j HITBY .HRONICLE. Wlth calm Prlated words, great thoughts, and untiring industuy, vs adiocats Peacot, 'Projgrus Knowledge, Brotherhood. VOL, XXXII. WIIITBY, ONTARIO, FIRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21' 1888. NO. .41. 'Iitbu Q.ronick,, Established 1856. heLeadInq weekly lu Ontario Coupty1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. Si- per annum in aLdvance--$1.50 other.1 misee subserlptiofll are aI waym payable at he office of publication. Steam equipment and best furnished Boeok and Job printing plant iu Eastern Ontario, capable of executîng ail classes of work f rom the large poster to the umailesi handbil. Special mention is made of the uneurpa=d. prosse facilities of TEE Ouno?î. ICLE, wt its celebrated N. Y. Cottroîl cylinder press and other modern conv eni- eoces. Every order receives prompt, care- fal attention. TERMS 0F ÂDVERTISING. First inserition.,per Uine, 10 cents; each subsequent insertion, 6 cents. Dieplayed Advertisements are meaeuired by a scab of solid Nonpareil, and charged >Socordingly. Advertidements sent- without written instructions ineerted until f orbidden, and charged 1or full time. Orders for discontinulng advortigoments muet he in wrting, otherwise the publish- o rs wîll net ho rosponsiblo. A liberal discount for contract advertlse- magnts by the year. Copy for changes of oontraot advertieeonts should b. handed in not later than Wednesday ; aud notice of anyintended changes sbould ho given boforo Tuesday noon. Othor advertà le. mente received Up te Thu.rsday noon. Business notices in loaal or news columne Five cents per lino weokly. Locale, 10 ets. per lins weekly. Correspondence solîcited from ail narts of the County or neighboring townsliphs., o-3rree;pondents are requeeted to eend iu their communications as promptly as possible, JOHN STANTrON, Sup't Meobanical Dop't. OBAHAM, Proprietere. JORN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BRI5TER, County Orown Attorney, and Conniy solicitor. Office,- South wlng, court RosWhitby .48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, 1) ARRISTEBR, &o. Office foriuerly go- U cupied by Farewell & Rutledge, nert o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORNISTON, Be.&.9 ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ohancory, Convoyancer, &a. O1ruîcu-In the Office South cf ihe Pous Office, in MoMilan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., BA.RRISTERP &o., hc.-Mcuey te Loan 13 Isser cf arriage Liceuses. Ormcu-Smith's Block, muh cf Market, Brook St., Whiby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-6b JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR in Ohancery, Couveyancer, &o. Offoe-DeveriU's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvate Fu.nds,- a m5me up te 88000, ai a low rate cf in- erost. (ly-52. LIMÂN ENGLI-SE, L L. B,, BARRSB AT LÂW, SOLICITOR IN COcQ Street, Osawa. P. GORD014 MELDRUI99 Physician, surgeon asud Accoucheur. Office hours,-8 te 10 &. M., 2 te 4 and 7 te 9 p.m. No. 8, THE OfTERRÂCE," BY3RO2-8T.t WHITBY. 31. C. CRAWFORTH, Graduai. cf tho Ontario Vt.rinary, Col- loge, Toronto. Orders by mail cr telegraph -prompily atlended le.- feo. airesidonce cf G. Ayseppolte Dr -Bgrt, DundesstroiWbI=l. LIVERY and 8ALE 8rTABLE %QRgksud Gocà s0ffle. *fl59 W .A.. A. FOST ate with Langly Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Designs for Ohurches, Villas ana Cot- tages a specialty. Draw4ngs prepared for remodeling existlng structures. 0-monu-First. flat over HQwse's Drug Store. P. O. Box 202, WM'u. Dominion Linô of Royal Mail STEÀAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. Prom Montreal. Prom Quebec Montrea....Thur. Sept. 2th......... *Va.ncouver .... .Wed. I2.... Thurs. Sept. 27 Toronto .Tues. Oct. 2................ *Sarnia...