80 por anuum if ho aoPte Thon the-fianoe report, eioomumin paym.at of sevoral seonaes f«.retpai te, the mentu ard soh, onl as d, mi mo* amsme"lulgoti mn mer lb1 items. Tho.question Ofteahigisln mental rmuio l in.ecolegate intltm vas tabou up asud a mo4ion>-passotiin sruoting the oommitee <n sebool mai agement b o mploey a teacher and report A oon ieaspaffld In- rmlln a p poinmontof W ILOrrto ibm ooIlogz- nOMs, aItlI4eraie of 4900 por -am" Mattirm. conneotodti mh th.equg l got hhoir usuel ovonhauling, 2anti r *Ihihtiiéùof Mhit physical - iïsm4 iM. W..W1 Taniblynp, M,.l, shmoç lea ad aster, wuvi ambot i.tat&hs ocular toast, passei, before lt-b. mr et admiring spto theb. ltazov le thegroom,vbhovas estat by i & Rush A. Bosselbis brother, scon plau " imself by heziKd.l 'The -bri4do >, " »M tsaein aPure Wvite ilk, sinIpY b g9 beoomliWdrapti wihhàalong ira 'e anBd reag tdmminge, and ver id tue Veil anti mabural floyers. T 8O.q. . akW, Peter. BUNDAT SERVIcES AT il &.if. AP 7TP. il. For the lut tbye Sunday's Ibo 11ev. Davidi Sordon bhas assstet inlatho mser. vines.. exi Lotd's day the pestor vill ubje etsasfellows :-a. m. "Holding out faithfql ugto ibme sud"' ob 8:14. P. M. "The apel acoording le if. Phariiee'e " Luke 15:2. Tuac strike continues te slay vithiboe Gaxostte office, anud the edtor continues le, fil atirirably esolb position in lbe office trom bImst et devil up.. The other- [moraiug this man et ail vork vas busy Iwith a pail of valer and a stick soaklag Ianti scraping th. felloiowg notice off bis outeitie vaîl; I"Strihe- bere-prinlers keep away-bad place." Ail but on. page et lust week's Gasette was patent luiml ai, 20 et#.pomr yd.,W. G. Waliors. Mr. . G~ Boo i.geti#ug np 00 >regramnea for lb. exhibition. er ihauts neoduot tsar le give hlm an ad- oertisemenb,9 as ho ii ne fakir. There i. tobeb.a tree matinee aI lbe race course on Saturday atoraooti. Two 3160s races are alnatyiy rrageti and nother viiib. given furmer.if -eaeugb >t tbem vill 0cm. in.. h is expeateti bore vii be a vhooping attemacon's TImYoung Peoplm'm SocietY Oet tb. Tabernacle are getting -Up a neVel eu- teriainmieul b b. knova as tbe Dairy laids' social. From Ibis w. may naturally lafer Ihat.,tb. young ladies wil aIl vear short mIers anti go irounti attendlag lb. guesta batetooteti. There je ne date Yei. Mesrs. 3. B. Dow anti L. T. Bar- clay have returnoti from a long tua threugh Ibm aorlh oountry anti lakes. Trb bwpuas broutgb the Kuskoka chain et inlanti lakes te Parrýy Sound, anti trom there te Oollingvocd, tb Owen Fou 'nt anti back home by vay of Toronto. The touriste are tait leav- ing Muekoka nov. Il is vel obeb.posteti in lb. practical details of ono's business, tbe more os- pocially se when lb. business is ex- ceplienally ntricate. 010,000 vas me- contly maveti by lb. MoCauslantis, et Toronto, vben an American specialist in lb. Staineti Glass business toundti bis surprise thal bis firm hai been working for yeare the very, item Ibal b. lidte dispose et anti wbich vas sup. posedti obe et recenttisovery.