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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Dec 1891, p. 2

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V tal 4i ITIS, E. WILL,1,8, Aftrn8t, à Dru ggist, i Medical Hall, FBIDAY DEC. lt1Ï8181 T'he au.».1et h. 13y requcot of asubscriber froua Mars ve reproduce thc figures shoving the cost of estabhishing five hou Ses of refuge, vwst.d on behaif 'ef titis vounty by . nJ ohu Larke in >88. Thc onte lu Elgnýcf 783,20, snd v oold acomdae6o per sous'- Middlesc $28,32o sud bas rooW for 134 wATtroo $a5,ooo sud- -boda ro$'per- about 8; York a nsd holing f'sou. LeâiÏue ut Elgtanthc average cmo f four vas -about 537,500. These four had an average accommodation cf ax& wvilchi la iru lens. inates tisam Mr. Larke estlmatcd for thiIs uuy witbout aliewlng for s ft»'aree i loL'S figures_ère M ooîe nto tic more la it dmonstrs±ed tiat ticy are too lov if anytiing. Re- ports show this, and nu person or ea paper bas beeu able. w auccessfuly attea our *don as to tiecmsof eetu u a -House of Refutge la is count . Tic peuple have a chance au de- -cide tis nMaer nov by ticir votes, sud, of course, if tiey &rc viUing ta oothtc x u se the sbod vote for the schcuac; en e :due viti Ibeir eyes oPen. u1 the facts. If a poor bouse b. established it viii* ingabine, for itsehft just as establish- in ,lweor docte,ornvpprl newV towu duos,.W. don't pretendto i thcrr are nu-poor pcrsons .nail" couuty vio' woqld be better off la a home, There are several, sud tic tieugia bas offea, occurred -to- us ta anrfevic would hold about 25 very muc l~rsc permus of tis. character wud be .a greaand suficÏênt help in titis malter. But we fail toe*'&ee argument e1uit warrant a $25000ù or $30,0W0 plunge, viti1 a sure cost'for at least twenty years àt $9,0W pçr annuan. Mr. Barctay's letter iili sariake our tovo s-caders as the production of one viose stomacta is out of os-dem. Twice, annaually this gentleman tans appealed Lu the peuple ofti" town with mosa loving words, and ian becn almost uanaously rebufFéd.- Now he wishes Lu appeal au- licua villa- in-. (sl.Wben tac geu lgnoinetiusly licates h <flDot siut up and -hace h. rçsult lîke /ibrerân, but nmust saike a fev under. iaded whacks atis opuent After ticir armuor bas bq utawaay. '. Haý letter tê* I in.ids us e Js riaaedl i a Lindsy Patan lu t r. dcfet4 cadidate, wtote t4> say tiat thq;; e vp. *Aginat him wereall drty,,ffeaks, adlé.e wu glad they vent tie tber way. Sooue ni tlula thit if the wa>brayasagim Ithca tien thc majorlty muse dbç a baSttly O Ia athe firstplaco Mr. Sarciyppçitd4-â people who voee uslcd comaug t ika ijýd recatat and coules. aheir ernor. Wýe 'J" lie peple-of Ibis icvn if aj a'À Cver aieýnt ith ntisreprtentatlous a- Mr._ Barclay ? Doçs aiMau aeds~lh every nigril wnmi W~M dO 1r on -business abat, Uv ad r .lga fda? W ha docs Mr, ~r I y l k p n f f~ when b. talks aboutaanedgasI i- n-presentatioa. As t e c P4!itsaI lsu.1*> ma mtwicipal e"Scaon' Ive r Barclay, ila-ri ha. soflr- them, ta4n ve Scy1b =eposbilty ofal igo-i ai chosand iowci 1 -by th. peopfe hesIV .op Maoiy tebigha -. 44 is against the reteftie atwhel ) - ucollegiate s ýÉ A0 e jority- -otiier. vye Since ul kecnly riveted con Mi. ageo, "os Single fait , ever lonf000d lu bin.- samcIvoyemrs tic peuple,'- bave tWée ahuosfunmoud-',x tbeir lutter ubelief cf Ma.-Krlt; Tic question,*ôf disI represensIýp,- settled by lav, and i lanet now woftb'à l'~ cuasiig. Let la net bc forgtten, b.wcvo abat la vas necessary for Mm.r, 4y aY others of hils. 11k, wvb aid nuol4e*atI ticelectors, te appeal tte clçgl~slre te ass iteju lutbéirplans. W. bel.' the people ofathis aoww-would Qladiy - !