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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1888, p. 3

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waaingtofl Letter. (Froinomir regul.uiraOrrespoudent.) WA5INOON.D. O., rSeptemb6r l4th, 1888._1 Vâ ~rS. ClcVvreIdlastândiUg on the portoi't Oak Vilew,' in ie0 nleIIow Sep)teu> , r aunstiii", yesîterdsN'. She seemed vtry 11111e troubled by t'e heat of the oaLi.pigt,ad tue landi,,uu i). ed picture of thre wife vvaÎiiu thohe îwe 'Comîno of the 1huebanfi wtae but onie of tbaSfds of " eh i dm'ttic pietures that mtiy be soeu t t hat hour every. wbere. Mcc. Cleveland's reticetice and ber reIluLo(,4t u e-ut btauyî.hing like iuterviewinêt growP as tLi-, Campaigu progre8eOý. Sic liient any lotter of acceptanice t) giv? out. The New York Woýrld eu<àiSort 0oféfrnsle XVidocq In leýjntn cst Week Witt] orderki to interviý%' % l, Cleveltîni or die in the at .m -\v. il, Ely mot a pliîte refusi3i and on b, iz grt'ferred to Cùl. Lamont for infilrit,<' ;n <I. parter3lu nau ftwOr,- phare of tULitd îii.gUt. Auj sic found Tire ClevIlenI eau- ba Tietf. n t wuld Ec Ma.Cleve- puW.sngton wit~h geuine re- l . .-'.1 su'ot tt tha jl'U y "O' ru as<-'Sotiety' wciulti "lu 'ot- V'a. 1 imRgine tic partrng: 5 ~î~ utfrurig,"Sa Barry, but ULi 'r. ' i t - !Àa ii r vc-p ,à <Ot 'vb as À 1 ' 1]" n.r 1 , '.1-) !,,1 Sic rý. '1 ,r' ns-t.4r' tw- ru> iCI ru ' ,ilmLar'r S i -it' ' . 'ti'u r- <1-t1 t ýî'or. NI Li win2' tt .- "o 'h cd, afbi-r t' "jit ri".u" ru n rire sut electi - -', No'- to 1)(t3 -tti',his e t i2h bor coffrs .-.tuurl.ar p)rtraitts of ClcveIanud and Tiarîu i'i like ernditions. Tic unutterable regret of Lhe wrong man after the returus shail ho lu je somne- tbiug tuaL aIrains th. imagination. This le a great Pear in polluecs. President Clevelauti's letter, General Harrisop's letter, sud the Main election rtmme bave filled tic public mind te overflowiug, and tie greitest glutton for political news is setisfied in meamure if not in kind. Meumbere os bolli aides of theo Bouse are, of course, loud in ther p rotestations cf admirat.ion and deligIst at the lettor of their owu candi- date, and filled wlth loathing aud pity for thes principles weakly advanced by tic oher candidate. Thisçtlevseing feeliug of security confirws my suspicion Liai boti are pretty g.-oad poliica] docu- mente. -$o îàr as the m-tin rieults aré coucemued5 beiug in fieuri s. every one ,eau judge for hiuief. ',Ic. Cleveland'ï- letter certainly laid down tie law dvtfi- nit.ely aud broadly on aIl tic leadinu issues, sud General ll'rrieou'a lettet gives hie party s war cry when ha esyp tiat ibis je a cQtsst not betweeu schedules but btweeu wide spart -principls.'" At leeist fiat is what a prominent Michigan Congroseman told nme lest nigit. Ticepoor, unfortunate truste are about Lo have a grievou@ lime of il. No- legs Lian a dozen REpreseutatives have iutroduced bille providing for the ina- mediate sud total extinction of that forai of iniquhty, ard the Sonate corn- -miâie os finance lias rcported the ' Senate's owu particular bll.