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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1889, p. 3

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D1eig held in Sanderlanua Urpj"-o conîdeingwbat 0ol ý#W-raopnIedrin hepresexitsi gin this cou utry, it wu@ tx--g.nize a brhneb of theE< e. O.. MelD 'weirwas ibm PreiJ IA; Rev. F. I. Lyn vePesiden ;Nt. .Mopbali Se4etry;J.B. Vaientyte, E Bakagent, Treaettrer. nnanimouely adopied: (1) 7Reaol Ttiat we déclare ourpelveefivorible equal rigbte "for ail Uer Mjeît'e 8e jecte ln thie Dominion, but 0ppoed special legisiation granting fàvbIrs mny person or elae@. (2) We deoli olroelves fre, and independent former political liu.. and partites, a wiII hevoefertb exeroise our-tranolh as loyal subjeots of the BrJisb Croiq mn harmonyý,With t(be 6ýQwqd principl cf our a-scciatjon. The m, c-' -èry was instrrzcted to sei a copy Lo IýL the~ leotding pappre. M. MOPHADEN, Seo' PRINCE ALUERT. .Death has ag&in vieiledcOr poelbe village and. arrisd. sway Iis. Dav * Cash, as the ag eUfj8 yeare.. Sai monthe agoe he w*.re ýou with pli alys and she heVer reéovered, b passed away in the firvi bellot reeflrreetion. Tbe deoeaed was higb reepected by her xnany friende. Hl remains were iuterred in the Ontar: Fine Grove Cernetery. Bey. Day: Madden offiiaW din 4h. hurlai servio As Mr. t'og and Mr. Blanoha we% ,standing in1h. oernetery one de lait week, they observed a large lym prowling among the graves. M Blanchard procur.d a guuiand du patched hi. lynxahip. They toqk fi animal te Toronto te have him stnifec Mr. Cash and Mise Cashi, of Nebrasi son and dIanghter of Mr. D. Cash, ai home te attend their oeoth.r's tuners N Ir. Chie. Turner, of Toronto,i 4 home visiting friends. Al are ver much gratified, thongh nlot surprise 7te krow that he was fully exoneratei in the Toronto police court cithti Scharge cf theit, and that be has ne snoeed hie eld position in~ the Bo Marohe, the proprieter ef that estab * liebinent having exerted himeelf ti secure Turner'. relea@e as soon si possible afier his arrest. Mr. L. M. MoDoiiald waeararestei near Severn ]Bridge, on Tuesday even ing, by oonstable Clarke, on a cbargg cf having stelen property in bis Pc..... sien. Mr. C. A. Rosa, th. expreai agent, oaueed the issue of the warrant. The. case i. a rather interesting one,an< the fa-os are as follows: Three yeaire ago laet month a pareel addressed ti "J- B. Thompson, jeweler, Orilla, " ar. ivsd .At the station hors and vas de- livered te the agent'. agent. When thei wagon reached the express office it was found thatt b. _parcel, whieh centainedI four gold watbes and one gold cmos., the whole being valued as between 8400 and $500, was (oued te h. missing. It bmd eitber heen lest on the road or stolen from the wagon. At any rate it oould neyer be foiind, altbough orlon. sively advertised, and Mr. Rosi sufféede the loss. Ih is neediesa te eay thatt1h. event burt hîm with the express coin- psny. Fort unately the numiiers ef the watcIli es and extra case wer. known, and t hey were naturally Jaarned off by heart hy every man areund the express after whidh the case wu a djurned tiil Menday. During lhe pr6èressciet he trial tlo imon bar sudn4-4 sImple vere laid on the table in front eoftthe court sinstruments by which the prisoner had ueaniy effeeted hi. esoipe. Aàwmr. rant againet tie aoeused vua hasued yesterday afterwards on a second char"e hhat ef attexnpting to, break avay from lawfnl custcdy.