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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1890, p. 8

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-e-,' 4 T'he 010.00Les&. Ee. CHRONICLE: eStî.-In ýv of thse benefit derived by thse town froui vages paid by the %movýArg. Co.., 1 would sugget thse gm"tlg theloSn as a bonus and-that it be made contingent (t) 'an the compIly ilCrin1g heir presnt iuadeCluate capital te a figure sufficient to Mn their busi- ness, (2ud) on personat ,ndemnityboxnds being exec.uted by those leadlng stockbolders wbose votes cointrol the buÈiness. that it shall be continued in Whitby. Vours, W. 1. BURNS. Whitby, Feis. cois, xS9o. (We have asuggestion to mnale whicb we re- gard as a fair and reasonable compromise of this Matter. ht seems to us as an unlikely thing that tbis town will ever exact any portion of thse $jo,ooo boan from thse Mowât Co. so long as that institution is progressing nicely, l n fact if the directors af the foundry were pushing things as we behieve tbey couki do if they wsbed, this town would be very foolish to crpple thse companys resosirces by takng away $îo,ooo fromi them, or any part of it. TUhe company could flot bave selected a worse tîrne to ask ibis release tisan now. Thse crisis they are now undergoing nsay be a severe trial of tiseir pluck - and if they brace up and inakce their busibess a success tise town *would no doubt regard their energy as good enough becurity to teave the rooney with thero for an ndefiite period ; wbereas on the othesr hand s! bi copaytbrows up the snge in this way the firs une îlsey strike a thgie îown coulduot be expected to rega tbem as a compauy worthy of consideratPo.I Any msan haviug capital to invest will mucis sooner loan it ta a man wbo bas praven bis business tact and pluck than to one who bas means of bis own but lacking in tbe other attributes men. tioned. Thse Mowat Manf'g Co. undoubtedly bas a goad machine, and we believe can malte up a good business here . but a millon dollars woutd be no gaod ta ubero. (rom a business standpaiut, îl they don't disptay as mnucis meulie as other business men do when tbey fail in a portion ai tiseir calculations. Let the compaisy brade Up and rnake thse dust fly for a few years, and aur word for it ibis town wil be very sorry' ta draw on ibem o thie disadvan- tage af bath. Thse town mîigis flnd it advan- tageaus ta assist any persan or company to establisis a business bere or ta enaie a busi- ness bere, but to assisi ta establisis a coro- pany's credit as well would be perilous. in faci out'o othie -Westion. F.D. CH.) carntvibL Whitby people are excellent patron s of skating, but thse carnival draws immensely. On WVednesday night tiseme was such a cowd o! people lat ihe rink thsait h ooked bike a isuman iive. Tise costumera were a crowd in tisetusefle.- and tise variosy and get-up of tise guibs li alCYers. iscbaud was on band in JWI number aud g ave plenity ai music. ise Prime tirais areas follaws.- Lady in costume, Miss Lawler. Lady skaier, Mrs Gea. Cormack. jr. Gentlenam la costume. D. MçKay. Gentleman skater, F. G. G. Coul.