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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1890, p. 1

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ELITBY Witb oglu PrInted Word$$ gros::ogks aduttn ni advocate Peace, Progren, Knowldg, Brotherlhood. VOL. XXX IV~ WII-ITBY, ONTAIRIO, F Y FEBRUARY 21, 1890. NO. 11: Established 1856. Ihe LeIdIng Wei1tll nOntarlo CeunI!1 8tJB8ORIPTION RATES. Il par àauncinl advance-il.50 other- vise. Subucriptions are always payable aM lie offeaofetpublication. Steami equiprnent &bd bout tnrnisbed Book sud Job prlntlng plant lin asteru C>tari o, ospable ut exeoutlng *a classes ot work 1 emmlie large poster Lote eimallest h tudbill. Spacial menion is miadeofe the a supasied prosu facilitiez cf T» 0xo. -i ous, wiithts celebraLeil S. Y. Cottreil oyISador prose and othor modem couvent- ace B very oder raecie prompt, care- li atention. TERMS 07 ADV38TI8I1qe.j Diuplâyed AdvertUuaments aire meamSue by a sosie of solld Noupareil, and ohar#ed S.ordiuçly. Adverlae ent$soseulWihhouî vritten zitruotlens Inserîoil until forbiddeu, sud hlarged ton f nil tue.? Orders for dlsoottiuug adveriuamne m ait le in wrting, olienviso the pubUiuî. ors vil net b. responsiblo. A lijbral dimeuntUorcontraot ivorîjua.. mnts by lie year. Copy for changes o watraol advortisemonts hcld b. bandei îf aet bter than Wedhoaday - >and notie of any inteuded changos shold ho given belone Tuesday noon. Otlhor adverâje. raente recoesved up'io Thurudy noon. B aUi nseooséin 10041 -« ne oiumus per Rue veekly. - Oorrapodeno~.oicied roua &Uparts et tbe 0081, 41r neighboring tovnahlps. OinrospaW.>denlare requested to e mmdil hetn communùicatlonu as prnpUy a possible, OB NqSTÂNTON, Snpt Mchaicai Dep't. GBRAA,.1 -Propnleon. JOHN B. F&KREWELLe LL.D.o, andCoty Wbhitby , -4 RoyafU«"o2se4vWhftby -d ~TTORNE!-ÂT-LÂW, SOLIOITOIR IN tl hancery, O)onveyanoer, &o. Opnuîcu-In the.Office meuth oethe Pent O hbe, in MeMillna Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-10 G. YOUNG BEITU1, L L. B., BA.RRISTBR, &o., hc-Moey Lp Loan assuer et arriage Lienses. Orro-Bmîtii's Block, souili et Mar~ket, Brook St., Wbitby. an. 22,1878. (1-6 JOHNY BALL DOW, B ARRISTBR-AT-LAW, BOLI01TOR OiaChnoery, oenveyancer, &c. Oafie-Deverih's Block., Brook Street, 'Whtby. MONET TO LRND-Prlvate Funda,- n omunp le 88m0, stai a oyrate et in- ~oytc1ona15andtr,1.2perce '&. A.. F1OST lIIe with Lan.leO Lagley & Burke, 1 Toronto,) A RCHI'TBCT. Desîgnste hl beVll.uadOt = age a sealty. Dravinga prep&"edfor reodollng exlsting structures. Ormxc-Flrst fiat over Howse's Drng Store. P .Bx22 uri DominIon Line o? Royal Mal * LiVERPOOL SERVICE. * rom Portland. Prom Haia *Vanouvo. iM ar.lm.. 'Ma. 151 Orsga.~ '4 Apr.101. "pr. 121 BlaisToL Ba rW s ou AveUTeU Dom. Taxes trorn Portland about Y*. 