p Y-I WIth cuImrk tIUIO Word*, gmt tboughts. sud u0tiug tnduutry, t avo Poace, 'Proposa, Kowledga, Bothérhoodï VOL. XXie Establihed' 1856. The Leadlng WeellIyIn Ontaîlo CeUnty1 IBSUBSIPTION BATES. ,p ýer annum in advanoo-41.50 other- wîse.' Subscri tions are slway. payable aI ho e of 01pulioStion. Stea equipment sud beat tnrnisised Bock and Job prlnting plant in Rasteru Ontar4o, capable of exeouting ail cluses cf work tromn the large poter te the amaflest halidbll.- Speoral mention is made cf1th., unsurpassed press f acilities of Tu CHieN- JOLI, *ith ils celebrsted N. Y. Cottreil eyilud.r pres sud other modern conveul. ences. Every order receives prompt, caro- fl attention.- TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. FirsI insertion, per lUne, 10 cents ; esoli subsegflent insertion, 5 cents-. DiSp)layed Adverlîsemeuts are measured by a s7oale eft moud Noupareil, sud charged accordiglY. Advetiemnents sent without wmriten inaitptons inserîed antil forbiddeu, sud chsarged for funl l ime. - Ord rs for discontinuing advertisements muet t . in witiug, otherwise tise publiais- ors will ne t be respouslble. A libera i asount fer contrsot advertise- monts by 1h. year. Ccpy for changes cf oontraot advertiuements should be Issuded in net ister than Weduesd.y ; sud notloe cf anyinlended changes should be given beforO Tueaday noon. Otiser Savertlso.. monts eeived up le Tiurad&y umou. Business notices lu local or nevs columus Five cents per lUne veekly. Localu, 10 cea& par lino wsekly. Oorrespodenco solicited frora aIl paru oftheOCounty or nelghbortng tovushpm. correspondents are requested te uend in their communicationrsu prcmplly se possible, JiRNDB11SON & OHN STANTON, Snp'l Meclaiulal Dep't. UBAUAM, Proprîetors. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LLB., B ARBISTER, County Crown Atterney, sbud County Solicitor. Offie,- South wling, Court Hense, Whilby -4 JAMES RUTLEDGE, 1) À"IBTBU, *-o. OMfofrmerly ce- 3Dupied bry Farewell & Rulledge, nexi c Royal Hotel, Brook St.,Whltby. DAVID ORtmis-TON, B.A., TTORNBET.AT-LAW, BOLICITOR IM Csucoery, Conveyanoer, &o. Opiroun-In tise OfIce00sentIs cf thse Pout Office, la MIoMMiln's Blook, Brook Street, Whilby. ly-1O G. YOUNG 8]KITB, L L. B., BARRIBR, &o., h.-Mou.y te Loan 13Issuer cf arriage Liceuses. Ovncie-Smith's Block, sentIs cf Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jeu. 22, 1878. (tf-6 JOHN DALL »OW, B ARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLI01TOR in CancryConveysuoer, &o. O£fie-Do"verill'u Block, Brook Birels WIitby. MOURX TO LRND-Prlvate Funds - n sumosup te #8M0, sta low raie of fu- ereil. <ly..8 LYMAN ENGLîBIR, L L. B., B AakmmiaSTBR T W, ilIoIORmIN 000 Street, Oùhaa. raticte P. GORDON nMELDRII*m, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office hours,-8 te 10 a. m., 2 104i sud 7 to 9 P.M. Ne. 8, TIE $"TEBACI,"is wHiTiBY.' aie ilsLsu4ey Lsugley h Burke, ARCHITECT. Deigna for Churehes, Villuansd Col- lages a speclalty. 1»awkngsprepsred for rodeling exislUng structures. Onicà a-First fiaI ovor Howse's Drug 1Store. P.O. Box 202, Wmtnir. Dominion Lin of Royal Mail STEAMBHIPS. LIVERPOOL BEIIVICIS. Prom MotreaL. Prom Quebec *Oregon......Wed. Oct . - ..Thums.Oct.18 Montres ...Thur. " 1'...... *Vancouver ... .Wed. " . Tus.Nv a BRmSToL SERVICE. 