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Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1891, p. 5

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.5 ~3I Ue Bilvr Oleamer, fr renoving Ihie coesi gis tarnîola from iyeuc ail- vervaré. 'Fou con get i frons Bar- naît, th jawellsr, ana ghilt yol are, thore look ea is n no ofe cic Slid Silver Speans, for aoféec, 9 Sw*md&Fruit. Thcy ara of auniquev deasigu, ,nd lic sello theiù separate- fi ly if îo deorcd. Ues ba dlighi- Ca %o show many n* Bed laking doses in 811,cr Tabla Worc that lie bas rectntly pnrurlsact, te sny- on. interested. Par/or Suites. ,'hbnssara bard adsetS soce,aoond vs peser taoealI foreasal proea n>! qnstk. nimble ixpasca la btter than tht loy hla 4. Wc citer the fotwlng 11-s Parloe etathons low peboo. ForerseNov Pli. lillingt (11db Pasbet Sutes tu5 881 aureait lnva 1'bndedff $4 bash ParlrOSites #62 l ilJasgoo&@larean ad oatire it chosa lila i ut aia, on linlab sud ntbeasîlftliY aupbrctiedo, nud! aUnosv tesign titis ses- sun. ws cS hboaSutfoc Pln»,feomtg. JE8IoOP IUaniTun OO'Y., w.- z4. ssrg. POBTaaaRE PRIDAT, MAY 22, 1p91. LOCAL LACONICS. USAT 1 518e 0 tu AND 511101 TOWN-5 1511007 0el UELI LOCAL N50 1015011 --Aciiel'e Man s tabla' 108ies &e Anuetbs hoilPeutife" .bbe lotige rsinfr 15WlhyLtioa IA. O. U. W., Inth .1.4 lira vec'. tibe- ~ataofice Will the Gazette khiy nao that il la dayaunétttthe Woineodrvig pob, la Compoy se110 MasEscelltncy Lord l litaalep. "is Excelltncy ms net ho oioapponted la the hope of seelng esc coinsanting figuroeonsong t1fo peeple who gear the badges. IEen a paper bas boon rua threugh the conents o an Il csn ptootlfulty sprlnkted ovr I, the contents of tise pper cas scarcsl ls tttsnhd frontthe contents ofîthe con, suetis tstatofetthe CanainglonGlesser which rachoti thia office lasI wepk. Dont let il eccer agaîni boys. - Beavrtrln Enerprse. Tht CJo1Li la Olen teroreti y ecanges ut ga anttyo îe ppes whcb ban wbots passe ticooround an imb ollr anti Ibea sedto i te ptise trtes gth. We abaul>! prefer te ave acb eacbeges cut ua off t hetc lt. othing but a wolprlat- cd copy et the HOCîiLa la err sloed ta, go outolde the office o publication. This journal bas alwayn trested its os- changes aosrilI s suhocrihero. the tiarliseaso nigt asti iSole the cash srpîns ofîhe Tisses Prlnting and Publiait- lng C., aon nin eaStýte o ooo. L6, vabicb aacinnehiha>! VUescarlesoly leSti deo pila rocpclo matie ofa anlar box. This remindtests)(ea ltht Once sPOn a tisse go decidedt ebave sp a surplus, but, knougngé*r srgent vants, cosclutiedtt canfinet10. tepoat te sncb abte-plsters os slgt cmlne anc vay la th* coasse othosi- ne». Threstwonty-ivm ant.ifip vore laid avay turingthlesfit er antiai boIt anti stili vo hoti illorietioureelves plotty boaet DsBùt,lo andibebol,aone sati mtu gol wasgonseThe nid tilapîdoleti ollet la aur table tirwu os 10r, bt Its con- ttsbts.aesoopot, The atomt bisg>hade te enlargo the csssteeyof t. JlIe a tburch et1the boy la assone thotaboult h. met by a doclaco- tiosi ot gar an the Par1 f the Iagn. la the finitplace " blisnlalPlot te sas oyono te ail gWspaebst vo wy, anti bas bosstoc y le.Tao tctz heCa a»s eyeraI tisses mai ttesps tu e hoe outinortiesof t. Jpas icburcb lte sakteg the plate look au thoagla Il vere nt the