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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1890, p. 7

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p The Saf"est cld arealike beneflted by its use. For the _eruptive dis..' eases peculiar. to - ~ chlldren 'lothing -. *fles so.eftective as., tis rmodiciueft while !ta agrees.. bic flavor, shakos * ~ it easy toadmin-' liad large scrofti-, tous' ulcers on- hie' xxçxckand ibroat from which ho Suffered terribiy. TË,o -phy -ian ,11eiided 1dm, but hoe grew-Continually m re ier thieir care, and everybody Xpvvitedl lie would die. I hadrd of lhcx eus-arkable cures effected.hy Ayer's ýarséapariîîa, and decîded te- have. my 1oY til-y it. Shiortly after lie began to tiiitv thiue niedicine, the ulcers, coeme- xnîcdbealing, sud,,aiter using serrerai Intelie was, entirery cured. - le is 10w cas heaithiy and étrong aM any boy. q4!Ibis age."- William F. Doughertyp, flaiiupto-n, Va. "'In May last, m~ youngest child, 1Ittrteen months od,Lg an to have' sores jzather on is heai soi body.ý We ap- j lied varions simnple >remedîes >withoui avail. The soreà increased lu number -.Ikd isoeharged Copiously. A physician was calied, but the -soree, continued te rultxpflviuntil lu a. !ew inonths they -ear1iv covered the child's heai and bo<y. ý . 1 8 'w e begau theUlse of' yer'a - Sar- sýajussîla. Iu 'a f(w ay a rked i<liange for the better was suaniest. *The. sorêxs aassmcd (la rnbre hs;althy condition, flic disceburges were gradxxaliy dixin- 'heland flnaily ceased altôgetlier. 'l'lie childis laiveier, its akiu i lxfreshier, ..tnd l i,,appetitcbetter than wve Lave ob. t, ~d-or lnb"Frn.M.(ifa Long ruant, Tx.,. -'The formula of Ayer's Sarsaparill 's-esents, for ch:ronbc diseases oni alîitl -very kini,, the beat' remnedv> known -t ie' suiedical worl.'y- D. M. Wilsoi M., D., ~ g 'Arkansas.' t Ayer,s Sarsaprila.,1 raurzFAI» n Or, 'J. C. Ayer & C.5LewéI',, Mass. Frice. six irboItles. $5. Worth t5 a hotIe.ý Acertain publie man, one 0 f th e. o TiO citizens Who has guideýj 'the do Iies of the place ince iLs village day Ps ho has worn the. smre hat ft renty hree. yeare. It bas corne ihl hinnineteen différent imes oint Id e. 's, te le BSditous areie hurnstnsd' tierefone ke mistakes, but the more buinan By are tise botter editore Lboy make. is probable tlieiu m'istakos are ne ,ro.commen ou grievougs thè ise tise lawyei ou mouchant, but tise lui. cf editoriel vouk' ie sucS -tisai mietakés canne more be- conceaisd un -a heuoion.aman'e, u6se. Tise .nis os cf au aditer stand, eut conepicu- ly bel oie tge publicO, sud ,ne man. la humble tbat -ha" canue't critipie ni, No body, not familia vus tise ide of a uéwspsper office, bas any. a cf Lhijdicial inauctions au editor, Mi ai &Hltimnes exorcise. mnaIl birstîabout the aizeocf robins'- amuenly kuown as, gnosîbeak .are iing tbis district Ibis viatar in large uSber.. Tisa * irds'- altisôugb *mot amgers iu Ontarieo'are by ne Means amou sud thée nilduýess c, f thé atser thi. wiutor is, neý doubt, tise tec! ofbeir. appearanca. Observera le tisaitbohY est nothing but mul-1 ries, sltbcugb the * Suds ibomselves touud'excellent aating. Tisa maIe 1 nn pa.rios: :r sble. hb'is mate attractive: roddish hue,. wviile tise1 aie hie tise appearan ce o! a dusty1 y. Thoiisaaks are 'cf au anermoes ),ad cover tbe.entiré front cf. thoiir A partî of Arnerican capitaliste ar- rived in town Tugeday for Lb.h, p urpose of 1nspecting thol je. on Lakce Cou'chich-: ing and 11.1 adaptability for -market. They exarnined orne cf that getL àut by Mr. 