The. CMio!ICLK bâS astkep the trouble te hunt up the farta l inte $ïblth. bank- embezzlemnfm4cs at Port Perryý sud lu evMerydtefl %ibecsee l one inu.heephag witb tust towW#s record, adtbcen=wb<ý st Presout appear te run the place __Ws. A. Smith, the teller in thé. We&,W*1n bank there for sifetime pst,-W &bi olicf thie late Rer. Joh in ,1itu i* the sof cergye aesidtotm u --bad. Somehow le goS luto ithe bank,, and ham beeri teller at Port PerrY sinée the Western started there About two years* ago e o ied a daughter c f 1Mr. W. J. liste, of Oshawa. The affair was -a vcery sweli one, but since then lie bas takena ,tobOgfngait down the s! 50 I nfamy aI a furtous ipace, heaplng 'Aisgrace cf bot ru snn u d acrhnoupon their household, and perhaps ga*bliïui FPor twoor thre. Yeats Smith's1 actions" 'have made hlm the. subject cf -much i - paraging remark, for, bcing a bit cf a evel, sud a fastg oer, and having two or tire. man " Fridays:,"'ýhe managed to dobauch most of those hc- came lu contact witit- He vas the chlcefof uiÙis, aud 15 lasaMM that not long ago ho 1banqueted a number of parties in and aroùnd Port Perry who would nôt thank us W record their names bere. Although long suspectcd by others, aud probably by tie bank ho had madle away wlth about $2,900 be1ioroho vas finally detected two weeks ago ; and ho vas at once arrested on a Wvarrant sworn eut b Manager Wtt. McGiUl. Being sucliahh fellow, he was net subjccted te any 3fite humihiation- than tot have Constable. Harriwgtefl stay aS him house te keep hlm under survieillance. Ho pleaded flot guilty and Manager McGill's ovdence was ,b- grn-or ratier. the farce cf holding a cit vas begin. The manager's evidence vas. noS competed when Mrt. Paterson, Q, C., for the proeecutien, asked for a romand. The'tase was eularged again and agan ville Mosas. Laing, Mundy, and others cf Smiti's chummios iustled the country over te beg subscriptions te pay the short- ag. Everyapraabepruvs surrounded, audûgve, ens, %twontics sud fifties vere taken -frein anybody :'e-yen laborre, te wiem Smitha would have dis- daîned te speak, veto roped iu for tons sud fives. Durîng all thMi mre Mr.,,Peterson, as = roecutr ad representative cf tie orofte creva, was _asklng for romands. And ihthe Sucmey had been raiscd and pad over te the batik lit. Patersgon sent 1fr. listeof Oshawa te in:- cd for a few minutes 10 disLstic case. Ou tic way to court h1r. EbbcUls Smith's counset, atteuiptcd tâ ta*iper vith XIagla Uits Hodpmontdflg 1hlm that the case. could be u lWfsiseiveryukly ultitut bi# attendance, sud seou. Hvvrbotit' were Isfomed byMi. Paterson that hi did -ot propose .te eiffet Auy -evidence Magistrate 1Hedguudemurred sand, asscd to bave iKMIe'IJ'ede*ce fin ued vSe Mrt. Paterson dcdared Sht if M U ere brooght ut. court b. would lustruct bitue ther assarWtdat it vas bis plac -to a.- ýise sud lnstruct the court on points cf lisdthaI if îicy dii ntfollowis lu- structions they vould tender Shetuseves '"aC. Bren d*tainmiba hepi oier haîf anulbout longrwould exposethuem . t* bein billaeW damages. (Hie -probably fearcd tiey migt take a half bour's tinta te consulSt te cunty 'attorncy. ) 'Thte msgistrats, wea theu honorcd villa the falloung document licou>lMr. paterson - , Ré*l.. sma. -ItI. >Patermaci scotti- sl1rtepreSwcutio, sated lie sumcd ail rsponslbllty'for xt'S c«crlnçmore evld~oe s d rUcpriso-et being dis- S(Sig»ed N. f. Paiterson Jan. 1 ,r ." ith vas thetidischsrged Suq-aln, -adminlsSMton of -liv slmply Méas tata thwla unlflgit Auf be ,gel ,ce anad cmà rem e .money jto- a sud if becan1CtawayvItht, S1 ,umà t1 n I, boy fi vIt ci o et0 ion v VALUABLE -FARM Muslbesoldto winup ,ih@«ofUO 'm ore Mue mil id &abail vet f w wl> =4zi o" Kingslon a-& .Wl!!be son e4z blcor laivo parus0160and M *sore- *peétively cr 70 aud 170 rs'Goi6 ond locéit71 twao «bards. -Brick Route. Twa Bar»a, Blne?"Stables& Oreek zing through tii.twm=r WIllba uOl& oaP Âpply on prezvses or rie yiS . IIceNuzfin, udmuigtrBtrlz, WhYOtby-Oi Whiib, hu.26 8L88u MAE 0F LAjiDS FOMTAXES Towni cf Wby y1Byvit scfa "mmai W? bse by Ibe Mayoret W: tt* Towu cf Wbîtby, »udaribe Corpome Sealof lb. aid Tcwn, se day otTneommaïd Eigwh Hnnbd d d 4inet-TWIN oo*MM»ag oa toI. »~d-sUl!th.aits tunlomdh ed laa4s, for aMu»aetf tg=dmUmmhsu, aMd UQOPr ibiS cm ONDAY, - the tbe -eur cf %bo olok *m hie tommon a the Towi H14 , i be Tow* cf Wbtbýpq oee tos tbulOe «WBIIIIKSby PuMkAU00 or imwà eurs " ambe nob. ay e-b -plis P$B a m W4100ib.uoor PZRY8 1141 1CRH fl , UTQ 34XSui OUM% 376 14 175 1*4 643 1 7 10 443$ x 71 *4 1 39!14 sa 59 14 it 613 :76 6- 6o3 i'7S 7 i ý i5 60. i 68- 77 64 33SI 700 ~89 778 87 9 17 217 HOUSE T ET The ous su pbuu~SÉ~stycspc à " IOOs Md mû USZIS WEj WILL PLACE ON -SALEIA] Remuants. -of DPres;s Goodg, Remuants 01 Si1k, Remnant-of Ve1vets ':R'emnants oflE «Remuants of Flannels*. I Rem ants ]Ret nant o ellings. Rmuts of TaLble lii WWIirj 3.Al remnat iIb~1-uS -or Val.ue. We have silo plaoed on our table Ladies' ASTHI I Â un! hawIs, Clouas, Fasoinatoýrs, Xnited Skit, eto.- O[JI il wrwmaafrs« andObhildrens' îReady-Made Suite sand Overooato st '~OBiSLbl~AM.FRE Â1-Wool Tweed Ovéeat t rm $~ 12 « NIýXUNI-,BRUSCo.. LD 7M WY We takeplamirein, ie ]WLI 1 z 8e , fjenas i pà rfio#lar. kia - I 000» VI )ths. - 1 1