Zi*WEW-V Ip> - -, -".9- BM-NARD2 Will charge yen a very reasonabie pia. futr making over old GoId and S.ilver' int,> Jewelry, Society Pins, Badges, &C-1 of original and tasteful deeign. Hoe also engraves Monagrams, Cyphere, Wax and other Seuls. He is purticu. larly succeseful in renovating Bilver and Gol-d Jewolry reeoloring and GILDINO Ju Se BAIRNA RD, WATCH MAKER, Brock St., Whiitby.1 FRLDAY, FEB. '21, 1890. LOCAL LACONICS, WHIA 18 BOINO ON IN AND AROUNO TOW-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS BLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORSR "A ahJells amang ye, takin notos. An, tath heli prent 16. I obul on the The oaE the i.% -Will 4ge Tbf sal wi joi pi let nu th l vi qz 0 i %b si s rc ti ti et A.lwayo turu 6h. CanRoNICLa inide ont befars thnoving it devu. Ih bau ne patent inside, giving baldardush;.dg erery page ie made up vith equal cane. c Mr. T. H. Wilsan, medicine man,C Breaklin, found a good coonskin druv ing mit osait ef Taunton and brought ila- ta us. The ovnet is hereby notified te t bring 6h. other mit te this office at once and sane trouble. We vaut a pair ofti thsm. b At th. Homo Nurseries, Pickeringà tovnship, Mn. Seth G. Wilson bas a red t cherry aiready eut in bloseom. If net blîghted by tho prssent bot veuther the fruit wiii b. ripe abaut May lot. Sheuldu Mn. Wilson have in bis nurseries aa stock et trees eft the eariy sort, bis tor-a turne je made. f It vil b. seon by the poster. thut aIL meeting et pieý«bmen i. te be held ute Brolin, on Feb. 28&b. te talk cnet 6he projectéïtaualgaoeating the Wbî.by uni East Whitby Plvirng Club vitb 6h. North Ontario Club. Tbs idea i.8, le jein aIl the plowlng clubs in the t] cennty in one, and thounuse the. vautd resources aâil te get p a match op a scale ai magnificence neyer betore hourd of in this ceuuty. It ie a good '*Au Ocular Dlusion" i. the tiLle cf a bright social study in serial shape, whioh vwiii begin in the Nov Yoek Leiger et Mareh 1. The @tory hoido the mitrron up te club lite lu the mette- polis, and teuchec ligbtly but with the masteriy and suggestive stroke of the etebing baud, some et the mono distine- tire aides of Ne orYenseciety lite.i Senoral oethL.ebaracters are soeitant-c lingly typicul that they may b. tukeni fer uny oeeof scores oet h. membersofet the "Four Ludred." The horo is ai fine combinatien et munlinoes, teudy1 iugenuity und uudacity, a youth vith a1 rare ameunt et phosphoras in hie core-i bkal gray matter and aun equaily gen. ereus amount et red eorpuseles in his veine-a character vhieh 6h. author1 has eluborated vtth -fympathetie inter-1 est, uni vhieh, aecording te the im-4 pression -ginen by adrunce shoots, ro-1 presute an oureman of a reseut erev et a leading Amenicun coliege. The authar, by the vay, is that brilliant yeung noepuper votker, FRANK Bow- &v> Howit, son eft6h. late pestmaster. genorai,, TimoTHR F. HowE, et Wis- cocsin.i From the reports going round terni on Tuesday rsgardiug 6h. conducl of mon ut the billiard parleir, vs should suy 16 is about time thut place vas closi u p. Wben 16 vas .etublished iu Smith'a block 6h. geseral tat vas tbat' its iseluted location venu hob taken ai- rantageofetotebave a regular bullubullo vhene#er the fregquentere atit ike it. The talk nov Sgosfer sothing U 16 dose net prove that these oxpectatieeéve roaiized. Port Ferry bai a billiardpr ler vhich vas a resort for toughe unil tvo yeurs age, vhon the village couD- cil impoeed a féee et $80 on the firtt table anti $150 on ail -othere. Tis stepped 16 as quiek as lb. -uillenium gcouli have dene. Whitby, for the pal- try eux et $20 for the firet-ani $5 for *ah ther t6*1., psetaba1hm a »ree for overy idli. soumit tat em be fotan., The speni their dayje Bduni lgte st dutiug 6h9 