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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1890, p. 3

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- - I - W IMHN a few doses of Ayer's Cherry vPector'al wlll relieve you? Try it. ]KeeP it in thre house. You are liaNe ta have a cough at any tinte, and no other remedy ie so effectiye -s this worid.. renowned prepara- M iou. No hausehoid, >ith young chidren, shouid ho 'without it. - Scores of lives are eÀ sayed every vear by 'i itatimnelynse. Amanda B. Jenner, Northantipton, Mas.writes: Il Conmon gratitude int- m sie ta ackowledge the great bene- fits 1I have derjved for iny children from tîce use of Aver's most exrpllent Cherry Peotoral. 1 had iost two dear children frn croup and consumlptiohi, and had tlue rreart (t sar ocf losing my only re- iriiuig daughtvr and son, as they were liicuc aplpily-, 1 itidthat by giing t .et vers Chorry Pectoral, on thre tiret sycccuî ftlroat or lung trouble. they tre ri uvdfrorn(langer. and are be- n.igrobu.st, lîealtliy clcdldren." *.he -inter of! 1(5 I took a bad 'cvhîc'li, in spite of everv known rt îuey, grîmv worse, so that tLe fanily 1 \-<citan ccnsiclered Xiiie iicurable, supi- îgme te tce icii c o-cropt in. AsaS àast resort 1 trîed Avurs Chierry Pecto- rat, anii, in a short time, the cure was coinpile. Sincs thenlIhave neverbeen witlîot this medicine. 1 ami fifty years (4 age, welgh over 180 poends, and at- tr'hute my good herlth to the' use of Aver's Cherry Petoral.'-G.W.Vouker, Safe, N. J. Last winter 1 contracted a severe r . which liv rê'peated expcsure, be- (libelequite obstinate. lI was nmueh tr '1ublst wilthhoarst-neqseaDi bronchial irritationu. After trytrtg varions iedi- ct-,wthokut relief, I at last purehased a boutle of Avers Cherry Pectoral. On takiug this medicine, xuy cough ceased amoust inmediately, and 1 have ieen us-Il ever ent."B .Tîxos. B. Russell, Stcretarv 11ltontl Conft'rtnce and P. E. f thetèGretutiville District, 'M. E. C., Jonebborto, Tenu. Aye's Cherry Pectoral, PRBPÂIIED BY Dr. J. C.'Ayer & Co., LowcII, Mass. Euti4 y &Ji Irtaggiète. leiteî 1; six botttes. Pickering Council. (&ounoii met as per adjourniment at town hall, Brougham, on Mouday., j Uly 2l8t. liembers ail preseni; Reeve in the chair. Minutes of aset meeting read and ap- proved. Severai accouots were pro. eeutcd and referred ta the varionS Coni- mitteee. Mr. Parker preeeuted the following report: 1 beg leave ta report that when attending a meeting Of ohairmen of committee a( this oounty at the îown of Whitby, in refereuce tao ountj bridge@, the Reeve ai the township of Uxbridge wltb myseif served the War- den of tbis cauntY Witb a notice that this town8hip it-id tte county liable fa: the erectian and maintenance af bthe bridge on tcwn flnoe s«r of Altona, and requset the immnediate erection of the saine. I humbly rsquest that ni: action in thie roatterbe considercd as if found correct that the sanie be rati- t r i a I lied. Retîpectiveiy eubmaitted-Geo- Par- ker, 3rd Depuiy Reeve. M r. Mrowbray, seconded by Mr. Geraw, moved, that the report of M. Parker be adopted. Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Gerow, movei that titis Concd resolve ibsehf iota a oommittee of the whie to open snd conider tenders for iranx bri4ges, M-r. Gerow lu tse chair. Tenders were reccived from, tbc Peterbora Bridge Co., iea freim Do. minion Bridge Ca., Montreal. The omitutee reported, recommend- ing acceptance of Pelerbor? Bridge C.'s tender for lte construction cf the Pickering Village sud (3iaremont bridges at bbc suin cf $4,000, ou con. dition thatte Baid Company comply witb sncb requirements saked for by titis Council or their commissioIiero, sud that Ga. Gerow sud J.