-Thur. Oct,.....i..Prl. Oct. 12 *Oregon...Wed. Il 7.... Thurs. Il18 BRISTOL SriRyicE loia AvoNMoUu EDOCK. Quebec f rom Montreal about Bop. 2th. Toxs from Montreal about Sept. 26th. Cabin Rates from Montreal or Quebec. From $W0goc>#80, according to steamer aud position cf State Boom, with equal saloon privfleges. Second Cabin (very su- perior accommodation), #80. Steerage ai lowest rates.1 These Steamers havre-Salcon, State- roome, Musio-rqomq - Smoking-room. snd Bath-rooms &mildships, whore but littie mo- tion je f.lt, snd they catxy neitter Cattle uer sheop. The Roome are ail outeide. The accommodation for Second Cabin on theee Steamers ie exceptionally gcod, snd well worthy the attention cf the. travelling public. The -'Vancouver" i. lighted throughcut with Electric Light, aud lias provei herseli te be oeeof the fatstu Steamers in the At- lantic trâÃ4e. Pasengers csan erbark ai Mouireal if thoy se deire. DAVID TORBÂNCE & 00., General Agents, Moutreal. B. STEI>RENSON, Telegraph Offce, Local Agent, Whiby. «Jf.Ulan [inE: Ha nging . La mps. The bau as well as langeai sud choapesi vaniety ever cffered in the county._ FOR SALE BY 1wRu IWI CHEMIST and DRUOGIST W13T8:sy. St. Leo'n Wateri -AT- W , RniE!E Chomist cà Dru ggist, W HI1TB Y Royal Mail Steamers.1 Tooth'BrÎîshe8, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. SUMMEBlaU,ÂRANGtMENîT Se DATES 0F S&ILINGS. Steamer. Prom Mentree.l Prom Quebec et daylight. 9 a. m. Circaian.. . Aug. 9.............Âiig. 10 P alyan..Aug. 15............. Aug. 16 Saraian. Ag. 23.* ...........ÂAug. 24 Sardirdan. . Aug. 29............ÂAu. 80 Parisian. Sept. - 6......SeptSebt..C Circassian.S. 8........ Sept.1.é. 14 RATES 0F PASSAGE BY MAIL STEAMERB* Quejec te LiverpeoL Cablu, 50, $60. 870 aud $80 according te accomm odatiOn. Intermediate', .O Steer- fige, $20-00. iteturu tickets, Cabin, $90, $100, 10.%$150.0. Intexinediate. $60M. Steer- Ca'ttoie. Piige or fiheep are net carried on the»sesteamers. 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE. Cablu, intermeaîte-Snd8tOrS4e Passengers may go on board at Montres]. 4 By tbis arrangement paseengere are euebled te ho comfcrtabiy settlod on board the Ocean Steajmers witbin only Il heure railway jcurney from Whîtby. Steerage passengers booked te or huom Glaegow, Belf ast, Queenstown, or London, same rate as Liverpool. Bristol sud Cardiff #2.00 extra 7?amsngeresud ileir bsg-gmge are put on board the Oceëan Stzameahipe at Quebeo free of ail exponse. Parties sending for tiroir frienda ini the 014 Country eau obtain PREPAID PAIS- SAGE CERTIPICATES silowestrates. For Tickets sud ail othor information, apply to v W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Office, -,EROOK BT., WHITBY. NE WWATER JACKETEDM B.W. KBIM' Ne reue.6u. oWateu jgO ir matiigW, a <h. Hair Brushes, Combs, Rorfume8,1 Tooth Soaps, A.nd aUherilcuArticles necessauy te lb. Toilet, are keptinl good vsniety by W. R; IOWS1E (3hemist sud Druggist, Whiby. THORLEY&.L Morse& Citt/e; -FOQID LOCAL -NEWS LETTERSO CEBocLiOLECorrespondence. Thie'Rev. John Vickory sud vife vers houe ou Sunday sud Monday. M. MoTaggsnt sud vif. teck advantage ci the chesp trip te Chicage, sud are vWsting friands ai Waterloo, Iowa. Mr. Seamaan smter from Sharbat Lake formeuly nîght oeoater ai theC. P. R. heme, were at Vounons boauding bouse a short time luti week. Alter pendi.ng a bey days ai Jackson _City Michigan, Mu. William Derby roiurned home on Saturday lst, hie sister Mus. Robert Prlnk of Belaire, Michigan, oumiug home viih him te aspend a few dsys. Oucld friand David Bowes lia beau ou the ali liai fer some weoks peut, but ai preseutt unie thai lie le geitiug boiter, hie son sud baiy from Western Ontario e e visltiug the aId gent this voek. Jacobesud Mefiat voue here on Monday luit buyiug héee fou Montreal masket, or ai leasi ihey hought oe e,,oiber iheir prices d 'on't suit the seller or the sellers price don'it muit thom. Mm. Meaier tho grain buyer Libtis lace bias laiely had taien saphotegup fi thie grain elevater sud dwelling houe belong- mug te MXcXsy Bues.. Toronto,. sud Mu. Ledinghà am Lu getting bis dweWHng housa sud ste re photographed by the samo firm, Pool sud Rbinson cf Port Ferr. PICMmRIN. Mue. W. Bateman, cf Sougcg spout Sun- day with lier sou Dr. Bateman. John 6eu liasgoe nLt. the Commissiou business, and ithe face cf '<Honesi John" le becomlng familiau to theocountry mouchants ai thà is lcnity. Butter, eggs, sud osir1 his mette.11 Mu. smus.mflendeuson, cf Gravenhuro t, vers atILMu. ddy'm lest veek. Pickering rosidonis viii recoguize Lu mme. H. Mins Oboglioru that vwu, vho taught mumie heo»e morne neago. Wm. Gee. Istocf Nelson, lait home te attend Albiert Colloge. Bellevlle. HeinL- tends entsrlne th. minlatry. Right Wille youlre toc gead to e a sechool toelimu sund vil mate a good figure Lu your eliemen caling. O)ui vbiae e mpmevnggraduaily. Mu. MoQuae, lumbor m'ucant, bas leased half su acre from Jas. Androwse, Jr., for a lurnber yard, sud tl ûuing t ur icol. H ha. euected a comuiodicon c. vuil son b. Ia à pottition iosupply aRiviti mny- thlng lu bis Une. Rs bas net boon long viii us but is upidly galning uthe et-- Iu the. néar future. W. vil let yeu now wliou the date le deflnitely metted sothai iriond G. eat gsi himeol inL good tim,-for' eue of ithe bout ai bot dinueu. W. pri- cularly vut hlm te cone te insuro, a good report cf tbo sutorsiumeni. The Be..- Lord, B. D., Nova Seetis, li Iý &eei maeu fres, "St Audrews» Pickmerlged Brugiara, sâaxuy 5200 su mmns.sHpuos he liuetwo-Suadai sud drev largé onguegaties. his ete bé, hoped ilisi ho vilIs cepifou, judg rogfrM. bis Inaugurai addromsso oi h o quit. =1 au acquIstIon «te ihe tovu, sud wiUu ts 'UP the dry boues witheut doubi. Suabsorpienu- to the ' "Plokeulng Pire Protection Fund" suecoming iu olovly. htisl tee bâd thât znoneyod >mon. sud« lsr0, poety-holdaern ette. 1h 'FluetProtection"» sthatie =osin dc- manda. hiinueeeassy te ay iiths s Vmialeai the weray of tie -firo-:fteude the fiutimre ablase oceurson a wLudly nig t en-i criu.jumtoana: loi us have a hsnd engin. at leutI.fhiyen.ý can't joiu theCompany yon canaddtu5 u go 0il the fond. 1 ibini that part ai the,'li.-proi>otive ohbaipien 0.0d. bavmueoied t. Mcimo-, day vas eolvo,il, udthe mrdued portion ofthe club hsd Wimewtthei.boys on, the Collae grouundo--wore as nala. Tlip Haït Rend su d à C . 0. J3nmors play-. ed iii. WesiansSonili on stnndy, sud anar trabail iet viôket rookoaned Lumaden's with hie thueshig machine, ho met wiih avery paintul accident,.by which ho lest threeo es. Thinking ihai hie trac- tion engi n. would get stuok in a mnd-holo, ho tecd up te take off the. geveruer bah te gve imere power sud in se deing got hie foot eniangled in ithe driving chain wiih the abeve resuit. ie many friends féol eorry fou hirn sud hoe te soe hxm &round again scon. EROGELIN. Mm. B. F. Campbell auived home from Boohester thls week. Can'i the Brooklii base bail club beat the Whitby club uohow ? ies Allie Ketchen le vory serionsly MI. I am tcld it is a case cf blood-poisoning. The Methodiet chnroli choir lntend te gieasoug service Lu the church in a few weeke. Don't fouget te, save a few nicklee for the beat concert ever given. B. Moome's cla vu astenieli the natives Lu twe or iliree weeke. Mmr. Jas. Fowlle has, for the ihird ierm in succession, taken- a moyen years' lase W~ Mue. Mitchell'a fsrm near bers. Ihis ethe eue laiely advertis.d Lu the CRONIOLE by Mr. James I. Dvvidien. I'sm sure ailMr.' Fevliels uolghbors wvu b. glad te hesu cf the reneval ef hie louse. A largo number cf our cisons have 'been iaking in the "Industil Exhibitien" ibis yesr. I wender if they ever ask ihemeelves tiu questien: lot worth the trne aud ex- pense ?" I dou't believe it is. The trouble ie ihat the Toronto papers withont excep- tien unit. te puais. up the "Fair" even at the expense of truili. There la ne use dis- t usn hefaottihsithe whole afair isa I iaiefrand ùpon the rural sud urban EiýIIO, naamonas Toronto receivos the et home. The!"Pair" les largeu snd longer than the ceunty shows, but ie ne bettar Lu qualiy. Novs scauco. Pud plenty. If a mwan owne a fine peau tree sud s boy cernes slong alter midnight snd fi a bmg huom said iree snd a second maur stesia tire bag aud pueseuves, the fruit, whe Le eutitlsd te the precerves. W. dieun hear cf people tallng about duil )placeu, bt tir. Auiburu beys neveu anud it dull around bereer a&l the7 have to de la teboock over insomeonoesgardon sud yen wlll bo given a race vith a bulldoasd 4he,women given a chance te do smre patoli- Iug. un e ite-. Amsai accident happened ,te the ebdesti daUghter ef Mu.