vcek undiregale ehurc- goeere ith their insom enoson Suai. N l~itv16appeens tbey bh" av teisi lb point et splittBg -oaci otiten' hoade- with balla and teu. The lioes epfp- ag Ote. ot ooctel on Koduvel d,h Ver? opposite te wbstvas ilgbt -,in rb. aete ooiittes f f-tue tawn moil rooetvs d plsty ' t 'ssà ere for me, s a remilt et advertising weil in bf papors. b&. W. H. Piper, bu an agency te 1a number of new and second-band, ans, which ho @elle At 1ev prie on 9plan of paymeflt by înstalmfle. iey range tram $85 up-te #200- He a oeil on termtue suit any petsen'a cuwstances. Re. i. also agent for 9 famolis Mondels.ohn pianos. Ho working up a large trade. Mr. J. W. F. Harrison, musical di- 6cor cf the Ontario Ladies Goilege Jl doliver a lecture on the students on 1 d. neit, Feb. 26 at 4.80 p. m. on rencrai education êpplied le musical, dp". Ail' friends of the coilege are vited teattend. No admission tee. à o subjeet viii b. iliustrated of muet- 'seleciions. - Dr. Hure'a lecture thio, Fridà y, night riii b. the neit beet thing te visiting aris Exposition iteoif. People Who go ay tube ar word for it, they wiii on- y a arest treat. It may b. stated bat Dr. Haro. deservos great orodit fer ,rforming the work ef getting op thie Boture, fer wlieh Le inSote recoin. ne re* nmeratiaa whatever. The preceeds t0$ e asiet thýe Free Reading Reom. A meeting of delegates uppointed by ho tovne et Whiîby, O.,bawa, Boy- nDville, Port Hope snd Cobourg vas oild ut -the ýTe-vo Hall Bawmanviile, S Monday. The Mayor et Bowman- rile vas appointed te prosido. The nueetians on endoavoring te bave the 1. T. EL. lino moved mare cloeely te Bowmanviiio, Uohawa and Whigby an I à o buildin~g cf a braneh cf the.0'. P. R. ;rough tho places intorested were cou, idered, and it was moved by Mayor Dowan, Oaa, soeoanded by Mayor Bunnbam, Pont. Hope-.-"'Tbt this Donferenoe decais it ta b. higbly desir- &ble that the municipalities bers repre- Benr.ed @hall have eonnootion vitb the 0. P. R., and believes that the extension wosîvard trom OÃ"ubourg ef the propoed madl trom Cobourg Lt emnepeint on tho 0. P. R. noar Haivelock, affords he moet favorable meansetofsocuring sueh connection." Carried. Moved bv J. S. Larke, Oshawa, seoonded by Mlr. J. Rutiedge, Wbitby :-",That a dlegqýtion ofthtei severul muuicipalities, Cobourg eastvard te Toronto, obtan an interview vith th. Preaidont ofthie C. P. R. ut the sarieet possible date te &&certain upon what terme a conneo- tian with thut road eau ho obtuined, said delegation te b. appointod by said zinnicipalitieb and te b. oonvened Iby the Mayor of Bamavillo." Carried. Mdoved by Mn. Farewel, ssoonded by Mr. Dingle :-"That in th. opinion cf this Oonfereoe o#ît j, adnisable that scb of th. munioipalitios bore repreeented, eend a dolegetion"te Ottava te pros. open th. Domminion Gonerament the advisabiltty et granting a substdy te aid the building eft6he proposed noad ftem neun Hlavelock, on the C. P. R., te obourg as a part oet6h.elins ta b. extended- vestward througb those manioipalites te Toronto, and that the Mfayor oet Bewmanville ho aise the con vouer et Sh. delegation vbieh may ho ne appcinted." Tho meeting vuas thorough business oeoand oviuced 6h. dèep interest taken in th. merement by the tovas rproented. Mr. P. Hovard Aunes eftbtis tovn, vas ap. pointed oeeretary cf 6h. doputation. Mosnr. Rutiedge, Farevoll, Rosa, MeLeilan and Anues, th. Wbitby representatives1 speakin the very high- est termset the, mannor in whioh the Bowmanvillo authorities treated theu. Ali 6h. delegates vers th. guesti et the Bow. people for 6he day, ad ve sfo<d and showa round in royal style. Lait week's Gazette contains a oom- munication sîgned "Oo0unty (Jounoior, ' obarging ns with unb.oomlng con. duet towards the