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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1888, p. 2

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Alad Items S:ol.nfrou' aur Kxchsng@5. For smre lime pwt b&. Audrow BCuO- se1ofNewbur ,ftWèri Mr. W.B Bassonl,of tus ewn, hboon sam lowI7 ulku ne1 t, offeto 3ih' disaeof the" id1noes. OqTéeda Mr. W. BRussell, was summanod te thb adide of hie father spd fouud him uneonscidus sud dyiag, but lite iugerèd on until Fridsy, wheu ho quietly paso- ed aweby. The. docassed awu coe ofthe oldest-neidesta af Nevburg, being in -hlms'74ih ycar sud vas univcrsally. re- .pcctcd by ail who.knov hlm. OnWedueuday of lait vosk, se Mr. JohD Rhodessvaestsanding bouide a treul. cf the railvay &hop on whiah a large etinger for a bridge hsd been thaodle reetie broke sud the heavy veoden beam tel te lhe ground. bruis. iug hie leg badly. On examinalioa il was fouud that ne boues were braken, but-the fleoeh wus badly bruised. -A herse sud rig wve R.ot sud the injured raaMas uounvoed &e his home. Mn. Rhodes has been vcry nufortunate lâtely hsviug beau laid up by accidents bhne. limes durng tic past year. IL vas aithimahregret liaI the mbuy friands eofis Nottis Gibson l.srned ef her iuteudsd departune ta Buat sagiuaw, -Miai. Frieuds via had kuowu Mise Gibsos ine ber ohildhood regrshtedl that she vas about ta leave them, but perbape lb. meut i aned vers th. membens ofthle Williug onke' Society, -fer ual only wers they Iosiug au ested friand, but a vslued assistant lu tihe od wva n l vhich they engaged. For the last six yeanse Miss Gibson bau iaihhfully per- fermed hon duties as president of the Willing Wonkers' Society sud as su apprecation at bar wank, the membena met sud prebed her vith a haudsmee vnling desi sud address. Y.ester-dsy morcnug as Abbus MMli. Ion, a yauug girl empleysd in th. dis- ing-reom_ of lhé Plank Hauese, au vaiting on tic breakfast table ah. vau suddenly taken witi au epileplic fit and atter totterng acrese the fleer turned sud-fo11 backwaàrds thrangh lie viudev, one hand gaing tireugi oe pf the large panes of glus@ sud su lbav bhraugh tha olier. Thaugh bath panes we re .mbshed to atoei, Miss MOMul- leu forlunstely sustaiued ne injuries wiateven frora ber faUl.-TiMes.- U Tuesdisy night bebveen 9 aud 10 o'olok s fine alarzn-atancted an im- -mense erovd te Mr. W. A.. Unaddy's star., ahae r frv as diaoverad in tha oellar amoug piles of blankets, yarn, etc. The proprîstor sud tva an tire. othens entered the stor. &ni deeended tte .coller, viers lhey ver, met by a soo et Dlams sud cboude af amoes. Pouingwater in frein the et*irvay they were able to urooeed sud local. thc beant ef the fins ; thc baok dean. vere opeued àud altbou«h tie hase vas there ready ta b. turned on il vas for. toustely Dot needd ; vator vas car. ried lu pails sud the fire extiuguished. Had tie houe bes turned oau ail the peoils lu1h. cellin vauld have besu damffged. Tie door et 'Lie top cf the oellan attisevwu elosed ligit, heu.. the imoke did nol penetrate ta the second fiat eougb te hurt the «ccii.. Ths cause et the fine in a mysteny. Had it not been discovered aiea il vas by Mr. J. F. Taylor, via vas iu hie den- bting tic case' fon trial ah Whitby sud Bruce and -MaFierson against. The suc vu thon netérrod te lie cnt orowu attorney ior deoison The &U iuov tliiiyear Oct. Srd aud 4th lea gs «e sueces liiis yssr. Tii. diaploysai Moisans. Jas. Bemuaber & Sons,amd the J. W. Taylor M'g Ce., of pettery sud rockingism varo, Chspmau'm