'J. J. 9latley, Who obligingly < had several samples bjronght np for their inspection. They vil seleet cither Barrie or Oillia as their baau. cf opera- tion. Thse ice in Kernpenfldt/Baylis only six luches deep, but is aIl oid ice, whereas Orillia tee 15 inches thiok, but mmd "planing," the upper part cf iL bmlîng eow e.. Mr. Hatley laye lhey will in ail probability décide,,upen Oillis, aud wyul create a. bfg boýrn if they corne. They .have steam £appli.' anses fer ctting, will ýwrk day and m#ght withont cessation',will employ .50 or 60 teammsud smre hundred cf me'n. IL takes à lot off tee t supply Uncole Sam durug tLise bot weather, and. it 'i 1ho fervent prayer cf' Orillians. that tJouchtchiug wyul contribute is shiar."- rimes. The weaknes and debility which reeult.s roa ilUese may b. speedily evercorne by ho usne et Ayer's Sarsaparilia. This le a afe,but powerful tonie, aagiets digestioni oguhae the liver and kidný1ys, aud cican- ou the blood of al gormeof disease. * ,BUOOKI.N. lu the item refsrring Le' Bey. Mr. Àeei's Sundiay surmonu, 1û, ast weeki réokliu loUter read duhoneet" for "4eau,. iest." IL loeked souieWbat et range te se a man of Mr. Leeche's standing, re-' rted as hsving preaehed an "honeat" oimoa. 'Exerybedy knows tisat that tise Iind alil the Irooklin minloters (asiter Wrn. Cartes wvise ls e en Y sick witb typJheid fever -for s nurn - Vhe Canadissi Library Association. Seslablisbed a brànohIs ibrr bore' à~ Mr. D. W. Macdonald ai isbraisu a branoi stcarts witb. forty' mubserub- sul sikty volumes. New members héb necoed ai amy lime. Tise rubersbip f.. is #1.50. 'This pays tisé prlvdpgem of the lbrary: for îwo s.This sobeme for gettiug gcd ding abould b. agl aenht"f boly io"enend oi& An effort is being made et' art nov paper in Cauningiton, oeatisat vill be cen&uctod as a navepaper ahouli. be tvo! IfthSbi sissricîlyliaepen- dont. Thiat thie te tise intention te vers apparent. froin the tact tisaI soea cf tise censérvatives cf ise .village,: are taici a prominont part in tise premeo- cf tise 'sohémé. Our paylàare 'begiuning. Le rocognize .tise act thal Our intés-sîts asue tee olosely ý-allied La admit cf beisg >4ivided. by' petty littho party prejudca. Tise cas' would ho 8s-meviesat differeut, if wa h'ad a popu- lation c! four ior' fivethoussud., We migist:tison be Streug OURg. te' pull tise*party vires both ways, sud bence run tve selitîàal organle. But even thon vo faîl ta ses boy Lise local n.evs: pa per Lisat adhèeres eoelytethe party linos, cau vield. mueS influence, as a iregulater o!fusatteus in -goneral pouLain- iug.,t te a eil beinx e! al classes, in tisa commruuity. 