sorapm Md ohm*,. ~McGo~u Lrn ie coming01 1oa h. durable kidi <love -MIryPair guarantesti. W. G. Walteft 7'Ah bses our tirsas <ocdeai W. G, olies itteti by 1h. Opthalma. scOpitestIBarartis. Comploesnew stook of mmmli. eloil éoslect froua ai W. G. Walters Nantief@mandulster cloibs ai loveait ces at W. ' kWalters. am Marblâ ~a sullable for pro. sentallon ai Barn'rd'a. .4. eavy aul yoO blaukets at lover prloes. han elcewh re. W. G. Wallers. 4.The prices fur Duncan Clark&s mine. 1fe show an 25 85 sud 50 cents. Heavy iviliet i anls, 20c. -à yard. P.oW.Bros. itsnts oversoats, youtli' overcoats, %oy's overcosats ai eseilprime. W. G. Wallonl. Tho Royal Hfotel Barber shop la the Plac o e t ela air cul or aa ioe.eag- Âsk W 006seOur lieavy aul wool Oh >nere 48 in. vide et 50 par yard. 'W. Ç.welters. mon'$ aud yoùlh's Imitation persimu ïamb capsai loveit prices at W. G. Waltlon. LooK ii botb .you for anytÈ tibat may be publishoti about them Gibouy'e. MR. Ja. Sadier vanta th. job cf pamig anti reeating any olti iraiti k»opIo may vish le bave ovoerhauloc Nf- -Men's, yontbe'sudnt boys' fine und vea u il sign.a etlovent prime.. G. Wallon. ~It Wtoowonltetell vhai the h Gibeny's are-but they are o mlag the sane. luit doltidowu thon vs are oullii white blankels at $2.00 a pair. Bc Brou. Mo- 1. 1er- W. vo-. The. <rosi play "rab[Aiightl"ù playeti by Dunoan lark's Minstrols on Fnatay 1he 261h. k-1,05 tilreni paiteruse ofWatcheu la Gold, Slve, anti Nickel tleohooasefroua st Baruad's. 4Dnncan laký, combluationorr s'tbir ova ounory antiue inla Ie P167Aabs igt. sur mnie ni st« ~elotin ho. ~bspurohaung eisowhoro. W. G. Wallers. Go an-i re your measure for a neat ftigpair of boots, or have th.m re- pa edt Geo. Buok's th. noteti boot and shos demier. E406 Buok bau engagsd oue of lb. fn« workmîmn m th. provine 10i maauaclr. .. audilade boots on lii. proemisse .Wicamender the banner ot frudom buià gour.gooda for prompt cash. iihebut markets, 0.11 and sec the. bargalus w. are offsrlug, Boss Brou Dry Gooda Emporium. )I Lbave your moosy villi Geo. Bnck WhItbyesa ot.d becS dealer, wholias beeu th. e muas rady cf knoohiug dowa 1h. prie.. on boots à ant soe fnuly 20 per Osai. Se. 1hos. thal have * bought froua hlm, and uak. tbsux if ll.y are satiefeti plaids and lstipesvu ithlk goodoto mtch. Thuy aebat, Bon Birou. l'ut b.ggar on bous.béok andi h. WlilId.odstrutlobui onîesof BBJrus 14-00 suite on hlm aad ho vil hoe auadiatey pven *emplcyment whiola vil hange ithe whols courus-of hi. canler. Wbeha"eDot hesadfroua sme or sur Most vautiorrtpessfor mouse lime. The M1 hos nover no* and wv. un fiati room for tiasir letters.Il lejusi lthe MM te us as ltit w.r. Pd"visleiisr-W. "the h mSm t o e etofsur sorrespoudents who wrte .very wssk, ant those who do sueson become snob* good. writers $hu$ tla»y surprseeven ilMIsssves. At th.elut mtbaagof 1he OoilegtaÎe Jmaiu t LlivarySoclty hliîton 1Wsin..day6laitheia flwlng ,pro- grMauasvas ronderc. Oit"srPort, Mr.Voly ;plao 016,NsDocker;: Ohaà pum a sda,.Johnston; soug,1 Giselub;eedng, issL. Noble; Mr. Hemay O!BrenPredmeai6oftheas no 7.ta 'Oisuvsted-th*ii SnoonUMoay lad à mati delve 1 tol tae diret :art clae,. it M"ministof S- I i el i go B#5u lnt liey- ardy, to rush the fall trade. bdi - 0WlGoada iii evoryliée. Ii Id MARKET pae linstraieti Book on Dealues. Noises in thebheati. Howlbey may becoured ai yur home. Pont free 8d.