101h. Toront hM fotaPortland about Pob.18Lh. CABIN, Portland or Hablai te Ltvemi, VDo O; returu, $100 tLe *110. INTE - DIÂTEte Uvoerpool or <laasgw, $0. <TZBR- rooma, .Mnic-ro>om, Srneklng-roorn and Bath.reoms amldehlps,whmlere ut111.Mo- tien n l 1, snd they Carry ncttr CaILle nor shle. The Booms are aH outside. Tii. -'Vanouven" in ligitedthreugiout villi lelctrlo Light, sud haprov.el boracit te b.e na oftLba tsuttSteamers lu tiie At- lantie traie. DAVID TORRANOR h 00., Goeneral Agents, Montreal. Toleigisph Office, Local Agent, Wbitby. Allan.[,ine Royal Mail Steamers." LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. WileRu, RRANGEMENTS., Peruvian. Feb. 13h .... Feb. 151h Ssrdlnbin.., Feb. 201 . Poli. 22ud Capan .. .. --Mar. 6Ol...... Maàrd @th Ciroassi&n .... Mr.201 ...Marcb 89nd Potrusian Aril O . . . -April ah Passongers embarking ut PorUanti icave To- ronto Woeda sy m dexpç»es; em- barlung ai H - J , leaveToroto uhrsdsys. Byrnemnof &aspe f itby te Liverpo e or Londonderry via Portlandi.-. Cabin, 561.10 871.10, acceîding -te a*ecmonuçdtlon. Inter- mediae.S.i. Steeiage. *2L. Whitby,,to Liverpeol or Londonderry, vis Relf&ax-Cabin, OU235 sud #72M8, accerding te pition ef staterecm. Intermediate, 0*40. Ste ,$2 M.- inélt ~eeegr book tVoor frein GIM4sgvWsame rate as 1 iter- poo. Soorgepausengers booked te or frein Uiaago'# Beira, Quoe.ntou or London, seme rats as ,LirerooL nlol aid Crudif 82.00 extra. Pàae"grsm Ath»»>aveare put on board the ocoan lamlp et al ai-, ]Pardoes madng otos* lhaii lniin theb Ola d on ryeu àèàpýREPAIDPA For ý%1eht8 ami l *If lber i&omaiea applyl Wý. P. STERICKER Agenht, Exýreés Offic,i BRaoOK ST., -WE-I--E- fiU~uaL.~ DorInon Express Cot, P. GODON p.raang ver 7,M0 miles et railway, sud P. GOI.-,spgLbover 80mûAgeucies irougiiontAi- Physiclan, Surgeon and Accoucheuir. ilouBntaCoubuMà- loba, Mainâ, ]New Brunswick', Nova SceLl, Oglohoun,-8 le 10 a . 2 104 suad Ontario, Quebec, Vermout, Chus ""a 7 t 9 .M.Japan. Also connections witlr ail paitu 7 109p.rn-theoUnited States. ~4e.8, UE TERÂCE, BYON-T., Spec«t1 Ristes on Netchamiliso. WHITBY. pce a~ nPouo special' Rates os- Large Coumgnnents ROBERT mOKMING OTTOMg Mi.fatureu, -unecisat -hiJtho VETERINARY m"' SBEI ioodnnoral$i xrs ato aboula direct ei D-om uz muEateès ., Lu, secuire QuIék Despalehlo tovoat aesasu i .,unte et theaOni. Vat. colage.) (Jaeful Hudling, Ailmalteréé1eUv, oL Ofit u IBsdence--FooO's Hmued SSpecial attentio% Pid te ét Ciiby Tobgraph ereelOerip C. * .CxlÂw X VETERnARql radale et1tii.On Vtnnr Col- t.. . fomAtiougb«adly' cAge nCP.RTogrpam&Btl Farm to enzte pbits eftiiba Nerth hulves of Lots 82 and 88, 7th concessien Wbltby, 186 siesO, nOW OO' cupied by Mur. Jce Cuu Apply te FARX FOR 3ALB.