____________________________________________ M Mayor MaGes um inwe4lpOe ment, but laoeIl» tar tom weL. -Mir. Couithard lbas returned froin isi western trip, &ni, speak@ ilfl asiawgins- torms of t a suoinub~as5U.ss Demili Otollsge lunDow jsmoeng its an- nual Irvau et ofstudenta. TbaLprompoi of a large attekidance are iezoen. There will b. a holiday luiin hesohool to-day (Frida ), this being mhool ohildrens day ai the In5ustrial E abiio, Toronto. At a speclal meeting o! the town council on Monday evouifilu at the railway by-law was ýread à third -tie aud passe-I. Capt. Carter addresse. meeting on invitation, and statid ihat h would b. emre time be- fore the oompany began the construotion,am there weie a number of prelimini ry steps to be taken. Thé nigbt of way had 1. b. air- ranged fon and thia might take up consider- able timae. It was the intention of the cern- pany, however, te push fonvard the work as rapidly as passible. The basebaîl match between the Buffalo league team\ýand the Oshawa club vas play. ed on '2uesday atternoon and resulted ini a walk over for Buffalo as was ezpected, or at leut, what mîght have been expected. Oshawa did net suooeed in once making the circuit of the bases dning their nine in«, unirs, wbile Buffalo ini eight inniDgs mnan- aged to get arannd 16 titues. The Oshawa h ,ys played rather nervansly and did net do as gond work as they usually do. There were, however, ocoasional etreake cf re- deerning play. Q)n Saturday night luit the citizens living in 'ie corner of Simca. and Colborne wene otartled by pieraing sbrieke apparýently of a wnman, cleaving the vaidnight air. A free fight vas in progreB8 Three Quigleys, One of them the uotorions lRoger, were en- gaged in desperaéte conflict with James Faim, John Pair and Thomas Rartuett. When the turtneil of the battle vas over it was acertained that Ed. Quigly LisO been 'pretty roughly handied, bis."tet; esbeïng wofully altered. A.11 the parties, with the exception cf Roger Quigley, waïre up on Xednesday moi ning bel ere Magistrate Griersan, and, after an exhaustive triaIt were difiposed of b y bis worsbip sa follows; linger Qujue e and Jamnes jyair vere sen- teiiced tu 180 Osys ia gaci ithout the optian of a flue, Ed -îîeIizey wae fined $500 and caste, lroin Qugley, John Fair and Tom Hartnet ere discharge.i with s, repri. rnsnd. Jim Fair "ud Rager Qrigley have 1 îseppeared. Busineos Dlreetry. A TKINSON'S Drug Store. The aldeet es- tablisbed drug businsua ia the Coucty of Ontario. ('orner King sud Sinicoe Ste. Lzitely refitted in modern and artistie stylo. S.ime farmnerastsf11 continue ta drav in grain. -Mr. R. Somorville hai purchamed a very fine breed mare tnom Mn. G. Franklin. It i. canrently reported that the Metho. disi Sundaj schollje boing held in a 00w yard. I hope it 'is't true. D. XcKay wifli the bel p of saine of hlm ne-îghbors eleared hieion tire tanin et grain in 000 day, 1th Sept. Cern in Egypt. Mr. T. lanmon and another Amrenlan have been bumy for about two veeku look. ing np pare brod mares lâtely, and have eured a good number. Dr. NioblsetofNapane. is viiiting hi. f ather-in-lav, bMn. John Bâur, ai preseut, heoaise intenda "caktn« vapure bred mares and oçre stallion home witb hi m. Oue o! our tfermai scl*ol isuchers, Mr. J ohn Moore, is a gueut it fMr. D. Penkisis ai preout' ^ uery. Who î'ihe girl or the Johnuîy 01~aY