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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1890, p. 6

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IL, - mm~ qw lai 4on, inas th. mot- ter, 4às tê sne upièfosgislaiou. If bridges are te b. buili st randôm la future as in thé plut, Oshawa aBd Ecset Whitby dtisusto have tva créoed- DOW. Mr. iMtbersill -(speaking toteh clause) t dho dia net také mudh iýmitiug the county's licbi)ity te bridges longer tban 80 feot, as thore wore -Bo few bridges et that léngth or over in thé couatjy that thé by-lev vould simply amount gta crefusai on thé part et-thée ouznty ta ssume any respouisi- bility in thé matter of bridges. Mr. Harman explied ta Mr. Mothersihi ht thé, recommendatiof lai the clause under considération wes simply ihst a by-hcw be pcssed, but did net presoribé thé lengtb cf bridges te, wbioh thé couaty wonld limit ils liability. Thé clause simply assertéd thé neoesiiy cf passing sorne by-Iaw. 'We have a spécial Rosadsnd Bridge Commission whose duiy il is in oases af omsrgency te rêbaild or repair bridge% but tbis ceunoil muet >ps A by-law te define thé limite of ils re- sponuibility in aider tbat Ibis Com- mission mray know what it bas to bandle. Once a by-law i. passed thé O3wmissiou muet observe thé CeUD- cil's instruction insiecd ai going accord- ing te the very vide limit ef the statuts whers ne by-Ia existe. Hé regards the statuts in their matter s b.lnig a rery, impreper one, ce thé tawnahiliai@esupon vhicb it les pêi- fted that thèse bridges muet b. buri mcy b. Tory unimporsani roada, where- as ths gisai county rosds,the tharofares of trafflo, are thé highwayslipoii vbich hé believes théooauniy's résponsibility. sboula éxisi. Thé town cf Oshawa compicins of having received niggardly treaiment tram ibis council in tbe past, bécanse. i bas net required s mucb as elbois. Well, now tbéy have a good excuse toa aek for hélp, and if tbey bcd donsco5 in a proper spirit beD wonld for ane have givén their dlaim bis wanm suPort. Thé i"epîéenativee f Oeh- ave di4 net do se, aud nov c uitile feeling has apruug up. As ta thé law, hée believes itie a naetter of -opinion whether thé county could hé compeil- edta balld thèse bridgées aler a by-law i. pesscd, ibsi i., supposing the by-law bcd an 80 fi. limit., But hé yl go in for passing a by-lav ai auy limit whicb wili be fair toaail, sud thon let the Spécial Bocd andi Bridge Commission hé guideti by it. Mi. Mothoisili Baa this by.law could flot affect oounty ines. Mr. Barman said that was se, and hé would be willing to exeltide tram its proiso bridges upon wbich bcd been aled soeed by tbs couuiy. Mr. MoRée Baia it appeared te b. thé prévailing ide in this council ibat the members from thé northein muni- oplities came dewn hère for thé ex- proespurposé of blséding the conuiy. Te dispel this notion ho went inte do- tafla té show that an many occasions c good desi et tinkéring and repairing bcd been doue ta thé Talbot rivé! bridges, whsn in c dangorons condi- tion, in. ord& ta save asking the couD- iy connei1 to bnild uéw ee. Iu ar- der ta maké thé bridges coe as cep as possible thé people of Ttorab and Marc bcd been content ta make iheir ro adsta the narnowesi place in thé river *âihbdîvides them, thus chortén- ing thé bridges. But