Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1891, p. 3

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P 107Su on epdl enîl in retoeed by t1.ng Yerh-slr. 116 The reesot la that tIl a on centaine oaly the pireat malet poeeeta alteiatlves andl ce To thoneande yczly it peovenaa table elixie or! le, Je.. Laie, Brooka ,,entre, Ob *rites leropaandu gestion nade Dy !lfea b rien icame neer, eadlng iey ezlgte.gc. r mou aryre e I aul.le. .fr.dun. d cgoay. .I va eeduced leaet tu aneetonanal hardi lied etrength ta muyseUt 8liet. 1 dlia 0foad lme, sud enly the iment deli. oll be dlgeted ait al. Wthîl e iea tiaueal cverûI physiiens rnewitboutgivingrolfet. 'Netl- tai I tok aeemed ta do any pr eut nîùtil 1 igin the une et er'C 2 parue, v ien peu- teueltresultà. Seen efter 6e . litaethe lersaparllle I ama n y condtion, nmy eppetiebegeaC' anad wlth Ilcame Itl0 ieltly te cit ll h food talen, Dy tre th laoved enci.dey, and etter a tete tha cf.teiltul attention lu yoer oe nItud mynel! e vel cmaaL, aiaenoa tel l nIlleîlold tien. T e eICine heugivea me e 1e6e«M» it, adI aat theuli *aW, atenaderelgated, oiti ofe yay etre, Mici., hereby cartl1t he alioe taternent, emade liy idLeb, la Inlaevery peetluler * tl te ulul crdee.-O. P. hraln. G. W. Walg. 0. A. eleD uget, 'My brother, ln Eugland, ves, toe e lime,unealle teattend tobhieCatu. on liy reaioet oeseaon bie tout. eit lrn Ayeree Almeaec and tlie te. e" tie lcentained l luceal hlm ta Ayere eaperllle. Alter ulug il ttllOviUe, lie weecureil, andin6aute well man, verklng ta a nuger mlii a. en, ~ n A aiUeY - yer's Saîsaparillai J ..Q Ayer & Ca., LacetS, Mles. 81 es i ee ooh Weualoule. LINDSAY- eudeyevening luta Young lad edi8are, w de tadinag un the er ou t u nd William-aIe., vetali- thte elvaitn army, vae lineeked by a delivga.rr vagoe. Leekily driverlied lie vite about bina andl poil the vehile betere te vitela e hihm. lRe yen tarredei io a'y's dreg slore andl luned ep villi eCandi«e. edaeday aterocen et let veeli A., tb.eixà-year old eue et Mr. A. oa eciaeeat vlile plaviug vith a qmon, Albert Bartley, thte 11-ye 4euenutf Mr. Abe Berlley. The=ld 8; 2ag gun aiewere seeaeemg v aircut g aI a larget, anal *canr yoeelg 4csqreceiveal uie playttae. ü c ""-lt wu et ente telleil lu andl the oit rgenaeteded le, but il vue taIlite igit va lotally de- ad, This ava nfiermeal Salue. viten Mn. Rosa tank thte bey le ato. where epécialise are on- yvoring luc ave lte eye et leeat. ondaey marcihag; ltMr. A. Mareey 1ntîeg te Doiterty OrgenCo., et tan, bail an inaterview wiit a joint <miltee et meceliere eftIhe teve lnil anal board oft Inde wllh a viev te possible ruenovel outhIle enn- a' large busie et Liutsaey. The cekeil by Mxr. Mereey vure looki. ..upoe bnosumesu kieg tan muh celt ove, baltndoutItiey viii -eadral ed lt inte ceusi future negotiations.'Te fatary enid emyloy ever 150 banda, aed it y reeconable proposition enu er. liteceuneil me do veilita cubenit eciteeo luhe retepayere. The tter vi *ikel tere up ethleceu- baqmondaieveniug. Monxday evaatag etftlt week Ciiet Ulca euev lla I lItteceuman arrie, lned fer