1We like tise aid Ch rouicle'e 'tatie, kee p.eut c! tise. nar- zov party greavea, sud ho able in -con- sëeoe Le trike eut boldly fions Lise eheulder viseraver -abusas demsandi-iL, ne maLter visather thoy parLaS. o! tise naîpie cf tise political.: theo-social. cr tise moral èlensent;* We ara unable as yet; eta tate visat tise succee of!-thea mqvement is hikaly te bo, tbougb va are Lold %bat a subscriptîon lust o! b. Lvsen ýthre sund. four hunilièd bas al- îeady. boon obtaiued, as Lise resuît.o! a couple cf daym canvas. Judging !rom this report,9wevoÃ"ven say that pros- pects ara g09d. We, bad occasion a wook *'ago te -cuti.- cize t.hrcug heisaHoNICLE,'tise Brook Agrionlturai Seciety's method cf psying off Lhéiai prizo vinnors. This us maL- toi tisat shouli have -beau ventilated: tbrougistise pros-leng ago, but nfôr- tunately va have-ot 9s paper In tii localityLisat bas back-isene ýeneugb' te staànd upfo.Iô--tisaright of enurcitizens., Thbey vonld ratiser allov anà affair -o! Lit kind te pase by punoticed, tiss-un Lise rieS c f stiuring Up, s hittle opposi- tien.- Thse Gleaner took 'tise. liberty te .eopy oui articole fions'tisé. R09XLE sud vas boneet anongis tu credit iLtet' ber correspondent. sddtng tisa viole. îornecomment. "He-don'i lihé il," sud tisereby vould -léad tisé people te 'sup- poe Lb. Glesnér.deî ike il, and, won'ld tirefore ho quit. villing tée nclàuuage tht. îyqteo f cbtaiiug rney un der false pretenee. -The Board o! Direcîcus of C. M. I have :about cernploted'arne nt witis the, Fisk Jubilee Singers for au an- te*rtaiftient te bo given :in> tiséTôývu Hallou Monday nigbt Fab. 17this. Tisa Baciselor's Bal visicis is te0 coine off on tise nigisi of Lue l4iis, promises te be eue o! tise oants cf tia season. Tisé Town Hall bas. beau secured taou tise occasion, sud praparationi are * be-' iujg mmd. 'on a a isge, aale. isbys Inean ta do tisingé up in edsye Tiser. i. netiig mail. about Lise baeh'- elors butthoir vives, Du. lart bas hie nov bouso about. ready fourneoving lInt. ýH. bas sou', tb. bouse ho la about -te vacato te Sie panai, Du. Binghams.- Wisst's tho mialter- witS sdvertising Bovmauvihlae as asésmi-tuepical vinter resot'? WiLb sonsep~f tho tisesb'ud- ding iu Jauuary, 'mosquitoos' fiying, at. lauge'in docollotte costume, Lisundor igorms in February, sud lts o! matouial oujnor isealtb-seekors te make mud pies frein, vo sbouldlike o LosW 4Isat- furtiscu qualifications sue requisite. Tise evu< concîl sbould geL oue a descrip. tiva 'pamipit at once. Soute of Our localesports bave been 'oading up' eîniîhology, with spocial' efarene té Archo.e i, -sud on Mon- Lay lasi.we.nt forth vith guns sud arn- munition té capture euee oftiste nocttuu. aI tde Baoetsado!'iaay t r I d r a 12 j' a h b p Tise enly -madicinas .sou hbY druggiets, àunder a positive guarante froiu their mianufacinrers, tisaitisey vill do jusi visai us ciaimai for theii-that le, benafit or curae in ail cases o! diseases -for visicis they are- recommended. or thse money pald for tisam vilii hapromptly refuudad-areè Dr. Pierce&s world -farned - peutlcsamanufaturai by. -World's Dipensary Medical Assocation, o! Buffalo. -Y. '-I Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical*l)Diecos-ery cures aIldiSseàsss arising front a terpixi or derangedlilver, or' froxu impure blood, as Dyspepsia, or'- Indigestion, - Pimplas, Blotchas. Éruptions, Sat-rhauni, .TaLler, ErysipalRs, and, Scrofutous ýSores snd Swellings.