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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1890, p. 3

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J,. - -i F RM Somahanid Lier deran-ge- Ayem'spîîîs.1nffl cases «lu, re a CUki ph3rsseans. 0Dr T. E. !astinggs, Lest ýcathàirrncaud aperiesut wiriuji til h reat,1l o f 1uuy protes- Dr.;3John W. Brownn, of Oceaa, p.W, Va., writea: I have pros- ,rîbeti Ayer's Iils in my practloe, aýnd find fivnte x- ceilent. 1 urge their general use in with bloubliwss Iilloteryd mry heilh. 1 tried itarious rjeis but nothing afforded au E if u>i 1 beg n ta take Ae 'a pins*Q s Wanererich, Sranon4'Pa. ".l'Iave used Ayer's Pis for the past tlelrt1y ý'ears, and. au-o ealisfled 1 slloul tiot, bnt 7alivýe to-dy if, it Lad fltneenfor tt- ern, They cured me o! dysepI wvle alother reinedes failed, aud tileir oasional utse has kept Mie in a healthy vI.rndition eVer. siace."- T. P. Brown, "llaviiug been subje 1et, for veara, ta onsti ration 1 wi:hout being able ta find* 'ImIeh) relief, I at last tried Ayer'a Pill,: and deeni it LotIs a duty and a pleasure i lotest ify that I.hsve derived great ben- t.it Irui their use. Fèr over two ýyears -past 1 have takçen ont of these- Pilla I veynigli:before retiring.. 1 would flot wieygly Le without ten"-.W. iJowniaîs, 2C) East Main et., Carlisle, Pa. -Ayer's Pille have bien used in my1 famaily upwards of twee:tyyears, and' haý'e coenpletely verified >aIl that ja claimied for thens. In attacks of piles, froui mwhich I euffered nmany years, they aff orded me greater relief tisan any sd li ne 1 ever tried."-Thomas F. Adamn, I¶ollyt Springs, Texs. Ayer'sPills, PREPAEED BT D>r. J. C. Ayer dc o., Lowe4j, Mass. Sold by ail Druggise and Dealere in medicine. items and Ideas. Elgin farinera are ign'ing a pledge.to tbs _ effeo t : --The folowing pledge le igned with the understanding ,that.i inable to secure a candidate ofOr .rown, ach signer shall be free to vote as .h. es fit. We, the. undersigned (farinera xlsivels) pledge ourselves-je future. ýo support ne candidate fQr parlisMen4-. ry honore Who is flot ofoDur, profe* "ion, nd who wil uiot pledge himsesf ta0 eep- 'ort Dur intereste in preterence ta those Gaepyour cattis, a heep, pige àau loutry. Grade rip the. psu from. tiek ýarn dbor te the pump. Grade -ug round the wail ta keap lhe surface atei- ont. Grade up your tarin crops': y seletiàg -the bebt aud aarlioestf- éd. Gradsa up arannd ILthe s me 8 bu will nôl hàve .lc step frin lb. door4i qp mbt the rnrid. Grade ,up yonr fain' ygetling out cf old customa aind lsttîiig îthing go bo waale.- Gradé rip yanr nplements. for iouee aid fari y lopting useful improvemapis. Grade pyoiur Intelligence by réading tie pers. Uade 7up tie character o! you. &ighorioed'by hein; neigiborly aid 3nessl.yorirself.