horc-leing et Millbrook, wu crk ille c frmer ueer Valen- an rucurief ceeelancedrove out camae msun ngit and arrsthie He van reuanded until Tueedcy t,caudeleolin to be tried amenarily e pleadeit gnhty ced wuc gven une Car lite oectel prison .. . .Public plone blame Chiai Bell fer luecouerse aun iteeciter. eue. The mm a e ton VacMeclday.a egoiaingt vith a en kauv borie buny r for te cale et e alimal.,andd lamlly brougit à I lor [ecàon. Tis ewua lb.opprleaiîy ecra te herze-buyer imeeditely Id Oiet Bell, vho bcd recaiveal a cta lar corne daye befure lu loon t fer thief, ced à lrap wuc laid, but lice- * seepecied, sud lied, lecving the rue. 'Th aaeeeing paut lb.e clair ltaItti Iwo u cicntmconables pas the mu ecverail ime. dering te y, butls ce y l*d ieen tld eotbieg e revard lippeli lirougit their fin- On BSardcy laut li ,~ ric 'ot Weet Ope, deliveneda cIIlepou asca. tion ifleeft heed ?f caIe tor clepreent, the ooebin.d eigitt f chW&&a 1.B. 0100 lita, ralan ii e etof 915. Theneircs 1M8 mcd eiippad t t tis - tieon oa iedday A lauge umiter vae ameob a . on Tueeday, M. J. ln- mytof ïWaBrlita, eoatibuting 13 vitacit wîgbed 18,725 lit., une alune V pilte beaux aI 2235 IPm., wvie WD.e ,9hies no, eoalriiteted ix wvita 'ceigital omevitat over 7800 Ibn. A maunathiers vite dliîened tee chip. ment wcre S. Wàasbieloe, et But Oak- irooc% Whio bi Ivo veighlng 2700 Ib., John Awd, Ivo th.roughnlredg, acown cetoiter, AULaI & e, Ivo thead, ced Yeuamai talli lu me ut duty Andi taiff lavis ail day, Bal il aunce taceeélthe bîauty Of a hieu lieie lier ley. The Windows ef Helgeane astare vaetin: decorateti wvilit. tgo-one ittat liai veet. Il ie a pI>' ltaI Ithe affeeder caantliebu mgittanal taugitt te. diffrencenbelvaun treaking atones anal treakang agge. White aplillluag nîod JamestuHumer, uf Nevmerliel, mid a blister un tie banal. Noatatentione vaapaid toit anlil a day or Ivo ater, viten lie itnd cemmenceoiltae sel anal te wellieg cenlinutetheltaelbnow. A doctar van mluail in, anda tîar lreaitg il fer Ive dayî prenounned Il e maseof tlaal pieonng. Juel e veeli atter epliting te. vWoal Me. Humner vas a carpse.. Witan au varo gae in maltera per. taiinu te journalielie affaira, tee firm- 1. graapnd tht ides, litIedituru vora lîtîla leec titan auagle. We havée since acon te fallaey of our bllet, anal ve have beau venidertally aideal ut laie 4 perceieg thtelumna outsensa ot ear etome. lu the anetta, nulebly The Ux. bridge Time, Ilouffrille Tribune, Wittty COuerîctn, et l. Titidire.- tion ain ahic thîe edilore utfteeî ppere eXerise titeir paelier talents la an creeing the muecîrnetarie abouat titeir respeilve bivea, prebebly lu shitIhat Aneniaweldnt standa ey ehuow in tete moern tintes. Front our avenbservatioans e wvul avrd titi pale 1e the Tribune, wviîh papar ii lsenly crandeal for ral plate liy ttl aller lientif ai lier, The Timne. Tite Onoi4utmisne tvery far bhiinal te lvuleaders, iedeed, lalely il han natahune llýe luI. Tite Eneaprise ha nen itireal lier, bu e o ac g ire hese titroeapapera a ejaiilsraigh goua e vitic i cause tara mtaevWander ahal Lng via inveeteal