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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1889, p. 1

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ELITBY With calin Pninted wordo4 greai thoughts and HRONICLE lAitrnug iUUUsDLI71,9wO auvgçg55 Pesce, Progress, Knowledge, dtOlnerbooz. VOL. XXXIII. WJhitbp QJhronicle, Established 1856. The LeadIog Weekly luDOntarlo Couptï1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. ~par annum in advanca-$1.60 ohr pîe ubsrlia are always payable at tisa offce 0aIlcation. Staam aquipmant and beet furnisheal Bak anal Job prlnting plant in"Eastern Ontario, capable af exequting ail classes ai work. bram tht large poster ta theaemallesi haudbill. Spoclal mention le made of the unsarpaesed Proesfacilitiesoai HtCERoN. ICLE, 'Witb its cslsbrated N. Y. Cjottrl cylinder press and obier modernu d11veni. eacea.- Hvery ordar recaivea prompt, cars- fui attention. TERMS 0F ÂDVERTISIG Firei insertion, per line, 10 cents; sach aubeequani insertion, 6 cents. Die.played Advertisemau ts are measurod by aoala of eolid Nouparsil, anal changeal accardingly. Ativertileenente sent without wribien Instructions lnssrted nubil forbidalen, anal obargeal for full times. Ordera foar discontinuing advertissments muet b. iu wrting, otherwise thse publiais. ers will net be rasponsilî. A libaral discount for oontract adverttsee ments by the year. Copy far changes af contraci advariisements ssonld ha bandeal if nat latar than Wednesday ; anal naot af any iniandeal changées should be given bafare Tuasday noon. Other aventise. monts received up ta, Thussy noon. Business notices lu local ornnoescolumns Five cents per lino wookly. Locale, 10 eta. par lino veakly. Correspoudonce solicited from aIlp arts of tho CJaunty or uelgbboring to . hpe. Correspondants are roquesteal ta senal lu their communications s pompily as possible, ENDBR8ON à GRAHAM, OEN ST*WTON,- Propniatora. Sup't Me;;"sos Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BABRISTER, Oousity rovu &ttorney, Bandl County Boico.Office,- ISouuh wing, CourtHoue., Whiby -48 JAMES RUTJLEDGIR, DAVIID ORMJSTON, B.&.9 A TYAT -LA, 0LOR lq OvnIrcu-In the Office sauts Of tha Post Oc lu )1MMfn'e Blook, Brook Street, WbutLy. ly-10 G. YOUNG SBUTI[g L L. net BABBI8TER, &0.-7.MU o Immt Omnzoun-Smith's Blook, south cf lMarke4 l Brook Bt., Whtby. Jan. 22, 1878. (ttA-6 JOUR BA LL DOW, Offie-DeveriU'. Bleck, Brook Street, Whitby. KONET TO tEND-Prtvai. 1undop- n sum up te .80we ,* .w ra$* cfin L YMÂNqr ENGLUE,91 L L. 5, BA~~IS~AT L.êWe BOIJOIUla o0 ce tret,09-i P. GORDON NELDRUX9 Physlolan, Surgeon an~d Accoucheur. Office hours,-8 to 10 A. rn.1 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M No. 3, TE "TBRBACE3," BYOnm.T., WHITBY. 'ROBERT iiOINGIE VETERINARY IOTTOM SURGEON (Gradat of the Ont. Vet. CoUege.) OMfie-Second door north of B. O. Warre store, Brooklin. gelb Specia attention paid to Vt. Dentistry. OaUs by Telegraph or Telephoneprompt- l y atiended to. 31. C. CRAWFORTU, VWVEBINAB suiawEO N' radist e t tise Ontario Veteinary, Oci- legs, Toronto. Orders yo aIr4lerp zml lttbondedtc- Offices e ai esl4ésee. Ayi»$,eppoi*. r . Bogart's, DunaitSê4tWhitby B . so.. Kingasat Tenge, ibosispals e 04usoi - A-. I'OST- ste witb Langiay, Lauglay & Burke, Taronto,) - A RCHITBCT. Deisigue far Churcises, Villas anal Cot- tages a epecialty: l}nawiuge prepared for remoaeling azisting atructures. Oprnes-Furet'fiat o.vpr.Howee'e Drug Store. P.O0. Bai 202, Wsrrai. Dominion LUnoetofRoyal Mail STEAMBHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVIOR. From Montres.!. Frain Quebe Toronto... ...Th>ur Sept. 2tb ............. *Vanouve, ..ed.Sept. llth ýThiur. Sept. 12 .ar.ia Thur. i9tb Friday 20) *Oregon .. .Wed." 25tis.. Tiur. 26 Bristolgorvice for Avoamontis Dock. Ontsrflrom Mouirsal about Aug. 221h, Dominion fromniMstreal about Sept. !2th. > Steamers leave Mantros] at dayligbt of aboya dates. Passongers cen embark after a o'clock tise previou% svaning. Rates of passage Montneal or Quebeto-to Liverpool, (Jabla M$50 80, accondlug ta steaml, analpoitO f , staterloom iii equaiuicu M tilgaM seond Gbczulo, ta orpoor Glasgow. Steerage $20, te Liverpool. Londondlerry, Queenstown Glasgow or Belfai. *Tisses Steamers bave Salcon, Biais- rooma, Musu-rooni, Smoking-room andl BatJs-rooamaisahipa, i-hers but litile mo- tion is felt, and tisey carr neitter (Jatila non sasp. Tht Booms are ail outside. The accommodation for Second Cabin on tUse.Steamers las xcsptionadly good, ald i-ail wortby tise attention ai th. travelling public. Tise Vanoouver" is ligbted throagbout with-'Blectnmle igi, mai bas hersai to be oneaofthe faetesi Steamerin theAt-. lantic brade.- DAVID TOBRANcE à; C0., aimerai Agents, Monireal. 9. STEPESON, Tslegraph Olftee, Local-Agout, Whibby. Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, DATES 0F SAILTb.o Fini M ontres! Steamer ai dayligbt. Prom Quiiee- Cincasulan .. Alg. lt...A g Parialan........:: 2th Aug, 29 Sadmn ..èt.h......sept 5 Cinoassian.ept .... 25t ......Sept, 26 RATES OF PASSAGE BT XMIL TEAMn: Quebec to Livarposi Cabmn , $W, $70, anal$W, acconding ta ao- oommedation. iuîtsmediae, $W0; Seig,$0 Caille, Pigs on Bheap ane nt carnled on these steamers. IX<PORTA.NT NOTICE. Cabin, IhitenmedlatMz4.Steage lpassen- gara may g;"On-ouad lt MoutreaL Bibsangemeî Pbouges-are au- abledta b. .oetot.bri d <Ioni bosad WaY jounav> =aMWhS7 lime ~m îepo.Bitlaa Passe esanal thein ba ~eare put on board tiseOcean Steamis Mps fret ciail Partft iuending fon &*hef nàdu ise Old COoUD utqomis ciIsPBPAI» M, SAGE B -For Tickets &daU gail at«=Mlsloean, spply te W. P. S T ERÉ1,CKE R Agent, Express Office, M YR TLE M an sd PLUG Bee ' T EACH PLIJO"-and $d C4-' of London Firs lus OY LO~ DÃ" l Thia povaler neyer vame. A manuel or punity, sirsugliana whal*somona.s. More economica ia the ordinary kinals, sud cannai b. solalilucompetihion vlth thtý alutitude ai loy test, short welght alu= ai Roya B&kng Pwdero.,106 W;Van St., .T Whitby Marbie Worky>- MAIBISON & IIAREN, Manufacturera cf Marbie Moaumnents, Headstones sud a9l1ciben Cemtery Werk. Alto Scotch, Sweedleh, Amerloan and Canadian Granites. Ai artis. wishug vork i-ulai do "Ilute cmiP suus belon"oelalg AiU vorh garalsel nd nlcsof the loi-st. - WANED.Write for TEINS. NEW STOCK 0F Hanging Lamps IIJST ÂBRJ.VED Obiip.r lhsi#( ~ W.. R flOW~1~ Ohemist b7fruggist, *Iiitby. h. Bti~ kvF/i i ~xi #i ? ru~-ï~j ~ e s -z~~ t-e Do,, r,~ffrIy~ I ~'aj I j I WHITBY, ONTABJO. FBID)AY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1889. ihein adieu analwiswn thein a long and CLAREMOIiT.: LOCýL N WS LTTE S ihappy iifef- and=lopn they wauld get Mria. Goitie iR sinking fat,, ebe hardly married every year 80 that tey_ could bave bas atrength ta cougl anjd ie unabie ta, get <JHBRONICLI Correspondence. Ijnît s9ph another good trne. Up now. Sonie ime ago the Mount Zian divisiion Mr. Ed. Gibson in sick, it je aiea pro- heid a picnic in Gordon's grave, Pi hernui, nouriced typhojd, we bave flot beard anly and had a right joiy good Lune, l'ut