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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1889, p. 1

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!IITBY< Wltb a"s Prlnted words, great thoughta, and untirlng ludustrY%9 we advocate Peaçe, Progreas, Kuaowiedge 8ro:aerhooc. ________________________________I I - Whîitbu .gtEroui*ck, Established 1856. The Leadlog Weekly ln Ontario Coonty1 SUBSGRIPTItON RATES. $1 penr nin l av=c-1.60 other- Wise. Subsaorptbonsart lvy payable at the office oi publicatioù. Steam equlpment and bout iimuled Book sud oh pnlntug platl i Bstr Ontario, oapable-oi eeutng ail lasse. i w*rnkfirem the large pester te the imallest haudbil. Speolal mention îs md iti unuurpasued pneuos iaeilitléu e Tf OnCle ICLI, vfth its celebrated N. Y. Cettrell cylinder proua sud other modem .oonveui. enoeul. 9very ordor recelve. prompt, ou»-. fai 1attentien. TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. Firet insertion, P r Une, 10 cents; each on beeqn ont- insertion, 5 cents. Displied Advertlsements are meaaured, by a sosieef solid Nonpareii, sud oitargedý aocordingly. Âdver!xsements ment vithout vnlÏtten instructions lnserted until tenbldden, sud eh arged for fui!time. Ordors ton disoon!inning OAd4ertlemt-us 'nuBt be in vnîtinag, etherwlae the publU ers will net be responsible. A liberal discount for contra,! adventlae ments by thee kr - o hagmiof contract adieu if net latex.,4"l 'et any lntendéd ýQd before Tuesc:l mente recel 4'urrdy non. Businesis n b«cîn leo8lor news oinnins-* Corrospondonce solicited trom aulai C-rrespondontm are eequem!ed te, seu inl their communications as. pmomptly >au Possible, ENDERSON&GR AM OHN STANTON, Sup't MechanIcal Dep't. JOHNi E. FAREWELL, LL.R*, 1)ARRISTER, County Gravi tAtornney, -B and Cointy Solcitor. Office,- South -ing,CourtHRouae, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, g> itRS'IB, o, ffie ftm-èrly ce >oupied by FaroeUei& Rutiedg.,nezt Royal Hotel, Brock 8t.,Whutby. DAVID ORMISTON<, B.&., A TT ORNE Y-ÂT-LÂW, 8BOLICITOREN ~Ch anoery, Couvoyancer, o. OFFIC-In the Office soutis ci the post Offce, in McMils'a Blocis, Brook Street, WVhitby. ly-10 G. YOUNq.sg iMItE, L.B., B ARRISTB14h*.p*-Money te Loan B Âicc-OathaBlck ;thofMarket, Brook Ble.,WltbY. ia.me 878. <fi-6 - JOUX BALL DOW9 Offie-DeveriU. Block, Brook Street, Whltby. SMON13Y TO LEND-Prlvate Fund,- i1 sumo np te8000, at a lcw rate ofinl- 'est. l-1 LYMAN BUGLIBJj, L IL» be, ooo Street, :lu*6 P. GORDON NELDRUNR, Physician, Surgeon and Accouccheur. Offioe hours,--8 to 10 a. m., 9 to 4 snd 7 to 9 p.m. No. 8, THE «ITERRACE«," BYRON-ST., WHITBY. ROBERT HIOKINGBOTTOMIE VETEBINÂBY SBGEON, (Graduas cf the. Ont. 'Vol Oleg. mOfie-Second deer, north o il. O. Warren' - atone, Brooklan. teeJ Sp&-ial attention paid to Ta.' Dentistry. Vails'by Telegraph or Telephoneprompt-. ly attended te. a. C. CEÂAW-FORTH9 -V~TEBINAB 8UEG30I~ naduate etftth. Ontanlo VetfeMlua 1 e- loge, Toronto. ' - brdsrs by ail or telegrapis prcmptly itieuded te.