- M. Garow bc authorized sud empowered ta make suda sigu a cantract ' with said company tor eaid contract. Report adopsed. Soveral parties were heard aukng for grants for wauboute sud repaire. Mr. Westgatc reportcd train Stand- ing Counmitteo on Roada snd Bridges, rccammenaiug payment of foilowiug acounte :-A. Salt-on, work betwecn 2 sud 8 iu Oth Ciou., 1157; James Pet- terson, rcpairing bridge iht con. be- tweon 18, $36.85 ; at B ethel, 811.75 ; opposite 8th con,, $8.35 ; opposite lot 6, 6th cou., 83; bridge ai Brougham, $4; Wilkuson I'iangh Ca., road shovels, $74 ; Jas. Lrdgett, repalri.ug waehaut, isise, 910; Hay King, re- pairiug bridge au 9sh con., lot 84, $78; jua. 0Grahamu, nepraus "tx'road 1>04O!R* drawlug gravel bcteb*u 14 sud'Ibe2bd can., $0 David Pugh, gravol, $6.66; J. Hurlburt, grave1, 72.; Jus. Apdersan, tomporary bridge at Barry',, 4.75 ; do., teamiug ituber teo di#erent bridges sud colvets, 820.75 ; John,Psitrscn, oulveri ai Broughame, 989.50; .Wmà Hardy, repairin bridge ai Evaus, Miii, 84 ; J. IL.-cagner, taking down *und repairitlg bridge on 4tb, $2ý; N Bichardflan, bridge on 6th con. opp.1 lot 4e $87; P. B,. Hoover, repariug bridge ai Giéesu iver, 08 ; William M.rshsil, repsirlug seraper, 25e.; Wm.-' Ifumgro e, 156 be.o»lta, $88.1e; Wur merd , ecvligbrig u rplil 48;- W.&WolhuSout, o~f lO. - tot,ý0puiri1>g ouliedn* ~we 6 ~75j9~f~,825; Jas.Lb41ou, $akibà aphnt. bÏÎ4ges end test' m~t 'r1«kl0tomtlots 21 auiOd c '011,1 wM.Bunepadilli b.. opp. lots 2 sa ,12 .éhe p. proaches te brdge i4 7th eoou, lot 14' iSb; H. Ellioott, grosvelling on Breck Riad aouth of Brougham, #2879; J. L. Joncs, grave], do., $5 ; Th o..Brne, grading aud outtlu^g bill on Altona road, on B. F. cou.. $72. Committee oould not reoominend payment of Thoe. Mad,n'a saccaunt for grave), not bing properly crtifled ta. On motion of Mr. Westgato report was adopted. Mr. Parker, chairman of the con- tingéney Committee, recomoe.nded that Clark Brae. be paid $2 for prýiting bille fartetuders. Mr. Gerow moved that the JIsevé grau& bis order on the trsaisnier in favor of tihe several parts recomnenil- cd for payment in the reports of the Standing Committees as prebtnted thie day. Carried., r. Parker gave notice tiret ait the neit regular meeting he will introdue by.laws ta levy rages for towhehip, oounty and educational purposes. Mr. Parker oeoved tbat the Beove be empowered ta grant hie order on the trearsurer in favor of contractors on tenti!.ttotory reports being made ta him af cowpietion of wojtk froni date until nexI rneeting of council. Cartied. MNr. Mam~bray gave notice of iro- duncîuost u,-it meeting of a by-law ta abFeFê the st veral echool sections for the anionut required by the trustbes cf eald sohool sections.' _Mr. pa-k«r mived jtirith*- Reeve be reqoired ta cail)on tire towaehilp cn- Rinesr to seble dispute between' Mesura J. H. Long sud Bobt. Annan, an over- seer ot the township, in regard %0aa watercourep. Carried. Mr. Par ker introdnced a by.law ta raise mroey by tbe issue cf debentures ta replace the bridges, culverte and washouts oarried away by the recett freshets. ln Committee cf thc whole the anjount was fixed ai $19,000 (bear- ing 5 percent. intcreet), payable in 19 equal aunual inetalmeuts,- together with sccrued intereet, thc irai payment of principsl to be made Dcc. let, 1891. A vote cf the efectors will b. taken ou the 25th day of AuRust nexi. On motion cf Mr. Wcstgaie the Conucil adjourned 11ntiWduesday, Angusi 