photographié- dbsplay, P. MeMHillsu & Sens of vaod wotk sud T edales, Bîthie'., Wesleotts sud LU J. ;GOimne 'ahove are deserving of oredit. The. day vas ual se ccldsas tome pre- 0oâding d» ai. ueverytbing passd off stieUtonlly. à comcrt by the Ori brase baud vas held Thunudasieen- John FPoster afMarkhaus, eulisl.d jute the. Union Army lu 188P. se rved lu th., * vai n wil tkon Vsnluen by the robe onsnilàt 0-Liby ptoiwhom "-hé,un- 4event »»- lbiprivain tavlo The LooeeseMalebtrthe ohampon' -aml of -the district <roui Oollingvoo4 ta g iads on Tnedq b on se ror densde i.4 O AQfft 0(O Onilia.' à~ pe. Tho Wxta viioly ton 1P n~ oui of bnaî*g lMt de WW vu sué, gced game, Oinla won tino. gamnes, te one. Saine excellent pisylue vu made by lhe Heuderson brotheMsTtihope, McMillsxt brotboes, Seau, sud otiers for Onilia; as volt ai by Packenhsm, Begley, Dr. Brepnau snd otièeeof Pslsrboro. Mn. Xean, rnmeaula Lindsay and Orillis, aud Mr. Oartathons made up Oriulisas ielve. Mn. Seau vas vitho utl paolcebut played vell ; vile fonis rat puatios Mn. O«nnuih- ors did iily weil. J. j. Daly sud Sam Hughes vers umpires, vile Dr. Hood vas reteree. On Fniday eveuing-last s largo uum- bar cf tic cotàgegation oft1h. Baptist ciurch sud the choir met a-lis panson- ago fan tie purpose cf pnescutiug Miess lEmma Anderson vith a purs.cf monoy, as a lgit takcu of lisehigh estesm lu vhich se. as held by le churai. Miss Anderson ha. been an mtaruntsd zealaus venken lu the cburoh sud her place vill lic iurd ta fill. Speeches vers madie h7 Mn. Hovelle, lie leader of bhs choir, .and Mn. BabI. Harding. Miese Anderson made a sitabîs neply, atter viciBey. àM. Anderson aisea màde a fev remarks tbaaating the choir sud congregatian fan thein kinti remem- herac.,The oveaiug vas spent ln social intencaurseansd singlng, atter viihie h.pay diaperseti. The parse aoutaiued about tity dollar@ lu golti. Misa An denson vil bave sbcnlly tan Buffablo. He-an sy tnienda jein visi. ing her suaseuansd Qed *«dt.- Wa- or. Sauday morning lait Chiot Bell aud Constable Canuan matis desceul upon liaI portion et tie tavn's preeluci. kuovu as lie 04sand.pitm"I'vith lie ob-, jeeotfransacling business vith a young inu usiet S"ples, vho wvu wauled au a charge otfsassait. Evidently lie visit vauan nexpcted by tie ycuug man iu question, and ho. lmndialely icponedtheii baci deoan d bolted acrous coutry. Constable Clunsanteok aftt. hlm lu gallaul style sud gaineti Open hlm rapidly, but just as h.ovws about ta rsortanis' mau h. uudden'ly disap. peanetifrom th. e etf ies hief, vie sh-bed watohlng thechaose ith muei intereit. Ruaniug te lb. spot io feuud tist iesassistant hati utoriuuatoly shumbleti nto s deep hale, the. mtuhh ot abiai bolng cov.n.d aiti asedacu- stitutei ilsa veitable minu .rsy. Upon being ettricaedonustable Onunan foundt tiaS he hati sustaiuied »sernl sevsre bruises sud s bsdly spralusd subie by tie tsli. Whou lut sen tie fugitive tramn justice vas suumouutiug a feo ncel s style indicative ef morebhas than studieti grae.falue.s What migit have been a serions se. eldeul ta Mr, W. J. Woueh, generai agent 0et hi. masey MIR. Go. e1 Torou- Sa, ecoiinred oau lie tair grende bore Wcdnesdsy vile tho judges vers lui. opecling tie Toronto biuden. Mn. Woch vis explinngis binderttom sud vas particularly ioepressîug an hem liatin u euae vould is ompsey ai- 1ev a-pirlioleeof peer matenlal te enter mbt lhe construction ofthtei.machine.. To prove viat ha vu sayiug vu correct he «et Up inhe tie reel, vien ib aI ou.. breke, lbreving