- #;"'ostraIlio "I il4, b.;-~ ~fla-'[ine Royal Miail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDO;YDERR Y SUMMER ABRANGEMENTIS. DATES 0F SAILTbua,. Prom Vlontreat steamer at dayllght Prom <Quebe. OlrcamaanM . But ... .Â-U& 2 Parala.......ug ith.... .Âng. 2t Pc~e1n Sept, 4th......Pt, 5 lmSe .... . Bpt. 19 <Jlrmamin..8pt. Dth sept 26 RATES 0F PASSAGE BY 1MAIL STMAXER: l Quebec to iverpooL.l Çabln, $80, $70, and $W, according t o- comnredation. intea!medlate, 880 Steerage, $20. CaSttia, Pýpor sbwp ar euot cazred 'ou thq:se steamers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. C0abin, Intermediate and 8teerage P408 ..ý ge"nM ay go %ou ad nai1,MontrsaL By tà»s Urmnàent'pasaegersare on. abled to be'eemioxete téied o the OMeM stemirs w' wajjume7 ImWhiby. Pausegexansd ihefr-bsgffle are-uto>u oeudinAg for tou timedalu tise SAGE '»LTrnOÂTE8ê'ai îowst For Ticket.s m &Uother no*ua apply to W. P. STERI.CKER" Agent, Express ýàffice,. BROOK ;Te$, wmT MY R TLE OUT Sbd PLUQ SMOKING ~ TOBACCO FINIR TRAN 5VZ~ LOCAL- NEWS LElTERS. CanoxucLa Correspondence. Wlth the cerupltion et Rewae's bloc thée cerner o Iet lnsSimce atreets vilI a"sume a more -symmewnoi3eapp ;eanan ce. Zls enidensaln neyet able e »resme he< dûties bu theii, f giSeool. onplc lJi. ubawsb4unl 'la ractbaing asSiU on4i'- ad - maklng satimactôry- progreoa, uuà4àw-the, leadership af, Mr. Jeoun C>Regan. donbt viiipme4ent ù by 1ieturd.rvoeka, wlua re-vmrai ~ ttel-o, Ia d>Ld do- &popponeutb sCoorppf 8J te7. etI.UOPA llm sucb Casea oaut ,n or reasônsewhy thé, dèfeated ne onedut, *Ià. 0f eueth .ý hafrdly Pl sy x0éI 1enough, but -1 abeuld bave bien' mçZ8surptised indeed te have heard tiat lte »=vhich ïepreseo&Usiwwa on the oce 1 xlW, -'-ath, suatche4a 'tue tam vas badIy crppedbyA wi*fîul disoirant.e--Thecsewaes - ird1 ne ab4 iiso en,.Wiho te Oi o&trt-vas occupied for about three ionri U. wfu te exsenination of witunesansd'the ~.arguniduîs cofeouncll. 'Mn.Mr. L- ri- -munhyj -aprsarod for plaintiff, andl Mr. J, iÊPse-J w*0 for deiendant. 1 ,l BoochS WeM; Aerlanand Canadian Grànltes. Ail "ate vsig vk Office0 sud vonka, Wôifeen 1 atuade Edw. P. 81INum e rymmi, NEWSTOCK 0F Hanging L amp8- Gra" Setâ -7 FMI ~W B~ IIWS ter.w of B1W ddrusines d fi'or lately rofrtted ln modern and &nUit 1». Bart heU pnrchaa» e le bit<k rosadeuce on Cameroit st. 1 meuty ewned. by Mr. J. T. May. eue of the finest dweling iehum villge, sud i uimýt the Di. 'w loina hi. vs pr nyand gîIses pie trol fo! lcisottit âo"*. We Uuderstmn4d hei à Mr Goo. Barrott in homo again, from To- ronto, somewhat ximproved in health. The. cheery face-of Mr. Rebt. Dixen greet- ed us the 6ther day. TiB gentleman bail run dewn frçpn Meadewvale to- speni a day or two at hcme. Mr,.'David Reea is boundtu jeep up with the timesl. Ho fa a! ieM 7 ýIràe11entengaged in telt- linoe Q.,twhlch le intendà rnuking Àone mý net attractive rosidenices _W thie Vu- e*0 ain eaU thie-attention of tl. farmers, tohefoCtbattheelev ivat i~ n-full swn ndçr the managemnent of Mr, Richard. BIOJIwh' teready and' waitin', as t wre 10 ýay ýhe highest prico for grain of.ael Thi e ook&anumber of interesting items, !bave bMun crowded out of our cofutun an -ne- "iou f th""at that we have been fQrcod- te se'p Iosiderable ?pace in replying' te soe niat obaceneé remark8 made.