r' 4 W i <T e-r .0 Tio, Baby's Bà ke. eY LILLt&h0MAY LIeLc. "TisaI, arc yon gotef lo-ntgbt, Bea. biis,,egabnel my vihesti'" aed Dr. lcyten eroee frore the chair, whlire tie taid teen ncctteg e golten.bctrcd "TYour place, t ntghtl, te by tte eide of your ick ctitd antdfnt before ttc dazlig itgbac," tnt witt enger, ro- roch, eitrcoly, adite hintog te his trovne cye, tegaedn on ttc ycucg girl wbo baid jtt porailthcoevy draperie.- Oeiy te instnt ttc ilcod lucre, yt long enougli te notice flic onquiite pic- lremcdo, reliog ie.,ga ethtt *7k 'mincon otrteai Taitgteand graeful, vill e cpurity aed seecînce cacit jn e r faeeand t c of a quitae n hte be onig.~ Dresee inte tevy = cii, voer flly hecoming te ito limplicity, wutî penk roses et ber roented dirntelatd te Ifor bandc, theroetc ,toc-e picturo that1iniiglît panete riticioni cf the teoltieatit, unocathet. ecootliited, ac voreoe vorty le rocovo te bornage cf te ectîcet. An tntent ttc drt bloc cye linger- cdt wt pnsiinete love tnd tedernesî on thetOo hcforc ie tho bc c prceg iorword, flinging bei arme anoued tem bot. "OelIb isoner, Jack t" etc ptcad- cd; "teon 1 rreioe I vi t01 ieg ce- cter egt."y "Promise 1 Wtar cr npromeises Betire (leytoo ? Dit yon tccp or fufilU ttc lest oec yen mate P" cet witîthttcwonering chut te ineisarme ho turned ficnoly avcy fror e tr. "Ob, 1 tnow, Jack, deer, liai 1 cm toughtllcn, haciloe, wicet-cny tig yo like, but onit' this once, 1 prey, ay ye, Jack." "No 1" cnd ie voie, unolly rild and loveef, ctcngoe h tt old ocrer- ily that, inocunlee'ly, ote uttercd a lev cry an et. recoilcd rore tina. Thue etc toot, frl vithb igtly clepet tende. figtlenec, upplien: tisse proudiy dallant, ced itt e scre- ful toec f tal vdipoiet heet, ehe coofrctelthtce gny mac. Bel hisierc lh. tot, iepuloire worde came, thc bab, wit otemnreteet bande, picat for tL, ":Memma, pittîy marana, die bcty 1" "Baby, rey littho prenions, tell more- me thet ycu arenet0111.'acd Beatnice Lotkttcetechettî, ced, itt pin and &arre, eoticed the fluched fore, tevy cye cnd proted lips. "tDuby trd-mommc vont tcer." *'Oh, I ceenot t-etîtl, Beenicc I but minima will play witb ber il te-mon ow. Steit e ntt iI teo etc, Jeot-tinet oct iii 7P sud etc luoctedt etah Ixue band. "Ste is il-cniously ii ithtlypboid forer, I. ce lier phyicien as vlt ce ftter, teov il loe oncly fotro-' Wit a moce ttce motter eluggled te ber fot tced tncd away Poor etiid 1 for cttld be wa, only 28. Steva tnnfitebrvy cvercom, tt I.11 î nice«ot;zvg.re te'g tesptatietd ing natfouitC<cc 'ZLtQeee" ,t-l t, bt for anr>of ber dcling etc woutd col go. ".Baby Bernice neosmy song far more than tey te yoneon b"ailncd tbce ttc materneli piril wittte bier yiltod, ted cbcrfully for "baby'. octo' etc woult tare bovcd tefone it, "Rectrice 1" ttc on. word broke ttc sience ttî td