BARNARD Io sHowiNG À Hiandsome Stock of Noveltie8,- JEWELRY, And an exceptlinsly fine stock ef WATCHES, -rN- SoIid GoId, Filied d 81/lver Case8 0f excellent dasign aud qulity, PR/CES17N J. Se BA lRNA RD, W EIIT BY. FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1888. LOCAL LACONICS.I WHAT 18 GOINO ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL I(EW8 GLEANED DY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS A ahiel>. amang ye, takin notes, An' f aitb bell prent it. N. G.-No go. No Gas. No Good. A short etory is made oven botter still by being voli tald. Fou-a boy game, tie baseali match ber. on Séturday wus a pretty fir eue. The (lollegit. Iustitute lub defeated Brookîju by 17 ta 1M. Al the boys plusycd vol). Thons vas a. man aroundti tev on Tnesday wiome weight w'.e four bun- drcd and one pound6. lie bail sorne sport offering men at qu-rter te cuit hin t the tCon. Fat mon are goen. ally good nahured. , Lt is well ta ho posted in the practical tictails of one'@ burmnest;, the mote os- pecially @o wheh the butainesa is ex- ceptionally intricate. $10,000 vus r.- oontly saved by th. MoCunslando, of Toronto, when au Ameriosu speiliei lu tie Stainod Glass business faundti t bis surprise tust bis firm bal heen workiug for yearm lhe very item thia leh ba te dispose cf snd wvihiebvassup. posad te ho of reont disoover.-89-mo. At thie Exhibition Park ail is hustle eth11. Mr. Wm. Barnes, tbe contractai for the buildings, bas oov.rod himmelf ivioe or thiceo venvii glauy. Tuis wcek 1h. building fou ticket hoaths sud Secretary's office sprnng up li. a mumi- rom sud a rapiti finish vas put on th. chier buildings lunecourse of arection. The feuoing cf the. tiack i. heing pusieti and othe or auk leîb.iunutirSsken viti euergy. Everytiing vil ho lu roadineso by tb. anti-cf nexh weok. Whon il coms ote hhomo mer- chant tiaI rosidants aolbthevu hnave puroisotigooteinluTarante, ha getseox- caedingly wratby, but lu mune casesoet of te he h.mre merchint vil) patýonize a prninig p.dlar from s ity for bis bill hostie, note hostie, &o., in prefer- once ta sa home office, which ho kuowa ful) vell vil) supply hum vithhs got work sud juilsas oiesp. Quoer isni it tiht hi. diucf ludividualamake tie meut noise aibout "hbuy ail home and patrouize bomne industries." 0focour.. thoeeare exceptions seoiii. rue.. People wbo attend the. couuty courte slvays go lavay vuii.theimpression liii lher. le no money Ilu gaing te lav --axoept fer livysis. Tire oi4inmry litigauts don'i nudednth ie gama, snd nehuru home vith more visdom teath sud Ouly on. case, eithor civil or oriminil, vas von in1her assises ibis veek, -sudà il il ha aloue te the vinuen, vhile ouly on.evasw van lu the June sessons,, wbiqbwva bssvy lau te boiir parties. à goot mauy litigns eaken sud seule viren tbey coa it> court, au set vinbb eboulti go te prove tire foily oaiggrte IMM foi -th.eske -cf figtlug, sud neveu tivtug for a sétilemeul, until tire posai- bih7 cf doIng mc le fut pasaiug Ont Of Sigit, sud viien othriparties muet tale 9p thein cames. Justice may be obtuiati lu a seanimunin lu coubt no money eu ha matie-thUns The -Heapu funalune00., o$"**v, le ilusolVanisudà tlre le ablg lime c'MW ihana trylng te lut ont virol1 e obm* for the lacs te tirete - u iiirtiig -the *15,000 bonus. u a rayor cf Oba M.aith"aidîne Sud- ws sa mach opposet te Ib. bonne Sr'$#n tirai ire n*esiue.Hoveves, WbuIT "isonste know vire vas tc, blasa, &r auciher s an mers stlaetory réa- sên. Wbo.yc 1. s possible -&rMr ukeaps golug $0, 00"aMaà I" ah oba.