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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1888, p. 4

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p I. I. 'GIDIAD Chemist and Dru ggist, WHTBY, ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whitby, Fridmy, October 12, 1888. If Canada ocuanot gel &long with- ont Beoiprocity or anoxation with the amnricans, vhat is 1he use cf trying to, tucorporale Newfoundland imb snob à poor ounfederaionu? The poor family Untrie Sam vili have tle marryislarge .nough nov. The Presidential eloltoi n 1h. Unit. ed States vilt-be hielA ou November Ml. As tbe ime approaohes there la a great stir being rmade to catch votes. Ail kinde cf îricks are beiag resorted 1o, sud il appears to b.e onsidered 'fair te edopt auy methed vbich yull entrap a vote. -Tie latest ve bave board cf is to move lu the Ameoita Sonate for infor- maion regardinq 'lh. death cf Louis Beiltl, a ualuralized elizen cof th. Unit- ed 8tse.." This 1.10catch auy Fraoc Canadiae who may be orer there for lh. Republicas. A lot cf our Canadiens appear te b. troubled vitia 1h. fidgete. Boni. of thora vaut indepeudence toi Canxada, 9oînm linperial federalion, some cern- Lc. -ici sud polilleal anuezalion vitb the States. Thsy Boom bouad 10 have a change. Il deu't appear te, be sufftieist for-Iheni Ihat Canada l8 doiug firt ratoe t prescut, and oan scarcely hope b do as veil in future unieraboy. form cf Goverumeut. Why can't they ail chut op their menthe aad -1.1 Canada atone P If the present tariff le toc higb, let il, be reduoed te Uac- Keuzies 17J per cent. tariif --whieh i. about our ides of vhat shoutd b. doue. ma. B. W.-Phlppe and Hon. Win. Mo- Dougait ought le. ho yoied logether. Eacb of theni bas beeu hiftling about from on. pelitical party and pelicy to thé othor a&t their lires, ta hope cf gett iug halA of soetbing cpft sud fleshy. Juil nov tliey are boll i ta tarroe Canada gliving up sud casting ber pros- traIe self at tb. feoe cf the Amenioase ta *&y of anme sort cf uaiou-whether rflical -or commerclat they cave not. & entlong stuc. lhey ver. «niaI N. P. maou, sud i ill! not b. long qMaita until they vil1 b. sometblng et... For -Mr. Phfippie'part it clrikes us he bas lakea a leteeo ulof the bock of Mr. Thos. Shaw, mode! former.' Mr. Shaw vua «rosI tory, butl sav a vacancy an the Guelph oellege &bout large enough le fit biru; cube et once fiît Il behooved hlm te become a ctrong advecte et Umretrictod Beoiproelty, sud il vas soon annoed Iheno vas ne other min -tlbe oouury -big effough Wo fil! lb. pie .Iluthe oolilge bul Mr. Thos. Shaw. V~j,.~I~ppgces smeplace Ihel h. - fonoies would flhm Wis notice Iha ail lb. -RomannCdli.