falleit. "Beatrirte, il bety'e piccding iii not movo Yeu, then I forbid yoiite lcavc bon te- nigbt.' Blowiy, eo if daeo, aetIn-cd, Long and paieful ste cglane b ettotev ce tim, lThe wor8tchol comnsoace remuoue, and the cye cuprciccd te ic arc feli cf tone, "Jack, dii I tear eictîPla ,il trucel do Ye for the firet ime forbid recto go -etre 1 cboooo ?11 Te, I forit you t" "Then, Jack Ctiyton-t go I Ton caoli netfonid mec1 I vount btave gens, for tety'o eote. I would bave grvec IL np ac emnicdet bore. vill ber. Bt nov," atdte beanlifel cyes flcebcd, ,"'lie.diflreel t, ire Yeu for- ttd me te go. Oh, my bat y" I'ce t cliopod te utIle cee teo br, covened the face at hot yearning tinos.,ttee gcntly replacet br inedtee ftoere anme, aed bute i o orofl plating eyee. tncv a gleece of epert sccru. Nitter beeie btis low mur- mcred "for baly a e,' nonib e babys cny for tier "reirera," etc eeaceed np ben wrepe, tîned aced Oct frore ttc recrm, sprceg loto bien canniage cnd van triren cucy. Wtile Jaik, wtht a gruau, bcnted ies fane te hie cnt, bt fnt for long ;te now leeping childi tbeavy bmeathieg aroused ie. AIl ighî long lte ak cd Ih fo oon vtt tr-dctng ii n pty- icice ced paret cold do, Betrice r vera wao a cupeet stegen, ced wute ta nIr*lf the sersece ven yonng Dr. Cayton tovcd, vooed nant von br for ttc wif. A puee.faiane girl neyer lied. And voreo neocer lovcd rein itt more enoton c tolovet Jeck Ciayvtoe. tint wi*in tee ocothon passion btoi- cd wtt Ocery vermt.eand thel vie te ieg-toBne, ce cf ot, boire tc Ire- rentieoSaraf face, Iht listet. ,ecrnp- luirtd, etippihoued, wlîe tht gloricust vice thirlled. sellrd, qnivred ced fr1, fttling the oiroiTettifs wontorfet, reelotîos pouer. Forea utile lie vwu content to ing for tee tebnendsithincds ; ced ulie thc baby caeeslovcd tb bush ite; paintive ry with ber nuct lllebyc. Çlly for c wtile, thongli, for uhen lien ot menager crencd ngct ber to aigu c conran, îgrcieg te ing for tire for four vees, setc contentet utît- ot intenvewîeg Jeck ce tbe cubjet, keowng veli Iliat te vould col con- sent. At direttee wso aegry, bul forgire ter vbcn aise proniteet tireIbat site vonît nover cteg eg&ian ithiset fint eneveret lieu nov repentent, aniçioce face vils a cool not cf intlferencc ced in a yel roldcr voire lte ct, e e follow titte tiltrcry. Only tueý -Wordo ecceotlber astie lcccd tihé "R>'baby 1" "Tour baby ito tenootly i. 1 tncw not if I oeurs-" ted te opreng foeward te catrh hon ouoyieg "lPiy, Jack ; ced tell me pou can caeo hon t" Non fore was lite mentis, ced the banelo we rried te lite te piîcooc cnaty ; bt not a spart of pit>' te hie colt cyco. 'oh, havre pty, ret thcnd ; dont, oh, dont te8bclierd. 1 bave toit pour love, tut dont lt cme 10e lho. For- give-for hehyc ectke," Andte verdi died cucy in c loy mec., ",You tid notsmt ae 1coi-c evenni boome &go uhottion your oilil livet or Ah, hon celad nhtruhthttc prtes vero btetce dccpeiineg vomon. 