hbmla ieh Soundth le blgestlhom nt u o- wonk Èua been commoneed on the. nev Ohool bhuliug-ezoavation for lhe lonundation haem-but hush1 tlieu a smre digging doua lier. lutspilugi1 Tiee. as ecusiderable noise su" lumuit on ltheimarket square lutîllu. a nsutoa py hlm vages, The latter tiroatened ti e i oneutothiz employ- ses hiti., but aflen oomMierable agittion aud! bipoualating lhe thiug vu The nev Auotlouae4,, Mr. samuel Bomoi4sba tednli an a on Satiray sud suOwqsU lly mI4, quantluy of hota. holi oets-on 'lh. minket-squar e. .i I~nli toile. <jueulas antervevwith suy ona. baving, puoprtly of a»Y kin té te wtppos,. M*,X.ÏGibspn, Who vswu b go- .Id the imedical profession, clergyethe. prose..and ethers meut enthurille ender- ustien. ýIf uufering from pain ni auy kindq exteulo local,1 give Nerviline a trial. Nek"vIlium urstoothache, crampa, usursi- gis, aud almost lnstsdtly. Trial botties 10 cents, lw« arg e Ws 2M.gonteà$. rgl aud deslers everywhere. Action has been takeu against the. Mon- treal Cotteo ompany for etrlug chical fre. 01 duty. CONSUMPION CURRD. An old physiolan, retlred fram practet having hâdplaoed in Mhahndi by as uti India mcisiousry the. formula of a simple viagetable remedy for the speedy sud penni. suent ours ai Consumption, Bronohitis, Oatarrh, Athms sud aIl Ibroal sud Lupg Affections, slso s positive sud radical cur for Nervous Dsbility sud a&U Nervous <Jom- plaints, aller having tesled ils vanderful curative pavera lu Ihousansdofai ces, has fellit limauy a ae I ioU t suffaring fefleva. Âtusted by thimmotive and a desire te relleve humau suferlng, I vil send free oi charge, la a&U viiodesfre il, Ibis reciper Germa, French or Bngl6h wlhfi irections for pre1arlng sud uu9ug Seul by maili by addresuxg with slamp, naming tbis paper, W. A. Norus, 149 pous. @es Biock, Booh.ao, £N. Y. Té whom it May Conce,'n: TOWNSHIP 0F 8OUGOG. Noties in hereby given lu socardance with section 5s6aiof he Bsiad statuts" ai Ontario af 1887, Ihat lhe ocunoil ai th. Muniiipalily oft1h. Township ai Scugog lu lhe Oouzy ai Ontmrio, pro pose &a ameeting of lhe saïd counoil ta 'ebeld inthe Town- of3sbipý alSugog. ou 8aturdy 1he 201h day aiOloe 18 aItvawo o'olock p. m., ta pus s by-law le stop up sud s»Il 1he fallovin g original aliavauces for roadi tu the said Townsh Of seu1gvis: a otw lin. extending frorsth. nontheru limit ai th. ple point rond narlhvard tâ 1h. shore Of laie Seugag belasen lots 1inuthe BIh oon- cession fanm.rly af Csrtwright sud 24ini 1h. 8th concession iorm.rly aiftBeach, ex- Sthoso partions iee h"sme ta by the centre road d ther -croiss rads. The. alloamno. for rosd belvencana.. simus ô sud 7 fronting on lot 2. The allovauce fer rad belveen the. th sudI7h concessions iroin the centre rad esstvard te 1h. tonu lne.. The aUboaine, for rad betveen 1h. 7th and 8th concessions from lhe tban lins "etsward ho 1h. centre ai lot 2 lu 1h. BIh concession. The. aUoaines for rad belveen tb. 7h sud 8th educessian irom lthe enir. raid eait- ward tle h. bn lino.. The allowace for raid betives the 8th sud M hconcession& from the centre rad vestvard 101th. leva line. Tii. alavwance for raid belveen th.e11h sud 14th concessions vher. il crosses lu front of lots 10 sud il. And aise 10 utao up sud ssII or loe tet alowanS for =i maya as 1h. bovu lino between lot 1inluthe oth conesonicrmerly Catwrigt sud lot 2Bêla 1tha~~a farmerlv Beach. The allovance for raid belveen lots 8 sud 71 u b he concession. The allowance or onaid between lie 7 th sud 81h conoeosslnsirem th.e.ssta n imil lot 8 oaslaard te 1h, like. sy Notice lu hereby furtier givent n yraor prsonsah0a0Dotaldesire the oany part oathe for.golug show. suces fo-ruads ta b. aiaed up sud sald or lessed, 10 make kuown Iheir abjections 10 th. same allthe aiareamd moeetng oi-eonoill JO« NFOY, Clark Township ai Sougog. Datsd Sept. 241h 1688-d24lu. 