nov ait«~ doing sU% ibis la make thé bridgés &cercsethé Talbot short, an 80 fi. by-law wanld relieve thé oounty ai thé résponsibility et tbém cIL. Rad thoy béén biili - IT wAxES WARMER. Mir. Luke, backeti by Mr. Mothor- dlu, inosteti upan eettllng théelmi DOW. Allermoreé genorai tcik Mr. Ham moveti that thé Wmnit ln. 60 fi., but sub- ssquently r.dueed it ta 50 fi. TPhe ameudment, vas sadded tethe -clause anud thé report passeti. In concil, on motion fer thé adoption et the report, Mr. Wilson mevid ta ro- ter tbo report bsok teo ommittes villi insiruotions te make thé lisait 60 tedt insýe" 01 50 téot (i. e. $btihaUie uc- iy shalU ic iab el.tec, ontinet'or ima-ntain. brîdge lesthan that long.> Mr. Marstin uaovsd r OI0 t. Mi. Flummérfeli vaniedti taknov tva'tùq bbae blas the vivatw s tkén. Pirsi, shah theré b. a debale vien the bylav cameis up?2 Second, viii thé by.lovwbev passed kilI appliietioe ll rmide tonbridges? TPh. Waicden eplied tiftI lshonitil net rpfdos e.:I ïlow.ithér ameudmieiis or discussien vien thé- by-lav Wii brought lu. But il appears ta ho lie uiderstaading ihat thers shaH be neiber. IT REACHES 90 IN TIIE SBADE. 1Mnr. Harman saiti h bd previously arguei againet this uutieisandiag ta paus tb* by4aw lu silence.- lifi. "lummertéli movet inlu meuti- ment te, Mi. McUrtiu's sud Mu.-Wilson'e mnotionthktt b. lVii be 28 féet. -(It viii b. ýol>qovotfrein ib"s ov litile idea soeéoatour couuty councrlors havéeftheb proper traouctiln of busi- niess ou biglibli nmd, '4dhow ohort-Ilghiod cu4 ilme-serving they ode. Bach oee oulti want té, fi the Limit to suit moule i$~1briWgthat lov Ast i i.ed cf atts~lenauoehng-s;lght'-f thé" péuslbifity thsat1h.elimifluet ,mlght 1li Ii jpiWedb hâà mo» to h» if t b*M t ths w. 7.àT ma Ple«ing ihe afl,estiuMW h goutly wtdrev hie résoltion, SU a- wit ah.- STILL TE MERCURY RSES. Mr. Christie rosé in great indignation andi declareti the bueinéas of thé COUn- cil bcd coeéto the same pase ce aI thé June sesion-a mer. gae.ofi pcb. Roevêtires sultiug ouita&H bridges undor 50 foot andi c motion lu offoest t éxcepi onebridge ef 23 fi. di 25 -fi., îw oudér te gsi voies ta carry thé balance of theoechéme. On a vote Mi. Parker's motion car- riéd, théeniembers from Brook, Can- ningion, Scoît, Uxbridge towff, Beach, Sougog, Port Perry, Whitby tovnship and Whithy tavu being opposéd 10 il. 100 IN THlE BRADE. White thé voté vas béing >countpd Mn. Milér g-ev vexeti and sciti it voulti beeobgoo deslt-sai 514 ioud teO the maiter ta the courUt t decide. Hée Said thé CHRONWCLB sharactcsiz@d théir conduetisasrobbery si thé Jane Session anti voulti ikely do eo &gain, so hé voulIAlike ta Sec the ibing sent tlaua independent tribunal. h endle Mi. Christio remind theictii o the thiéci Mr, Laiko hati mcde, vheu ,hs 17000'gral& was- up les oïa4,t get up a combine thai voulti makê ihem &clietaro. It nov iooed ceif Mi. Lerke bcd sucoestein ew aryiog oui bis Ibroat. 'Phe report thon paused, andt h. coun- cil thon veut to dinnér. ÂFTEEEOON SESSION. Mêlait 1:50. Mi. Bigelov brougit lu fer ils second readisig bis by-lav té lisit the ouny's liabiiy-inlregard ID thé conutruction- and maiutenncecsoai hidges aveu rivera, lakés anti ponde on Municipal Unes. Mn. Lanké imuaodiaioly move t hat the limit of iabiiy be 50 fi. Mi. Harman moved. an auxendmeni stating that thé by-law sicîl not re- hease thé oouuiy from liebiliiy lu re- gard go bridgés hersiofore asmumeti by lie county. 