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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1889, p. 7

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T et c A A 1 To and 7ro in Gr4àîbY- IoSil fl ottBS BSif, hbn th. -oss î, better undersloodand th. perfumers' art bas resohsd a higber plane, that there msy -b. B relOBl seendieg soaie in odour as ini sona. How orude mnsBt have been the firsl quartette ever sang, sthe jutervals in musio beosme an eetsblished scienoan bflarmonoy b came underutood, and may, we not hope Ihaî Bs pBItomlflO was the' firet entertaiflmSt3IRivOR 10 mau4 roxfl hie feilow and tirs oye oniy,,nterlainid, in time ta b. followed 6 be h.o onoerl' whers the ear wBUfeasled, so with in- creasing knowledge many etslWl maybe eduoalediluthe art of mixing perfumery sud audienoe&po1 preparei ta receive il, that they sitaR moet t b entertaineti for an hours s4hrouh 1 het noasea they now'are thiýOugh thé bye,'ý and ear. The nase is s part of the breathing apparatue, snd il is a well knowu fact that jmost diseuses are contrsoted througb the noee, and if Ibis is the case would il not eem n çore natural that phyoicians @hould foilowthe disease by the antidote snd administer the medi- cine through the noie by inhalation, in. stead of pouriug il Mbt the moutb. The nase le a monitor to wsrn us of danger. The eye may flot see, nor the ear hear the pestience, but the nosè commande, su3d w. fly from nauseofle vapors as from desth. W. don't auder- stand the pover of tb. nos. Il le the glory of God, to dwell ln mytry, ta 00120.81 a thing, but the honor cf s man to'reveal il. Mr. Lsneely spoke for one heur ana s quarter. wilh a beauty of language and a purity of dlietion that captivated whie ho entertinued and in,îruoted ns. Ho preaohed in the evening and there wassa short after meeting -iu the large prayer room. th At ten o'c1oàk teelectrie ights go ont, andi a long lime after, the folks settie down and quiet reigno, broken oûiy by th.esrvy baby, whose sto. meach, far from home, hasn't got the correct rumble. By and bye iîes@aIl etiil, and the only sonnd vo dolel i. the surf washing np th. pebly beeeh, and oven we hoar no more outil the buq ,hum"pf patring servante weftl us bsk i t lb.pleisures of another ad.y at Grimsby Park. Il is prohbiffin day and the excursion trains from 8 a. mu. iseponring in Iheir ioa4s of tom. perance poople, the pienie grounJo -are crowded., From overy rosa leadizig t Grimsby*Park,«ýehielee comm etroaiXn intoswel th.e rowd. Tbis. urorning Tôwr, Who eau nevel ose enough, euggested thal I go wità hlm ôut to Grimesby town, or village. whichever il is, snd with my uasà curiosity 1 oompliod. They gave us a returu ticket (or 15counte sud 1 hsd à lêft, but Tom I.sa very gooa fellow 1< borrowlrýom, se «'e are not very loag acquaînted. The prayer meeting in the morning was weil t.nded. Tom 4nsîsted on passwg oies. 10 I he door and taring I wili, ssid b., III cacaohors te gaup. and gaup I will." Thero la no argumeni willi ev'ir reaoh Tom, Whou bo makee up Mh iemd t.set 4ike 1he lows] classes. Hors is where ho shows bu pedigree in uuguarded moments. 1 wisb Tom oouid selas if h. hsd bli biood iu hie veins, but bedbugs acd bine di..bite*hlm. They se. a Iaco purity. Tire lecture of lbe mornlug on pro. hibition vaà by Mise Minnie Phelpu, I4-w4 à soarer fartolc bigb for me, ai, about àlôn these linos" and -moral We sues," and thé emancipation cf th( slave, sud Abrahamu Linoolu, sud tlb Puritans sud tb. May Flower.1 tbiuk she msationod almosî everythin1 but Charlemagne, John" Kuox, johnn3 Cake and Qirseu 'Vrioria. 