-Eaat ll et Lot F 10. $8, <lb cou. Whîtby, contaibllfl 100 acres, .11 qnder good tate of ouIve- tien. Bell, dasy loani, Weil watezad by a nover taîing spring. Oholceochard lu fu beaing, (3ood Buildings. 2B14 mile trorn Brooklin G. T. R. station. TFer fcmr ther pariculars apply by lbiter te B.-HM STBKNSONBrougbarnt P. o., or UneS. CHAs. TVRO! 0OuOiiAe Toronto. Niov. 6,188.-tf. Whitby Marbie Work&, aud ail cher Cemetery Wozk. Aime in"prtera et Scotch, 8w eedfa8h, American and Canadian Granites. AU parties wiiug wo*vopA d dewell te eaU on uns betore pinrchaslng. Ail verli gnarateed sud priese ft hie leveit. Offie aud vorku, Wolfeuden oid stanid- Edw. P. Suel1i, Nu rsaeryman, Rochester, N. Y. SÂLEBMI ,WAFgUmED Write for TUIS. FARM. TlO ,RENT. Setih aire. @t urtiiailveot lots U snd 12, lu the M bÏ66nMssof et i.Townaiip ef Hast WblIby, oernpriag 100 acres. 95 sera oie LbT 'th*v i-0*l ua &geo aigLe et éai4"tOn, sud il plow;ed ready for~ ~ ~~A- o-, odJgliamgofNe O0 BU"usil. -o.; Lot No. 85, la Ite r.ucon- ceusso Whltby Towmiblp. Baiuam, Jan. 9*nd, 1890-7tL. ABE PFOR THJE #'NU T-8IIELL" Newspaper> the smaUlest nevepaper lu the waend. prnt.ed frein type, Iuustd mnly at THE CORNER DRUG 1--JOfRE. MNAJOR'8 0H11A CE# CNT.ý M4AJOR'8 RIIBDElDtR /JAJDR'8 LEATHER CEAfEKT. Aea aul fo eiuit uhsýÇ Drtig mhe ta ~Drugffiu, Whib JIJST RECEIVED. arts et lhétowut- Agepnetm., ýôt 1Il~fA A : 1 rrnc CEBONICLE Oorrespon4eur~.'~ ÂstrWugnr te titis locality is suffeiug te ex- hU" penalty et the iaw (vis, 14 days}, for, gel- tg off tat "meral jolie about McGipt, Mr. Wrn. Pugb, bas remeved te Huntsfvie wtb bis wite sud faWey, and veur humble er- v"tî.baa got a bld te ibie christening, of those, dean!ttietwins, Damie Fortune haoenceie beusued fort"h ber Miurnineus ceui4nue amà nle&"ed ustrdy upon the ' fni smii totetune ef afssb eà.Itap w* s1WI bave ano4r store in.OIes 0çWîb W. regret t6W learnuoeta brevmut ehii buapvertakmn Mrs. hoDq'Ilby-4he'dmitho ~* oi. her aslakeè!ily f&i, n , e _ beg in, tender oui Synpsy -The Grenadfier and I1Cûkkerb15cerl e Panies, of lbroute, are maldng ex(e51 pre- putions for barvestiug acefrt aiLke i4deh we understaud ta in splendidcondition, vit atbcknssetabout xz inciies. --OÙr e sly4ie hlelaeis the soer,-Ofe grgat lie- tk~iy. eats aeIl great demaud 'Ït <tei $3 to $350 per day. 'Mr. John Compton, who is ef piugiiistic w s os mucli se as te, have tiie glang lrandbe of J. L. S. te be afiuxed tg, bis nazue, vas brought before - te publics notice sme ne ie age tbreugh, the freetiot of the ~'Cbreulcle," bas again coee te te frontJj[t what appears at the oest vii terminateru fa breacIlief promise a4e. althoutgi bter 1infoe- ataion intimates that the W d's affections lai obouig considerable, aund J1have heayd Ibas eonreacited te zo. Tb.ela4t time ouiher w< ved reuowu