oth nd idlined :s wear. SeeoOur Adjui F'ULL SToGXK. WE Holiday, Basy nd y hainParlor Suites, ma CUýhe, Îngial,^ Rami.,Petit Point, Si ïk aud Mbt"P~i French Ta- .ad 8-lkBrocatelle and FANOY AWD CÂRD TABLE£S in Walnut, Oak ana mahoguny. Bamboo Esselza sudTables. W. do the beit Nicture rafl- 2i nOtario. AUl Amen- an HONEST PROFIT. Cati and see un before buying your J3138PBOPFUViXURIR OO'Y., 'W. J. NOTTI M'gr. P'OlT PEU.1r1 FR AFY. DEC. 18, 1891. LOCAL LÂOONWB. Fine clear tnixed candies 1o cents Pcf lb. at Newberrry's. Cail at FL.' nows anid sec bis selecloa of Christmas Candies. Choîce 9094». Alsike clover, & pork, Pringle & CO, Re payîng ighest çtih prIMo. - T wu pouiidsofchoice c 185 sfoF 25.n, at k. Snow's. DuedAs S,-Wb4ý Christmas! -The £ttw Srner'tn gioy just opening an imMense stpck of the finest frisnuts and candies eversh6ws for X mas cheer. This being à good year the nierhalfts and others in town are auticipating a large trade, and are opening out beaUful K r. W. H. Newbery is back In Whitby -aga ri and wil1 be found at bis old stand with & first dlasseew stock of confection- ery, o>'ters, oranges, lenions and dattes whjch he"wili oeil for the aext 30 days a City pricmi.> We diî:.-,ýattntion to a*n-.extended reý port of the"'meetig of the BÉitish aný 1oreign .Bblce cty heid fier* on Thurs day eveiniflg wich report wil b U5MWPEon i It Was by.f the most sesa f the Ucsoclei ever hed inWhltb?4 -*i . Special chea~p ry. 'eu W Xalo* W New Years boldays ai ots. fl excursion to Chicago, v 'GSRAT Sr CLAIR TUNNEL,,Dec. sudg#jd,tgo tilti Jan. 6th to returM, at se-waly, fil ciass rate. Cati on E.- Stjensoca, tele graph and tk't. office, Whitby'ý.i-or *11i quired railwaj' tickets. Lest turkey red should losee, tsreput tion among the housc.wivei on ac=unti the report that Ik was the cause o--ii. r d4.nt e care iniMessr5cs. To* t kr tY d st. le.' berti'efn cheap s the cepsttwm&Mn - les at pucs ht wilinduce yda . lmt parties i n ne f~dor sb n SS o will Co st their own intercaseby 9gl'4 ui bim a call.-tf. The Southi ontmic Farmées.insftude that are arranging for ti etithPto be- d AtIt in Whitby Jan. 7th, iud Colitifbu5 dru 6th, at wbich addtessà m wlt ho elveçed ..a by the Hon. Chas. .Drury, tD. M $Cofe f lt Guelpb, a ýnoted >Clydoedse and sheepfr a breeder, and Mr.>A. Smith, a' rou 1 nent HorticulImiSI. Further announce- r ments wili appurInufturtber issues. a Oshawa bassent Up &a-lot or tasin WhiW or 1 we are not sucb du1.. as Io goIAtpe ecstaces over a tie f a es>&l whîch domce t lk us as being tim in any senste enchaitng8st11iwe lk.tbem W fairly Weil and returu our tbants to 'Mr. ý F. for so generously Se ebln US.' t Xnms ln EMlad, lreland, Sotlaad, atta home, anywhefe, everywbere. Cholce » r 8 best steamnsh ines. Dosinion, W14 tý,Pe Star, Inj^nla, ciifld, AnchorHamuthe AmIn Thingsvale, su;d f*0Nethel*iids - lines. Alec cheaP tickets to BrltlthCoIutt- li on or write 'E_ Stopheunoiitkt. 1énid tel Ott office, Whitby f«or bmgh tickets, to &H je points, sigle, od trip or prepald* tn' rates guaranpteribt. la a cllpng whlchw*llIscfoeud oManu insîde pageÎ the Plckerig News sayathere, be are-pour boumsinethé is n~oOc wbCbar*' 'WI aimait sef stùnlhg.We shaihapu tMate, Ii bluntly, as dld th e w* or Our figures, I'q that the staenft la nboMd*d,'but wé 111 ask Or votem to state wbere hoMe. OdÇ, Iii sutiun olor bouses are om, everyo yriig w* imi ae apt to Wke d staemetS he> cnnt bock wftfi Wvdetice, th atndlame1eoftithltit t itheabove a statement if bellieved naiglit work coi- h saderabte MIOchief me will tuaethe PrOé4 c pas.We kn"w lu. Juo. Lare e w L padby the couM ,cnclan 1889te buttn di up Ine of t_ ,.gsW 09PO«rbosef, ý teredçU an a b"aislà drain là eacl cf a pzori venturcthe the liews km Acase ofi buyersW il honor >nd#t bir. Mgar, < of ToMMt bushes,.cfl Doo deet date of la* 1-LmCi-i ofI *re1 L .ep~rteus.Wiuter Goods. rEWART17 VALU oksfor ý25Q&ts :4 t, fY thuted expou ne: 011f store, we hasten to correct thi.errie report gi ven in our ist issue. On fre investigation h turrus out tIn tbe fi=lie , m nated f rom a- wIpc-ra8g whiçlà bad beu'- used by the chore-boy la carlg<ont thé ashpan froni the "au stve. The it-ashp in the pan had firod the rag, an=d then t had been put iu the drawer by Ui-theboy> who neyer thought Of angier uutil- bica spent a day coasîderlng Uthequestioin. The Pickcnn#g News will plesse bave the goodness. to buy a dlctlonary . One can overlook bad spelfing' «1"enjt 6In'-e tentionni or accidoutal bu nacon of ignorance -C mn Wl dear, what are you going to d 'ut i ? von sec, Îl ut.uryouth, we c Te ot pçrittcd to enjoy the adva0ta «e of tiigh clâmsd acadamiesuch as toe8i Ptomiscuously scattered over Rcaçb townridhp.-Pickei: ing News. (Now you se, dear -Bm. Clarke, If you had complied wit our sugý, gestion tO buy a'dctonary you would have bècu in aposWtin to speI atadelnie correctly. You sheuld bho a4vised 1by older biads. We have'td loolt up huZi reds oU-words iu eider to e o ure = :4s do the best of them. 'Ne niust llsliOf the parcbaseofe fadic.-ED. C1jý. ' on Tuesda ni t at the red-e-nwl-u W. H. Horal, bt'thefi4Fý ê bride, Miss Clara 1liwardic bys m~ost clc'mer à ud- accom d ladies, was medded to !W9 .Man, -aVéry. successfuil farméï .6f SÜ* Ni G: Jas. 110 flou *ocm hon, t 'ac ~et M.tc M MD Mn sel in rA H. b. L 4iffl 7e