forNoir, friande, vcevaonmarcitanlteaay ever 10,000 duzena ut eggî weekly, anc mrchant heviaag beuglaI ever 500 dur. IltSalir- dey. One out unerîitzuna(vho viehe ac ta villa>ald hUe naîne,ý itta ebhe vitieh iav a edalilla bat vater early thie e pring, and il novr laye e herd taulleal egg every ater day. A few daye betore EButer beutener ,inii Diamenal Dyes vilhliber food, anal ehe laid a heauîlfully colereal ue e gg tar eacb aed every ceembeetolte tacily. He intenda taetliter 'un enîn10a egge le a faiv days,,ced expeote lier ta hatah nul cleipeal cliikee.-, Entarpeie. I arn ploaneal utee une et the liqur eleree ufthlit ove he ccnloetuta busines. The praprietar, 1 arn lolal, endi bave ever>' réunit lu blieve il, van Inn ountolentitue ta carry eainl te uni y a1 ltatinlprofitable in Ihis feraeetbuceee aed rallier lhen vilata teé 1ev ho petrrd lugive ep hie Inade. Thai lfacoerlaely honorble ced la oely wvitl igit bue o ladfiont IMr. P. D. BeArthar. 0 iouler bepea tI nu eehie eev htsieelceprouve eqeelly, sa lucrativeMalte tld ced clîheugli li rnay uaetsgeeititme ile le, 1 iebu vWe te publie i'call it desidedi>' Thte entlrieg vedge et acoarldalet lita$ May provveftalaltten esa 0,04 i-, vhirit a domi or tvi etAyerc, Cherry Pectoral miglt heee ear, t Ithe einmencmnel.Il vanld ta veli, thereltre, ta heep tlate redy withie reecit &times. OUEA&WA. Tite ccii combine ta a fir illutration of hav te putlie efer titrougitsneb traiaions. The parties ta tiis emieare havieg a rua, and in eoe- séquenceDalea whirh subi in Qheaa t 88 26 a heg e tuw menthe egoaere uîw teiag aoffred il 02.25 Tai tefletar Mare e ie aftee te dege and te uveere Ihereat. Ou Tuecae le iseel about a doen ue snneae gainul partiesa vI aldneglecetel bey tage. AI uviers0f dego muet pur' ciase tage ai expiai taebtegieltra OrleresoIhele reasuut for unetntrihel- lag a dollar ta te cutterusetfte cor- A ver>' pleani lime vau spent le Q4bsn'o restaurant llut Wedutesday ay a n c pcfetgentlemn, cempriiag eoce rarfifty ceemlips ut Céer. analLhae bb. tceaec Luagus, te e. cantnbiig te prting vit t Iveof teoir rattaber, Meurs. Q D. Matenijer And Alai. Beaderman, Jr., the former of vitece leftI ycerday cmtaig for Vanconver, 8.C , and illi lie flloved by te latter ir4 a-id or lau. Tite tables voie ledece I it te substautiels sud te dolleecies outheliteuan, cad h.a ily'*pa-rtakea uti. Dî SaBM oled' te ehir, and alcd aI t tlr aide et litag cee efthlitegueste eftheb. veeiDg. Whou the lohc were elerd, tue ens toaery ,loyal &Bd peteitir', otae ver.a preposeancd respnedel, vbee lterre folovea tituns uf 'be 'Leeracal Protocaune," the "Mercntile, Mena- hetnring cad Agreuellerelictlreete,l' iier Oneele," "lte Ma yor sed ICurpora. lien utfOeliva,' "*tle Pieuo,'* IlHer Majeety'ec ontent Iauce " oui esand Hlomles Thetoueate vers e onrooeiv- ed, aapeicfly lie nme ln référence le te gneel4an d hitlil> aekeuvledged. Thçy wcsee uoproed villi eta- lices, sieging cnd nuzeelli te îci- an-vere sehberseofthlie Counne, eteristtced mcectueir@ ced olier tbusinesesceen of the leva. Thée speaker, ver. lonu t ieir praige cf teceean tey metItiboter, aed ei- préenad regrets cI having le pArt vile temteMasn. Marauder aud Heeder- eunae iaelelong ced levorabi tuova int Iis leamlily.a piieeeieg aul te eceeoial viici gota ceaie np rn. hiable bnirnr eneaanal gond ellassu. geurally. - liey culi e. a crédit te cny ccemunity. W illi hosto ot friande boe, tce bapse luoear of Iheir futurs welf&re.