- Z' - a -ORKESPO DENCE. t&L t tii strauxe pouiodical iiînetés cal1 wbieil manifeste itteoif in @OMO of owx Ter And Iteins StolentrOa oui Eychofles- loe.l surgeries. tajal !ýfondaY vight 'Sbout 8 25 anothersad US elO accid1ent oecurred --n tbe Midlland ai natul pICKEIZING. littho north of the Outavie et. 1b rid ge at yeare Th estern HOtol ha6ýicbaa'lgpd Port Slope hv wbh *6 a punag man a frti hands ba i mr. MeCalL[y, cf Torao, i s ne d ,jA'fredJÈes abres>pont01 the neW landiord. the aux lliaTy trai.- Whicb cameotOX Tbe .arkhauA Papfs express ach frein Lindsay te ciè.ar the lin. after the coun' wendjer t Our StatemenSft labt week that accident te Brittan's train, lost bis life. eiRht that e Wr 's a great plaae for drioking, Aftor the lins had been cleured the Tbij, and gzýnt1y insin13ate that wr. unuutthave auxilliary car was attacbed o a s-pecial [lun falleu n m bail cowpâuy white îlitre. gzoiuu north -in charge of Conductor voue Oh ne 1 aur asaocoates würe gentleman Haskicli. Joues vas proceeding over an' echolars but we noticed thingu- the top of the car Lowards, the van, wc keep our eye ekUn in a% trauge wb iob wa&a at4ached nei tto the engin., Se tewn3. wben he mAt bis deatb. The auxiliary Dr.8 Free Masons, who are nuinerons car was nezit te the van, and h. enterea bew about hore, have been trying for Rome ne d paseed through. The car had no= .& lime to get perwissuon toestart a lodgc pla form, and Jone@, net knowiniz it or case in thie villalge. A dispensation bap at forgetting it at the lime, stepped eut te drug lait been issued te the desired effeot 0T055 t. the van, but inetead vent devra A1 and nOv nothiiig remaine but the between th. cars. Fourteon cars went aben eouring of a suitable hall. On Wed. er hie body, cutting it in twc and fret nesday evenin g D. D. G. M. Roaf vas severiiig on. of hie arme. Death mn'çt hore eounselling with the brothris A. bave been instantaneofl8. à coroner F. and A. M. wae eummoned, but il vs.. oentidered i Charley Ridley and Dave O'Neil are ncîaythodninus.'.rn netonepekig erm c wegotebody vas taken chargte of by PortHpe Bie prto e las ol1 tereta wieyo je lodg.et f uS cf Engiand, of which o01 a great mafrdoehirgs nn society dec.s.sed wau a member ; hie s a dozen around him, aibongh onîy fte, inJoeofBeivllsm asessed for one. Da"e ONeil came raotified of the sad occurrence, and the and 10 the village tbe other day ebcusmng body was takora te Belleville Tuesday an Bidley.for stealirag hie dog, and aeked nihtfor intermont ...Joes asu se SqieBanting for a warrant. The J. abh.t wenty-flve yes'rs of &ge, b.irg cut] P., by getting both parties logether are eleyodiOveb.raileva ch f wo e h trie1 t0 amicably settie lbhecase, bu t arelemle Honbche rin raniaon t brs enly partiaUy scocesedd. Who en Be ~levile.goyledbout omtr ontv cm ecil in and ta1k lcw for a fev dey@ they o ida bu ormnh n ut novr eelscieiedunilthe bvea general fivorite, boirai a most eem.PU, neuandsre bnt 11each, 1081thtbaveplary yonng mran. Hie comradee bore Sne de lime wlth nething te show fer il. feel deoply ever the sad s.ffai.