If yeu- help of, go, to J -Whitby, a' bastht ances for sight thaý got, and a variety Of, whjch-"tOi 1enses~ are ýlow*. Hoiday' 10 PaYtaua ten he" Wvu ne a outbf 1ý the aiesofthelr mout. XK Hanrkûess, berme, buyer, wun ,bé froua Manitoba by thee î3tb tui, -and e utthe, Queen's bord, 'WhItby, on M.y the 41, te purchase a car tod eff, suitable for that 'usarkbet., Ho * at the-Central bote Os*awa4 on ffIowlng day, Feb.,i. , Ag parties gï berss te adispose of iildo irwell te hbemci lu on the above dates, my! 1 1Oh, usy 1haveyeu seen the sroding needles 1encessary for good. . iivaluablefor falling sgt.!'IÙl6 le macle to eéa w aant Patent te r, one nameIy : A neede t . mil ýd -ithout the auuoylug proceeding cf nt the end of cotten Urough -the oe.e couon iali d though n sit above ye. ~at W» . W ewbery's, by.' ,e boys round ,towni iere ail Ver te hear ou Mondavy noming, cfte o f Jotiany Brown, son Mr, Geo. anof(tbis touai. He bad died the Lbefore at Tweed, eOf paicumonia. ny W,-s,.foremout lu al -the on;oyments pursuts cf the boys, and a¶shâd bIggemst mecf any cf tlemm. owus rtunately conts tonatly woak. as -la ied to by bis tiyat, boing only ers eWdat the tmeefbis demse. 'fanerai on Tuesctay iras a yery one. 4"; e Iown. ire ç'aPnnY beld its an»uSi lo In Wedi edy night and electéd ent year:, Captain, A. teaidel ; îst mntCStWat;- 2ùd do., E.,,Bmr- rast brnuchman, ýW. Smmi ; 2nd do-. >p ; yrd, W. Hewia; 4th, F. ?erry;, tary-tronsurer Atmx Smithb; captaint and -ladder anh. los. Baudet; d equpesat are id first à m Or-' pelcase, Queen vs. Westake, court cf apeat luToront>, uns '4atnrslav lunt bY Chief w. Don' i-,l. te attend the,, At Ho, gien by Mm. Joshua Rie ý&n at esdnce tbis (Friday) eingi at Admission 25 cts. To.morrow,.Saturday, b h iim day for the Domuioxi electidn n this 5ttçC.TherewItt boa qug la .usic hall after*Âilsà * he H ienic and Gyüïnastioë-. 0naieLdes' Collego, -WliU gf," j tetiset ln kyersôn Hall, oe:Fr, eveniing, t 9thnsUt. miuWý> The public are uivited te attendŽ-ý,._ ()n Friday, Feb. ýt9th, MessWrý M McGMlivray will mnove-at 1so~ Toronto, tb quasb the local =optl4 I of(the townshüp -of Pickering as c passed. Tho-growids of appeal a M'I upon some doten or so of aild~ foirmalities. It seems to-un that it would bot'a idea for the town- council te appk4ri assessor this year as usual, and iw4 a mnan out te fll ia'coibeinationo1 witb the moot pitnzzlnaidzs"g_' job of the lot. if #au asussor W& polnted i the usual way, and bhie departmnent attackod to the combizo ices altor a; ydes experionce, tbê-i mlght start off more soootbly. The Childrons' carnival Saturday noon was the prettiest .-ad sweest . the -skating'rink bas yetafoed maskers were moreý neaxly cf a sixe posible wtb eI1der pD=eople lace thei liitias placed .attwtve ann der. Hîadtbo ilusion --of artliciai bÃeen-acddodthe sp1ýectacle weuld have heigbtoned. in charm. Wbore ail 1< se loely as theffiilbdren did disti would beinv1dad wondeà al at the terniecourt in w a sentence cfof, 4it -ut itbad b doue., Unet ie test tbiogu abo irboe J Igtfià affaliras tthe way youngte, thoir curcsity arioused, ed intïto -tir crowds followng tic irmnnors, ven atothie gatlery, te find what it w»asMr. tarne. lià d givet iq breirupaper -pre The first vý eoter-a box 'ofa colon. Amonùg ,tbq pectato,wi soaleighloid ef youn e oMr. Robt' ým. P., brougbt up faip cmà uvil tucky wnserof tbe prise. ami t a sand characters cf thce «stume&,. M are* appeuded: 25C. 1y~ ion Invited: b BARGISI H4 ln Y r re-o Iiavng rnt.ed, the stoeo Camnbe11, we' desire to cali th for <J pet somea Mr. 'w wes 1 ý ï