ép, thle mavor.eeve,. deputy, . audothçeuoA, the reoý enec':wth a severe attack p di>lh- la i- 0it of-d4ger and p!tu vorably. - MW. J. Lmke, e-Id ts6t. of the late Joseh Luke, nu "4 thi the *aterousi Engine Co., fr, wiI comc tW Whitby sud'ta« ecooperage -busi- nessso 1ug octed by Isa Mrs. Lkeur4ztu. vifii live daughters, M Andrus atid Mm. 'l' in Detroit. Amongftçauractipu f b hristmas number oybe "Domiinîoiu Iilustrated".the fair writïàeO# mentioned. as winnu lautrels with ber 4>en,,.appears-làs the aïthor of a spfrited tale.T alcath of-prited matte, to Say n théb-two ýbond- susse ciomo- i7 s Of paiinugs by Forster and Patt e'? a'editable, alike in the highegt degr-c Lu rt and arist -4olvelier pveet thant this cbariilng Canadian publication Iteiihe6,market for Mr. W. P. Sterrickcr'a abilities mare valuable to> the Canadianl Express a~ that he bas been given the management of -ocf the Oshawa agency in addition to re- tàining .bis office here.- Mri Chgs. Deckrer is stillon the salaried staff of bAI ucky nev conceri, the- OntarleEpes o *bhzh lis bucking 4gal, ~thci.. oid n& -weaithier ont ii n ad or lmgon the -Grand Tmunk system. u. Grand Trunk takeovr-the expressý busi. nees and run it thesee, as Genend. Xmnager seargeant, be he craii*y cocamitte cf the prlvy 'ouncil the othér diakr stated ihe deternimution of bis cumn- todin tirefer.ence tw providi g t!for a second ý express company, there vilbe consideraIbIe changes amoag the lo"alrepesenuaiv= of tht 'diffret corporatins. RectoeW MacUurcbyofTorouto collelate Insttut.a young IldyWeili kuovu tea number of our tovuspeople ýfroafequent sutumer sôjoumul.g of the MacMurchy 'ýMly-îu Wbtby -19 thé wlaner of Uic first Pris te l4c"Suady Nigt" -prix. story competitîon for tie CirsluMasinumber cf, luat intcrcstlag sud abiy couductcd four. ual. ShQawd'câiyýsseh storland< idly oldshort Episode ofRAed Rock Il sud the artist colred suppicuacul,' atimua," I-hespealk. lag Pictare of a beautifulEgyptisu vouas are tie brigitest gem. of a 'arecollctio cf itcrary aud pictorwa jevelstu fine holiday paper presenas. Thec eiperimnt of brangiag public en- tertalameuts of aie higiest ai atI .be. lag mode by thc Outarie Ladies' Coliegc, la meeting vith sucb succts at memincal. vocaLarîtst like tic Whlaueçy-M«ockridge troupe, vus announced, for Iii. scason afteÏabe coUlere-oPeÜn lu ary,, ,b> Principal Hare, Wedncsdny evealn¶. N apnt i preclio of tovspeopievi we sill oresatisfactory dimensios via> tcfiather maulals abat happily am Io be nov ils direction. Witi térovaibte czil à mba oma#a's uuiersty ic voIion ýof elegana enter- taudcvIiiba questiou viabout fears forWhitby. &Carming belote, Sam- Lord Balley. the b.rend Botonaraocut bef orea&lb taeueSndBton eloctloulstio mde audiencelu inte musie ball, Wedncsdy evening, fairly von an hearts bybher aveet andl simple, yea strougiy dratc ender- ug uf a pIeasinigly varied program .Shc lukdpretaier au tie ville .11k gova tis" la the more soanbre-iucd omse c ote.. vheu bere the rntinte. Tfic.. vas aIsoa, better andersaandiug and mure syuxathéý rbetveen tic reçiter aud ber auidieuoe it before. Altogetber the evening va. otwol tie best cf thc vas-ymany ocaionst51 sna"ilpey *s,' lst capthvaalag des. >*laiu c aras~-dg=ç, lia numab4ts ve.quit. -MW. Maf. BalleY Uioïgl -upna The a bore Mideoelc lU A. 11X&th a " I5 L t.he St*w fr~ Uur4'm&idfi, = ere m~ inee soothd b] 4erzg&-t eaty sowid, ich, belng itrre,'en~ dinva ed,<icn S et.m o thc sound did tWe sobig)We iad al Our wlnter wap wtb prepatcd-.t coid veather but Itas -iamdmiy wre mot uin c