-Whe bill, iu ltBeef, makes it à ih misdemeasor te enter int any.combiiation of pet- sous or corporations with a view or tendenoy to prevent a ful sud fraescern- petiion in the importation or manufac- ture or sale o! any sud ail articles. How tic aforessaid truste will gel arouud this, e~ it biwceres a lawi, romaine to b. accu That îiey will get erouud il lu sncb an event is a foregone conclusion. That beautiful naturel Iaw tiat providos that meaus of defpnce slways keep stop 'wth Mensneof 'offense, will emile on their efforts,ase long ase their money ats.- Secretary Whitney's resignation lu the near future has become a settled fact aud tiare ie ne deuil that that gentie. Mati Wih returu to civil life and negleet- ed business intereetiq with a theuikful heBart-. 1 am tbld uhat lhs aseumed tie portfolio witi sîmosi boyish pride and 91h6-e. Areat tbing to be Secretary of a Deprrtment, te be lu aijl mofl'a mouthe anud 1lîld lu grateful regard by a righty People). But soxuehow being in the iIO'V'tpap-'rs and euffe3ring days of an- nov asefi aud order-signing. lu a etuffy ollICes wèrq sot exactly tihe deligllful rattràihritt"'t of offil,-t of whicbhoh dreana- Pý3 M.Tîtçf rp~ . Whîtnoy le goiurg 10 t'l.lai i utissîve matner8 apd bis ecnidAreble houPehold nsudtother effecte h1lCk to Nc-w York, and wben lie gots te Floride hereaftem, hA will-gO around Wfshjnizton ratier tia e A, tie domo of Lie Capitol again. 1 fp6noy S5<Loxe- tary Bayard would bc equally happy tb be awey from offiiai ife"î If ho coula 1t'tit8 s<tîth dignity. The. 4eM4bu i' ii Wit and Humor. Onpid ie ,lwayeshooting aud forever mi3king Mrs. The right te pay -taxes bas neyer bees dsnfed women. A bar at which YOD eau keep per. featly sober-the cro*-bar. Brfore arithuietic was inventedCpso. pie ruultiplied on th.e fe of the ieatth. à woinan's m2ottq : Tbere's always room at the bottomu-for a postoript or t wo. Funny isn't it that after a m2an bas once given bis word lie should try s0 bard to keep it ? A lady advertises that she has "a flue, airy, well fornished ibedrooin for a gentlemnan twelve foot rquare.' "6Wbst becomes of the old moons, pa ?" "The old moons, my son ? Why, they dis of newmonia, to'-be sure." -The rage for the antique continues. A gushing girl of 19 has married a wid. ower of 73. -Determîning the weight of au, ccl is ail gnqse work. Yon oan't weigh a filil without soales. There ire a ime wlben the laziest man cen fiurry. It is wlen the train stops ton minutes for refreshmertta. Tbe IlurFian law probibits jctking about the Czar. Tbat's why no eune in Russia ever refera t&0 ie> as <an old C zFrO n e.1 A Suuday school boy, npon boino" qFký'd what îIade the îows'r of pif a lean, r1-j[re :t B.caust, of tie famine latheti An Ohic intsn drtamed of fêiling inta a well, and two weeks liaer ho 'i <s marrieti. Coming events cast their Shieows before. At theeiiorticnltnral ftiocw :'-Ths je a tobacco pleut Mny dar.-"'Indlec'd! i,,w v vry jnteI'EsirJ f But I%'1 Î,.'t cee aioys cigmrr, onit. Awt. 1 knoçr) hricriFt dchice n.. o t wrîb-,r, ucecauge tihe'lthat r r c'tý 1t Ile end ot! c ýe i trin. tut miiy i'I îL ît- hïtngîD UI eu rw. A woînan gt bu cari îturehrase cwfrEZîr tit wil .1tibiy the exacîîng teste ni arî expeced sulooker possesse-3 ebility of a irgi order. -"8ent tic bal)v a wee littie tring for seven mouthe ?' "Ob, not so s'ery. He'@ emaîl n«turally. They feed bia onuocudensed mtlk. Doctor-"'Did you takê the rihbari I ordereti 2" Patient-"Yes. sir. Due- tor-"HIow did you take it 2" Patient- "lu a pie." It alwasebotîps