vent tà' sie bis gil she. 1!echuicaliy speaklng) made bher exitlàloto a btber reete, in cornpany witb anotber mnai. whici made jacks eye S bul e te alaifiing proportions, sud be iimedt eyfulnted away, b4t by the iigoreus use et Utc MÇKay, patent aigmclipump andt bi vrepr, ,was suffi- eùtly restored ta. bp removed zuin an ibular, to bis own home. IRTEN t lauaMujor àMIsamUeuunl A n ciber oforchi Homen 1640 - au«cllo0- enoui "h tgel johnny ho giwe a uepehtli jutd ne; nx st tee ma -tru t.s. lyre.ee M.SU" a)pIr. Bd.,IWO MOtahin bourlu las Buu ok n»- msyoùt wbcm paosdttb o.rnue plainer, . tk leuI.Hwdos look wlien doueéih à -tleThis al md bt oes sntyena a item@ whilih nover ueaoid Lieudesibua tien. Prhpgaaiy s intwite Abs ad- drosu.piaint»-aeo b cate velpaIIf yon hav e uy i off ,-vilyen kbuW ysesd a doson bt;ls -gi rcept f iUat' doen. tho Qanadian ,Oirulatn iuLbMsyC.,c Toronto, aesiotia usrptions it vleow tt hosmmtalih 6n eta lbràry lu tbi vfllage. One oaelbiU&beiâte plap 1et thie companyls Ucmakhoaanitfire changet bocks ovry yoesn. Wbllé giauciug 0ove. hein tsl v.gwen@Li» evorks aroe slou. tfnoms *I he of mode= outilles yen olte ysnriadiug. The prnclnees forduan OSut uL-0PPortauIty5 te seouro aheap rusdîn nud w. hope oui hlm. t wnig boul .Itêty ibeIt0 have beau haken. ýWçi W0Dld 8511<&Mr. J.J laty a80aa &dïmtr)1e urarMan for the. Port PMybestb An c misitinuai CÏletyS , r, e- f l 1 iiedin -u M nor people enly au business lbas. eaused -us te KEN O» mix vilth ei, we wifl say nething âbout them heie. Simo. we baSve -been Censnrait. Mn Bertha, Efau is vltlng in Columbùoi. penapu'Itweld e wlItIhint wherê Ms IaG.bsrtrc rm ii the write? m»ay lie teund. Xii day iane w.te tbe-,WesL. workîn the only coffioe où PerrySt. ,anud WO LWn amo r.e oot,-w botid g2 Lîlia S&. lu a lyrite tramne use bore laul week. - ~a teralIwty. T"s iwliaro we are6 x.Mr. .L. Green bas just received Anotiior, SOib1Igmrneitems* foi thé-Ou.W* car 'ef Manitoba wheat. bavé baâd aln extra busy day in the office, TI' y rstregeli rn -l.g...: 1rL' *and- have jusl come ne fromtwo heurs League o as teao j.No- wouder we tbel rore .11k. e eiayeei sepngmmsa writiug. h e ver secmase, <krVéreétér loIg là buvdaL threte, ilb t tolie'»doue ' In tirnes u lw r1ié ntftos5~O td thaeeo eleztd Bre tye1 con-nexi meeti'ng. pende tsfrom'rae$ave besen- 'makutîg 1hu I1weuld ïdvise oui. Msthnd sý, jtws* o, smeere rathe rseev. Bornei o , L.