-- 't thé recaîl s' essions6 et the Sout ih Farkaer'slInstftut emie dies took place on lie grain tester Moc IS y t'h. buyera on thedifferaz kels tbroughout Ontario. à larê ber e.xpread in very st-ong lat e e gênerai diesatiefacétionof -th ing cf grain by a "tes cap" (aseth r wes termea by one speaker) wa Dg. Al - seemed satisfied liaI *1 ermelhod o! disposing of grain-w eight. The beet way lis7 lieugh )Moeétlisdouble 4and ears liaI pi- et présent would be for lie goera t e detérmine b y&et o! Parlian Dunded by proper iafeguerds asi f .11er and purclha.r, tiat the m "1 y which the weiliuoffgrainhe de ined shall net be legs.lieu oe s hal , .deremlution -was pasmied t( floolc- is WeillDot te trust lhe 'toîqpbýâ -makig contracte. A Èrroî spondeal ef lhe Monîreal $Otai ý-Judge Falcoobripge Las deeided à aontraet- medebytelephene ilane au by word of mouth, but he dier ýd a case breugit before.hlim on loint, because -lie defenàdant repu. 1 the. contrect, and il Wa*imapoii 1a1 telfront théeen.raditoryieén whtier th. plaintif Lad hesrd %tély or vol.- Mi hes baenitraduoed 'in P*rlia- by Hlon Mr-. ead, te ameed lie épecling lh. sale andý impr"~ea 4f ire-arasa. Il provides :tisi ne wio cernies a pietol or air gui il reasonable cause le fear au as. pou hi. person,' family or prop. hall, b. hable te s penalty cf fre - 125,- or imprisomeil. ff cause> w. te a magisitrat., the latter tanI exemaptionb for oie year, s of suci exemption tô hé maete, rk ef lie P.o. Tii.Govornor- anielL however, mey, ini lie btib test, et any lime, suspend the, ionclause. The lest provision frce. téthé@alie cf -fire-arnss ore. Âny on. whoselle or gives toi or air gui 10 -any person un. Leî yèari of agoe h&U b. liableo ýnalty of $50 for essi offense.. New York Preas estâés liaI dealis distinctly aad diréotly le te exemive tohacie smokiàng tan- reported witin .te laét lye. A coemmilet o! wemonî pappeted befors ascommittisocf se, askingag lta of e!$1 a paok- pot on algakattes. - A New York QS P>ooemetiîg on tus sbotion - elsl4l16y'.thé à piokage. II e k.w ting' moyseif evsry lime I1oeil MLpeck. igaetates, snd s» osv.~ d. gar dealer. Thé. olgmrttés are emoked m i opium or spri nkied 'bitli opium waeer ad are abaolutely danger-- ou»m. Witui oys suid gýilsthey preveni the develepiintcf mind and literàlly turi chldreî .into -foolg aid idiOts., Their ma&nufacture hould b. taxmd so high thit tiiey -weula be eut of tie reach cfebilîdren. lu is-their cheapiese and îeoimsenuation bLet maees tieni ru enficing te young peaple." BRe eaid -fuîha :.-uTs~&bit has pread se far ttgirls -now walk boiiy ite liee ator k su psa t'cgarettes. Teygel i rons Sheh- brothere who lolt tiew try- a few whiffir, aid ,froin boy compen. ions. TheiGounty.ý Pon Me-Nai won the OnterinGoun-ty l0kie Championeîip ioi- tie second tÃŽe t Beeverlon on F'tiday lasI. Il bas te b. won tiras ties .béfore be.: cooiîg is prcperîy.: J Haig].ey, of Qrvenàurat, fliieed second, ovey e lap beind, with Wm. Peard, et Orillie, sud J. Palmer, c.f Beeverton, :feIleowing iiù tii.order named. The.»race was for Ibree mile& -Owing te the sofl jstale'ef the Ace lie lime made Wall ne! as geod j Farinera will ha l nterested te- leari- tiat Ibis weok tLe Gevermiment, upon lhe recornmendaticn cf Hon. John Carl. AI) bae. decided te- eipend $55,000 lu t29 purchase, in England cof tlii very best two-rcwod. barleéte be -need as see.d ,by sobe as desire tô substitut. itt. for thce* ix.rowed, varioty ncw- grown. The greetý difficnlty in mraking the. change would bc -e securing proper seed et firet, aid lie Goverîment Las. thiangil il welI 10 remnove tic '_posaihili. îy- of -fâilare by u-nporting .tis large quantityo! seed herley., IL le Dot pro. poeed te have e free distribution of il, bute' -1l tsimers dealring te purchame_ winlýb . nppliçd. with the' safi - ai the of~t 1à,iportation - ~aGrippe Leas, kihled a Saivation Mîtny Mai et Uxbridge. T eh G. T. 