- lic ppr go ta for Home Baie for ire. lmndaiilfer anatnw theb.Blet. for Oauada. -b.nytlhng Wa diecm.mb.aý the BrlihiEpti». Ând ve*,tur1berl, noolle Ihatlàa good mauy Protoeaau papes vhlo favred Home'Bute for:Ire- land are vather haI-heaibsA in lhafr ýwble . is aiug bus *.l1 lapon lb. 1àllonal head e fEup, it ol bedWorld, vwhich have years. Yonng William appear sole b a decent feltow, and- Unole Biemar. knows il, or ho wenld ke.p hie' yard at home. The yonng an ùis more likely te promote peo and good feeling than, van. Whltby Exbil>iton Notes. Fot'oil painting, land or marine, th. firel prise sbould have been credited -in these columus te Mins Minnie Page, in- stead of Chas. Taylor. The Port Perry Standard says: l'The lova papers vil have a good lime writiug up the immorality of the drinkiug ouslooes whieh were in vogue at the bootha. The ourse of Canada was ns freely dispeused and indulged in as ever il was in Port Perry, and the CHraoNicLE ma vill have hi. hande fuit in reguiaeing it."-The statemeùt thet the wbieksy flew as lively as la Port Perry yull, cf eourse, be- disoredited, for the reason Ihal snoh a esetcf soakers could oct be feund here ; but there is no denyiu g tiquer vas sold at oeeof lb. booths. We trust the Inspecor will bave the parties whe violated tbe 1ev fiaed. Il Wbitby exhibition eau- net bo mainlained witheut a general drunk be held as au aoeompanimeat, il bad betler b. dropped. In a numnber cf places in the por tien of lbe prizéellu% giron laat w.ek,, il sheuld #âe read Miss "1Polly" Smith iasted cf Miss "Pattie" Smeith. The raistake ocoarred eighl limes. Âltbeugh tbe cold vealber had a ton- dencylo make people form an unfaver- able impression, it appears te be 1h. gqueral verdict th&& 1h. Exhibition Park yUll b. on. cf the. fineal in Canada vheu finished. Prise List of Ontario and Dur- ham Exhibition, held at Whitb ,Oct. lot 2nd (nti&nd . LADIES WORK-tT8EFUL AND ORNAXENTAL Child's dresmul-lit Mn. W Mua- grove, 2na M, T M Henry. Child'p dress, woollen-lsl Mm CGeo Cor- îmack Jr, Sud Mns Squelch. La;dy's dreas, amateur-lut; Mn. W Wal- lace. Gentleman'.s hirt, machine madle; un- dressed-lut Mn Bruels. Qiiilt, patchwork, cotton-lul Mis Min- grove, 2nd Mrs Bruels. Quilt, patchwork, silk-lst Miss Blsck. 2nuits p*ck, woolle-luî Mms Bruelu (;ounterpae, knitted-lut Mm Lack, Sud Miss N Burton. Connterpane, crochet-lut Mm Muugrove, 2nd Mi"s Clendenan. Ladies' underclothig-lut Mn Mugrove. Button-boles on <ifferont 'naterials--lil Mnrs L 0 Sinith, 2ad Mns Young. Knuilling, fine wool nuits-lut- Mn L 0 Smith. Kaittifine wool jgioves-lit Mn Bruels. C nitiug fine wool istockugs--l Mn L C n~itth. cotton stockings--lat Mnâ . Underclothing 12 articles-lut Mn Mus- grove. 2nd MrsJ R Pringle. crochet table mats, twine-lut Mn W Adams; 2nd Miss Clendenan. Maceme work-lut Miss Black, Sud, Mn Bruels.- Faney wbollen shawl, crotched-lut Mrs H Gordon; 2nd Mn Brueas. Spçcimen quiting-lst Mn Mnsgroe>2d Mrs J L.