- in lut- ýweêkVs Obserter, ana&which bail ieference tW pur bomble self. O&M]Çoay lut! Peter ifoit moveil out of tbe hetoly gobng toBlackstock, andi 9flTues- day AlonzoS«etn, hailing fromPontPenny, toýk, is-quattersna landlord oW the Re- vere, ouse. W. were rather. amused to sce 'thé very -càrefid way in whÎch sme of the Mehn nteved a barrelof beor from a wagon te th e taveni. About a dozen,-gt their hands, hberta and oyea fixeil on that. innocent look- là god gracions, weron't they ýmére tiancareful. We were tolil that one indivi4uol got, bout haif spaa over whie trf in tgo tenwnber f drin he wouâ maqoo' fltbAiiý'elitH owever, Uofta* there "ý of lat' week, if w soe 0- g pqseld owner- and ofti, a coewardly gnora-.. a so we eutdbe t e t h e i r l o d o a c e nut1 , of1 tould'be6 ta' aom. T? er habevr af u cforle, sudbence net welceni- m. rTho~elbner,micin us >ando o, ams the fact that ,snob a maid' grce te'ay paper oJaiutiblk t eb respetblty, -wé 'oqld like te kit - ! t that the iWàinemflet -of eau section s potuity tosp ~wk ton cco'rnen speddspeot.- Moet 'ORmON-ga'n.-M rur. apenneamong Us fetbvith. m O. B. Wkp banriaten, et Mulbrock, le the iucky boy. :W. beqsaIs ronMn. Weeks a ,0,ýorosc u fogne, epeot.lly ifho 'lobbis ightib adueetc.,etc.' Il-ai one vanté te mais, a uuggeticn be the ub.. lic that viii have elght, ho muet a bold pusi ion the OusosucLa. Quiteosunexeltement vas ereate upeclal mùetbm ofethtéicoundi IautL evenlug. The, meeating vs caed for <. prpose eofconsid.rnugtii.advàasblIl Ot p iâcligom6 eleec-lhf u i. teoa Theouuua m a of"t kzking-was doue by ene on 1two oifie' members, vie mu4 cio connu, oppose ms! vco-lyeV fit he av Io temevea ed he in ssnviuç thebt 4heflhmo ne!. Titis opposition, bowever, w*s/seO "a i-Mr. oer-. eof tteja"ertf th fiese patie àatroicig$iib~ tn e h&JëëtÂtan sd'intel1ijent portion- of ztb en-2 wo, eel sure vo are wn w#at iÀ ight sud- via! l*18 intereitiù ý tu spexi'êfl'vbat tite'Obse rmysyte cetay h utapaper olsunonn plaulyfdiu,~t Èn;i ti.opinion cfthat &Û,t~ai subeibers -efthtie CiRtONWIpuare muisby-waty, eo,. i o uur o'pinen: Iypu toek ont of-ihtI"on ticemndera Of thie aer e vnwol ad. out sevén- fiit e iementa'f1 t- s!sreiýi thec>m sinity. - W. viii s ay nDo t. veo not wish to -Lke Up as»C. larot teth"sdstteful mntter. 