10, Jackt, 1did ;i1do. Te me te bier 1 ' Antholed bernway. Long cn e cely did ttc chlliet forci wrette it Ibhefeven, But at tat ttecrciaise mme-the fevor lui-ccd - thlic tid't lii. vonid bie pered. AI teit tb. day caie uton morry Bereico slcugb reounedd Irougli ttc bouse, uhen etc menuirler on ettîtî, reterticrone pleyc. tint mcdete motter love lisn morc ttan even, Il weo one of lbcoo dopetat Jack oaugbit ber in ie arme, tioset lie, laid bier inte bocf tewondbing Bcdt- tics, ture nd etloft teboutes wttoet e word, lcicing ociythett folowieg note:j "'Good.ty, my Hecleice and Bernine, for noie liaI carn tehancrecoveret, 1I are coing ebreat. Our lives viii tie1 btter &part, and if ve neyer meet ogain teecli Bernieo-cm tI ie octe -"lteat Ont>'aboula alwaye rom.e b.- fore ploesue."' lACE. Oely cee y car tan pasoed, yet wbcl e chaenge il boce urongbt in lthe enl and lifeof onecfair girl. On recding Jao'. cruel noiste td net fint, or go watt, tut wtt ane ai- mot broteniocrt ste put toetter tte 'brokqn hreate of hfs, and for bkby'c ocit.e ogttle lIve. For taty'c cat.etc erilet. tnigltet and greetet fronde ubon lber teint vie the teeviel. Hon frands ucre pane t cth rcnge lbey suv crosping ovor ttc fir yonc fae, acdedit te ond t. teal reemonctie yecn fouetS ilt iNaiutte neonc b e, nc ultive girl A te nov pais, a fcet. oman, Who1 GnOn pleseore oly in tee lovieg rom- peeiooehtp cf ber etit, fIt va. c varra ey>'in Anguet. Bectnice tee been vrittng, cnt sa etc urote ttc cddroeaon tce velope etc osclet it ejthtatisec. Thon erilet aIt tc e aedce esof faur-ysr.olt Bernico, uho Jic ben lcytsg wAttelb. tleet aiber eolbere Flot, tut vto oisé nup in tie te ece ber kiçs thes letton ced bruit sua>' a dan. ceanI ïr ï "W w o t Atfori ceAU w 00<; Iing foimama L cia site stibst ep it'erclcp. .."rie for papa, dlalin.' ".Pa abore ; papa comrtgt?" sc]d 1he chil Id lepet lier hante. 'And te day 'No, dean ; net te-day, for hg instinct gsI mamnia' letton te-day. It is tue, loto, The letter cerrier pcusad bîfone 1 kn o te vc n te oue, dec, ttc pcplie aye lie btoc notomet,' ant ebe ruslet a nevepaper. "uIWolt pa sc'lurneif htedtico etten, "Mcy bc, my preeien." For caretnte ttc itIle on.van tute t<decp mediotti, tho jainpetd oue cet Bestrice crose ced cool te a vietov. "'May I dcv ont set Oint nurse wbere te foyers tie "TYe., dear.' But etc dit lo otfor nurse, utc bappenedt c in t the bouee, and net inette gardcn ; tut ontthIreegli ttc gunten Bemnice uet, lscving the gain Onvard, tte litho ffont pallerct,1 beedieg nt the uonterieg gazeo f tise1 piecere-bp. "Bbc van bette' ionpeps1 te dlive litaietter, etlesout. . DnY9 tiret s ee tnetted eud feUl, tut alvcyo manageat te regain