0ou1ty Oounmc B1ALANÇa cOf EGEmDAb. Mr.. Flumaierfell.movsd Ibat tf.e re- port cf th. speol auditons- ho pinlui wh.u oomplote and thaýt a oopy cf the smrne osent te eaob member cf Ibis M 1r. Mowbray hors ruoved 1h. Ibird roadiug of hie by-Iaw appointing Ce., auditors. *Mr. MoPhadden ýmoveAd te referil baok and have Mvr. Lswder'o. natâe struok out *nd 1fr. T. H. Giendeniîng's put ins oc. oauditor.-DsOrted. Mr.. Harman introdaced ,and carried *threugh a by.iav 10 enable, the Warden' and Tresasurer te borioev money lt eiy tb. oxpenspescf Iho coanty. Unil lb. taxes for 1890 cornein. 'iî Mr. Tâmblyn moved that Mr' J. S. *Larlie, Mr. Jos., Butledgo, the Olerk and the imoyen b. a commillies b oon- 0 soudai. 1h. by.la.vsfand mibutos cf ýthis * couneil, and that fiýeo hnndred copies cf the by.liisvsb. printed uander the direc- tions cf tbé Clerk, the obairmnan cf the. Printing Committee, to ie in readinese' for distribution among members sb the June sessiion, 1h: vorn bn be lei.by ien- der. Afler paesibg a few socoants the coun- cil adjourusd.for the daY> NiNTH j3DAY. Moi at 1l a; M. Minutes cf y.siterdaj couifirmed. The C lark re4il a 1eerifioato fnom WXK Sponce, Eeq., oleni01 e 't . ene . ip oc Beach, shovink chat D. MoKa , ,eoq. bail sent ia bis reaiguati icus-reeve oc thaitowenship *sud Ibat ai -pecisl meeting cf tb.ecuoqoil il bail been ne. cepîsil. Mr. IBarman moved that vbereae the ideeé'of erooting a Blouse cf Industry im tiii. ooualy la -the nar future bail bees atreed te b>' ibisocounil ; aud whenemE th. Ontario' Goveomeni la * ikely tc *paes a meaunedaning the presont sos. Sion, te saml acnuies in oanrying ont snob prejeols ; bo ilnesolveil Ibai ihi conucil continueIhe spécial eom miiloe ofthIis connoil on, the malter, and that the Warden and Mosars. OhrietioLanrk-e Fiumrnerfelt, .l3ai.d, fligelew, . ad thb moyen constilate thal commttee., toe- port ai lbhe ue session. Mn. Boxalit sked if uobioe cf thie mc lion bai b eên givdnî rogularly ?-- * Mr. Barmanasaidneot.. Ilbail beem an ôversigbi. As ibis vas lb. lasI day cf the sesseionuhb. bped il vould bhoaai loveil te pas@. Mr. Bigeioiy said il voald lie a goed idea, te keep Ibis mattor liv.. Fron the 'shapetegistion lais, king il looked nov-as if à feasibloecheme msy econ be prpposeil. Ho bail. formoni>' boopn a oppouenî cf tho 'esiablishiug cf a boase of, indusin>'; but récent evonîs hive ehaugeil hismd. *.The Warden re.ad ÃŽhe nul. ta shos that aI loait vomembet-. mail ebject *orae lb. hemotion à linlu eider. Mr. Thempacu (Scott)>-and Mr. Cori" Ibard aI once rose ap -b ,*baci'- M. .- soi bovisil oui,'to stand. as a notice cf mt.- tienutil Jue. Ths byiav to appoint a. Co..Tresea tirer vas Ilien laken uap sud fiuaiiy pasi sol. Mr. .MovbraY, secondeil b>'Mn. Patkh or (Brook), moveil the Ihird reading c0 lbe the by-lav le appoint cuntyadi. tors. *Mr. Christie (wbo vas@ absent yeslera day vb.u tb. umme cf Mn. Lavlor vaE *displaceil by that'cf Mn. T. R. Gie dsuding) askod for an explanaticu cI tb. change. Mr. Mebaddeo said, as mover for the cbhoange, h. lheuglthe . vy tbe fermer> vote vas laken vas a v.ry u tain on,. Beoui>' wanledsa ain voie ai against Mn. Laviler and l w laver c(fXi. Gisndanning. vBeiies, hoe ile n tbink il necossary le go le Toronto for aauà dior. *Mr.. Christie mid b. &gain vishel 1< raise bis voco, nn this '00U 'l against *the re-appoinîmutc ajman.wbu hae been auditor for Ibis oeanty,4a$nD9 Mr,' Laing'a.