2e07 evrer, d the Gob.rwsr fanforge! iwsef an, t e 'a ny mo re cownrdy attncks npbïà ýlr, Our intention te aeoi uenbr ty "air ihm&irdsudloit hem-h. lead-- o=, a df ur vn sacne~aet XiL ie Blngham hbu retumned tom The harvest home tM8! dis! churcli wusin overy W tfa. The church was tastfy the. occaion, omething attr- rI secotion o et i.fa!!tans eheaves of wheat and eas, an bunches of the Dmre; appiepeu cumbers, etc. Ee bth DlP kin *net forgotten, and ocouplod rozn"e -ioè arge cengegatiens asbemblado abbatlr, both morning and evenino-11 haïr Bey. Q.W. Howitt, ofet .L sermons We e ifrat tha! thia gen 'a ,HhS5 preaclied te a Brooklinu audience. fane!twhat we would cal! a brilant a e, but h. tola the aid, od tory J» way tht nruches. tii hearts of hikIêareu.. n the evening diecours. the doctrine of helines. wu, trengIy breught oit. Tbei. -tbiêE On -Menday vere mupplied with the bathat cll r kili osu produce. At the ater meeting (which was flot cammenc. edi tii! ton minutes te nmp>), ail tht e!akers 'adertiscd ene present. The adïlescu, -oneè and ail, were-good. Mr. Dryden, M. P. P., disé-harged th. duties of chairmau n ï~ -very.lesng aud acceptable maner. Boy.7 Mr.Ha1is, in the course, et his nemarko,ex. pnessed the wÏïh that ho migh! be able to e coilver! the 'eha*man and others in the- audience te himi way et thinking on a certain mattert evidenty netering te the Anti- Jcsait onusade, ini whioh Mn. H. has taken snch an active part. Ater titis speaker resumied bis aeat, Mr'. Dryden toek eéc sien te show that h. waa an EBqual'R* man in every senBe, but withoutthe le bfgotry tit oharactenizes soe, Woud fi*nothng botter than te se whole F'rench-Oanadian population V tramý tho country, root and branoh k ber ai soleotions were rendered by the c aud the prcceedin ' verea bronght te a cra about eleven o'lok. - The financial resu! je a litte les than $6W. IAILSON, C. H., rneiss-inikeir and sud- VVW dler;shop between Chinn s hoel aud ýrolde;(astore. Plrs!.ias o'Mdoréd #work; Mkëgôilèlathen. Evoery branch of theé- " b s anssiteded ta prperly. - W'ftREN,-J Ahanisome store, w*ell AewtAcarefulysolected stock of. way tetii -font -Brnmerwante -nov-w being snpp oflied.gvigtploitdid vain.tleCnt e ! O i t 5 n i . a a t o u " p p a iu t e c t s i i eo p f o r genenalwerkj dùtt a wOobd-shOP M'cenitectiou. ~W h el-tir es vo se,-m ach ln r Sirea~ o , i work guiranteod -'I§TÀTE et T. ,ýtHeioldvày. -Bpots&, We 'j "T 'e topnedthe- ïiet lot af boots ever sh tn I rooklin. Pni es re iit. ire 20w conitng te Iiand. We ave spcfia- ias liî t i hese. ' ocîd butter and % s a w y v - td ferc wiak ehe.o4_411uu pail. Catom von' stock of manufactured on bmauut reaseunabl iRh EDMAN, (i..-pi - unis eto furnitur s t Wo~ or "or d any i-e.Purtuansd- pic- >rdr.~Replnng In,-au rnttnd~e t. -A -arge te and aul tunersineoqis - Brooklin Ont. kwln-Chepsh uns ~~~,&i hs6y 3nl u Bcinltye. -Alarge: J. Oard'a mpeved oe r - Maser- tenu~~i >i earuî dû oriy 10w n ies, iSmy aloirihe iLLA rani Fi EAQOH -PiLJ "'FPLON -40 5t--J: VOL. XXXIII. j- 7 WHTBON TAIR10 ÊRIDA YSEPTEMBER 6 89 peacet progrmo Knoviledge, Brotuerbooc. -.1 - 1 tbis

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