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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1891, p. 6

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-. ~1Y~ ,t .1- Y-. ri8trnaB t7JOOdê -PIr,sh Good& LeahrGood8, Bottled Perfurne8 SPEIÂL VALUE IN , Fine Hai-r, Brushe, Hand Mirrors, &c.,, du E. WI L LI1S, Chemist if Dru ggiist, Medical Hal Brock Street, FRIDAY) DEC. 18p lit Whftby. 1891. The BHouze of arffg.. Mr. County Clerk Farewell favors us this week, by mail, with reports of the County Council on each occasion When the question of a House of Refuge bas been considered by that body. The clerk's letter winds up with some very statesmnanlike suggestions. He says that a good deai of time and money bas been spent by the county council on this ques- tion, in obtaining and cousidering infor- mation secured by sending a spxcîa1 deputation to other counties where Houses of Refuge had been established, and be trusts a full vote wil be recqrded on the question. Of ail the municipalities in the county the township of Raina alone bas re- fused to takre a vote on the question. Mr. Fqaeweil makes one suggestion which deserves specialpromiieiice in the miincis of ratepayers. 1-t is to vote for or against the House of Refuge irrespective of the views he?d by any candidate f.or municipal honors. Let it be understood throughout the county that, no matter what candidates are elected, tbey wili carry into execution the wishes of the peopie in this matter. The.retiring reeves should announce at the nominations in al places that a vote is to be taken on the question, for and against, and if there is to be no election let a show of bands be taken. And whiie it is desirable that this q uestian of a House of Refuge should be voted upon independetitly, and that the candidatures of men should flot be mixed wvith it, it should flot be supposed that the candidates may not discuss thé~ question, for it will be a valuable aid to votera to hear the opinions of the men who are notninated to do their municipal business. This qu*ýstion of a House of Refuge is one of vat importance, and it ia to be hoped the ratepayers of the count>' wil full), realize this before voting on Jan. 4h. It means a matter of about $7.,ooo added Io the cou nty burdens during the next twenty years, that is, $75,000 more than it would cost to keel> the poor at the present rate. There need be no doubt but there will he pour people found to fil a poor house if one is built. They wiil move into the couty, and wiii be sbipped into the coutitv from ail directions as soon as a conifortable and weli suppiied home L'5 j>j.ie or thetn. 1rhe rearinîý yç,tai o offi itroniip itt ȃ t mldst9' rlfI -stronger.- It ~ pesïïm andâ tnearly every n , dievelopef ict6 a refurm, e_ *t las been heard during tbe year thant.ffiblic business- iras neglected. Proiptly, bonestly hoaestly evcrytbing bas been dop*,- wê point. ,outi reiousiy, the oîly 9g flot ce is, the consoidate-c offices, :ivocicrcumstances bave iaiIW- ated against *lds. One was that the, dif- férent officers -have prformed more sgtis- factory work, andh other is that * councilers wboformed a sajority cfth committet on appointmentW bave dezte ousiy managed te burke the council -e*e7 time the matter came up. The finan ce f' the town are in a position fairly satisfac.. toryý The fite department lA ingood shape. The %treets andý walks bave ré- tçîved far more.. stone, gravel, and plank iian iast yaran ae$irly ood- thouagh' .ey neyer viii be good ini tiis towu. - It is a littl eearly topredict the-xames of candidates, but some idea may b* given. FOR MAYOR. Mayor Campbell bas provea bimseltnot only a legisiator but also an administrator. Within tbree bours after be took the oath of office