101 AveNNUMeurs DCK. Quebec from Montresi about Oct. 9th. Texas from Montreal about Oct. 251h. Cabla Rates from Montreal or Quebec. From $60 te $80, accerding te steamer sud Position cf Stat. Boom, witIs equal1 slon privileges. Second Cabin (#ery eu. poinaccommodation), $80. Bleerage at ,eetrtes. These Steamers hasve Saloon, State- oome, Muio-room, Smoking.rcom sud Bal-roomua mldahips, viser. but littie mo- tion iu fel, sud they barry neither CaIlle uer aiseep. TIse Booms are ail outadlde. Tlie acoommodaticn for Second Cabin on tIse. Steamers is eceonai»ly good, aM4 well wSriIy 1he attention cf thse taen public.1 Tihe "Vsuouver'tIlu Uhted IbroughaUn with Elootrie Ligist, as u ssprcvd edbrsolf te b. Oue cf tise fstesl Steamersin thse At- lantio Irade. Passengers eau ernbark ai Montreal if they se deuxr.. DAVID TOR.&NOE h 00., GenealAgents, moutrea. TelegrpliOfice. Local Agent, Whitby. Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY$ GLASGOW. DATBS OF SAILINGS. Steamer. Prom Montreal Prom Queben st daylight Os m. CIrc.asian. 1. k18 .........Je.i5i .Polynesian.. Oet. 21 ..........e. Mti Bardnlai.....................S Parislan.......14............-1 RATES 0F PASSAGE ÃœY VA LSTEAMERI. Queboo te ILivorpool. Cabin. sM. O, 57) ud55an cdlnp to accomoationsI. Intermedlte, OUM, 8~ &go, smc.o turu itl ca abin 09) 1 $180e), pE&O. ltrmedlate. ÃpO.0. ;tr- «<0, 810.0. - Catila, plguCm Bbeep are net earrisa oni lIeIMPOBTANT OTCB m : otreal. ubl St»msejneralalioüy Uhbon"UrmelvYlcumiY frora Whit.by. Stereg pusen.réboeked te or frora Glagov B fsi,(ueoub 0nor LOUA.m muo rate as Liverpool. Bristl u Pausugmrsasd tir baggo are put on hourd 1h. Oooau Bbamabipi sI Queboefreo cf ail expeuse. Partis sewting for thoir fnlends lu tise Olé Oountrucn obtain PREI>AIDPAS- SAGE CBRTIPIOATES i leveuirals. For Tiektansd aIl lber ifrain apply te W. A.- Yule, BYBON-ST., Agent, Express Officel ROBEIRT HIOKINGBOTTOME 'VETElRINABY 81UBGBONI (GraduaI. cf the Ont. Vol. Cdflege.) Office sud lulrmazy, firit door north cf R. C. Warre's store. Medical Examiner sud Vluator for tise Lion Provident Liv. 8iook AssocIatIon. Kr Spicial attention paid to Vi. Dentùitry. COl b eegal o oepsnjrml il. C. CiRkWFORTJI VETERINA2R ERGON Graanate of tIse OntRlo ypétrInaqy,.Cl1- Or4ers by mege,-ornto.gâhpr]PI at1tes4eto.miloteerpitOfpy 00streideno. of G. .IY*u, Opposite Dr. sDu4slreWb1y IBROOK BT, WHITY. NEW WATER JACKETED- CUGLL f11101. o su B. . KhI4siev Waer à r u redu oor cesi q o a »brètand10per cent. in isi d afue Il lun.epeol fer lise use cf steve, brua i ors,,ale fortiseIrealment of n. ~v. ranging La mps.1 Cho bout au velau largesi sud ehespesi iety ever cflered la the cunly. FOR SALE BY !a R. I I I CHEMIST and'DRUGOI8T W~ITRY- -V H T va~ i <s I. R. iGt, ii Chemi8t d Dru ggi8t, W H 1IT BYm rooth -Bru8hos, H-air Bru8he8, Combs, Perfume8i, rooth Boap8, And &Il oliser Articles nmuosay te th. Toilel, are kepI lu gond var.ty by W. ]R. HOWSE, Ohemist sud Draggiuà , Whitby. THOLEYM LOCAL-'NEWS LETTERSU Our iv. euierprluing farmers, er DuflanMdsuderscn,îeturedcon Wedn2mda aller pedingflve wepks exhlb .in mmpe cf uee3 gaina61th., varldUafaîebihiloa TIse ocaptured thse foilowlng prises :-Ât the fndustrsal-2nd on fall wles, T. Msu2d-, eIý Ius #8; Sud on collection cf grain, dos t2ý. ; Sud on wIsite Mf. wheat, do, $8; lot on boamded spring whoat, do, 010; Sud ou baiqley, do, f4; -2ud oun re do, $2; Smd ou suyvariety cf peaue. $.Mr u orptured 8rd on spzing vheat, Aife, $6; Srd on f&llrye, 82; lot on spring rye, #8; lut ou white cals 8;-lut on white maMrrvat Pea" #6; 2iud ou bUakeye peau, $4:- lot ou suy otber vaiety cf peus, 6; 8radon smail beans $2; ilou gnlarge boas, $6; loI ou tlmolhy seed #ô; 2nd on flx seed $4. At. lis, pro- vincial km. Duff teck à firits, 8 seconds sud 2 thir#da;-1Mr. Manderson 3 ftraIs