sarna of of bis iliness. Mr. -41>1i.uoer ham returned to hie the menibers kicked againat it because they RevMr. Brown, af Stouff-ville, preaobed Pituaku-i3l nL ning, Mich. didtual go. The parties who went paidtthMtadtcuchmoin Mi. . . uray bas returned îrom anPart of thd axpeuBa. and ai theWtneaefrylSbodse. exteiid;# vin t S8yracu ie, N, Y. lnde, and then the f un corn menced ad nevigadtrew al ou. ~~gi biirenandhs~ bal byslauted several weeks, aud ail this f as about The trial betweeri Hïstinge and Benson ated.hu n cildn and ic tpGe banivoo sizty.two cett, whiie there ar'A between wa a big fizzle. 1H-tztities b.d natproof to attnd,',e ulonPi-jue t Gebuoo t-- orty and fi ty membzýr-not qVite a cent satisfy anyone but hirngelf, no he will day, (FjI-j) and a hailfor each luember Neverthaîese probably have the casta ta pay. Mr. .)c.itutloy. raiiw&v section boss, norne of thern that mingt have ail their owu Wt, are eorry to inforni the -public tLat iB agai1_. ai wozk after beiug laid off by eiok- way and cau't geL it, gat thpir backs up and aur aid friend, Frau)k Wataon,. hie gona. ta ucas for. three weekti. tba their naines off and ieft, members who jîloü the great ei'eut majarity. H -ie tabler Neara)ý,v.rybody who cân gat away in oat tat they bave beionged ta thec4usa was with him three w5eaîs. Re ieavegaiî makigý#=RemnLstoa ttend Tôronto'g fortlbue thrt3eara. Now, M.Bditor. and irie ane ta rourn bis earIy' decease. 1 wha$ ty y*un? 1 dont thik wuch of any -lis borne waesasmewhere in Miobiàoan. Ou Sqday nezt there wil be service in sncb members, ane that pretendia ta stand Noue af the nmen wera at wark on*thse Pr.,.y~enîn cbac!i 7o'ciok n O bigh in the cburch and wili leave hiene hcboMoayasbrws2cr Tbeeg-araftru'onmeeingwaî u ~ division far a cent and~ a bali. loade af brick camingaudunoîanno n b eY. . - a n d t o k a e p g o i g til li t a rr i± v a d . T h4 Cion zsuîting ids the jpcq>lar spart these Our friand Mar. Lester hubbeU, jeaon the carpenters have gat thea roof on and sheat.. jt u iuIlîgb i ights. 'rua littie animais Blok ]lot this waek. We wish for bis spaedy ed ready for shingiing, are Vcr> bumerous in tame of the neigihor. rscavéry.> Mr Barry dosnat improve anshis friande ing corbiAlda. Mar. Bd. Scurrah inleamployed at tha bad boped hawould, soaetimea his head- Th d Pa$ tP eryStandard ai hast week proesaitie by tse (0. P. R. at 1 wet8ias d wesd as a as at firat. Mr. sud Mrs. Dan speaka o %tplaînî y to the jjasninr base bail relief.operatar. rorsyîbshere lu theiMr homean tdayeÃŽ tearu a1 -*at towno in rctrsance t'athe Mr. fiabemnau's p-ddhing riaz is standing ug homefratuibiM Frsth asis shabby rldcks they reeorted ta in ordar ta still thte erly part af thi. week while ha e i n A'folr wmeak.wekreustn Win tht came irom the Brooklhn team, on attending cour t u' Whitby as a jurar. A otaiegbrd tcameplai ak onequt tg the acosas of a tsairaéent viuit thara. it Noral Hubboardta traaraonetth &ao a&cg, e lumof suaug ow and dieire- M4r. D. Brown u alreaiy recaîvad four Nra cho iOtawa,his brother Dun- e...i..e and givos a :gentle M7 car loa of cofal, twa ai euiîta meet the de. cau was sicP. Ha bas' written back, that Luta uhhdbte a api gi.mand af firmer. fer êhreshing plirfases. ha adhiuiiwLifam tinnl Tt URQ ial T ip1botexr io n lpe dê&gite - Mr HanryBriggi from T rouo, Mr. An- typhod levr aud it ie not ikly th t lie »L o Tfo hi asn hecmmt. p andi Miss Dtkey, from Oshawa, aud will racaver. Ha had oniy béenil -iee a paxie off eo the arrangTe rm ts ha. oue