ber tiny fot, ceil. vlion frocetuf c aid.e treet, once more st e fs1. A cny van heurt., a tlnt rid, a terror-triien rrowd eollectet, cnt frore tceeat thIerarniage vteein c Iittls otito fefrr van ited b>' gentie tande, "lMoto vay I A pbpîicice b ceom- ing,' eomos une ciet.. Tte physicien lenteni>'botnto'err to, tnt, ville a boari-e cc, recoiet.. "Oh, tenîven, mn iutIle Berutcc r', Ttc cloet oye, opon, a cuelt, giet imite cf velcome te on the tmhy fere. "P ae, abscnret, "fIGee Bodat I feu' 'c fanreamd .Sece papc, a dtee-frore renira." Jackri rerthI eaiss, floutore ant coveret utte mut, te bit tpe.. "Mamancditdt. Now c tir 'e -and' -tbe wuceemuaimret se o b no nee beard tut Jack,, utîtautesfort tlit tlle voire uccit o-Itis"lii tcy, pape, an' tetd lier tigtt, ilsB se unr." Ttc agonzeet fatter hctt ber close te hic bcaut. "Baby liccr r-o-o ie-tuke -remareec-lins mamine?" Ast uitît tceet word, tut that for "recreren" ttc itIle cee'. tout sttet eut>', te tie gatteret wtt t e gete1 atovc. Titî bltnctet fane Jack Cîcyten cpce ite tiesortie cariaeo Ibidbat cetetot tee lito of tie baby ant tade te tic tome, 'Au i vist tslhome vanten comme- lion. Batp Henie.gon-lool I uns Ibir ry. Uneneounetd, Jct voted ntothlb haUl vite hbitnrieo josî asone f tbe toore vnwuebusod open vt>'eb.firanic - coin, tu ete egiddatcanlp neal speific for liit dîneiso. In evrcmnisil ventsa Roach GounLcil crlti, ce sant apeocur ue. Plouantietf - Isole aniaintel, it îc yt poeerfelui.-heling Counesil nmt' o2Monte', niltcet udretontef thé naturel fucne.. iNi me gtre - ttsr raedy glra sc sa etsfatioe, bécan me bt in rpesent. lierneelie freai so arcesl tbosmo. SoIt A lange nnir Ofeofpttlioai verOe dal rurg-otao etn npatese prne ryn p péspentttiDO40IL r,lpt of 50 cents, ty Clark Cemina (Co., rend cntiirtgce Tarnato, New Yerk. Oeroi à cfMn. Aie a hy-inu Tire. vardcia ot Naine Dame ochenot cee pîasé ýre amneg e rtalin reluitMmntralbar.vertnetcau aprnlsst 'ns: divioteni t>' và itbnig t e onl the intenîorenos cf le Arcthlstep tinfies isaif of Ict 17, ocon, 10, ironta divricci 80 ciel niatece anet anneoief ilte 8; cnt vithtne The WbuSe Alphabet ieg ttcéancli euet on. foantof lt -Ofsopaine îslttcCiare Ligtui Linimnist. camte te Ne. 44.titeys, ticuttsr, onrheolo, coegeestoon of on Motion of Mr. Burecîl a ty.l ttc tonge, sore tincet, diSculte brottte vi. paoeed appointieg overuceri, Yileria, rop, tiptira, todtho, tl pithantetere fer thes peur. 1 ce necgan oeatr g., chAl. Mn. an.Scoî, Nacr, ipi.ot ~ blairs, f reit bIte., breles, eogta. colts, Mr. Js. SottElpaot, apeard plraies, Paisnei the.chiet, sci an limbes. foe tee ceoi csdet clbet that a tAnk for Clanke Lgttntng Linimient, ant teal cf grovetlied tocn takenfreoui ftes ce en ce 11V ceas, Olerb ferre fr tho ecscf0tee =m.seipct Otenilcal Ce., 2èrcto, onNec