ý 1luvenile costume, Laissa Barmes. special mentin l juvenile class, Allan H. Adams. .As Miss Darnesis aa 4ai4ghter ai tbe man- ager of tise rink, Mr. Darnes expresed a wisb that tise prise Se agai offred for competition in ihi samq alasa ai the nett ,ensval. GENTLFI1ý-N l1H coITt,'us. >Jas. WahIerF, Ctsapjoisn; W. M. Taylor, Little 'Bo6y-Blue; A.Hf. Adamns, Eanaif tise -,,V cetury; Frd Gilson, Knight o! Malta; 'Ina: W.~ Campbell, -Dismond Dye; J.D) Wakejey ,.,Jlse Amercau Tpurisi; Toy B111det (-luwu is;Cteau $cvr- Pgç 3. M. HîllUary. Scatcisman; 1. Foley, saior;-,F. G. G.Coile., Tennis; A. D. Deverell, Base- bull; B. Stewart, Newsbay; L. A. Boone, Oliver Cromwell; j.- Ricbardson, Crîcieter; Herbert Camnpbell, Indian; Aurtiser Till, Crickçter; Guy Dartnell. Bult.flgter; Walter ,Shawï'Drummer Boy, Hugis Iringle. Band Boy; Franks Shaw, Cabin Boy: Oea. Ayres. k no. Moon ; G. Newbury. Graudmother; Bert Walters, Chief of the Senecas; F. A. Burns, -,NcGinty; C. Hodge. PstRooney: Paul Gar- don, Erigaud; G. .,,Grass, Lawn Tennis; D. Mcï.ay, Covboy1cic; oin johustan. Grand- maiber; Nat Ray, Mas-cat; John Thaxupson. Mr. johnsing;- A. S,3ius, Dude; C. Johnson, Baseball ,;1ohu Stinsan. Clown ; Gea. Wilson, Dude <om Audley ; C, Smith, Basebal; N. Il. McGillivr jy, Riding Costume; G. Tisom- peau, McGidty; Oea. H. Soutbwell, Sailor Boy; Geo. BarmColored DStde; K. A. 11meh uvenile, gseball; Chas. Stewart. WhitbyDude; GeWe Rosa, Beau Brummet. LADIES IN COSTUME. Isile *lr Mother Goose; Edua Moore, Brixaanl ;" G. A. Cleadenan. Morning; A. Wa4trs, Nçnumady Fsant; jennit Robin- son, Saow«4w; RosMsSpov. Gipsy -Forunie- teller,; »eusie Tamblyn * Jpanese; Florence Ray, Bo-pbep ; Minuse Til, Red Riding Flood; Bertisa Smith, lolétha - Berthsa Bryan. Saaw-- flira H. MeGMhvray, Spanisis Laby; A. ilillar, LavaTeuis ; Lucy Wilson, Sbep- herdess, Blanhe Nicholson, Lawn Tennis; Florence Roisa, Wnter; Mary Wahmer, Evea- ing9 Star; Beta Heuderson, 1*ousemaid; ,1es$ie Wakety, Bride; Lzie Pirsrr Flower Gir ; Louie Permy, God ufk ; Limze Stewart, Quten ai Hearis; Edua Johnsîou, Red Ridiag Hooti; -Aunie Èowden, Suo*ihal; &Miss Mission, Sister ofl Clariiy ; Jeunie Stewart. Mhtkulsid; J-enoee Thanpson, Quecu ai Heafts; Mnrf. T. G. Wisitfleld, Lady o! IVtb century ;'Carrne 1 ohuston, Globe;- N. Waddal, N eý Miss j effrey, Mary Ann (rom Cork;, N Thompson, Fortune Tellr; Bertha Titisblyn, Rase Vender; Maggie Eastwood, Fortune- Teller; Beatrice Dartuel, Lawu Tennis; B. Harper, -Fortune' Teller;- Laura Bernes, Flowem Girl; Gertie Taylor. Oue Hurded Vears Ago; Hermenia lOng, Flover Girl ; Mttbel Ray, Flovjý'Girl; N. Ormistois, Fortune Tç ller ; E. WllsbnyFlower Girl ; May Armstrong, Nigisi; (tlnknown,> Puas in Boots t' 4 Sohool Noer. Thise uth regui.4r ueeting of he W. C. 1. Li~rarSoc~t~ra ~sId-inl tisSeinUsy Hal paWeçssed~y blýr. Gerwood inu-thse cd :-ddre barM. A. G eucerson; Insiu- mcir~ sloAileHlden; 7Recitation, Kate Memt.V ul~çpï ditls-Rice;,ý4Àt#,A R j:ta'en Ga. Ledu; lhou, st 1! dei tom M. m oui Mo rau or. 0W rias ~itroieved in the mont drable patteras or aprling 1MO. Auidrew 1evdros oud, uu ottoUa, new cot- c.adm;, &ni M. RBS. gew ahitihÀ sés op au ever. Âudrew Rose. I1ega~'tiot f noirDSWCarpets and tae. Ândrew M. Rosi. New Jsos$mont off oream and white laced rtains. Ândrow hM. Rosa. Vormu derange -the. hole systeas. >ther Graves' Worm Bxterminator de- 119,1 Worms, land givea rest tb the Snfler- Ilt orly (joute