*eru of office.. On* 9Ibm4 -Ihe vboleocf tlbuditore cf the pasl, bave bgequderelict, But if Ibis ouineQl is libdt-,#o I an auditoà io ba, sovd~Tre, Why go baitIMr Buru. elt,vbo bas served fonr eeaenspasî P *Mr. Larke supperted tbé sonie idem. Ho believ"es l, uiitores bave m'ade very grave wnistakes, s"d ilviI place $bis ceaniy inu odil positilonte go lu- te cocurtagainsî thb. Goananise Comn- psay if vo nov go on and lake -b U Ih @&sme mon au auditotso .have beau proven le as as havistg pass8eil rong audits. **Mr- Barman Ihinke Mn.Larke is ver>' veak lu argaing-tbus msItei- fle Hobinki coanoil shoulil nol acknov*iedge Ibat Our. auditors of thb. pasitbate been inn orner. W. eboaldi tke lbe. greundthat bbey have bhein iglit, su lal frand bas been practiseil upon lbem b>tho ox-Treeunrer or oîbete. - Mn. Lsrkôe eplid Mat ho ehbail agooa Ides just nov that tb. Guaraulco Com., pan>' kueve more %bout thèse -defalca- tipus than tii coanoil doe..HBebears lb.>' are Dow vcrking -vith ibe 09V M lal1 lme. Hu isn liii o-t.ïb.re- mevefi that Mr.Fra . an unov j nobstituted for Ibat ef Mr' Glendeuuing.j )rfr Martinaail bis ides -of a ai- é 1 tor's daonesW"aot ho sbould ho ablé ta fied -out auj plans whioh might exis il, th Traurr's offic. te outhe oounte If an aà ditor ckiu1d b. deceîved and delua_ dd he bnmater, lhe was an * neuitable -tsu, andshougzaot beêagaio appoined. Fo jeanitl appears that iieveuy.oase Abe- auditora have: fallen. short of a 'prop er gusardianiship aof the eonty's fendit and nov we cannatinj Tesson- ro-appoinî.à uy of lb. same mou. Mr-Gillespie <who i. bimeoif an anditor) ix1ieà that 4 a an the -trouble ta havé aà qénifloate pro- Âacsd ta him an b 1) i state of the Treaurer. blanoe ihLb.Dominion bank. Thbt certificate ou 1h. bang accoantant now appears ta b., missingt and lhe believes il wau ither. Ratton up by collusionbetwýoen..the oz-Tzeasnrer md bank book-keepéeror oe. W#a foirgery. Hae believes- ho did ail any au- ditor can do ta watch'for wrongs. Be. aides tbis, ho idoes- not bolieve ýail the biaine souid beheaped upon the audi- tors. The -Finance Oommitteçe were the final auditors snd. they have always passed* the reports, in one instance -hs knows of wheu the, auWdtorsbad 'made a. mistake that Itha c*ommittee passed their reporte~M.Frweiakdt A.t -tis stageM.FewLakdt- eoay a word. Hoesaid'ho would b.frank adopen. Ho ýdid not believe the Fi., nance Oommjîtîee or ethçe members- were competeut or were expectud.te au- dit lbe coanty's"a ccounlu. This is ex. aotly the roason wby audiloro are noces- oary., Thee audilorss horaid b. compe- lent moen, and should ne otb re-appointr ed under any circue- an' -i they ake any blanders.. There are lwo po- Mr. Barman that..vo re-appoint an ex- auditor as assgerting or belief Ihat na ps udi'r a been 'incozupetent, and (9) Mr. Larke's viov that vo now - re- fuse ta avait ourselves o f the services of any ex-auditor as showing that v a&r'e beuud(to have our accouate kept and inspéoled properi»y. Hie opinion is that if any ex-auditor in now appointed il wil Iesaïe the connoil open W0 au impu.