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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1890, p. 8

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Town Locala. l.e roa ab T. E.- Roblnsou's. T. B. Robiuso'e breasi le, ual aised iunpieboitug mlii120. Pu 1l. ooL.W. B. Pringis & Co. are paym ing the hlgbest rie. iu eash for voni. Lunchs. et ailhours, at T. B. Robin. sous.. Delieious Ioeecream . a T. E. Robin. bon's. Hai ont in amy style aI Royal 0otel Barber Bbop. L. Bandol, proprietor. Breadiisustili 12a. per loaf et T. E. Robinms.. If thisu"Y uyeaon l gong laspoil ail th. Omanlpotatoes, Mas soepeople are ailth. lime pîophssying, ve vish il vould burry Up sud do il. There bas been a fair supply of ber. rie duriug the veek, sud more thon coulsi b. soldvau offered Salurday. The eommodity for whioh ther. le th. mositdsmand in the local market at pisent in mouey. The orop àe ai. wvaushort. W. alvays send exehangesa vel. printed eopy of the OnnaosioLu, beosuse il dose them as maeh good %b read a firetrate paper as il do.. any pers.. es. Iureluru v. gonerally receive came oopy of theirs vbich gets torcinir tva or dobbed wilh iuk, or priuted withoul amy iuk an lh. type. 500 I l e troinod haney ai 10 et.. pe r lb. lseb anad puare. Batoer & Ca. Landau, Emgland, Noupareil jellys, Pin. Apples, Lemon, Raspborry, Orange, Vanilla, &., very uine iu packages; .asily prcpared. Crase & Blackvrell'o orange marmalade. Veryl obole., Mobshwao Brgs, The Gazetle man' devil ha. notiid us lo t up an aur auggeslions that hie employer shahll ake a holiday tili (ail. The d. féiet iwvuld b. Ico mach for hinm la hold the patent columos of nevs and at th. same lime oul lhem off lh. rightl lsgth vith the buek.sav. *But lie thinku he oould eut th.e dilariae ont of tmemi aller paper andesot th.m up &Il rîglit. Wbzle down bars- atcding laut weeke moesineof th. couâty couneil, lts& iseve of Uzbrldge 10w. statsd la us tha, bi te u oleete pol.tan (rom ail uon-householdsrs over Svony-on. yeaus of ago, and thal 1h. id... oiks ae veil asa.e atisfaolorily a. amy other portion af the meunicipal machin- ery. He cayc il do.. ualoeengive lb. 10v. mach trouble la coileel il. Limdey lbas il is olaimed seoured the promisesrotu 1h. 0. P. B. of a braneli (rom Burkton la Lindsay, sud prohabiy futhor orth. Uibridge dom noua p. peur %a ha"e any reply yel sa tisit. application for a brandi trom Clare. mont. If lb... tva ingle lovus eau ssuie railvays, surely Whitby, Port Hope, Oshawa, Bavmauville and Co- bourg oombinsd viii stand a goad show for Iheir loop lins. Mi. Alez. Brownuvilles us (rom Ta- ronla thst aur paragisph of lut veek speaking of a race belveen Mi. Sam Tbom~ and a Tarante dry-gonds man, vas in errariAnaggesling Ilial the lime made for 100 yerdu vas 18 or 20 eeounds. Il vau 11îseconde.BE uds a challenge ta aIl Wbltby pede., vhieh ve hasten lamopt, asanoas Putuanea corn oure shal have evioled a coin from aour unduerstanding., Rol veather or cold wealher voe&hall stand no mma.defiance la thi toms.. A fail repart of thie prooeedinge o! 1h. speolal meeting cf tlie-coanty cou.- cil lait vsek vili be found on our in- aide péage. The business beinga &U of a A peaal-grey postal card smslp« than lh. pieneu one viii b. made for the ne. ofwomen, snd the present size viii onatinue la be mado. This reminde The Nov York Sun "of lie pbillopher vho bad a lauge est sud a4ÎlaU1lls and Who wanted la make Sà couvèat £oa.. o aut ý tosta"i o 1h.eloWur part o! 1h. doo"r; oas larg b>le sud on.emrali o»..