Oo. Goancil whiie in sesson. That letter w. do not believe was ever writen by sol coutbciior. During four y.ars oomprleîng igbt sesions, that vo bave regulaarly report- id tbe sittingi of the Co. Ooncil, vo do not believe a cingle member vill @ay there bas bosu an improper sugges- tion made to on.e o themx by us. Dur- ing the lace euiqa tho senior memh.r, of the ORRÃ"mxIOLEBru vau a candidats for th. treasursrsbip, and, though 6h. mout ardent butê.on-boIing vas in order every day toruearly two veeke, no Co. Conneîlor eau or wv iii e i s terfored in th. slightest dogres. The charge is entirely taIse, and was never made by a Co. Gouolor, uer sauj other trutb- fui man. Prom -boginnmi-tg .and 6h* vordimg and style of th. letter reminde nse o cr.lippery assllatof laie, Mr. W. B. Pringie. If it i. no# his vork we wilisetahd a big food of ovster& Every.Go. Conneilor with tve excep- tions, takes th",paper, aud -w. shaU also uend copies ot this 606the.t vo, and se. if any orne vill deny our statements, Though sometimes a littie bard on the oounty couneil, we have a1vayaà matn tained a mot fiendly relation wit-b evqry momber. The. G~t. e appear 'tabc ubL"d'i ne- éher pogpoe. ttho, tea tron tbe'. 4baà oofieue nuderbond ü ,po.etheay"h promote. Who* Mr.,ý riiýÈ> égotid6â the bothsm of thé bm OÈMu9 '»4I flot ro* a 1 nd .<~~mbrn Ina auvithout go W 0'i thé tt fié n.owiîardly poition rt.erred to above4 tb. Gaz este is only 1oflêwiug ont ità seation Iately utps» yus , log Dr~i*h~l.. to Uni, vberetrn 16 (1) tried te 'de.*rêy- à nemi gpw goal aw reua The giagV echeai reports weL ad Sien atsm eghtook pf tien oft-Mr. Barclay's teO rà tsz trustes eleetioesb. heid smlu~ vtth the town municipal contespaI that the ballot be ueed. ; ¶ Tovn ceuncil met Monday evening. Oammunieaîianh vote reud from Win. Qooedvin, claiming te be overtaied on tbe Buii9-y tarin, having 60 pay $19; trou C. Foi, tbunkhing 6he counefilfor reappointing bim te the sebool board; tram J. H. Thompoon, a&king a nefand et haill tot for their rocent bail and oupper, aud as ashing the usual grant to tbe company. Beiorred te eom- mittees. The ticense ecmmittee brought in a report recammendiug that billiard fijenses be granted te H. Walter@ and Thos. Gonarty. 16 passed. Tho re- lief committee recemmendsd aocounts smanutiug te $28, vhioh vote passed. The sîreets omnmittee reported th. suoesfu i tondenors for fifty cordseto atoe as follav:-Tbes. Doverill, 20 corde, ut $8 per card, te b. dolivsrod at tovn hall; W. Hl. SturIgise, 5 corde at Hantt's corner at 88 40, and five at music hall, at $8 25 ; W. J. Spurrili, 5 carde as lKar&'s a% $8 40 and five at musie hall at $8 25 ; P. J1. Coffey, 5 corde nt Moreuwübe's corner naL6$850; Alfred Thompoton, 5 corde at Moroor.be'searn- or ai 83.50. Mr. Soottinitroduoed and e-rnied îbreugh à by-law ta autharizo th. major and treasuror te rais@ SM~ 000 by vay et tomporary loan antit the !loit year's taxe. come i. The tevu property comrmittee vas ardened ta have tbe voodvotk of the couDai1 chambet painled. On malieni Mr. Noble the audiors' repart vas adopted and ordered ta b. prinr.ed in abstract torm aceording te lav. The ooncil then adjonrned. W. hold a etrang opinion iu fanon et 6h. motion Mn. Barclay intmodueed ut the bourd et educai ion on Wednennay night, ifavro e b.ballot at trustee olections in tewu, uni that if possible, the eleetion be held in somo vay that viii atones more publie interest. Aoy mavho veted at th. ement truste. electien knows boy outrageous ià ap- peared te be compelied te rote openiy with beb. tarng oysof etthe caudidates upon him, uni thoy standing rigbt over 6he returuiug afficer. Thbe ballet is the greateut safeguard eft6h. people, uni conet b oused tocotten. It should Det tie bny ma in abfree