27th. Thre vicissitudes af climats are trYling tb Most considerations, especiaUy ta peopit baving impure bioad. For ail such (sut they oùnstitnte the mejority), the beet sale- gaard te Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the use af which cleases the blood snd strengthens and invigorates the systeni. CLAREMONT Mise Ida Leaper. daughtcr of Mr. T. Leaper, is visiting in Clarer.ont. Mr. Duncan Morgan and family have welcarned a new baby, a bright, obeery sunnuy ttle blossom. Bey. Mr. Kippau had gane for hie bolidaye to Clftron Spring, New York, when a telegram foilowed him on hie arrivai there informing him of hie mnother'e illnese. 1Re left at onee for ber bedoide. We learn that asebas since died, and synipathize with hini in hiB eorrow. Mr. Tound's littie boy lies very low ié not expeoted tb live at last accounts s. Quite s number of the Claremont people are out ai pasture sud mare are roon going. 'Bey, Mr. Trotter and family are aIl away, Mr. J. Buudy sud family lefi ueday ta graz's iu Muekoka, wtiere tbey bave nippcd the tender pastules iu years gono by. Mies Id& Simpeon, the swect solojet, le singluR in te Methodist chair duriug ber hoidays. Qaite s numberr af the Claremont ycung people arc thiukiug cf goiug ta Grimsby nezt week. Ihcy ay every.- body can de au they Hlin àGrictusbÏy camp, BD they are going 'se try thd abrabamia style of rural sîmplicity sud dw.ll ln tenta. beyoud Ionien, ibey will have acres of ground te inhvel before they attain te primeval innocence. Two generationt after Abraham icM Jacoba tme we f(md tspJacob is ud Rachel sud iift.ed up bis vaice sud weps. We cannai un lerstand tbose old patriarohal wsys, ws only kuow naw a days if Jacob were so try tire sme gaine an Rachrel lic wouid geL sncb a whacb iu the mouili that te wauid lift up hie voice tili yau oould hear hlm in anather township, sud-proboibly weep, toc ; but tbc.cîrouintauces ai the case arc ual givenansd re*1ly I feel 1,1k. tiiukùmg thsai Rscahel wàe a pretty dis- oreet kind of s girl and wauted ta give lin s quiet bint that eh@ *aatod noue of bis fooling, sud the bawiing sud the weeping -were -notseumach ..beeeuse of, thei ,paru of the -whack, sas te.Watkn Rachel that if ebe did net want te make s migbty commotion thc momeut she was introduS n "j at sew oouutr abs ve0ptienlot is sdvsuocs.IW- ý& no more weeping on Jsobq,-p*rk ..._Re nndcnstood hi& e epet i, i werc ýsom mainid sud, n~o doubi, if their liv.. vas ouly more fnil discoîo- ed the roui of the ?weepfing va. domc bY Bachel wen u~ o1pgain )t peint. We 'eaut b. paiaehmsuY mare we csu't even- ho e ourselves -thens isso muac f the artifiW. about usbat, the; probabiliuici ar'et ihat île akes vili wash tbo rouge and powion off sud ta atJqcij<bopotlhe 4xbA*g sud -heý s*16 ki"2M21eir cflÏ -uiic l id lite 'monstrously vel té be 3a hand te, Seo Ihîeir usan approacli te primevai habite. SBhouli I «e t ton yeiu *M probabiy fiud'-I uni» uae, ýtsM Idr.'Dodwel ibas moisse fb _y dqproperiY 1froj -We4 '. té, ed'bufldn B78 W b.j ait hadv.iq$*pi~M syps to evei 4M new travýàQ t»U aitw Sats Company bM~?ai oral aldercioW viafthna ase beWsë les and examinsg beu s'lt Mel obe, ptm. Mr. Dodds cornes therefore Obtremont whcn needed on Monday ninize. EaowNAVILLIL The Methodiet Suaday Sobeol Pic- nic at Bîephsn's G3rove, Weduebday af. ternoon, was cbiefly rcmsrkable for tbe very large quSuber wbo rt[. ndedi variously estioeaied ait trom 700 tc:1- ThoCe ain fie teani at Bisley bas done fairly wolJ thns fiÏ-,,-tbe Bow* man ville contin sent, Mesràý ,Wind att and Hlorsey, being among the prize winuers. Soaae of aur jneme e n have de- termin.sd ta tako breathin selia dur- iug thle sud nexi montb.