- Bebmmer. Toxlprance. Titire sru mu ra 'tItan 50 00 licecseil saloonns laChicago. 1 It la al itaI 10,000 people goa le lied druinlasgowv evury Soîneda>' naglt.- Nev Yenk Ilote ban 292 trevere, eenty-one ofut hielaare in Ne* Tork .Thuretaabas eun an incrueutoflfty par cet. i tae ntatar u adisions lu the saven ralreate in Englaud liren, ual for te rutmetof tinetratty..: Il hiseoimcenl'dthat inni muI>'pur cent. ot ail ceus uomieg biture lte police junticesa ufNew Yorkli eiy,,tue- fealltea>' taitraed 10 taniusetfintaxi- rente. Atention ie ogain enlisal ta' lr. William Livuey lu lite appailieg fig. tires of tha Irish annuel drink bill. During thie past Ia'elve monthe ihere heu lieean inerenu in ronoomption otf 486,988 gallons uf ipirite ana li11,902 tacreut of boeur te Irelanal, the Itel re- venue froua eise tauieg £4,698,116, vliei tuaiseut bl inuillicul elîlle. Public huous e a y farte mut corneruns in tae poverly elelicen loralitien. The Poil Bell Gazette potlieu au eddreusoun temperencu len London, 1>' Lady lHenry Soeruet, lunu'lith set picture, the muser>' eocesoinualby troeg drinkt in toe Whitarhapel die- trict, vlieruin Iliere have boaulthe pat year eto monnyterione alsu ahcking murdera of vumen:- "Boy eau 1put lofore youelte sin andil ceiuof Eta oete ? Tu os the etalidron fieming oeut hoeedune ut Bne Itale nuun- oggrotione,nuevedrave pielere, Tun have ouni>' l rend tite police reports. Lait yuar you mlii final in London aimue 600 chilleren,uner Imu yeure ulel. vuru talon ap duediletel, anal liaru teure 1100 under fouarlen, anal 1000 undor lventyoue." liether, viture ileyuerboyitaluday? Where dites ho spenal hie nigitta? A large nuceoefoune yonng mon are driftieg evey ta>'meneiofutIhe drînîieg saloon analte tactle. Mothr., torget mu ce e proîtitor, anal unly thiel of cee ce a parent. Tht eoen important IliIng ie ual pilieg up vualîl fé*ouîr c.ldren -tite plening oetfile lrem te craille ta te grvual leeving te leter In laiUe. cars elf. The lime lias turn vite ite ircit of Codab touldaecie out lite a man ced closep itevwhisky chope analte gîesauotitell. Are yen dong dl-yau cnle gît yenr ciildeen mIet te ri'? lomepeuple epîce'ver>' uitile importauce noettia Iil ebil- reu in. Matera, du et vailfor te pr otr lte evengeliet, bat takrelie cet ellity are ouI ut danger. I dor cul think tsitst e lyl et GodatcI we ehahl lng te conga cf Elle ccd our uhldeon Ring te gong cf te dronierd. Tite promiseile for ne analune tahlidren. -liecdy. àAcs-calleal mîdercle drinker 'cee ente very eugry 'dta frienal vio uicetabt Roie-y was aduneintatal-j *ptrt,AuaavlioÃ"eeaueteal it- $hif ceederate dranker hiisel it clieb., Yund cuelrol. iTo maie plain th. question Who le vroeuR," sala the