tvonîy.flVe Cent@s b sry Il ,d b. oonv1inoedl- F &RU AT AUCTION-TH[AT 800 ÂCRES fain lBS.W. Catedon kmaya aa "The Grange" will b. sold hy public anction on the. 201h day off March usaI; there are 40 acres ai hardwood bush; 80 acres off ploughlng doue; a barn. 114z70 feet, vils atone stables beneatb; -a atone hanse with 17 rooma, from vbioh oau be seen portions cf 14 tovnshipa, with a section cf Lake Outario, sud the. farm te vithin tvo miles off th. neurout railroad stations; lhe soit i lay loamn, sud vas originafly caver- cd wilh remankably heavy mapple limber; Iarm stock sud implemenhata b e soldaet same tisas; as th* ovuer is retiring firom f armlng lb. whoto ,wiltt h sold vithont re- aerve. For particlave appl, la ALEX. MoLAD.N,]P.M., at The'EGrange P. O. John Bailli, AnUottoier.-Feb. 20, 1890-11 Horsea for Bale. 2 Heavy Diangbta, 4 sud 5 yeara, 1 driver, 8 yearu old, Imams, 2 jears cld, 2 sprlag coltu. -For simedialo disposai for cash. Apply toWU. SOLLBTT Âppty teGlen major 1P. o. oc AO c ounly off Onarlo 8 HRRBY GIVEN TO WM 1 I tisIthe court off asl,NiiPn sud terminer aud Gene- ra îatDlvery viilbe holden iu sud for lte -OUNTY 0F ONTARIO, At lthe COURT BOUSE, la th. Town of Whitby. on Tue8day, Mar. 11, '90, A, cf ai as 8] àth bu otf Ton o'clock, in lhe forencoas, vbwieh a41 Coroners, Justice, off the Pose. nd ail otiieroonoerasd, vii la"euolboë ad govern them.aelves acoordlugly. J. 1 Lerijf's Office, Wlsitby, Feis. 201,1890. Sierlif C. 0. HOL/8E TORET seven.roonied Brick Cottage usil plce norlis of Movat lMaurfg Co'& fouudy. Fine ls.e Every couvenlauce. Apply to H. W. WILL- COI,, or . B. DOW, Solicitor, Whitb.-tl. Wbitby, Doc. 9thb 19W. OXIIS~[T R&ToB'B NOTICE to CREDITORS In the malie? fte aa. ! iam Henryi Bihtingsa h or Wib, in the County of OC)dn*aoi d.oeaed. Pursuant b th. Provisionsa of the .Revis.d statut«oof Ontario, Ohapter,ll10 Section 86, notice as hereby given ual asil oreditors and porso a"svinç-ims upon or agaiust the est&te of Willim Henry fBlih3g of ithe Tola of Whitby, lu lb. oosauy of Otuario, Who dîed on or about théeLia day t$ Jean-. ar,1890, arohonre qurhit40l r or aedby Poil, pro 5104ruik Wig aduirlstarM. oo rbefor e lilt day o May, A, D. 189, a staterast lu vriting off theliramsuaudaddress, msudil Pardlon- tara 1thi ofh el"%m,Aand lthenature off ltair seuritisa <f omny)1044by hm And Douice la fiirthgiroýn, liaI after thse ald lm1 day off May, IMO, lie smid adinisi- lister wiII,4rooa o diatibutb the amela off the ai eoeaf= d&Meug 1h. pesnu- titild hereto, ha , gàiAd only tô 1h. classasci wh" ChSime 1a"U have been Sv si above qLred, 'and theb. ad - uunrtor viii not b. hiable for-the. asd s- iota, or auy part thereê!j -i ab qP"1erbo perona off Whoiee am or daims notice ,hatinet have been rweîeved by hlm or hie solicilot at the lime *foresid.. Dated bs1h 1 oYbUti8O4f Slayed fro hitb,6 aura at Fob.-&h, a lisht.bay mr,înfu 10r you od,satsud4 bout:156, adshigh,f sa Ettte crookef lu hlnd legs, ud heu-asalight ioald --ou ahoulde;.. eé saçe usai Adley, 4th Uino Ptokering, going e. Roward, for lutesulh4ii',a t il bIereebouts. A:. jontii8'ror;, - Opp. OuaoNtpLu tOffice. Whitby, Fab. 12,bO- H A R N eS Ua-vsng mave&$*io otwr uew pt-mises, vo are prepaefhflQf Jsîea Al.wp ertmiimg'1~1a1s8kiiIh OÙu Md sais;'b dn7 I factiou.r Oea aé ,~i 6 a o i1pjli - r 'Duuda.