'B. depot et Goadwoed has -bejî moved,:asoi-the track, or iii- oý4erwords, to tie opposite aide,, going i-Xeas.ir. John A. MoGillivr4Y, Q. C. a T.B. Frankieihbave rctired frein îefirm of Dobhe. & Ca., b'ankers a Su dmlandt ani lh.business will oiuefortiho6«carriedoh by Mespre. ,Ae. Doble and -John Vàll enlyne.- Ç5The creditors cof Jehn Scauot fZephyr, 4ugetal tie Qusen'. bote], Toronto, ou kriday, appointed inspeotore, and, as r. S9cott made ne offer,- ordared the ate wone2d up. Thé assèets are $2.. Sand iehilities - $4000. The atore a4lyburned eunt, and cf 92506. uai-- once Mr-. Scaot receivad oely* $1,000. I%. balance -of tLeesas ocriiejai-cf. w W rert te aucounce,1he deati o! -M.AanEarchmsu, Stock breeder, f Beach township, wiich o cok plac>e eý Tnea.M Earoune hM be sufferjng for tie peel two week-s frein resultinjedeelli, lie wes 74 yaarsaiud' tirée moitis aid.. Ah old gentleman îamed W-m. Wil- lorighby, Mont Abert,. Who is i-n hie 4dolage,' pefcrtMd a cool piaecf -eurg- erylupon hi.' own foot receaîtly. One cf hie teeshed been troubling nsah oo deal, @s e ho ok lie razor "and deliber- alely cul it cff et -the Si-st jo int. Ha was .nDotsitisfied witi ils, appearance and wes about la tàe anotier slice off when he ,wi% disarrbed by-'h. lady h.- rêsides with,.wio inmediately suns.- Moned '.a doctor, aid puîtlng hui aider cilorofertu amputated lie. toeeet thse. second joint aid the.old gentleman Sp.ý peare loe b.doig vert fatorably., pas PORT PERRUY.-, - fie Mi-. N. F. Palèeson Q. C., i. chiri semaie!f lic Board of Educabion for 189( bu -Mr. Wm. Bosse' r-eotesrar : Mr. Moiarryisrc.sppointea higi scice fl rutefo theeyeare by lhe cents ntI council. -Tic rcturnilig officer reportai' W $iaI lé, ieewly olected public esooo 5~truotees wore -Meses. Bol1pi, Carl. and o' Boss. 'The attondaîse aItiêe.iigh if scicol for Jânuary was 1059- public O sehoci 823. The average for lie moitis wa ialien iaui qsaaion aoout of eo la grippe.-- o Only genuine gecd doge are te Le aI. r owed le rueour strélets iereaten or d tLs con'noil *preposec b cempel theinal toleweertéeg. Woînder if fligi Cosn. Irmimaiener Bïrabeer will b. able te -mai. a ge lie dog poundfi as'weil asethliebeow. Here'.s àhba r stony as-il vas related --te us.' A gentleman of Ibis plaecmakea e buinesof dri viîg tircugi lie oceai. try, partionlarly lote inrti ,o! us, buy. !ng epples. Seétwo or, brée - ee -ago Le #as i-éluraing by nigit fron i ofI hie regular Irip anad on arnivueg et ;Ooed' oreraefe îmles0 norti cf Loi-e, i. relates tlit hle.wae confnonted byea inge hear in lie middle fo. erôed. -Hie-bei-soes heesnsfrigitenedansd-his mind vas filled with Loirible visio ns of tie terrible sOtrugglee for -lite witi .bease of w"iicii-e Lad reed wien s 'boy. As lüci weufid have il, Love 1ver, le mai. toeileescape, aid ýonIce :tue aide c! hiru, Le mede hiache for homes.autest as hie Loi-ses ould possibly take hUmn. He next day, w'ii -erncatdess, relaled- is * i-illiuig élperience le s1 nmner et inabïiente of t'ijat neigiborhood, aid, ignmsedfalely a s.anobing Party Was or. ganized, vie, ùWih eadjed -muskcte, iadsd i y lie