Ycnkr tnt tie ttought pcrhtps tee Bone' vol ailcu btre ometetng fen il. 9 voelt iccro it te lh. cocneil te place vclne on utet gravel tied bee tsit AL H ont. Muni-o gave notice -of là infmen- uQOCTO0RI tion cfinttrotuotifng t>' lîwaet lis cext R meesting cf thee ccunllpto>'tding fortLh. -acc 1 Wu- opentef of c eoadt lisougb lot 1hAn iheé 111h con. of JBs. T. W. Cdot. ef Prince Ah I m i ier EOF vWho teo laimst s ropr ct.d fitb. jsct for intiganîcalgra. CO D LEVER OIL On Meotonof M. Gmegg Ra t>'LWv Maeee n, iTUT van peecet appoteteng 0ndera for the.prese Yenn. woicharse YPOVIIGSPHITES 0F. LIME AND sonAe vere mad, M. Jas. Laing. beleg -ice D. csac ct)entafor Pinzno.4tlher at.hMr. proentet hie nolilitoui, wiiet vea e auMPTrION. tI l oitg ttose- n,, Ollc,.O.eittulstefagila Tota'essuiceentl......2,148,08 X seesuncsier Acres in tovnship ......... 84 iT'EDM NUuUaEmulaION O0.e Acres learet ............ .449 NW YORIK *ND IINCOTON. ONT. Populaton- - --........ 2 Ralos bttion 21 à 60. () FornSae b>'W. N. Hovus, Withy, Ont, Acres vood lent ...,... 8 Acres mp, mrot cnt vasttelnt ....... 16, 7 Âcores oroherd &e gardcn.. Doge ..............' Catt......... ..... 5C O T Sisep........... 2 Hoge .... ........ 2, Horseee. ... ..... Biribie.............. Deithe ...... ......... Os motionecf M. Allite iseclr' N , 11 instnistedtulebave *p anto npamp form, 150 copiem of tbc Daes ëa f oe preoe oeet iu thet oveetîpi DOflS CURE tte lot met...onnes ion' ttc oD ecet pomaon l tacetfer,to:i sîch toic po,e on cspoil s cet thee emainder tte .qui t u tntnted inthie eoverel 1lt - divisionsofettheérceu cil On mýotion qf M. Gmegg îil&e te. - In te FiI't stags. te nexîtmoetng f e e oe P a a filee fr-lune 22int, Inte m le. t = a tabe ai illk court cf révision. The Berve'e enter on thIe Ne dreup s g e e g neSlmce van ie.uet. in payient cothIle 1bic . b cli Drggots,.at ingo-Ere. J. D0f6, oeaeleile hord, attendenre sed retfoi j ~ Bbrde McLaren, $10; M. EHar, itîtote lator renl d tiwiioq 40, -- GilberltWood. xîug appfodice c vot, Coni. 2, otle18,e8; Ptlp n7.c- Oîteng culventlt u2,rue, i,44.6- Couvori thon aujornsd. Wiut akeneaire Biat nthe' Whslicn 'iebotere foraa ni a ,uu lies and ctoteens o et digceuto On eonolhing taie, set, llts e ,e.t them. Shakspeare lide't ony that, btt e - lyt lewoiitîhaveoaid osttmiteo I iscor le IcfV9in bitht ceota*5I vhs e 0 8T0Li ..soi,u .1111corit ioucoc ecc acmanrmet b aslnt toate thet"B tticg"uiii couidt pceeete-tée" lic il e atant tpo ke t, i 'ch . "dE.gL Noamie ac tbin tt end MOLt et tlue.t i. oniio digcattc.t, irt lu lé cauof uyo>apan, esiptce coctiti-n.usslithets ale--n dt iase fac, afm, ihat tDr. iasceii O te« a e H I~LBERE neth it tictalt the ,à nea cg erb- ettauloot aot slretgtesd. It s gu naclt oP, sl Affections cfthee tod ti titigeit toues'I ycu nie~ 5 