playgromnt orf e gh sbut to no purpoes. Foc telapi- dotonai alghtinis iblasns squal la h. country, Beelties thbOc l lnai commn Ihog te béanc 08er iataneraI th«oatbat the ceUsa Sootti hin ste or savon fot o voter, outil Il vas sunk by tre anti loodeti vbt sartis or 5Ianes. Thes. iovnbsgs, ne ooan buohbà, or w1witover tey caSl thon, sslght bd &UaIcgt aeng apeuple Who 4ave i sueraltisSa bellOe (anr f dis. Waof "r 10ed aiby soda moines, but £155oigfd le Mdolboriieti vhou they betof lke.o. f core i iy ho Uscsuary tto va "the wuh ardera la aditioIsns onate oaccietelI deathin h aider ta maere m toy iaedeati but Ïfsss Wbabin th. motts er w tdicg l: it h. Ishi P Tht voaltilace ns Sa h e ts madulda lfsepeoeta nsoock it Tan clbso vecY impotantktstrasof the osam me tisaiblnt M und rblo te haeo ay mer barlas la lavnandasth11e mater of the loccsllty ut IJo5ss cburcb muet h. opu- tamb"m b th s" omig basoméh s m eslaw canh. ison et o te coy te Hair cut ln any style at the Royal Barber hdp,' Open everÃŽ;gsvening tit 5O'cIetc.- Lou. Bandel, proprietor. 'Pl Cbeag railway tickets ta Maniteba, luone 2d, 9t0 and e.rd, $28. Good for forty& days. jantes Long, agent, Witby-23.5 Mr. N', H. Boott, or this towa Is ogenl 1er cg te Oshtawa Star Laündry. Al Lind of c laundry,.verk ptrfoirmed latiret clasBSstyle without unnecessacy damgage te the gooda. e If yoo want maple eyra eOfsOuperierP uality yeu con get It et Pelaglo & Co's. hbeir ine tees ainae t 35e. pot lb.,are St cB ractieg custonnsrs fir ontlng distances. t By proclamatiotn Menday May 25th ls e tI be a public belldey, and ln order teoc-l teeteodate tbe public Mr: W. E. O'Brie1 ouI bo is bis goltryall day te take photo- Tb cottege esnteotalossooto ,are olways ofa btgb order. Tbe ose te be givon istot 2 Aedsesday eseologi thIe tute bell teilI n te no exception. Secure yeer 50010 early g at Mc, Wills' drugstore. Ne extra charge forresocved seta. t ln ansîbor colosse our reaers will bave 1% tbe leas ure of ertsisg a beautiful pontsa - on hFb Qiseon rous tht pon of our esteens' cd patriotic townstn.n Mr. RosaobIte e bai ntsndod te clasb off a colosse or 5e oolves on tbe sobJect, but are bappi' t y and beautlfully forestalledl by out poetic 11 riond. May Ie sentimsenta ho se aptly c exprosson eer lire aed Ibrivo ls tbet broosîs of a pootllo oited by tradition, blrth, éducatton asnd national alliance te Hec Majestys greot empire. Tickets 1 Tickets te Englasti, lrelasdt Scotlonti,anywhere, everywhere. Choice 1 Of 7 beot océan ateamsbtp lines nossoîr, Dominion lumen, White Star, Conard Ache antburg, Amo. andi. Tbittgale Lse.Aise, choop tickets ta Chicago, Manitoba asti B. C. points. Spocial roundà trip tickets te ail G. T. R. points, May 23, 24tsand 2e15good i te ndi oitbto retorn et ai8 le fogre. Apely toER. Stephsenson, Tel, su11g1necal Tic et oi5ce, Whitby, oppo- ait e tcb Broo 18He aIse bas o good per- titioned sbop or office oppositle tht Royal Co ret choap, possession june 191. Bowmanville Sus The Wbitby Celle- giote Institute recentlygave a grand muni. cal and colithonir festival, tht programme for whlcb baed a gorgeous caver presestisg in bolti relief the attltodiniseti contours of prouient educatieniats Of tht tows. Tre of onor former tewssse, now locat- ed ln Whitby, are easily discornible la