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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1889, p. 5

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men to becomne ours, of courte, as' we want the seed. Opsn te the world. Tho Gazette ia mad bocause the Port Perry Observer styles th. postera fgr the Vhtby fair a "miscarriage," aud Baya tb. lafguage le only suited te the. New York Police Gazette. Thiis may be true, but- w. bad--tea turnes rather b. accused of uing the. bad language "ha of printing auch vile postera, for we doubt if a worm. specimen of printing eau b. foutnd on a»y bil-board in Cati- sada. Before P.-M. Harper on Fridsy lat the burgiars, MeDouald anud Cl*rk, wr. (ound guilty of breaking -luto Mr., Jas.,Rutledge's residence.suant taling bos.hold goode, and MaDonald va" oea.tsnocd 10 fic y.sre and lark four asud a hait y.srs in Kingston "Peniten- tiý ry. MaDonald had., prevlously in. togmed Mr.Rutledge wbsrs te fini the. etoleu furs andtisi military boots, not parted wtith before their arreat. Swanton ia .1111 hold to anawer other charges. Votera' Liste' Courts. The following datas bave been fied by Hi. Hlogor S Judge Dart»u, for the. revialov cf,,lb. votera' lista' in the und r mntionet ~iaicipalitif's: Sept 26th, Socugog, Toë Hllj, Dominion; Sept.9.th, tir. brigyown), Town Hall, Local; Sept. 28th, Beas',.1.ton, Town Hall. Domini and Local; %Aipt. 80th, Thorah, Tovn Hall (8esv@rtou> Dominion aud.Loa, (Jannington, Oct. rd.," 1- omnon; Sunderland, (Brook) Ot, 4th and 5th.,ý Dominion ; Scott, (Towi Han,)'- Oct 7th, Dominion. Therae ab pastir on Thursda night lait about eloyen 0ocloek viieà the fire alrrm souuded oýIy, -andi people sped (rom heiu hout.4 a 'ahot Pace, but on- disooverin A" in the shoddy factory 1 2 ~ s wvalked lhe rutI of the '-aY.Thà- ir hati starteti lu th. eau endi of the build- ing amoog -soma olti oil b&rIsisiMdt - bound t un Wv.6t;~ nos and the- pliby oL w> oa.(o the .flue geIs hati nDoe'other .efqoê t14au 10 'de ythe bl gtblase zatil 6$bc19wa peopletcIuQmo Tii. Ub Iud 1k.a stê%<4-* ansd vas the cenître of observation from many- a dry oye. , .maryor aud Fuss- ent Counoilor Long appeare to b10heb Passion toumbé& H. sIa up and) dowr&fourtlmis$the centre of the. th. frema-stood .6111. IC - «.7 114 à * la & ""atho Il". Joui a pet-s upon thé. roat ontres(rm 6thé boring quarries, knovat se gravel This year we beard, a*d pousibl~y s true, that 1Mr. lHoldon, 1the otage driver, oflsred on@ overeer4lQ 12t o6 0ifii the. »ad sit, antsudboi f îM,»4 sIpar. the puhi ëfor anotbier year, but to Do effeot. Ozf(e rosident of skis b.»n aya h. goes arunti by the base Une when ho vishes to make the.trip te Oshawa. kifother telle us h. i&Smdý horsea-at two difféent times in trying tb naligate amongl-theu -f thous. &ode cf rollng emokswhich surge-in ail directiotis (rom ithée êtst othe horses aud wheelu of carniages. It, beu riding on a rail by mmay pointa. Goi-. ing down to the mote seions a 0f- the. ater, for saVOIT-, îiing, ourlgl ois that daa could boicolleete!mm situr in eases vb.re bo...-tnp t among tbis sea of rooke. Th.--Jsgw generally lay it on e.uoP4su cases cf calpable negLMot. W'Fa the.Pastt weuty tw Baleaumsas 10 th. relative fscteu M a trottéeaof te lit oloom i wned bT14. J, D, McAoy7 sud the almot au eli y horis. smai b àd Cch 0 tis. Men wbo are nov tmen.4g*.y roajo ig. 42eqeqpi whep uon bey vw oys,714.d m- omm youg fUv nov pgovu Up m4b at@ebhard l bW- fore -tIiy wvkêbern, f hsarng:oumdbe pol inluthepr-elstin s b~ ut it ia a&U over nov. The greýt quïiMn doues to stRalbtop outl-a- Ohairman Burnme of lbhefIre &Bd Zht lei may .f*i .for t'enderos 10 Iigh &Ù ilie u bjr1i« letricity. Chair. Masu - il4 e ie dased through an aeëub1. Dürina the passing of tbl. -uwnend report, a lady carne walkirttto the ohamber loading a chiîd bt _tý_h. 1ud. -Bbc waa bozoin, had a Oirm sep. anda look of rnbolution in- hef face, but the». vasnothing ter. rltying in ber main. Nv.rthl. aer appommooe cquied a look of conster- nation b s pread over this a.. of the wortby aIder,.. 8h proved te b.] Un. Jno. --forrester aud ti hei"d, vhl* a .ai euldlookj g HIStifellow dreuuýd in.S elo4a Pink d&,"s sud -uleely ,axed up, prvedt b S j. 1%). vaf *Ivthout a «»ame ttIith Mfrm F. by ~~~aa ~ ~ O MiFebt. her approaeh- Bollefcoin mnoed fàrtèad a report for lw~t&u eAbw Ocun, Correflgmaped fort breath; Coun mno.Sm#oosebs fa.. wîth 'wi habl-to gê4 ypiment but lla Inusp.néas t h.é'imeh. -'kna urt set litseu;-Cou4og'e=u to look fci a riC ý l w-% oeqm "*"î f f sýie,,tilMr proaehed Mîs. Fom#tér ~iha fig of bala g to-attend sked boy,. 'I A clean islGeP. of -al. Summer Goods to make roorn- for the FalImportations. BOoer77- 8EIOE38 W e are sýhowlug a fhen of Lais Lw lippers,:Sh-oes, Frencli Ca1fL Bes akf ;Frenùcli Caif Lae Boos,9, p~a'; froh ines-in1 Boysan4 o h Ildrens ooI s àSoe's. Teas,' SuaSices, Gem Jars, lass Ware, C anne -Meat fish,&o,&ë; ~ F-rines prduoê n~9~1~4I1gq~or w wil ýy 9as11 - ~ J~ (~T~ffYKZ~l'or Soliolta acopnnoff o tM bettei bai - èM i A ï lit jgïý' 200 pages fr5efs - ip M2 h n ~ v r Lu*iber Mxen1 tIl T~ I ~bg I -TTr[Wcj 3 Ï4r hvui Y 0 e 1 thosu byuc Yjf;,§

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