-Smith. Fancy *ork, slippes-lst Miss J MoGil- liraudMnW Adam. Lmmats-lot Miss Black, 2nd Mn L Pin cushion-lut Mrs L Conway, Sud Mns G Oormack, Jr. Japansse or czazy patchwork-lit Miss K Storror. YDaring se.cs or stockng-lsl Mis Young, 2nd Mn Muagrove. Laundried shirt-lit Mn. L C Smith, Sud Mns Young. LADI WE-ONXETL Kitgfiue yood lace-lit Miss L Frenc, 'Mmis"munnie Page. Knitting cotton lac-st MUn Young, Sud Mr$ W Adatos Crochet lace, coase-lut Miss Hem, Sud Miss J McGillirray. Crochet.lace, fine-lit Miss A Philp, Sud Crochet tidy, otton-lit Mr. Gordou,Sud Mis Muagrove. Âpplque vork on stin--lst Mis Waiace, Enibroidory on sil onrstin-hat Mn. TU Henry, Sud Miss N MoLean. Embnoideny on voollen-hft Mr. McBan- ney,2ndMmHi euy. Embrodry, rised-lat Miss Convay Exnbreidery, creva-ht MissMoGilhI Oýutline figre or flover-ltqt Mns L Sd- bert, 2nd Miss McGiliray. Arnassene work-hst Miss Black, 2ad 3Mis Cheinile vork-lul Mis Wallace, 2ud Mlsé Conway. Ribhon o yuh work-lqt IMimss Boner, Meâxican or drMwn work-l.st Mrs à il 2rngt2d'Mr. He. 1' .¶t Bri woowr-1st MinsParevejl 2nd Miss MoGillivrsy. j)raving rooza scen-hat Mn& T G Dore- reL 2ed Iiss T Smith. * ?mton lace-hât Mr& L C Smith. "Mninglocn enîbrodery-lst Miss Clende- Ulm, 2ad Miss Paredil Eaiolddeey on net-Sund M Black. Emir-o*iderncunlaor co.,t-hat us S ofapil st Miss Pareoi, Sd Mis Su4Me se, obtrID liu'lm MoGllivray, Toilot set," pluhsiit Miss o)euay, ,2nd.- Misa Rtmuri.a Fnyleather work-1st MX» JW PbIip, 9 Uoke-ltn MéBurney, Sud rTablor -pIAno0scaaf-ltMisSeberI, Snd Whisk holdeé'r-iilot Miss Storrer, 2nd Miss F uc'bracketl, upholtered-let Miss A Darning on net-laI MussBlack., Sud Mn. Fanoy tidy-1st Mns MoBurney, 2ud Miss Black. Sachel bag-lst Mus Nourse, 2nd Mns Devereli. Painting on pluh-lst Miss T Smith, 2nd MissmýcGivry. Painti*ng on silk or stin-hst Miss MoGil- hLmy, a, d Miss T Smith. ý Painting on china or pottery, fiird-lot Miss M ilva paintingpW ite tmlin-lut Mins Black, 2ud Missn A Smith. Kensington painting-lst Mrs Squelch>2d Min, T Smith. Plaque-lit Mrs Henry, 2nd Miss MoGilli- vrevaiding nslk-2nd Miss T'Smith. Bramiigo lo-lot Mrm J L Smith, 2nd M Young. Cbild's bood, woollen-isI Miss Storrer. Lady'.s carf, voollen-lsI Un Gordon. Fancy table, draped-lst Mrs Henry. Novetis-lst Mn. Nouse, 2nd Miss Stor- roi. iBT Hi.LDIEN ui.,xnn 14. Apron-lot Jettie Squelch, 2nd Hattie Muagrove. Dressed dol-islo Elsie Lawler. 2nd Jettie Squelch. Cotton undée-lothing-lot Addie Lick. Hemmed handkerchief -lot Jennie Dawes, 2nd Hattie Musgrove. Darned socks or stockings-2nd Hattie Musgrove. Fancy pincushion-lUt Jettie Squelch, 2nd Hattie Muagrove. Novelty of any kind-lst Hattier Musgrove, 2nd Jettie Squelch. Woodwork, plain or ornamental, by boyis -lut J Eastwood. pOY4 *PGWDER Absolutely Pure. TM$s powder anvra @ies. &A mry.or PunltY, gbregth and wholesomene..M' eoonomcal thanîthe ordinary e&'Ilw canuot be sciA in competltion wlth the nilutitude of 1ev test, short welght slum of £phosphale powder. SRehZ onýy in cemw. aO&IBking Powder Co., 106 Wail St,N.Y. ý-*AUCTIQON SALE 0f Pure-Bred and Grade CLYDESDALES, Shorthorns, Jerseysad Berlc- sigres, F'arm Impiemnnte and Household Furniture. Mr. Leon Fairbanks ha. remeied instyo- lions from Y. W. HUDSON, 10 s»Il by Pub- lic Auction, ai lbe Old Homne.lead, Lot. 199 71h con., Whttby, on Thur8day,. October l18, '88. d vclowaqluableSlook,Implemenus etc.