a Frenoimnan who is 4-arnisg Englisi te read one day that a murder bas been committed and the née day that the aurderer bas been comnmitted. It ie astonishiug how rapidly the feeble suld deiilitated gain streugth sud vigor when taking Ayer'B SariapariliA. For wliat are called "brokeu-down cnetitutious," nothing eue bas pro ved se effective ai thls powerful but perfectly safe medicine., Phiiadelpiia girl-'A.nd e0 Miq,' De Pink je marrieri. Did she marry rich 2" Friend-"I guerse Bo. Ticir wedding tour iildt a day et Niagara feusB." "What dli. the editor offer you for vour poem ?" "Ten marks;." "That waFi au ins;ult. What dit] you say teo hlm 2" "Nothing. I iply pocketed the ineuit." Tho collection, Sorog-"I say coula you lend me something bo put on the. plate. Mr. Marley ?,I've only gel a severeign 1 "M srley-1"0;ý, a sovereiagn'l1 do." . . Fanions iomn.' It je a Rignificant fact thaï moit of the women who have acbieved fame in art, literature, or "affaire," have enjoysd vigor- oua healtb. Titat showsthat the mînd le neyer capable of the severe aud continued application ueceesary te creative work, un- bass the body isa t ils beat. The woman wio aspires to fil au exalted place among her aseociates, muet be free froin nervous debüity sud female weakueeaes. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will banieh thoe, aud it le warrauted'te restere thuse funo- tional harmonies whWch are indispenslable te health. As a specifie for ail theise chrenio weakneseeu sud afiments peculiar te women, it ie unequalcd. Mm. Tallion, leadler of the Qutbec local Opposition, bas been appointed sa judge of the Supreme Court. Oue trial o! Methér Graves' Worm Ex. terminster will con rince yen that it baune equal as a worm mediclue. Buy a bottîs, sud sesoil il doos net pleve yen. Mucb destitution la ln prospect lu Labra- dor for the comiug wintbr. Prof. Low'a Selihair Soap ks a c1eap and Iuzndy form of obtainiug the hoala- iraq virtzaea of a 8ulphur bath. Several Labrador coast fanillies'have de- serted their bernes bo escrape starvatrion. Haid sud soft corne caunot wittiand HEiolow ,'eCern Cure; it la effectuai every ie. st abottle at. once sud 1bo ipipy. The Nova Scotia engar efleryhes raisedl the pripe of yellew'sugar of a cept. If go"r ohil.d i8stubborn Wr hard te admini8ter medicine to, Dr. Loev'a Plea9ant WkormSyrtp wil be appra-. ciated. - The immigrant* seaeQb la about eIlose. The Sarmallan breugit eut 862 lmM;ril sud l'e Assyrian '73. Joseph Rusan, Porc!, w1' S'Siïa dujced te try Dr. IIemaa'Bcecti,-ie , 0<7 fr a-ameneasswh ch tobodm o't èo four yeai sud I tound thle bést article I' 0vor tread. lt'has bÏmena grea ble0soig ta - ames tewart, reaourez of lhe iBanff -,rewteg -Company base~ofded with *, big boodle. IndicatioetofDyppala, such as Sour Htm o~,Hartbgmn, ick Headache, Rlsiug aud Sodriug 'o!Fiood,,Wlpd on the Stomachp or a Oh*àking or Gea&wing sensation at the pi of thé, stomash a>efjily met by Burdosit Biood aiter whisi es u red the worut cases on record. Boats were un able te ply on the ftivsr Tirames at Dondon yeoterday owing te the scanit savplyV of water. D)eawnte Warnlug. Negleoted coughs aud colds so frequently produce serious resulte as to constituti a defin' ite warning. There is no better, saler or more pleasant remedy for Coughs. Bronchitis, Sors