-89-mo. During tho editorial absence on ýTuesday, ome fair frionti, (pt.sumabiY a bantiseme anti amiable one) decerat- edthe l.sanctum table vitb tho Most elegant bouquet etf fowers vo have seen Ibis year. Long lift bhem, vbo- ever eh. te, anti may aehe enjoy sncb happinees as yull prove a fitting acorn- panirnent tle hem fine baste. Tirnevwu vben editors ver. favomot ivtb littho attentions almosi bonrly; but our somvhat short anti industrieus oameez la Ibis line bas taugbt us that the lits ot the nevepaper man et to-day je nol gracotiby many complimentseoft l nature. Many joumnaliots vear aval lite ln th. figbt for tb. rights andi pleasUresetffellow mo12, anti scarelj once find a graceful tribut. lu appre ciation etft.hoim offerte. Ta gfeliowi dovu amounti the Grani Trunk station tell a pretty Swift mtor] about a aoutb yard boy vho vantedti 1 ride a treigbt train frern Toronto lu Wbitby the ether day. The contino put him off ah Scarbore, viiore tlb ireàght waileti ton miaules tec cross i passonger train. Il vas neticedtiha tiie South yard man teck lbe ttack abrn vben hovas ouit off. Wheu tbe freigh reached Pickering thoir man vas qiol 17yretngbhimsltantried togel ba agaia, but vas stoppeti. Agatu beo di appemred aheati on Ibm braok antipasse np the gradeset top apeeti. Almost in 1mediatsly tbm train folloeti antikept jloohoul for thoit ox-paswoger, but eh sout ur spinter vau ealy sighte oo.That vas whoa héocame op o tb. tmaek afIn lurving gene dova te 1a r p a littas valt euot of a omeek le 00 bis bres4biug apparatus. H.oltll ha a le" ofe a few huatirot yards vbieh b mainlalobt spleudldly unlil Whitb jonction vas reaoeei, where ho brougi à, againat tho station vitb speoti somi t1ig-leu han a osanon baIl, Usi -WHTECOQUNTERPANES. bargains ia above Geode. The beet patterns we ever had and the quality ise very rich. LACE OUBTAINS8 in excellent designs and patterns, Cream and- white, anad-extra good value. Aek for our New (Jurtain Holdere. NAPRINS, D'oyles, Towels, Linons, White ana Grey (Jottone, Muslins in Plain and Ohecks, Handker- chiefé, Gloves and Hosiery. A nov Stock-specially good value. DRESS GOODS-to hand our firest lot of Plain Mettons ini Navy, Garnet, Cardinal, Brown, Gu~y ana Black, fmorn10c. per yd. up.1 IJLSTER, Mantle and Jacket Cloths, for Fail Wear. TMie latest 8tyles la Gents' Feît Hate, (Jollare, etc. DEVERELL'S BLOCK, 1No. 1 1888 - - WHITBYO FAL 1888 Elegant ]Range of New Fail Dress Goods and Tw eedls at prices lower than ever. Don't Fait to seee our Goods Before I>urchatsing.. _c We are showing a Good Union Flannel for -15c., and a first-class Ail 'Wool Grey Flannel for 20c., which is mucli better in quality than anything before offered., Our Dress Goods at 12'c.. per.yard is a surprise to il who have seen them.- ~EW GOODS ARRIVING DÂILY, Rernember the Place, ~ê2ISEIYRZEY~T UGLASGOW WýA REHO llolds a C(hoice Assortmenl of Tweéd8sl al Mas.kes, 8ot1oh .Tweeds, Fine ÂII-Wool Ooaàtinge, Pantings, -Ovér( Tweedis. We are now prepared to'tako ordersa for Suitea and 'are-ôfferi that will effeot quiok sales. We hold a ohoiée seleotion of Dress &*oodi Leading .Styles and .Colormng,so rmnig omatchi. _.hoice su< iii Ladies',-Mens', Youths' a4id Boys' Grey Flaimels, Oheok Plamels; union, we hold alrg t6o oand le èuih ui~tes f We are m akn Cesliteresng tlue 611. -Çro alwaysÃ"onband. Ys on Far0r' rédum.,tkEnet"- .Hc >0_ orW~ mar es duce-t-w Just te hand a sgplendid assortment ef wool kuit Shawls, suitable for Boating, Eveni* Wear, etc. HO01USE ýl 1 FURN ISýHI1NGSi TABLE INENS in Cream and White, handieme patterne and grand value, and positively assert that we givo yeu botter quality and value than any fipm in cou.nty. We offer big We show a stylish lot of, Patterns and Colors.

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