'o a 'i 4 lr Qc w -I m PronuucdbyPracical consnm- orauperortoauytbhig'lua the Olanaa ar> WRITE F0R INFORM4&TIlON. Ça0F- d- MANILLA BI1-NDER TWJNE. ~lMorneO. udaWsre4lcuMo 90 l'ont 41-6mo.. W. . BONNBh lXqsn Raliway -T hue Tb Tinle IBUhTùing effeet May 20t41hM 18 - 0055 "elle2 IBM ~B iv>E DK. 1 r.eSmrend Iasm supeir ro auy precnpluon Be"P.tmahMdrrA ruceatio i- kl a E Me." H. A. AuýcuaILK.D., TnuQUI4V1 ÇNvMr,77 murrsyStreet4 N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO# A Ichool Thorouaghly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUS3INESS ÂBITHMETIC, SHORTHÂAND A-ND TYPE-WILITING COMMERCIAL LAW$ PBACTICALLY TÂUGHT. F1NEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Ciroiilar. Âddress. 27 C. 'DEL4, Secret ary. A PositIve Cure@ 1< A Painless Cure ]FLOTS ÂX- rLL ÂGES. NawipV Heaipg, sn ~ r oiucf Modicines, pou., sud avradialcrefok2MU Who arebroken Jean from te afecte af abus. aiDlud N. ardiateioneou debilty, organie asakss, involunt,&rY vital 1buses. se. artapreN n araca lNo. 88nOULD ns UBRD.-W&ât af enorgy, Vertigo. vaut 0pl~,a dimneis af sight, aversion te o 0eey, vaut ct confidence, avoidnceOf-cnversatlon, desir. fan solitude, lisieuessud luabllhy teo fx thc attention on s particular eubject9 cowardice, depression ai spirits, gUldineaIonloufaimcmory, esxcllabllity qf Ismpsr, spot- matorboea, or laisof thee Oeiul lùid-lhe reos aise nlf-abuse or insultai exces-Lnpo- Iezzy, unutitin, eacltlon banennsapalplalof the heint, hysterte feelings lu t omi. rb mlnhldsnb1 m are aJI sy xtems tIis terrible lenson,..vny uncbonains l coseqenc. S Ienife antn nd the superinteudemta ci usse aylua uliein scnli~ t Ib efeel etsef-abuse ýbe great majorîtlý of assId lvaswhih cae udarther noice Ifyenare incompéent for the ardueus dulla e buines, ncascittedionIbeenlymelsof lite, Na. 8 effets an escape from tbe effects of wrly vioc If you are advsuedii ysaru No. 8 viii give you full vigor auoe stnengtb. If von are broken dowu, physily sud zmorally from eanly tudlscetion, Ihe resuit of iguor05and folly, eend your eudrsansd 10 cents lu starups fer M. V. LuBox's Treatise 1' Bok orm ou Diseass aiMin. S.aled and secure from observation. Âddress a1l c'.înunicalions te E.L V. LUBONg 47 Wellingtoma St. E., Torent. A ma wthout -wisdiom ises lna s be' paradis.. CURES CUARANTEED. SIEAL THE SICK. APermanent CuOe. rAl'IoIç'a, 13.: CE!5 PBLLg~ 4.T.W» PILLa. LOut eetethe a ateri,-_q a Iaxativ alteratlO, oru tlsacttôfl. Uz gi e -the . SiçiIEAWE DlIzzlnOUU, Costipa sgiong nAetOl ahnbowelsi are pi!mP t- cured by the use Of Dr- Piee0 PI1ownBIPurative Pellet&~ In explanaitiOn Of the remeilPower Oft îm pelletsa 0v5f sa great a varlety of dseIjý maiy truthfully be said t1hat ther actin the sygteni19 univerSl, ual a gland1 or 1~ escapiig their B=ntivO Influene odb drugI5t,2&oents'avial. Manulcueat Chem-ical brtoyo oamsD MDAlâsô58001Â210, BuffaloS 8M loffered by the manut1ae ers of Dr. Bage's <atarik âeuie4 9 for a cm Chroic esaiCatarrh whlek tey caflfot cure. heavy headaohe, obstuctIon of the passages diacharges ffiIig tram the he«, Into the throiat, sometinOl profuse, watoey, and acrld, at others, tbick, tenaclous, mucoiz purulent, bloody and -putrld; thea