- talion eof oarelesnss., vich- ylnov likeiy prove «ta be tbhe ompany'" greunds for fighting as-should the mnat. ter, go.te court. We canol with reason take 1,h. ground that cur anditors have. &iýwayo -been rîght. ÀWe hnow disorep- enoiÃ"s bave crept.iii, and Oan auj mem- ber deny that ail or any cf tbe ex-audi- tore' have:made no mistakes 2 W. don't know who is te blamoe as jet, but we do know bemeono is. Theïe ÃŽi.a loean investigation ta find. Ibis 'out. Bâtin the moanlime il vouid-be a very great mistake te appoint a man as auditor *ho, may besliown by Ibis investigation lo b. probably the one more, than al the olthers, *ho vas incompetent here- lofoe.,From abiogalstsndpoictabouaîd I safer logo imb court wvîlb«a nov ardi- labr tibn y ex-alitor during M~r. ILsing'a tarra. If wz !Lave ta figlit 1a suit lot ns 'be tfree from overy impu ýaîion of eNrelesa'nese and hegleot. -r. Mothersil said thè_re vas ou very imaportant, malter* which had not jet beaun menlioned. On the represen taltions cf Ibis çonnci1 dnring'a umber cf jsenat, a guaranle. company bas assumed tbe responsibility cf ooouring lhe oounby againslils Tressurer. By reas :on cf ilher lases audiling,or fraad,. or, forgery, or.vhatever else wvo may piss e. ta blieve in tbe reason, tbis se. curi y nov finda iteoif called upon bt mà ke good a large snim of mnonoy. W. are ýnow Sppoinling a ivTreasurer and new auditoirs. W,l, ould Our cause have a good face upon i t A go *eeking for soourity for-.another Inrnas. rer, if wo are nov carelse about il and Te-appoint the same. auditorsP But how macoh vorse st i ii caur case b.- ivog eking secanity afler re.ap. j AFTERNOON SESSION. Met aI 2: 10. On ,motion cf 1fr. MoRse il vas or- pail members vho vent, home ovor -Mr. Taibîju gave notice cf & motion le, be'brolgbî-up où the fin'st day cf the Joue session, te have a icommnitto. look 9ven the, psy rol cf momben, eft Iis 0090911 b9efl e allwin; tise Treaeurer tW fork ever th. nboney. Berne iboma enuéondoreil ob b.paid andl Ibe. ecoucliadjoarnedl util tho final monday una Joue.. For tLe reÈ!ration of fadeil sud gray' bain to e sorîgiîiNi'olor sud iresneua, , Ayon'a Hair Vigar rslümaunivaleil. Tbis'i a lb. moat popalar sud valuablo eilprepara. lieu u î te' vonld ; ail *ho use'it are per- bel> siasfisd that it iha the beat. k Inicativýe of Ambition. TO JUiDGE A MA1,qSSSQULp LOOR .AT HIS Thisnature ota person cap lis teld by' hb. wvaj h. voatea lsoes et bisl'aise.. Try Lil sme day suds.» iflbth oilow_. iug doe nol prove cornet: Ever>' aioe, aften il buas itn venufer a znotb "Sunrres lb6 shape -vbich eorresponads te ie gtit a poeso. A sol, andi . Ibat ana badiy worm on lb . outsiqegs el yardtIheere*sindiôealè à vyps sioaste porion, Who l gen.riuy en-ý Ihuajaslhe, sd blievela t» pesfeinmipg bie.dulies.vury rapidiy,,. 8umh:.pun proceel up the ldretfuâmeb>jnpe tiiu he bigbeuî poailiens e lb. ro W ihoi#by foiiov. Not -wori.No a Pmpi î hy ing ici.mouey, they oulyoari foi gicry, M é?O OPIe n .î . mwliab at isnove sîifid.Sn bby,.ue year old. Badvlth Eczema. mo wreAlz 6dr the Greâaî Grant, Hair an gonb. Scalp eo-ered wlth Bonaarae an oters. Tbe Vey eruptions. Curcd b uiur.Hi *sidm cumulale, fortunes. An ven ,peddadnt ipeo l vore soie indicatas au ,sledidanRno ioimieonerl scnv'beOîlm:snup 1he ladder-cf famé CURED BYC TC RA Ãéyaolaccamalating a fortune. as -,CUT.C RA* he cim4. :uohmon become uïr mil. 1 c*annot sav enougb in praise of the Cuti- lionaires, bat are seldowh noteod'for their curaRemedies. Iy boy, when oneyearýofage val*uà *deda. 