counrry luke this fiv. minutes te maie up bis mini te note for 6h. ballot for everything. Lt il 6h. doath-kull ef buldcztng uni intimidation und bribory. It holding the eleetieus tor trustees simnltane- ously vith ibose for the municipal couneil wiii atouse more intereat in beth, as vo beliere it viii, by aIl moans let us; have it doue ut once. The ex. pense et holding trustee elections vould be almnost extirely viped eut by this, und, even il tho cost vers geiug te b. incressi, w. heud thut the educating et the eloeters in publie affaire vbich a canteat causes, und wbieh an acclama- tien prenents,is vorth tan moeshan the eost. The voera eiuoaae themaeine. in their affaire moes beaply 6h15 vay than 'tbrough apathy. TPh. diffoeot bourde et eduestien tbrougbout the ptenince might reasenably ho leoked upen us th. firet oeee tetake tl. baiiu mut- tenu f et orm uni adianoomeat, and vs regard it as s meut Injurions reflec- ties upen their eslightenment und iib- enlity that only 81 bourde ont et 281 in the Proninoe-také aianlae of 6h. bal- let, vhich is - truly a inoe.tevurds freedom. Mn. Jas. W. Prevan;l in a letter te the Cebava Reoermer, aivocates an ieuk that bas otten streck us, le employ physicians on sulury. As malter rua. ugt present M. D'e vouli han. te b. Amre titan ordinarily philanthopteal if- &bey did a*g-et daltovarde enoour- agîng esuitation, andi for a ver>' <oi reason, tee, vbish t, thutwvile dotsg sanitur>' work for netbiog they venu be cuttlng off froem heir ovn profès- sional incomes. Mn. Povsn's ides is te employ a* board fet pbyuie*ns on salut>', the same au a staff et sebool touchers, uni letlthem spend their vhole lime censidering anti carnyng out yore sfet publie benefil Si regards b*altb kTinus empbolped on salis lb.è M. D'e.veu tae.th.esme prtdes sphoo1 teucheri do le mâklng a gooti a 0 'uITÂN c.@ F JNTENI ,ýŽA.. TURPDAY, AN NOUNCEMENT STE WART )S TO ÇQXUI$NÇE ON JAN'Y. WINTE R i 8th, 1890, SAL and as the stock this year is unusually large, in order to affect a speedy clearance, startling bargains will be Dffered ini every department. Ladies will find this a rare opportunity ta secure firet-elass Millinery ut their own price--$1.0O, $1.25, $1.50 Felt Hats for 25 cents. FUR S5 FURS-5 FUR-S The largest stock we ever earried was purchased when we were expecting the largest trà de-. The weather, unfortunately, npse.t aur calculations, and the most of them are still here ta be sold at startling figures. Corne Early and Secure Fir8t C ho/ce SPRI NG, C. F. STEWART. 18900 S:FR:;ISVTG- EPRLNTS. AlIso a fine assortment of Shirtings, Cottonades, Bleacli- ed and Unbleached Cottons, at prices as low as ever. GARPETS, CARPETS, GÂRPETS. The largest stock in town to select from, and of the Choicest Patterns, t>oth in All-Wool, Union and Hlemp. Don't fail to see them before purchasing. KE(DRBW G#LAS GOW me RO~S. WAREIIOISE We are offering Goods at Cost Price tili the i st -of April. P.~~~ S-WootneteToring De7-- partment asuJuland d o u n Dollars worth.-tillyou get our pics JO APEL t I t i A' Dou't lorget that to-nlght (Frid&yY.- Fcb. 21.6, Ber4 Dr. Hlaro viii deliver an illusterted leota're in th. Matie Hall at 8 o'cloek, under the auspices et -the W.S. G. T. U. The subjeet cf the lecture vil b. roent Paris Eposition and the Palace eofVorusilies. The procode viii bo applied te purebauing papoe and magazines for 6h. Pros Reading 'Boomn.A&U interested in the Young people of th. towu are saked te pat- ronize &his lecture net ooly for its own- monts, but ler-4h. commondabie ebjeot it has in v. There vili be musie at intervais during the evening. Mayor Blow viii ocaupy the chair. Admission .25c., eidren 10e. Just received this week an elegant range of Ireit 1 at r of mp- Wbitbp i4ronicté,