ýpvanto xcthà t ib o linng on the "aII,*iallep t it dry. The presaure of the. w' tihe outaide will force awaýy' 1 LhiJ oaA i i m o'u' s c, l». mat lour tour 1 cm ont kniw to lift up th1e Ar anadburst through it. To Nu Orkol Secure a dry, cellai ,Antbiaià l ipn sable for a healthy hoése. Mleu8es in. Dairy Oows. At a meent, large meeting id farmera in Niew York "tte Dr. 0. 1). Smead gave au exhauative address, on disueas of dairy ffl.wa. ,HRe .aid that ,fumiera pay but Iittleà - attention to tà l. diésee 1 that affect domestic animais so long as their own flocks and herds locape; hence tthe louse# thas many: farine yeaily sustain- Disesses of cuva vere moit important, as the. product of the. cow vas oUed as hasnan focd, and reipecially for the. diet of children. He urged tii, iMPOrt;ace of keeping the. Wa* in the, beat of healthe givin heIr th& best of fods and the.moath kelthy enviroument. In order teo get pure Smliii e muet bave w pefeoty healthy co#-eelf-preaervauon vas tiie l£"t Iaw bf -nature, and w viln-a eov givmg mlý iilaà suffering from. n disease na- -Offce ia to sMïMte mlii ecm ýýâAnneà tiirugh viiih the germa of, da are cu-rried jute, i ftmi. pogu]aýp8m promptly-f to try- 1LMai J. E.IL18,i AUEs Tii.' isuofle. I iuir wio! ra nth rugh hu be«