tece' poranuceeua, "vilI yen jusl quit oee0 mentit, dot le Inenli c drap derta tlite lime ?" Sladtho oter: iiTu enaty yecr mind, air, I vili, villi pleaice., llioîgh I kaov noelf, I will dounyoe: eut, lu curae vrcrought idos." !e tept thte Promite, bt atcItle eed oethle munt liecme ta lita frienal villitsars lu lise o#es cadtaeteitbhlmi furscviltg ice tromam e iruetrd's _grave. laid hoe: «I nover bey luat Ica tnabdy gaegaecslave ta drink, beue he lt onelihebas eutte fierceel buIlta et ceylite. I s no*, I van8 almustl».>c yeud hope, acu al ld Iotecogte ra" mentite later il voulit liyée bea le. late for me. Bal I bave tep *01 plege, anal, ta>'Gode help, will beep On cuiol ce e fouod andal abodily benoenes cieuce epeabe, scelit ; voul, teneouncertaia symbtole. Taie deeayîng fruit and latitIlstandunar certaia conditions. lvarrne myriadeý ot ceerobse inveet il. Tfsy evour lt gucose uf1lte mixture, ced l ic hepro., cens ot ite digestionan lcouol il -forme&t Alcohella taite enrent etftemi robe. Taie tour liogobeclao lace aad lieap Ihece legether; dowu beid* thece pace c a if otirecal.Thatlielh< oaf o e nd centaine more ataile taonte enlire four hogeteaeoutbue Tcke foodal ttelite clccl. 1Digestio and ciang e bgin. It ilteiksn thte alisrlieute etndl lrled lI ilood ;anal out ef thie rivera!f real te body cilhit un force' tbiutng lite. AUl force, Ileugltand cleoen tomes frernftud. Taie aloobol lte acit. Wleo i itebecOce, e0 fiieelly -4lamw villiflide f oce e valsbita e t e lumueil lakiean p 1 Ils..d cenieule, ne neýbCi ceàd nue i thcro'ee h te itod,-,o an blodtn P.. nalobý.ol. Ite.t italeby .beieel.at ailpu.aigfc, a inicerna.hlon, p i n calra mae.nbe. t uas n l un.lel.a t alcuinl Ale minutes por.off.litecio I.a e tfina argenpartp ut lit -îtalo i anda, identieivtIovt c Ilie agu.aWme a .olol o il Io tact villte, t eotec7 d Oth ee oflri .an al foreratit. t l ar aa prbsl t l arN u tlie,à teli itb ou ncetieo alca lin] fe minl uitee oucf te Rcient 1,d 'hil d9eMensaideato,,ie atm liii ino i Aol lre peatft h bon i bucga, idm alter cftue eaWa hpof toctne lue asit.meu it.'ad tllb iv srte dcere 1irtime t ci.. n. ut lua vlatytue body ct il for p.u =&#m r of Ih baa liliqu sund milleliou lendsa. Tt cue. aunee tle Intellect éed louve ;m e teuL , Hem Io agrost queeileet mnfe»a greeion, ragiag ýhItoih*evar>' lok et tht hcumnaa ;,llîcng np LibttýhhtBL sîrmente t buy nted Uceauni con- vering uent, male unIb atheinud uf -bii Mailer, tle iaetee, ouaperuug Nei5tiliîce. haIte la? Nerv!elli ae comblalln fthbu e.ut t.iiwcetel'nP&iitrelle0vie ebmem oa Sereiline ileacea =cimbuta rrepratite' vimb iai rei r=tr et ter, (j the nelieni prefeeni%,ejrgimenu. hýpr ev and otera mute tic eoert. ili tnufferlnutirom f ty n7indi,oeu leaarMeullial .Neuln tootaecri rcp eelula. aed ahnin.aîl ileetiy. Tracii tea 10 muet, ]. ,goho. tlOa 25,coeale, Mt dregelin O l luî- tty Anotoçrtfanotfcecel ttue, ol "'.kland earth lies doc eeonideabileogoai lita ithcutbahsaneerAtturey ';6eeaiie Wole oh 0te,a1Bar Lever iteSaro e rlýAb*1MofmOeeau[rom a light tucoedi t &Ceerr . tr oed ted me... ea enutherrllchae teatb