sud 8 seconds. At Brougham, Jue. Duff-7 flrs, 3 seconds, 2 thirda. At Port Perry, T. Mandorson 4 firas, 8 seconds; Jue. Duff S frIns, £ seconds. At Whltbr, J. Duff 9 fixaIs, 12 seconds; T. Msudersen 8 ffirsîs, 2 seconds. At Mark4-am, T. Mauderson, 6 firsts, 8 s.ccxds. At Uxbridge, IV- Mander- son 4 fxuts,8aseconds: Jue. DuSf 6 Ovules, 2 ms Fitobel tLe Fra plougi their a Peanoi a mont slurii frien uo Mil)hJ beluq Dm. W. S. Black, laiee ofIbis tewu, lu ly- E». ing qefieusly ifist hbis rmesidence lu Toronto. te coi Mr. W. B. Rusell, cf Ibiq low, hm o«u taken th. position cf drawing master lueour CHIeW bigh sebool. ing 67 Thse fi#mbt ieen our ivo -leec apers, v hilu tIse Tissa sd thse eournaij0111 go«. on " with rnedlr.Prom tIse ubjeot, ou t W whieh lheyorlgluy startudVis. B4 Mr. Gculd' resigu bis seal fer the legWsature k or not 0" they bave lakentopersn=&tanlleisd aîth f or 1h. peut monih bave beon wsablng eauh and a other's dlriy linon befon tIse plblie gaze; U" euhi ooeaaaknaly tl.kIa- al)sp tthelr te friend Ur. Pembertea 1h.heediior of tise clIss UrbrlAge uardi<rn. Iko e.thisegod alur- their ed-boy tisaI h. ilUr. Pemberion bas laken -b o il au lagod ar, ithoul even trying t ent,, splsslalled*lrtyvater back astIbora; te but pebpu ho la rservlug bis iarcam enb uelhey are hothfatigted sud thon ho fr vil ecneout sud ultiser thor asutIse uon- t doy mandomu the floyer cf 1h. mo=mg have glory--M4inslho eviidois the adoes, ho to. vii mak. tioshuut up. ihalvi Tise ed lfici ""0tarmelI"t vintor,<"ne1 betveen1h. r.. terlsu udaMeodismtoid faqtiensof oenscoool board, over'the dis-Uâd miausal cfUr. MoG., Ibe principal of thseW1 bigliibeoolbas net Isealeas yel, sud Inu hi a 1 prbblty lIe isard fouglitballes vt. - b. lveru . The Peblra~hv th. diemisuma cf Mr. MéGesthey are or. going to-getallate sud bonce Mr.. MoQe, %tù" thse principal cf lthe publie selool «'Issealnenum h. lu unforlunate eonugisiobe alkehhodiat fou As y14, tise movemen a lsIdireetionte have hem î%silsbut they have been: plBain 1 enougli te show vIsatiù evenluallybho 1h. netq onloora. h would ho very diffieull le md plese .tise morabers cf lth. Umbrldge shool lhi board, no oddu boyw gooduateoher a mmn c" might. b.If h.ovau a Meleddt, ,lt.tou .Ptesbyerlana vonld bonne him if - a Wd Presytlniu.tise méthodiste ;Mud dur.h anmsd if hedidno.eiavoln --- -o68roh, ba t a artis wulunt su hlre n v. viii have te lot i .WWbeuviWo 10à toumnen umile sud .l..l M014,- Ise vi look t101h. instuLWof our isehool und mn e r te Ibee Is e ir reapective ehureiss ? b.14 Aà y., vheu? ecWho anavers "ven Um *h -Tom Buokq i.ruI h a et c <llIstaTorul ut a i e sudara rds dc&il bis pusti faim cf i amonic 'Wieu ho thougis s Bim Barrett sud Miss Minnie elI have jut retnrnod home from a aged vislte ofrlends lu Ming sud "oeh.1 have been told tisai Mr. Chao. Eoltby &ad concession, lu oonfiued to Mbibe avers attack of -intlammatimon f.lise .Under the care of 'Dr. Warren, Rhopa are held ont for bis -reoovory. lay noit wil e hoeh day on which tIse imen*cf this sud tIsemrrudn me will have an opportunllycf tyn sIdin, luIandling the pleugli. Tise is toeb-eld on th. farm :cfWin.. ;on, Esq., who will undoubtedlly prove 3 congenial liet. er spending tise puit year lu thegenal cf Sntheu Clifornis, Mr. Ai iLre lied as ei el as deligbted bis numerous la, by bis arrival home ou Ssturda-y' preses immeif au more tisa aiufied isvist, sud inteudis to make his some lime lu the near future, luil4at, abig stale. Fortlb.present lowever, LU remain in Canada. th te lh. surprise tisough noue the' ;o he pleasure cf Lfiluage -clicle cf du, Bey. John Dobsen arrivedisomou lsy frcm, bisnove charge at Groonville, gaMr. Debson ismu owbeeu for a uthe lacidof-lthe Michiganders ; sud as weil satisfied wlth bis now isome. e ayiucana"s la ueoessarlly siort, Ise cbLUgetoreturulntheconrseocf a1 cuuoram, -WM Iyen aflew me Srool s atarentà mde by your Man-, tr cospndnt ùlu lt Prlay's ÃNzcLB résp6etng'a, eortsiufafumergSeti- oë. p«, bsa"Ifor bis barley at Mrtie, 91h., uyrlMnheerwould ouly 1i6 0eIss 1 n t thésetrue st e.