AI cati b. obtalned by &d. ...R .& t>j.pasion hsbcd aud stilled, Saýe'er Godwtlled Our lad sbouild - know. Ne titi., vuaezty-bestowed, No star of bonor crer glowed -To rival this tua "r~ut çrwd For you have niade- Kateel, take wîth apfrat g lad and proud Their acclude!1 g J. W. »CNG0uox.ý The lltcrary foa&ure o! the, ci>oeatwr, -tat favouIte ladies'm4oeaga si.aa stes cf leus d.scrlbiog a trip to Alika. Dmrlng this agiltation over the prospect et. htbetWeea Umnie Sam and tht hot-beadetd tha, thel oe L îmrean Pfpers tapon .thcabJe 'Ottier Im ies in thé atIsu r Iabx"efeM ouEaaroeu n Üolic f Esglad'a coau.aedoocpaiono!tha acà ent ami 140r ;aa 142ttlaieCrdial ule of Hors", mlch êowsetc.,the property of Ht. Sma. Rko, ot27. ir the 2üd&co. of Whiby trownship, at one Oçot*«p. mu.'L. F*iusÂrN&cs, MAc. TimuDAsY, P,as tb i892.-Auction Sale cf ar, tok, I 1peaet, &C., the proPerty -of Jtamsl,ewood, Lot 3;uf thse Sab Cou.o< Id âmWhltby. At te 'ciOCk P. im. harpe L. FAIUita s, 1< .-~ Wau hl eft tow andati!taken up ber rmil4ace in Toîonto. »Lo yoseuve bs b~ ultao 4e.ut lni tempo~r la w reckagoyu it ov"r. De1yoi bu DrPec' Doda»d the tl todeojum wh&t ado? Mata Who i î avaisu nu waS tohm à , Montreal, P . P. 0. Box 53X$ Ail am-ent.iIU.d tô *, betthat Ibeir 1hôney wk lbuy, go .varfiy taityrcu1d haVO, st otn., *, boule or the boit bamlyremedy, fyru tfito C"sq tho e awhen cOeüiLveor biato i o e n7ibot4mh býj aH leadlsg druggÜut. 300f ONTIIO ELEOTION., &MEEÙN4G IN THE INTEREST OF WILBEHELD- IN THE' -~ IN THE TOWN of WHITfrB-Y,ý. [r HON. a. AG(QART. DR. ý1SPROULE, M. P.., AND TH1E CANDIDAT&. Tht W4 «M-e S4dI ly wm, 004DSAVE THÉ QUEN 1. toi South HuaI Md Othona tiltaddnu MR.J..DAVIOSONj ~4isÎo~*1 MWhlit GOD SAVB TER QUaEE 1-~ FARM FOR SALE., Prom wm!!'m'y 11 mi mm Umm am HOUSE to-taENT. Thtè huS. and preulse.s remesty occupled byI oseyphS toue. >ôIn " SL, Tèreis a good»gen bt1sarhad and soft -wsiter on the Ap»ly ao £PARÈWÉLL.ý 41 the4 Co= HoueWbitby. Whitbr. D»C. 0th, iaSib À IITI[ "À,ÂTMIL~ 2 , WE W LAC ÂE -O] Remuants ùf Silks Remnants 0f Remna IR emnants- of FI-anlnelsë e Remnant.s of Towe1iiig RemnantS otLTi Ail remnants -will* be sol ýrvalue. We have also plaoed'on cuur dl-Wool Tweed Overcoats at From $ jL, ONT,, LIBS op f b seu~- -When lu$* DU1 An hon ýb 1