tbe galaxy of lesroed étars--Mr. jas. Rutîtolge, posed for bis favorite galop ; Mr. J. E. arewell, recosetîpa tht horrors of the baulle of Sedan; sd Mc. W. W. Tamblyn, aq ,tht Beaver plicher hbout te doliser a lsot hall. And où natural 1 The teutite, edItor ortfhIe Chroniclo adoras the contre et tht bock of covor, wltore as a gradluats hoe illustrates veillt ho knows about bornse- bock rldiog. Tht 2stb of May celébration adrertiseti ln tbese colosses two weeksagobasbots postponeti until Dominion Day. aThere are two ceosons promptlng thgis action. ta the firat plate the projectors founti that holding a tiemonstrtiont bore on Bach a largo écatewasaiong ta paralîzo noveraI othor célebrations la loyal tewos lylog laer bore. From ail quartiera word cerné lis t the effect that people were omntssX bore, la the secondplace tht prooctors of Ibis tows's pro grame decided that the success wltb whlch, it vros annosaned woold warrant thons ln postponlng the sports and adding another days gracing1 mnakln4a two-day metn5ollfH ltlano assnOssced la gaod tIsse. Mis MionorJuitg:p »attntl npo,5.tiaY s, Situelay Imt taklng down4he evi- 4 ob0 I k Aggé cens Ootrnvs.-rscf<s Mc. J. O. Menry, Oslnswa, 550 eseos tst>ing au extensive <pple ittrd, rpiblatfoc tht Olti Country, astiallbog large qatttes there. By anre x oporlaco hé o gceti up a boonti berlsgbis nasse, second 10 nous la 10e DominIon. lHo oedttemote an ecosalonal tip te Englasti, and when ast thore onteretiltoalon arrungsmeat wth certain parties whereby he gos te re- celte a cossspsssion onaitaIopples bhosnts1 thora. Last fait hë wos intiacot te retire fross the busness fr a tino, alîevlng M. L, G. Drene te tare bis place. wth Mr. . Hog, on the usderoîanding that ho gan tas aIlrecetne 10e above.ssontlontd corns- Msiin for rellrng andthebuson of bs branti. This le exantiy the question la dis- pute. M. Drew ailetes that ho titi set consent In a commission, nasnucb s ho hati bocnashlpping for rers-has a branti ot bis ega, ndina st disSe otiteM~y tor asother.* Soe i o,b1s. gore ugt boresotisîti la Liverpol aI a far proit ast fat, by the ire. When a divîisin of profits vas about tlabo matie, M. 000w In seitlahave reousai ta seule osny other baslo than that hocsisaulti recelseonoe-bahf et tht comssiosin prominie J. 0. Henry. This the Henrys declacd, anti commesooti a s at te rccooec the sasse (coin Mr. lDtw. TIl suit l now ging as la Witby btfgro Jutige Dartneîl. M. Louat, Q. C. anti Mr. L. K. MrIon appeaelng fac the plain.- tIff andi M. J. E. Faregell, Q. C. fr the Peendiant, the latter appearlag I son. The town conciinu* bore meant Il an a ewbea on Mastiay ngt they rder- a> notice te o c rveo upon M. J. C. OcLachbon to ilI up the hles tiug by hM laot fai. A retereace ta the concilsa miaules at tbat isse 5<11 show that Ires morslghta wore ortiered t oI nce, .sud there cas ho no doubt bt thai M. Mc- Lachîan a gs ilcectedto itdg the hles ta the eapectotioa, that h. e an ta locale a llght an Contre st. 0f coure.if a lght vere estoblileth1e dlgglng vwoulti h. il bisnexpe s, but Ithbe ortier toc 10e IlabI soi ecoustecinandeti oSerthe hbales gere tug, Il stoulti baby a singlar pro cesa of roasnlng tht ane coulti arive at the concluson thait Il oulId h. jû«tt ano lcLachlan te taire agop bis poles sgen