ou eetmît t mn feutOlra Caâerl inee Il your lotee, or staio lallteain llor- ettH ui ,e titea go fur yor deut of nie. Tale uethig eel, tmmitothiuo.elis ee ili coma yta au eat yad.qeieb. lu you anuel cil Clark'e& CataretOCre friuee cr druggit, lheeseul!dlirect taeClrk eaiCe., To. ronto, New York. Narthi rat th-oa a p,pultitu ft iII019, ora'incereacq ofM 8. OAT&URER OU RED, eee ald eeme hr-anh ieored, v hil b'. I, taetme 6cm edy. Prices50aota . aImue ecoerleoe W. a Il Haas, P. Sharet, bld-tur tthairtoe ed tram in ciatait t yof d A Ccnedlan Cane. The ma if Mea.E.-..A. euyý, ut Shet- iaid, OZ , ùl eînamba,li oc,. fthtlbffi. cacy a pfBeedenit Biaeed iteein aHeadntheo. Sie irile :,Fopr ove, 4o yutei I . martyr te leedeule, hvl eueeit elle choutance a ceet. Haei ue el Ilulea Ofî.B, - -cnditaveobee- tnetnmt triar «a botitlra ti Gnitany bhm e ad- vueusaltranS ta 4 pecet. T0E4T EAOKING OOUGH eau tieeD qulebly gavail by S ohebe Ouro. W.e nal. meu ieý foui sale iy W . il. SHevs. Iddiln Loe.t, R. A.,, th. egiieh silet, liu dieA renthe gripepe. F., X. Ot aries, lving user Manrerai, .baeooleohted lhie 110, berthaa. lHe ls a renal-Cenadian. T Dichce aifMemrlooghancd ltee ha cil ceedeat ew.11 Li 'twialelg h nl tartue et R m ýinthee illicite niee,. lit eh ' veilerulabe n it te band, nd lb Bceeuwitapeeoffelannsl. Tte pa lll ceuite itb île ftnt epplication, an lleeentlnuad etoc Bliel aea rvlw 0 '%Isremet> naie bhala triai ta cou- V. tevouet slreptienliet tinlac eonder. te litalUe. if lal by &a i de aPi ene fit oent«.. Cleet Oliemiehi Ce.,Tarant, or Y ork C scttQet.L AatbIta. lso100J- PruPriv .N R.ichardac&Sn,Couinebus.wltmel te Iluacnru ec-Moduy.ta jei Me- >1eet, tacsn; ulictelta W. MeClleegIa., eI tvigt. Tueaduy. bM. Spiele. Cartwrigtu eeo; thraei t ai', Iteci, liaeituu, ali Wlult Wedneday, ta T. Larmes', Cors- wrght, moeu ;th corneuaT. Waodley'e. rmot of ttaydme. ail elubu. Tbarnday. le Jenu Vin- tuels, i EeolIncut; ilieor igo F. adsinEaloti Seulehenu, ail elgitu. Fida>'. toj. Gilts, Dccliieui uen ; lhece cte 0. .AYamei. E. Wlitili. 9ail gitI liaerdey, ho Ie oeeeeable. Terms-lrnpre~ , x.two omenteortsa,,paarelt etl. 1s92. LAuuoC BARN, ei(Jeili. [lia. s]. L p et c W on. Richa erd= & S on, len- d»p a erulecmg oittel . Myttelenousri; tience Hedc9 HoulManchestor, an i luil penday, to Wra. Cut'u, RIL etlie, aintie Thuarl afireoone, Fldcy se T. Wii- bua. Darlgtot ail sigîl. Satucede>' te 1. H-eptun', uann; sheneoceilie a ec. Tegt.-Tamareot, $x4. paye e Pea i, 92. bis ARTHUR (6e), the Pr es YOf1. D. «Il W. G. Plode. Witey, ilaiieilte telavwiec ote -Mesale>. taî Ouuhiu, 1l akl ulI arday, te je*tHanaps, Ktic.le twn; incer goAnter,eBUligb. Wodnes- daeo Paie heol, Whliby, at alghu. Thoen- dc,, ta Arhe llameRe, ILv. ;hc tu R. £.ie~ccl uegie. t"idy, ego no. Martine,a e. Wlilihay, D gtes;,etee telia. Main la.1 Rremb, ail niche. . Sladpiy aglas, to bie coa stle. TenL-To inar ,.$lapayabl uoi Fl. x892. i'NAtie Lt.u 1742>. flin Pm cerof Aie Caceyrtu, Aeittahe, QpL, voti eanalfartmmes duitemiubrs id a 8«tegeifouteec., sel ce IVALoT&Rer f'lse roperty ut Ale. Ciscer, Antictais.,L.Ontitci dfat euens dudng îleserucen of tees. (focrocedigret., Mc ade. i n ecotlonnt.) 