- Mr. Jo.. Jeflery closeo; hiselothing emporium Tuesday and Tbursay aftecoone, nlnd Mr. J. B. Martyn snd the towu jewel- ter@ close on Thureday ateriuoonh. Di BHILOW'S VITÂLIZER in what you eed for Constipation, Loos of appetite, )zziness, and &Il symptomes of Dyuspuzoa. >r;c- lU .Anur, --f. na hnUIlA. R Bowee. Prince George of Wales sailed yesterday fror Bermuda for Eal&ifai. Minrda Liniment rellevea Neuralgia. The excellent crop prospecte in Msanitoba ana the North-west are confirmed. Piles! Piles!1 Itchlng piles -SyxjiiTomB-Moisture; intense itohing an stingiiag; mont at night; worse by scratch- ing. Il allowed ta continue turnors orin. which nfton bleed and uîcerate, becoming very sore. SWATNE'S OINTMENr stops "'e itching and bleeding, heals ulceration,1 and in most caues remnoves the tumors. At &Il druggiste, or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayn(e& Son, Phiiadelpliia.-10- Gmos. Wheu Baby wae siek. we Cave ber Càatons. Wbeu skie vas a Child. skie cred for ( astoria, Wben skie becs-me Misa. sheýclnng to Cae<oria. Whou she hàd ChUdm-en.skie gave tbom Ca4toua Much damage to Ontario crope hue been For lame bacb, side o r chea t, use Sblob's Paronà Planter. Pzice 25 cents. W. R. A ransuway reaping team " àAsrau town- slip maungied DanMe'ewuer, aged 17. Ulve Them A&Chmne i1 Tbat is ta Bay, your lange. Alzo a&l your breMhhtau..tiaehixtey. V*ry wauderf4 ina- chlur~i4d.Net $onl$ tire ln*aàc.ta cavities lesdiug from them. When these are ologged sud cbhoked wth mhatter wbioh ou g hi not ta ýb. the»s. your lungo caunot bal do thelr wa*k. And virat -tbey do, they sampot do ire. cCs-flil 'colda cpgh .crup, pucumanis, csarrb, c#Du,à -o ;o r Muny a1 thela mily of throst sued nose sud lest! sud lung ob. structions, s-i are bad. Ail auglt ta ho got rid af. There is just anes urh way ta get rîd of them. That je ta taire BascIrc German Syrup, wbich any druggiat wvil senl ye t 75 cents a battis. Even il .very. thrug ciehc had MlIl you, You maY depeud upon this for certan. il Mrinards LUniment cures B urns, etc. Haltnsas large as plume are reppoid johave 61llu inB08e& -Mount, OD1.,4aa week. .2rLL YOU. StFFER w"t Dysp0psia ana Lver Complait? Shiloh's 'Vitalier ta guarapteed ta oufe Fou. W. IL Howoe. A wanderitig tailor lrom Toronto, named Joiseph MdGrath han been drowned at Arn- prior. Theiewloan in Quebec will amount ta LOW'S.SULI'HURBOA.P akould be fouud with, every 'foiet. Il isl drop lu Q*ebec. CONSUMPTION tCUJRID., ilayIcedin his hauds b au Bui OaAriÂthma sudail r a t < Lu ONVE DOLLAR £ACH.* TO BE RA.D 0F ALL DRUGGISTS OR 0F TREF HOSPITAIL REIEDY COIPAIIY, Sole Propietors, for Infante and Chidren. Caluorola ino we ladpted to horflh uatorts cures Cle, Comstpation. 1 ecmmen t ae muperior tw auy prsca oSur tomach. Dlarrhoa., Euctation.di same" L ACBRIILD IUs pn4sves leep, aMd promotG» l Taz CENràua Com.àNr, 7î urray Street, N. Y. THQUSANDS <1F IOULES CUR E F lS!a Wh 1 My Cuv d nt eau R - 1 - nerely to stop tbem for a Urne, and thes bave therreura" .1OMEAN A RADIOALOUREU. lIavemade the diseaseof FîtS =Pl"ps r $#clg ioom 0"a 11e-lS ong- "rmd t ue* sirtcases. Bcueohr aesie an rac o o c ee acr.SeniLat onerfor a treatise and a oPrea BoftIo of my lupe,%1Ible R.mExpress andl PotOfie.Itcctyo atbag(o .U trii m I icure yen. Ad ess- .ROOT.% M.0.9 Sranch Off le, 1R» W~TE LAD TETTBN c c- c c C~!TT~I F'0I~ ÂLTi! Il For DISORIERS OF lTE 014E8T1 ýBORE IIROATI , 8OIIIl~0UH~lLS Gladulr Selin~, sd il 4ki 1iseaest as'i~ qu i oreonrated and sifjolnb it acto like à'charm.'