hissais. Muni-o. hiothers, at -onessaaled in Lot pueuitý.,Thore vas a uftIle sncw on lie'groun d at tLe ltime, aid ilvasexpeolefi iaI very Iitile trouble wvorld he- experienced in tiainglie beart ue bs-hiding '*place. Aflér a long, rt-apttrougi the. voode,- and -net aven thée ligilest. trace cf btru hs-iig béén fonid, il vau rggosted liat thhy go.baek te- lie exact spot whené the. once,' iter tbei place, -aid liée thoy disooven.4 lie lrqoke of a langé- pig, %adnet veny fer' awsy lb.7- found s large-- Ablaci khog. viiithà opé Ohildren CrY for. ti le- bnt -$. lie Nieaajying the. annuel arnival fes tii ,ieses CONSUMPTI ON CURED - An-l ai pyslian, retired fr*om practice, having hed-placed ià,his Lande by an Est Influa missionary the formula af a simple vegetable remady.for ths peedy and Perm- anent cuIre 0o! Gonsumption,- Bronochitis, Oatarrh,  sthma and ail throat and Lung Affetions, also a poiitive- and radical oncue for Nervous Debility and a Il Nerveu(Jom- :Plainte-after, Laving tested ita wonderful curative p6wers in thousands cf caues, ha. fait it Lis duty ta make it known té Lie sufferingfellows. Actuated by this motive aud a deafre té relieve human,*sufeiring, i wili rend fres of charge, to ail who desire iii, this recipe, in GermanPrenoh orEnglieh. wlth full direction a for preparing andunsig, Sent by mailby, addreusing w-ith stainp, neming thfa paper, W; A. Noyza, 149 Fow-. rsBlock,Rc/esr .Y.ý The ex-Arclidulie John- ai Austria a purcbaue atrdiug.vesesl. DESTROY THE ~WO0ý1MS Or tlcey m&y. e8trOy the . clidre. Ug. Fr.. mas'8 W ormà Powter8, tlley expel. al kinda of-orma. FParins fr0Sle I Lae a number ai fermes for sale in-.difi- ereut parts ofOnlaria. As' -ms are awar -1 as et theprea.nl lime,'landi - if yoawant a farin I wonld reooimeýnd yoa Io buy nov if you r meane are-limitedI Cen sailiyoa aa tarn où; a ameÏli cash. paymonl, giving yoa planlyÃ"o! ima tapsay balance o! purchase moeey aselb*-rate of, inteet, thue énab- lieg yoa t A cqufre a -Loinso! your owu most easily. If >ouhLavemeinsanad-do .uae require. oredit I dom give you se, goofi value for yeuxr mons 1 yas i-ou can gel e]sewhera. I will i dy seed i-ou descrptions ai' armesforetin l any iecaliuy on Learing- frein yeu. JOHNJ.PATON, 84 King utreét outi, Toi-auto. Jan. III,1890-7.1y. P itcher'. Ca Storla.' areuad its neck. Further commient is uualecessary, enly th't each member cf the party went home -whistling «1DowL ywent McGinty."ý An extenéive ice, dealer, Mr.- J. Fair- head, manager of the.Bpjing Wat;er bce (Jo., ýToaïonto, ha. codmssuerpd shipping ice fromeinLre te the ci9y. Ha arvad in tewe laest Monday z evenilog, with ail r the. latest imeprovemets c f ice too!e8, niacLiniery-&c. 11e at once engaged a gang cf men aid teame aid early Tur-s day mornir g oparation began : Tiiere being ne enow he h&nled blocks of le ani, eUsthan haîf a day had a fitst clame road t uilt frein the làite Fhere te tii. place ai 6loadiin, onhescars ,by breakiug the, je fine aid tie .m aiing gooda sieighing.1 By six p. ns., h. had tire. cars'lcaded , two ontainitng filten tons asLcii sd :onu twenty tous. Mr-. Fairbeaci aýS âYShe exp*ecte ta ship twenty car or tue, -htudïad tons, daiuy froin tuis out w bile tiha - ice.cutting- season jlaets; Tihe harîestieg je idons' firsi by draswsngý a straikht lins on the e wîh aet. ctbplougi drawn byce hors. then 'a plougi Laving a guage an& drawn by at.