905aINE (4936J te pepmyofTr t its. Wi. euct. reuokils, w AnIeed for emares an ieiiurn : toitiy. tuFct'n botol Whiiliy. ail elgît, Tutdiy. ta, Wsu. ece', EL.. nouet.itecce 1u ncrai htuc, Oshawca, au it g .Wcdum-. dar, te 1Jeu Neeldiée. Whleli. touet; thae to s ale ,clc.aululesf. T'cesai, go Wlle ooe laurl. Calatesrail negnu. Fridiy, se FuIte"ý.tal, Raglas, mon ;heurece PaFr- e. huicite. Myrtie, au eBigli. Saturday, ho 0. seeealle en-To imeage.$lui, le lie paiOe tiFel.tbees ~ er IVbehiy. l atai armes ai foi. ews.-4oca.t, alteda'hoert.Picerinlg, &Bl aif l Teuuiay. goeua.. Andoeeee.Dan- horoaenge ;ue- heeeoe te Maxeleitsaa, iiciled Crlak atu sige.Wdueiedi, tu, Thes veao'e. Scutmiieom ee; ilece legI0. Nortn%,Heghland Cresailaite. 'flan. dc. tn Seuckehoel, fte catna; iheu la TtUa. iI»coc't,. U. au it. pa g 8.. T. velapsI. . FeueSc; itenne gofeit Aiet'e ,h L.ailteigit. teterdert, scoh ts chale. refm.-To Insee,.$1e- pavahia en Star-tSN LeautE i723)ue > apreperir Mf Wn. lotO>'. Whiuiy, c t eec or ares as folloeet- 'Aondayte uoOedn'e baadeieFllo- lag,.1 cli ueb Tuesde>', n f-.Anderos, DEtlqartue. Reng ; tenuetlu Mawell'c oiS., Nigithd eel O .il ii alu.Wodcncday. eo lime. Oe- ,6 Seabt.-r 5m;lrswI Ta W" ,'.,ooaod 5 lit t en:ajp Cee .. S R aoe'n.n tgit . ria>. teSamdi Y v. Pxule. tPick eri li t hle, uni tgil -qg&ya, leQeca e mL 'hut> ceeli-dornslee tbisesui% sTacua-To là- Rosi e,Melule904eFei. u891. PodierOil Hfiîphosphftes o! Lime and Soda. No other Emulsîon is so eaîy to take. It dons not separate nor spoil. 11t1i always sweet as cediru The moat sensitive stonaach can retaIn it. CURES Scrofuloiis and Wastlng Diseases, *Cbonlc Cou8g lu, Loss of Appatite. Mental and Nervous Bcwsr.otslllmitetiin5. Ani ttc ,the D. & L." Emulion, moud rrh'.-ý aIl othae, 1ectiCS95C. cANe $1 PIeR ouTre.e ltciem hel citne. Thalle lo aey your long@. AIse611 yîer breallite meutitîr>'. Verycosdserfla- alas>Itle c u i>'thlarger s aIr-- cageso, haILue theenand ofut lubeanicd uc9-,ei .iig train thein. 'ciee thiee ane ilugg and shoted vilI natter wcht ugit eu t rt iera, yuur iteet ecenotitaîl do tiroir van. And chaI thts de, Ibey ecnmt do weill 9. l le d. enaugit, cruup, pheanonea, actent, coaseeplien or ay aoflte tamîl>' eftIbroal and noie and bancd and laug ch- tctone&Il a ar!d.AUlougit talar gel rIA et. Iluerela mm one cure a yiogât ru o et in. Tiret Ile btaies uees Germes lrep, chhan>' dreugiet cliillI yeu et r coelaleotle. Eeciftccuy- tine sse td feSsA yen, yoa may depseed opchie"torcecrtaie. SerEHery'Triser hua teck eet irClarcs Virpor InlusheTims. CONSTIPATION OLAIMS i san>' vus- lien. Weardoff tiiedrecal dietse bithte eue eofliaitegar-Cected Buedoct Pilla Mtlntmeal le geing le admît Ira milltary celoirtiuton theo Queeu'clieide'luth pueir. Fer terne bau, aide or chuât, %ras8hle PtrueaPieeter. Prie Usate. 'c. E. Moec, Ttc Feelmaiaulte eilbu tesia lee laeus Ithe viageraouthIle leller custe ta' Canada. WeLw leCars AH a aDteec Blmply app>' IcunMse eue.