'Asoleof hiehthewas so, bad wîîb eczeina thathbaot alilbis va1cronsdeed~. soi cf hichthehair. His scalp was-covee iteutos teedibalvrnfenidoîs wbich the doctors said was scall-he,£d, and craokck o cher crim inal. -Thé, wo' thathis hair would, nover grow- agoin. De- condtionai te frewaî pat utcruspairing of a cure from physicians, 1 began the sColsison otsd bth e hoeat of -he use of the Cuticurit Remedies, and 1 amn happy sol ià caued y te bbit-ofsoftiy to.Say,ýwith -the most perfect succeas. His gli'i. hirsnw spiendidi and there is flt apimple .iiingfrein place b Place. on: their on him. 1 recommxnend the.Cuticura kemeuies tee A sole orn on ;he inside indi- te mothers . as the most speedy, edoonicai, cates 1a. persan >.vith very litli and sure cure for al ikin diseases. 'f infants eamUbl ai children, and fbel that every, mother who tien.: Snob a persan isoo0ntenîed.wtýaî. has an afflicted cbild wili thank me for go do- over bis.lot in-if. May ho, a od ho Cares 1î MB5 il.E. WOODSUM, very little Ior. tbe-.outaide worid. Norway, Ise., ho leade à very happy lifèe, ad raises al ee oeEght Y ars. large famujly. The imboren wbo narns Imusel extend.tb you the.thanikaof one of bis, dm11>' bread b>' the weat etfbis brow My custousers wbo bas. been cuied by using Poêssse th jAterq - lites.the Cuticura ,ieredies, of an old sore, caused blielattr qalibse.by a long speli of sickbess or foyer eilot years - ~ Iago. He was so bad ne was fearfuihe wuuld ALadys Chances cfMryîg 4~ave te bave bis leg amputatdd. but is happy of Narrying teoSaybheis, now enitir-ely well,=-Sound as. Evory woman bas a chance of f"catchingd1arýR requestr mn te use' bis namle -ah an"b ut$- s cocedd tat wbicb is RH.1H. Cason, marcbhant. ýBald' u 4i 0neddthtyoung JOHN V. 3IINOR, Druggist ladies betveen ltwenty-and twenty_ýve- Gainesboro, Tenn. yeas f ao remor ikey te draW the Woehavp been selling your Cuticura'Rine*- matrimnonial prizes. However il is not an dies for years, and bs»ve tbe flrstcomplaint unusualtbing ta hast. cf the Inarriage of a yeî to receive froni npurchaser. One'o! the lady who bas passed thé three-quarter, cen- worSt cases of ecrofula L ever eawwas cured by tury mark. Yet, how eau a wum an, weak,thf. TAYLOR & TAYLOR, die~rted eer ansd terme nted by dis- FrankforRan. ' ý"&ul" bu ur 86x$UPP6 au ucome A happy wife and mother ? 0f conrse abs cannol; *jet by the magie aid et. Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription, âal Ibese obstacles are swept sway. Auis povenlul, invigarat. sngtoaic, Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Presorip-, lion imparîs.streagth tbIhe vhobe system,'- and la the wamb -and ils appeadages, in partionlar. For nver-warked, wern-ouî, run-dowa, debilitated teachers, - fin era, dresa-mkeros, ehop.giris, house-keepers, nuaing mniellos, and foobis voon uýge ne- rally, et1.s1tthe greatest earîhiy boon, being uneqnaied as an appetizingoridial and re- storative tbaie. The, mcdus viveadi expires' aIbis week, sud the action> of, the governinont, is awaiied vitb considenabie intereet aI -Ottawa. f Pc!Pues! Itchlug piles, SvsrPo>s-Mislure; intense itcbing an stingeng; Most at aigbu ; verse by scratch- ing. ýi I llwod ta continue tumars *rus, which Oltea bloed sud 1ulceraîs, becominga, veryIoro. SWÂYNEZ'g OINxxsr stops' the itching - iid bieeding, heais ulceittion, sud in mosl case'remà oves the tumors. At ail drniggiseao by mail for' 50, cents. Dr.. Saynue &Son, lPhiladelphîa.