&eain je rue back and forth making the lines twanty-two. lohfs apart and about eight 'moLes, deep-. H1avieg. drawn out as man y as dssired' for thi. days watt, tii. plougb le crossed et right angles ms'king , the blocke twentytwo ijuches square ssch way. Àftsr a fw blacls have beentakeui ot and an opening nide,, th. rows* are *SVsa aeb* end and by striking je the graves Vwi.h a, pointcd -bar - a isiali aMount cf labor will give meny tans cf ice iu eqiýare bloots ready. ta take nt of thle wSt -r. Tiie bücksEiare fidaieâ toaa inechjLe, Wbih i -Mr. Fairhead's awn inventiuv, se arrauged. that a herfie by travelbnlg. about four feet c au lift the, block ai ice imb a okid, or's. -o.-The block then m-ue dowe totahîe leigi ~A Joad of about two t(re can bc kndtù in frei nenaand a haîftlt ofwo miies.' ýMr. Fainhead maya the cornpany aus a etoraige oapaoilîv in floctefor, about nie LLou~lbd. tons c-f 1ice. Ttiey are degelrge business;, iaving about two thenaan-d retail, beaides about twaô huedrcd whofesalecustomers. Ws are* surprisefi ta learn,ýthat:,the ice île thicker and botter here tien for miles 4rocued. Mr. Fairheafi esys tual ho visited Bar.' rie, Jaekson'e PeP'int sud several other ýplaces and on recoelmend àtion 4èof Mr. T. 8. Corrigain, visieildthis plýace and founàDo ice ta compare aéitier in tbick. ns or qnalit*y with the iceý bere. -. At tii. ebove tuentîoned places tLs ice'j cnlY i si ichese 42ticknees, whulsJt tihe iceLe je ge1ting ,ont hors je eélevelà junches je thicknîsaand rot l u -bni1 tin&ge whici indicates pure ice. DMr. Fairheadsays La 'proposes ta -buiid 'an icebous iys,(ha e -working saiti eow)«.capable of lholdiuR, ssvçràl thçn. @and tons of ice, whicii Le .Wil ahfi-p sf. ter théecntting seson. je ovsr Ho ex- pecte ta ensaploy bstwen tity and forty men;and teaIUs daily Whilst li&a n irt, Debt aid the. Devii. A diatinuiahed divine calîs- those three )'e, Dirt, Dabi eand %ix. De-vil, cm uumaoh 'g fi trinity a! evil. Il a minuwould be happy. he muel'avoid ail Ihiee, and as « Studiongly keep clearoaiDissase-anIother P yèu-par-- seive. Thiiecails>ta mimd tili anaîher.D: a"1G. M. U.11.iwtfact. Dr. Pierce'. Golden' Méddical Disoovary,- tha -nnfailing remnedy for conBumption (which le lInng-sçrofuîa). lu ita early stages, as well as for Chronic Os- airinj tise Lead, and branchial, tbroat sund- leeg affections ganeeally, h' je isa nutritive; unie sud blod.purier, and builde np, tha Btrength àbd flash af those who, are redncedT elow the ususi standard of heàlth' in-a Mst marvelous way. ItIl ays i rritation in subdues thea worst liugaring Coughé. hsaàrantssd ta benefit or cure in ail diseases lr whieh it 'is recommanded, or moPnay ýaid for it returned. H. G. Pachard, olco f utree treatmint on sed O cuir d ii a boved dîsea%.1co munca t HLOSPITAL REMEDY -Co., 303 W est Kin ____________ Sl-E PROpRI-ETO'OS FOR CANADA> AND UNITÉ LiT . - - ~nd SI $t., Toronto, Canack{, TO TUE EFDITO: Pleae înormyourreadrs at hae a positive renxedy forthtitKove namleý ~ disease. By -ats tsmely use thousands ofholes ae av enpranently cured. 