- Consoimption, or Lung--scrof- ula. iSeaise curad iry Iis vondarful ,rein- ,edy, if taken lu lia. e.. - Dr. Pierce's FavoriteF Prescription is tise worl'd-famned remedy for ail thosa chronie veaknesses and dstressing' derangemaents so0 comns[tén American voman.,Stis a-a mcort potent, iuvigoratiurg, restorative ton- le rstrenglis-giver,, irpartiug -toueansd 'via.- titae isole syâtaxu. As aseoothing n'tevine itlal unequaled. Sea guairaittee- prii td on tise. bettla-wrapper sud faith- fully carriai out for many year. Copyright., 1888, by WOaLI r&nsDs.Mz». Âss'x.li fran Incurable cmseof Catarrh lni the ead by he prpietore cDr. Sages (Jtarrh Remdy.By ts ild eothlg ad heai- ing proper-ties, iîtcures the worst cases, no matter af how long sotanding. By-qrug. gisti4, 50 cents. Cern sowing leaprocees condËcted ýby hfai cyo tiglit boots ail1 the year round. Cornreap. ing je best conducted through the agency Of Putnazn's Painlées Corn Extractor, the only safe aud sure pop Co rn cure. Putnam's Extractor je Do*v widely imitàted. Beware of ail poisonougs sud.sore producing substi. tutes. The passage of the lottery bill by the Dakota legielat ure. has, created great excitt,.. ment throughout th %t State.. Thoe. Sabin, of Egiington,ýasys: "I have removed ton corne -froxu My -foot .with Hoilo0way's Corn Onre.." Readerg to and do iikewiee.91eto A Huangarian blan of 50,000,00 m rn .was awarded ta the. Rothechilde Of Frankc- fort.- *H. A. MLuhiNrad rts:" amn soid ont of Northrop & Lymxan,,§ Vege-. tabl Dicove ansd Dyspeptic. Cure. lt seëlle* welli, sd I find, in ever-y insitan.ceit lias ro'wn satlsfactorY. I have reaeon to beixe it the beet preparation.. of rthe kiud in the market. It crres drspepsia,' billiaus- nées and tcirpidity of the lîver, consipation and al -diseases arieing fron i mpure. biood, female compiaints, etc. The municipal auihioridies of, Oporto have decided to subacribe tO the fuud -for nation- al lietence. F. Burrowà, of Wilkeeport, writee .thlat bhe was cured of a very uangenoue, case of inflammnationoOf the lunge, 01el by the use Of five bo ties of Dr. 'Thomas' ceti u Feels great pleasure in reeomrnendfing it te ,public, ae ho had proved.it for rnany of the "s&ses iL mentions te cure) th'rough hiii frieuds, -aud in ueariy every instance iL was, effectuai. Chidren"Cry for Laiýt Tisuredy, iht a làkel~m pnY 'o!frMende cf Mr. aud Msj. J as. *Çousgàs ahembled a& their * residenes,. ona th e " ' enth-eonc«eioapto give thern a farewill party, tbey having decid.bd te Lno.e t. th. Western part -lf- the -prô'V* il6.DrIng tise evenin g Mus. Cousinsi vas mnade tihe -recipient of &hWadme astra4haâjaciket, and an -àddress wa> îead a'ïpressing-regret àt their depar- ture frorn -thse eommàun ity'and' guod wiies for their future. AfiÛer. ibis, Mr.ý W. Oalvetlv, Whe vas presont wvus hie. violin, ethaîted up ýthe ýmuejo aud danc- ing vas indulged in MIiia auirY heur taterorniug.