- Tit lare bol. vu for the .t sud tbh*mmlo.. vas forulbh'iton.1i Nov that w. are living 'Isb Joe,Xljeg ta expyrei m warm thanks te eus friends wboa[iMd Ir indly on Keniday'»ien'mii-in the remeval frem1h burning bouse, ef ouri surviving "otansd ketties andip.pcigtbem in *,situation cf mse V. ky acnevedge- mn re.4c ate frobipefor thir cpirtod t*#s,.,ûn lb.esameooain m- -1, Lois ncly Mr. Fred, Luke je borne from New York. Miss Patterson je away hoiidaying. Mr. Peter Perry, of Fergus, je home for the hoiidays. Mis j osh.ftlcbardeon and fnhly are down the St. Lawrence for the holidays. Mrs. Win. Til àpd Mns. Chris. Johnson have returned from iheir visit to the capital. Principal Huston, of Woodsteck College, is visiting in tewn. Miss Maud Annes and bier cousin Miss Mabel Burdett. of Belleville. who is visiting bier, -are doing Port Perry this week. Miss Warren, of Oshawa, and Miss Mary Warren, of Orillia, are holidaying ai the Bay, the guests ef Mrs. Win. Warren. Mr. S. W. B. Smith, formerly of the corner drug store, is spending bis vacation in Whitby and vicinity. Mr. jno. A. Barron, M. P., IAndsay spent Sunday iast iç town, the guet cf His Honor Judge DartneIll Mr. Wm. Beith, manager cf the Ontario bank bere, returned this week fromn Port Ar- thur- and je off again on an inspecting tour in Western Ontario. Mr. and Mms.joseph Barnes of Batavia, New York State, the former a son cf Mr. Wm. Barnes and the latter asister cf Mrs.J. E. Farewell, art here for a holiday. Mr. M. Foley, of Shepeler, Mars. a succées- fui pedagogue ,and an ex.-pupil of our col- legilate, cooled himself an heur in our lair on Tuesday. Fie stands te climb te the highest pinnacle of hie noble profession, baving al tue necessary qualities. Miss C. M. Maxwell, cf OBriens photo- gphgFaery here, has gene te Prince Al- brN. Wqý.-.T., te take charge cf a gaflery therethe having becomne a fine artist under Mr. O'Biens care. He me new in quest cf another young lady cf fine tastes te learn the art. 1Mr. Daniel McKinnen, lumber merchant cf E-set Sapnaw, Mich., and Miss Kate McKin- nbn of Boton, Mass., are in town now visit- ing Mr, Ine. McKinnen, their brather. This is enly the second trne in 31 years that Daniel and John have met. The former bas been *ery successful in business in the West. Mr. McCbrmack, mail clerk on the Whitby. Manilla train, is enjoying three weeks vaca- tion,,and is relieved as usual by Mr. Themp- son. Mr. .McCormack was long ago entitled te superaunuation, but age seems te bave neglected te impair hie health and he is to-day a strong hearty old man, andu should he be tenipted to a competition in athletios by any mian overseventy during bis vacation, there would ne dtagbt b. a prompt acceptance Pickering Newe :-MissEl.a Long, cf New York. viited a few daye with Miss O'Leary here, She ba staying for a tirne witb relatives in Whitby, sud shose acquainted with ber fame as a vo~calst must w"s thaLthe people of the couniy town "Ilnet let slip the oppor. tunity of securing ber for an evening in the Music Hall. Quite a large number turned eut te the services in the R. C. chuich Sabbatb evening, a report being circulated tbat Miss Long would sing. Ibose present were grati- fled when her clear- round notes rose in sole, with a compass ef which the selection gave no good test. Miss Longs singing is a revela- tien te untrained ears Womnen arm te b. made eligible as public noatrisnlu Dakata. Klutory ef 15 Teare F OBRfif tseu ysars ve hve eed Dr. .2 Fovler'. Extruot cf Wild Slravb.rr as afamily enedicine for summer com- plante and diarrboea, and vs never Wa anythig t. equal il. W. higbly reoom- mend t. -Samuel Webb, Oorbett, Ont. An Omasha cardage factory had been barnt eut aI a lacs cf 00,W00. F. Burrowu, of Wikesport, writes: that he vas cnrsd cf a vSr7 dangerous case cf inflammatio f 1h. luagesolely by the use af fiv. bottlea of Dr. Thom"s' leotrie Oil. Feels great pleasure in recommend- ing il to tbe publie, a- he had proved t (for many af th. diseases t mentions ta cure) tbrough hie inoende, and in neaniy ever in- stance it Wa" effectuai. Montreal'. vwater stipply s muId le b. con- taminated from te. dumping ef savdust into the Ottava. 1 1 lvm hysaug .1, 0 . Floar, PFaiy ......... ..P#75-s Wh.t,,Fali, par bushel. 96, Wheat, Spring per bsheL. 93 Bariey, 2,'45 Barl.y, 8" " 43 .ea ptbsl............o Pei,70 sprton........8009 Por, perov......600, Lrp lb,. xende...... 10 Po , 10 ý perbbM........ 