-lO inas.« Tho offer cf protecstion b48 been declined -by tL. leader aiflte evangelislic worker s in. Hall. -People who read sud refieci,,after read- ing, upon the many.publishod. tessimoniaîs reganulîag Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Disoover>' and Dyspeptië Cure,, eau ecaîîeily laul te perçeive tbal evidence Boa'Positive ad concurrent.could nal be adduiced loýbe- hall ot a remnedyýeî doubtuî efrioicy. The facte preveh b>' snch evidenceý are that il recta cul impurilies of tLe blood. resboýres digestion, enriches the circulation, sud regulates lte bavels sudi-er Mr. Gog opeiand, the mKichant ril- 1er of Penînuse aBssed aWà y, aged 75. There is eomtfo rl i store for nnr4ous t rouabled with lame back, rheuinatic r.ins, corne or buuioas, who commence* viihoul delay, a course et Dr. Thomas Ecbscsric Oul, folwd s yseematijaliy nutil relipf le obtained.- Another detachnt- of lady mistionaries on route:ta China passed, Ibruugh Winnipeg aon -Saturda'. - To Our Subsc ez:s. - Tho SPECIAL ANNOQUNCEMENT Vbich, a ppearedin'luiurcoîrsinînesomne limà e since, annoug a opeciaj,.arrange- ment vith Dr. B. J. à Kondal Coc., cf Enosbarg Falte, V&-, pablieliers pf TÃoatise on thL. loçrse sudis eDiseûases" v; hereby car ensubcribers verseaabled te oblain ý oopy ofiliai, vaîniable vork FRIS» b> ':snding their adînees to B.,J. IKENDÂALT - Cc. (sudOticiosing, a tva- cent slamp fonrnmailing saine) is ne- neveil for alîMied pýenloil.,W.e t aHl vi* avai-tIhomislves cf thb.D'P- pontnil' cfcbbIning Ibis valial vcrk. Ta ever>"loverof tise- Horse il is indepensable, as iltireats in a simple MibnQeiýaI 'thédiseasea wvhich alliet Ibis noble animal. Ils phenomiwal sale. lbrcaghcuî tb. Uniteil States and Can- ada, make ilb standard -aulhority . Mon- lien Ibis .pa. ppn wben eeding for Mr-. Audrow Ccvie,a promnotineurtue broken af Q-nobfc, vas drowaoed on Saturdaj Outicura Resoülvent, The new Bloodand SkinPurifie r and-purest aud boit o! Iumor Rem edies, internaiîy, and Cuticura, îthe, reat 8kin Cure, aud- Cuticura Saap. an exquisite Skin BeaUti fier, sxternally, speedily, permauently aud 'eoonomicaily cure every disease and humor o! tbe 5kmf. scalp sud biood,'witb boss o! baîr. whetber itcbing, buru- sng,,scaiy, pimply, ecrofulons, or bereditary, wben ait other ismiedios fais. -9aid verywbere. Price, cuticura,75c; Soap,, 35c, lissolvent, 11.50. Prepared by-the Potier Drng aud Chemical Corporation, Boston. eJ-Send fd "Ho-wte Cure 5kinBissase, 64 pages, 50 illustratiôns,t and 100 testiïïïoniais', B B '5Skinansd Scalp preserved and Absoiuteiy pure. Every Muscle Aches.. SSharp Aches,, Duil Pains, .Strains, aud Weaknesses rslieved in ans minute by the. Cuticuraanti-pain 1ILleter. The Arst and'only iastantaneous- pain-kiiag Plastes. 30 cents. P. B.WARAM PAIN TER)' SI6tN;WBRI TE R, GLAZJER,- PAPER HANGER,ý KAL SOMINER, -ANe .Dcrtr Paper furn ished-from -5c.: a Roi -andliupwardfs, icide r s-from the country -prornptly attended to.