- ableVU h hieBot oomIng téowhbymid up ber s»ud osLed ..4 00 IaÜfh oid ê SUXDÂT SEaRomo A41r11 , -X. *io 7 P. K. 100 Mdirent patterus in--,boys tweed suite <c msélectfrom, ai W., G. Water' In another oclumu oesy ho seen the advertîsemeni of extensive sale of Mr. Suel ERolmnan'. live stock sud li- plements, nearColumbus. Oua 1hitby baaebalilte vil taokle the worm club " eeon on Saturdsy sfternoon. Markham une pays boe on that date. That club bas only been hesten once ibis year. This week Our nov suhsciiheis ai distant points bail fromidusy, Toronto, Bradford, Brochrille, and Springfield, Ont., and Muaegon, Mich. Several withiu the oounty added their names te oui li-but tha le a cern- mon ocourence. The farmera are hauling lu theïr harley and storing it, but aie not sel. ifig more thon ihsy aie îsally compaîl. ed te.'The. market opened a littho, ponhîpm five cents, better thon lasi year. The balk of the grain ie - No. 2X in quality sud weighs '49 aud 50 lbo. to the bushel. W. G.. Walisus. TheW.O .TitM.Banid of Hope -il meet monday, Sept. 241h ai 4 o'clock in the iffe e dig ioom. 1 .OoMLETE n.w stock of black sud ooloured mantde elothi to select from ai W. G. Walieiu'. P?"aesleer than A. good deasicf run basfaMon haro duriug the pst vsak. The mcilinl fsirmei's fielda sin luexcellent condition foi ploviuag, but the. public roads arasà hitle rcugh. The annual meeting of the W. 0. T. U. wil) be held on Friday afiernoon Sept. 28th ai 4 o'clock inuth. Fiee Bead. ing Boom. The olection cof officera vil take place sud cther important bumluiess. A ful atteudance i. requesied. Neaily every uight nov fludmsa pro- cession cf trotting hous on the park traok limheing up their jointe. Thay don't trot sêvery fui, but with a terrible trong gait, ye knov. Noue cf thern viH ever orne under the 208J mark. Tim gullabiuity cf our marchante lu 1 giviug ord#uî, accompamed hy asah te fakirs who préteud ta hea dvertiseai vas ouly aquallad by lhee moplioity cf the Gacette and Port _Ferry- Standard lu giving them contracta vhich are obiaus1y only ho ho ued lu robbiug th. archant. If il b.d ual heen for the siily actions cf the»e Papern lu giviug tha man vittan gnarstas te publisi bis matter, the stere-keepare vould have beld auto theu euh.- The. axeoutive committe. cf tire ex- hibition ber. araernîking hig efforts te, seur. spoial as val) a. regular ex- hibits. W. learneti yemterday that the premier cf Manitoba bad eonseuted te sllow bis farnous Manitoha exhihiltet corne boe. Thsse productions of the grest viroat bell ver. on@ cf theapaît- est attractions cf the Industrial exhi- bition at Tarante, sud vill no douhi b. ounsidauod s leadiug feature in ibis show. Whst makes tii Manitoba ai- hibit speoislly interasting le the faot that millions of landi up thère un- oooupled le adjacent te tuat où whicb 1h. axhibiteti productions have hasu grovu Ibis yeai. W. cal) attention te tth. adv. cf tba Consumra' Hardware Suppîyo., of Tarante. Mr. Frank BSmith, lais cf Hatoh & Bro's., cf ibis.tewn le mana- ger. They make a speiality of supply- ind contractertand hùilders viii the necesmary hardware, sud furnisi r ders sent in freinthe country. Give them a chance. -Spaakiug cf Mr. Smith tha Tarante Bentinel mays :-"«Thera le an aid Irishsying that 1"thero are, more Padidy Le.'