hmu u0#etlatea litile under tâe WOUher, but h -my fni-aend wm lb. <1s4o knov thpt jbis peêioal ad- viser linîmdoWng a spe*y -. -A oeupls of veddingu areb e: corne offnmoiS week, sud va dlaim tr o! aupplylug the grooms, white Mars.M and WBsam&msupposi[te suppiI4h. bidsu(onietil The rus t Buudy's i. lemln Ris patrons h. le grmtlyplmns But oh, poor Dav. he in a a iu Anud vhat it e rsemayuyegroesng UnÉlesh. uhoulti dos. Piux at g eut s a nuna& Mons the Gri for Oanada's nev party, thai might gae.him vithout auj other saoning. Aocordlng to sucoment ithe Rer. O. O. JOhutonOoccupiedti h, pulpit of the Meihoistut ch on Suaday moing and I have been inforned pz eached an eloquent semon to a lange and intellient audience, vho voie groaily, pleaseti ii the atidrS. Corne again Mr. Johuston. 0 W. notice a Young Maci tevu frosu tb. southeru part et the Oounty for whom ve have no partiçular uases our pout office la beug es a à falrly satiafaciory manuer. the o s ~ s r j ut nov. - A daetsuIly outrage WM Verpotraie& fev dayi cim one of Our-cneioi. "e.s, Ni, xmu7 sm biosd 4athe Dnu .boIdlbg., tbise IrkfeeIo 1hs( tfUs a jo b t ..= ' FOIR PI-CNICS" AND CAMPEIRS.0 Oanxed.Oickna, Oaned Turkey, Oà aned Ram, Oaned Pig' Feet, Oamied Duck, Oanned Corn Beef. 'Lunch Tonnie, Oregon Ox Tongue, Oanned Beef by thielb. Patted ÂnchovyrPst,:Paited Tongue, Patted Ram FEARMAN'S CURING, Oelebrated Raw.s, Oelebrated Patted Meat. Ohoice Bugar Our- ed Bacon, Ohoice Rain, Chieken and Tongue. BolognaBSausage. MATHISON Dundas BROS, ITALIAN WAREHOUSE., Street, - Whitby.1 NIEW BO0OT. and, 310E 8STORE. t --a.-- -- WM. ---~-00 BURNS Begei to inform hie old friends and customers- that he severed al èonnection with the business of Burns & Co., and lias opened out a well-selected stock of BOOTS AND has1 SHOES, On the West Side of Brock Street, opposite Downey's Warehiouse, where he wiIl do blis best te boot ail that cali. Inspection Invited. Boots and Shoes made to Order. Wliitby, May 29tb-3rnes. ing the station mastdr cf Gobooonk dowu t-o Canningten80 Olt ten. * W.»l, tho Conun- drnm is torever set at net : a solemu com- pact vas entered i mie ot. Saiurdaj luit, bW tweon Mn. Lenoy sud Mis' Agne. Reekie of thîs village. As Mies R. vas one of our meut poptar youug girls, ne doubt, some of ont aspîniung uvaius, viii bekin ta necog- nia. the Ãfsct, that their noces are meut abomnubly ont et joint. W. don*titv jeu eue bît,btNy-, yen mlfrht eastj have kuovu that theme R R. fellowe are protty faut mon, snd that if yen give thera hall a chance ttioy'l be sure to gelt mure fint, W.e o:- tend to the happy couple ocarmmi heorty congratulations.- Mn. G(-e. Lewis and Mr. Wiim 'Richard- son luteait going to Detroit lu about tu-o veeko tiane. 11v n.uniy, *ormeraly of tht. circuit but nov ai Toronto coïqdueosd tii. servicesliens ln.st Babbath airnoon..L Ow "eolchuidren uae looking tonte for the piuewha ili b. hold iun M., Win. eCLarke oodu on Prday tinti. A Smnt hem Greenwotlpaunlstcour village poeu lait Sobbtth eveuiig. an t oti eeof OUr ?OM cmItovsalk hose sinulsa to mie eoi~g~ers 1"Ris ibevor c f a ;of 3or %lb1t WS tink the on. lchDiamond, d vii r 0~ Damne of feu1 exbtbitiozia.