on thc On Satur- dynii, *mnilerouedzug mattera, tbc'steamer rolled dei and uaost of the passeugers leltm o ibtno one vas mdathiè mmc Su ymur- nmg. OnSunday, about eWà 4qute a4 excihauct for ashort ,apiece of Wrcckà*e bclag discov -.The '*Rie" turned about a7ud fdllov' it Ap w .bé Iff 'sytiA lvig as ou "nt ~*f~d. te be M* 1 bitof thae o w edveso our exctimôn su ed, amud Zv.Iud tien m_#PoY.cr lunch.. Suu4y eveni _. a ltal cdipecfhémoji, -otvo *Wbcu -e awoke UIkd fouod that,- in aàdàtI abouteyc mils beyc sud iýuanguIg round -i son, sudtbe sbip egt remedlcd, .sad voý course, and, allerî tin>. out ofasigit cf laudini bout' o tovu, wvie!> laa place, vita Spaulsi inopa Of tiietrems dbrca fov f bu, o eiinMOUsaof the vadraw bym st i - fdreadul lois but most u fouad dms stopped*e awoke, *d - vbere obbete atn for t ahi, v inve iu;train W" uyblgeq wo ckv ver, uw ',iu -blacla sUd Iblte-.ci] corÎI iav raps onk vrant5 g anr lW gaer4 40a y mileurs v1!14 oceK w nier oraoab plackcanld Whie Jou a.y abr ws foù oce re- ifor antic ro tice pflos ufs 1ag 1'IsmIsw mt~ ~ an Ifii X, geChistmas ie oomingadomu A4d.ru~ isdàinü thefr '~bae-of Plan d go u - . are -helpfult'you.ain your plans.. W -oup6n i. good for _ GodCtin Crets, Fine Pulrs, G aetor oosbought mu I *a -ae w pov 1a~s pkouded thé',1 an. so muoeseweaewllpod o aiai c o taol {-oods, -Novelties, a passted, s t cua s~ rsd how muolifurther a doltàr -goes 1 êVoiew for the. mom Dry Gooda rmin hty from usta lots -of ohr pa ROSS BR.8 VrNameloJePlater. .?<...... P. 0. .4ddress...... A Coupon wil be printed in eacki ipue of the Cn»E*iCLB itp to and indluding December'24than&-d-eaoh of 1hs. Coupons properly lilled u wQIl be goodfor thre. cents inlu - ment for. goodw purchased at.our: stome provided the purchase amounts. to Firn ri m CASUfor oaci Cou_ pou. presented, and wllso uatIas. thre. výotes for the most pou>a Dryoecu firm in Whitby. Tê, the party hayîng presented the, Jargeat- .numbet of votes, accor* 9i 1<> Q te above conditions, at th:~x piration of thie lime mentioned, handisome present df a e1k drîm,~ ffl be made. -Al Coupons muet- bepresented and stamped at our storeé net later thoan 30th Decomber.' sMr- Somoof the unmes that are oatohing t. e oowd: Ladies' brawn-Th.r-ad and Scolloped Bord'.JSansu 81k Hand- kerchiefs 60c, Ladis' Embroidered Linen Lawn -Handkerc efs -30C. Creamn and White Hem-Stitched .Japan S Hndecef35, 65e., 750.,,90C.9 $1.00. Cream and White Broeaded Silk Handlkerch fs 75-c-, 900., $1.00. Ladies' EV*neé Hem-Stitclïed Lmnen Hand ciefý k doz. in-.box, $1.20and $1.50 per box. Gents' Linon Handkerchiefs, in faney boxe ofk dox., 90e., $1.200 $1.50 per box. Just as you enter the' door, -t the eft, 'a grand display, of Ladies' aud ents' Fine Funs oat es your eye. 'Jvery littie money here» buys you a La es' Storm CoUàr, a Muf,a Boa, a Cap or Bloulder Ca Further.dowti you sPe sollàèthing handsome ini Pr Ca-ps; for Boys -and Men. Gent Lied Mttsand G es, we have not- room to give quo01totions, but they are to e sold as liberally as oommon sense wil permit. 'Com long, and we -wýil help you in p1enning a surprise for you wife., husband, mother, father, sbn,- daughter, brother, si er, 'your sweetheart or the baby. [Mo the f rom MI veryV esualful Fswms for Jkae>e4 Cons -s- I I i ~Y EGMAN 'êIBS oldl friendse awith the.1 ito -buv ai (~1~T imers that, tity of_»Ba 141c.~ Gofl I~ BAR H'olidaj smu Coe, lu *~ oit, 11 suiM i n W a i u t, O e -We do th.e PRICES asa anH]ONEST PIa ealf u-ad sfe Pressait.. W. J. NOT T. Mjrý LOCAL 'remebth t emeung, gicb' hav R.IdoLO. VI %li -

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