*- BershreBoar!, The Isubecriber keeps for sers so at luhs farmni, lots là and 16i con. 7, EaetWbitby, nes.r Co- lumbue, a flret-clas rsgitersd Berksbire Boar.1 Firet prize at -Whitby Fai. Seèrvice, e1.00., THOS. PEREMAN, Jr, Columbus, Oct. 15tb, 1889-2mos. MONSY- TO LOAN. I bave any amionuit of nouey to ieud on good sesicurity, at Loweà tRates 'of Inteýrest. Apply.*eihébr personally-or by lIte.r. THEO0. A. McçGILLIVRAY, Office ao.ver-Hôowse's Drug Store, Whitby. H u .eDV. MTMH S 'LOZÉNGÈSALu and pleasant, equii lg no a tér n diWu.& faLen.Iansoe iL ad after effeis--. 7Fali,_188S9. The andersigt ed îe prepared to conduct SALES a REà AsolABLE,PRICÉS. Ar- rangements à .as ta date. aud -prce *.may «ho made witb Mr. Fo". of îLe Queens, fotei; Wbitby, in my absence. Letters sud tels- grarmi!ýwill-receive i mmediate7atIention. *.L. FAIRBANKS, Whitb, Aug 20,D'89. Auctioneer. -'A Neat Little lot, Fruit, >well veniencs; FOR AlEataN Apply toi-R. PLASKETT, on the -preniises,. Dundas St., east, Merchants, I Cthers haviný should beconr ctorl Dwelling, g9ood, and otiher con- Onre to MOE Te OrtLOA W. $...PRING0LE & oJ,l~ k; -- Notary Public,, Whitby. The White is King.. Il LEADS THE WORLD.~ Satisfactory in use, lennial Expoi,_(Cincinnati, 168 i Ls award.of the Silver Medal -for, the Besl Family Se.wiug Mcbiue. Also triumà pbant wiîh gaehorsai the- Exposition Uni- Mu G Y mih' i w ofic, btb. 'B EST SE WtIN G IM A CH IN E Whitby, April 131h, 1888 I 8-3mo. CHOICE TEAS and COFFEES. If yeu vautà aoi good, ur, r etreeBinig do yourseli sud thLe uadersigaed tIbe3l"avo"r of giving hie goodsa atrial. ieisBlack sud Gùapovder Teas are cf very - superiar qualil>', and ail gooda vsrnted. If asupies waated, drap hiai scsîd, or eaU at hie rosideace, Peri>' St., Wbllby' (juat sonîh of Major Hlarper's.), Al ondoe prcmptly aîtended ta. Yours tbrui>.', - BOSS JOHN8TON. FOR T-4E, î10iet K< AND 'Tc ailviseare suffering frei teerrora s.'~~ sud in*discretionsotb youIh, norvous weak- 'j1j &Lib. nèbs, eau>' deca>', loseai0tianhacil, &o., I - :., Beware if Ciunteiféità yull sead a recipe that vill cure you,__ EE 0F CHARGaE. Tisegreat-remel>' vWaa incoverei b>' a-a sà ianar>' ia Sents Amenios. Seuil a& eil.addrossod envelopo ýL',F ~i AY î LAMI tle. .Bo Jeempu T. Inukt;, S tation1 D,1ý .1. . .1 New. York Otsy. ~f# ( Major Wisamau's Ircope - uiEn t tnia M 0.5i are ta ha doubledl la Birut, And To Tnepoint. - Dyspopsia edful. Diaorde-ed- livor, jl. '~,eslIVbfe Th u r Indietion is aatue b geane 'tLe Mail compimbed, sud vender10l thingeN E B S E*8 . inIl eiaiypu utfoder Gresay food, tcugh food, sBoppy fod, bad. 50okeryv, montai van>', laIe heurs, irreguà lar- habits, sud m'an>other Ihinga visieh ought - The undersigued bas opened as Fainer's Deë- nc 'a betoI, have mail. 1h. Amenican 'People> pot in tise town cf Wbitby, sud for îLe present .utan cf dyspeptic.bas eagaged temperary' pi-Siises, Bat reeaa Auuat lover basdoue wo venlrtul vcrk ilu reocrming thî To oor N ît t osfffc business andl making tise. Amrnepople ýw u sNrhfPs fie 8o heaithY thaitishe>'can ýenjo>' Ibeir meale ail b. happy. w'tfrner a esupîi ih ail kind? Reember s-o lappinese vithout of 1 mplements and Machiner', .of tise ver>' isalti. ..Bul Green.Aga Foe bigo Lest nmakes in CanadIa. Maesey's Machinery ie îeaih su hapusee te 0dsppi. Ask sa0 weRl moUn as. te need do fu-tiser recoin' rosir 4rgiîf~ boîtie. eetyfv cetue, jSvet'-i enndation. Bugearesdute ie 4pastrust lé enfrmdn6ray McLaughlin's Bgis at ieCer h oavanco P ies. Lest