-.Mr. Cousine is goinig iînýto the tel business In Russeldale, Perths oouâty, and* will. remove t fhere with, hie farnily in about .two -weeks. Mr. Jolui'Robsenbisas beo în - SaLen- d"aueaLLie grand cuncil o! ise bos- e n Fileudà, in Toreuio, as the ýroproseui tative*-cf Brooklilu oil.; Tisepciai revival servicesi ià the Methodiet ohurch are stililu progres. During the . weehthe ý hearte of 'thse workesbave been. réjoiced in seein g seuls ceuverted. Last Suday night, th0e pastor aneoued tisatiehowàihd iL distixstly.un derstood thaL ihese reet. ingo arc net being held Lo brine people, jute the-Methediet church particuliuly, but ,fer, the oeo greaf purposo cof saving Lhe peopié> irons their oins, ibn'ilaahearty invitation vas agivers Le Chrie"tians cf ail. denernin4tieste coeeout and hohp te make, the meeting -a * ucces. Thiei broad spirit cf oleration is becorng more neticeable in Lb. ieadinq cburches cf oui couns-y: oves-y year,. sud Le :the large msjeuity ef people iL is very. ac- ceptable.. >True, thora are in every cburob a few narrow-rninded bigots whoî are.eorry tb sea the eld sotàau linos departed frorn, but they are 'daily de- creasiug in number. ' -WhsLat 'grand thiug it will befor Lise cause oftrue re-. liLyion visen,,-ail christians - viii vers unitcdhy for the advsnceentof Chrisît'e Kînudern I Sucliis-ethe writer'a -opinion wbetbeuil Whe read these lunes-tbiiuk se or net. Ma -a.C. C. RsCR.1Iu &Ca Dec-r Sir-s :-I took a severa cola in Febru- ary lasi visicis settlei in MY back and kid- noya. causing excruciaîiug pain. ',Allai ha- ing. vithout sleep four nigrnte, Ibrongis in-,. teanse snfering I 1tried 'yaur -MINZARD'S- LINIMENT. Allertise firet applicatîjo' vas sego uuch relievai thtia I feu inoa d l siaep, snd cemp lete recovery shortly fallov. ea. -Joxea' S. bhcLEoD. Lawrencetova. 1ThLe gantilas now conîroôl p oliticel miat ière Sgreater inlereat tisa evr_ usL siTe country, !ami Persans vies ng e. ' m- pva hihaîr mamory abould seni fo.r his iprospectus frée as 'avr in another 1 An iuquest lias iseen orderýqiuto tisaAn-.- castor luyslery. -Minas-d'S Liniment Lunbor-mau's Friond. An Euglish syndicatýenov ovus -nearly aU the starcs factories in.tthe Uniteai tates Engilis SÉpavin Liniment, ramovas al Hard,'* SoIt or Callausai Luxàps sud Blens- isises ftra herses, -BIbod' Spavin, Ourbe, Splilts, Swaeney, Ring-boue, Stifies, SPiaine, &Il Svolieu'Tiroat, Cougis etc. Save '$50 by-use o! one bottie. Warrantai. Saidisy J. e.'Wilii,'Druiggiet, Whitby.-49 A two-lhirds iutereat un ForepauRh's cir- cueaaqbeau sôh te auEnglieli syndiçata. -Au Iuteréstlng Report. Thnllani Revenue Deparîmeut lias re- cejstiy isàuai a bulletin oet about. 30 pages, whicis ledevaîed uéxclusively to.e iseubjeet. o! bakiug povier, sud vhioli- shovs tisat îlie-rajortuy oe-thtie goodalun tisa market are. adulteratai and unfi foi use. Prof. A. Mo- GIi vIe has&liai charge oftLhis -important 2erà for the Goverumnent, asays, thatu <'irn- -pariai bakiug Povier lu au, excelent-pev- der. . A word tte ieesible * iousokeeper sisould. ho asuffiiçnt. - Lard Salisbury coutinues te regain hie i e a l t i .' Censumptlon Burely, Cured; Please inforin your'rosders