«epend no =ene3t.olixépaxoi h~~owoi ,trotWbaabiownooe e t 'our boardes., .Towbut 10 waitt oi, Ashbot"aï:h~ i~T keeLhslrrnblowiug,,onour olothea lu n new peue. Teyc.usoMr i mure we wu. sg.oronrsoue e , r' .j. R'dou.ii do net Boe that it à nee"as ry for people bbéwo ie eth. ?Wthê ; ôutulde etftis aburg te kniow sinoô tliey Ste the paîtl few-vears lias béat enaigaëd-as net-Interested ; se Inteaa et eut owU nem e éoond mtr uli *tlwe&thl ve viii iv. a word:*hf oh in very near teO uiTprno o~,o, souiething w. usesix days ini the weok. lageu i lb OO1O8ar ,4Wd W« have road et morne Curions instance*A ngs on Weduud«y1.joy . .1 Id , 40t laconiece crrespondonce othried onl b0 beau chosen and p tween penmonot gve t wï hsp 9kngevening. 0verîyo or wrîtiug. It àla mid liai a gentleman bolong jusl misses il. - writing te a tuiend te enqUire uthenews T..l irrr.~lt. simply- wrote a note et Interrogatio (?) aud- thon mguodis name., The reoipient ofthle to whieh supolies ioit ento « letter replied with equal brevity sud efleot towna -on tie alwni~ nL~d by wriiDg anciught (0) and appendiug bawoh dbiaeodie~ u signature. Auciher party reolved a posl balie,. there isnoe lïti6hi, card asking what do you thini l i.shore du e ntct ~éls4, u estiwsy tu write i'îearer" In piiouograpby. paper la about "al lb.- àg- aweý An addrroserpiy ard wasalase sent sàlt.-t ed liaI thIl o 8vassothig te do 1but to -detaçlhBsies trotoî1#; il, sud wntelheanswer, whioh coeussed In-sur tMri~"ûi58 a simple lbiopuiitÏeke (f) upresenting ti .ree. EL B-me upwad r.. fil va lb.enlre mitr, ud esi&cnce iute 'rwuHll it occupiedCOMING.-Ohriuemaa Ca#5. il ccate, pttps, a -quarter ef a secon ces.Poid 1o8sl It bai, meover tb advantage ei bell £L Ver,.0,. equafly aecuýaM*ed i4ntellgible wben rea 'upsalue dewn. wLOO H sns.iaý u aiORtl ï"âià ù i tûtz «- bu5lm ï, ateadd oroery. lO ur ne* *teclL' wnoet]thI5est wnk;~ lawai -price&stban»yothÎ er oolI. 84e Oui- table *iiol i oéd lu 4liolos id'ub arranged10 esvml fet8 oAi esns ro Mi .John Oisv.rbs i bs bug es tMr, ruT1 y m u<9au un- buh l a e.ervpsyçn an si4'>*0 vau in s'iU à ctaMn4~pu ~Apring gôd: 4 - 7mskploe eYn ~u54 .rnnna~4ô~WsnedstoinuL ~insuoiftiabie ,Wnr, LawlrnecSPCft Sýpday at hbette.' li~e boswebb, anid speaks là bigli tntms etf<ed- Thit dl d'tiet ;bav e liiu te o tse party ;but severai et- 'thein -wet -aud repor hing baT.. gF.. Bartie - - -., The ieit. jL arey oecgupiedthe pulpit -hee i4st S àundy. lfafotlttititfôund- the ueighberiug appointmetitstôcbditauVtage IoE'the oppM xy-me-a: an;te ihM. They were weiI pieased W 1t~goc~zcI cal sermon te wbloh theyVIsed Oýjing to r. tic,ý iK gfrdMexwvces i(ùl hd, 0 a&s>beô tunabi. telatSed the, Mie-, cWssa-'fOr!te st few weeks, but lie w4iain- h $-Plaoç Wodsdhy sud. vi-,ienide bËeSOOIL a very vise, -ahtwd *nd bsineaS&- HsO cassu Oe -andS âUed with a caret gaeral menchantuie. 8 ath 10h. froutCZ-4ul supiduev-gmld4 1. M à34y; Hùnt~ofUzbnl4gé;'i éhem *ere; n j e I E '1 I 't £DENTAkSUEGEON, ori-Btcor.' "j - r - ~. '4 4. 'c -I -p 0 1 1 1-1-ài - a 1 lu à- UV4%L - -1 14 à 1 1. id%: 1 ýý.9A . . 1 LVUML 1 > 1

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