Throat, Oolds and ail throat and lung troubles than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Several Hamilton fruit dealers have been charged ini the Police Court with exposing unsound fruit for sale. Cive Them A Chance!1 That la to say, your lunga. Also ail your breathing maohinery. Very wonderful ma- chinery it is. Not ouly the larger air-pas- sages, but the thousaud of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs caunot haif do their work. And what they do, they danuot do well. Cali it cold, cough. croup, pueumonia, catarrh, consumption or auy of the f ami ly- of throat and noise aud head and iung ob- structions, all are bad. Ai! rrtýpbt to tre got nif otf. Tiere is just one sure wRy to get ri of them. That je t) ta-e ,lkrschee's Germer> Syrup, whicb ariy 'ruîcrzist will sel] vou at 75 cents a bottie. Even if every- tbînig cIse lbd failed y", You nîey depeud ripou this for certain. Early frustesud hbues-y rains are doing gis-at damage to the tobriccj and coru crops. 'When Ber wnva sick, we cas-e hrtr CoAtor-a. Wl.nn ellew..ê a Chid. sbecrne't for (astoria, W brin suri h.ca.-ue Miss, sihe clUng tO catoria, Wheu bO l ebiClidreun, she gave theru Casioria, Mr. t 'ocer r 'c' "v. 'tr i ll taxe in àMchigrsn, brgruîi î )'troît Oct. 6. Natt'or.'i l/s ùt - ru r" conphtijrce' loivi le (17îd rgrirtt/ricirzcr. A Go .-rgia rn>ub lvnvt-,* a ner'o <> u road dayit1t't ou "'t'urîi., Consamption Surcly Cured.. To -rmit i'ýlITO!t ,"C.t îforrr "urirtaderA that I bave a. positive rern-'ry fortc ticabve uamed disae. By its tjnietv use thousautis of htpelesr cah-S ha'l b"hecupormnanently aur- ed. 1 ibaliltbp C'a.-I tt wo x"b.ttIes of riv re me-dy FE .to auy rof vour readers Mho bi-c coneuruptiro il thov '- W-11 serd ns their Express aud P (). adirees. Respertfully, DR. T. A. SLOGUM, 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont-15-ly. The Pease Fa The following testimnoniale irna ce. ispeals for From Judge Buniham : Whitby, May 4th, 1888. J. F. Px&s Fuiscx Co., Toronto, I have muci pleasure iu statîng Ihet Ne. 14 Ecouomy F urnace, placed by yen lu my resldouoe lsfut W as given us com- fort and satisfaction, wariug both upper sud lower reomns with an even lempereture, without duel or gas. We did not require to use our gratos even lu the coldeet weather, sud tako pleasure in recon>meuding youi- Furnace te my ftiende bers sud elsewhere. Yours truly, Z. BURNHIAM. Judge, Whitby. Prrom A. A. pont Eau. : Whiiby, May 4th, 188 J.F. PEÂSE cFuENÂcCo C., Toronto. Getleme,-Tbe "Eounomy. Warm Air Fuace," which I purchased fren yen lust October has given me poil setiiefaction. t la easfy te coutrol, quick te respond, sud bumas the' coal dlean, reqairing no iiting of ashos. Aithonh my bouse la in a very ex- posed situation I found ne dlffieulty lu keep- ing up a' comfortable everrtempeature free from gas sud dust. 'rmîght aise, say that the furnsces whlch your agent Mrl. McIn- tyre has put inluib tis towu sud viîiniiy have given goed satisaction. Yours, etc. A. A.