. than oee;" sud 8mc h eau a. truthfally bea sid 1"therearmusmore Smith's ibm ou.." Indeeti vo know tiai &boe are more 'Frank Smiih'î thson one. Take fou instanga 8ostor Frank Smith, prosideni of the Taranto Street Railvuy Company, aud Mana- Rer Frank Smnihr-af tbéConsumea' Hardware (Co. If ail the assessorsilutha province coulti ho brougbi in balk before Mr. 8. H. Blako, Q. O., vii. ir migbt de- livar te thora sncb s lecture à ashira"v tb. jurylu 1th. assises horé lha othar day. tuere vauld b. s good deaimore OMMe aireiseti vith thaii assasmou estimâates. Ha said a min takes su ouih te valua property sit ilspropar worth sud thon picoeestot make his lcvy at vhahever valuation ha mnay he in favor cf. Snob su oath leas foiby snob contit.Asse asshoulti o"r out theu outh hy making a just sud complot@ valuation as theli capacty te judge may fit tbem for. Il might ha added that taxes would ha no bigien if -ibis, for Ibsus i. ouly mc muci te b. raiaeti suyhow. sud lu suy case a man voulti only bave te psy hie r'tghtful @mare. Thielatter vs il kuow mre -mon vil neot do If they eau oitheî lie or sveir eut cf il, but tbe ssessr shonltipia. tire figumresÎgbt and bsave snob mon te, figbSt th. court of revision and tire judgms It appeaus tireUISe lady viiitirte cbild,vwhcrak.dlin ewof oui Ira. masons boe.asmouti r i mcago. bas doua up AurasMlec:--One cf tire cool est robheries uit bas aven taJkanplace iu tir. tevu vu perpetrateti lat Tuas- day. Duimg tire foienocu cf tirat day, a voman, accmpaniat by a ilte, boy about 8 ysan old , drove np ote Qusen'a hotel bid ber horse put lu tire stable, sud nemalueti for dinuer. Aiter tinmer sire salA .b. b.d lest ber poeket book contaillng #10, sMd oonssquuiy wau unable te pesyifor her duner. Ob@ GRANil MLLIN-ElRY -:- OPENING.....E.... A RT Has great pleasure in announoing to hie oustomeris aud the Ladies of thre -oounty, his a nnual fall 1 MILLINRY OPENING SHOW DÂYS, Thursday, Friday, and Sept 27th, 28th and 29th, Satu rd-ay, A.nd following ýdays, when we request the favor of your inspection of our stock of stylisir -TRIMMED HTS and BONNETS. We will show thre latest novelties in Parisian and American Hats and Bonnets, Fancy Birdesuad Wings, Ostricir Feathers m ad Mounts, new and stylisir Novelties in Bibbons and Ornarnents, BilA Volvets, Crapes, &o. W. are satisfied thât oui stock for tire Coming Season will be fully equal, if not superior, to any previons ef- fort, oui aim sud object being to snpply thre very latest a correct styles aud ho maintain tire reputation we have for years pâtit gai.ued as the leading and "Fairionable Millinery ,House." Âll are invited. srr~Jw THE 1888 FASH IONABLE MILLINERY HOUSE, FALL -WHITBY. 1888 Elegant ]Range of New Fail Dress, Goods and Tweeds* at prices lower than ever. Don't Fail to mee our G-oods Before Purchasing, L We are showing a Good Union- Flannel for 15ç., and 'a first-class Ail Wool Grey Flannel for 20e., which is mucl-,' better in quality- than anything9 betore offered. TEES vas a big noise on Brook shooet Friday night arnonfi the boys, and smre terrible- mwearing teck place. The ounstable had a number cf boys outed te, appeaihbefore the magistrats on Tuesday night, sud we underatand- they gai the matter setiledl somehow.J Wst are a little crovdcd by adver. meute@ibi week, but il cau't ho halped. à big circulation hçings a lot cf advei- tisingi sud our henefit day mumt corne