srouecite pou. - IVER &-KIDNEYS Te Goemarntbu boeeikstb!Yf elatice le gise resiýtedowl,4re1n he Noth Test Win- -~ . CALTZKIcKT. vr soSie Inn tlcd aceuz.vur. «gikorttrop hy Ont perst latoenwneev prenls, vs er>' I lit e . iteoslteud théraegaofesnes. Escoeots ... Iheus fixethoteps.bu te Dmti vnthsN e vaa t e ucli5bnill bl hade.. testia. Tli cheteso P * .N son2 tute godthv u fWoli@bp. m m olcggcet. imot igcinei lise vWal* b=7:' :cuiraSft in smf tes ber faeeinter bande. * APINfNN erc iet.cldpe la Tltonî c word jack entoro e of £3. fouet u éteiafle. lGret aurea holi h. ntambdem1 Ilaid itto Honrnices toun, te ai ccad.a ,ppty et livadoTellov gently inelber ni, tuen souglitbhie, 0 1kopt ce band n rc f .*outs.itrueai,, vif.. opra.c, bernes, or maie,It te the prcmpt. *"13ctricc, ny vile, lok up sud .t pain relieerîe ohiteble, ucîcome nmc, tenltng, thougt tiant. t Sin Ateuendtr Oi teel&Agnes eer taeNng.i Tic tanti noeerreovt frore lier A shnrt rond teehmt-wioenet te thoe fait . te gntho ctber 1to ie treot.sel*ffOiug fron cipoInir couibo, asthmec, brou- b à ei oket ocr ol one. cht sciterrnt, bn tateoira, rntusoi 1 '~Ceeèsoîo 'tien .exerieteo epples Cor tfsmaiibreut, Betiics;,izy-tanlixtgw<ife. Fcr bdty'e csut kitsy complainte, teusintrotuctien cete,' adt ten, ce if lic worts cooed teine enaï ndi eteffective reniai>, Dr. tire, tntd '0oritnct Bay ne mren, be Thom",' iotentrla Oi. genlly led lier le 'tho totnite. Tli1e Meotiot à Npiopc Oeneresae Wthe&mVceod01angutet lie motton18 i8nutîmentetGOmsnhn. 1mev isersoif bae tecront, ceiiing H.F MscCath y. ýWtoleancd Neiti litreice t>' 01er>' enrg noms. Dnogchl tOta,.nettes -mueo nafiict4a but, tht1 thé itte epea vere etoset in ulti ChrnettBonctt s orerneporebat ainstsleoop, tee UitIle jie bot pnsenc batee au n ompteoip orot t>'the muset c lad tioson feammo c "pitty fcc," Dr. Thomes' NotecIt, cOt teà doses eofv and tee lutIle Lamnsrouidt ol cp fer drepi on sigar. 1 base sie pîecueoine papa agiù. ý ýconmeitg ittan anuebrectioe foretrer- N ota vestioftho awfottaccidenit- Feue tMrccn ipnygthm onîtt le fonu. à &îittleereile oo ë rniintHrio n bspry th ennthte oueed moutl ere in tet. te Tistingtoe. e "Beatrite, outr Utile one serohet for le idrane.thli e ctinieg ensa 1 me, lecansein rma ventet me, i western ail>' efrooheul YHyooôd'sat r litve aeMO.' Te>' te forgivei Iboptst- Il cmaliv dose i4niatc the uet sIre for beby'4 ceke. Eparer William van theove e cf Tho à tetctn moter aisber ten sat, ria by hbeabonoe nOinig eve> ce .c that bat. teen pressd beitoe ttc haty'1 es~csaby an atiotant woubooagt ien ont plocng bote anr1me aountis eLcotbisearmes. oit: i Vedla te eBe0 t "Oh, Jerk!1 forc0ir bpbys cite, Ion- Andletdonseai ythenmetjice autt rhn give me t'1.Outh. araat <i. lora' . rrh fare ne Id en 4, h, et ýd k Al 'JOHB. AUU andQ0,~ i~.L f aOrnge, Wbiîby. Ia JAEES VTLÉiMB R IBof- KiniS,: Barrcie, B. Ofic f xnirtyocoplei (ozqueroir of Coniquerl ~WOutedg~ CitNoel etlIT LEADS THE 'VVORLD.