200 DEGREES OF HRÂT. A rav arase as te vwhlcof thé amondmsusts shaulti tahe piseédeuce, lu beiveen théetoi Mvr. i. a- Mcu iakiug occasion W te ice turing thé rset héthle viuiihé- hvoieti on firstin i.reder ual thé represatives frein Thýorali anti Mars mgit ýbe. guar- antééti thé mainiènanos of-'hou 'bridges ever the Talbotat iprésent standing, in eider tiai ihéy migbt ho fise te vote a higheu lisait tien 50; fi. 'P"lus OUI& bavé béen a er thiag' tor thé neti men thon the 50.11. limit, inasmusi se, if ithey vers gussteédti ia mixt-ý sue -.1 clth. ýbridges they have. at presont suCI Mn80&IL. uit filet, ihait voulti mare the m mcm hcving ta MusM oa théré lu returia, as thora sÉâ aàne ta orsi corne up ovri80 #.. Ual~ op fuiursfloodi ma-ei rivulisé o ~u~ béetirles sva ec the case HGwve, ti.ohsw~i n ar-etlu ithe ouifgM.LpkeM' 'aopmzt on vaseouet sMd the nicill. mm. ,theon The régular quarisrly meeting et thé Preebytéry of Whitby vas hold ln St. Andrev'secnarch, Whitby, on Tuesday thé 15th i. Iu the absence of Rev. Mi. Ecaiman, moderator, the. Bey. Mr. MeMeosen as .lécted ta presidé, sud the Rey. D). R. Fraser vas reqné.iéd ta cet s clerk, oviug -to ihe détention tirongh ilîne etfthe stateti clérk, the Bey. A. A. Drantin, af Néeostte. A large arnount of important business vas tre.uéacted, viz : Reports frem doegates to Général Asembiy et Ottawa, stiig of cammittées for thé différent deparimeuis ai churcb wonk. A Protieleti discussion in regard te the relations belvéen pastorai udpeo. pie ln Enniekillén andi Carwrighi snuuéti, vich erded in a voté releas- ing the pestai trom thé charge, againet vhich hé protestéd andi appeeledti 1 thé Syuod of Toronto andi Lingaton. Besolutions af sya' npaîhy vith the Bey. Dr. Moclélland, who bas been compél- led ta reelgu tbreugh protrectati suffer- lng, & a-it is e ifs andi famiy, ver. coîdiqàlly paed and ordereti ta bo en- -rBssdluoieminutes, andtihle con- 4rétlo o!Anhburuwes warmlyoom- mou*di lf ortthéeraioïos-iieratmept, ot Dr. MeClelland anti family inlu hir affliction. Arrangements vemcdo for-thé supply et pulpit service@ lunth vasnt congrégations oet Dunbcîton, Columbus anti Ashibrn, and lbave vas gianted for modeîaiuglu a eaUl in eaeh ce seau as éxpedicut. 'Th. Presbyiery adjoueurntihortly aftcr five o'eleck te meett INewastàleou Tuesday, Ang. 12th, ai 2 o'clook p. m., for tha-trn@Wa tian oet4h.e11ev. Mr. Allai tram New- burg anutisieinducior inta Newcastle congrégation sassistant anti sucossor te Mi.. Drummanti-the 11ev. - Mr. Ecatman te proeli a»d- pres 'ide, -Rev. Mi. Kennedy %o offer the istallation pîrayiî, Bev àr. KMi, M oRéu0dolivor 'th. chargé ta thoà mialeiter, an ev. 'Mi. Leslie ta thé people. Trouble at molis. Mme. W. H. -Eroçm -of Melil4 ,man., oct1c v Irr5rU sud tva a! thé woret !orm o! summér ocampiaint by one bothé o! Dr. Povier'. e xtreot of Wild Stravberry,.natnré's speciflo for aMl sum- mer complainte. Wm. Brout a dccl man ha been killeti by mlcuini n héGrand 3uuctian Rel 'Phe EtRocf Evil. Dysppseand castipatîou-are the soi., oese et ývarisdiseasern, but iroct and -brànéhl ni9' b. rmoveti 1y uinig BwMdoak Blea riiniedlug Iadfreéctlne. la Ëien,-l dSe iby t- '- pusse, the public snizihe r o f s u o i t u d e ro t r b i e i t i f r - h ouèofc~usiQtI.l, dspep5ls and àa, tond tb*syer'aDominon BifSeaatiéu'. metn éfive day.. Jàs Uiý»bro' vYi iltes ô, coins. oway's aCorn Care iiiruoeaye [liem. Cali on youz drugglt and gei a battis aa oce. 