-Addreas Dr. L4CEOLsoNr, 80, ei. John etreet, Monireal. Chureb note&. St John's ohukci,-:.0ct. 21e1,Il a. ni., sub. jeot ofsemrmon, «'Tie Existence of Goti." BaloiseS otes. Mr. W. J. Ghreenvood inl rapidlyganzg "lrengl, and «epe o tlcs hi. ork in the Ooll.giats ater th. finoS ofNoveniber. Mfr. IL A. Paterson, B. A., the- nevly atpDontd umaoe mu ater ini th. 0o1 legalsInstituts, Sormerly belongedti 1thle staffoS0lb.héananoque bpb chiiol.nHo sm à graduaI, of Toronto Umverut, t ho istitution b. carrieti .1 Irei-c bonore in th. deparimont oS mathemalio.sud jysdcs. Folthe lime h.ohb. been i.ach. ecmord is perloty satimtactory. Don't Despair of Relief, il troubleti wilb C(Jiizo Dyïpepuia or Oonnllpation. Tics. milnents, as viiias bmlliuanm, MKley inArmities, anti femnie troubles, are eraicated by Nortirop & Lymn9 V 1ea ble DlsooveaîLgsud 0uppu urs, su altenbiietoit dnclesrly proven eecacy. Il lu a fine bloddepret "weon as corretive, sud coniainsno Ingredients vhieh a're Dot of Ibmhe g nousnua r f puiziy. BIB T H B. WILSON-In Toronto, on the ISth lmoi th. vile t ofà S.. Wilson, of a sou-utj born. scovT-Aî bIsaresidenos, Nevwmark.t on Moà day, Octob., 151h, 1888, smani.ysott, M. D, sag"d49y0.8 am. az;d 6d8. id Ilth ho ba.e d.lia. do s andsilp6lmpýMesd gain in fiosh g l.hem bm tal port tomd a"udmodil SoCo A.p Î;W Sihopk.Di. W. Sorf aisau Dehiay.Bets Most gpal p8elumby»&UlDrnnWtu, Io. an4 FluncalMd OommwCjaj. Ofieof Whulby Quaomoxu, Wiby, OMa. 19, 1888. WBITBY MARBT PRIOBS. sle.J IO et..000.....00 plar»Pu .............90 pi" 0000000 P« lck-omd .......72 I... . 14 50 ÂlBea lovrse . 0 .8.pplsperbl......le 0e::O16 H j UM 0715 » 008 * 075 0 0ol * s 1Fresh Tea8 Groere8,and Pro vi8io, OHBÂPEBT IN TOWN. Oood Coal OUl b Gallons -for $i.O( N. B.-Smart boy wanted from 15 to 18 years old. & ao."i h- 'I-lkoaqFUyouveeupresenamhin ten *back yard matis»W ifor vhlmkey. Be4n thee iatet twadsOshava. Insteati liowever, fc oins -te uhal lowa ho gel Imad tiheb.gel because she remistedl soins improper ecaduet on hieMand tiBdturnetinorili b lias 8rd opoemiou of Whltby township, anti vian ho *resohe tha1 lia.olurnetivesta&&&in. Ail 1h15 lime h. perasiet inla i ldocouees antid finaIly souglto qietthegirls rossi- eoe by thtUaleuing villi several oshu to knook lier b'et fi %Fiting ahe vas not to b. couquereti by any rmeaus, h. st lait oizeti ber anti lhrew ber oui ai a lcnely plac e uar Dow's railvay maosing. She hati noticeti some mou furiher book, atisud tiiatily rau le thein for protection. Strloklanti only drove @à short distane until ho raturn- ad anud ordereti ler ti. get imb lbh buggy. She rofusoti sud Strioklanti slrook ber ove, 1he licati ith lhe stalk cf hie. vbip ant i red a atone againat ou. of thi e eu's backe, Ihreatening to, kil Ranycf thon: Who came ucar bu. Mr. Dow va. avakeeed andi sent Ihe girl to Oonstable MoBien's. To relate atrifklanti'o revolbiug conduot in bis atteà ipte upon lb. girl le oubsideofo posoîbrhîy bhrongh 1he pross. Al lb.h evidence vas not laken on Tuocday, th. euse baing. adjouructi until laut night ater vo vent tb preou. The prisouer lia eloctedti i.b. tried by 1he magistrat. anti hie ticision vii mlle the altter. FIND IT TO TEIR ADYÂNTAGIE AND PROFIT TO USE M7,O0Ot-s Lots ARDIN E Guaxanteed not to gum, and will Machine Ois. W» Try our Cylinder 011. ini Whitby by I ano uarl FothaE WM. BRYAN & SON, Dundas Street Sole Manufactureré, fcOOLL ]BROS., & 00., Toronto. A A HANDSOMB WE*LLING HOU8E and Lot ON TEE FIXEnT STREET IN WHXTy ]Ptr Bale by Public Auctin Building and L The. subsoriber has recelved instructions from the ovuen tb »l1 b yPublie Auction, at RÂY'8 HOTEL, WHITBY, ou 'oty thai bemutiul residence ounlt.evwnt aide oS Byrou Street, osâI oS thc Court Houa. aI "ent occupaedby Mr~. Hayward. ei bous inof ",vitb Manua iBol. Tbere in asmo a qood Stable sud a Gardon veli stocked i vtb Frut Trees. Also 1h. Proer- oecupied by Mr. Gortzio,m a Piano Actr, onthe north aide of DtLn<j Street. The abov;rer . 