ý D*VJD OuIITO .A., Invinéiein Comnpet ition, Attcrney.c8Lavietr nOinr, &0..yeee, o rgiz-l]Re ii 1e IiU c0.octt fetct'stOficzt MMlie e8atiafacto y' nu6 Block, Broeokre ,WbLyloeered stove ucli epetîteri AtthébeCce- G8. TOUNO 'SRITB. LL. B., eviied of ti0 i. Si ~MedZ oti. eu Mcrclrer,&e,ko.-Moeeyto Loa iuySvngg.. lee.AlItrleeiFbaa Oscic Marrie e Lice,. 0O, S lti eacrhoorelth ez iiceUn Block. South o. Market; Brook et., Whtbtî. celePre,18,tiGidmdifot '*'30DM HAL]L »OW, BEST SEWING MÂCIIINE Biree.a- lSieiter in Chineery, 1n .Wr1î OfieDteii.Bleek, Brook Si. Inâ.4rd Whtby. Reeety te Lend-Prlvate Fends- *tee0ete ane.cd and Ame4tca h ne p te 88,8000e ltsrate, cf Inteactpcenc bdIaIt%3 . Scetfie dtseestnatice et île Merite TH . . cdIX.LlIAT, LL. B., Conclesive évidene o f tc cperlerltri '~.BtlserL8clllle, Cnvepnce, ~~~The met imple,;tce Most derable sud ecatecero .M Reee' Drg Scre0cr g lest, nilg îevne scei n ttc Bret id eean te, Wlty. sle.i V4d.,L1,,y ne citer. Sevieg Macinie i lisy oie te me at m .8 1. pe cet. RIO,&Pdeliered tro.c leiiarge, oacd dcli Inîntcagvon. Asi 1deo modt l otclnI glv. tIl ~eh.rtiih e. tie c h ilo. fdee 0 i r c L. FAIRBANKS, DM. WUt. eoGiLLiVJIAT. Gagnerci Agent PtystlsSerge. ,On ceiie, Offies *eaRéeidene, Deob. 01ficeiih2:19 te le1i. ab d.n. cdWlhyd8 71.9 op.M.officeareSrettedo seui cf basshton c.. ei0c Office.Fawm to Renit. Rce"rhtlf 91 LetNe. 88, let th eces- P. G. XBLDI)IE, M. D.e élue of tiie Townsbip sf Whithy, a 1Utile PhyMoigen, Surgeon, snd Accoucheer. citec 100) sores. 90cres cleared. Go nn es office icers-8 te 10 i. nM., 2ate dgand 'ced barne, gced water. Laedttea attgh 7 te9 . nM. No. 80 "Thc Terrme." âyxn éttsofculi tin.Appty tu Whtty. ALMX. OGSTON, D. P. BOGART,. B.D., L.D.U. Ag It to 88 tty .O éhstlrelaseree0 nAccoucheen, ete.' Oce, 0 deece ec t Ail Sainte' Ciiret, Dei St., Whltby. M. B.- cI.oaikd Dental segery te &IliaIsbranche peciplly I* Geolucet. atteeded te. e ,SMT' MIGOS & VORT, oEN.S I N~STS,-But Tectii.-On sdleerqltSefe iiH Geol, 180. Have ,gtriaed th tetâtfront PrisedNMents per box. tteeea"esof poisst, *eheily peOite, ______________ by ne cf VîlalocO Air. Ofic-N cor Len sed Tcege Ste., Teronte W. ADAMS,.IbEU DINIST.-BMecss cer Jetn Fergee. *PO DER COtttlg Ntabtetrecet, Deedea stricelW ERI Wiitiy. Office heeureuc 9 te 12 a. M sud front 1.8te Op. sm. RésideneNMe l. Terrae, Byron SI. RtOBERT i' CK1ltGBOTTOX, ým E i Veterteerj Sergeon.