'The Conservatlvs prsa &U attributs the Montmorenoyagcem to the popularity of Sir Adolphe (Jaron. Mlt.dls Multiply one another. A. ulauple fit of digestion may-especially if the constitution ie net naturally vigoros- throwthe odntirs znechanium ef the liver and bowels out af gear. Saok beadaobe foilows, poisoninq of the blood by bile en- ues, and there àe grave and serions dis- turbance of the entire system. Cheok the threatened dangers ait te onteet with Northreop & Lvman'e V6getable. Dlecovery and Dyspeptio Cure, the medicine that drives every ioepurity tram the blood. At ibie stage ln the proooadlng là became obvions teithe I bs front Pickering and Uzbridge township that they vers assisttng Oshawa, B. Whitby. Thorah and Mars to built thoir bridges andi thon irou off tl e remnainder imit, which wonld almoat chut ont everything but as Oshawa and &long the Talboti River. The Pioering.Uxý bridge bn"itigce nanly hait long enongli ta rpàoh tiislit IL B o Uteîreéu1atar lýV.s fr0118 i PAosing a d dg township put thsir headua togetheir for a minuteor twoanad dealded to demand thé pries of thetêupport ou the spot. Mr. Parker moved that the repart bo referred back ta commitise of the whole ta hate an addition mcde granting $800 ta Pickering and Uxbridge town- ship te be applied in erecting the bridge thsy bhave demanded ta o bn ilt by the ounnty. Is was obvions that if tii motion failed te pase the séven members ré- presenting the two townehips wonld tuin tail on the other four municipal- itii. ini the ring, snd the limit might be set down si 60 or 70 fi., and probaby 80, and thus @but ibém cill ont. So Oshawa, E. Whitby, Marc and Thorah bcd ta, support this special grant ef $300 la order ta hold the sevÊn votes until'tlb. bridge limit wouid Pe fixed Iai 50 fi. by thé final passing the by. Ila,'. SMr. Harman movsd an amiendmsni ta strike ont of the report ail référence ta the imit.. Mr. Wilson snggestod ihat-Mr. Har- man's Motion paso, and then have an. ottier "1friendly convention." (Ianghtei.) Mr. Tink said by now it-had becomée obnndanily obvions that a 11friendly conversation" meant a case af every mon for himeol. There was a deal of talk bore about 11friendly convers- tiens," but wben the tinc' rmotives af those whe talked that way came to the surface, this "friendly" ides was neîhing but the maek inmbers wore whsn in parguit afi pander. Mr. llarm&ýn's motion fied te poe. Mi. Thompeon said that tbe Pieker- ing and Uxbridge township mombers bsd stctsd here that their bridge was geing-te cout $500 or $600. Théir ai- tempi nov to gsi half as mnch iu a "skinny" way mcdo him sheptical la regard ta, the justnsés of tbsir dlaim. Mi. Bard eald Brc ok htd a far bot- ter claim than Pickering and Uxbridgé, but hé was opposcd ta ibis method ef detàingt wiib sncb maltera. Hé believ- ed &Il snoh grants sbauld be made on a @quare basie, and hé would withhold Brooks daim until a lime whén il may be honestly consideréd and fairly déalt ~Aching Bides and Back. .Hip' kidney, and