-Past. Wb If we sat on that case, ve ouEld ordor ShW the dog le e aoto and Dave to snpply If yon eouid sae your ow scalp through orý th. pevder and (Jbcrloy lb. bulleS, an ordinary magnifying glas, yen vouid b. beo .,mag1 aa he &Mount of état, dandruff, ru Ab. Go. j auedl over a f en lb.th fiste .other aay sud jus et a hobit on lb.e ther side something bit hlm- bit bien bard. Piekiag bimmoît uop ina amazoemou ho evwJim iGordon'& goal binkingind winktng st hum quite in nooent4y. Thal gea& viii etty in aux- bush bebind c faeo>for bait a bey vcIing for omeone le, ha ppeu along. W. waced Gordon vben hé- got lb. goal liaI il vould gel him into treuils, aud it bas airady eaten op Mac. Hlead'e oyer gardon. Lut ThoMcay ralgil prayer meeting vas held iu St. Androws ebureb, id lb. goét be'n ont for ils eveains valli vasala.ted" by tbh. iuging. It eliuebed rop te the doorway c.d iooked in, but tumrued swcy dicgatted -on eelg se many people cad nolbinag toeaot. Hevever t returnm e b . phe ster vas c- pcundiusg sriplure and poking ils ed wîthira the domr gave one resonant "B...That goal cea plan more mieobi.f "ib @ainli boy.-Nes. Mr. Adam Kndeeeth, M. P,, and Mis@ Miles Hudcpotbbav. returned tromx Europe. Mr. undspelb brouglel baelk Misn dsp.lle ud MissKate Uudapeth, vho have bien came time in Euglcnd. an b. 019 d decd skiai therOn aoeumulated. The ut azý, mccl popular preparation for [iang tb. fcalp la Ay.r' Hait viger. pus thi the Thoi 1ie ti fou de fo gui Somae lime &go w. publiabed an item bo lic tbe ffet th&&t1he cuhhorehip of M "Thoth"' and "A Dreamor of Dreame"vi lwo remarkeble romances publiishdex witîbont tbe authee name, wue daim go =ed b yLeslie Pogne, a uifle Britar boy, aSi rooet pupil of the Lwedey *oi. le, logiale insttîtb.. h laeotec md~ a local sestion and one nqaire« u voeain.lituted, for if the dlaim wus <1 well-fonuded the 701iDg auther wa.unu- ps .deubtedIy sntitled te a very hiah rauk oc ira the list of Canadien celebriliies. It ai appeara, howover, Ibat th. stâtements et vers not orrect. Meure. Appleton & 61 Co., th. Amaiecrapublisheers of the re. w maxtOee bave îeeeived a latter fromp Blaokvood & "oDs s felove : "Tba author of 'A. Da'oauer of Droc'apil» 'Tbolh' coke yen kidly t. snd a par-e graph te tb. Toronto Mail -donying tbafo th. author of 1h... voikeià a a Canadicu yosih o e .ume of Pogne, aged 17,.or indeod sny other Ceeradia0 youth.", Thia lis tbe lime wvien boys and d yonmgdihen stay Up e a nito .rob or- ohcdeandelalfrm11. W. crn crry Il 10 t~r h"t Lndeïy hec an unviabbe repulal infl lu 'reseel-hhougb'it la j1 Do »nre tha ý other toweo---aud #il mainiy auieea tram t ho unwilina of citzn eugt.r pressent.loffosdece.. If oteollug the fruit ver. 1he. onA ly inny done il would nul b. so bad, but-, a moit euse b.dopredator* break off1 limbe aod deslroy or Inure thé. Jl treme. Iu tee many les h u thieves art tte .»» eto ieue cititeus. vho vould b dic ct.îi*theyi disgraclefni vaadâlîsm. Tel' stlM eboüid be on 1h. abrI, c4 nd no éi are, boit hhey caà ppl b. eve"rIbre. A norhh ward otizoa bà à ei. p40olu1q a fin, lum Iresvillesau ing.niqu l trioaysloms onnsed with apwr fui dynamo, and th. robbers viii b., deublod op and rond.r.d- povarle If. they Veniire et, 8Iifttng, a 110W1 fing hbroveoff or puleon lb. eurr.nt. viii have. asurprise.,pjtorq for t . Party Who à uniavtuIiy gels miÃr e k, noti Keperlvr*téshe ýPost ae feliovi :--oomtnonit le freqdyenIymde by lhe publito liaIUeo 3r06s Âll tallage isusirthe Mai et oL lmul, anis on th lB 8cbbhh leont4epuue"ýd a ooupied vi"le44 s'éemoelmont is e bOtel mon oftlhiýtéwo, u ho -oreId ,reeps- sie for Ibis vj1onmedo1ng. Noe. irj, 1 ~h be eAa thé 1jee heeilioeii ià yu drink- I redit et 1 td PORT PEURT.1 .gati. of baise bodlis «epfted tobe i yod -boe.et an erly Cdet*$, vici for 1 ie sport will teke tie bu oien m' n0g vitaessdlbeère la tsaI lino durmng paît fiv. yeeas. 