-B CldmWemaes(0 regiétered); 4 Draught and Gea. Par. hore; 1,.Enghsh Coach Colt (entire); 2 yearling Shonthora bull. (regsireod);5 vel-bred .Shortborn ccvi (roeblstrd; £vel-bred Shoullicr cal',..(n 1 tcrd); i smy 60vW<frMuaJ. BneU, ]&=eton); i Jersy cal! <froniJ. San*, Edmeuto); 7 Whlggrade Srtboru cova,; 4 ye'ing ccvi le calve before loes; Sgood stem 1land 2years old ;4 boitèe. 8 calve. ; 2S Bobire ccv.; 4 Borkhmrew pigs; Binder lru caishcns.povor and orusher, 4hay4kis, a&Uln4ofimplèments uced on a faim ; 140 baa, 8 sets harnas, housçholA furultue; 100fovis. gaa i vl cemeeit Il o'look shar. The Mares ane cUl «cd- breede.Th eu ~ eso! th. Shortborusare «ccd aud wi roduced on tb. day oft sale. The ovc, botiaPure-Breedi and Grades, bave been seteeteA eclty for thekirnllfn quaflites.' The Ueîshuns are pure-broda. Mr. Hodown havIng renled a àm, a» vi b. colA villi o m"sev. SAULT êXAEQd NOTICE TO OCONTBAOCI TTfEn OKSolkcnani Always : ÀAhead CHANGtiE : when : a é:-New , 0F- BUSINESS!0 -The undersigned would respectfully inform the publie that they have Style:Cornes:Ot FORSA LE. A good brick bouse, half an acre of li bearing. A 1ew minutes-walk: frein Herbes or Grand Trunk Stattion. Applyto - pnrohased- the Grooery Business lately carried on irathe Town of Whitbvuy 4h 88-f by R. H. Jameson, and that thcy wiil continué th. same ina th. old stand.I- The Italian Warehouse, Dundas'Street. New Goods arriving daily, which they oordi&lly m'vite the public bo inspect. A fair share of patronage kindly solioited. No trouble bo show goods. Ai ord.irs promptly delivered. MATH ISON BR'OS ILIÂAN WÂREHOUSE. ýs8 GREAT SACRIFICE SALE 0F BOOTS and a y YÏ8 SHOQESý C. FOX, Port Whitby. Farm for Sale on Sou gog.- T HE subecriber offen for sale the- nerta JLpart of lot &, in the 9th éon, o! thé Township cfScougog, about 45 acreg cf vblok is good tillable land-O veill alered, the bal- ance Wood lia. -Upon Ithe promise. m good buildings a inI-orst.c" ider, aid izood- fonces; e brick, venered dwelIio 20x28 , vili tr ame kilolien 18x20 and à woodahed 15x20 ettaobed; trame ban SOiSO; &afrenetabIeand shea 20xd40 ai other amail building. Terams-p;000 81,000 on the lot of January, 1889, lbthbal ance payable in ton yeanly islmmn;ti o! 820,eat 6perScnt..iÙteregl. The prhs POs o! déifait plêw hg enIa. 1.1of Oo. loe.For frlerPatelsapye Or te MË.eG.