-New8-Lette.. For $6,000 lhe Organ Co, effri oo increaw the number of h&ad'aminpoy eci for hen yeaîs frein ferty te seremty; aud for $2,000 Pat4eroon'a tamneq gang i. to- go np fromi fifleen te hkfry. The voting te rais. &hie money by v.wy -ci debento.res taies place Bapt; l8th. W. aar ry te heu i at o'De d*y lait weei Misr. Gold feîl fzom. >,ahr on whicb aie was standing -teremelOb sisîf, and broie orne o et er iýs. We trust the effoots 91 the £au *4111 4oen ibq 1ràie 'le"a vers 'generaîi oornpIat hmong our ezehangs eotheneget eut Cnadahlatis the ig et ie liv p 'Ided . 'or vu*s ihe spread. In Pickering townsiipý the otbu r day a ee»3pWant,-Vis Mide..ta lis e.muncïl tnd 'aueider given uby *It c, dhavethie thilo eu t. The outtJëgf "&ndjjnu;ipil oenneils shoiild interest ~~elves ïo seet liai m hw i. car- <.m a p "10 W 4jm W*inalPWd I Abe basfr 'ID E evu~ ,qploî.dpn rvle ho bas drink. Theumre penson h0 ounisamd oney, prnvxed the belel la nol alrea3y" huu*;iound and watcbed, amd given fuit. the oration tleild te echarge - At 2 o'c ii nday mrniing Mr. uhinLa 'gain»t hlm. The nmagis e.B dytoe-vrn anthe ràfîet ie t$0 before bIse s1awe1td. vision.-tood a bold EÉï r p'a e of any saoont lu beinic burgIarýit bihaed la sboulders abeve "wil~"by the Toronto Wori. the uhairway, hot&-amli-mp and peen- b~bbeon to lehise.w<lte ups iA.lhat Ingýabat -naiîl. Ma.Bnv q., neeset af loÀ,fo btrasnI every haut epsomab Whoee et down $38 4j; th.eW14 èmnt*et c-"puff." * P f agra 6s iig le bottler b. oiit, d and atI46~qcê ,ub- ýëà te teln em~ rha1~ I te a4in i d1*oziî Uny e t e te~ lemding induitrile. are &o; Byf are of description Ibis vonld, allient cf muci abouter, hettar reprosent ti mdtowns than merely votiding these vi 100 pay'frpfu les OnWdnefda f -lai àvela 1111 dang< r of -PJJ'Geo. Snideïs, ago ud years, wenl ite fleur milI te se her father and got cangbt iv one efthI ilY-safîs. Mr. AX Laughton, ove-, ofthi millers, noticed ,bar being cariei around and lnied te gel ber off, hu fui could net. Re thon ran and steppei via the. ut.obry and comg -b=k -mx ne -ber,'blt*o ad toek biri oe. Ti ans -oid bot in the-leai tbfitbd Utg-ý vaaïaè4y narrw Osoapd, ber lSM ef passing nemi the flo or with every ue ilY volulien. A large poison would likel, er have'bhen iiflêl. Tvo-dtàysltter- Mi 'le Saunders' littho boy vas iv a fair waj id ef being killed on the railroad. à )o. train vas approahing and vithoni Ad thinkiniz viere ho vie or teall'Eing mn] &y danger, tii. litti, fellow slood on lbi àx trick and vaveéd 1i Ibtt , t. Wh1% r. driver teok.in the situation and stopp. rq 1Abs nilele ttl0a lete ýsAVe thi îe oey, w va.oniy ' 6shott ,dis &0 A. Way sud evidently uneonscieus of dan. ka .er. .obave board et tWOmen hoIdi re~ inp