-POST, Architeet, iProm IE. Carswe% ZoEa.: Oshawa, May 2lst, 1888.' J. MxLITvm, Esq., Dear Sîr,-AI1 the goàd th" saye lai about the'No. 10 Pease urace-Wheuyou puto eenumy houoes Ieai, have ,roe toe otrue. Lthbasbunsd ne mors co *ltbsu the stoves prevbously did, yet it Warmed more roomesud lu afat< more ocpmfhortable mauner with leOs altesiütioritroùbijut sud oal as.My hôoûSe la large "&ni[thé or.bly -earmail winter. And if my houlee plants (o!, whb lI have niSn.y). ooild' s' they would (Iamn surs) .Riv~'e u a vote of ,thauke as they have' net been iulured et' TREA 8 UREII'8 SA L E 0F LA. ND8 "F01? TA XÈ8Ci -000- DYvirtue o! a Warrant under the baud of the Wardeu sud the, Soal of the Corporation of> o!he County of! Oniarie, dated the Teti day o! September, 188, commadn me te levy upon the lande meutioned in the foilowing ligt for arrears of taxes theîrooni-, sud cote, as hemein Pet forth : I hereby give notice that nuises sncb arierwa sd costsaMae soeneit paid, 1 shall, lu compliauce with the Assesament Act, proceed to-sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, theeid lands, or so much thereof as me y be uocesaary for the taxes, aI the Court flouse, lu the Town o! WH:ITBY, on SATURDAY, the FIPTEENTHI day cf DBCEMBB, 4. D., 1888, et lie heur of TEN o'clock lu the foreneen. TOWNSHIP O0FPIORKERlNG. Part.ý Fairport Wafer lot No. 2 N. W. Part S. C& la Part N. W.* Part N. E. S. W. Pt. W.I 18 and 19 Front 37 Front Part N. Part Amnont Lot. Cou. Acres. of Taxes. Costs and Oomms'u. A 1 2 98 2 18 TOWNSHIP 0F BEACH. 14 7 50 47832 8 28 TOWNSHIP QF THOBAH. 4 8 75 12 19 2 41 4 8 25 8390 2 20 1 9 9 1 59 21le TOWNSHIP 0F BROOK. 10 2 84 6 74 2 27 10 2' 8 1 58 2 14 7 14 8 8 43 2382 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 20 5 50 10380 TOWNSIHIP 0F 70] 30 100 100 100 1ot) 50 Ifto 100 100 100 1 (Y 100 as 42 36 11)0< 100 P art 29 s1 54 93 12 33 15 57 6 61 28 0S '27 16 28 33 2.5 17 16 '24 19 2o) 10 46 9 20 let 64 17 26 19 36 9 7 8 46 7 25 19 41 ô 49 TOW,-NS-.H1P 0F Pt. S Pt. N Pt.S PN Pt.N Pt. s '49 lut] 19 100 luI) 3 27 89 b9 8 14 2 Ù'9 12 05, il 62 2- 7:2 115 99 43 32 12 33 Il 87 1 88 31 17 31 16 65 5 49 8 55 8 55 1 77 3 10 2 37 RAMA. 2 84 3 48 2 41 2 49 2'k7 2 80 2 78 2 81 2 73 2 5i 2 58 2 87 2 33 L 2 37 2 54 2 59 2 35 2 231 5 2 29 2 59 2 24 MARA. 2 16 240 8 9 2 67 241 240 2 88 2 12 2 24 2 32 2 82 2 15 '2 18 County Treastrere' office, Whitby-, September 7th, 1888. FfINA L OLEA RING Total Pat'd or A.mount. tTnpatented. à 16 Patentèa 60 60 Patented 14 60 6 10 3 73 9 01 8 272 10 75 5 71 13 17 8215 58 41 14 74 18 06 8 b8 30 85 29 94 31 14 27 90 18 75 21 78 12 83 Il 53 13 os 19"80 21 95 12 10 10 77 954 22(0 7 73 4 25 14 45 14 01 25 89 120 99 46 51 14 74 14 27 4 03 34 05 34 04 2 77 7 78 10 87 10 87 a 92 5 28 J. B. LAING, Co. Tre Unpat'dl Patentedl Patented patented Pateuted Pateuted Unpat'd. unpat'd. Pateuted Pateutedl upat'd. Patented unpat'd. unpat'd. P'atented Pateuted Uupat'd. umpat'd Umpat'd Patented Patented Patented Unpat'd. Unpat'd. Patented Unpat'd. Unpikt'd. Patented eas. Ontario. SA LE OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. BeMembetwe mnufacture and are the isole Proepriwig 1peWio and thst storehafo mn berource. THEY AR E c FRSALE BY DRUGGISTS. Correspondence stiti onfientlsl. Consultation upon âil ebrnfo dises. Invite&, No CHARGE except fog mnedlelneg. AU goo sent assure frcg observas timn Toronto Medicneo., Toronto, ont. HAUR COLORINO fetly bamies.. Te pree .the foflown solors-the finer shades aeàm3from the halrit=l Black, Dark Brown, Medi Brown, Chlestnut, Llight Ohestnrt Gold Blonde, Ash or Blonde Cendree. Send sampis of hait when ordering. Frics, $2. per bottie. Toronto Medicine Co.