'13,aa s-u l' inawg su rapidlyMat f #Oaextra prOYISIOU me uo b« 1p for it. Already tome ofe1 the0 1t cflsare s0 cunbersome-aa to' e:réi n~ Tl*i~ ekbr John Kenned-s,4 'ld twlve thoroughb med Oheviat owels lr v&~er head te Meuar-, Henry Van,, y Dà raudB. J.. »ruce, of Newv Yorkt T hese gentlemen purchiaa dhew to ex- C hibit at the World'is Fair non year. Mr. Kennedy ha.s tili aboût 25 thorO-» brods lefj., and intenda te ,dà aPus»of onl & e*of themn. -Thée now 15h00 club had i fra tramp on.Tuesday night, and etvr to the-csanp At ibmIerslindf. During the trip Mr. Barry Iloyd had' hi, foot frezen and la now nuraing bore tees.. Thibwdid net end the tribulations of the party for Harry took hi. dog sdong snd it aautk exhausted the etiier..aldelot Howard'a point. ,Uwon. Lpr a Tippicg carried the aasihet-3li a mile. brilli& bau net here tof ors boeenbbleu- ed with snjy of the. MongOIian races,'but lutweok Jobli O.ttte4 ïaour mÃŽdet an uh.-atrtd s landou tha. corner of ai8.5~, nd Front, reta. la lived for a-couple ofý y.Ara_ snd ourles ,with huiu s'letter-eof itroution .frein Mr. Huatley UÃ"L u uy oi com'ea up treet hoasiaibykU* ed- bl gion ôf m os Mr. J. P. 8ecerd believes tuat an nexation in the. uldimte deatiny eOnM ad&ansd for that roasonsPorts the RLjform psty. ý.On 8atirday ho atrecheds roe soo~sthé streit sud -hung therefroza an neis gle] csnlÈa banner -on. which -was-in-i aoiedtVeto fogr Spohu sud masure in t- sthe r H fe ook h laWBaturd*y n'gktsun semetitue Suudayhi.eofiRce vs. brokm into âud thle bird sund ban- n6e stolen,. -,iLis, evident ithe thief ,wanted that cnly. sud badly,, for ho toek nothiug .".antifret broke lite the asdjoining store evidonily iuains- take. for hothing wa. takeu ugerom.. &adecide&ly nore1 mishsp occurred ou the sirosd Sturday. A. Megte gineruuingfrem Ursuhri and. bore it rvas jouud that iii. front ptir of trueks as u meng from uid.r, thetioador. Tiie mighap vas tiiontiioâ: ad te thè dr#«srof ituef midnLlgit wha was csuti.oned te look ont for the. foui miu~wheels. TIwy vere >1ocated do uembaAkmxeut tvointes Uortb of Severn bridge. Row- the whoels bW_ cm detachied er whurled frein iandcî' Ithe tender- vitbout the hind, trucks >1utrUking themia liard to -unaorstand- The. suginéeer tit no jar and vas à ,moal suie mas on sweing Ilow mae 1f.Jonathan Ragýrt ? idw4 met ith a fits acident about .eev.u o' ou Thursday, Jan. 7*iI _Eh vau thbesubjeet of opileptilo fita,2 41ick -uel.t iraiatinhterva Re KO vnt U. theWIi.mo tedrsw valsa'at tii. tuai uiaed, vien h afs suppo" od h. va -seized vith- a-sfit sud: fe bakwardJ Oven thée orb sud inti tiho e "llfor.- foot inlud.pth ôontoiùÎng about 28 16e1 eftveater. lt i. uppos.d it hh bean u tà e moU b4 -an 'heur 'bofore pi bod7 vie taken outi vitih n5p4i -hoka. He jisavesa vif. endi iv chudrîà ti. ouges f wboo,la. se yesraold.->ProePrimu. -Ulie#w *ket toe n Odl&-oïbut Uuo r b -00thé quanitit ken dependa onit. individiW. OI'LOWING OR UBLI8RED BY .FER vote ouna a u» 01 at up.wus.&o . be taken the . IJ wu a adrocateo f the "Ides, Niâw it -hm: found Dut that Wblitby à ud Oshawa vaut_,a&poor houa. stthei. oonty's ex- fug th CmeNILi tated frankly thut 1tmuin the nterestA40f -'Whithy sud Qahawa thatthould carry, anai ,of course it carried -iu tii... twe. toms. . - W. havexiever tslked about the. oouty0 benuia ,ï.poor ,Iioumi nor i-~ sen suggust, that ou coula b. , ete for $2500, a. thi e ws stales. Frein îts relusnks aboie it ia evident thait their Neya gd not'escle ùr atWelo It hma neyer yet dis ayod au inkflng cof know m Iedgé of ids ouse o fBue question. loua ofet Mr.Jms u eIOn, ha sons of 1Mr. H.Dn. Wst .ity m vwho have'been locsted for eh. PM$ 1e tit yer uthe towu cf MclutéshMNini, 70 sand are doing a ýu0cesaf i budnimmu q baukera, graua in, e> Sà e itmi &go they eroctsd a grain, , *eator of 75,00 osactY, at great cat, -sud sU < th iney tht îspaUdfor gain in tk tomu go-stbrugb ibir -ho"d. Ou Tusdayeveng lut vile ti 1tocat train onu ti. Grand Tmunk .Rail- vay uan îtavway frohm Teromwothe-. tiro aieban .cfi teii.louative broke -*hên twimiles vest of Whitby staton, whioh gave the train aja ~tog i T causednoalaru- te tMi usegr. Tii. look eut seat eft'tithefirenian- W" bad y sma.hed Af ton tdkitagstii.bansj off, the. tra"nprocod t a ienila Puc ,ntîlit hi rÇmcd at Whitby staton. Afte. au' houiî'adolsy, duriug vhi > timad* p "W iitte York f, 09 autu, it jureybengthe*nm aurta 4 a' cc at w Uamp B~5DPd1~ .ugmu Queeî Hlarris thi tion. i ,iumy i~orativs t my cvii nite' savo Ic Iourt Pe muit I4ea. usa Mti Iowhite Uarlao* u ,erloçaly iujured.