-eh* le UU a = .Blc Diamond lu nov under i.thaining ef master Mark whowii acdoubt-nimbern trite atwo f oniy Clip befrt *0e aovfIles. War broke outInluOur village last Saturday eoaing about eight o'cbook. A yeung Man eutered the peut oMos for his MAui0"su vi t&chled by a vutided pgai&bout »mre carres- ennlettons vhloh appeared in lun se of e crnoLu. QW It-oigihj onversa- tion enausti ant i t vasby %ne nianu a vhiu- p6r. as ahose people bave uta-eeg imup. IS vwa ôly afew Minutes unilithe a»cire osa lar put luan aeau uc ani tIi. nly thtng vs But viih lmbs u nlywali-apreclous Uile, and i th&a i hlaint.sd bioupbem- iusg lagas hloh vas fr *Wotss th e- drunkard l hgieh aintteits effeot o i« an pa.Mm rokbak by the algt orepnet te iepenn doelr's sad ethonveut lte lils oom snd geln aI islu-aouivukt iit bi huegvi4 loeda4mm bleut e 000 ed much le hisediY ou r=&YtilkW siang, but it laneveu iholuen mue asfit vas vilsas.ssad by seeeiui p, ', .,Abt ithe oongrernark whlch -vas utiered liv Mi, » :et. lu Taswitô"lsi ienaset- sUTepedt frvad and &MAitiheove iie 'w asiet give cSwiuts«u=.owu' Redrt chure.Nyr, eprbners, irembers aud thua avoitia a ec= otgk -later Ou.-91n. nom.Zuv.~ ,nehe nw O tu ai -be a. ï~rid~wêolrSc uif,~uewM usait mateien l our s regardsil vhere thsj lv Muais Cd AndréelM. e---. - 1Wnels, Fimn ies, Flanele. - Tié lag- Oit~w 'dsrm shave'~orsi,«we fà téý4Oles Don't felijle e - theut. -Mev manId Bu.eols e ê kt. n.frew oeuo«m. & uf1 A big masserimo f Mr ]Ew Ei e vshv isexelusve s#le 1 b=dof Repaîring Neatly Done. , WM. BURNS & 00. T. IL Hoblusons Locala Sweet Sandwich 2",. at llobinson's. Get your pionic baskets packed s.t Robin- son' s. Cream Puiffsuad Cream Sponge to order at Bd. Robinan's.a W. G. waltsWyLecala. Joi2sn eceiveti nev sjesJese y j acket. at 82.50, 18.25. .88.50, $660,45ad$.Âu tOmes them st W. G. Walem' New LaU rousgoode wih ra tbaa Match qi W.GWatn' moe'ntwedpsuts f'or OIM5 per pair ai W. G. Walters' Beuante of pui. i' resm odlc. ribbona, etc, ai les sa&hleep'rice.. during ibis month at W. G. 'Wsltexs. (NOrL-We cou&* ias many perail, mai ossible, but if auj are orittd ve do flot aeoept the blame W. In -te people freely to hand them in, ant that t in ec o -El). Ca.) Mrud nti .Maj3Harperbave <Ue on a trip ici thesSoSandMcnc * )ü- en. Yarnold iswbinzg up a fort g.qqhs ho4daysmintowu i"is vee. Mr. Wm. Minima aud qrsddagbter- of Stri, Miels., am-evisiting Mr. iao The Milsme Jffrey, of London, wlio have been speding the sumxuner holiday.in W bttby, th. guasi of thbir unoee Mr. Wm. Jeffre. have reiurmed borne. lim. John IL. McGivry, bi-iter, h bfd hie beeu ebeted Grand Scrtary of Lotige ofhindopendeni Gi-don of Poreotuaand vii in future rside in Toronto, vhere ill " amepractice liv. There la a mmlc My *2,500 uuary counecteti closely yuLh là sscrtyip, yuL good pÇospecte -of aslinoroase W. ozadestmsd Mr.Theo. A., MoGiMlvray talla boie to bis broet', ote iM Ugbridge. FARM TO RENT. la aslu mTo ci pohWhihbyoa the ette*enc! Whuiy. -u am excellet ui>ci. luye fruli ~ ~ "' Godr*gtuSn4<ac!bamn . W, WLOQZy T~~3k- About 8qi±g selal cthi0g Ai pria.. uhat pAL oo affo5.ibipý%iw oJ as ffla bitia .Out-wU i suit 01 e*w Md au sQeeaIzos M& .e. VL OINTYR irà -fýï fâ ii/ he e# Btqf imon iu the. cf, sud Vý Gosa -ARE PILIENO UP -TO THIE CEILING IN -w w D iI r o -Aft v. ALTERS lui '1 Iy7lo, Lai i~ na,,co Neyer before did we show such a grand variety of Goods. -We believe that we are going to do the Trade on record here. We are reguly for it, anyway. We have riglit goods, and we have' the rigbt early for ii<ost of theM, but SOme