8h. vsN dreu.d in b"ac salin,.and ber face va net p6vdered, but 1 tlI. Tom I vishe. lb bad been.1 Iu tbe aflernoon John B. Clark les, -tured tb s full bouse lu bis ovu inimi L table style. He msd h.obhd lectcr. ton timeson thla Gdaby Park plat, forsu. IH.would 'net-give Ibesu pie tures and poety s h. did wbeu bi spoke o! tb. old lande, but hs o uld à once begin his subjeot. 'Ia lbe evola lion of buman evente this great vrouî mut b put dowu, The. iquor traffi vas wrong, e-reryoe thore assnted t thal. sud temperasice vas right, be cause it vas figbing aven.Il a oruebty, a Up... lyse Ihaï t=uses lb masses. Il mukes -no ditfuotion c rieS et poor, edotea or igcpraul. "i bus killed bisho pu u euia princes sud eoavenug¶r. I istroyod some of lb. boi eà n 11 ea livedl; pos, staen, sý5stors c1 la. medicine and divinity, Il maku moneters of moîbers4C, 4floud fathere. Il lu a desteutiwm fir., d streying vberevr ilb goss sd bat à more vnucience than tim 048 ~ vrigges arousyou~pslh lfa h.;8 bank virore men 4epoùtlthéizr moj'- sud lhe dividend l paya -depsitoiÏa+-t riduesa of eys s"d o",Iotlnsu-i breatb, rembllnw> Ie' ur ,suih _afe&dgetioid pe'Ve'r'.X a extradiveis qýIQ d tiers p as delenuùm trimons. irc, o!f' actier, sud lova*eYou. t ébeasi liai wsilows ln ulii mireIf yo& w1 hesbÉu phileiephrt w 6,- sauaIhe drink fieu.. % g s o s o if t IL- 't 'r r, i. if I. O & r, I. a aI i Moral enaioisa feeble way te ml. taok th. trafo but prohibiton lu a tebott6 trike. C onsae, hlstory on Ibis aubjeet, t st oe ieeîsa Wouoh of truth ; co4euit the bibi., yonr ttilès blky. Oi4h yowrtmtfrns tios from lb. bibl.isnd frEF0euos's- te Revelation you IliI1 flnd pbOltfon. It begas:p in 1 the ô# eou6 en,- 0f *rouiesfromei 1.oldià the ne n . '- ion, an6s pe6be6by tË1 vine man from hie grssy pulpit on the bill- 41". to. lsun-*gtIds h ahat nef-. 8,OOO-pulpits are 120W doldto the -exposition of biblicai .eobibitiogl. This le au age of o1riwltyý îùe utal t he l.beet epoit beïever bear6 of tbe iquor -,quostlqnj vas giveu by a Dntob voman lunIre. land, whose hnsbsud was.-a iquor sel- ler. 8h. said, III ses mine oid heu' go lueh, cluck, cluek, ami I Bay, '-wbst for yon eluck. eluok, -did net a&l yeur shiekens beau py you,',but eh.eoluck, oluek ;, and thI.Bo ac an old est 0eorne ssbneaklng goeun& dot paru after dot sahickene, andi lhen I know vsIdol- .18 hieu -mesn&. -The oldid roose, a lap, olap, mit bis wiugp, sud Iettiug do ld oi*t pet dose chiekeus it the likes ; whblo* he flapi dose winge sad etows un con.sti.looooedo-tioflSl,,sud lets lte Meab 0lA est gel -dis et kous Il de vimmine sdon tekabocar. of idosÀe shildrens 0.8 has give us,. lb.-Mon won't, sud tbe tyfel vil ýgastIbein a1l, se kpep on, wlmmena, sud clu*e k t and save doee poys snd gbrl." 