eyes ut weak, watery and Inflaued; there la ringWn -ln the cars. dcaînese, hacklng or coughlng tô clear the throat, expectoration of offensjy5 matter, together vith scabe tramt ulcera; t voice ta8bcanged aud bua anasal lwang;14 breath la offensive; smel and taste are lmî pafred. there la a aena±ofetdlzzlnessw%.a mentaf depreasion, -a hacking cou ansd »k oral deblity. Only a fev ef the abohve-nanuj lympoma re lkely te ho present lu anvo(M case. Thousadaetfcases annually, htbo« manifestlng half et the above symptoma, yr& suIt ln consumption, and end [n the graM No dIseuse la se, common, more deceptive s.W dnerousorlesu pnderstood I>y phystllus d a n gb sud heabg ro D a'saa r eed cure,1h'0 o casesor Catarrhe' eol n utbheadp Coryza, sud Catlarrhal Meadache. "od by drugglst everywhere; 50 cents, '6Uutei Agofly fron IJatarwbJ' Prof. W. HÂ&usnxutii. famous mesmedi, et lthaca, N. Y. vrites:* " orne ten yeare &p I çuffre utol aony tram chreule naW catarrh. My famflyelphyscm gave me up s incurable,and said meust d&b. M7y casevu snoh a bad eue, tint every daytowards sas. set, my-volobwould-beeonie soarus I couM barelysepeak above a whsper. .Ilathemrj my oug igaudceab tMY. lhr a almot 1ran Le . l l.us.et Dr. ftramcàtafrhi'or tires eaii, 'Athnca sI op«i lhardly breathe, sud wss cônâtaulyiaýw..X tougil uelihingcoeuld be fo 1r me. LéuW Mly, I-wus advlsed te try Dr. 8age's CataxI4 Eemedy sud I ama novwa cll mau. I be il te b.e ûhe-onIy sure remedy for catsrrh nov imfnufactured, and oeu s nlY te give Ià 9 tainOI tiltepeeceaeundlng résulte mil a permanent cr. ThreDte ue tar ]P4Eaua Bmus, uwdnP. 0, Columbia., Pa,,say~ ~My augter hmd c- ar 'h UMdyvertlsed, u cured a baIlle fcSr ber, sudoon saw tbt belped ber; atlnrd- baIlle effeed a puni.rz Dent cure. 'Bh. la nov eighteen yeacsoldW Ipund sud hearty." I~' go for, the wv.u smbr ~ii ntOor eh. BJodeg00, ou@ 0 ±evv. Bevi" AuArdtise n Teu,8 Gae~~The-* Centrs-&oixp Welcoeinthle conclusion a eud pcslrY and mfscellaiiy. n ewnollteaobogan Octet Fan. fifty-twoanuiniers ot large pages eaoi (or more ,th& pages a yean), lie aubacnlplic iloy ; ai. for 010.50thie offer te -moud any Oo et hd $400 moulhlice or veeklies ý Living Âge for a yosbrq bath Littell & Ce., Bastouare1the0p your druggish for a box ai Ayer's yen viii flud liaI thcy give pW faction., Fer indligestion, torpid, siai beadache Ibere lu nothiuj Leading physieiaus recommand 1 -The "AzizonaKXicki laps -AND- DOWNS CIF-FAR WESI * 1ORIAL LIFE Detroit Free .Prew Wa take lhe folloving tucn issue o et tcrigona Kicicr: "«APOLOGETICAL.- We hepe, eus vill excuse lie hypognap peerae eofthle* inside page Kiocer Ibis eai. Wo vont thein aff snouai on Weil"é ,iugJas the Digger Indian sm when Judge tliaekwaoksen m asi anti jumpat ooOu collai-. te our aunr>ise wvo pioket<ilbe snd oeopped hlm ail o0w tae sud lu ou-exciiomaul vo notice hein, - "'The big hol..e oeite,' Ianid-- vùu suseti by a ,ýbool.] bu où lie poom enlila z 4" Baby Wakes Agailu,9- wvu ttvo imd-bulienq. SùAýhso" ns -are uneatablâ owe et1te le o .' -u dgèi speet hope Il wout's occur iu "'NeT Tmse M-Or wman prominonlly monifonüet inn.c vibi lie Unibed' Sates si fr6im Arison. Whilo e- eare indisefïl la sepighy ,eu trieude la holti up. "lu-lethflusjPlaee veaume. sôbor and con iiou. - "lu lie seonad place vo a Mti borne. - Wpr(mope os e 10,000, human coyates out o01' loryting the, nezi - Ive anti puts lieusandtchi e b. ~w~A a? MEDCATEP Mollestet fan sU dfmessasc k FALL- I:.,.: J'

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