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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Dec 1891, p. 4

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es1p -the timin' y d. -m up; .1ord, eh?2' she e, yon miserable, &&rd, doul yOn go Iaw une. V've gel .e-mv marriage deed- as ali reg'lar.' A' then she tlýiedee-onten lier bososi," ccci- ed Old Monte, ruofuly, "-an' slsps rider my noue, an', cf course, I 's My baud in the discard aun quit. f e'rer ee-scoutirment predominsteti i cîbors ini the Cinnabar breuet, il was ,ho determinaticci to protectliber citi zens from any out-aide force. Tb@ local vigilanëecoormite, uÈtisr thse re. soînte leadership cf Ârmstrocig,'were 2 'able te conooke ut uciy ime, anti, gaine a rope frem lte neareet satidie and iù,ý1iraion frein the noarest mis- deed of the patient, bang s valued son or so te thse windrnill or sente othor structure eligibte ferlte purpose. But tbere noever was sheriff -o puissant, se outaide officer cf thse aw, ne allen posse comitatus, who ceould rid». ici antid mnake captive Oinnabar's rneaciepî citi zen. Business woutd suspend, firel, mu would cesse ýtisei daily walk sud huntireti gallapt heurts woulti bll ou Iheir- siz.sbters sud. figbi. 'rond the hpe)rtv of ennabâr ltisthIiÏtlb. But -e 1~camne ria'o ,sufrmn,,n. -> ,jn'gant, icou > woman,. .*- th ~ nu f-bvk~1iv fc nibitter ys;arlkle ,gnarled, au 4jiiief, uin&dooliug femiato cf pdrteéuS, uwfn) sorte, b.d Invadiati Cinnaýàî nd su4re -_8126hboaiiot Ibeen here lo~- fe ouh~rg latdeed-antiber vitii,* Big, poeSima" y g raven oonoealxnent -"Of, jlig' wrpt*siprion-a cosceatinent,, ho<oYOl', earue4ty adviaed by somae of the m<at daiinttesmmds cf Cinnabar,, anvnn ise tl e .regard.dtaià; M $iv>'. i'e gamenes-bad s mm ,dbut*-ovon the meut bucysutý ïAd -optic adrmittedt Iis càndition ftA, A -ay turn winiser"ée- Jin, and tiétb> poet SCinuabar~u thlb - l tIis yere gt ~ i d eiBillT *4~thx - the tenderes il u ma" *id Arrnsrocng..*' ce hi oe ayn'ighty,-, - mn cf lite Y1wYrkslr, 14Moo fr e m î o - heuhrely gPets ccohti. Os oe innin'- eve&ailolise ooreaii o ra Tipusen s ..'ol£ iw owniaer $&vin' f ,xlri 10 n u8sUoe8 U 58 no«aro - Dy, 1m464 ~r*u ne urtiua j Ce ' have done,ýorej '1hÉ rest xad8 a 1i4îýcime >1~ most surreptiti uS faýtAM s . feuistithe nufertuatu Mvr. films xxi hli mreent sf*a ecurips im againstIafat ià ing !whisey anti eating crack re .ana, cheâse;- which simple and et regalement ho took, with sncb s< d , a, botièc air hat tÈýsê sight r,1mov Te s'VIIonn hô'M if a mercural 0tIn~patbetic sort, ài- "' awxt ge me traclcel cown yet, sbas she r?"- skid 'Mr. Sims, arily. in recehing assuzrances tepresente Y, and in differeneto thé,quiestion Rosewood Jin, Mr. Simg.to1d aw âto ty. hiie yoro lady gits brao o ntame," Âd ini a toue of dgep gadness, mnaybe seven years &go, scm'ore annesece. I, wasn't fuit- cf tum t.hern days, an' would fellow off a 1 traek, or anytbing. Sho crose .%il at somne churob play as was made, if I remember rightly- Ithe short-b cru who was a- in' thar a rag carpot, 1 roches it au' boys, she lays for me. .-W el eps pestorin' un'7prevadin' 'round one d1fsy, she gest me -excited, ans' rter lost track of my band, sud in' marries her." re * Mr. Sima teck a mighty ,as if te drows tho memory cf I. lys," centiciaed Mr. SimE, wiiung jeful lips, 'II ain't beet olean game enougb te see this lady lie comes Ihis lime, anti kcows of ber personal appearasce, but wedaa ber she -looke al semocth 'ýet enoaigb. 'This is easy,' I imyseif. flippant like ah tthe hie ie shoely easy. There's s as will be a comforét an' a be'p- n, Who I can boss. ' You'd a sa, toc, if you wus Ihar ;s8he looks that ca'mn an' good. "But, parde, yen oughter lift ose cf ber griddles once. Sbe's a ragic', flery furnace inside." 