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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1891, p. 2

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a 01~ r 'ri w, Rchs~ wa~~d d te teore~ur. day nextas r that -date furper The ns ,biq iiManohette,' purpose ~ bldn ags~d wa aî nthat Wer o rdné.d~athe 23rd mît. $ aunoceisand ýlubel prizes vii be érr4d. ýPartie' str fiUOod0part ,,vt Whullby 6 bmtir as formerly an& po wUlbe set Our ý!towusman, It eorb. Bruce, has map imcha wgran& a&ndsatiafotory pgrs lish Ji '*dta hro7ghouthlus cnd ou=% s~~ has' beQme Do ra genàm ealfwuihith tihe stu- etainthe zg"pdPa pfrmnent of the TYivezhfy ty 'cfTorto#,that by an al- 'noat unauimgchoie. b. vWas sent to Moitts[a ti.roprmmntagve of the. P>rovrinéihi sdc <hooI ut -the an- nua diiorf BshosCoUlege Medical sooo eldeUot!in tMontréal. d,~ uirecýors of tb e Ontario Pute G=m »'ÇQouuotery Oc'w. met ineMr. John No~ ffiC ona >-lust. A& tiie mqu~szs~ere .~. ii.resîdent tedOecionof the ()ýur of~o the-4oÉ*ahiP ofReach in osesfn Cemetery prty and that th'udge sustained the appea. A 'mnotion vasu péased- fixing the prie. in future cfý lots * in the eutan sd vest range et the )oId groand at eight doilU oceh, and forty dolarsfo th tre. largo lots. Mteri inatructing iii. ouso and groundaoozý 1 xi4peote - rcr001a 4fpn obwetptii qooPpsy a grounda »ad4l(.W~4~ poeythe meeting d9rndo Meet ut the oall of'tâie p4s4t -One morning lut veek ;criesOf' 'mider 1inurder " o'. va!e4 te bee .frile u~stot.To *erp beard bY qany bûtwrre~~~ ed oby Mr.-Peonol.ta gentieman followednpthe seunil. nid trsd itoethe houseof the late, Wm.t Hamly vieo o eamred that W. J Hapibly, of Prince Âlýbort, had bée trying te hrottlehi'iteagrlo a youngr brother, vho at, ee tisme Vas lYiug ii of typhoid foyer. *Thetruble, wu abut arevolver whiçhh" iiabels. ed o he ater ndwhicbhoegidrlhid. rewdte give up te ber'brCtho. Th" P laey boon borne tho retagma of ster, Ifathor and mother. one would bave i t.hought the family affietion wouI4, havedravn the. heari of the. brther te. hi. orphun stor instpad cf hîh, b, ,~. ewovr~ ha 4eir~eappeared Io' ète capture vhat he dçuld Uet t.oentenus of thc hdbte.-Stariadard. ' 4 On Weduosday lasut the. man l Bad- shav. vho %nuscommittod te o l00ug for trial en the chanTA of stealna, 55M;' vhÀt ' pomweanot lin i. eighDIo!, treinoh suzd 'one -an unh4B t" li catre There vas a lai~ cal interost viii'turu upfrOuî. Thora ia pdu emriecof diiithoii Toledo and, on.eofthel infirmay dirt. ors Uas 'Eo.i eon.fi i ;pedOf dplteaia, pie have ever 'theo 6 fact one that we kÉé litleoi'i- 'solves until' cnty&Th aue efr red toma the ýtabiî 'children paùsu gunto 'rot neite iother, in'a- thýivy sptiading the dises... Lot rmo,ýihe yo urà àÎ777Z, ,a. L th:e, ,in! it eut o Sher- -ouths, auditaoud &bd penhaps *v* or three, dozenoh"d- reiniahe onvie of haif-an-hourvii l i have the santêpÉiece of gum ini their moutus. Wé,ffýd tia habit )eiodon' insËue sohoels, d lierever 1tài-.àprao üèthae .,*0mo to â nd b4 greateat opred of the di~se. It u a habit ad hére gué ohild, in gnegbonhood has)ulphîhoria the i se a .îred ovot' a wholo oity i*; tbiù vy." Buriga.haye -beon busy for home tame back. In. OrIl1ia,âd on- Su nday night litwore partlour,.at~o ,~éon the vitale unoonaiderablo. A seet 'fharnes ýa s toleii frouiMr. R 'vs more ipried open sud $e penaof nl bt~td, , -1)o ,etdw îflb.Tixnes booicioW 'vât forcdup #a fov'inohesvi4thout e#IOniugý an Urnce, snd bye ort.. prva" hanses' ver. also vmited, bit mititu a»Y verY sa"fioutory hb sb eiu-made, $Ooe$ime mgo mevetal fine dop into*u ver. poimouosd, Mr. Jupp's bz inon the. -ambqr,o Md fit àupoe hee a d reo rlaton ettse~io inga a id. hefta.Tho front acor cf Mr.1ftly' shop mm f&o4ju bih beed v ihlne dsga sîti Pena l»tcaby fri<itened tii.