ý MauaeO a~ WOXFORD STREET late,520OFR' TE1 LOQNDON,suan d ' Sby al Madicine Vordors ktoutauth o. W~uehaersholdlOk o the Lb#n l Pots:, ci B~ t *daddrm eàlt b3LlJXditreet, Loudn,-thearemspuriona --t. - TORONTOI CAADA. PO wDE CONTrA fiNs NO, ALUM, AMMOt4IA. LIME" PHOSPMATES, or a»Y inlyiurlou uterials., E. W.GI LLTT, ORONTO, ONT. E. W.GILLEr, OBICÂGO, IL16 W TNG FTHÉ DIVI8I10b 3otlFTS. -COl1ITY 0F oNTiAltl'O, ieo. i. Wlùrnv, Clerk, D. C.- Macdon .11 Whltby Jn. 8, Feb. 8, Match 8j' Apiff 2 May 2i unte 8, July 2; Sept. 2. Oct. 2, Nov 8, Doc. 2. <. ;« 2. -BROuGKAXlerk, M.Gleeson, Green aoodMay 8, iliy 8, Sept.80 _B" -Green*ood, Jan4,March 4, Nov. 4. Sei l~,rt lek ; un 4.U ms, Olerk, Z.Hmhllx hrldgê,ja. 28, Mar U.y May14, Jnly 9,9ep HANTON, Clerk, G. FP. Bruce, Beaver- ton, Ian. 80;-Mar 28, May 16,13'uIy il Sept.- .UP=EEGiaovB, Olek Fi»J.Gilleepl Uegrejau. ,1JMaî2g9; May 1!7, July 18,Ni.35;~ByIorder.- - c .jictcj.g:t f bu.w uau -uwu 7- c c: 1 twormë. %or adsêtta. bel 0 1 0 1 Newmoarket bas il)fled anotber fiow. iug weil with a,daily flow of W00 gal- loua at a coat cf $350. This well will more than eanpply the G. T. R. with whom the town bas a contract ai $600 a y cs ir.,1 The faîl wheat, which Àsuow beiug eut is very beavy sud an excellent sain- pIc. Mr. M. Gleeson bas laet cmplet.? cd cntting 25 acres on lots 10 sud 1 in u the 7rb Con. that is estimatcd wil yield 45 bitehele per acre. There are several ailier parties that bave similar fields o! Wheat. Hay i. a heavy crop sud well cured sud garnared. Barley le naw being harvested sud ia a ful crop. Osîs are short but iu this vicin- ity are expected ta yiis-id a medium crop. The outlook for a good lutrade is very eucouragiug. Ernest Hess, cf Chicago, bas failed for 815u,000. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH sud Bronchitis imrnediately relieved by Shioha Cure. W. R. Huwse. The Dominion Goverument lia beau oued for damages over the Quebec lond- lide. HE ALTH Na1. TAR RH, 0I H y Ft rouoblesa of - D eathes wbich are diecarded by reputabie physi. LIVER AND KIDNEYS, c&ans as wholly w9rtblesesand gener&.ly injuriaus. Âsk for Hospital Remecly ë Prann cure Dyspepsia, Indigestioni, Con- for Çatat'r. stipation, Bright's Disease cf the KidnOYS, Oatarrh B.-ThiS o the omarketarruh of the Stomach and Blactder. Tis isa MarvellOUS $1,00.Im cenifcwuce.medicino. It rapldly Imakes SOOD, DLOOD> AND LOTS 0F IT H o 't .Cnla e ~tmark« »iç" an i 00dem O hit ias ofip- ue inbthe 3o"tP s icwi apo Viii Gelleral & Nervoils Debîl jalm F m1 o. HAST EYfOrCMRLDEIT.PIC 0-PRICE $1.00. t1il tfoxtîatfrom thO Soientifl Papors o! Great Britan and Europ: rhe foUr greateat nredloal Sn&« freaf<h world arm London, Parie. Berlin and Vienne. These cities haue imlmense hoapitaa teeming with aufferiflg humaiuitj/. CrowÀda of atudenta throng the wvardeaetudying under the Professera in char9. The moat renowned phyaieiana of the world teaoh and practice here, and the institutions are atoréeuses of medical hnowledge and experllce With a uiew of ,naking thia experlence auailable to the public the HospitalJ flenedy Co. at great expense aecured the prescriptions of theae hospitais, preparcd the specifios, and although it would costf&n: $25 to $100 te aecure the attention of tiroir distinguished originatora, yet in this way- their pro. pared apecîices are offored at the priée of the quack patent medicinea that fod thre market and absurdly ç p(pim tD,.CUr euerg lllfrom a ain gle bottie. r . 1 lm MARilriffam- EMVT Off AMTUCATZOlqr. CWMZJRB mmocamme mmom imumi)lms 't- 'Il

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