1 iib. moiti a gigreat sacrifice. a 'd 00ock a. m Ternie liberal, ate known at lime ofS ale.. F'urther prticulars Ilay b. bat on applios- lion to LYMLAN T. BAROLAYt Esq. L. FAIRBANKS. wbitby, Oct. 17, -88. Auctionser 9*,Iecutor8 Notie to (JreditS. I N o01 b th e lsEdý at ut .. O n aro, 1887, Obapier 110, ta&la .1pmrios b& ni CIa&= agai ias tesSai. of Thom" MY. mou, laIe o01tth. Tovn&bet Pekr«, tu thbm OountofOularlo, * n#deoess ed, Who died on or about lb.e8&h day1o Sepimbà r, 1888,are rquiredto u.snd by posu pre-pa-'& <atdreum t .mamie posi OMMic) or i. deliver i.0o ftim undersga.- e4 Rxect;âuof b.athe m hom a ian, on or beftefrsdayO2latuomhe, 1888 thir Uammsati atiesvllb Iud culais of hbeeluin,4dlyverifetd lb. 8muritles, (U m.y) hald by lhm. Anti no"icela herebygiven, liai m- modlaely &aSte lb. niddaei.satE- eeui.mmproceeti IsrLtel. ut cf me auni deoomatiAmo:wsbe dm au tetw ibsieto, havng regard ezay h elaiisof W"i.hnot"oshmboss gfiven a above eqired id thelb.midm eubWaor vll-Loible for li etsosorauy part thezeOf mWdlllbu may pire=u or P«r. been reeeiv*dby *em. aitete aPt snMb dîstrbution Daie tbis 191hGeober, 188& R. R. MOWBR&Y, eAMES HRTOP Zxeoiitors -J. B. DOW, DsverU'sBlooeLWihby. 46-Sin. * OHOPPING. du On.f hait mlnorth of lb. Union1 Oemsery ils toPs dbdo achpi4 for LIVEIW and SALE &TA RLE8, BROOK BTl TWinTIay. ]q digiaund 0904 Horm is.T r«a- 19 SBIET Buo8. REMO VEDI Haâvng purhae4 the Stock and Maciner3 sud Ioued the promises of th.e etat. od J. & B. Wollenden, ame prepared to furz4s M8.rDle anda iraute Monuments8, Head Stones, and ait other Cemetery Work. Puartewà Mhng to urobase viiiflnd il to t h oi i n S w t t o U o u s b e lo r e b u y ln g elscwhere. AiU orders promptly flhed andosaation hlùmith!m Hall NEW GOODS JUS T IN,. Ladies' Short Vest and Queen Chaim, l3rooc.hes, (JufButions, cÊc. --AUL TH- N EW PA TTER-NS Gents'Chains and (Juf Buttons, Watches, ClocksR, and Bilverwar-e, Plated Knives AÂA LL o; r. y p r e p. f Saturday, Monday Tuesday and Wedni Sept. 29th and Oct. lst, 2nd 8rd, Rooms. The biggest display of New , --lih, he6&F Goods we have ever shown. We have given- our Dreil Goods Department particular attention, and Show- a Fin, Range with Trimmings to match, at prices that canuot1 boeat. Weaehnn -nuv vr 4 1 - n TÂILORING- TO ORDEF T-ecW haveds, atheNewes andr best man in town to make them up. Our IIoW ut-tor g1'ving unilversal satisfactionl. Ourcutmes8& 0 POWELL & O K'o o LmI F INES 0P IN THE CJTYî BUILDERS'%SUPPLI1ES, ME~CHAN 10$'TOOLE vira". ana l'o'rks Muc re uce inPrwe VT lIOOk8 anad d JAMES Jioý-HSTON' FarmforSale, ea balla oi n '~A t . h f zt,.. m M.-y r' 1= A -3rW A &1?, D I - n Overcoatiùüs and 1- 'aturday, Oct .27th, 188891 Our customers say so. 11 Dry Goods & Millinei' 1 are to see our Show- We have âIl the Newest Patter n-s- CHEAPEST 1 m m 1 0 a" e E l'-. 1 FAIi'MEIi', THRESHERS, A ND« MIL L -MEI -: Wreroolm 1 . 1 1 Dominion BLOCK, - - \VHITB"~ 1- 1 - 1 : OPE oNG- AS don% 1=1 -Arr a- au .13LOCKe -000 outwear all othe All value lor