(Grà dudieeof~ et. etoiega.) Office ccii é9.PER CERT 2M rumldteee,Pe.tece.eto Bek. puieSTe. ftROMMSTsur?. Sucs teieepî0t e. Dentîs. Bondy &.Liln Mr, 1t. et ty &Ib-Telepteone cr Teiegrcpt m-Oigtet eAP, Mer, Dfste- prns il tne ot. Id___eruns rout.01 ie, r p m TORONTO ITEAN ULUNDRY., teedediOuvOefice eppeeti ftlizctLiênonB.P. Y o1RING Livryan Bdestble, rcjeh.,Lake Ontario Stoamboat cos wttitiy.G R ~cd cdEees.' TERPOJIABT IIARBGà MMNT8. Teri. eacsiel.Oneand alter Moeday, May oth KO$eBIt TO LOAN. Iiibrae sy Mntof cney tu îend ceThe Str. 'EURYDICE' Iny rbloterc. Appt>hfrorà ' . XMIOivsR& 0111ce crér gNoeiDreg Stece,.wtltiy. ., A. A. Pool'e Applostrfîr tii. Canada Loin, and oîrng5 Atiee eéet ae.and Agent fcr iiie Western Aiserance 'G'cert dellys";ede s'r O (le. Umci.>'te Le-en el.d NimbeMort, at 7:2z. i Pr a m94 s i.o gageel 1ev rae cfarrtivailofffice-Oveains frf oe m Néat, W.est 5ag, lw rte f Iterés.01100-0V MeNrthi, 0r'Obarlcîte M Y. Neternng, lerrte'iîtock h it y.leavi,Oaitt N..,t ymmt ____________________ Sterdaeat t4 . MCelte et Brlgiitee W. M. TAILNOLD, D. L- 8-- Wedzeeily, audCobocurg, Wedneuçey ead& Cceity gSeoeyee ced Drainage ]englnees. Frids>' niertge. Ttc abe .steamn erhl. portporrtee.. mchecdntpti tc aget noirec Peet Peri', Oet.Sac. I "l ien lg A ceiste, satout ida. ABOT tt. Fer ilretc 4re A.A FOT, 0. F. GILDNItSLENVE Ba¶ie.aro. DmiensB>or cers AI.e MngrRngieOt VIlle cMd Cetuie.aapeetlt>'. &W- C. lP. MIONOLSOR, a P fiee . eorn»Md"gtieg g Co. F. ced P.âet or v 0,71"03-Filt s ves, no Rvins . AgeetNSO, or etc Pl,0. bes 202. Wcoecrl. TPESN oa tei OF CANADA, l.DACNNN I MD -M. Vlttca .s,.etfecvery: lI..TorontoeUiveter- sity : Moucher cftcé Ceilege of Physiclace Dn~~eow, én er.ad Sergeene, Ont. ; Là iceteeof tte noyai 25* >OWMenaer.Colleeof Swrgen, Bdteterg, Ltcentiet 01 thé Noyalionoig dftPyicta, BNin- EOdI4MCK, horgstMarcber of tee Fao1 c Ftoleiaeem Ttc ~ ~ ~ ~ m Metfi enier eeceet, *Qlcbc cie Ident ced~~~~~a du"gret ti~e Ceda Bfer Wceecc. Office Oveu A. J. Dcvie' Drog NesaeeteuSOc ndi ce ber ce' Mdure -irenie con stemeaoifocasier eioi~tudledSette, Dndc OPies houri- 94 e0. Ce&d 2 tee p. nm., aced eetge. Pcnbl'eniy, Avril 80, 1891- -VIANM TO REiT-A cptedclternief -0l'__ .1e 200 ncrote ntte Ereeston ru lfu- PRIMA NY, MAIRIGULATION tet wocf wtttby towe aed frire nk erteg sîttege. lin.6cmis en auex- adL . colet etatsof ci t atan,propr 2Vf !amil,~ia ploucd. tee gccd buildings, gcod fecng aed gccdcwer. Forestletc,eoit or fcr- titîty ct ieerqiiictte ne ferre îcttcPro- Ttc cocual Peineey, Meteiculetion ced vinc. Apply te R. j.]AVIsoOli, Pick- Lcortg irnaieticeelu An eectice ering. Jee 1l, 1811-0-tf ieit higt OIhote ccd Colicciele -Ifletitute&, wtt take pince t 1rG. E E ALL,. Wbitby (Jollegate Institut. and Port PerrY .ndUxbridge CARPEUTER A- NO JOU~R HghChooZIG- SJobbing Promptlg Attended to. TUosdlay, July '7th, Bcstdona.oser Boilvy Sheds, Hickory AT c80,£ A. M Street, Tuutt,. ancdrtida t ee.ul ntii, ttepaidMy 373mtheineotention te pranent tiienienivesfer 37-3, eaantin. BTU DENT WANTED B-iAn J. MBNNPiceAbet