i tifin and the - feal Vas e bon tl eidered snrprising. but if Ibis Obild oux stop a tribin nov viat voud.rfuihing viii hg net do vhoun-lie rvas. ryJoum'al. e Prof. J. Tripp, et Toronhoê, ap»sul4 tday at Mr. B. Millar'o.. n Mrs. IRead. ia sbigin er rem*. >~deuce. Mn.r. iZ to hm#-theJo~ Mn. Geo. Germtey loft Mevday moin- ing le take eharg» oEa seihofl at fIh view, Peel oonnty. The fine veather o et b iit Se veega la bringiag hanel 1s vith motote e aiiens. Mrs. Dr. Field, Mn.o. Wm. FWd: M SMis Levy, mli et -Toronto, Wise, et Hamnilton, are visiling-e"- iv Piokering. S Mr. B. J. Davîdeon iad a o hersre in lh. raite wvic becamne tng- * oed and ran away making a serions wrveck oethle rake. Mn. C. Dale, hardware met-chant, bas o oid bis bosiness te Mr. J. Riohmrdeon, wI viwil! te.posession about Ib. 159b et Otober. Mr. Dale inlends mevinig te Toronto. - Port Penny, Myrtle, Uxbrldge and Phîkan1a19 .'bavSilbad thote .m&--.L robberyduring pastt Iovoe. Hoe talent bnnglingly pertornM e 1. a inw eacb case, and Ibis ieads ns te believe liaI contai oonditions cf the amms- piere engender lhiqviah desires. Il goees in egular vaves. On Monday Tim 'Legary 'vas venr- ing a berme raiaeon B. J. Davidien'. place vien the boise bocmet unSau. ageable and t-mn say. O'Leary, v thrown off and lie raie. paeeo him, doing slght ijury. T». imp ment ilseif wuau mil Iaah.d b 11*0 piees-an avivard Uhicg to, run 9-wq vit isl a boes.raie. Blepien Croni vas diving tbroigh h e. v illag e a u rd a y v 4 a â ý f colts, vien thielongue flithe gr6"d thie vebiolo ianmapen thêsiM*Mls lisel and tie aniièais made a break for, lii. ai- igablbe ,âî4 hh iitwo brotbers who Ilt taio*Iep e b.prlmiseiiUnd sprang ni for thiý mid -S b t* t itïir vie speediiy \a ot doWn tl'etains *zid l ýe .open lfe indoef.-tkmh wbîclbè bad vbntared. kt $einglbtii1iwWudeaespe ene bneÎ e- cou ~reacWý,-tim ni uiby bis i laI îaleU>p wih greml'?$oroe sling Ibe fol- Wlow Sb.avi ly, bà the iam>,eet1back, gh broie and Ibe où1 caught fine. Thir îe accident allowed the bangiar toe ecape, ho becauue the tire. Bundy brother. ver. çîoWý on thiàdtege sud would b*ye given le clisse enly !' fitthe bnrniug ooal cil meproved that an iimuunt of outls.ry ,bad à@ been selon-probabie $6 werthh.There le vwoie Ivo burgiaresud qoemuet bave d stopped outside and held théenlandtr il vile tie ocher songhtftisai -supplies. ýd Under a Ire. beiind tleeshep ver. at),foupd Ivobotes et. pr.envoo, oea *ma.'6onn ý cgivi -cngo t-hie case, but the bunglare had elgit y bene shant et hlm, and had made g-ood r. use ai hhefr time.-Newa. 'y A liFe lt Hfemay he, but if he tellé yon liaI any Y' preparatien ln lhe wvend le as geod a Put- Be nam's Painls Coin Extractor, diaîrusl lhe -&adV"o Iuztâhioae u thro e .value cf Pulnam's Poae sCorn Extradeor.Se - snature on sach bot!.et Poison & Ce. .r1be n>th 'as parciing western P!IOF. LOW'8 SULPHUR SOAP is À ehoand u! aady formn of obtain- Sing ihe hoeing virtue8 of a 8uiphur I!h. break lu the Cornwall canal bas been lIOSPITAL REMEDIES. Toumet7 onid for a fine of reliable temedieso1pquestioned meri, the Hospital ~s~eyOonpmyob$inothor rciptions &tf ktii ebràlo tais of the Old World - London. Paris, -Berlini and Vienna- These heilala are pnesided over by the n.outbriint îuoed lminds in the. world, mand ho obtain the. prescriptions. elaborate =4d p la 0eon 1h. market lie remedies je jàe éiýd endorsed by such eminent niedica& aulionrities vas a bold and brillant piece of ebu«rnle, and vorthy oft he succees which ahheMnded iL. Sioas ofetquack remedieg swd the markiet, each absurdiy claùming tO-cur 4evn7yill rer n ee bottie. The Vtufrn ih reief from such blatanç, 1 oM lqipes, aud patronize, baut *q« remedies, oaci cf pwgâ -fri&single disesse.,and lia tie r nmndalien ef baving been originâlod tS yaelwmno- 1h. baaliy Induan, sasle i mAdrehizuntq nead). but by educated'goahlreen, who are physicians and - Ions he standing li Europe, aud towhv to pay hum 825 to85W dbeix 9envies. Thie in the g -teide *mwn to moerài nedkt.ne.- The, innumben. and covertho telle onte: No. 1. Calarh, Ray Feverw.e Z 2, Disoases et the Lunga, 641 ods Btonohitis and Consum? tio-ne4 o 8, Indigestion, Liw, and Kidneys.7No. 5 Inregu ystem7, Tonicanud 1W IForm and Figr.. eot 1fo Neun Debilily. W. -M inpdieineof t hiemmnyame cn ",g dé tii. O re r ig Store. 1W.& BoiWhtby. ltboonhea plice unearlieçI-an ilic saJa~ue Cailersquare8On Saturdry h fugroà mdowi.:fh P'rn' emIand Vienna Theects hoàpfrné temlg wth uifer-ng umaity ChiUià'sof stùdents throng the waraà atudging under the -. ha?.Te meat renowned Phpaicians of the world teach and pract'ce bere, and thme institutions are storÀ inedicat knowledgg and, exper,pe, With a uiew of making this eprec vubl otepbi ha Remeg Ce at reatepeSe secured the prescriptions of these -hospitais, prepared the specifica, eand 1k weould co4 from $25 t o $100'te secure thme attention of their dIstinguished or*gnator, get in this wag PRE08PEIFwS AR E OFFERED A T THE PR/CE 0F THE QUACK PA TENT MUEDICINES THA T FL OODs. TfffMA AND AB8URDLY CLAIMO TO CURE E VERY ILL FROM A 81NOLE DOT7LE. The want cuiwayaJetfor a rehia6të *I, domeStio remedies is oflOWf/ed with perfect satisfaction. ?HlE H08PITAL REMEDIE8 MA/<E NO UI4RE Oe CLAIR& - Tii.speci oZor CA TARRH cures t/at and nothing eIese wîth thme specific for BRONCHITI8, UUNs T/ON 1 edL O tR BL8 ; RHEUMA TISM ia cure-d by No. 8, white troubles of -DIGES T/ON, 8TOMA CH, Lt VE 01IDNEY6 haut thoir sun cure 70 thu. Ji added aans 1fc for FEVER ANO AGI/E, one for FEMALE WEAKNE8.9« QENERAL 7ONIC and OAX470 thçe<makes biood and OUWEB ORil AD FLJLjA(tg, oid an IncemparaW, '5iJ1SdyIorNERVO</8 DEBIUITY. D 20 GI,4L9 WANTED. 7y TWenty smart gis wented at the Em g p ire Woollen Mille, Columbus, te Weave or SKnît- Ne objection to learners. Good beardmn--"a'- on the promises, LS.TAYLOR, SONS CO. ~.ieMil ii PR 4 Dr Columbus, June 12, 1889-27-tIl Lk, CREAM TTRTAR L$EjY ald "SALE 8TABLES, BRooR BTBBETeWH-ITB' AUAMMONIA, Lit4, POPIfTE% or ayijnesm tnar E W:.q1LLTT,_TOUOrTà, ONT. r efhîCLEBTED~yÂCHIC, îJ rao hemif before IM. o .as ~L1~8~ jtud thq Il al th@ lime,*mud bao' ~4f~tff~mgdleopen An bt .el.

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