- thWIe sa ,W. have houmd-asàidorable mru~o Paikor wviiavet'arivai ina . 'wdé pite, and ti the ter Mruemib tbe presut, bos.d ii ki opoMdi Deverol, , J:. DiT oa,8 atsh aiiv.enuvêiaimipl and ia ,thiq lws.nkëo lWM -ot be allewid lrteoby ~paatien. Pnssrbly3 b7' next vo.),tMay lImm nore patioinia. l'or ti"is Isa-élot thi aboviesu&lie. la te be stsrled ta dés-rua 4 t op -~the mo presaiLi. -bno mee rèntin.i e_ ng i e M& Ora Thee a olak f &O.U~ t ~ i Ustier il> rOflitO ooiiaè iIthoutan,'foriif ' ou.nto #anydrnggisor mcdione duet ud bçoe 1 lutmara's ainles, aorn &r, tracter &Wpy it as diteWth tb4 mla dýor~ Gsi "Pau ansd 4neotor. probitéeat liiton. it daspe.-of mu os. tate vertà 088000. Ti". Ussila ti.Vli. Y% Tb ou ofl e t;~orveg ood -w.iLiv fi naturagradrg tya aonIy4qeiju "lu tb;eu#rl "d-p y rMI luàe'sI '1 Moen. lb fi themuot'phleI " d wýabe *me pr.parâte ti ve Od Lr Olid e' *.udl add'l% nov belmg talon byinvjs jputulbly "tboeà afilcid wl*tb8u vth e"acst astomlshlu ub eIV Iin te grsat btlondt and Ulbmaukerlain~ 'Isotuacsg aMdislàa jfe "Vrto oonwPptlves lu ~ ~ ý '# bl bti, 0.m L 'At Whlsbyý dwog stère' ,]Cdware d smd 1dbh pa d 5400» bqshiaoiatto Bd"itaihis e .: auJ Mr.Joba Andpus, rosmnure, 0mb hv it. 1<~um~aa4~ oniaciai I&ah o Jansl WUhieresuibnuv bis mua urtlsy. R' lii oque& nbtmi d sd* luisus if tOm ,for toplag a Jrl i- l akes Ii WeakStrng ich4 nmrked benelit which ipeopié in run d*Wni or, Weakened stite of -héeth deHve, from Hoiod's-&.irsnparlla conusivoly prolo thelhlat (1il15 medichfie '"mDaki thewèak s8tron»"iÈ, t dors î.ot& act like a stlimulat, luemng0 lils à treugth trin *wuihera tÉtet 'fôllow, a reaction ot'greater veakuesa Ù& blr, bùtI# i the 'most suturai vay raaTId F4 eII~ and dIgeatIfe striïl*M. 'IderWved vey waub béeûft fromNppd's Býarspalila, wcitookfoZrgenera * debmty. It buit me rlgb-up, and gave me'necl lentaippette." XtD. xxxùrsMte8an age "Last sprlng I1vas Oomplotoy tmged out. My strength le#lme and 1e ackandi mis. 6rawe s U the lime,'se. tsI I1could barly UUtn4 to M7 buiness.-1 t<ok one boM ttef Hoo&O eRsa'ar1fl, and< lt ured me. There la mo6thlng 11k. 1:." nL «O. BEGOLE, Edit« Womout* idSodle Baiapua ra ele me tI.-good belÜ Indeed, I mlght -aay blrlfny it' satmy ' l o dun. feeg*brdand..,forn ont l woei1d eamnetly recolnMend -atrial cf N.qB.ËIfyou decelde-tô ,taike Hood's S parifludo not be lnduced t b"n anyth1g lnstead.Inalt updn iIà Sarsa parilia 100 Dos9« Oneo Dqfar 4rropeeyJB' IOir bp, sob& tiper a.m lau dmo,,othius *Iý4& ftbsorlptlopu *alws pyble nt doà not undertke 'b d F1Iver lbi amY post-offioe but Whilby. Amy paper w"lo.flls le weoh Its destnation'vii b. ro$aoed upona uotfieatlon -le -a malter of cour tsy. dV.fýt= ngrates union by con.. mrtion, àd i en=t. pe ime Iesubi. quent InsertIon. LeOSIs, 10 beois par lino, JOBS STANTON, Poremau.*~ -77-7- #EPTERN UU4B ~W MJN'T- au. Wlttlmot ucoea isOpaUM= aud pain iu id. Mie seond dose ae eveo 5 iuch botter. wels nxov'7hove freely a i'l n i iyheàd bas >Ondiooevrbodyvt tu5 -BlootSt,Toronto. PURFES Il flflfl RICOORD'g PECIF3c Sole Por~ ,n 3 C U O F E L D , 8 oroi l é d ,$, D r ug S to r e , IJ . TOItUNO. <Ye oxxy mè~~e fie! . -erote bas r y )el. NPk i 1eZ C 24 } tier S'ellu ne *'hola#èe1T-àe 's 44~ Aft«-r t&kkùn four amn nov o., I1cMa )mrnndittor the cr Havikkstone, Ont. IA NOMPt cm-s. SmalBiaj-1 vwu vorLbad v111 oudch sd pain nmy nse4o I ould do no work. *1ttulw adv-lmed mo to 3.B.' With ono bottie n e o much better thst 1 ao eMore. I amn nov veflt ±4rw k as volsaver. oenunburgl Ont. e C s lAD SLOOD. -Cues.-BAD BLOOD. Boo e_ o m ay aief élo4, Lromo'vlng aul-'b]0oo1 ~1 Tbe Ai'-r4e fhu aaîw o tritdi bs TAN Thc~s~ sW fl~ 1 éeê ai j' 2 w , e) w ci ..L 1

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