-t-he sy I i:riR~~& J, *r a - A~rlekatd lu .a for 26 opration. At pr*aien t ick l0 bac Whly and Boville te suppli, niand. Onu# his ropert oare tva O L', xbrhouse vB fhvle sou sppt-_- n bloc, la suitpurchasers.Alsot1 Rting st.,for inrsluthe cutiàýw4X t bulaeatr A.Fortlerm' 1 -~ J. GG1144,g 10-8ln. Kng St.Wetsl HOU86 and Lot for Sale, Tise bouse nov occupied by Mr. M. MuirL ., situated on Perry Street, second bouse lYac ofDr. Erstwood's, in the town of Witbyl ~articulmr apply to THIOS. DEVlPELL,,. AUCTION SAILE -0F VALU ABLE-- FARM di VILLAGE PROPERTY, Uunder aud by virtue of tise Paoes of Sale contalaed in tva certain reglstered mortgages vhicis WM lb. produced at tise imne af sale, and upon vhichi defanit in payment hue been made, tisere viiibe offemeti for sale by Publie Âuctl.'n, at thse :BREýOCI-K EqOT-USEJ, In tise Village of Sunderland, in the, County of Ontarto, on- Thursday, 27th djy of Feb. 1890, At the heur of One o1clock in tise aftancon, tise following vatuable lands and promises, viz:i Flmsty, tiss certain pe.rcots or bruts of lands and premises. sibuate in thse Township off Brook, in thse County of Ontaiio, coutainiag Sity-Slx Acres, more or lesa, sud composod a1 thse South-ial of tise Nortis-hali o'i Lot Nuxu- ber Sevenleen, iu thse Slxth Concession oi tise said Tavusisip. ALSO that part of tiese id Lot described as folbova:. Commenoiiig aI a Cpoelnte aiat &point distant ou a course Suts 74 Degrees. West Vive Chaîna and Sixty F1v6 -iais fremth ie Norths-out angle aoflise said Lot, then Souths 16 Degrees. Est Flfteen Chaîna. Twenty-Slx sud One-Hai! Iis tisonce Seutis 74 Degrees, West Three Chaîne, ifty-Six L~inks; tiseuie Norths 16 Ulegroua, Weft Fitteen Chains, Tvouty.Slx aud Case- Hall Links; tisence North 74 Degres, Ens.s Tisme ai.ina, F11 y -Six Links ta te place af beglnnlng. ALSO lise Sauth LigisI Âcres af thse Nor qatr of tie caïd Lot. AND ALSO tise et-Haii of Lot Numbet Elghteu,lu tise Sixts Concession cf tise aforeaaid Townehlp of Brock, cntaiuing 100 Âcres more or leua. Seondly, Village Lots «'" ansd "J" on tise Esaida of main Street, lunbis. Village of Sun- derland, 1is.hemuid Towuaip of Brock, ac- cording ta Planu No. 79. Also bise Fut-HaIt ai Lot Number Tvelve ln lise Fuist ConéessIon aiflise sald Towuahip of Brook, excepting tisereont tisI part cf the. sad Lat-Hall laid out sud sold for Vllage Lots sud Eailway. Tise land ftratly described. la inlny clea.red. sud lu a fr*ir sate of cultivato.us consista of Beecis. MaIe. Hemloek sud Codai. On thse s&&me are eretWd a Rougis-Cash Dwol- iug Rous. its god stone oelliw. 1og Barn, Pruine Barn, ô& fset by 36 test, vils a<ldi4lon- 56 <e by 28 test, Cellar Stable vils atous valle 10 felt higis. Thse property l tuae &bout Tue bMles trom Sunderlaind, sud about Tht.. sud one-haah! Mles tram ManillaStation. On thse farm lande aecoadiy desctlbed are erectod a Brick Veneered Dvellxsg Bouse vils addition, Stone Cear. Prame Barta vilsatone valla anti stables underneatis, Prame Dtiving Eihet, 1111k Hanse, sud otlser outbuildiiigs. Parlai tihe Vllaige of Sunderland la ultuatd on lhsropOl'Iy. On tise Villu¶ePrOR Lots and"J." is etected a ticrm ccntalnisg.