be bad obtaned a full statement cf the town's finances aitbe bank, and from that time to nov be bas guarded our monty matters with a safe hand. While the management, of finance la his strong point, he bas made himsecf familier at al times with the. work of commit- tees, and scarcely- once during the year did a rep ort corne in witbout bis fulli know- ledge ofits contents. Unwiliing to stand for the position last year untîl pressed, he is more so now. But.We trust he may at leat accept a noffiination for anotherý year. He isnfota tan wboseksto make votes b>' pieasing all, but he -exercises good. andI independent judgcucnt and abould bave'tht support of aIL. THE REEVESHPS. As Reeve and Deputy, we doubt if Messrs. Rutledge and Xng, could bu rt- placcd. Theyj make a strong teau. Each la familiar witb ýevery question that cotes up, both have backbone in them, and they, are possesséd of thet tew's full- est confidence on points of abilitjy and in- tegrity. T-bey are, ire understanid, candi- dates for anotber . year - la their present positions. FOR COUNCU.0R5. This is harder to outlile. Tht north ward bas been wel). represented. Once or twice some of is reppesentativcs erieç, but upon the whole-they bave donc ireli. Coun. Robson bad the bardest position in council as chairman on streets, and ho bas proven hlmself agood ma n loffice. He had to face the borde cf sharks-.coun- cil 'rs, teamsters, laborers (or . ralir ldlers)-who bave robbed tis corporation for years, and h e bas bad a bitter fighl, but bas neyer consented to 'any plunder- inga. To be at the bead cf this depart- ment the firaI year knavery was le b. .ttopped aneant a- great struggie. Cous. Rowland lsa anev nman,- and bas earned a good word by a thorougbly straigbtfor- ward course duriÃŽg . the ycar. Coun. Scott always takes n good vote in thc north *ard, and this ycar be bas acquitt- ed bimself creditabl .. In the centre w-dMr. Annes bas held a place as alderman four years with credit to himatîf and advantage te the town.- As chairnian of the railvays anda mannfact- urers êommîttee le as proven hitnself a most capable man. On- the occasion cf Sir H . Trler's recent visit te Wbitby, Mr. Anses laid the îown's interestase pointed- Iy before the railwny magnate thal lie vas induced te hold bis special train two hours to visit the town andils institutions. Mr. Rosa, as cliairman cf town property, bs the credit cf being the Most saest member of the council. Wbltby as destin- ed to sec the day wben il mili do Mr. Rosa proud by makîng bat mayor. Mir. Burns 15 an old counciior and- respected citizen.. but of bis methods and'conduct we are pained te b. unable te aay a single good word. He bas tried by obstruction Is, ani thec i et or 5 te acti< cd euti fiporta %r Dry c.rC.for au uty anow abouta ft htMr. bMcBrlen basso lonig wilthé r resent bofirdwl'tt rev 1apofof bis genuine good natù ,sympýathyor mn who exlst but art sc to speak. , roting = st- LkgutGow.,A*jet%,ie"f Quebe, bas re- ceived the répotôfth jxoya Commission appointed tg Inqur' into th e ay of Chaleurs railway charges against the Mercier Government In their report three judges are wuanintous n declding- that Mercier bas bien gilty of malfeas- ançe. Immedîateiy 'upon'receiving the re- por oa Wednesday, Gov. Angers dismiss- dis ministers, and sent for De Boucher- ville, to form. a new,.cabinet The new Preier is a Conservative. That Lieut.