Lisat I have a poiie ledy fou Lise aboye a umaidis.' ease. B iLts timnely use thouaude et hope- la asas h1ave beauri natseutity curai,: I sisal ho giai 'te oud two botlas, o! ý my ra- rnedyiraz Lo auy.et youi roada h tehave ceusumuption if tisoy viii cud me Liseir Ex., RelPoctfulya-IrT.A. SLOCUM,ý 164 Wast1Ade1aida et., Torouto, -Ont. Cardinal Poccoi diei at Rame' on Sa(urday, - Ha vas 82, yaars ot age. - -'H@pw teo Cure Ail Skia Diseasosa" Sirnply apply ".S'WksrEa'sOINTP£.aT." No internai medielue requirai. Curas tettai,' aizemna, uis, al éruptious "cii Lise ace, bande,1 nase, &c., leaviug tiese k' elear, white sud hoailihy. - Its grea.'Iliel u curative pavais are possessaid by -neô otlier. remedy. Aek your druggists foi S.w.ÂYNx ' Gen..Siserînsu vas 70 yaara-old 'on Sâtur-, Mothor-Graveas' WormExierîninstor lias: n equal, for detroyinng Wvemin uchid -en sud adulte.. Seatisat you geL the 'geuusîna vison puîehasiug. Pire Dffstibyed -thé famou alace et' Navaî-re, on the Rue-de Sei-no, 'FOR'NET2'LE I8H, Itclting 'Pilesf, Ring-worm, Erssptions, a" ial phur xSoaP.* -Mi Taillon *on hie libelsuit agaiust La Patrie ef M etre ai. - NATIONAL. PILLS purify the Elood, lreju"lie tomach, Liver. an d Bpowe..* ' ' Pitcherle Castorla. 'acur, on saturdav laget, vas argely at- iteuded. JarualiainLodge, No. «31, A. i. f . 9. cf -Whioh deoeasid Wan a meberai charge c f thé, obsequies., Beids hélocal Maeonp iu the proces- sion vé notiomdi a*erýai members cf tise orqfL frorn uneighheuing,to wns sud villi- sigeo. *Tihe Bey. B.. D.Fraser offieiated. Thse chief mourners vée CiefJusic Arneur, Cobouug E.D . Armour, To- renté, aud S. J. ArMour, Mon»tres!. athse News scuibbier v_ as ind as- trioely rna.nfstariug local ýnws *on Taesday evening ha was annoyeèd ,by à Mosquito which perched, upon - yo' re- portor's chassie nese -aud b*gan pro- sectingfüu gôeo. Tise littho pet for- feitodiLs Ilifo, d te ining zeal, 1île un- tinsely existen«oe. baiug brought Lo an, oui by ajab.of ourfiu;gr.lIftheo es- quiteo ie.geiug te' begin operations Mais arly bu the season, lite witl have ra- ceivai an added btarden-the lest etraw Wbiieh vili rouler ýezi2eos ubearab!e. With the reigu of Lise man o! the. tax- bill ezIeuded forward, lsud Lhe pr«s.- pecting seasen o! t.he usosquito billax-, Andai backward, tise. hanan viellim - rnay as weli cispitul.ate ai. once. But. why dii vo not spitte thai. 'ekeeter ?q Ro mi gbt have. taken la grippe, sund passed il ou teits poeteriity, ta tise.utter .extènintiouof tise, race. Frein tha Posîraeter Geueral'e Re- port fer the yaar, ending 30ts cf Jane lest, We. cali tise folloWiog figures, of intereet localy :--The grôssý re venue O! thse -Bowmau-ville post zoffice or lise year vWas $4,897.24; #1,348 mnoney or- dors vère issued, te tise axuonut of $13,- 792.65, ou wiih the publio-a su#122-. Ol commtission ; smonut of Msooey 'or- doys psidt, J12,560.27. Tise peeist-ý or' saelary IF? insie uip as fHw Salary-proapor, 81,36ô; eforwa-d aîlow- suces, $160;- mon .ey ord.er compensa- tion, $.39.46-total, $1,559A46, frein whioh mnuet hab dedncted psy ment of office help.