- TOILET REQUISITES In ordering pgease specify which you requir. we guarantee hem to give entire satisfaction. No 8 Imparts to the sldn the color aud fresiinesg of maidenhood; harmlessandlcAnnotbedetected. $1.25. No. 9 Itemoves wrinki es. $2. No. 10 Beý move Liver Spots. 81.ALI No. Il liemoves Flesh Wormns. 81.25. No. 12 -Removes lFreckles. 61.25. No. 13 RemovesPimples. 61.25. No. 14 Removes Tan. $1.25. No. 15 Bemaoves Moles. 62. No. 10 Removes Pockmarks. $2. No. 17 Bemoves undue Prespiration. $1.2. No. 18 An absolute unfafling srpecific for the retention development or restor- atiçn of the Hlair. 81.25. 'Toronto Medicine Cko. THE BUST No. 19 Is a combîned internal and external tree.tment which speedily developes or'restores the female bat to the proportions of-voluptuous nature. Io entirely hermiessansd certain in te- sui ts. Price $3. Toronto Medicine (Co. Toronto, WOMEN'S ILLS No. 20 à certain cure for Leucorrhoea, or Nihites Falling of the Woinb, Ulcerations Paini Men- struation, "Basting down Pains" aud aIl Diseases and Weaknemses peculiar to ferneles. Endorsed, by the highest medical authoritieS a88an&Un. Ui rivalled" remedy. Price $2perbottle. Toronto Meedicine Co., Toronto, Ont. FRENCH RECIULATION'PULLS,' Far superior to, Ergot. Tansy,, Pennyroyal Or Oxide. Endorsed bythethouusndsof ladicswho use them MONTHTjY. Neyer tai.-Believe pain, INSURB BEGULABIT,pleaandEffectuaL price $2 Toronto Medicine (Co.,Toronto, OM. NEURALGIA £RIIEUMATISU' Can ho cured by ulgpcfsNo. Mt. IDe mon. derfi ssle ls dues to e Inp3te lest tbati tdoo ail that Ieo laimed for 1*. Pift La. I OMOe Medicine (Jo.. TorontD. O0" '0f Groceries, Crockcry sud Glassware, reliring ftom--busi.uess on eccount of fe- ing iealth. As les-se of Store expires thie feUl the whole stock muet be cleered nr i eut. About 50 sotte best While Granite. Rich Painted, Enamdelled sud Gii tflL Te. 8etts frem $2 per Betl. Beautiful Decorated Di.nner Set frem $8-per SoIt, *IM("II Flàôy'Uhuii Oups and Saucerea atsud below cost, a lins of Deeoreted Art Goode below cost, aise, Glaffs Betts, Glace Juge, Glass Tumblers, at 40a. and 50e. per- doz-, Plein Double Flint Goblets ai 60c. pst dezen.' A large Stock cf Gise Lampe, Fsncy Lampe, Hangmng Lampe, utnd Lamp Geodsaet HaifIPrice. NoW 18 the time to get your Glass Fruit, Jars. 4 - Large Asserlmeut ou baud. Green, Black and Japan Teas 20 -sad 25e. per - lb. wortb 50c. Fresb Roastcd Cefféec, ground daily as rcguired, best brande ai' lowest prices. Camnned Goods, Fancy aud Famiily Grocéries et lowest prices. Thisis ene blind, but rosi business, may heallh demande il aud I must rspond. Wanted.-Any quantily of (Jhoice Butter, Fre1iB arà .lilgs, and Fruits. PJET -Devereli's Block, Brook St., . -W tbOt P>Urifyth. Blod o&Sree &U ai )setdersof thie LIY3Bl, 8TON.&OHr. tDguyTSaN»,O ES Th" lavigorate and rentore to huWath DebMltàted -asttul n sdare li»v&able in a Copt ndenti 'to e OOfIan¶O Pr e"idmr- and, the agsd lanUfactured only at 78, NBW OXFORD lTrEI l ateSSS. OXFORD OtMOEIl LONDON, and sol &W Purchasers abenid look to thebel on the iBoxand Piots.' ,Utho eddm ot688OSflOt lu,ýadonei y ýee.pudov b I.' REA~ HOUSES_ FOR SI; Prem Rev.: m'u""ffl-

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