&Mx stores vils <rame addition, occpiobE ankag ffie. 50eStoe, Drag gEM"oD vesbet TêbeaV$-Td4 e "ut.se uosae: lune. rs4 vdoüiS b.e mae kofvo ut 1;, aime sala. î b ae nw 1% For fer furtisci particulars. app to T. H. Qleadeaning, Esq., Sunderland, On , orIao JOEIN LEYS, Vendors Solicitor, M8 Court Street, Toronto. Painting and Drawiag Classec8. MMSY. B. McGILLIVRAY resucued ber Clisses in uSe W. C. T. U. F-ree Reading Room, on Wedaesday. Jan. 22nd, ."o em terns are PaiLinig on China,. Painting in Water Celais, Decerative or Fancy Painting, Drawing, $6 ou 5 00 5 00, &W ClascaM Mee çvcr Wednesdav and Sbatur- day alternoons. Pupils receive-d at any dîne. .p* t4» ppeup b IL.8. FERRY & CO. Wb ame te. Lrga dqdmal ie. world. 8eaiflly flustrated, Descrptiiv -"à cai, acis eaonsca 1ome s ab re hnever. Ev. WIWDOA or or EOR~ SAlUE RA.ELX~ B~~g LO~ADiNG SALEn To Glose out 7at G rea t/y- Reduced Prices. 'w' G9 WA L fERS Is offering Big Drives and Rare Bargains in the following Seasonable and Desirable Goods. Ladies' Short Jersey Jackets reduoed to $8.25, former price $5.00. Ladies' lleavy Wool Shawls rednoed ta $2.00, former prica $8.50. Ladies' lleavy Wool Shaws reduced to $8.00, former price $4.75. Ladies' Heavy Velvet Finish Shawls reduced to $4.50, former price.$6.00. Ladies' Fur Muffs reduced to $8.00, former price 12.00. Misses' and Childrens' Cloalus rednced to -$8.50, former price $5.00. Men'a Black Worsted Overcoats rednced to $8.00, former price $12.00. Men's Black Worsted Overcoats reduced to $7.50, former price $11.00. Men's Bine Napp Overcoats reduced to, $5.00, former price $7.50. Yoctths' Tweed Overcoats reduced to $2.00, former price $3.50. Men's Persian Lamb Caps reduced to $6.50, former price 10.00. Men's Persiari Lamb Caps rednced to $5.00, former price $8.00. Men's Persi* Lamb Caps reduced to $4.75, former price $7.00. Mlso a 25 Per cent. discount on ail the Blankets, Flannels, Fascinators, Remnants and Children's Tweed Suits. W.e Go Oddfellows' Block, New Jewelry! Everyi Clooka, J tacles, et Repairini branches Old Jewi aI p. 1hi WALTERS, Whitbye $129OOO WoriIi ol Dry Goodse TrO - El CED 0E SAIflE- & Cou thing iu Complicated Watches, rewelry,.Silverwarc and Spea. ýc., in stock aud rmade la order. g aud Engraviag in ail its B, St pice la suit tise limes. elry made over and remodeilet T-A YLOII'8- ,e Watchmakere 1WM. Bvi:URNS DOMINION BANK Oais ad, up, 1500-0 Surplus, -220,000 Intetest slovwed aItIigset ourent ratas.MieS dOhlr'at O T XPRQ . No notice off 1 ,sLrquo.ABPOLYInMNIt ZPQO ETEQý Y ROUT 288,A0*~tV~rStylulMi0' ~ltBot i Upr.-. Maae.lêA4Sý auiù G , it.1T any perirfor O1uatm nesus - Ail&t P ç t 'à ii tOpe' OfNES AHL I L SQfJOS, 01 M 4O -E - - 0 .. A TL I~LI est., r- He.m mIl Towm Join ici 211 81 per an 8nbscriptic off publicati tiantruot. 1U insertion, a quent insei JOHIN STJ JORN Barrister,-' Oouuly- Se Court lHong Barrister, by Farevel Brock St.,1 Attorne -s Couvey p seti of tà Block, B G. YI Barrisisi suer ai M& Block, Sau L i 't Buanme ul TI1EO. À Fs CLEA RITST O" DR, Physiol office. 7to 9 P. Wondorf'uI Bargýains in Feit 'Goods Men'8 Canadian Owzshoes at $125, should be $1.50. 8en's Artics a>t 140,souldbe $18à. sud & Terra 1 - 1 1 a 1, na Le i Brock o to loan 1 1 ý oo l'oddfoilows Block., 1 1 - 1, - - - - -, 1 whitby. [ - 1

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