11h smaured mon single.. M! a. N. F. Pattorcan eaoled fros» route [ast evoanug, vb.uo eh.ocma S dater, lin. Atkiewni have baba sillng for a&short "im. Tb@ latter1 aves for ber home lin uaip.g bl Mr.li. IaR odmmafeuud ou hic fars» à Songog, a buneb et limby ineesuu- i fiv'lu feet ec ea l aes. t J ýwnebîp et Uzbridge th. lengest y.I sud îles sumener mcesued fi"reate u inohes, Mr., Chas. Big.ev wba sigveup bis suilon itb Gag. & Co,. le TeroSto ma ac hoe»fer a few daye prier I. hie ptasfor Obleego vis,. ho ln*cad in a he l.future.W. vlsb bis» Mr. Scd, Heâgsen u amde lime- ecry crruagme viti -thei sohemi iamd f o b hig eolsIda type. riliug. .By tors»inlug agod stase h. viii t"ecibellethae ubjee@t thelb trmly 1ev figure -t #-o for eaOh ont anm 69 for ecOl lay. It miglet surprime a gret mauy te bru thaI ebonli a ire bave hache. ,t ira lie ariy part oet ce veing Do scatarae vicevea eouid have baba veu by tbhesas» duenglue t. have et il ont .Tb*e humen ém mme et fer their monthiy practis.asd the, Sglî ue vatakeu ho tise f tQuoeu ;reet end slauted ruuanug. Il bcd met min ruaaieg s»auy >melau shec itl vas fend * hle , le. ' m *bviSi ep4 lis. liée aer for lb.ler vas >à 4ý'n# rkrhug caidlb.engle dO wtub-e .te. p.-.Tis i le ollb.-£n os e l&i. ugle bus ein benugil -outI fo ïmd il le a "serinsmalter., Hiuniers fMeehd la tues» a&U ga~r ora Bau,.dey su doie"yg laueg ray, to I-mea«c#Àr aihavesname- 1 ts. du*k on moa c s»oralmAbute y me bavelalled toeosé *r hJaârt ny large ,r*j> 'YVl*letah Jrid mlbbede glb. tek. Il er tqg,î ile ee te net t. ay %bern vvMl [mv. for av.Tipa re tbZ usanO ut ush, bt Iey e wà fi tht i l ritory, olive a coupi,«tA f irr -ut&r. moSew 11inthe -ha-t. Thi e rwin ' s 4 an- incident of a tsûmewbat similar ase thal. eore'l :n Wbiby ivo se alto. A pnaianIa t&c,)mnjIL0 anygva ,ee Fbaov îhie -and t 14;ils.clos-e a oaison wtss :-teskc- p. Wbtn the, s were tmnplit-d ýaild te; .ollectià n' stei. there'A a&3 tees'Bt-bana- dty. t sin tobacco altupe lU the bci. cppa bo vouched Lf.-Standard.- SPort Perry nweu con hi- Ibont)i tu [h for almeet any yairn. ED. Ca.] 0 confident. are the manufacliitei5 of Sage's Cavirrh ftemedy ini their abîlity -re chronic nasal cttarrh, no matter vbad or of bow long t;tanding, that tbey ýr in goed ftalh, the above îcward for a ethey cannet cure. Remedy solà by ggise at 60 cents. Lparty et minera in Alaski, nurubening nat 400, ara thouglît to have porishied n cold and stervation. HIOSPITAL REMEDIES. ro meet a dcmand for a lincetofriabli nedies of unquestionea meit, the Hospitsl nedy Company obtainedthe presoriplllons tho cclehrated hospitals o! the Old World London, Paris,_ Berlin and Vienna. ose hospitals are prezidcd oever by th. DstbnulliantflOdiCSi minda in thcwouId, Ld- toob"the ti.prescriptions, olabotie A place on tbc market bbc remedica in o a.nd cndorsed by snob emincut m.dicat Lthorities vas a bold and bnilliaut picce ef toerprise, and worthy o! bbc succes whiclt ssnttcnded it. Shoals cf qusck remédieý owd the market, eah absurdly claiming Scure every