utértiné pains an-d weakueaaés relieved in on-a minute bthé Cutlcnra Anti-Pain Plaster. ReY firat &aunly pain-killing plater SCOTTS Dois -CURE COSOMPTION In ts Firet Stages. Palatable as XiIk., ]Be sme you gel -the genuie in Salmon oc ~ au slbaî ugstat~ -SCOTT &BWZ eele 1- TO IACKIRAC i - - -- - - 1lulVIrt l Y ' V u.R Y" CT R The White is Ring. King of Kinga, Conqueror off Conquerors. IT i AflQ TUP WflPIfl Mid made mw,. Mr. Parker ioemediisly movsd that the Wcrden b. instruoted to pay Pickr- sring and Uzbridge t.ownship the #150 eudh as soon s they bave completedl the bridge wbleh thoy wieh the con&y te MR. MÂTHEWSONS COMMITTEE BEPOUTB. Mr. Matbewson, obairman of RosAd and Bridgés, brongbt iD his repert as fallaws 1. Your commtte have had before sheni a communication from the 'Pressurer of thé County ofe!Smoe in refereneé to a balancof a$89.60, whioh said oounty daims on the Bridge knawn as the Wasdale Bridge, your oommittee would recommend that it lay on the table until the January Sessions. 2. 'Your oommittehave lied an acconnt laid before tbom by the Wardsn for repair- ing an cpproaoh te Bridge cossig the Black River one half of the amount 818,12J ta be by Oounty Ontario pcid ta thé War- den. Youx oommittee would réoommend that the Werden be paid $81.00 for hie ser- vices in connection with thé smre. 8. ,Yanx oommittee have had a commun- ication trom F. R. Wadell in referenoe to an iren Bridge, your coomlittee would ré- commend that it be considered by thé special commissfionérs, with power ta pur- cha mre for the Connty af Ontario. 4. Your commltteé have had bel ors them a communication tram the Reevus of Rocch and Brook in réference to two brdges oneéknown as the North branch a! thé Nonquon River and thé other sas the Beaver River, your commte. would ré- commend that it lay on the table nlI thé Jana.ary Session- 6. Your commtes woui& recaennd that a&U commnnications tram Oshawbansd Ecet Whitby sta bridges be le! t ta, the SéilCommissions aoinled for this Conyon Roads and bridges. Ah a!f which is repétfully snbmitted. (Sdi J. R. MÂTnEwsoN;. C hairman. It passed wiLbont amendaient. COROXERS' IURIES. Mr. iillespie moved that a memorial be proentéd ta, thé Ontario Govéin- ment aeking ihat coroners juinnésway be paid a resanable amnount for wl tirne n;efnlly spent over twa days at any one iûqne';t. Thp umover mandeFin excellent epeecnoan 1ttquestion and hi@ motion was accuvdpd a unanimoue vote in its favor. Mr. Wilson made application on be- half of the township aofWbiiby, undér a clause in thé statutes of 18"., tir a grant to asuiet in building and main. taining thé new 100 fi. bridge ai Brbok- lin in that township. Mr. Parker followed wit.h a like ne. tice regarding thé bridge at Pickering village. Borné minor affairs wére then paeeed and the cennoil adjonrned aine die. The Presbytery of Whitby. A Scaiy, Itcholng 5kmn Diseasoa wlth Endios Sufcriug Curod by Ctsura Kesolveut. Il I had kuown of thé CUTICUBA REasEDIES t-Wety-éigh2t years ago it woul havé saved me $200.001 and an Immense arnount a! sufer- ing. My diseaae (psoriasis) cornmeuced on m héad ini a spot n-at largar than a cent. It spreadmrpidly cli ovér niy body sud gaI under my n-ails. Thé acalea would drap off of me ail thé urne, and my anférlng was end-' lésa and wlthaui relief. one thouean-d dollars would untt tempt tue ta have Ibls disesseovr agate. 