lu tise mai-ket. Tise "ChatisaV'eWagon. - - Watsoaa ROol licers and Pulpers.. GrimsbLy Swinmag Nagas.Sulky Plows sud Waing'Puwe, made hy the [ su easy va>' ta end, lite, sud enff.ring Lest.Pla Itaher l a sad3a.expreeely icir-the i-dyspepsie te exist le an easy te mmke ilt Masse>'Cc. Cutting Boxes of-îLe'Lest usako's aioai.Tskig B. -B. B - si- é 1 ji I j is' e or4ypepsu ansd fà noer 'talla tp u ieeso555 tonoughly toue sd atrongiben Ibe enline j-1IinvIite farmers te corne and oece me Syson a l. ais ima nd get prz-c in alî ..the above tin-es van "u rd s anjo*l. F n b l- befo,re Pwrchaiing elew here, a nd ~ o very caseégtar.Ie Perflect satisfac- DR. .LOW'S WORM-*gyRtjp will ton or ne sale. remlove WrandlCne u0e tha llyohrMdjje JOHN BURNR In-the World. Tbe expeits -of Europe sud and Anse-rica pronounce il Lest ot ah. Scientiflo demoustraîhon. of its aloi-ifs Coclusivo evidence ottsuZp.eriority" The-moat simple, the usosi durabie sud * ighîset1running.se-wiug machine iu tLe- v o rl d . -B o y n o otb er. The above Sewipsg Machine is solId by n2e CHEP, e]verd fesof charge, sud fmrl inaîrucîlionie given. As 1 do -nol peddle- machines. I give the purchaser the #dvan- lage ai tb*e a viug. Needles, 011, etc.,'fu sale. ()d masobissos repaîued LFAIRBANKS, Offi~ sud Gênerai Agent, âfieadResideuce, Dundas St. - W hitby, O i xi 20 "GIRLS' WANTED. Twenty smart girls 1Waated aI the Em- .pire Wabilen Mille, Coh1 us, ta Weave Or KýaziN- bjectiuo 11 erers Good, Apply atthe Mille te; SN & r TORO0NTûO STEAM TALR SONS&. cHIRTSCOLLAEI CoIumbns,:JuueîG12 889-27ff. i t- CUFFSÂASPE ai Low Appraiser for the Canada Losn asr( S Ca., -and agent for the Westerin Assu Co. OFFICE-Over Gerrîe's Biock, Wý HT YNDA THIlBY, -A %VE.STEEN BANK Whtbv, Nov. 7thb1882. FOIR SAl -IN TIIE TOWN 0,, F WH Large Solii rc eie wall-s. Tea good sized rooms. Iacbed. :RSlf acre of igudI and tj fruit trees. Both bard aud Keys*may be had trous May' premisea iMayv he iu;pècted anY session at, once. AppI>' to eitha ton or J. Rlamer Greeuwopt3 Wl NAT HA Nj* ILLET 9Pu PI'RIEST, STRONCEST, l e d 3 o U e i i u y q u a i t niakîgS'alSre.gWa fotnand a hiundredo(1 A.euoîas20 poliadaS ll Sui b ssi rocraand Dr- The New Bakery. ' G 'T. -E. ROBiNSON, Brock St., bas. now *.. guI Lis Ne-w Baker>' IbaroughI gi>'g ansd cusioers eau lié aupplisd ithilsthLe fineet quaît >' of B read, C a k#es ad l C o teci on ' , and in a few days a -wagonu Wi11 Le ou the I rosil suad customere lieaving their oruers sible. - nIeverei DUNN'S -FURNIl BKINO DW1G ti PODER THE 0 C KS BET FRIENO At Prices that WHOLE.SALE AN RETAIL Lumbr' - erchant, La-th Sh.ingles, -ce ar Poas Siab andHardood. BiBuff, pine an- eîcicut te Offie O~oait MidandStation, - DunaI.St.,Wfitby.- C o ne 10.?. SH.~ O3~ sa OM s ýOOM )ROOM K lTC One, Come, ail, ai foi Yusîe UNDERTA~ING CL.A~S IIUR~ .LlIthing Elbih Wblb ) ffie bauna troi 1 Stot>o 6 r'. m. 1TercByron St; Merchants' PrQ.te AND COLLECTIN( Act-SOC IATII HEAD OiFICE: AIT By whicb thousande of, bave been collected, tha nul have been. got inai) wçay. If you bave a lot of counts, write la Head 01 testimoniale, Orseendýyour wben you wiil b. calied u the" agent-Wbo, wiîl furu particulars;: or full pai oaan be bad by callinga CEURONICLE Office. S MILLS & -0 L:ly. Hamilli Conoueror 'of, - dýn*nlipr'hr.q- f ý Generai 1 1 l BAD Di ýT H IE 1 1