antigoala the oxpense out fliling up the hsou. t seossi ns an that ithoco ho any fairnesainla Io Mc. MtLaclan gitt sot bave mauch trouble sssklng the towepo tocr tIlggigthe hlos anti lor laybng ant laln u bspoe, vhch latter requreti oome.it vas aistubbarn anti bonglbag polyons 10e prt aofltyesr's cou.cl wblcs proventeti a ligise belsg establinhoti on Centre SI. wbre one la on badfly neeti- et, and t i lî h. s batnw itheo cuacSl have ta par thIe di gnd snti llg of hles ant i hulgafgoiolessn d la the end chsi that street nut f lis light. Sasse dop a IigbsglIl ave te ho placeti an 1Contre 5t., on>! thea thls sainm ecpeau vîWithave t1ocpaoiby1etaat t1te nec>! of a llght lbs geitiat 1eday ,la sot lic tintant. Il vont>! ho a tory i Iss attsr te reatjust theligts in the tcontre wrd an os la gise Contre St. a àllgbt. Brock SI con re*titiyopre ane, atiiIftho llgt kath1e gleglasce e e a paced aSth1e smarket corner, sas t doot àhveoboon is the frs place. tvallbl rcoalti wel h. spore!ensCentre S., ose , ans ,Qros' corner te ho place>! ai the 1, tva churclses anseueai the court bouse. ëThé lgbtt ilpacoult h. p tcs>! aI the 1corser nPest tof th, nkattag rMnuanth1e h1one agKlngâ taaaeeytakon te tise tout Sbose. This wlSllati oun coursof t-ltme anis isoli h. vglisshe1es I pense f dggiog the boes hm n osu t curedi .080 peatrs cnil vasIes and t beage>! , ~aa is o~andth1e OU ttsotee Ioka s te prsest moclse ta confiean paît ot thn guiiyotepredeosss BSeest new sprlnkling cact worko gell. Seed petatovr cholce. W. B. Pingle & Coýe. 'ývr Best lour ever mîti bore, W. B. priogis kCo.' Messrs. Priogle ý& Long have jt ce- -ived s carlood ef choico white ensilage tnte, wbicb tbey are selliog cbeap. ç A sssart boy toirly geil educated watt- ed aI tht CHoeICLIt Office tO eaecstht . ristlsg business. 1A. O. tj. W. sermon will be preecheti by cea. Re«. J. F. Ockloy, le the Methodint chrch et trenisng service, next SVsday, te 24tb nt. Mayor Cesspbell aadReevo Rutledgec telhebrt for Ottawa os Wedossday te, re- rosent the town et the great rallwey ~ sous tieputatioe yssterday.. Remember Wtdntsday evtnlng jane yth and secare your snat for the cosslng sausicel and elocutiosary recitel 10 o eti givea by the college. An entertaloasoot wlll ho giron in ltse laptint cborch te-aigbt (Friday) by the Mission Band, commentclng at k5 aclck, 'T A stlver collection gilI ho tekon Ot tht e i lnd oetmssinons. nIg ors Howden and Farewelhave uncrâlltiand dinsolvcd partnersb'P over ~question ot which nbat tors out in the al~ndi watch tht crones front their P C iied. Tht rontke have full swing lP 8 tho meentisse. The public meeting of Friondé haIt pear- ly meeting wil1 be holt inl Friontis meeting bouse, threee daehoîf ntiles westof Wbit. sy, ettii o. m., on theo 31st inst. A Tea, terance meeting glU be held in connectiosi with it Oa thterenise of tht 301h at Inalf tant sovon. John J. Cornelly, ni Farming- onN. Y,, and lssacWilsn, Of BbsI- flOt.ire o t t a ho e inattendi- ance. Alarrtcordiellyinviteti. A farmer front Wbýtby township north of tht towo etotes that o neighbor et bis has o deati cow la bis ield'.gbirh sinello lodér than o foghorn could ho blowa by oae huetirod Iba. ofsteain . Tho herearç4 formner la nu douht tiolaying thtehonnIalorl tise romains of bis deceaseti bovine