boule Of W] P-ULAfONC, 0H10 WILL DOIT. MA11JÂUlJEDBY Chemi8t à r git Mdedical Hall$ BrrockBUwt, Whitby., FRIDAYP, J»N. 291"1892.- War tbetweeu -Chliasd tii.United States buaverted, the former hà ving apoliglzed for ils insolence., It as a cam viiere thie veker party has te admit b.- ing iu tii. w*ohig, nd- shows what would =apnCanada ouly for the. strong pro- ttugare cf England. The. vilage *1 Caningtetiwascompeli- ed to Adopt a novel îethed -lu , ecuç*ng counclofleS orthbus .r Oo lw a very large nuanber cf entlemuen uonmlated eeyedectiiied te serve. The ex-remv apled te Mr. N..F Paterson, Q Ci for adylcelluthe matter, and actilug >ulnder his instructionSth.ôtd cuntd :r , da bj-Iaw ppointlng .four cbu osthe lot Mb11g upos Ex-Wardep GlassorA Dr. Gilespli , .Au&erOiaud F. Sick. Ti. ate v-the. deff$nted candidate for Delegates frou alal théeconnty tiutr- al soceties of Onuti~o uietÇ Tuesday u>al ladst athte.Walker oaêT uIO W ng*e for intervle*tfng Hon. John Dryden, iitet Of Agriculture. Mr. Demulue delegate rom Gr.y coatr, actea4ashuir. maxi. It vas nuaanluously 4ecideê lhis the meeting siaould petiticu the. Kinisteà to secutieleglsl*tlin Icreasing the Go, emernt grant to ea<h oenuty w $roS to go to.e i ovnshilpsusoclatieni Ttoefe1lewingentlemaen fored ihe cotai mncte w aitbeu tii. Minbterou ýWedzam day more, 8Mssis. -Jackson, eirdsall 01 îllt WrWgtÇ, Cowan,, Robet son,' McÃlas, Judge Moagrove, M. L. A. Sh«eMfiCarney and C. Carenter, M. L. A Adlspatch rom Washington inhispemi îng cf the:Behring Ses, ncgatgtoa ys The. Secretmry-cf State has arraaaged vIt the British Miister fWrascoofqreanve g Wasbngtou betveée' the. culssimueT represcnting Great BrItIiu &dtuite States qhh, vLslted Alaska am n.le r t the purpose of obtal*wig definite lnform tien lu regard te lte " s herlzg. TU conferepo. ïs understcod to'be .meme à rl Rlary tiitheformai saibîisulon, U:tehriuz S"s question to arbitratioi The. b"aso,~abitriosuti.p ce of the srbitrators have been practcaU settlcd but ne offical apnuncentent. G thie -Suiject ylho smade for ,morne titt yet. [t is gentrmily pndcrstood that Ri~ E. J. Phelps of Vermout, i1I h. on i the arbitrators. 00. . ugouistes TIi. patriarclal a Watkn-. Noe more boyr Wardens, it appeam. The, vote ,McRa, e, 15i -uay '71Ii s,' Pà rker, 7-45; FlUnier*lt -a; ee mothçiidU, t-i7; Rùtedgei4--184 DBur- c weé =owp tLFvo"A. jay W Ca~dldtesKc1m2,Motiiersili.Wright, into the ,Vluomerfe1t4 ltntledge- 'Vote-.McRat, The 19; Rutledge, -x1-19. fefow, TU IRD VOTE. lisd li.Mothersil waïs decared elected. Irees t witb &ppluse, wu. cà aducted to the chair =e #4&44= inrllby S. Flunu fet$.P éi The, folowiug spedal conMttte fwMas d thon appoiuted te strike the StAndin coe rn- ü mtteesî-P*rker, Rutledptýge, d ei, be Éo Flmm11iý&lBTnMtt> lRwe, Wrih. Th wâadjoaarnd ferthe'day. SECOND DAY . fez Met at fo3o look a The clerk read commuî4cats1501oIleu - b Prom L i secretary of thé,> Board of- mual Eduétion of the town cf WhitbY Cnlling lek.. attentlou10 the menet changes ini the Pub>- man'ye 1k ýSCI&olS act affecttn the dutles or the Z*9fSI conyInspecter ta ýtowns, The. new liv 'sUé5 mksit a setled.fact th*t CotyInspe* .very1 tosof putblc schiWIs sj t , lufuturefo «MtPI are to act in tovus vthot being' specil-I have ti 1 Upoited bythe towS. ut thereIs a falt t 41Ulotssto VWWtie the towas may lýoupa ofthe apontispcà r iere nne innovtng board s that a pclbylwbmue rme te reappoinlt the Wqspcter for tii. v -toeti, 1hit oeunty, -and thus set the whole matter â ttIÃŽe test.> Other1 Prodm the ec tary of the Board of Place1 Education of the tovu Of WhÃŽtby aiM.. Win Sv "n 4.668 ms the - etra apportieument _very P omng t thetovu Of Whitby daÃŽce the. anlma iv wmcame la forçeen, MAY 4th. 11891, Under sud Il the nev High Schools Ad. Aliseofferiag i. am. to accexp 6S per year froua the. coty as Maliw afixed sumu .tha thae e tween Jini.t anid Dec. ist, 1891,31 zPÇr- 4m sons had beeSu n- * iiiad,43 there, female, fseeaof wvhm ae InsaL neOnbut vo Jan. st 1thm ere t pi5olirs one of unfod whmas dace dled. m-l even acaou sud cn.-ifi cnt etda.toui Frountile oeuntv co= ailf Ge asklug boec "thé couuty IeuntiCi otll thecOntaulo AI diuol'r vngunious of Purtil =ndhgh celboards viierever of AU theya- flU it atpresent. *1 îromtbe ccunty council cf Elgin ask- stran ïng the councn - lu peuition the. Dominion the le * Prllmutlufavor ýo( cmpelhhg &Np- thas t rs ofcattie to Eoglaùd, te secure the. yen âS fieeiùmfat or lla a e..L t" n. kl OU. oaf bo M = ao esi Netic !Mmet OtT mci sba if- ÇA d4i li idg, 1, a=I f romi a-ofth ffor. fo tor for~ irsfor i 1 00 1 00 1 100 1 00 w. bave je otun l IFor li instruactioins fp in*form the. cm qcOUnty courts 4housut. ,cromu she "nkig for a8 *J. M 1. t ~I 12 4 ' 7 i JE 00 1 00 ' 00 1 00 1 00' l.00 1 00 1 00. .1-.00 100- 1 00 «. I