Of them you waut. About the first thing you wiIl thiink of ie DRESS largest Fal prices. Too VOL: - btb Establ Ilpeunru- b4i o260.01- public Book ancJo p Oual, capabl tk"toolS, viilar suth y r9riAd -GOODS. \\e invite everv bod y te corne and inspect this department, beforeé the rush of Fail Trade begins. We will not asli von to bay iuuless yen wish it, but our best advertisment je that yen shauld see themn. There is not a new shiaje or flpw desigun or a line that is good value left ont, Black Goods, rich and beautiful, Black Trimminges, new Mnd pretty, Coqtumnes. hordered, braided and cembinations, Plain and Stripe Goodg. From Very Cbeap G-(I,1. ail tho way to Very Fine Goods, with the correct trimming for eey piece.Byalmnsecord- play of Dress Goods. Everything te match, and prices within reach of ail. Coinplete New ýStock of Gents' Furnishings and ]3oy's Ready-Made Suits tqchoose from. 'wo Gie F n uertion- -by a soale oh soi", aeoi diuqly1 A.dviiîuents '0Ogdrlr tau toî ers -yU net be ruj 'A.liberil djuccni maoulu by the year. oo iraii dvertlsn ifutlteihan mq 0fany i oelu c before Tuesdby nc mente ricaeivedup t IBUuaiieUsoticesi perU ln. weekly. 0iirrespondenc" jaerr oommïunoaîm QDly STÂNTOR- Sup'MecanU JQ"M . & winOc~ Huse Thenuzder 'Ded id à .&toecondci S&LE$SliREt&SONAÂLitRiczs. Ar- o1a1gementa au tO date and plie.>",-, b. made with Mnr. Foy, of the Qu.enÃ*Hbte1 Wbitby, in my abience. L te r. sud tq0 grae ineyll eceive iminediate attention. - L. FAIRBAN4KS, Whitby, Ang. 9-9, '9 nteer $5 Saved. The aboie amouiit may- be eaaily uaved ini buylng aà suit of oloihes ai th~Je m*I am seiig goode js o ov, eir ing sus aint omu010Oto 815. overoosi &nt suit o!fgodtweed st tram <20to 825 Wa- nted goo& and vifi wsar 11k. trou. Wau- ted-a1aitWaà o, a vernt mkeran appren- tamaan boy. -J. D. WÂKZLY, 1Iitby, Aug 1, Ã.-IO adrabot Taller. Th Propriutors of the EMPIRE WOOLLEN. MILL8, higb.st M" ali e for &OOOO LBS. WOOI GOOD A"D CLEÂN. Fi,. cent. e «lb. e«tuapeld vlieatai tnsdei paymssat. Alsoprp ite do Windiof onsaou voila. H 8ngo large exponsehiin l iifrtd Plant of Usaahinesy for eW«isc#ami tie, aMd bavisgoverjiearîaex i oui buimu,"vofeel that ve ea "ii uttucat 04 usoin teau vii ; favcr us iitteir sustou. -Give ni&a befo» seg-gelswhom .No ofsono if £an to aià adaL. IL PÂTIrSBONS O - ht _e,~ cfW5yom ~IsIOace ant- nee - Sb- plg cuek. To« esyqL , Apyo WERM Se M,58.8Pn auaa FARM Pf43R SA~LEI froUa.Me, a 'lýi- nec Y. -o iso"telaà deMe seeha *t ollovfug li -, sauettxtkWeen, ,»Coa ,ibl snavl ie esoMt 410,oi roq tp un b UBi l adie, uerizptWmt o'si*r I'lte à i~h un ol lihaW1PTo EDEDIRqBAETdyo N.j~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~7,7 07, ,m~1.sue~rNoookî~~- Nasae 17' !i -UL! pot aaenteL! ~ i -<k- 89 2815, 4 P.00d 25 8, 26- 280ntsc Pl mtjc'- -Fi1 p RÇPBIY. - O -25' 86&.- 2 9 %I 10i -G", 20 5 14 2298 17 Gir- i , 8'41 %-~ . -, 6 A s , ,,e r--.5 i, 2L1 DOMINION FALL Witbye WAREROOMS#. EXHIBI T/ON, 18894P Iw FrLod oigto Hand 8ee the "IB. -&C." Corset, the oheapest and best in the market. Every pair Suaranteed. Ne& w T sae ~std -Lea!VK-oz~~ro4I suit or overcoat. Style and fli perfeo't. Fi$les'ok manship. Mise iniery. Morley lias returned with Ieading-styles in Mil- Sie oaur new Plushes.- Omcu-4umj Broek St., Wl ma-.22186 nOsumoei ehutb bleu Oddfellow& Block, WA.L TE//S POWELL ~ Te4BUER 8 B-ALE0F -LANDS*-FOR TAXES, 1 1