until -ý such tfises e ashall bave s n h is 00 tees, wen tht proper formalitien wriloo observed. ta the meastimo tht rooke may practico UP -Three Black Crows.' Thte ameort of taste dlsplayeti by those who-gorern thli town ssy be judgeti by the tact thet bat yeer the electrîtIligbt people neero allawed te set out S huntired polos on the turaplke aleng Brocho at., wýhilt this year tht oheirmnon atrtetOboa cut donen a lin i aple shade Imee on thse samo atreet which neas Ilatht way of drunken mon. Sabot people are 'In, danger of lestsg thoir.lires atioeny tboe from tee l, but sets eMutet ot e éhoI danger of rnning agolasut o mpie Two yeers ago Mc. L. T. BarclaY vas regscded as one of the mostI tfluential memberso f thé board Of educollan la the tewn. Hie Opinion and ideas command' cd the hlghest respect frous the otnr mess' bore of the board, anti bis Influencer,-wa generalty sufliclont to a"es ly mensure ho rounhbtIn, Litke trmy thirs, bogeVer, ho could sot lot swatt enougîs atone, anti seught ta rua the whele show. l4e sertsst ta roorganino the stsffof the Instituto, ast iollnwed, O bis action by atteati ha105MA- niptaiats tI a electlons of memss emte0 board. A Plan of Campalga vos matin, and (rom thot day tu thîs every teathor or trustes who falled tensupport the ideas mt forth by Mc. Barclay's little Party gias' aled front ove.p stands , a.Attempes Iwero matie ta, blachen thé record of legd. lng tesistees and thusecure their tieféat candidatures were îruckled for Blippt toohera wbu sslght have becs heorl a~ ~.,reslnoOhosSsîrs t100%olt'.corePdk anti espoqiencot iblh~aes, ' 'od so àn. WatljasyiJotthe uphoof teoe t"p yaopnIslelswa? A bewoetin su- letetî 1enrsuit. Ns trusite. orteseln or boa failet inl the lgtest degre. te matatain in prestig-really lsth bava ci ned streogth. On the other bond . arttey bas let aIilli uesce et th board-has, intfact, cesnsa tuccepy a very undestrable posittan hre. No suas la thîs tega orer crawled through a ensilerP hole, iguratively speskln thon dld bM. "Baucla i tihe meetinag e tbor algt wben wtbtrawlag the thirti Iotice o ma- tions ho bati ancouacedt t holti over the, bondis of teachees for moths, an the onuy pttp revengo ho coult devise te sate bis mncioSer the falure ofaie Isplans. The bot frlcnti ofaithsonse Issochot by Mc. Sarclay colti at wisb ta se. thsç pull trosgb witb more esteoin, wbllo hla worst enessp oculti ot doiro te ses bii werso tielotetianti humbîbteti. We bore na desîro ta trike a mas when ho istisise, but thre ls a moral ta o ietisceti tram canaîierlng .,wbtbor o mon n bkasebst tiown hy bis ega bond or bp o blaw fromq that ofsoanse else. tn Iis coue cersei appoaertehave -comaspie tu roost, ant i the mes wo soug itSe It wors or other unolientig r mens buan onl suc coetie In burning hae awn badeHo takiag a dmseof is owa ssdctn. There are net maay farinera la this pa of the county of Ontario who do not the CROaNncLa, StURItheroe M as One et Ibtu. liras In East Whtby. Abo three geeba aga a sick Ioklg old cÏ dtgine his suialy hatrow itho fa or woutd undocleso ty asd sel onu beore es arow0 t is nebgi oea socb. Althosgb the frmtor lir rcc be snappet i aIwbal ho cndeest ri bo a soiS;thtsg. Hoegou0ti1a i stin log baws pon oscethî i gi provide d ho coutti make a 3lâtal a. .Me signedth