1I shail be giad to send two botties of m em-edy FRK! to any cf your readers who* t' vo conIl supion if they will send me theéir Exrss and. Post, Office Address, Respectfully T. A. ýSLOCUM, M.C., 186 West Adlaude St., TrORONTrO, otr o IRAAIF '?E43SUftEB'S.SALE 0FLA NOS fORTXS Y virtua of a Warrant uuder the hanS of th-e Wer idansd aSaiota Corporajit of the Counly ai Onlario, deted the Thjrd day-af Saembr 89 omnigm evyupn te ana.mntond in the follo-wiugla or ari 1ears ai ,taxes thareon, and- a, ei p-ae ~tforth I hereby give notice- tiaI unilesa auch arreas auan cste- are- mer paid, I shahi, ini compliance witb the Assesamnent A-ct, prcaed ta seli by PUBLIC OCTION,- thesaià i nda, or ao muumh thareof as xnay ha necaasary.,for the1 taxas, et the T O C .BS- I uasei îeTown. af WHITIBY, on THUBSDAY..tba THIRTEENT1I day ai PUREST, r îCOB, A. D , 890, e t us hoar o TEN o.'lock i tisa forenoon.- .--CONTAINS' N! ALUM, MNILIME,- FH0SPHALýS, TOWNSHIP 0F,-REACH... or auy iri4urious malaea,. r - - - ~Amount Coata and Total Pat'd or-E.W GI ET, TiiJorN Part. Lot.-Con. Acres.. ai Taxes. CoÉsa',n. Amouut. Uupatented. I &Ma'f'r hLAT y EZT e TOWNSHIP 0F 'MAltA. 40 2:29 5 69 - Pateted 92 2 S7 13 29 Ptentèd I SITTINOS 0OF THE DIVISION - oURT .2 M 2 .8 52 --Pat.ente/I. 9. 2 6ý 4 65 Pâtented C OUNT Y'F0 N TAJA10Ù 8Q 17 2 33 - il 50 Patente S - -1 4 5 . 2 1 6 6 6 P ký t en t d -î a i, .e 1. HiTjy ÙlrkD.C. MacdIOn WLithy Jan. 3, Feb. J, Mai-ch 3, April 6 32 2 216 58- PatenteS May -2, June 3, July 2, Sept. 2, Oct. 2,Nu 462 2 2 684 - Paenta -8, Dec. 2. 4O*SCOTT.22 84 P -te -] ed 2.BRouGNÂAm, Cierk, M. GleeFon, Giee -2. PsCxssuso-û:VILLA 0 ECleihk M.Gî 31 2 16' 4 47 PatenteS son, Gi-aanwooil, Jan 4, Mai-ch 4, Nov.4. 1.-85 2-15- 41 -0 Patstnted- 3, *POsR PERsY, Clark, J. W. BULL1ha, 7 89 2 30 10 19. -PatenteS -->- Port Peri-y, Jeur 27, i- 25, May1,Jl - - ~Sept. 9, Novi. 1.--- y1,Ji 0F RAMA.-- 4. UxasUiDos, Clark, Z. Hlesphili rU -~ -brîdg,Jat. 28, Mar 2G, May 14, uly 9, Sel 5 78 3 00 3 8 78 - Pate nâte S 10, Nov . 12 . 3 3 -268 25 81 P atented .5. CQ sesI sssaON , C l rk, G o: Sm itl, C a - 31 2 49 780 - nngton, Jan. 29, Mai- 27, May 1,5, -Juiy P PtneI Se pt. 11, Nov. 13. 7 02i 2 78 -29 80 -Patjanted BEÂýVERTON,,Clark, (-. F. Bruce,)fleave: 8.Q' 2-82 - 10 97 -Patent ' -d ton, Jeu. 30, Mai-28, Mayl16, July Il Sep à 5 2 81 1Q. 85 -PatentaS - 1 ov. 4 Q 60 2, 67 - 25 27 Patented 7. LTTEGRoVE, ClIril, F, J. Gilleupi I 54 g, 62 23 16- PatenteS Uptergrove,,Jeu. 31, Mai- 29, May '17, Jol e 14 . 2 23 7 87 Pà'tënte.di 12, sept.' 13, Nov. 15. By or/Ier. - 9 5 2 69 22 14 PatenteS - -J..FBE , '341 29- 50 Ptne Dan. 19, 89 - Clark of the Peau 6 49 2 51 19 00 PatenateS 1 4 60 S72 4.60 2 72 265'94 2-75 2076' 262 19 92 -2 8"0, 7 87- -S80 225 2 76 1783. - -2113- 0f THIORAR. 10 57,-'2387 21 9.9- 265 POF BROOK. 45 110. 27 82 28 6g 22 52, 10 17ý :29 01, 1294- patented - Patented --LumjberWant4 Unpatented PatenteS 30,000 fe'et of 3 inch Oak or Wit PatenteSl Plailc, to ha delivered during th e - c Unpatenead imoulus. - unpatnteid The MOWAT MF'G. C( P te'nted' -w5 -May 22$* 18K! 2 7 2 7 - P t n 9O-4- -.' ~d. Part Nj 8 7 N Wcr 6 10 Part Nj21. 12 Pitt 8 21 -12 Ceunt- Treasurera' pificO, Whitbyl De.. 41b,1889. 200 25J 5. 109 9 2 -26-16 5 72 8ÃŽ14 2U'- 64 15 81 8-.26 38* -l6 2 56. -2 25 2 68 2 62 21.8 2 il, 2 15 28 "72 7 97. 