6"Wis4 ici another drink, Pete," said Texa.s Themson acixiously. "iWell, t0ont ber short," contiue Mr. Simna after dolefuly acceptisg the refresismeci testiereti by -th. syni. pathizing Texs, 6"thinga go ou maàybo a nionth, and oee rorning sihe mays sSes yere, yen bingeti sot. go gel somue light wèoe.' 'A 'Womern,' I says, *do y ou au lnow who you're addressin ?Do ycu kucQu you're talkin' le the boss-te h.theaceé of this yere fam-ily 2'. "'"Boss nutin,' sue laya, coh. tosiptucus. '1Yen ain't boou m of nuthin'. Yen nover wus boss &round yerse. oujoat buas telS ay., AW then-yen sese, partis bem' jot wedtied tisat way, the ferniture vis»-ail lo086 an' litle ie+-she goos a-davis' up thinga and a-heavin' cf ' eà a£1lme Woll, I neyer coniti stand *il te hi chunketi-up noue, se I quits ber right thar as' yere I be." "TaYre you b. for a fuot,"' saiti Jac Moore, wbo. hai listeneti with great in- tereet anti now. spoke in a toue. c friendly zest "Yere yer b., Pet.aW, yere, toc, is se e ikevige- Nov the question is, wbatever do vie play neit ?*" "IDont go back, on me,'partis," said Mr. Bimas almost in leurs. 4"Il looki tike I1 nover coulti stand, Il to b. tool 'bak t enise ythie yere lady, au' I l aces my dfpter Your prol* tldu. L'u $1» - -_k , ia. kncw, Teî .d, y thootsup Tuubi an' splitàs oven it iheuàtaêal vhe'o' ho cornes 'i- tmri S 'on I4;upec I le, 1 bau t' ' y din ?lethlis a-y 1È. »tei 4Whi *eetrpor ur soheme won >ld it b. we sre s .e' a ~d. so I T1he î4d was-goed. Rosewood zab tbiiO55 c ie aur.I ere than i#de so e go a ce.ad ason pers~Xuasive o[,,peeoh and fertile isfclly bbv on Oot ene or b- ftseleoted,*te try. The rest vailbris r 'fre"Ipseut omplait.Os awai tetuci.f the motosec*oSu mdines àfor »Il dis- UàM e, Wnid Rosewocd Jimn"I'm emsc bo T hin lsgslaiie Io sporiii~ipa mys >,Ant-osuptivs Syrup Tti ed îinei .-à 'orsn'edslftan' buy. co0p0ed evel mdelherbe, wheh. inlae.Yu akes sonxt e Owm e in odrn nlec ucr agn -a parti an' fellci ttwnsman i aux- 00o C Ptq n te iessc hug ed ~ ~ ~ W Be oe8~u hsyr gv 'hs tpoûe frée undeasY ex- bd Big ete Stm. Thissoothes irritation anitdrives the you a Qhance, as t were, e on -» - ào ou teseus".' a gocd chance-b4s* still a ch ce Now I strelle up aIl ipln an' bes- 1The deirubility of a drive alonst the edMe S1-IC 0 S fss te ',pountaîu" in agan being diïcussed iii iks to b i er ane MefPte autn What is YZ ay I'ask "IWhar la Poo eW &I lad Plei!pu«i thidngLPtiS. with sorne venons. "kn, 1'hy n't hines thgad corne yere like a'm*an 10 met h f 2' a tiogi s-;moislur; inhtense b' iàtcg "Petelfs bld," said Roewood tnin;mu tin; w ormeyscratch ing. If allowed te cei'tlnu -umors fôb' 'He den't' co me 'oause t1h -w which cf ten bleed and ulcerute, icminw, boots an' jaffs him utthiï ,yq cà ors. SwhsYNeâ ()ONTNBWiÏotethe Ilohisg- forbds te pay. c's ilt. 'gg asd bleedisngt hesls ulceration, and I n- mat a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a qure a' fWlc ae emoveg the tumors, AUl dr 0ggitsq or aquakrfor sixrlofîhunla a cd by mail for 50c4 Dr. Swayns & Son, Phi1a-.' the teeth. He's drinkin' bard turne an' givew it eut celd ihe'1 ~' The Hou. F. W. StunleY lu on bis waY te end his own life, before he'l t4k Canada te spsnd Christisas witb bis parents alive. Wil yois take five nd -d ut Rideau Iall dollars fer your chance î 2 ait" t.o r urs kia DiseaseS.« mam 2"Szmjply pply 8WaTXs'sOnTz."e -No, I wcn't," respoedt Ît&. inteînai mediclue required. Cures tetter, '1Do you reully reoiren nov h widecii toh,,ail -eruptioniq ou the fa00» kiI isself 2"usnie o. ea«VIag heis olsur, -lin plumb shore be wocild asert* whît andi healthY. Ils great healiùi and ed Rosewood. 