oocasonaliy- At any rate oui readeis cannot grumble rnuch, fou lu mcmt other papeis thera in nothlng vorth reading exoepi advertieements. Maukbam Eoonomiaf :-We have re- ceived a copy cf the prise liet cf the Ontario aud Durham Exhibition, ho be h.ld ai Wbihby ou the lst, 2ud sud 8r.I cf Octeher. The prise Rat in cf a haudy ise for the pocket sud veiy neat- ly printsdl on heavy tened paper. It raflectacoradit on tha OmNuornLicofice. among other numeicus attraction cf the fai will b. speeding lu the ring, for vhiob saven classmaren made vith prises sggregating *255.00. The Woodtook Standard maym Mi. Alei. McKsy, lot 8, cou. 9th,Zorra, 'a fertile cf good practical farm ideas. Iucities sud tevus, eshoote anrausmed sud hounsenumbered snd lu msny cases the usmes cf te ha soea ou the doi-s. Mu. McKay's ides le " this practice might b. exhended te the faim, sud the naine cf tbhe si dent nestly afihxed to the rad gaie vould obviis much inconvenieuce te strangers inquiring sometimes- tha elghth of a ion t o he opposite aide. The suggestion le a good oua. Rmilway ouoducters complan, sud net without raison, cf ithe habit cf go- ing lutte acar sud hlocking UÇ the. pausages vhilst taking the faraeli kise. It le bomiug a dovuulght nuisance sud wMl yet laid te, serions accidents. Aul trains aie inn on fut lime Wheu possihle, sud atari from lb. station Wrthafulbaad ofstboom o on 0tirai haif a minute pute tram wval undar vay. People Who jamp frcm a train go startad, r»n s grest risk, sud yet it in doue ai every station &long threline sud-in ou uaily very train. Why eau- net ail ibis sbalg hindi stc., b. donc on lira platform sud aya 1h. risk, tho say notbiug of the sunoyance ? Dunnie tira vek threabias beau a rush cf trains vaut evary rnoring sud eust &gain lunlb.e vsuing. Tha lime ha. hbeusiznsly siruttered sud ou W.du2esdsy uight émm. connections failed. The. Port Perry train had beau deiayed at Manilla suddvas about lysé minutes laà e. A uevly married couple fropr Bougog Islaa4wbo bappeued te ho on gcing np te se., the isilend cf tb. inauetrtal bail tc, atiy over boestaithe Boys). Tbey app.ared gieatly disp- pcinted sud tire bridegrocin semed, mueh concerned lest mornet foui Wbi- hy fellovs migiri sisal iviy bis bride, for bo bung on ber lie s Briton aibahy valked up hovu lu quesi cf s botel. O'Brien, the. photogisphers hue bis bruIes îupa 11111. about 1h. mauner lu vbich uinguai.rebeing run lu Ibis tevu, andgalgtou Idegllery lu op- position te w.viole exhibition vbiir le tebeobeld hueonuOei. lot 2 andsu Brd.He soyasifbe o egt the People te oorn.'lu turnshovllltake a pDo-. hureof ai sansd evai> living silWho attends tire show. Bet&adton dou't affeet bis business a patalur do.* tunt ire kuove cf st presepe. S#au NEW Remember the Place, GLASGOW is a surprise. to al .ARRIVING DÂILYO. ML R~O8S~ WAREHO-,UýýSE-:I H1olds a (Jhoiee Assortmeut of Tweeds iM: ail the 1ea Makes, Scotchi*Tweeds, Fine ÂII-Wool Coatings, Pauà ting, verooatig,~ Tweeds. We are now prepared to take- orders, for Suites sd ae offêýring thema that will effeot quiok sales. We-liold a choice seleoction o iu Ladies', Menms ,Youths' ud aBoys'Grey1Flanne Union, we hold a large stock of, an& partes requui We are maIking prices interesting teXs ftillel A Choice Stock et Groceries, ~ always on hand. trngqi Farmer8' Produce, if ' de8ired. O.- F. STEW GOODS Our Dress Goods at 12'c. per yard who have seen tliem. 1RO - rr .