1a=' a poar man but féel[ rlch ta hé réliévéd o! what acmé of thé doc- tare said was léprosy, somne 17< ringwoin.Psorilasis, etc. I cannot praise thé CETICUP.A REMEr lEs 500 mucb. They havéermade rnY BsUn as clear and liée r0111 scalés»a ababye. Anl 1 used af them wae 45 worth. Il you had beén- hae an-d Raidy ou would have cnred me for $200.00 you wouli havé had thé maoney. T looked 111e thé picture (go. 2, pagé 461 in- your bock, "How to Cure Skizr Diseases," but n-cw 1Ian' as clear as an-y persan éver was. Through forcé of habit L rub my hande ovér my arma nd legs to scratch once in a while, but ta n-o purpose. I arn aIl well. 1 scratched twenty-eight years, and it gat ta hé a kind af second nature to me. 1iban-k you athousand ti>nes. DENN IS DOWNIN G, Waterbury, Vt. BICYCLES! Glebrated Brant ford Machine pur ale on aine or liberal dimount for O~L. aiuaadLg ctao"gue and list 01 WI.éP. STLIKB de we/Iry!1 New BRISTOL'S For aU Affections oet-thé -c LIVER & KIýDN,ýYS" Rallway Time:Tsble. 'i -~- - WE5TWAZD~ '~% 'u~ .1 Ia,4,Dsilv Msil~i~. front.L zo-. GERMAN ..-* LeZ ENGES.-A1-* asud pleasant. reuing n9 o afit-r1 tý failinu- Leave no bad ai ter ette-- t. fl5rce, '25 cen-réper boCx-. FOR SALIE IN THE TOWN OF WHITBY. Large Solid Brick Résidence with hollow walia. Tén goosi sized roome. Stablîn-gf et- t achéd. Ual! acre o! land and a lot o!f ine fruit tréés. Bath bard and isoft vater. Keys may hé had from Mayor Long and promiîses may hé inspectéd any lime . Pos- session et once. Apply ta éithér D. Ormis- ton or J. Ramer Greenwood,WhiIbY ,or NATHA NARNOLD. - Mar. 5, 18,88,Brooklin-P. 0 G I LLETT'S POWDEIRED- 99 PERCENT PUREST, STRONCES-", BEST. Ready.for use lu any qu::-ntity. For mnaking Soap, Softeninu*v ater, -Disiu- itectiug, and a ùundred o' lier uses. A. van squale 20 pouuds Bal-Soda. Soid by ail Grocersanad Druggists, &'W. ILLZTT, - TOBOSTO A= 0 ONhOASÉ-. TORONTO 8TEAM LAUNIJRY. Qîao4 SIRTS, COIJI4RS mnd CUFFS A. SPECIALTY. j106 YORK4-t Near KING. GEO). P. SHARPIE. JHNSON ln Deuerell's Blook for gour FU RNITUIRE!I wm, r'ORO, SITS, Cornle one4 C orneaal1., an d see E.~ ~ .J3H SON., ,tried to talk excursion business. vith. 'thé Grand Truuk bas becomé convin e. e- liaI that. railwy le al o ticul r a&bout turnisbing trains for ié hpur-o. ~oe.The rciPçv.y giveâs anuplia 'ïprice per ticket, limite the proDfit te »ie party vwho wvishes ge goJinto 14h.ý wýentnre- ta a- email percenttgé antI thon suk a-n oitrcgeegèo,911u ne. -As -6- ypoiit in Ibis district are rare. -Th. - ,Àe hig'h terme 9fthe rstlio@4 ,'~ Tie Globe 1a n met- A bit tthe record toi its"first- vearAhl business fin Gaata. [ eu6 eiduty -i. the >Smouni et #5,900 the firet1-yesiç, biol has cled a short timp ago, andti ibis nov oOffice. For théelirai voek iU ii tomsefier gsi $#M'a* 7,cr Onu. ls 6t ,, $200,-sud the litér'doosesbigge- busi wmh is oneoieyéiePuis, té-be citer dinner. Mr. j&#.,,odo' infantehil-d, bbhhjit îMýhWtài vouti bave drovusti but for the SUMMER TOURS. I LU n-TV1U Pauge. ranamst. L.w,, e. Invincible in Competition, Po(! Tripe per Week Betweeutsfcoy nue DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Stsat' nue Petoho, Té Sc, arqettsd lonored aboyé al) compatitors ai :110 Cen- I.sk