8 2 0 %C4 -,...... S0 72 72 900 660 12 800 HOu8r fOFt~ BALE---QHEAP. B. MADILL,j (Suocessor ta Wm. Till.) Furn iture and Uùderta king., The business gc long camdnctod by Mossns. Tiil bac been purohased by the cubicribsi, who intemds to push the trade. A Large Stock wil/I be kept in Every Line. UNDERTAKIN G wiIl b. made a upecialty, and a complete assorted stock of Undertakerua Furnishinge willalwayu be kept on hand. B. MA.DILL, Brook St., Whitby. July 16, 189. Tenders for Booths Tende» for the Booths wMf be received by tb. uriderigned up ta Monda>,Âugllst 4tk, for te .Booth rvleeo h.Ahei ama.nde, on Witby'. Civie Holiday, ou WensaAuqui ôth, 1890. J. J. BANDEL, Witby, JnIy 24th. Ohairman cf Com. Coal! Goal!1 The beet in always the cheapet-An In- f erior article in demir at any prie.. Buy Soranton GoaL H. B. TAYLOR. Whitby, Jaly 23rd, 1890. Laundry, The Oshawa Steam Lanndry Agonoy han been changed from Bandel'a Barber Shop to Robinson's Barber. Shop, Brook St., Whitby. Work left tber. on Tueiday ini tim, for 4 o'clock tage wM lb. delivered on. Priday alternoon. HÂ8STINGS & MANNERS, Oshawa. July 22rtd, 1890-383-3in. Laundry. Agenoy at Bandel'a Barber sbep for Paz. imian Laundry, Qieen St. Buet, Toront.. Rates on application. Linen l at = aeCY here on Tuesdays willb. returoed FMy DigItt. Work guaranteed firet clau. L. BAKDEL, Agent. July 28, 1890-tf. AN ORGANIST for St. &ndrew'g Ohureh, Whitby, 4Jplieatlo onresveby 1he un. déngnd n ithofAu"s, 1890 Appleant plesse cdatee.alry. D. ORMISTON, Juiiy 24th, 1890.-tin, Session Olerk. Cow Lost. Strved f rom the premises of lb.imider- slgned. on Frday, the B7th of Jane,,1890, a four-year.oldr!7,ooW with a UtIlewIie one horuaa-littIe lopped and thoe-, sérsighl out. A out on one of lier rot teats. 05 revard for lier reoovýey. Jul 22ad, 19.84n roln Mai ~abefo~5. ~,NO. ',WffII1 BUY AS YoU INTELIGENTLY. As Candidates for your patronage we invite an. inspection of our Business Record, in support of our dlaim for FAIR, SQUARE DEAL.ING. We promise for the future th-e best in quality'the most in quantity and the Lowest Prices to ail customers without distinction of age or class, -and behind our promise stands -OUR SPLENDI D STOOK 0F' Sta ple & Dress Goods, Fancy w New Trans- Continental Route VA CNEICLQO, XILWIUKZZ & ST. PAUL ANtD NORTESS PACtFIC RÂILnOÂDS. Through Pullman Sleeping Car leaves Ohicago dily at 6.30 p. ni. For St. Paul and Minneapois. For Fargo, North Dakota. For Helena and Butte, Montana. For the Yellowstone Park. For Spokane Falus ana Tacoma. For Portland, Oregon, Best route te Seattle and aiU Northi Pa- cifie Coast points. The Scenlo line tlalfornia, vis Port- land and the Shasta Route. Tickets on saleoveryhere. For information rpiyt, any Agent, or A. J. IrAYLOB, P.. Agent, No. 4, Paler Honse Block, Toronto. -8-4in. <TaLets Two smafl-nized Honses. Âpply to W. J. THOMPSON, Butcher. Whitby, June 3, 1890,-tf. 12 de l -Wllbeythe house nov oeeupisd by the nnderigned, wit e fdl ibsd attsch.d. Tzs.-0-oum, anMdbal»",e la saitý parhasr. APJ U P C oi -'u plRmies ~ I I~n1y 17, 13 Fer UW. B ~ #, E'OB~ Q~ Jr' Ago4dt6t 4-o1-- cStaining six rcamesàwnaL'dh cellar, outbufldings, sevenlemgbts af an'acre o ,of t l 9U gad ater, etm y po*lseto W. cLINSbON, a l .1.1~ .)t he~. Dry.- Goo.ds, WAL Everything TERS. in the Rat and Millinery A large Hats. Some nice Millinery -in Hats, Bonnets.. Feathers, FlIoweis, Ribbons, Lices, etc., and ail summer goods, ini Dresa Goods, Parasols, Prints, Ginghams, etc. at a Great Reduction. A large stock of Tweeds,~ Worsteds, Flannels, etc., below manufacturers prices. iReàdy -m-ade Clothing at a great sacrifice. Now is the time for clieap, goods. They must be sold. Our Lease is, expiringanL ilnt e renewed. Tailoring by a Firqt-Clas-s Culte r 3pring aidSumme Ptl q Cq/t WIDg:VK~I ATTRACTIVE 000D S ýin »eêi ATTRACTIVyfE,'P-yEs ATTRACTIVE Â1wGAl Ta~ 01t ÇpjA LA88~ ~Boot~Made,; ~<? t4 't 4>1111!; ~Yfr' I ¼l lb Jr, -t-'., I M,, 'U Faney Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Ready-Made- Clothing, Hats, &c. uine must go&regardless of cost. stock of Mens' and B-oys' Straw a 1-- ý i

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