- f eh. e st il TIse patyreferre ,» offéred 65c. for bis barley aI Man- or. fat mer. O=anthe smMe ola f bar- reuld fair breuin.luWhitby Market a Oname date,lteig only Nqo..8 extra, a- iarge pu art ltwe rowed barl.y kt, -TIse Prices here are utoilw6thauât- r plsee, tike Uibridgo or Port Prr w.e feIUly np il not alboveso0me ci pripnesud Ibasu idebthat-it Wlfl Rorne lime 3rnt bdefooyoux 0c1rrespo n- es #reielerwi -b. ifl0led ' _02g .arly oloing cf ise6 '1» y- ore, ame .ylng ail lhe market willsf- su ad have.sainei a point 9sometimos Mtaf y nme i -n "ii eghboeo0cd Ise hauflIn4dui#nt 'ofoered tbem go ô Mrti. Tatmuc,1tîsducemenls ebeen, offée& d. w-bave al pO Zof. J> seêin the Port- .rry akm amonüt-made there thal a. ver, ibo cfi1h.gearmers cf Ibis viebUl nd il te i.i ltereatlo-tae ise Mfyrtle. Snc lunet tiehe.>., eue eft iem sadüiseydrlven I.ýl I bave gaouoncent mcm. perbu sr. W. vould net hsvrepida j"lo leour oonmosponeOU l lho net gens out cf bis W&y lo im WHITBY, ONTAIRTO. vms aigu I lue sel for tics Mr.'W ilun pet. F00OD iu lots te suit purchaurs. W. R.IOWSIE OCHEMIBT .ÂND .DBLUGGISTI, Agoni for WlUbz. DOWUIN's s FIRIDAY-,. OCTOBER -19, 1888.0 i y youn mou now el a wha* mm kiieraW& ,ý r- hiskey WR 'lI smUlant, t'h.éanpu cf .11 deviltr'y arréses heréo4 E the higliest f souMis m mre- ninY«; wtth parozyme of auger tht are senseleu sud brutal Until Ihis âane of civilistion uu extinol wil our land be rld ofuuch people. Maos Ketohen lias quit. reoovered. *Our teachers have been re-engagea for next year. Miss Foo te in moving some furniture book tb th.e ld: homesteadl. Mr. Thos. MoflrIen in theUltest of remov- aie o e h. Great Bepublio " front our lown. Mr. T. Outteil of the.,,,Timea Il su now employed iu lhe Umbridge- uardia offie. W. hope Tom will do, weIL. misses iMabelsMd caifp t -re dowu willi typhoid. lever. 'Undçr Dr., Warre's ukillful care tbey are progzeng flnely sud if nothing serions iu the. ty cf relapse occurs we May expeot bosee them out lu a fe 6Wweeks. This place ii nearly '&sad.It:wbnM dhka a funeral ana bury iièélfinsde cf -a week if it were net for Marrys Tannery. Theu Young fellows Who have -lefI had nO-. thing here iu 1he way of encouragement le nduoe ihem t. utay. PallieraWho have more sons -Ihan their cwu ccpaic wi give empîcyment 10ouh10sdlhmt nmre place whe-e hy h ~h-,le make moue ',eto,tùforthemuelves. --The wfl only faffit e 41.dissluteýhabito -if alloÃwed te stay hors. Thée S. A. hadùthir.amuugýlbanquet biS. ,weok. Thse i "alpts Ued.41Pf Tu cri au w a&blgger oowa sud get, mo"r1 money m t of peole dibu any cf thse ôhurnbe& Wy?I1Is a,.my opinion but sait b n0t cemplim4eutary eliher le thlêý 4grmy or tloIbos who, are wflhng lo be bled) I wiil keep ilte m ys"if.Thse 6Wild IrhsI- mnn ade Ibinglively. TIser. were maiiyii#itorfwcm eorps inthe vihlnity.,.. Â - geod atsùeh 'Preo'ë'bylorlan vIse ssw fth.e eromnait vu;s a geod ua a weuty-*ve cent showt but Il beat the devI. T )nmt xà îv 9 ],m unîïl fitL*a flà ,im,,,* wWi .7 , -. -J be )Ur )t. Leon Water -AT- ----o:o i ils tic