'r hibition is a. ighteoua lime of action. Thar@ lu a' great différence belveon moral heroisi» sud ~bUhOa.al H. instaneed the m'oral hér"Oirof st. Paul. Moral, bersas.luaq suy hot of God. JHe xnullod dis kfeumgt fer ripht - oflb. oovuaiitei5 àf Scetlad., ithe Waldenes,. the lutheras of Ger. mauy, thequakers of NottiabS«h-b Huguenote, of France, suda~~b*' tioniets, of Canada. Wh.n Ieun., 1biushing andaciîy of tbe liquot'$tS5* iburned Gev. St. Johns-bouse, 1%_ ead pb siebtgrasu ani »sad, "ThantsGo.! Iv. suether. sud il &bey bu ht$, riII 1preaob prohibition If 'Ilê- te oeravi r lt. oillloO. We . a àquestion îettled - tlii vo ý1 a0th* Ifranchise, sud ou al greaL noi ù-s- .lions it is saf. b foIIow v u' a vacilate. How did v ) vote oun1the Scott Aet? g' ran's band vither by bL imark bis ballot agalust or s»s ~iýn the cause ! of d Sa e gt. e l sggressive. Be 1k. tairs*boa ýM f quaker. I e.av, nexlte Mehodis& ,l ulve me a quaker. Wouid te God that à tbey iuereassd fauter. à good quaker 5 euûes sav a burgiar ontoriug bis ivin- D o de , 4b. tock qdôvu au- oh! punt ta 9 omeM' o! hi. *ueestors hail ua.d3 ipiàtlie r lb.theburgiar, said, "Verily, e verily, fI ay unto thee, l'v.a1no desire 1< a burt lb.., ysl, *boe s 4tfou slandst I 9 gieustlydsita ouhoof. *'ront.4,uwlth a large, a rory large eiy, ýt tee large for a preasher, _tbong il a would't b. 100 large for alecoturerq, d r it wau high licouse or bi-ne ouse & sopistry, sud b. lbs- yes Itain bis sudiseoe by pteeh1ij* thi a maulinoeaio.-moeratiod2 A. Seoufe î vwomau oneo îùsa l "Tomruht sau vos f e#peck a pik$o i"te b.tiy o' a Ibis. lie as expeet a iukevarm kirk ta» edhi b heaven." Ton mightmau Wei expect te ;fud seme môrnicIaI st ir 3 J_~ I donald-bad lumoed'lt. Ami untl~~u 1- gril ,osto expeétprohibition Ill~ a bas a vote. Don't fiud fanit wi*,tbb a 'beafàul worid. Do your duty, tff T fro. bi. opt.iilpsdfroui'.- toe ~ lesealbvhoo sutS lliamm "Il goes rigisî I the spot," aiêdrlii gentleman vbo ongobiaLjr mouluofeth1e stomaêb, il.rmdnoyssrffl mors sps.dly remedi.d b 1h10 usielne ISsuý by sny cuber. Il resohes thé trouble dlrecty. - The Gounty. Chas. D. Grsbahw* o elé. ovér Nfiagirs FaI1N oïsanudiiy-lit inlm S bsrril, vs*tI.mmrly avesident of Os&- Silosar. horsuihl~ un~brn eucap#s*~ A ZI±~ 4ug p .vda.is~ i.ash.parties pho iwéa 11d 'vU$b -sd otiierarticls TIhqy are uowi@bfb.8 in Janlat Wbit. byéi wiig thèrial, çbiCb vili take isenext weéW-Oteaser. John Miller & Son, of Broughiam, sippd 128 shbep frosu Pickering sta- tio4 about lb. ltb jis. 10 buyers ini Peansylvania. Ou the 2th they ship- ped 62 head from Clàremont station 10 a point aor'- Ibo lins., sand, on the.- 22ad sent îÎýo dàrioade frosu tis sta-ý tion, one foS,.Mihigsu sud Ie the,-l for Wiacouffmn. 'These vers ail of, thb- very besfi szj4pareusSbropshire biood, sud wilt'be 'ýiChd for breediu# purpose. The Americans are beginunug le more Aünhy &-PPre'Oiate 1h. menite cf 'h Shropshire.-Newg. Goliu 1s h. mhain topie cf couversationi 'at- Cooper'asP&Ws.Thomas Heys, of '.os oronto, inade! au augay of som -*ùrface s sncb6m utr.Xeboè,,Wbo liv.. la tbat neigbborheod, whieb wbuld pan ,put $480 go tb. ton. This flnd is about ten miles frosu Washage. station, on the Muekoka brauoh of the Northern Rail- way. The ïàssayist &acs found traces of silver. This le not a ualted mine,Bs the, »Sat pasteriai se Ihat sent 1. To- rouleolà tebe seen at th. mine. Tbere hbu been. ne blasltng doue. The flnd le [on the Dalton a nd -Wabrgo road. 011 r.. Trade. Britain. for. forty years, Baya lb. BigbtHon. 8ir Lyon Pîsylsu', lu. ",Subjepe sof SociilWifrs," bas ne- joiclain retTrade. Beforo thst per. iod, w-ben oh. vas under Protection, ber workpg cluses bail fev cooti1 of nie., and vereunuable t. iay by uav- ingafor their old age. ..Under Protee- lioe; Btihindustries hd eoome sttsrY. tbeugh #lb.