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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1892, p. 6

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DegaiiuGOw Duuml& & - l1uneheon. but jIS gtup leave Lmy oana~'ig ËOOmI»iiMY ber'ýnt ' entered and handeê nime 1a ýWtîg-*c rd, upon ,which was etigraved the uDame, "1fr. Alexander COrtthwîtJi2'" h, été,7< eau b. but ene Alexander Oscath- Y0I 'Waite"," hulk1 an oi1A do ander Oarathwaite, the. faniont ron < king and" millioù airs.', wil "-Shbw him'in,";I séa t 40MY er, vaut. The person whoý preaeutly I&ebted himsesf opposite me struck zne as a- u su3gtlar y healthy-lookirig invàlidI tali ,, robugt, with a clear, ruddy àkin sud-a 'u bri, bt gray' eye lwvr "htl the trouble ? I ased.- 66 cih"oieanswere 4 "to _. clu case ; but to put it briefly, l'ai afraid the trouble's liere," and lie tappedl hi& ie forehead. .h "Let m~e hear your sympteifl. ' ýP "lIt's, a long Btory," said lie, «"an4 se mnst b.Igin it at the beginning." Therewith lie plunged bib bauds into an interior pocliet of his-coat, and <>ý brought forth a srnali tissue-paper s parcel. "This," lie- explained, as he 5 nnwound the paper, 'lis rather a vain- able antique. It carnè as a ptôse t tu mvy wife the ether day f rui the Earl cf I Saicheeter, wbcmn we enterta.ined whcn u he was in Americri a year ýor so ago. M As you ses it'q a mirror The glass 1w believed to be a speoirnon ot mediaSval, a Ventia wokand the frarne ta un- qiestionably a inagnifisent bit of Cique-ceuto." The whole affair wau no higger' thanfo a lady's baud, the glass unusaallyfO thieli, and fluted r3uncd the edge, wu veined and spotted and bleared over. o with a fine bluish muet, like the eye fe an a"e' man. Thle frame was indeed inaguificent O val lu shape aud sp- s parently? of pure gold -se soft, at auy rate,, that you could bhave idented it 'with your fin %er naàil-it -wsau seuiptur- ed with ne fewer than -14e exquisite ' nude feinale Aigures, dîsporting thei selves in fantastie but graceful atti- c tudes among -a profusion of delicately tl chiseled fruits and leaives. Three- ef 0 these figures, reclined upený tiny golden -D couches lnu ch of wbich wus set a .6 lustrons ruby ; ihe other two rodenupo 1 enveutieualized lions, aud >tachlion held a pearbetween bis teeth. At tii. base a pair of do ph is tadheirb taîlla totier sad fo= jd thlandie. Upen a soo at the. hendle end vwr. inoised the date, 1661, and theigIitiais,1 B. D. S It i» an*lpesofok"sd il la fing it 8Su4_ade-"*d Ienvy youenLi possesson of il. But vhat buas ttgt i6 do withyurvithr? "4Everythlng.," -ho ratured - "IL't tsway." Se paused for s'moment, Ihen -ho went on. "Lut i ght.ffter - "nt, l~4 itt4le niwr up, Md j yte mytwffe, "Tbia, my dear, àaaiagi@al glu5s. If Ihold ito*ver my vaist ceat, thua u e lochin, you wIU se. into my heart, -aud b.o»ld& the 1", 'of the. voman I love." Bo Mrs. Oaratb- 'wielaughed and looked, .pnd 'of coursesie », r owuface. Thon te , cryon t0 face "sid, 'Nov let me me vither it v e how meLhe faceý of the mm anyu lov.'And, always laûgg*, I 'held iLoÏer ber bresansd looked In." "T'es?»I promptaas iepaused Spin. ".WeU, doctor, ;natesadof My ovu vas a grinning- de&Ïh'a hIi a &mml. Iua it~ a ~lhiy a Isee', Y-u -#oh, n te nettthiilf=dý seeon-I th ugh -thà m"tter,6,rr.It izzid pne a pod deài, bat'riddenly I ws foldlnt up myý"izald, aùides' rack -,me' whiché, -1 ho4ed, mught ear ewhowble nmter up. ;BjCoinawMr.aiuth , in -M ay of- e, 1ýsaid to bn, 'I have oone to e --cone usion that this iteue for a eha.Il y<ou -like, TXviligo te a Weialit witb'you." 1 - 'I arn quit. at youn ordens," hb .- ýndcd "Do yon think iLs the brai.u, the.' Oye ?"., -1 lippe it'a neither ;but th ec"ial- viiiw te'-l ne.'1 W. entered my -carniage, sud v-ere iveu devu Le a famous cuniosity ehop, kSeventeenthý, 'treet. just West of milon Squaire, the propnietor of ,uh ichk r. Maverick, is esteerned. as evéry- ody knows, oeeof thi.