r.HolandA fl ersl insnrance agent, couple of waaks belore be got IM." ail that *fa passible lu arder tb secure ît, Wr esa u4yhs.Mr. Chas. Middi etau arisey Ianc but a! t ti'ing rates and tains, the rail- Thore seame ta -b. no settisal market Wednesday laut. The Dr. prannoee1 3 way o0qnjffly bas r.efnsed ta give a date. 1 prias for bariey ai the grain elevator hère typhoid lever. Ha là- a littlelsauir i h thin k t.hw -à rather a peouliar way Of doing jet, but llotwithsmanding, eome fermera are maruiug, -but towards eveuiuge heAgêers- business,'te a»y the lemtut of.I A large drawing their barley ta the -etevatar for aly*worss. Mrs. Pugb, hie dgahki8 s- number VW». istendiug ta toe .the trip e tariiig. ,away ou a visitt b, Orilliatà~ .baesn and ln o«sequeaoe mre muoh dhsapPoluled. In tht report frouxn-the towns}ioM-cu»cil for boitat ret1ýFn homýe, Ga.Sti te'al0 They mu$ n-mt blsmp e . .T. of T u atweek's Onvc.,ir~rgaliwî yhllfvradbsbsspe lu tse P oossthe of tg s undi mee - by tbe Be i. - l.. b ad, be it scm a better aga in. ' lu he PSmaggpi bA00noümet-iloat te rpot.sil,'"aigned by .A ' 1 ell-the widq* lla hvlng fanl lug, as repasted i t'thet isace au. 1thé Bro'vi sd 18 theus," sund it :s h bvs gatheng erdghrfomUIOSM . Cuaaîcsji~ sieteU~aMmhenumberread "«and sizty-one.others." W. wish the ÇPoàle> -somngliomo am« al ibtserosiotth oi n 31s aLe' li sî11itltl4m prementea l many, onnoxu.ac to know tuat ihis peu.- 1family axe. coang, b ffaf ier.. by~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h the~Bwu,~~in b. Utge vas sguda by,a large iuutead o ' i liter mothWr'. rs.Iss-L àapalbe hscossisby.laW romain Li à iý vela16é Tht mi ubr. aeayr.(saegsl' chfi" s, fmPembroke ave beot cîsk nborm m tht ht a tpoga~n-1. ig fouirprivileg eapologize for-t «us.i hers a mýonili anal Mrs cÇbaün cam'>xe'over Pa l mr o r , a n da h o u l al re ad 6 1 . T h i m a e s - - H > N )...JL Ds . x ~ * i .' o I g f o the clerk*x report, and thatot your sres0017«.lg'naMs.Glls1a nerW' pondent, harmonise fat better hanthey IPSN& Ivas anrs-tae- n.k S tar *ad Jo ~ '~ appearedti te hastweek. oS . , Me ota kngmW.u.aî 4- Thera vas& a dagracefal row at tht e _oot nl setgrcrehueu- o the loha e ts Brookli Houa. on Tuensa nih, unsh " ec 9uÉasdi k à1W.ér a~h vhich ans-or bic ef our mncplofcr P h8eoste.th f*s e4oi ~pe.e to ek a eadin g p ar& . T h ea. h o ve re u n - U I . -De»a le r , s d p a o , ~ p , u t n e a w o h ~ ' î s ~ - ~ ' fortunâte usough lo ba tithte s~y1 lm e snla.etc. Crsi~tyr's. a et tiw daspiedSooftiAst. Thmsernlk&Ù aisal u t&ýo.P.a vaer"tmprno' envh otl ortg( '~# * fAn oie dO PTi>-~ arl Mt étSe~ào, baesn, '.*j Es- ILSII C.H. HaressmaMr ud mbser Our xMi stoe tilse» . Alec » g-ëuitgk r p*i n f ie, hop bkeen Cliun'. bots! anà butter and spring T hns ldio u- W hic J~lSi i1wu8<5iillka Uli a sore. Plrst-claa S odoreal Wor vta.-T. 1p. 54DLZ tQ.nùýyu belwç rnakood leatser.Evéry branch of thse -f~ . hiunei". tle eï ""d iI471 business aIsuded ofoper Lcose.ly.- U~OX ~ -I nt e t 1 ý Ve 5*eulem&U L i e g e e s,- US . trt ? 5 1 1 1 5 et i v . y s a o , b u W M ire n a e s p t o . i b t a l w ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 UzrilMnLorMsnoWMfte' yoctngest esb ide > tt gon erna@Iý'1ý ý 00 18 a- ei P hqïe sAt w*7»to bise front. Summer vanta nov blmg< n. eeaeý -9euzmrduiwithka î4~ ~JIîl.s -1 oi>s. -he y _$ eth@- it I25 s510iini.01P if i Euea ko. a # meo *ok aaal eti téor - iain me- ts e tir onaezeszaâ deo4 e »m*iviimer NO. 406 A

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