-population lu. ,rasi. ;la 1815 lb. aý4nunal exporte amounte.!te flfty millions, sud in 184 th.y ' wsre exactly the sine. Free Trade vas gtadually iutrodnced, sud iseesesmploe.in 1.8$56. l.the it eporte bad amonated ta b12 ml n d wa-a gs l&rose vith th. inetoasing In e oleen 1850 sud 1~Ieaverage inorsase uin ttrisl vaff. bail beasuabout- BO psy cnut4. vile in lb. ma@re prlod- lu Areriea il hail bean 80 per sent. lu thbm proieug. mil peniod of depression from 1878 le 1888 vfagesrose 10 per cent lu Britain, but tbey tell 5j pet oit. rinlbheNaow ominal vages jn mo4st cases, sud rosi %Tag# m s rehIigbsr -lunAmerlos 4has i Br.r$aurTise 4iaMero d I~en~s 0 on Mseatous wbieb ps#. lail ù i'S u.w-and uisdeveloped country, 'tut net I«' pPrteuýtin. AMerieba loiticisns are fond of opeakiug ef decoptl oidJêngltnd vith .ito pauper laàb or." Whst v. lb. signa O! ils deovlptude 2Nià eommere, -fer thal largely lures...; net diminution cf population, or iuoreaie of paupeir; The but test of the prosper ity ofa country ià the rate of Iseroase of ils: population, fer that ludices stt industries eau support. Be sud 1861, vhen Free T*leW 0, onÏl fireI trial, the iucreso of population lu the United Kingdom vas 5 60 petrcent; lu the :u'Ieosdo t~e8-89- aud lu &bat ai g 188U it amouuted te- 10-8,1 îor neari double the increase cf the firslt tlod. YT el Boer Fry, of 1 E e Sat e Wth oe.ietentbof f Population, sud oue- foutirlb raloof growth England andl (alSi as- againit 14.4), bas tb. ,boIdneý, te asuert iu the Benats Itbat Britain ia prdly deeinug unden Fuseë Tesdee,. Thore are some 8tates la I-. ÂMmi&abhibo, Indiana sud Dela- wre, vhieb :bave inoeemd by ratios , 9, 4om 1i'Vio 119; but lb. oid esblisbed 01.1.. Iib. LMe e*York sud Conueclion-t, - lias. Dot -yt raoýèed an moraeffo!d16 pet cent. in the lait deai.. Tiré great PrololIirtI Sllê-.Yumon--oniy in- eraelby balf.! o! 1 pot c oeuf. Test lb. *bocl*e sialmnsy vsy yen oboose, propity, by popâ a~ etrlo p iLPaPUpersud .!crimei audlyau, l 1 o àtfine 1h. lglstspotfrein [American: uxpotimea..t IFree -T"a I ïsdl ion p th- Î tPromection aads - 10 ;-th&,rmqv&p ~1bv y1rIi afit'in by - r. -, , va y iffsu a s zPou tihe developarênt of.ssu&o's.. >101YÛim" in Ma Ia 490» quagmiroof, et ileom and houas.' the brng'b bose Mesars. Northrop & Lyman are the pro- ~ptora fDr. Thomas' EPctxîc Oul, *wlch, aeno being sold in un ulense quantitida' tbronghont the Dominion. It is weicomned by the suff ering invalid everywheye wvilS emotione of delight, kecause it banlehe. pain and Rives instant relief. This valuable specific for almost "svery 11 i ht-là~h Ais herta," jn valued by the sufferr sas M»re, preciovs than gold. Il lu tbébliiir céf ile ta nisny s wasted trame. Iryou: hav nat- purchssed a batiLe, do sa at once, -ad keep il ready for an emergency. Ifes h'èane î 15 cents per bottJeý places It' *1l reach af aIL Ta the tarmer ià is-il.7 sibie, sud il shouid be iu every bouse.' A convloted iuebriate et Pittshtme.f stsbbed himself ta the heart with s lesd' pencif. Same cf the Westen Politicien collect the seeds of a -plint,, powder anad sut them snd the bake int cakes, which they suisar with aleamargarine snd then est. Inr- yaring thie article of foodi they ntiean aerice known as luiperial Oream Tartar Bsking .Powdler, that is acknowledged ta bethe beet In the worid. 46AC£<ANO IRE E , remsrlu'd au old gentlemen, as he gazed fondlv tlnt t' comjé 111Me womnu.et bis sie ; -but rxiI.ho contdud' one-tirne 1 vas a-aidcoemçtlcswquld.