-Gov. Augers did right ap- pears to be the generai pnin Very few people regard Mr. Mercier a being other than an unscrup utosPOlitician, wbo wili make the best hec1nout of bis office. The impartial decision of three I udges' now goes to strengtben people's estituates bt Mr. Mercier ; and to ancrease their (cars of bis seheîmes, for be flot only appears at present. as a boodier of -the, wot typ- but aisoaasà,tyrant and iop- Préaor ýh n&latc1y euztloyed bis time in attempws to musale the press of bis opponenw by arrestig journabists. If be were an honcsttan he necd bave no fear~ of opposition front the pres or any other uartr be a nrllcoiQee owbich WHJ TB Y TO WN8HIP. Tom iE Lictor, LAmms AND Gtvmra- ME.-! beg o Iit tbeascrdial suppflof0 oey iow-eoucSste again elec me to the potion of Reevai-the Towmshlp of Whiiby, L;r :898 f *w ~ bposhios iam a a cndiat 1 unît my ,4udo as Reevedarig hesa wil enable toff constituens to jook qUpnMy candidature wh fayot, mai to again rewor me for the poggton. Tlanking ycu for psa honora, I aS yoùrs etc-. ALEX. WILSON. STRAYEDf Errom Lot 3x.S& %Oakon f Wbitbr, dark rué: ySoig Hlkér, Inforuastion lesdlng tae! recovcri * .tuianfully reoetved. - -1k &A.t m. uke~e liÂt YVUZ 'Ros-BKUS. -XwoVtr ...........0..$...i p O, Address.i ........ Conditiôo. Govrn!ng the-'V'Otlng: ACoupon- *.*l b. printe& in ieach Iissue of tbd , CmtoNOLE DUp to ande inoluding December 24th, and each of these Cblùponsaproper1y filed up wrn be ged for -three centsin Pa y- ment for gooda purchased at our store, provided the purchase amounts to Fîrry CErn Cisu for oaci-Cou- pou presented,'and vilhalso .count as, thÈre. votes- for the - moat populàr Dry Gopes firm i Whitby. To the. party hâvin presented the largest niamber of. votes, according to the above ediiditions, at the ex- piration of the. time mntioned, a haudsome- present ,of a silk - resâ ffl b. made. Ail Couponsmust b. presented and sitamped ab our store not later th=n Oh- December, fLarge OVI' Plumsb Case Fanoy -G 8 inoh -Cou basketfu 1,QI Ooélored Bc Drawn.-Thir Windsor ' Feather Bc $2.50. 0 -pieces of 1 Black and-1 wMi's 4-ply, at 25e., val pair., lhe A meeing of tie Wbitby Curlinglu -lef be beld ai tde Curlig Rik. Wbitby, euh4e Mooday alht. DO&c st, a1 8 o'eock . m, bama; Wbhitby, bDe. ,r8gt. Wkat wiiI1 5e MyI lrsta Pimsnt p 1 WIL 00OTO -'O e. j. JO1la1SSON-,. FOR&'efil SsiiMdai iglit $JsspsL : Thet anmodetl a popularly-,g iven te our wchools for teachers-tn-traling, lie- cause these schools aresupposed toe h.cul- caté into tbe ninda of 'bud" gtea-hr sucb model precepts as viii prove au ai- mest certain gimarntee -M nl IMureas teachers. - AU the groundwork of teaduing and conducting public scliooli should b. gone ôver tbere ia a most practical man- uer, in order te fortify the aspirants on weak points. Model bcad masterïshsonld be piaccd over these mpgdel a chools, aud model examinera appoin,*t 10pansu pou the ireaulta. Tbere are tvo model scbecls in Ontario county, one aI Fort Ferry and on. hiceê Tht masters, Messrs. Rat and Steve, ame tried and true men, giftetu, e nerenced, eneurgeic, enlhusiastic. Nobody, doubla' their fitmtson anypint. As te thee x- anesvedoutb iîm ispctrMcBrien', supeior can lie naned lu ht.Pov , He smaster cf ail points ce'nnected vill thetleaching 'profession. -HIe ha# kept pace with the lames, using 'his -k-en per- ceptive powers.lo note eveky' editattiuiI idea, and tienputting it lid> use., î0Ofthe otbeér.examliners,,Rev. A Caurrie, .' 1 and Mr, G. Y. Sqith, ýL L»B8;- thia camntit, 'be said. -Neithr - f thm > atriarcht looking-holders of agdeot degrets 1eve y was a successfal teache!-iadi enreu hà they bè-en se, lte many, amany , yeat.- whîch .have elasc snelbtepumus&-vë ieft their minli ru stYto tte cro onei' éf point, Certain Iit*U1,tat 1 m ' Y upon the, specint éx1n bàd--( model siriool, s a sibef - - _ Jest -amopr the teachke- - ' - the4ab.h-rJIil ' 5e. K sr ont >Ã"pIÃ",ti raya saura I Rowév.r1, i BS proaoh, that th~ £ n. if huius a bu reouiv à ;.the air na; in fact , lqpa, j

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