ie 011eodr n- sry tu have the barman nbhippedti m andh.egan prepacloig for bis agency palgan. Itîas suchoa spot. hhoI ast do enaagh St Il an a woek day b.u took ths sxt Suntiay te riaito ei andt Uté s tell hlm one. The nel istened ti ttntlvely tu tho docrlPtia th. meachine asdtit n a ny oscs3î1clon, anti thon* wsibstiloto an rsnaeai brosgbî autoa ropy of the CuaOetCM in whch frmner@ gero Wgarot gaisîislrl agesclos toc thoeebacrows for 14r a froué. Thes voulti-be agent pou Netbs ortier anti once snough I iitimae m the purclsasr ot six stso fsulky * ~wsut a-set pries. Coast; n onoerhumi i coussessonco ant i ne tili tknonvbat té do. Hie nlghbor suggestod tides of coaaultega loyer, antion M day 99o- lowlng both came 1teVhilby buse otice. Mre tlsep accdonlall stusibî acrastho mon gho badt tken 10te oro after ,eblcb a lasyrwne yod wa pper igneti bybt ate ___ 1h. caamellingof tbe orde-rt"u alg1 friner fthas hvlgt obsns $2t6. Il la the soins roc as thé plot> anti nooti ats»0k, but sonlme e ore 100 mon tikeo esratlin sceer board ;A'h.s tb. Aoste westby boîset ibis tisenes Plcbeiag ia diasenbeentswte4e If.a wyei e coul>! atabete inLéa o issbrd .te ic glbu h d bos jlTi bars ot: fitrv es 1l1e wih lhelàlelta 1e rap' - aasatlbog for the-Il. }RBW me ROSSO q--IAPDRY GOODS. Se4 Bùýokoesnly 5o. per yard. Brown Duok l2ke. snd 15c. per yard. W~4at do., 8c., 10e., 12je. per yard. Art Mulins from 15c. per yard. tings1 good, onlv 12je. per yard. Cretonnes, a good range, at 10e. a yard. rà choie lot of Dreus Goodes indésirable patterns, at 10o and 12je. per yard. krewôu1d also cail your attention to our Halifax Tweeds, at 40c. per yard, whieh w .be fôànd an excellent quality. 'bs Réady-Made (lothing at reduced prices. lresfor Clothing Ieft with us will receivé our most eareful attention. AUl suite mtèd te fit or money réfunded. ANDREW M. ROSS %~ ~ -ýýA M4tAW4IUiATU9iNG ,%COr Y MAUÂHnenqITR8 0FPTHE <JELEBRÂTED (ýntre-Cut Iower & The Turnbull Light Binder )Peunda. . Stramw Cutters, Raymond Grinding Milîs, Horse Powers, etc., A lrge Vvinly ef Plow Points Always in 8tock. 4[L A SGEOW 0 520 vo 52 11)0 52 ~I1 and the well known I=ILO)W. Eeépairblg 1a Specl&ty. WAIEIIOIJsEo PRING AND B1UMMER GOObÃ"S. We are offering a special lune in Stripe andPlain Hen-. ettas. 20 per cent. less than regular prices. 10c. a yard.--A lUne of Regatta Shirtings, 32 ifn wide. ~oSpecmal attention is drawn to our Carpet and FIloor Oit offrij drives in the Tailoring Department, in pri S~s. B. & J. CAMPI3FLL. 1' 4 I j ~SH, ATTRACTIVE AND ;'ONA2BLE DRY GMJODSI ment in ail departmènts of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Imported and x stock of Worsted Coatings, Tweeds, Suitings, Pantings and Mens' :Goods Department is fully assorted with ail the most popular goods of* 1a4 the leading shades. use .Furnishing department we show especial values in Table Linens, Doylas, Napkins, Tray Covers, Side Board Covers, To*, Towellings, 5Laoe, Curtains, Art Musliis, etc. :>'tment of Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets. Our Millinery Departesent is Ied with ail the popular lines ie Ladies' and Cbildren's Hats, Bonnets, mings we are showing the leading noveltiesisnj thé trade. F-0 STEWART %_, 4AM -éý»

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