- William Cassis a short turne ago,. 5 h. was playing bal, -sud bail- iug broie heu aum bebow th.elbov.-- Dr. Warrnmatteuded thre Utile tùfféeru ls he Du. ibinieli viii nt n-1 oetig Osnightieu" veek ene ao u aIw abmd-l ing citioens vas dleturbed in hies uuih alumber by soins noise Lu thegaeubL- Lug it vas sOMeof ili. beysai bisnp hor, jumped OUI -f b.d pulI4dou bis nmoti albi suti sliped It ou t thelb.servicas oai the village polio.. Tire polio. gathu-ed it- selftogtothersud adlli s.el.d& , liain Mer 6a iblor,, zp reocaeeded to investi- $bpsrearuvodai 0i.gae 1.adlngici1h. ooiand they et"o onosu, emouy. Th poulanstood ock t lo b te ý_ rnfwbMi u ,-.Ober declUned al ilà 1 to- piorty nd'guam-ously oleared tie ws feu bio .supenlor. The ,toc speut soveral nutesjnluetrylugie persuade cad haJr ibst eauhiwuamoue polit. than tir. ouhor &ad luth.e ihesu-tirne the ar tva ýbvoe 0onents ofthla wygrasplng lisuaisde slng truhelb.gsite.o gto.Afisuer pirïg tro thistles, PORT PERET. There wae ne etreeii-preaclxing ou Sunday night set sud thinge were a little more or- dorly. AMtough there doos net Boom .te -be as much enthusism displayed this year s for- merly over the Central Faim, 1 beeo thore will ho a muai more succeseful show. It- ougbt to be coneidered s an establishod event uow. The grnunds are ini fine order sud ne- b,2ngiswanting te mesure room sud comfort to biiexhibitoresud visiters. One tbiug about tbe comiug faim I wiehte sayi ad vance, sud that je regardiug theansu nualdebaucb sud flgbt which je a yesrly oc- carreuce at the booths under the grand stand. From the caes of business doue there t je obvieus that in bidding for ihose places te caiculations are based u)n the quauiy lcf intoxicants the lessec wil be able te dispose of- No meau who would wish te observe the- law has the elightest chance. Such liquer selline nt legai under auY Other law, ne more than it Le under the Scoti Act, and the dimeciors cf the fair are: evemy prieoas, much te biame as are these den.keepr. -I undemtand the idirectors e ema peuoclast yeam ai my emarke ou ibis shaam nsd dieigraceful business ; but ne newspaper mcan who would net boudem, suai mcedigs de- servos the name. A career cf de. bauchery- aed crime , was started ai this show last yesr which laeted well.nigh ail wintem. Let the authorities ef- the central and the town eeeîo iîîhat the druuk is net repeated. An iniorestiug case wae tried Liith divi- sion court bore on Tueeday, mrising St o f tho summor race meeting on the Central, fair orend. Inuoeeof the tfciting- races PFi, cf Peterboro, was awauded fluet mouey, Sebert, cf Whiiby, second, sud- B t. John, cf Brook, thurd. Ray wau fourilisul oued foru' hW irdnney on the groundu tliat' Finch'm hore as disquahlfed sud -should be ruueout, ihus rsising -the second. and ihird herseis apeg. Ih appars ihat :the bille cf the meeting-sud the à dvertÃŽiemnts olasled ais tethe eligiulily. cf -hors1!eeand' this in suoli a way as te ahmi Fincli oui, aceudiug' te the platif's uesgoningA Meurs. W. H. Billings foirplaiutiff,*nd ýPet-.- ousou for dofendsnis,funght ihe question ont befere Jiudge 'Darinel i ni the go&old couuiy court style, abusitg ach othor te iheir hearta' content. HE Houer, miter staiing that he believed sunc0,&Englïh-h <rode would haveïte gove,te nl.ouaru M5 *as thelesebuthabt &iUhd ho lek1y ofediLus herse race, sotateil ho would 're-; servesgmnter.y Hauves hotinnitailtd here y e t. .Ais Ëougsown. -1-- .1ý InsapiteofaU ibhai lasbeen wuitonabou.. Touonto's rea airhin i"Non.Arolu a deorth.ornova ftuin couuepondouî'ig going ORA'tw mg. Willi am Batty r, froeiMn. Jcse*ph GouId1 euoe hunduad acre. farm s -kuth. 4th don. Eask 'W paid' vas *9,000. Miss Mabol Mason, Mis Campbell ar0 a Ladies' CoUegol, sud WU lias rsumed hou .studios a Iu lots te suit purchasers.' CHHMIBT Â1XD DÈBUGGIOTy Aget/or WMâîbyi liés' Loat n