- on lb~; ilandsQm SOof JEWELi Andan ezoeptonay si WATOI -i- SmiE] ~L~ELE NEW SCÂRFS NEW SCARFS NBEW SCÂRF'S The Gloucester, The Salisbury, The St. Leger, The IDendigo, The Chandos, The Ascot. BEGATTA SHIRTS, REGÂTTA SHIRTS, BEGÂTTA SHIRTS. Â speoisi line just reoelved, 2 collar. and 1 pair cuifs with each Shirt. Tbey're Nobby Goods. We have the LARG~eST and CHUOTCEST seleotion of Gente' WHITE 'and COLORZD Drema Shirts ln town. G«vNrS' NIGH3T SEURT8, GENTS' NIGHT SHIRTS, GENTS' NIGHT SHIRTS. Nice assortment of these Gooda. Embroideried Front and Coller. GENTS' H[ARD FXLT HÂATS, GENTS' SOFT FELT HATS, GENTS' SILK RATS, GENTS' SILK CAPS, If you want anything ini head *ear corne and inspeot- our New Stock. LATYEr:S._ ]NEW ENGLISH COLLARS. NEW ENGLISH COLLARS. NEW ENGLISH CI OLLÂRS. Something Entirely New. tThe Ostago, The Metropole, The Pandore, The Von Èuilo. Ail Styles ii Boyis' Linen Collers, sises from 12 to 14. pull~ sortment in Styles and aises of Celluloid Collers. GENTS' KID GLOVES. GENT~S' IxmGLOVES. GENTS' KID GLOVES. Gentlemen requiring the above wil b. sure of getting sati.fld st otir store. Our Ernbroidered back, Matador Fastening-Kid Glove, in assorWs Tans and ]ýcowns, is acknowledged the. beut fitting and mout dur. able Glove yet produced. BOYS' HARD FELT HÂTS. BOYS' SOFT FELT HATS. BOYS' GLENGABY CAPS. BOYS' POLO CLOTH CAPS. Ail the latest styles in Boy.' snd Youths' Hale snd Capo. SSesli LORNE QLENGÂBBY. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPEOCIALTY' New Fasbion Plates to hand. We have the fineet range of Suitings, *Trousergs,_ Worsteds and Overooatings ever shown in town. Prices the lowest for first-class, Gooda and workmanship. Sold BIdFiIled à -SA PRICESL i 8-, BAil -w-uIT: FRIDÂY,OC LOCALi LAC(- WHAT l1 lBoiNG ON 1N1ANC BUDGET0OF UYELY LOCALW 81 CHRlONIOLE REPO A ciet'.amaNgy, Wn*filahé% Vipent il From Our advertistng a tbl -~e h ta Wol being "oudup.'- tweeds just- reoeved b1W Boiss if Dot db't als forer purohaesng. Î SAY, whal t ïe,4i~e an aokward anhen lhe feltoý -w 'ho do.. -n0 <25e êvy w oot ok The eue hees thnoggh hi- ,other tees thnougha bis hi_ ATl ý week cf sifer cf shaadedon àMouD ,efeeteof the boier explo ,Gibsn ok Darlingln a thieof ii, but t. reporte bte.&ManmdI Ibaclly aurnea i :A-Way home <jun The ipmr fetîci .reported bis mi 'wu certan pet - The city par 11e aclivb 1ev Pl Blake ais the he seocoed oet il ..Wnn . B. Bs Sougeg P. 'enry.-88.8 BURNS & 00,, Wc bave lb rais . alreamonunt kinashort lime, anA aue now olleria>g--Boota et sucli surpnlngy oyprcms, without regard tb profil, that wehip. th moaey reoquired,,ta baiud, Ïind resucèe selliug at car ordinay reasonable jPx6.a Thisissaa leadld oôpportunity t1O' shoe yourseliand tifly at CALU BÂBLY AND INSPEOT OUR, SPLENDBiD An os An li m .r lonues vithoulnseraiP4 )u , r ne82thutreeie#2 4- popuanl li.. ay o yaanat9462Ou1 sInngI 65lin teb. iedet 89Our1 »4 Condeveus0, oing et84 Ou o*n mmake#6 50boeî st 5,7 a BIZB8 10 TU M18ur; IY'LAOED BOOTS- im-ob m B ~ o ai'. 1

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