~Ne fteruneadialue reqijerd. Cueutts iengamaiele, & au elns on lthetas. baede,' Dse, , -lsalgirt hie isal ciîe and tealia>. las gresl heabling and carte spavèe ra epouseal iy no otitr rameel>. astyoar dnugelalflue wcun'a OiirvUsv. Sir Clu. Tippue le advoccling lthe prieâ aipal ef Freade eteee Eeg banal anal bter oeieeiee. PaU" I ?llel Itebing ?UMe gnr'Smu-Moieute ; intense ilahitg anal etiegin et cc4cnet; trcesu hicratch- lIauieced tecontinue tenon tes-co, citlhoaies hestand tie.rrIs heisg WMe etacrisn'tOINUMveestop@ lus ilahisg andoleedmcg, itahe niraties and ta miel acus remueth le lamne, ÏAidrueegglor 17 M"dfes 50n, De. SvcyeA Son, PIla- AebphÏ&a Adame Broca. meat tact Irontue Wcelt Iia, eddresd titeMtreuloarduofe Treule. nulavie bitcisnl ee c Clde, a IsecralrarBlien e salw i teer eeese offiriaiwoeLa A -., Oa.rd. To al iUcre te -orngerocatheerrerB «adtadiualiofehyeuu, erneacaât- nus C c.nydcscay, lese et Mcheed, &o. I I ton a &ateclp le cl am@ yoa,' irEUEs0 opCEARGE VThe gr.atnhff cc acs »vaed hy eamic""ea S= Acocee.aurCea a uladdrcmed -cm t'o t* Ba.secaus uT. Iuua,,Siaa0* » ie. YerhOde. WOLFF'S . SPGCNG DND WA ER e EYCara wta EVERY HTusei0 uer EVERY tidyyaclu tu hld a bruh W:. 0- . N.. Pue ...te iaa . 0oteo.e'.1 . .eoi ,agents lcuaeau.1.lltc u.1W..Turiio. oct. 16A New Brown Sweeps Clean" And aldoelau ela une if wemn un lte square. I litre plesscen l anaauninu laolte pullie tiul1Ihae o tort ppined gotahit positiona emlyuetupîsd by Mr. JohunPas- quleria, ae aeont fur lit wo ueel Eeg- lieu Fie u lurneececompactes, namel>, nies "Pîmnila" Fiee Insosance COmpeuy aud titi "Qaua," bahllcompaeuls e oma earoraîîy tuave lu South Oetario tue a greot ma>' yeera. 1I liereacllmit a coetinaneofuthîe large peleunngouse long enlendea thoes campsaiec tye ue aid pEau- rons, and Invite cil aha visitu plece thale rial in a eaad, teiaced henoable iompauy te oeil on mu aed gel eates, ce c retee are saînyceaueny enuti ced caia eempcny lu canada. Ofiea-Oppueile 8behe cLîrer>' Stablese. JO", BUINS le-e nue. Witby. $1,500 Wil hny theshanse Dne c ueld y lte ,,,ndsnlued, celtes ci lalnd altacheal. ýr taee.55 dove, cedb lceueta colt pArelascgr GOUIIPBIORET, ou promises. or Oshawae P. .-il-te. MONEY TO LOAN. Several Ihîeecnd dollars, pelvate fonds, ai Loveet Raeueoet ttereel. W. B. PBINIGLE, dientri IneraeAgeant. A INEW fl'IJRVED OV~Es FR o uo ov[îoo Ou irem us . t -Using CoTeeeeM lsvne & Co. F05 BSALEBT W. R. HOWSE, 'cEITBT, ONT. th B i to, h. c -4.4ci ~euentr.ae.e. Lt. laailcsy TOme Tble GEÂND TEUNE &ND MIDLAMD. Neul. Dally Mail ...... 6 .... 81 a.m Ne. 8, L"ce, eoept 8tndays ......5.am a. Es Ns. 6, Daily, ensepI Menday.... 1007a. m So. 14, - Mtead. g esciauays....c.bo P. m Ne. 2, Mail. ezesepl tsd>m...5 p. m Nil , D@117 cexpl Sanda>', Mell 8,18 a. mo Ns. 6, Dtiexla ada>'... . 10.07 .e Mo.,1 *a, eilad, emeept snday 0.6 P. m No' ' I ' Leml epc sneeelsyc...42 P. m NeC,5.Mail, daliyeceept Bnaeye 9C82p. m KIDLAUDDIVISION. Watl............... 4 cia. MItl ............... ep BleuI...Ovr..Sp/ taise... .. .Oea.M Vau........mo. Man...... . . t,) -s cI!

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