- most leanuod-, thoritles of, antique curies il mlerica- '-H1ere we are,"Baia 1, gettiug euf tt ie carnage, Il Wil you corne? -But what -are you gciug in boe )r 2" q ncution.d-Oarathwaite- -. ý- "6Te consuit our sipecielist>,' aaid L. My patient loeked mystifted but b. >llowed, me jute the sep. I preseuted my card, and-askcd te oe Mfr. Mavenick. Ir another minute re were eloseted vith hlm, i bis pi- lLc office, ',Will yon hatd Mr» MaIvik youn gtimon r" i demùAied of Caatbïwaito. Mayerick teck the mirrow, sud Iook- id it over.. f studied the. frame ireughmagmfyug glass. 1"Thà s t tbit of von from Lb. igndof Etieune >laulne," be anuouuoed pnesntlyt eue cof tho moat silful godamitha of ,he sixteeutb oeuîtuny. I dont knew orere yen geL ho d of il. but I1may Loil FOU hhat àit s tinîitely valuable. I jave neyer sen a fluer specanmn < >.laulnes bandieadt, norn en asbeL- w stâte cf pynremnaiou.1l "d the glase?"1IquâeolWe am seay-intereeted in 'the glass.»" seui ethe. glass,1swtstiug t î a an , ud ening at it freaiv*meu wng'u-". Ah, les, -I theiiht gseil, hî sIiî.d ýail -at ocie. "Corne boe ge;t1ohsen b. called te se." UeheM the glass oft' st a cepa1 &Ù oblique angle, and tuqutred "IlNov whn I boldi liii. that,> what do »,c Cîmratlit izuply nttered a lon" ii ,~ "Ah-h-h 1r' ~'Why, I see. ahumaà,skuil, 0Isai 44 à -ostTperfect image-, f: a humi ihuil. I would sijear iL wusthb genuin. reflectioneof a wesà1 eoe. Roi 'iL geta then. I oantL fur -My l!imu "Ahý, that WýS the ait of Yônetis glÈass venkimn," aaid Mayertckî m.crsedth. ro nud teck dow meviug iL a littie tanther-aSuy. -prooedd, .'that txnuce haye-h'n>- aeedunusualydul thm* cvening-.- softy ýterosedïhý yoýg lady. Mn. Tageon pause ai4fw xmoanu appUwentlyImý able ho 2-4qfide wheher sh.meaut Le enter aga, i d Eàié f propootion thst he iwa4lor couldi be .dlrl hsau nouai, bat in li. lgbLse liergradious ém'ièe h. 1.11 eboldeqd, to go albead,-anud lie tiedi >iRf tn: "The thl e eu1891 w4 Ilwyube a miemorabl e . o me, Mim- Plaie. IL-lt usas ini the yean '1891 taa-.liat- I irst became aoquiuted vih n~ . "Velk,"Elle replied, nrosy *Vely. "iBut, alyears are tmaoab ' :,ate a a ongiane. yenuew" Agau r. a1soit1Lppres sed -)by a momnt n ucertaiuity. - Rad Lb. yeaz 189 1 semed longer ho hon ,beegms b. bad became uimed u u i, en-or'ý "Un-yeà 10b' ha md, «but -doW,'t yen thini ecine ye an anc inorM.-.r- memorable than others 2 "!Oh off course. 1 Mr. Tagson fet himuel! gnoffIng more haelpless, -but a glance: at-lbe. elciisen.d t o nre lit Jê sother (G lminMeisCha!ti r>ee more wdl nmaut Ibt nsucceiufuliteb lo, broke IîtLakeï ouly Ibis to-rmv stp itang ef the scaPv,ànd mk -b oft àudplabe. ln1a6L-,Atj Ln h~d Jâ Tho Grand ik IetiLfeaiilee the Czar, 's 4jead, Beis 65 YeSts o0d .A geikuelliS ttSIDb lu.-iiavi ised yeuv Buirdock Blnod ucsful fosins- uiepast, I~ ~~ Ïa ferts MyI&LlO tn couiplallit of) tiid<>nuiicss- 4acid s8toxuach' I bavea never fouuuêà-au eq ùsl,&DdwiI Continue tô useit snd- rcm ndiL 10 MY f ricuds and neîghbora W. u~roii S. TunnOnt. The Russaaunove fat Entel,. à la alY ieed. îng 2& large nlutaber ut star iDgpe58&nta. One d*ayIset week thoe e ere as mauy as# 157 deaiJi noticat îu nthê Tiniez. Ifv eeahuowed Lto lu nte sud secthe fat aie resequenees t.laL fi usglscted çc<ld, bow differeutly va eourae be; could we a-asize our dangt sp.ediir use wtbu4d meachacure; bi iuaby it la 0ouWl shuati.monster bas fastce4 its :e.ugs upon oun huilgi aiwgkcu teo our folly. What foilo lected-.Sld ? Is it not ias5en oft L aDd lucIP4 bneuehitit;, asîhiM&cenBuo s&Ud uany oti'r digaes 01 ai k. uat îarwonse thim n udness te negleet a c it8infllynott 'u bave orne good avaiisblefo, t hiia -f req'ent oouplamt of heno'efficaei* mediina f« of ths e 10ibruat and lapp i f-e 1 dRss-Il Mnr. 8a ad bu t I - Barriater, -BaznisLer, by PaaevO erock St.., SES BANKU. [I~ C. B. vue tu %OLILU

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