il frein on. boýttle. The iblic will turn with relief f rom such b1staný id shamelees catchpennieli.sand patronize, et a rcmedy. but W. list of remedies, cachOt hich is as pecific for s. single disease, a.nd as the recommcndihion ii e hving been riginated (net by the old woman or the estly Indian, as th. quack adverti8criiOitq Bad). but hy .dnos.ted gentlemen, who arc tyseiansand spe"ilahe cd the bhst Wnding in Europe, and whose pcr~3vO Cpay from $26 le$501M emmfldheul ervico. Thi s t.he mteot depatmre sevra te mode=m miine. The cpWemc bh arc sod at on. dolie each are eight anumber. andeorecfoUlowig cilmonts: e0. 1, cs.t--U Ha eFoer, RmOseCdo No- [,hDseases ot the Lagouiod. renobities ad Consumptira No. .3, 3beemauim snd Coul. go. 4.DsPS~ adaoston, Liver and d. ?ever and Âgua, Dumi Agies, Nuf't1gua go. 6, Pomale Woknge Leuooehoa, rregulaitleS. No. ,7. a nTec nsd oevelepinent cf Formac&Nitee No. 8, lgolden remedy for NervoteDeuit.W. nd îrostmeabus>ONThe Mmes crnba hony ây Q Ailthb. mediclo fthoe upsuy arn M "l aI theCornerDrng Store . .IL to se, in Ir D a, Bu lu ri T ir lsjoranl exhibition. Opecidon toaeday, vis.: fuduatnial cI Toronto, Pro vilstIc London, sud Central Canada at usasC. . Rtcasus & Co. ha*,- » tare s.4youaMJER' 1IBIMENT cnccSsfuly lîu a so4f.oese 01 croup in sMy fmtly. In tact1 ceider xl ues~ohome shenl4 b. v bin OM M &, J. y.ceuxiiX. 80 BAT &T.Thl QARD'S LNI. MENT in th.esiad&ard nimaent Oet1h. day cs il dos« jusl wbat 11fr mipr..enlod la do. Wyomitng laerctwedover the discovory et a upply oet l. leteem nebusgblt. D\X&RSna,-Ibsvie usedDr. Fowlesa .1. Ezrac etWild 'Staawberry'fer tie lait tbro.145 -«ü au lvcym nly upea Il 84aeçe sspeï or0crdiarnhea aud c&U snmiL~tcomlatfis Imen rCemmiea-dh biglysssl veti evey ucoss$14 tAie volxet lebrutal assenit by a yeun tiers e geaini Cramps,1 For ~~il;,Colie. Diarrhoea, Dysen'ý.ery, Choiera- PMorbus and all Bowed Complaints, NO REME.DV EQUAL.S PAl N-Kl -LLE AND 4e Y,,ars' Lxperieflce proveS that PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER lasthe best Family Remedy for Burns, Bruises, Sprains, RheumnatisTi, Neuralgia and Toothache. Sold Everywhere at 25c. and 50c. a Bottie. mg Beware of ounterfeltand soorthl.#* Imitation& q« I nfont mënd 1Children.' ~~ B.ILA.. sID i Wes ivso"p idpoo 3UO..~~. Ereokija,. iT. WNua. Tic EUTVE PUPNT,7 muftay SutIrN. y. ARCADEt TORONTO. A School Thorughly 1Equipped for, ujýi s r&ilug BOOK-KEEPING, 1EMNHP BUSINESS 0CORRESPONDENCE,") BU8IRE~8 ÂRITHMETIO, 8HOBTHÂ1D D YP-ITING. PEÂOTICÀLLY TAUGUT. FINËST ROOIMS. IN OANADAÇ .O'D.P4,, Secret ary. NASAL BALI Mr. E. H. MoCre-a, 01 the Hudson Bay Go., West Lynn,lKanitoba., aya: Isuffered from Catuirr for a number f years, and expended =pwrd of 200 employing physicias and c atapecialiste, buying different remedies, inhalants, douches, et., withont obtaining relief . Your advertsxuent in Toronto Mail induced me t.o invoot &0 cents in Nasal Bal- eam. I sent for a ps ckage and ninat ay it was the betinvestment I ever made. It gave me immediate relief, and in less than two weèko the droppinge f rom the nasal passage int my throat extirely ceaed, I would urgently aavise ail afflicted with otitarrh ta use Nasal Balsani. CURE 4F ITS WIn1 say CTRE I do not mean merely to %TOP= foelr a tfi and then have them returu gill. 1>IEA2x A 'RADICAL CURE. 1 