ý The aîllit tile vmn. iinordèrt. «J i ythuphtateifed ber-face with dè euf ra -so f iwbitewasb , olpI Sin,' rupted the ttIs. veman, 1i dd.-auilMy ski n brcauie ike paehment sud to~I and c.me- ' Well." nid 15e. srply 'VýWbatdloyouusenew?" MUs"alb- reply, nuilng but comunon ge Uoesd Ur. Pirer&s Gol~den Medcsl Dl 4ovry.coin- - mon se-nse told me that 1f My bleoiSu pumrenr actir sp otite sd 1,le geod.Uat b. ouwoman, vo t"ako on the hue of beaitS. T-Il'ho sDàèvery ' dîd al1 those thingus id-actuauJýy r0jùee- nated me." If jyou would poesecs a ter, beautiful camplexion.-fre fronrbIotbsý,.. plsnplce.erulptiaus.yefl#w sosuirU nem, use the -Golden t.ka1bwwvY- ms prouq cop3yrluhi THK ERT: A O -~D R FAGTORY SUPPLIES fumpu, W In& d Mipes Sbam Jet Pumps Farm Cream;Separators, Dafry a.nd laindry Utens ls., 536BCRAIG STREET, cavere dool Du. B. J. Ki Qentieme dalsSpai anduiseo lu S tiff j Olt cmie Inarse recomameni V4 uta anrd foi !y respect id It be-aU ,ry reupeci KEUDALL' LI Geais -I "aroensedà 1-s-POc INKS isud ý zt 1'1TEJIO3>L[O R-AI. Netre Dajus etq, e I e n otri furntishedH'otela lu thre Bateu !TIIUTOODRU F? *31.58$3per- day. B1Manager ORhIOBS SOMMIDRES LDOMINI ONRf COMPANY. ASBESTOS MILLOOABD FRICTION PULLIT BOARD, n7irsaPeditlWoe BEST- 79Rl LMJ.MRY USE. àme of sarra tbeal- Rem. ne W TîTme Table. i-AND TRU1NK AND) M!DLAN»D."' No. 4. Èxpreas, Mai.---------6.21 &s.M No. 8, Local Poterbe'ro ,o Toronto-.8.48 a. nm No. 6. Explres............ ..10.07 a.um Na. 16, hixed ......... 55 P. m No. 2, Expresa, Mail..- ý .00 P. m No. 5, Express,..Mai... No. ,Epe . No.'7, Locat............ 4S]m No. R;2Bxprsas, Mail, 4y. Mal.................. P m QOINO SOUE. ' Mlx.4..p. Mail.....s.... *t isAlç;m;buitc lion, bnies they rpetira Irpuiton»~p tobte le urr.eomm; bt fauybi ,iutli $ apelt aekègV*OU nt 29 htzht uselon e orso." tours rseuw Qeteer- Iaiwa"s'op-~ Spavia Cure sd fumiger éa h and thoy bhave- nover faled ln whtyustate they wlU da. 1I haecrda b"d cea cf pavln - and aise ivo cases af Rinf;bone, ofnseratandin don mares whlch 1 bougt te r oin, and have flot seau auy signa of diseese ln their oirapring. Tours tru1y, Price $1 per bottie, or s eh" *dragglsts havait or can goS t! sent te any address on receip Caveste, snd Trsde Marke o ail Patent business condlucted te BÂTE FEESa. OUR OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE E TENTOFFICE. Wehave nosub-a ail business'direct, bence coin trani lent business in -leais lime sud a OOST than those remole trom Was Bond model, &rawiug1 or Photh,i scription. We sdvlse, if patenta»i ree-f charge. Our tees not do. ti s secured.- . 000--- eW te ebtaIti siets tvilh e, on Il" referencef10 ataoh"ientsnte," Couuty, -or Town, sent fre. Opposite Patent Office, Washigton, D.C. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 56 Jarvis St., Toronto, HARRY KEEBLE, ProrietorX'9 TIRB-4;OO PDay P. B.- WýýA-,,R.A~M itNWRITERB GLÂZIE, PAPER 'HAZ~E~ XÂL8OMINER, ?~jfûr1Îhedfii oaRi Btabling for 100 Hoisea. C. JOHNSONF LUMBER MERCHAIST, Ras~ Im coqan lre uplce ilHkindi of~~~~~ii Hoe u anLmeTimber snd Bu-Buff. a seciilty, either retail or by psri'oad .DeoraBashandIBlincs ou haad j p 41 ;oe CI t.-of aierà r'Riv Ion year s Dot: te of ou isb -k j' -NI 1 7""' --' r r-j -ý, Ir* 1 ÏU--d --771 WARM BOOMS. GOOD TABLE

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