Hurn Pota.ténnial Exposition, Cincinnati, 1888, ini the IeyxeigBeiween award af the Silver Medal for thé Béat UWWYD Family Séwing Machiné. Aiea trinmphant DETOIT AND CLEVELAND with gréater hon-ors ai the Exposition Ijul- bunday Tylpa dutlnq June. iuly.hAngat Md vérséllé, Parie, 1889, thé Gold Modal for thé September OnIy.e OUR ILLusrtRATrED PàMI>PM9 BEST SEMING LCHINE by your Ticket Agout. or eddréa lIn the World. E. 8, WI-ITCOMB, G P. A., OlisdiTr, Micg.. TUNE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAU UAV. CO. Thé experts of Europe and and America 1pronouncé it beet o! ail. i Scieùtiflo démonstration of its menite Conclusive évidence O!fis superiority- MO~,N EY TO LO AN. CThe most simple, thé most durabié and lightesi running kiewing machine in thé world. Bay no other. 1 Séveral thousand dollars, private funda, Thé aboyé Sewing Machine is sold hy me et Loweet Rates of iutéréat. GHEA.P, délivered free of charge, and f ull W. B. PRINGLE, instructions given. As I du u)ot ptddle Generail uanue Agent. machines, I -ive thé purcheser thé- ad vanD- ta.ge o! théesavxug. N'eédies oi, etc., for sale. Old machine rpairod. L. FAIRBANKS, W A.N TED God, lah i Oiffice and RsdicDn.sS. Permanent e.-uploycnent for Maplé Grave W Dithy, Ont. Nurset iés of Wat-erloo, N. Y. Gond SAL- J__ ÂRY and alexjpén-es paid wéékly. Libe- ual inducemonts ta beglnérs. Quifit free. Boating. Pzovions expérience n-et réquired. Estah- lisbéd ovér 20 yéars. Ai goods firsI-clees. Write et once for terme. Âddress, J. W. Boat@; supplied to pleasure seekers, either MACKA-Y, Gen. Manager, St. Thomas, at Whitby barbor or thé adjacent watering Ont. placés. Special atten-tion paid ta boatiug - ___ - - parties or picuios et thé points. Twénty firet-claiîs boats. Apply et boat bouse auy Farms for Sale,. hour of thé day. Scra tched 2 8 Years, I bavé a number of ferme for sale in- difi- erént parte o! Ontario. As yon are awçaré farme véré neyer 80 cheap iu Ibis province se et thé présent timé, and if yon vaut a f ari I wonld recomumond yen ta buy n-av. If yonr mene are limited I enu oeil you a faim on- a emaîl cash peymen-t, giving you pienty of limé te pay balance af purchase Imaney at e 1ev rate a! intéreet, thus on-ah. lin-g you ta acquire a home a! yonr oçu mastesily. If)>ou havé means cnd do net requiré crédit I cen givé yen as good valué for yaur'mon-éy as y au can get elsewhére. I w-ll gladly een-d you descriptions o! ferme for sale in an-y locality ou héaring from yon. JOHN J. PATON, 84 King street éaat, Torouta. Jeu. 21, 189O--7-iy. DOMINION BANK- Capital, Paid Up, - $1,500,000 Surplu, - - $11300eOOO Whitby Agency. SAiVING S DEPÂRTMENT. Interest Eallowed et highest current rates. No notice of witbdrawal requlred. ROBERT ROBS it e S k l , 1 1 Cuticura Resolvent Thé new Blood sud Skiu Purifier iuternally (to dlean-se thé blood of ail impurities and poisououa léments , aud CUTICURa. thé gréai Skin Cure, aud CITICURA SoAP, snd exquisite Skin Beautifler, exterually (t-o clear thé skin sud scalp, and restai-e the bai-, instantly ré- liave and epee.hly cure evary speciés o! lteh- ing. burning. scaly, crusted , pimpily, ecroful - ans, and heredItury eliseasea and bnmar6 o! thé akia, scalp. dnd blood. with loas of hair, fram infancy to agt, frL- pimples to scrofule. SoId everywhere. Puice. CVuTicrRÀ, 75C. So&p, 35lc.. REsoLVEqT. 