- For--rent, fa, 1 sad ligbL', the postosastier was ajibuwed: 0240., By way cf compas-isbn, vo give the figuras relati'ng to1e -'eor 1tyvo ueighbýoriug tovu.. unOshawa thé rpveýnecf 15e peet~~ ofcvs 5,448-141; saiaryrý ail told 6162802.W.hitbv--Prois rev.-naè 84,764.35 ; salary, #1,1692 43ý We alie Rive the fleures ,for HEmmpton-v-os- re#venue, $442,17;.: saaryv. I-$13U2; saisry, 6$566.34 ; Oroù.--roé;s revenue, 61,122.47; Bakuary,- 6424.04. Tisa Re- part j i8 .ýfjueî-t Ueï cxci iug litera- ,tre as thse S am[)l e g i ÇIu, sitnd to uoadi il ,Woid-make on-- aias ' bue as tise orr thodox cover which encloses Piî.328 ýpages ô, clo)Se y pac«ked usinas sund flg-' SIPOOLk STEEL-INiED-TkUNKS in uSaupie, zLa'and F or I-lan d év;ui., l ~ ~~ Nor sllne L c Afl e orte Wr aud elegantly furnished Iotels Ini the * C i t y . . . c n m a t b u f r 4 0 O ge0 e i$2 te $3a Pei day. Y n, ManagerI PE~fl~ DOUNION sieiÂt II t aa, I COMPANY. J. PALMER& SOit i anufdacturers of Wvholesale ýImp'trs of D R U G GIST S' S UfD R IE S A B S O r B L O R 174 NOTRE ÀM ST., t a e P c i g MONTREAL F RI1CT 10 .N s o i, ~ j PULEY JÂRU TH EIS BIFRýLNDUE. Manila, lHE GREAT NflW& L *iiENGTH- IVER 5. sZES AIPERFECT, FOODi e.j WEIGMTRUbITIOUSbEVERAG I ' lIerosulgîS A:POWERFUL Kils :Potnel, INVIGORATOR W. 'E. YARNOLDD."L. S Co UNTY s URVEYOR anad DRAINAGE ENGINEER, PORT PERRIZW LIVER Y.,and SALE 8AB-LESP BROOK STBRET,WHITBY. GooRigandG(ood:Horiae. Terme re- sonable. 19 SBBBTBBROS ._Surgeoqn Dentist, Office and roo.ms atDri. J3og-arts rosi.- denée, Brook Street, Whiitby. - JOHNOFAIIQUHA R8ON,. >General Insurance Agent. Phonix Fie mflce, London, Eng.'l ire Inurance Association, London, Eng. itizn's Inur&nce Conpany,, Montre ai. Quebec Pire Assurance Company, Quebe. .Mtna vire Insurance Company, Hartford London, Lancashire Lu e, London, E ng., Lndon Guarant.ee'&Acident Co., England. Hamiton Provident & Loan.soy.larilton. OFFIcJ.-POST-OFF1EWHITBY. 690D OIRSES. NE51W RIGS. LIVERY- and SAL'É STABLES, ]DUNDAà S-S., WHITBY. FIRST -OLASS, TtYRN-OTJTS F u sh e d o n S o t s o l a pli£Rmoie . * NIHOET DELING. j :WE5TvÂBD. Ne. 4.D aiiy Mail...ý .l.r No. 8, Local, exce pt Sund yj..50a.m N o. 6, Daily, except -Mondaye..-- 10.07a..rn N e.14 Mized., except Sund-aye....85 p-n 'Né. 2, 'Mail, exceept Sundsys.8..ý.55 P. rn Na. 1, Daily elÈcopt Sunisys, Mail 8.12 a. irm eio. 5, Ilaily, exixept SnInda&Y.- -.-10,'07 a. ms No 3"mixed, exýcept Sundsys 2 55 P. su Na. 7," Local, except Sunisys. 6.42 P. sm Ne. 8, Mail, daily, exCept Spndays 9.52p.s MID LAND. DIVISION. GaINe ORU.-àb &DSTATIONe Mail.. ........5a CiYMING 5OUTB. Mixed....................O4 m Mal...12..... HARRY KEEBLE, 5WAT--iMROOM S. 0CGOOD TA BL E -StabZingfor l0O-B'erea 0. JOHNSONP -LUMàBER MEIRÇHANT, w H 1T BY, Hal; enhandk large suppiy'of all kind af'House and Barn Lumber, Tiiuber ati BiB* Stuif a spacialty, aither î>taii -o-r b esr boai. Deors, Sashand BIinde onàha r- or maie ta ader. E4 z lm 0'g Pi - 4 C-MF 02 -o. z < 1- ~ -~E~3 ELT .01-c= .\) xahc-c> O 14" ttxîk12i jtpui, î,ntri Wl c=wî O rxo"olaî hxxi tx sivtl;ît 5 supa è, t o sn in Cna a r nsx --,; PRICE FIVE CENTSý BFR'r, 0.