have made the disease of Y=%S EPILEPSY oz PALLIKG BICKNESS À iffe long Study. I WARRANT niy remedy tn Cuuthewor&C88e5. Because others have !ailed la ne reason for flot now receiving a cure. Sed at oncofor a treatise and a FRitE BOTTLE Of My IF LLiBLEBEMDY. Give Express and Pot Ofloe.Itcossyu nothig for a trial, anit~ ffl Cuoe . ddru. 7G. ROOT MC, Brmch6300;1" w b zt elaido étreet., Yeaat took i Firse, Prizes fnto say that it surpass.s snyat ever used by themý. saetthe Iights, whit- sweeestbread, rolis bunz d buckwhe±anks. -BAKERSiinaariy everv wnm-Canzla reesing iiL IC§'%E FIVE.CENTS.I r w Positive Cure. A Pp~w~~ pu~. ~ c n r i 5 r i t I t I h, i vo ael d. l¶¶II GY oid W"Sl à og BotS. Jabu 4gsauliï ls,4with iworke i caum of *que ai alq rwaibOur lagm adrui. doc. Tisa. mples, au 9J9*,watcb, we ed 4pwymghiet.a"ddr, [Y s ~rainI5K. madh~ I4~ ~ueUrted. ~p1anem. - A fl~m- MelkT -"I -Lu thife -ti#a"à goeing ho a megls bal$ery, upu do plcy . tthe ta vi y is be qAW U Ãtsus4 , lie eom temt. .~O A.tak of e vu fora 0w- s fl01 WashingtonL (Fromn our regular cor WASHINGTON, D. C Sep Treamurkr H jeton cot',qxj Cal Change la form of il,>-. etatem2ent, îs-iied moLt,: that ie doatuîL- st-r Poil je or may flot aid 11#3 repu nJi fore the peo.pk. Mr. au on the entran2ce of the-. de ministre tin, Secrotry Treasurer Jardon c0texod etatemaent th&& hs.d aom cades, for politicai purpe the terme ef Benaters C lough. Boîhweli, Richard Wind Man d-Folger, eve had conled among the av th.ecrac hundred-milliona the resumpýîon of th. U notes and the twenty ,eve fractional silvdr. Ah prese hundred and twenty-five net appear as available ass The Repubicanà a daim taay Manning- withdrew -the etaternent, as he waî- the purhae o of deasd on the ether baud, that th m2anded a reduotion ef t suirplus, andi that thie alar plus mu.t be quieteti. Th ment will show thec surpîn two hundrcd and twenty. dollarEr. Spcaking of the eurpli,' of the famous surplus redu Tanner has started, naw ru resignation. The rabid u the Corporal on hie rece tour have lef t hie beet frie a defense for hum. Il is oshould lie be retained. Wb regarding Senator Sherma leading liglits ef his ewn block his. administration meets.- The trouble oseea a place for hiru, The POO, eccupies is second only lu te a cabinet posiiGn. It te give him a mtioh irafe though ho 19 hardly compe chiot of position. Ho rnig consulats but he cannot ho go abroad. Thus Sinhad, the pereon ef President bound te carry thia dougli eoftthe mca about on hie ibo the eld Mante gipgive f ailure of Oorporal Tanner that Grand Army aI Mi. an investigation ef hie ,,p duel cof th. Pension Bu 's. blow ah the Grand 4=ry hie WatciIoo. The English syndicales ing A.morican brewerie chance forgotten Ibal t *drinker ie net an Anglomï apI ho h. quito the opposa of ibhis is tue -case of onua brewories et Washington ait.r loqg negehiahion, bande er tho.,Britiel, lb." prielor bcing rclained s- recivina large ýp hie plant. -The purpse a company is. $0 extead ira,éï eng . a. u- paper celngnodoubl t É u uop~ Sceho is doug. oatb ýber lof ube esiouke ï4à ererie are Irshor ere, à bat2eebeer jedze oafalnffodrfiy cnvi ao.rdetle a sorýy 18a5e novo..Ti 1 yseb o b e-shrn thie, Jqlta A rtur Wnen péu-ay me MrO- A.McG1iv reltred Gond 8..reSc-Y' I was oombiled th coN puîuuman111or re Sena for Cireular. Mare«. 00