81.5o.- Prepared by thé Po-ran Dauea ÀD CHEMICAL CURPORA- rio'", Boston. Z)'Seud for' 'Row ta Cure Ska Diséases.' 64 pages, 50 illustratiandi and 1)0 testimronale DUPLE S, black héads, rel, rougi, chapped 11IVIý sud alIy skin c ured by Cuixcirn SOAr'. ed by thep rompt néo sea axe lhable te constiPiation or othr -c deraugaments Of thé stomnah and howels which, if neglected, lead ta serions sund often fatal consequeuces. 'Pli metsure i means of cretn these evils iEPthe use ai Ayer'sc= ,tatiaPIS. The piu- dent sailing-master would as soon go ta- sea without bis chronometer as without a supphy of these Pis. Thougli promptU And energetic in operation. .Ayer'sPIfS leave no0 in effets ; they are purely ' vegetable and sngar-coated; the safesti inedicine for aid and yonng, at home or abroad. --*-~ "1For eiglit years L was affiicted with E constipation, which at-hast became so 1 bad that tlie doctors could do no more f or me. Then I began te take Ayer's Fis. and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so thatà now I amn in Excellent health."l-Mrs. C. E. Clark, Tewksbnry, Massachusetts.t 6"I-Lregard A er's7 Pis s ana of thé most reliable general remadies of aur times. They have been in use lun my A family for affections requiring a purga- tive, and have given unvarying satisfac-t tion. Wa hava found tham an excellent 1 remedy for colds and light, Laver"- W. R. Woodsan, Fort Worth, Texas. "For several yaars I have relied mare upon Aver's Pis than upon anything else in the ruadicine chest, te regulate i my bowels and thosa of thé ship's craw. These Puils are not seyvara iu their ac- tion, but do their 'work thorouahly. I « havé used theix with good eiÎect for the curéet rhenmatism, kldn-ey- trou-1 bles, and dyspapsia." -Capt. Muefler,< ' Steamship Felicia, New York City. t *"I have foun-d.Ayer's Cathartic PUISa to be-a better family madicine for cam- mon use than ahy atlrar pills within my knowidga. Thy au nelt only vry effective, but saLe and pleamant ta tako - quahities which must make tham valued by the public." -Jules Hfauiql, Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa. Ayr' s Pis, Dr. J.-C. Ayer & Co., Loweil, Mass.- Sold by ail Dealers lu Mecliclnes. OORRE8PONDENOE Ansi Itemns Stolenfrer eur Exchon,es Thé distilleries. arc putting up thé puice ai wbiskey 20 per ceni,and vhole- sale men doiug ikewisc. The hatls viii net increase thé price, but viiladdt a Uitile good vater. A. boy named Diolittle vas seveîéiy injured st thé Pittsburg ice bouse on 'Tuesday. A piîchfork suid off a h10&4ai hbay and eue of thé pronge enteiKed a vital part of bis body, cauéing hlma gréai ouffening. - It ie etatéd thet Mi. J. E.Smitb, of Canningtan bas sncceéded in rcmaVing tihe "ban othuxpulsion" pleced on the trotting gélding F. 0.JP.* by, thé Na-; iztoual'Trattng - Assoitian, endths, spoedy son ai Aberdeen vill ne deubi again respond te the starter's bell. On Satnrday night thé, bouse cf Mie. -Jno. Mouldés vas ialdéd and. a dozen ~drnnken Indiàne andi Squaws fonnd on the promisos. The charge &gains& Mrs. Moulde's, wha heu not évidenily been. gsober for c long period, v-as that sho .kept a d ieorderly, bouse.',She v'as finsti Manager.

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