-ides. WILL CURE OR REÉ BILIOIJSNESS .Di-ZZNvE DYSPEPSA ' [R3psy; INDIGESTM, - LUTLifEý JAUNDICE, G F i ERYSIPELAS, .ACIiiTY SALT ýRKEUM, *'TPt HEARTBURN, *DRINESS -HEAIOACHE, --O "F And evet-y species ef lisez frm disoi'dered LIT'ER, . STOMA Cil, -Bo WELS OR? T. MILBURN& COP., i t I - -e--- - -- *.Tbe ]*omt S;îcessftil emeds'e erud, as St 1. c. ýrtair in its ctitturts asý neOt bliSte-r. Reud pro(,f belon-, Kâe;-DýALLI' SSPAViN OFIEop? C'nARy.Ia A- Ses C E-,Vrl-ASODLAY AND RTLçBRs .I-ENDAILL Co. .-rSr- 1haVe alwsYS- purchït.-exi :1!s .Spavin Gure 'by the'. a i zen -is"ftu bst inmetoneaîrth. I Sav invsatablec or ti îrce yenrs. Yurse truly>, Ca. h HDLL'S $P uI BRO 'ORLYN, Nl. Y., Nvme *),-,r Sa 1 eSire 'ta giVe yents!lxx, fz'Iix r Lnoîe S, smr Jt Spvnedthave folixuxl iaure u allyru uxxron Stto Slihjonae'asn.. Qars truly. A. IL.(t Maniager Troy Laundr',, -DALL'S SPAVIR li SAST, WINTioxe Couxeru, nbo, Dec-. C4ients: I feel l ax duty to env what.1I t n-ltb your Kendall,s Sp)aviui' Cure. 1 ia t%%w--ntY.flve herses that lbaC Spa',-S Siacea.e fany klInd.' -T ni - ruy, Aensss- ri KEENDALL'S.SPAVIN C1 Price $1 per bottie, or six bottles for e..A e.i>tl have Il;er can.get It for you. or irwil nany address on rocelpt off 'rît e hy iv l DR..B. B. IJ. KENDALL Co., Eao,5r,b hFý !)LD~ BY ALL DIRULG Ca~tand Traie Marks obtasue ail Patent-bqsinelsc0 d uctiad for-à .RATE. FERBS.- OUR OFFICE S IPOSITE U' ,TENT.OFFICE - - Wo have ne euh-a@ ail business direct, banico cao 'transa tant busifiess is los ime 'and, at COST than those rern9te fromu Wash: Senid model, drawing, or Photo,'wi Becriptian. We aivise, if patentahle, rea ai charge. Our tees net .oe till ssecured. A book, ' "11ev-teohtain' Patents, roerence te actual clieýnte in youx .County, or Town, Sent free * Add.regi,C. A. SNÃ"W k'0 Opposite Patent Office, WaShigtoi C.OMMERQIAL HOI Would'Nbt bo Without'It. * B.W.have useed your' HaayirdsÉ tJ Pctoal xlamn fer severe couglis and' 'coide and can roconmmeniit t e ho ust what il ie represeiîed se ha. We wauld net ha vitisont il, -I'l. sA.BîNÈ Emparer William delivered' inadrst. th e cidets of L ic lterfelde .nili a 'r sc oo Ro Yieldod te Persuasin. TJOR years I suiff ered fram'. dyspepsia- in FI2 it oret forme, sud atter tryjue ail moans in mv paver te ne 1 purpése, friands persuaIdai me ta try BB. B., visicl I dii, alid aller using.fivo botties I w .as complote- ly cured."Nai MNua Leiti,' Ont.. Mollie Maguires are again active in Pen- Thse Candid Trutis. T USED Hagvard'e Yeilov Ol Ithis vint- r forlote- s firet tinte toi. croup .and I rnust Bay I find no better remedy for ià. MiNmE aRms, Liverp'ool'Ont. Vlley Ou jes a sbPeci 'f1c for Croup and soea Itroat; il nover SecreierYý Tracey' continues ta, pregrese, eatiefaciorily. lae tenrenrag n,, .1MENg-A fRAýD C!Iy ."lûu RailwaY.Time Table., GRANDI TRUNK ÂND)mIDLÀND. fjJI ýj 1 j I'511I 1 THEBE8T GARTHI -ATOY SUPPLIES McIfflES rE~f~~E aps I ron &Lead Ripe LosPulley Ollers i Seam Jet Pumps, Farm 14 a luni Cýream Sepaatorsi Dairy- NothirigLjurjous. and .Lannàdry Utensilfs. ~EIILflf([y~~pr536.CRAIG STREET, MO0N.T ,A L. VIN CUPE i 1 1 CAlqXlliGIÃŽ ON. "ONTARIO

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