611 wonltl- My f ur~- uraive po*et5 are pcssetised by no chier reuned il smiir~ î's be lm~ rernedy. Ask you.r druggiat for.BWÀrrNBa bis beit friends, an' the idee ar __________________ inuageneral way witb hiso jý he's donc been d toning t 'Iieit, ho la Dow Camp jet t î asde delerium tremens lino. IUs miîghty vivi mid,,that aa already' i hg4nltl e thex eMail apartmentbeia ril anakes, au rats and coyotes 9z, s*n keys andi trq.nt'tcrsand ti t.'là. zarda, asnd esîh cîber membe cf-the f anamie kingdom as happens bit bis Fdeceased taste. Onleas Pete s hie beco ifetlOqfrtdu ftl, WIiNI er- play some abruspt. he is ag a, t"--' 1thnanuk Foly wu i Id.' 1 ein. Willyou seuoe thou doel, thmU Nby the fO f lare for yeur intj-rest in Pets, arti 1 2 tboughtful pause. 1I' flt a thOsý, mandt -anti uit.1 uever ted tb Th mimeabl wtoh unockw The next day tholawdy in cm OrPU cuueitdM rsted on the stggefl O i I OtL V Pote was net Ihere fer f of a 4Y@POSI4T Ilar., but the îrut'tured ot eut u a"s 'mi âA ÂW=zyU'z itY "Do not mak. tbis ors.TK OIAIS DMI 1 AU Ithe latter piokedIl up 'hb i t »i$w onW,au Druwh, &or, ma "1Yen wIll cnt-0 ta0ig, Itlrot,sehore,ifyou do. P a pista'. sombrero after the de stage, "T rsho go.99 andfur- - -- I cf yellow chips ahead of the d à-- - .4 the sime alilsai ond liho baga. oerkwaaomny c- ceuiti net aquar wîth moâoy anti _ are nou ch.- H. LîUi - fas City Star. B r i s t S I. B & v sud& of pevplé,w v wise ev o be t4ý« Woblod purifiîr-sud 'tuoje tedicins Thse bres&.dewuqf the UOgeflo Port- lm& idisorgalisuzd lite sbilng cof REÏMEMBER- KILLER 1kilka Fur DrulIS . t asSdu ss. Barseocuty., Oro*n Attorney, andi 1 0 tBoicto 0ffice-Boiiwth Wing, COUartyazleuseiWhitby. Barriste; o ffice fbriusjrlyueupisti lq rrew~l & iftiedge. nei RoyalHO'7 t I, »rock Si., W.ty DAV1D nigulrotOf B. A., Âttiomny~-aSlctrl hney couOyIMicer, &o. Urazl »heOfCe soàihe .o he 2 ioat ffce imoMillazt's G. YOUNG 814'Ji. ZLL. 13., Bairriaer, &o., &i-Mnyto Loani Is- misero o!Marhage LUcenses.,Office Su>fth's3 Block, Bouth of. Maz)ket,, Brook Sthty DO0W & JIçGXILLIVIBAY,' Ofin xMatbimeon h Hawksn'a new:,lock,.- Brook ,St., Whit by, oàuth of Oxitarlo i Latse sdut ~iwJoot eneral offie. bours-9 to iars.=,2S &oAp. ni,"nd '7 so9.l..mo* & ia Besideuo-Uorer of Kent sud ±irdu set,4Wltby. Wi;sfâe, to e»iNo. d, I 1 0 REMOVÉ -TO-- 'j NE WP EIE 1' s 'I, 8OUTH 0FONTARIO- BANK. Marbie. Monuments# Headétones and ailoother emýeery Work, Alic S-otch, tS14eediahAmeérica-n and 1 B parties wubngdrk would do veli te aUon us butors ucaig *AUi work guarauleiand *pzces of lthe lowest. NEW GAIN 'u YEff The subsorber buasme.urd the- Agescy fer Msr.Crae & Bair, Torohte, to>my ALL KINDS 0FGAI AT WHITBY. ale, an4 ilcus os. B ithse Be cr uthe oh 'Ir cf meniors. wt OiZlfaton ef iO 10 OYnati oue rangenns prevs Varions trial exerc - hogh with -antil ture censitrac, -them.sai8 1e~, 1il i -dam Mv Whil'eman to holy 'niistry, ils prese gregaticu s.t- 2-.30 p. the Preebytory adjoun M ltas heur. At3P. ni. tIse Pré ccrding 1to adjeurume and intelligent congreg 1er an's acid cîbers, 1i uossing the solemîÈàser k- nation anti induction practised in -th -Pros! *were prcselî.- Public-- GÉ the objeot, of lbe Mue challenge te objedéters o f Columbus, th-en dol words i 4om I , God"-an- -excellenti s8uxted le thse occasion. Abrahar narrted- the e led up-to lhéesettlm tiens prescribeti fâ th thén. put1 by të- Y cd, sided,. -Me. Whiterni ~kfactôrl; Swered 1t jupon the Proubytery1 b.nd tie impositioncf, set'apart thse candidate th lit oristian mluîstr3 the rgbt -bacid cf fellow Tho paslor ýyaslte: sp00t!ng the work po entering ici meet appro sociable termniby ie I ths ev.Mr. Dru casqtle, whoe ,yearsa a addèd wcight te. his -w agemontsaild counset. Abrahamu foIowed4 -i liS on te econgxégs beau in bis fathoay- vacancy occurreti,- "i IV Fboa y aplyIJ. .-wm Isept.. 15t1 $z-3-f wsth sots un- -o the :DM=i~A1 nfitsieton - Mda~,~ 1

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