10 45 29 80 28 2P 6 44 at Le -2 49 PatenteS 3ý 82 Patented J. ýB. LAING, - Co. Treas. Ontanlo. Urpatented Patentefi Piteuted Patentad Unpatented I .. -- A SPRE CURE U FIm nLIOUSrIESS, CONSTIPATION, iNDU ESTIOTsI, DIZZINESS, SICaç HE ÀçCED oDISEASES ai- THr STQMAcM, Lt VERt '?OWELS. lHYARE NîLoýTb4osOuGe i ANDPROMpTr IN ACTIýON, AND OPN.RMAVLJOL i TO iliROCK iLOOD ':-t.us. t TREATA EN«r ANaCURE orCFt.r~s -ANDens'rîNATE: bISEASE-S The four greatest Medical centres c thè;tworld-l are London, Paris'. Berlln znd.Vien These cities have hos9piurj teeming with suf ering humànity. Ci-'t'ds of students throng Mhe ktardsstudyin-g sînder the Proj charge. The Most renowled physiciens ncf wwdteaCkjand practica h ere, and the i1nstitutions are storej miedical Ianawledge and experience. Wiith a view of mahing this 'Cie.ri-en*ie available to the public the Remiedy Co. at grec! expense securecî the -ccupzosof these'hosptlpeae ~eseils n i Eol costfi.oin $25 to $100 ta secure the atitenýtioin of their- distiýnguikhed eriginator, get in thils way th PAIRED SPECIFIC8 ARE OFFERED'A T THE PR/CE 0ÃœF THE QUA CK -PAýTENT MEOICINEr-s THA T FL 000 THE ANO ABSURDL Y CLAIM TO CURE EVERY ILL FROM -A SING/LE BOTLE. iTheé ataI 'et o rfa domestia remedies is now.,flhled with perfect satisfaction. - MHE HOSPITAL, REMED.IES MAKE NO IINREAM CLA'IM4S. The spèciflo forCA TARRH cures that and nothing -ese ; sa with the specific for BRONCHi TIS, C6 TWst scn~i Lt/NO TROUBLE3; R//EU/MATSM is cured-by No. 8, while ti-oubles cf DICE'àTION, STOMA CH, Cl KiDNEIiS haivetheir cmncure -To the se da speciflec1for FEVER'AND *AGUE, ont for FEMALE WEAKNESS a GE À-IL'-' ff«à ýj9 Am% -mr àF Àv PANR hatmaesblod nddIVS ORA,'D UL/ES.(Am .. cf ,, aaoreed-o... . . . .GENRAL 1ONIC - - ~ NO ICU E ugîrvnvu tW CATARRH, HAY * FEVEP, ROSE COLD.-The on/y atetacr mntn ri 8cientiflC o 5rces now bef ore the " pubUClc his 15 flot a anuifor aontent- both are discarded.as înjurlous. b1.00 >0-O 2-COUGH/S, COLDS, BtOI/ChITIS, ASTMA CONSUMlON An incomparable remedy; doesfo merely Étop a cough, but eradicates the diseasead \I strengthens the iungs.and restores wasted tissues $ 1.00. NO. 3-RHEUMA TISM-A 'distinguished: and well-known specialist in this disease, who treats nothing e/se, buiît his. reutation on, this rem'edq. iO: 7 *4-L/VER A ND Ki DNE YS, D YSPEPSIA A Nb INDIGESTION ~.*~1 Y -A favorite s/aughter-fie/d fue the quack.-who has ruin edmore Ustomachs *than alcohol. lise a . reiedy -sanctioned, inhigi places. f$1.00. NO. 5-EVÉR AiD AQUE, DUMB "AGUE, MALAIIA-Few I<now what rave damage this does the!system ; it is treated to break i o ie Use a renzedy that eradicates it. $1. NO. 6i-FEMALE WEAKNE8, tll'IEGULARItIE8S, WHITES- Mny wornen are broken down because they iieg/ect these diseases un/il ichronc 'and . eated. Use' No. 6 and -regain hejalth and strength. $ 1. 00. NO. »*/fEAL-TH, FORM AI/D FULNESS depeoid on gond b/yod and luts of it. if weah, il blod ispor,. if scra wrîiy, Use this perfect tonic.. $1 0. NO. g-NERVOUS OE&SIjTY LOSS 0F P9WER-A quack cure -rîdden public il haul a genuz, e remeédy, for an unfor-j tunate conditin. NO. 8 s goden. TO BE HAD 0F ALL DRUOGISTS. Those who cannot procure thèse remredies from k theÏr ciuggistmay remîr rcetns ni we w iliahip them direct. 'Piter£ted-;ý Patented ' 195

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